Episodes: Masonry

E 177 Profit First System and Onboarding Staff Sabrina Starling PhD

Discover the profit first system for doctors. Implementation, red flags, and we discuss onboarding staff to get A players. Dr. Sabrina Starling of Tap the Potential shares so many nuggets you can implement. If you treat profit like a leftover you will never have profit and for many, not much of a salary neither. The...

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E 176 Emotional Eating Causes, Complications, Solutions Tricia Nelson Heal Your Hunger

Emotional eating can create the yo-yo effect of weight loss and weight gain. Many people overeat as a way to ignore pain, escape emotions, and punishment from the day. It’s not about will power, you need a community and an action plan. Listen to the podcast episode. At first a person may just realize they...

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E 175 Functional Loading Rehab Blueprints Tom Teter DC Rehab to Fitness

Fitness to Rehab is a system Dr. Teter calls “a linear load application continuum approach”. Utilizing this method, the practitioner can take patients through a process that starts with injury care to soft tissue treatment to rehabilitative exercise. As opposed to tracking symptoms like most standards of care models Fitness to Rehab seeks to find...

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M 70 How Adversity Leads To Winning

Start with a growth mindset and be willing to take criticism so you can improve. If you see effort as a path to mastery then fails are ok and success is the intrinsic high you get later. Learn how adversity leads to winning. Obstacles, challenges and criticism will happen if you are trying to be...

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E 174 Identifying Biomechanical Failure Patterns Rob Pape DC Quadrant Analysis

Quadrant analysis helps practitioners navigate treatment based on a subclassification system breaking down biomechanical failure into traceable patterns. Dr. Pape was evidence based and patient centered before these were buzz words and before the internet made it easy to collaborate. It was like being on a chiropractic island and taking trips with different professions to...

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E 173 Building Out Your Office Space Steve Anderson Dental Ease

Building out 1000 dental offices since 1997 gives you deep insight into all areas to consider plus practice management tips. Steve Anderson wrote a 300 page book on the subject Dental Ease. Should you build out a leased space or buy your own. You have blueprints drawn up for a dental office, now what is...

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M 69 Charisma Personified

4 ways to show that you have charisma and know what you are talking about in your niche topic. Hand gestures matter. In adoctor’s perspective minisode sixty nine charisma personified. Hey this is dr. JustinTrosclair. Thanks for tuning in. I got some cool news all the books from the past. One hundred seventy six episodes...

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M 68 Video Ad Rules

8 Key elements to script into your video ads for maximum results. Not just hooks, social proof and a good call to action. Welcome back to the episode. Sixty eight video ad rolls. Today’s show is from capitalism with kevin anson. He apparently does a viral video ads with like click funnels in all those...

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E 172 Nearing Retirement, Now What? Murs Tariq CFP

We saved for 40 years now what and how do we plan to take out the money once we are in retirement. CFP Mars Turiq helps us understand the pitfalls and what to do now so we can be comfortable later. What are his views on the student loan forgiveness proposal? How do we manage...

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E 171 Foot Strength and Shoe Sales Colin Dombroski PhD

One shoe to rule them all? I think not and Dr. Colin Dombroski will break down why that is not the case and discusses his books on foot aliments and prevention. Canadian Certified Pedorthists – design and manufacturer of foot orthotics and the rehabilitation around that. While they can’t prescribe the orthotics like a podiatrist...

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E 170 Actionable Insight into Lifestyle Development with Shape and Foster

4k to 4M in one business, Calum McGuigan now focuses on video and community based lifestyle development focused on 6 aspects of health. He does this with a site and app called Shape and Foster. Scottish man, Calum McGuigan, moved to Canada to play Rugby, loved it so much he stayed, then started Fervent Events...

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M 67 Market to The Prospects Pain Point

Be a customer again and write down the good and bad experiences. Tailor your marketing to those findings and appeal to prospects as a fix for their problem. If you wanted to learn about working abroad as an expat or writing books and ranking first on amazon, then visit asHeardon All the past book recommendations...

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