
E 61 Mysteries of Acupuncture Alexandra Suozzo L.Ac

Nuisances of acupuncture point selection, does not being Asian matter, can you only observe the body to find a point, why not just free needle, linguistic chatter, and the low down on herb importance. Alexandra Suozzo goes behind the curtain on e61. The Mysteries of Acupuncture abound and we joke about that topic plus secrets…

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E 60 Emotional Trauma and the Role of Chinese Medicine CT Holman LAc

Did you know acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be used to help heal from emotional trauma? CT Holman Lac joins the show to discuss his book plus facial and pulse diagnosis. Discover why qigong is so important in his life and teaching career. CT Holman is the Director of Development for LotusInstitute.com , teaches internationally,…

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E 59: Genomics? What is the Role of Acupuncture and Naturopath in Cancer? Ralph Esposito ND

Nutrition, Herbs, Genomics, Acupuncture, Men’s Health – Urology, Cancer and Hormones, Research Driven- not your typical Doctor of Naturopath. He has written book chapters, done research and is Certified Functional Medicine . Dr Ralph Esposito ND Dr. Esposito went to New York University in the premed track and realized that DO and MD don’t learn…

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E 58: Facial Acupuncture Professor Michelle Gellis Gives a Rare Interview

Are you ready to be intrigued with the benefits of Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture by long time acupuncturist professor Michelle Gellis? Intradermal needles, collagen rejuvenation, whole body effects-her classes and patient stories will get you motivated to learn more. Professor Michelle Gellis, LAcMAc DiplAc is one of very few cosmetic acupuncturist certified by the American Acupuncture…

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E 57 Move Well Functional Movement Rehab Dr Todd Pickman DC

There are 7 core full body functional movements that you should be able to perform. Learn his system, Move Well Rehab, to evaluate, treat and expand your practice. Later in the podcast he gives 2 super new marketing tips you haven’t heard before. From Gonstead (a more adjustment only type of clinic) to Chiro Bio…

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E 56 Holistic Nutritionist and Shared Space with Dr. Brian Stanton DC

Advice on what type of location is best for a new doctor, medi spa, share space or what? How does he define holistic nutrition or functional medicine in his clinic. Here some great success stories that might make you reconsider what supplement line you recommend. What are his 3 top reasons to pick a chiropractic…

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Ep 55: Mommy Burnout and Child Therapy Expert Dr. Sheryl Zeigler PsyD

Child therapy for anxiety, the impact of too much phone time for kids, participation awards, what is Mommy Burnout, and does being a psychologist mean you can’t make good money. Dr Sheryl Zeigler frequent guest on many TV news shares her opinion. Featured on the Today show, NPR, Katie Couric Show, and several local Denver…

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Ep54 Debunking Instagram Mystery and Build Your Following with Chirogram by Christopher Collins DC

Unlock the Mystery of Instagram. We cover the bio, link, building a following, how to not spam, video basics, hashtag usage, unfollowing and straight up Pimp your profile. Christopher Collins, DC does it for you with ChiroGram. Coupon for listeners. Discount code: perspective10 not only do you get 1 week free but you can save…

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53: Functional Nutrition and How to Look Good Naked Dr Debbie Bright DC

Look Good Naked owner Dr Debbie Bright DC talks her 21 Day Program, functional nutrition, gut health, labs for nutritional issues, rehab specialty, 16 hour days, what makes a good nutraceutical line and lessons learned from a rocky first clinic. Family illnesses (not hers) really got her sparked to become a doctor of chiropractic and…

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Episode 52: Vet Based Cold Laser, No Heat, Profit Generator – Multi Radiance and John Mark Strong

Multi Radiance leader in no heat super pulsed Cold Laser for humans and animals. Learn Vet Patient home rental program, science, benefits vs class IV, marketing cold laser, why use a portable ACTIVet, ACTIVet PRO, MyPetLaser, stellar customer support and case studies. I use Multi Radiance Cold Laser for years and am so impressed by…

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