E 56 Holistic Nutritionist and Shared Space with Dr. Brian Stanton DC

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Dr. Brian Stanton DC talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair, DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast.

Advice on what type of location is best for a new doctor, medi spa, share space or what? How does he define holistic nutrition or functional medicine in his clinic. Here some great success stories that might make you reconsider what supplement line you recommend.

What are his 3 top reasons to pick a chiropractic school (and probably any professional school) ? Hint: well rounded and board pass-ability.

His advice on starting a practice versus working under someone’s wing is spot on as well as the suggestion to keep overhead low by working in someone else’s office but being completely independent of that doctor.  Should you work out of another chiropractor’s clinic, medi- spa setting or even a physical therapists clinic when first starting out?  What’s the advantages of having many docs in the same office?

Do you personally need to own the x-ray machine, can a medi-spa setting be profitable and can it be mutually beneficial for everyone involved?

Dr. Stanton has taken extensive courses in functional nutrition and has turned that into a major niche in his practice.  Applied Clinical Nutrition Certification.  He likes to call him self a Holistic Nutritionist as well as the doctor of chiropractic.  Dr. Brian briefly touches on how so many chiros focus on structure only but that was only 1/3rd of D.D.’s original premise.

How much of a role does environment and pesticides and pollution play a role in our overall health and nutrition?  What does he do to remedy these outside factors?

Hear an amazing story about the effects of electro-magnetic fields on the body. Min 11 or 12.

Dr. John Brimhall was one of us functional medicine mentors and he recommends Total Shield, multipolar magnets, or Nikon products from Japan to help counteract the electro-magnetic radiation from long airplane rides. brimhallwellness.com 

Give the Patient what they Want, but also Educate them on what They Need.

Functional Medicine is thrown around a lot these days, so take a listen for his take on the practice and how he manages patients under this functional medicine umbrella term.

What I like about Dr. Brian is that he doesn’t blindly recommend supplements.  He takes the time to order lab tests to find out what is going on and then recommends products based on their particular needs.

What do you do when you know the patient should get off dairy to help with sinus and other issues but they refuse to do it?

He has a internal referral system and a social media presence.  Going Live on Facebook for Q&A does well.

One of his go to foundation products is ID Life which partnered with the Doctor Only Brand Zymogen as their science board.  ID life has an in-depth questionnaire to help ascertain what you personally need.  Around minute 30 he talks about these details.

www.Optimizeyournutrition.idlife.com                www.drstanton.idlife.com  Take Assessment for Free

Book: Viktor E Frankl Man’s Search For Meaning

James Allen As a Man Thinketh

Karol K Truman Feelings Buried Alive Never Die  (how emotions can affect your health)

John Maxwell 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/56 here you can also find links to things mentioned and a complete transcript.

Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand

Justin Trosclair 0:03
Episode 56, holistic nutritionist and shared space. I’m your host Dr. Justin Foursquare and today and today we’re here Dr. Brian Stephen perspective.

Join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin trust quick as he gets a rare to see look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips, struggles, goals and relationship advice. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

What’s going on? We had a functional medicine, Dr. Debbie bright just the other day. And now we’ve got Dr. Brian Stanton, a chiropractor and functional nutritionist. He likes to say holistic nutritionist, right? One let you know what’s coming up. We have got a month of acupuncture, facial acupuncture, natural path and acupuncture, emotional trauma. Someone who just graduated over the last year. So we’re really looking forward to the next month the book needless acupuncture, or finally be ready ready for sale. So you know I’m jazzed up about that. will look today in the episode you should hear about different spaces to work in many spas, other people’s offices, your own office and his opinion on that what is a holistic nutritionist. Go through some really cool stories throughout. Everybody loves a good story, right? And a product that he recommends for your basics. Actually, I’m not going to spoil it. I’ll let him introduce it about halfway into the show. Thanks for tuning in show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash five, six like us and five star ratings on your favorite podcast app. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China. We got a great guest today. He heals all the way from the United States. Please welcome Dr. Brian Stanton. Welcome to the show.

Unknown 1:46
Thank Thank you. Appreciate it. Good to be here.

Justin Trosclair 1:50
And no problem. I appreciate you being on the show as well. taking time out of your busy schedule while you’re treating patients. I always like to jump in letting people know how did you decided to become a chiropractor versus all the things that you could be?

Unknown 2:04
Well, I was exposed to it as at an early age, my mom used to go to the chiropractor, I actually grew up seven miles from Texas chiropractic college in the Houston area. And she used to go to actually he was a legally blind chiropractor. And so we really liked the way we felt afterwards. And we like to adjust. And we used to fight over who gets who got to go, you know, with my mom, because she used to go at least once a month. So I was exposed to an early you know, to it at an early age.

Justin Trosclair 2:32
Very cool. And with the text is kind of Frank, where do you end up going

Unknown 2:37
to Texas chiropractic college because it was convenient.

Justin Trosclair 2:42
I hear that? Would you say that the schools? I don’t know, if you keep up with with all the the drama in schools, do you think it’s changed and watched preparing students to get out there and actually be a practicing doctor versus a technician.

Unknown 2:59
I don’t really keep track of all the drama, if there’s drama, I think I believe. And this is, I mean, in my opinion. And so I’ve always been to the opinion that it doesn’t really, at least when I graduated, I don’t think it really matters where you go to chiropractic college, as long as you get a good well rounded education. And the way I’ve kind of viewed chiropractic college is, you know, some of them are more, some of them give you a wide variety and open you up to different modalities and treatment types of protocols. Texas, chiropractic was more medical driven. So it just as long as you can, you know, as long as you’re taught to not hurt the patient to treat the patient, give them the best care and get results. I think that’s really all that matters. And obviously prepare have to pass the boards because if you don’t pass the board you can practice.

Justin Trosclair 3:50
Exactly. I think the schools do a great job with that, like, we’re going to get you to pass this test.

Unknown 3:55
Yeah, but as far as drama, I don’t really keep an eye don’t really keep in touch with all that kind of stuff. And then I don’t even I don’t even know if there is drama. So that’s news to me.

Justin Trosclair 4:05
Okay, good. Well, it’s all the we go to school, you can’t market you don’t have a mark, you don’t have to like, you know, do a good report for your patience, all that. So

Unknown 4:14
I don’t know about how it is with guys today, because I haven’t I haven’t hired any new associates or anything. But

Unknown 4:21
I do agree with you that that was a problem.

Unknown 4:27
If it still is a problem, it was a problem. Well, I’m trying to I’m trying to do the math or 15, over 15 years ago, when I graduated, I didn’t really feel adequately prepared for the business side of it. If that’s what you’re getting at federal, a lot of people do regardless of in a lot of people, regardless of what school they went to have the same complaint.

Justin Trosclair 4:47
So that really hasn’t changed. Yet everybody, even the physical therapist say the same thing. If they want to go out on their own, like we don’t know what to do.

Unknown 4:54
So what I did is, and I think this is, you know, something that is worth saying and i a lot of unless you have the funds to start on your own, I think the best thing to do is kind of go under someone’s waiting. And then I started out as I got on my own, I was under different. I was practiced under three different practices in six years. And then I finally broke out on my own. And as I broke it, I’m own I really, I basically sub lease from another place. And I that way I can keep my overhead low. And unless you have the funds to not do that, I think that’s the best way to do it and start start small and get bigger.

Justin Trosclair 5:35
With this dive into that for a second because I had heard at a management company one time trying to help me know so I don’t make these business mistakes. And one of the options was like, why don’t I just rent space from another chiropractor who doesn’t have enough rooms available? Do you recommend that versus working on like a new kind of massage clinic or an osteopath clinic? Or just a natural? Any Anything else? Just subleasing from somebody else besides the chiropractic profession? Because then it’s like, who gets the new patients that they are always go to the main clinic? Right? What do you think? I think

Unknown 6:08
it can work either way. Honestly, I think if if you’re willing to go in with like, let’s say, two or three or four other chiropractors in a practice, and you’re going to, you’re going to lease a room from them. Maybe you share the front desk, and maybe you don’t. But you’re the advantages to doing that as if you know, you have you’ve got other heads and other eyes there to, to kind of feed off each other. And if you have any, you know, you want to discuss cases with if you have all these things. And in common, you can do that. I actually did that, you know, I’ve worked for other chiropractors as independent associate for a few years and then actually shared overhead with another chiropractor. The only thing is that it didn’t lift off the ground as much as I’d like it to. So I kind of got away from that. And now what I’m doing and past five years is I’m subleasing from a Medi spa. So I’m the only chiropractor in the Medi spa. And so it’s kind of good because they’re more they’re more about vanity and aesthetics. And I’m more about function and nutrition and health. And so I can refer them patients and they can refer me patients. So it kind of works out better that way. I think for me.

Justin Trosclair 7:23
Ah, now will unanimity spies that kind of like the within the practice can you have in there? I’m guessing you’re doing are you still doing rehab? No, I don’t

Unknown 7:32
adjustments on Yeah, pretty much I do adjustments and nutritional consultations. And I do functional medicines, I’m ordering lab work and nutrient test and interpreting those for patients. And I don’t have an X ray unit here. So there’s a diagnostic imaging center within five miles that are actually owned by chiropractor. So I send my patients down there if I need to. And that way I don’t have the overhead of in the expensive key being an X ray machine and all that kind of stuff. And I can share liability for interpretation and all that kind of stuff. So so I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible is basically and it’s working out for me. So

Justin Trosclair 8:11
is that an avenue that some people should look at like a Medi spa, I never really thought about working in one of those types of environments. But you’ve been doing it for five years. So it’s profitable with it’s something that you would recommend maybe for other doctors, the follow suit, sure.

Unknown 8:25
I mean it if it if you find a niche kind of works for you, then yeah, do it. But like I said, I’ve I worked the first practice, I worked out of work for another doctor who she ran a more of a family practice, she had a nutrition deployment, but she didn’t really use it very well, you know, aggressively are very effectively. And I did all the radiology in there. And I just did you know, some of her patients. Then I moved on from there to a multi disciplinary type of practice, you had medical doctors they had that were mainly running, it was more of a, it was more of a rehab type of place where the medical doctors and the oversaw the physical therapist, and they did workers compensation. And then what I did is more poi work. And I was the radiologist on site. It was it was easy, but it was kind of boring wasn’t really challenging for me after a while after I got it down to pat. So I just wanted to delve more into the nutrition functional medicine side of it. So when I responded to an ad for another chiropractor that was kind of doing that. I I took that and ran with it. And I learned under him for about five years. And then as I was doing that I was I was getting my nutrition,

Unknown 9:39
applied Clinical Nutrition, certification. And all the all the

Unknown 9:46
continuing education classes I did were more nutritionally and functional medicine approach. So that’s kind of my niche. So I don’t actually have a physical therapist right across the parking lot for me. So if I need to refer anybody over there for rehab, I could I refer other

Unknown 10:03
lists and things like that.

Justin Trosclair 10:06
Very good. What, when you were talking functional medicine, how many I don’t know if you want to say ours are, what kind of classes what become what makes you started because I think outside of our own little profession. Nobody knows what that means. It they don’t care. It’s not like I got different weight nutrition, I got a different rate in radiology, they’re like, well, I don’t mean anything to me. So if you could take a minute to explain how that’s impressive. And and and then I want to ask you some more questions about like, the functional medicine side of like, what do you look at? How do you treat it? Are there certain labs, companies that you use? You know, things like that?

Unknown 10:41
Yeah, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of companies out there. I’ve used quite a few I’ve kind of, I’ve kind of settled down to a few that I use it worked for me. So basically, I guess what, what I like to call myself other than a chiropractor, Doctor of Chiropractic is a holistic nutritionist.

Unknown 11:00
Practice functional medicine and what that means is okay, for example,

Unknown 11:07
you’d be surprised that a lot of people know more, at least in the Houston area. A lot of people know what functional medicine doctor is. They know that they’re looking at the big picture, not just they’re treating the person holistically a whole body, not just

Unknown 11:24
you know, they’re looking at the big picture. In other words, that’s the way DD Palmer looked at it honestly. Because if you study, you know, we, we all took philosophy classes in chiropractic college, and structure was just one of the three pillars, right? So right you have your straight chiropractors, you folk folk fun, focus on structure, right? And that’s important.

Unknown 11:46
But you also have the emotional side of it, or the psychological side of it. And you also have the toxicity side of it. So when you What, what? functional metal in your practice of functional medicine, that means, okay, I’m looking at, okay, are they being exposed to toxins, environmental toxins, whether that be heavy metal toxicities or chemicals, we live in a chemical world. So we’re all being exposed to these things. It’s just a matter of are these things affect their immune systems and their function, their muscles, their nerves, their brain? To where it can actually be the cause of the structural problem? And nutritionally speaking, right nutrition.

Justin Trosclair 12:27
So that’s a real like,

Unknown 12:28
no, yeah, that’s totally real. Even on the unseen energies, like electromagnetic stress, have you ever heard of this? I did. Yeah. So I’ve seen really crazy things happen with people that are exposed to electromagnetic fields and they don’t even know it. I’ll just give you a quick example of one of my patients. She she’s actually the one coming in today. She’s been a patient of mine for over 10 years. And she comes about once a month, just for maintenance and, you know, to keep to keep up her health. When she first came to me, she had a history of breast cancer, but main reason she came to me wasn’t I’m not treating the breast cancer. I’m treating her but she came she had been through two rounds of chemo and she was a guest was she was in remission. But the problem was, she came to me this is the reason she came to me. She was tired. She was stressed out. She had insomnia. She couldn’t sleep. And she was pretty much chatter Woodson and nobody had an answer for so when I saw her, of course, structurally, she was messed up. But functionally, in other words, check nutritional deficiencies. But on the probably the third visit, when I analyzed her, I found out she was being exposed to electromagnetic field and I told her to rent a Gauss meter, which measures that because we can’t see them, she took it home. She checked her first policies, I tell people’s to check your bed, right? Because that’s where you spend the majority of time in one place. So she took it home, check your bed, it was fine, right? The needle wasn’t right, registering at all. She She woke up in the middle of the night, just like she always does. Because she had insomnia. She woke up the moonlight couldn’t get off to sleep. So she she reached over turn a Gauss meter by God. And the needle was all the way to the right side, what’s going on, it was zero before. So through process of elimination, what she figured out was her first of all, her bed was at her bedroom, and her bed were on the outside wall, the first floor, on the other side of that was her pool pump. And it was scheduled to turn on to clean her pool while she was sleeping the middle of the night. For months, if not years, that was the case. Okay. Well, over time, that this harmonic energy she was being exposed to affected her physiology in a negative way. And that can lead to deficiencies and other problems, neuro transmitter issues, things like that. And it definitely affected her sleep. And the reason I know that is because all she had to do to correct that problem was to reset the time to kick off the middle the day when she wasn’t sleeping. And literally that next night when she did that her sleep improved. But it took her body probably two to three weeks to kind of, you know, to kind of, I don’t know, if you want to call it a detox or just kind of normalize it, rushes letters, you started sleeping better. And of course I was was supporting her nutritionally with supplements, the proper supplements. But it took about two to three weeks, and she was sleeping almost normal again. And now of course, obviously, if you’re sleeping while you’re going to get your energy back and you’re not going to be depressed. So

Unknown 15:33
now, you know, can I prove that that? That exposure to the EM MPs are the EMF, that we’re just harmonic to our bodies? tribute uterine cancer? No, I can’t prove that. There’s no way I can prove that. But there’s a lot of research, especially in Europe that would would say otherwise.

Justin Trosclair 15:54
You know, I was listening to a Dr. Mark cola was being interviewed from Dave Asprey with the bulletproof coffee guy. And you know, headlines always sell you, and there’s talking about Wi Fi. And they’re both sound like paranoid people. They’re like they, they have a special thing that they sleep in. And he plugs in everything does, he’s like the Wi Fi signals. He’s like, I’m doing a book right now on it. He’s like, but I’m telling you, we were going to find is that this is causing whether you want to say causing cancer being disharmonious to yourselves, please like this is having an impact on our health, and might be causing some kind of hard issues, all these different things, and I just had to listen to and it’s like, well, I don’t have an opinion on this yet. But that’s really fascinating, that there’s things coming out. And there’s research coming out, there’s people looking into this to see if there is any long term effects on our body, which is pretty wild to think but not that wild. If you look, if you think about it like that, it’s a new thing for our body that we haven’t had to deal with in our lifetime.

Unknown 16:56
Right? So and there’s ways we can protect yourself from that, you know, even if I have a few patient to fly a lot for business, because they work in the oil and gas sector. And so they’re flying to do by flying to China, they’re flying to, you know, Venezuela or other countries, you know, Europe, England, whatever. So they fly a lot. And of course, when you’re fine, you’re, you’re being exposed to magnetic fields, through all the wiring of the aircraft, but also all the rotation the high rotation RPM of the engines.

Unknown 17:31
Well, so I give them the tools, they need to do that as well. So it’s just extra protection. There’s no way we can avoid all these things, but we can do our best to try to buffer you know, the effects of them.

Justin Trosclair 17:43
Right? Is there like a website we can visit for that? Or is it nutritional product based or?

Unknown 17:50
Well, one of the one of the doctors that I kind of tutored under or you know, was kind of a mentor when I was doing some when I first started getting into the nutrition inside of it and learning about that and apply nutrition, how to how to integrate that in my practice was dr. john grandma. So at the time, he recommended a device called a total shield.

Unknown 18:12
You could go to their website, I believe it’s brim whole wellness calm.

Unknown 18:17
And then there’s little multipolar magnets that you can get to protect yourself a buffer yourself from those things as well. If it’s if it’s you know, something like flying or whatever. And then you probably heard of Nick and I’ve never sold naked products or anything like that they’re out of Japan, but they have a they have products like that protect yourself as well.

Justin Trosclair 18:37
Okay, I think I’m, I was in Colorado, I think somebody was selling those kind of magnetic massagers, there’s

Unknown 18:44
a blanket you can take on board a plane and it’s got magnets in the supposed to buy for you as well. I’ve never used it. But I’ve had other people who do you swear, but

Justin Trosclair 18:53
okay, we were talking functional medicine? What what are some of the misconceptions that you have? I don’t know, discuss with the patients? Are they? Yeah, let’s go with that. Let’s go with what are some of the misconceptions that you have when you when you do with patients with function?

Unknown 19:09
Well, it’s just a matter of really educating the patient. I mean, that’s 90% of what we do anyway, right? as doctors. So I have patients who I’d say probably 15% of my patients are strictly they come in for structural treatments, they come in to be they want to be adjusted, I have probably about the same percentage who come in strictly for nutritional advice and direction, because I’m going to put them on a good eating plan and put them on on, you know, the exact supplements that they need. that are you know, backed by science or whatever. So, but I’d say the majority of my patients, the vast majority, probably 60, 70% of them are doing both they’re doing the structural and the nutritional and the functional medicine side. So when I say functional medicine, I mean, okay, yes, I’m, I’m treating the patient as a whole, but I’m also giving them I’m giving them a recommendation for diet for, you know, what their what they need to eat. I’m also putting them on the right supplements for the it’s customized supplement program. And I’m also measuring them. So a patient could come to me and say, Hey, you know, for example, if we’re just talking structural, right, maybe they have back pain, and maybe it’s a eight out of 10, right? Well, three months down the road, three months down the road, but I might, I might get him to a two or one, or maybe even a zero. Let’s just say I cut it in half to, right. And they’re like, Hey, you know, I’m doing better, but I’m not doing as good as I need to. Then, you know, if I’m only treating them structurally, then I’m missing out on some possible causes of their pain. Right? So, yeah, it could be an adrenal problem. That’s why they’re having back pain or could be a kidney, you know, chronic low grade kidney infection that needed nobody, no doctors trying, you know, nailing down and they’re not, they’re not addressing the situation. Or it could be a scar, it could be a scar on their body that hasn’t been addressed is causing a referred pain because there’s visceral somatic pain, and there’s also you know, somatic, somatic and you know, psychosomatic and all that stuff, it can be an emotional problem. Every scar, regardless of where it is on the body has an emotional connection. Because it’s an emotional reaction, right? Most of the time, when you get a scar, it’s either from surgery, or from injury. And neither neither one of those are are

Unknown 21:36
pleasant, emotionally speaking, right. But in some, right, cause problems and sky stars can’t. So what I’m saying is I’m evaluating I’m looking at all these different assets, specs of their, of their anatomy, and I’m trying to, to pinpoint what’s the cause of their structural problem, for example, if they’re only coming in for, so I’m getting them what they need, right? judgment, but I’m educating I’m giving them what they want, but I’m educating to what they actually need. And that’s why a lot of them transition over to nutritional patients are functional medicine patient. And when I say functional medicine, again, I’m talking about measuring them. So if I don’t, if they have a vitamin D deficiency, or B complex, if it’s in C or vitamin D deficiency, I won’t know what it is and how to treat it, you know, to try to get them well enough to to let them know, hey, look, this is where you were three months ago, or six months ago, or a year from now, this is where your baseline was, your vitamin D was a 12. It was it was horrible. And now your vitamin D levels of 75. And that’s why you’re feeling not only are you feeling better, but you’re functioning better. Because a lot of times people may feel better, but their their functionality may not be optimal. Or maybe they’re not feeling well, then maybe they’re not feeling as good as they wanted to. But I can tell that they’re about to turn a corner with with the symptoms, because they’re functioning better. And the reason I can tell that is through the lab work or through the nutritional testing, things like that.

Justin Trosclair 23:07
And that’s what’s key is there’s a lot of labs, we’ve had a lady a couple weeks ago, she used certain lab tests, you’re going to use certain labs, there’s lots of different labs that you can use to find nutritional deficiencies, toxicities, allergies, so it’s not like your functional medicine, people are just guessing or using putting a pill in your hand and seeing if you’re Armstrong or not, it’s like no, we can check your blood, we can find out what it is. And then three or four months from now, see where you’re at. And I’m like, I’m guessing here, if it’s better, will take you off of this stuff. Or put you on a nice clothes, or whatever. And that way you can always it’s not like you’ve got these 15 pills. You can take these for the rest of your life. It’s like no, we’re going to actually try to take care of the issues that way you can get off of it and just find like a maintenance some

Unknown 23:57
Yeah, a good foundation. Yeah.

Unknown 24:01
This is a funny story. It made me think of what we’re saying a funny story. I have a patient she’s originally from Louisiana from Northern by. And so if you know if you know anything about New Orleans, they like to party and they love to eat, they love their food, right? So she’s been a patient has been a patient in mind for probably 12 years. maybe longer, you know, she’s a little overweight, she’s had arthritic issues and things like that. And of course, I’m, I’ve taught her what she needs to do to minimize inflammation. And whether she does or not, that’s entirely heard her decision. Right. So I’ve given her the game plan well, recently, I did some allergy testing, honor and check some food I’ll actually she had, she had some done through me and she had some done through a medical doctor or whatever. And she she eliminated some of the major things that she was allergic to. And she last couple pant sizes and she lost 10 pounds in like two weeks, and she feels better. So I’m like, isn’t that amazing? What would you know, when you put the bottle what you need, your body needs, how you function better, right? So that

Justin Trosclair 25:10
there that is wild. It. I was listening to a podcast, the guy was trying to say we always want just cookie cutter, no gluten, no dairy, no, this eat paleo, no, go keto. And really, you might even have a you might go really well for keto for a while, and then it doesn’t work anymore, then you gotta go. You gotta switch it, you gotta switch it. And I don’t know how much there’s credibility, there’s like eat for your blood type. Remember that book?

Unknown 25:34
Yeah, I use a lot of that information to design my eating plan for my patients. Now, it’s not an end all be all, but there’s a lot of truth to it. There’s a lot of truth to it, right?

Justin Trosclair 25:43
Because if you don’t have the time, or the money to take all these tests, or something, none of these tests can get expensive in some people, you know, obviously on a budget, but if you just like, Okay, let me get a book,

follow certain kind of diet, and then see how you respond. And you can always like they say, eliminate, and then add back, like get off for a while. start implementing back, if you start gaining weight, or having diarrhea or something, oh, maybe you shouldn’t eat dairy, that’s not good for you individually. So

Unknown 26:08
the blood types, for example, dairy is one of the you know, poisons. So.

Unknown 26:14
I mean, it’s like Satan to them, right? It’s like the devil to them. So what I normally tell them, I said, Look, if you’re trying to lose weight, and you keep eating dairy products, good luck because of the hormones and all that kind of stuff that are involved in it. And so I tell people look, you know, for example, somebody who’s a noble and want to lose weight, or they have sinus problems, I’m like, Look, eliminate dairy. And sometimes they’ll give me a, you know, they push back and say, Oh, I love dairy. I could never do that. Yeah, and I’m like, Just trust me to do it for three weeks. Okay. And after three weeks, you can invite your friends and have a big old dairy party go to town. Okay. So, normally, I’ve had a few patients who took me up on the challenge. And guess what happened, after they had their little dairy day, guess what happened, they realized how bad it made them feel, and how inflamed. So you should encourage that

Justin Trosclair 27:04

Unknown 27:04
for them. So you’re right, if they don’t have a lot of money to take these tests, I just try to give them the the the best information I can give them at the time and say, Look, do this first. And then you know, down the road, if we want to do some diagnostic testing that’s a little deeper than we can do that. But let’s try this first and see how you do.

Justin Trosclair 27:23
And that’s what that’s what we call practice and experience the test, make it definitive, but I can get into you an educated, I don’t wanna call it a guest. But let’s just say that is an educated guess that we’re going to have when you walk in, and I get your history, and we can go from there. But always nicer to get concrete data. So we know if it’s working. Right? So what are some of the top two marketing tactics that you use to get new patients into your door,

Unknown 27:48
I would say the number one for me is patient, patient, word of mouth. So when when my friends refer other people, to me, that’s the best way to do it. And I encourage it, I’ll give them a product or you know, discount or whatever. If they do that as a reward. The other thing is, yeah, good,

Justin Trosclair 28:08
does it do you have like a system that encourages referrals,

Unknown 28:11
I haven’t a little in house referral system, and I let them know from day one, and that I remind them every now and then when they when they give me a good story and give me good feedback and how they’re getting better and results and stuff like that. So that’s number one, you know, way to get referrals. The other thing do,

Unknown 28:31
obviously, now, and nowadays, in this time and age, social media is a big one, although I’m not as savvy as I probably need to be, or should be on social media. But if you’re not on social media nowadays, and your business owner, you’re and then that’s probably the third thing is, you know, just just having the right tags out there for what you want on Google search, or Yahoo or whatever like that, because I at least a couple times a month, some people find me just doing a doing a search on Google or Yahoo, just, you know, whatever they’re trying to search for. I do lectures, as well. So I do that occasion. Best way to market yourself is to market yourself know a number of ways.

Justin Trosclair 29:13
Suddenly, when you do lectures, is it like libraries, or you put it on social media and stuff? Like I

Unknown 29:19
tried that before? It’s Yeah, I’ve tried that before. It’s not very active, doing Q and A’s on social media or having a topic and say I’m going to be I’m going to go live on Facebook or Instagram, I’m be talking about the sermon, have this guest on, and then open it up for q amp a, I think that’s always a good thing. And people ask questions in between, you can go back and answer,

Justin Trosclair 29:40
right, because that’ll help you with actually getting it out there to other people, because they’re engaging, right, nice.

Unknown 29:46
But you know, you have to be careful. At the same time. You know, obviously, if they’re not your patient, you have to be careful to the advice you give them because you don’t want to give advice to them. If they’re not your paper. Yes. But there’s certain ways there’s certain ways you can word that Tiktaalik to kind of get around it those big disclaimers,

Justin Trosclair 30:01
I’m not sure. Dr. This isn’t actually advice. I’m just kind of,

Unknown 30:04
I’m there with you today. Also, you can. Yeah. And then you can say, Well, this is what I did for my son or this what I, you know, it may not work for you. But this is what I did for my son or whatever.

Justin Trosclair 30:14
And I think this was that the horrible thing about like, our society is someone who’s gonna say something, and then they’re going to want to sue somebody else because they tried it and it didn’t work. He’s like, you’re getting free advice that you wouldn’t you couldn’t even man up and pay a bill.

Unknown 30:30
I try not to I try not to live my life worrying about getting sued. Because again, I believe in the law of attraction. So I don’t even think about that, unless somebody brings it up, to be honest with you good. But at the same time, I have to be careful. You know, how I say things. You know, there’s people out there that are looking for

Justin Trosclair 30:49
right, does that. Yeah, that makes sense. Cover it without being a paranoid about it.

Unknown 30:53
As far as my goals? Yes. Yeah. What are my goals were

Unknown 30:57
as far as what

Justin Trosclair 30:59
it can be, personally could be business like in the next five years, you see yourself running a marathon or having your own place or having some kind of milestone that you’ve been, you’ve been searching like writing a book? I don’t have

Unknown 31:11
any plans on? Okay, good question. I’ll address that. First of all, I don’t have any plans on running a marathon runner. In fact, I have a few patients to do half marathons and marathons. And I just had a joke around with them. And I say, you know, you’re a little crazy. But,

Unknown 31:28
um, but one of my goals is honestly, you know, I can only see so many people every day, in my practice, there’s really a limited number of people I can see every day, my right practice. So my goal in the next two to five years is to try to reach as many people as I can. And what one of the ways I’m doing that is through a nutritional, it’s a fitness. It’s a sports nutrition and a foundational nutrition company that I’ve integrated into my practice. I still have I still have accounts without the companies and I uses them. But for foundational nutrition and for sports nutrition, I use this company, it’s only available actually in the United States right now. The first country, I think their expansion plans are to go to Canada and Mexico. So North America first. And then eventually we’re going to go overseas to Asia to Europe, and you know, Australia and other South America and other countries. But basically what this company did is they partnered with, have you heard, as I mentioned? Yeah, as I mentioned, the company that does, you know, there, you have to be a medical professional up an account with them, like standard process or neutral West, premier research labs are a lot of these other companies. And they partnered with a company called ID life, it stands for individually designed life. Have you heard of it? Not really. Okay. It’s only about it’s less, four years old. And their foundational product, is what they call it. Customized nutrition is personally or its ID nutrition, individually designed nutrition. So what you what I have my patients do in order to get a regimen tone for so the software, you take it online, a free HIPAA compliant, that’s kind of a big thing here now, and you stay to check it online private health assessment, it takes them about 10 minutes to get through, they just answer a bunch of questions, they can even put their medications in there. So it actually this what the software does based, there’s over 10,000 different third party studies that have been done all around the world. And they kind of pull them off a lot of from PubMed, and from other sources. And the software designs a foundational supplement regimen for that individual. So it takes an account what medications are on, it will screen for their medication. So if the medication for example, if the medication depletes the body of a certain vitamin or mineral, and it’s safe for them to take it, it will recommend that vitamin or mineral if it if the medication, there’s any contraindications for the medication, for herbs or for for minerals, or for other things, they will block that from being in a regimen. I don’t I personally have time to discuss our over 10,000 peer reviewed articles can do all that. Even with my extensive background. So another thing that it does is it you can put in your patients symptoms, or their medical conditions, anywhere from bloating, and allergies, two types of cancers, okay, so you could put that in there. And it will give them what they need and block what they can’t have or should not have. It knows what that knows how old they are those what what ethnicity they are knows their height and weight. It knows whether they’re male or female, it knows what region of the country they live in. So it takes an to consider it knows it asked him about diet and lifestyle and you know, their exercise regimen and all that stuff. So it takes into consideration all these life things and all these personal information about them. And it designs already and just for the when I first started using it, I did it myself because again, my practice is on the line. I don’t want to recommend something new that I’m not going to do myself. So I did it for two months, I stopped taking the supplement regimen that I was taking before. And I started taking this one and I noticed that I had my tendinitis was like, after three months, or two months was about half gone. It took about four more months for it to be completely gone. I had the I had need tendonitis. But I was more focused, I had more concentration and less brain fog. And I had more physical energy during the day, like especially on those really busy afternoons where I noticed I was pushing through a lot easier, I really didn’t have a lot of health compliance because I practice what I preach, right. But I took after the after two months, I took about 10 patients. This is my focus group. And I specifically chose patients that were elderly, mostly and on medications for their medical doctors, because I figured if it’s going to help anybody would help them. I don’t take any medications. So I skipped through that section. But they they do took it. And one of the first things they noticed is that it was one of the first things I noticed was very similar to what the regiment already had him on. But another thing that they noticed was it was less expensive to compare to the regiment. Now, as a doctor, I would think, Okay, this is not a good resume, right? I’m not making as much money off my patients health and nutrition. But what I’ve seen in the last three and a half years since doing this, because I I measured these patients over six months period of time. Right? What I mean by that is I took their I had a mother had them on their supplement regimen. And I tested them, okay, I did, I didn’t nutrition test, I did blood test, I did all the you know, typical panels that I would run. And I after six months, I was I was blown away, because I was getting significant results in a shorter amount of time that was getting before using

Justin Trosclair 36:50
the validated it to

Unknown 36:54
totally, totally validated and then and you know, during, you know, during the 30 day, and it doesn’t exactly what’s it. So they like the convenience of it. I like the price point of it. And I liked it because they were more compliant. And I was getting better results with it. So that’s when I was like, okay, from that point on eight months into it. I’m like, I gotta tell everybody about this. And I’ve been very pleased with the results. And not only that, remember, I told you I want to reach as many people as I can. That’s what I’m doing to this platform. Because I’ve gotten I’ve gotten customers that normal nutrition that haven’t even stepped foot my practice, because their spouse is recognized or the friends recognize and those people may never step foot in a practice like mine. They gave him my website, and they order the product. And it’s okay, because it’s fine with me. Because actually there when you go on there, it tells you what your recommendations are. These technically aren’t my recommendations, these are the software record recommend, yeah, now I can tweak it if I need to, based on the tests are based on what I think they need, which is nice, but there’s also a safety, it won’t let them take more than what they can Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 37:58
of a certain nutrient or something. Because there’s a lot of times where you could,

Unknown 38:01
but if somebody wants to

Justin Trosclair 38:03
have somebody overdoing it there on this supplement and this supplement, and then all of a sudden you’re like, wow, you’re getting a lot of vitamin A, or way more manganese or whatever, I find that this cause and as

Unknown 38:13
you can take too much of something that’s good. Yeah.

Justin Trosclair 38:15
It’s just gonna be a lot of people.

Unknown 38:17
So a lot of times, for example, I mean, depends on the individual because its customers wins

Justin Trosclair 38:22
big gigantic period,

Unknown 38:23
I would say on average, it’s probably know, I’ll show you what it looks like.

Unknown 38:29
Okay, I see. So they’re mainly capsules, most of these are capsules. So I don’t see that. It’s got my name on it. And it so they take it twice a day, they take it with breakfast, and they take it with dinner, and it shipped straight to their house. So I don’t have to have inventory. That’s kind of nice, isn’t it? Which is nice. Makes my Yeah. And they have control over when you know, when it shifts to their house, the delivery date. And they have an option to sign up for, you know,

Justin Trosclair 38:56
drop ship and all that

Unknown 38:57
a continual shipment? Yes. One of the questions that asked him on the assessment is what season of the year it is, because it actually screens for the season of the year as well. So I tell them, You need to update your assessment. So

Justin Trosclair 39:10
that can be allergies or something. Yeah,

Unknown 39:12
exactly. So I tell them, You need to bare minimum update your assessment every three months based on the seasons change.

Unknown 39:19
But again, if they’re consulting me, and they’re coming into my office, I’m helping them with that on a month, a month or every three month basis. Anyway, cool. That sounds like a pretty cool. So it’s been it’s been? Yeah, it’s been very transformational for my practice. And then the other thing you know, you mentioned bulletproof coffee earlier. Isn’t that like a network marketing? Mom?

Justin Trosclair 39:40
No, that’s just one guy that sells stuff.

Oh, it’s just one guy. It’s like a,

he designed the product,

Unknown 39:46
they have a network marketing model. So that’s how I’ve been able to reach because I have I have nurses that are, you know, quote on my team. I’ve got other chiropractors on my team, I’ve got a couple of dentists on my team. I’ve got normal everyday people, we have fitness products, like a pre workout, post workout drink, we have hydrate, electrolyte replenish your, we’ve got protein shakes, we import the them from New Zealand, like the ways very clean, no hormones or anything like that. We have a vegan shake protein, we have all kinds of different products, we have interesting snack bars, protein bars, all kinds of stuff,

Justin Trosclair 40:22
you went from having different real product lines like Douglas labs or standard process, which is you order it, you buy it, you upsell it, whatever you want to do into a network marketing, which, you know, people always have some kind of issue. Some people have issues with it, some people won’t. But you can, you know, they said you can made less money using this program, then you did with you know, actually, here’s a bunch of different products,

Unknown 40:48
well, per per, per patient, I did. But like I said, I’ve got patient, I’ve got customers that aren’t my patients. So and because it’s a network marketing model, I’m able to leverage, I’ve got gym owners, I’ve got personal trainers on my team, because it’s a perfect fit for them to because they’re always asked what’s up what supplements, right? Right? What protein powder Do you take, what should I take, so it’s perfect for them as well. So they, they actually send me patients to grow my practice, because you know, people looking for a chiropractor. And if somebody needs a personal trainer, or Jimmy got to, I send them to the people that are on my team first. So it’s a great way to network as well. One of the things I really love about this, and this is probably the one major thing that got me involved in this, besides design engine connection is that all the products in this company, or non GMO, gluten free, soy free their case and free and there’s no artificial ingredients, so no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, like that. So I’m not going to recommend Yeah, I’m not going to recommend trash products to my patients, because my practice is online, right?

Justin Trosclair 41:51
Especially when you taking this much education.

Unknown 41:54
So that’s the main reason I came on board with it is because you know, because of how clean everything is. And then the late The other reason is because how effective it is. So because it’s a network Mark model, I’m able to actually make a lot more money, leveraging other people through this program than I could before when I was doing all the other stuff. And I still use, I still use some other things for, you know, if patient if somebody gets injured, or they have acute infection or whatever, this is their foundation baseline. And then if they need to add anything to it, I give him something temporarily. Well, that’s what I like about what you’re but my website, if you if you want to check it out any doctors out there including yourself, it’s optimize your nutrition.id life. com, another one that will work and take take you to the same place as Dr. Stanton, it live.com. In other words, it’s Dr. Stanton sta n to n.id life com. So either optimize your nutrition.com or Dr stanton.it live.com,

Unknown 42:55
either one of those will work. And you can actually take that assessment for free on there

Justin Trosclair 42:58
and check it out. That’s what I like what you’re talking about is network marketing, it kind of makes it almost makes me think you went through all this education. And now a computer is doing all the work for you. But what you’re actually saying to is, that’s just for the foundation, everybody needs something to take every day because our diet is not going to be what it needs to be the way the vegetables grow in the garden not going to be what they used to be back in the day. And then you take all these other tests to find out everything else, like maybe do have some allergies, maybe you do have whatever leaky gut syndrome. And for now you’re going to need these other things on top of this, you get your basis 90 these other things to help heal your body. And then we can get rid of those extra things is to go back to just the basics, that kind of accurate

Unknown 43:39
building machines got machines, the people that service them and run them. It’s all done, you know, with the with the short tracks, and and its network marketing. So we do all the marketing for them. But the cool thing about this, too, is you know, if I do decide to send my practice or walk away or, you know, not practice anymore, retire, I still have my ID like this.

Unknown 44:00
I can’t I can’t sell Standard Process anymore when I read Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 44:03
that’s true. Because all the consulting and all that

Unknown 44:05
you have to be you have to have an active, you have to have an active license to do all that.

Justin Trosclair 44:10
Here’s the catch, isn’t it?

Unknown 44:11
Yeah, one thing I just wanted to say real quick, when you go to the recommendations page after you finish your assessment. On the ID life websites website that I gave you, there’s a little black white button next to each supplement recommendation, if you click on that, it’s awesome. Because this is the why behind this is the science that backs it up. The first paragraph tells you a description of what the supplement is and what’s in it. This and by the way, it’s all we all only use the method I mean and the methyl folate without it’s all mental it’s I’d say for anybody who has mth of even the even the workout supplements and products that have that in there. Are these the metal metal form that plated form, but anyway, you click on that why but in the first paragraph tells you what’s in it, what’s you know what it’s for? The second paragraph tells you why it’s recommending it, why the software’s right community based on the answer you provided it. And a third paragraph is some of those 10,000 peer review third party step back up the recommendation. So the science behind it, you can cut and paste and load up those you know, articles if you want pretty cool.

Justin Trosclair 45:13
Well, we’ve got a couple of minutes left, I’m gonna end avoid some of the normal questions that don’t ask but i like i like to end it with this. Most of us have read books, we listen to podcasts, we have things that we like some completely switching gears on you. Are there any books, podcasts or blogs or anything that you’d like to read that you recommend to other people, whether it’s health related spiritual, marketing, anything like that, that you’d like to drop on the audience for us today?

Unknown 45:41
Sure. One of my favorite books,

Unknown 45:44
probably in my I guess my top 10 would be a Man’s Search for Meaning by I can’t remember the name of the author. But Man’s Search for Meaning.

Unknown 45:56
Another book that I like, obviously is just James Allen’s. Now as it as a man think if James Allen it’s a real, you know, thin book, but it’s very, very deep and profound.

Unknown 46:08
Another book that I really like and I actually use this in my practice is feelings buried alive never die by Carol K. Truman. Okay. This is an excellent book to address emotional imbalances and how emotions can affect your health. There’s a lot of research behind that Bruce Lipton did a lot of stuff like that. I know Dr. Dr. Chopra, Deepak Chopra talks a little bit about you know a lot about that to some of the leadership books I’ve been reading lately or john Maxwell’s books. I’ve got this book I’m reading right now. 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, by john Maxwell. I like that one as well. He’s got a lot of good ones. There’s a lot of them out there. So personal development books. I like a lot of, you know, books that I just talked about. Those are probably some of the ones I go to

Justin Trosclair 47:01
you don’t hear john Maxwell a lot. But he’s, he’s got.

Unknown 47:05
He’s written over seven books. I think

Justin Trosclair 47:06
He’s good. He’s good. I think I read one of his books on power of positivity or something like that, and sounds cheesy. But it was really it was it was enjoyable. And I’m kind of after I read it, I was like, all right, I learned something not gonna reread that every now and then and refocus. So it was good.

Last fun question for you. We all have our cell phones. Do you have any favorite apps besides like Instagram or whatever that you just love to play with and find you wasting time on? It could be a productive thing.

Unknown 47:38
That’s funny that you asked, I only have one game on my phone. And I have Words with Friends. I have the second version. Now. That’s the only one I ever, you know, said waste time on but I would say you know, as far as apps go, again, the social media apps face. I’m on Facebook, Brian Stan, I’m on Instagram, Dr. Brian Stanton. Feel free to look me up and follow me on there. I know you already do. But anybody who’s listening, or he’s gonna listen to this. Not really, that’s probably but I’ve got a ton of apps. It’s just that those are probably the ones I spend the most Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 48:14
every now and then I’ll get somebody who says, like, blink, is there some random app that I use are never heard of. And you you find that you like, Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. This really helps me book plane tickets or something. So it’s always a fun one.

Unknown 48:27
Yeah. And I mean, I have a scriptural I have scripture app that I you know, obviously, and stuff like that. But other than that, I use the

Unknown 48:38
it’s one of the I got to actually I got a Bible app, but also have LDS tools. I like that because it’s the King James Version of the Bible. And they have additional resources

Justin Trosclair 48:48
as well. Very good. I think I went to a church one time and they had some like main version. And it was like, it helped me like memorize scripture and different things. And it was it was intense. It was it was good. Well, Dr. Stanton, appreciate your time on the show. And they get some patients to treat. So I really appreciate squeezing us in between. And we’ll definitely link

Unknown 49:11
there no problem. It was fun.

Justin Trosclair 49:12
Yeah, it will make everything you said in the show notes so that people can contact you reach out check out ID life and all that jazz. So thanks again.

I’ve got some new things to talk about. Of course, you can always review us give us that five star review on wherever you listen, but I got four new t shirts, you know, there’s chiropractors, some of them that just like to adjust there’s some like me who rehab and you know, decompression and cold laser things like that and we call us streets versus mixers so created some mixed tour shirts. They’re supposed to be kind of tongue in cheek Hope you like I’m also the Atlas at remove the DNS so therefore check that out. Maybe I like that better. Today’s choices tomorrow’s health book, version two point O is now out we got nerve stretches, optimal calorie counter calculators a section on fasting and a bigger section on how to budget and try to get your financial life in order all the things that I talked about all the time it’s over 100 extra pages so get it now bonus my new hot off the presses book needless acupuncture self treatment guy for 40 common conditions is finally finished it’s been a in the works for quite a while stop the hurting with no needles are meds, your roadmap to self treat your conditions painlessly with needless acupuncture, it’s got pictures, it has descriptions as of course the conditions and I plan to have video tutorials soon go to the website and check it out also on the website, but in the top right all the social media icons are right there whichever you’d like to follow me on. Click that button and say hello.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain can this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guest. A sincere thank you advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).