E 57 Move Well Functional Movement Rehab Dr Todd Pickman DC

todd pickman move well a doctors perspective podcast dr justin trosclair 1

Dr Todd Pickman DC talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast

There are 7 core full body functional movements that you should be able to perform. Learn his system, Move Well Rehab, to evaluate, treat and expand your practice. Later in the podcast he gives 2 super new marketing tips you haven’t heard before.

From Gonstead (a more adjustment only type of clinic) to Chiro Bio Physics CBP (which deals with  Segment Dysfunction, Posture, Movement, and  Corrective Curve Rehab) how did he become such a mix-tor and end up developing a rehab program.

He still believes in the CBP system of  spinal biomechanics and coupling patterns and posture correction.

He wrote a book ” move well “outlining the whole system and you can get it here www.movewellsecrets.com for free + shipping.

A creator at heart, he isn’t trying to replace other techniques out there that restore posture, but he did improve and create his own curve restoration device. www.movewellrehab.com/awesome

If people keep asking you how you do something, maybe its time to create a program for them.  Reach more people and actually charge for your time.

What does he mean by functional movement? Ch 2 of his book and in first 15 minutes he answers it.  You can also check out Functionalmovement.com because it is the umbrella inventors of the “functional movement” movement.

What are the 7 core functional movement patterns?  If you can’t do these 7 full body movements it can be from a muscular, joint or brain problem.

A question everyone has when looking to implement a rehab program: how much space do I need, what equipment do I have to purchase and can staff supervise or implement the protocols too?

What is a main benefit of working in someone else’s office when first graduated?

How to handle a negative online review?

Is handing out a business card still valuable?  What is a funnel? How to talk to someone at the grocery line that actually allows you to market to them later?  His tip here is hugely valuable.

Marketing people he likes: Reach out to Shawn Andrews, Billy Sticker   , Chris Burfield or Chad Woolner (chirofunnel podcast) for funnel marketing.   Jeff Langmaid has a great MD DC program. 

Dr Pickman mentioned Premium Therapy Massage Balls by 11FORCE, Best for Physical Therapy Equipment Lacrosse & Spiky Ball, Plantar Fasciitis Tools, Myofascial Release, Foot Relief Trigger Points, Set or Single, FREE BOOK for myofascial release.

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/57 here you can also find links to things mentioned and a complete transcript.

Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand

Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 57 move well functional movement rehab. I’m your host Dr. Justin plus Claire and today we were Dr. Todd picking his perspective.

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as he gets a rare to see him look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing travel tips, struggles, goals and relationship advice. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Unknown 0:31

Justin Trosclair 0:32
welcome back to the show. I have a good guest for you today we’re going to talk all about the seven core full body functional movement patterns that you should be able to do plus all about his move well system and to be honest, we go into the end of the interview it’s really cool marketing tips that we hadn’t really heard before it one of them is meeting people at the grocery but he’s got a such a different twist to it, then you just gotta listen to it. It’s gonna be good. Next week starts are bought the six week acupuncture series so excited about that. Also, my own needless acupuncture will be coming out very soon, I hired a strategist so we had to rework some things in a delayed everything. But that’s okay. You got to put it out, put it out right the first time. You know what I mean? As always, I say most of my announcements to the end of the episode. So after the episode, just kind of give a quick Listen, and you’ll hear what else is kind of going on in a doctor’s perspective world. Well, let’s not wait any longer. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash five, seven, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China, a doctor’s perspective podcast. Today on the show, we have a Dr. Todd pigment chiropractor, move well, university author, product developer, welcome to the show.

Unknown 1:48
Hey, thanks for having me all the way in China? Absolutely.

Justin Trosclair 1:52
Well, I can’t be more happy to have you. I saw you on Facebook. You created some products out there called move well, and it’s a system. It’s a book. It’s this whole thing. And so I had to find out. Okay, how did this guy get into chiropractic? And then be turned it into everything I just talked about? So give us the the short version of the catalyst for all this?

Unknown 2:17
Sure. Okay. Well, the short version. I’m going on my I’ve been practicing over 15 years. And so I’m in my 16th year of practice, I guess you’d say officially and for several years, I I was very strict with doing Gunston technique. So I was adjusting. That was my only trick that I had. And so I was forced to get really good at it. And then from there, I branched out and I started looking at what else I could do for patients, I started looking at things like posture and curve correction, I found chiropractic biophysics got really into that that was huge, and kind of opening my eyes and really getting me thinking on some other things. And so, and then I I put that into practice. And I still felt like there was a component that was missing with patients care. And that was measuring and addressing movement. And so now at this point, we’ve we’ve put together this model of segment posture movement, where we address all three of these components in a chiropractic arena. And I really never put this together with the intention of teaching this to other people or sharing like all of our secrets. But that’s what we did. And some advice I got from a good buddy of mine, Dr. Chad Woolner, who started something called Cairo funnel secrets. He’s really good friends with Russell Brunson is Chad Woolner told me he said, Todd, when you put something together, that you’re going to give to people and create value, you have to give so much stuff at hurts. And so and so that’s basically what I did is I said, Okay, all of my best stuff we’re sharing. And that’s what we did is we built out this whole tried and tested protocol, how to put corrective exercise into an existing chiropractic practice or even a startup chiropractic practice. And now we have over 60 plus doctors using this all over the world that’s going outside of the US we got a guy on Canada, we have someone out in Australia. And even though I don’t even I don’t even advertise outside of the US, but it’s spreading, and it’s growing very quickly. And and then basically like what it is, is it’s filling a void that that that is definitely there in chiropractic, which is how do you do this? How do you put corrective exercise in practice, I was looking for a solution and it didn’t exist. So I had to create this system for our own clinic. And that’s basically where we’re at today.

Justin Trosclair 4:31
Okay, so CB, I thought they came with, I think they’re like the wobble chairs and the little foam foam things that you’d lay on for a while. And the whole point was to restore curves. And they had like their own procedures and exercises. So they don’t really have the exercise like active exercise component into that system.

Unknown 4:53
So CBP, chiropractic, biophysics doesn’t necessarily wobbled share that’s more like a pet a bond type of thing. Okay, and so Pentagon and CBP has a really interesting history where they work together Initially, the founders, they branched off and CBP went into the direction of let’s find research, let’s, let’s let’s let’s conduct research. And to date, they’ve done now more research in any chiropractic method in the history of our profession, which is huge. Their focus is understanding spinal biomechanics and coupling patterns and curve correction and postural patterns. Their whole exercise, part of it is more of more of a postural corrective exercise totally necessary needed. But they’ve kind of dabbled a little bit in some functional stuff, but haven’t put together a really detailed program like what we did. And that’s not really their forte and what they’re trying to do, either. I mean, they I mean, they really own what they’re doing, they do an excellent job, I’m a huge advocate. And the cool thing is, is their doctor training facility is eight miles away from our clinic. And so there’s doctors who come in town for like a week at a time to go through a week long CP seminar, and they swing by and they visit our clinic as well, because we’re looking at functional exercise. And they can kind of like, kill two birds with one stone when they’re flying out here. Dido.

Justin Trosclair 6:16
Yeah, and if you’ve been doing it for a while, you start realizing like, there’s that extra component that long term, if you don’t want the courtesy Novak, if you want these people to be fully functional at their job, at their sports, that their kids playing with their kids, they need that extra extra component. And instead of going out and spend all this money and learning some kind of seminar, they can pick up your book and learn what to do.

Unknown 6:37
Sure, sure. And that’s, and that’s, and that’s something we did is I went through and wrote a book called move all secrets that you can get it here, I’ll give a shameless plug, you can get it at move well, secrets book.com. And I’m doing a free book thing. So you basically just pay shipping, and we’ve shipped them even to Beijing. And so and so they’re shipped all over the world. So that’s a pick up this book where I share all the sequence we put 18 chapters together, it’s a quick read, but it gives a bird’s eye view like 1000 foot perspective of like how to how to do this whole thing. One thing I just wanted to also clarify. Yeah, basically about kind of our our whole role, like our whole place in this chiropractic ecosystem is that something that we’re not trying to do at all is, is teach curve correction, or teach postural correction. cdp’s done that they do an excellent job. That’s something that that’s how I was trained initially.

Unknown 7:35
My background, I’ve always been a fabricator inventor, I’ve been a welder, I used to build engines, I’ve done all kinds of stuff. So I’m just a creator. By nature, I did that before I even got into chiropractic. And so for me, it’s like, I look at what, what’s out there, and what’s happening. And I’m always tinkering and trying to improve it. And so that led to us inventing a different type of cervical extension traction. And, and so what we did is, is put together a type of home care that patients can use. That’s, that’s, that’s just a alternative to what’s out there right now. And we’ve been using it in practice for for several months, it’s extremely effective. And we open this up to the chiropractic community, just recently, and it’s something that I think is going to really do awesome, because we’re getting great results with it and practice. It’s very predictable. And you can adjust how gentle or how extreme you want to integrate this. That’s, that’s a separate company, we started called move wall rehab. And, and so that’s just kind of like another offshoot of this. And, and, and mind you all of this stuff didn’t happen because I was trying to create a program and create a product. It was like stuff we did for our own patients at our own clinic, right? And then and then other chiropractors and friends of mine said, like, Can you share that with me? Can you tell me more about it. And then finally, it just became this thing where? Well, at the end of the day, you only have so much time. And so for me, it was like, Well, if I’m gonna, if I’m going to dive dive in and put the time into this, I have to be able to charge for that to offset with the fact that it’s taken away from patient care. And so fortunately, in our clinical model, we have other doctors, we’re expanding our clinical model so that I don’t have to be seeing all the patients myself and I could put more time into something that’s really a big passion, which is, which is inventing, and teaching and designing and producing content.

Justin Trosclair 9:29
We had a conversation, Episode 50 with Dr. Ed, I was born. And that’s what he was saying was like, where do you find out the stuff to do these, like when people keep asking me questions, and instead of answering it 100 times, that’s like, I can just create a program for that, and answer it once and then just sell off the answers. If people are asking that often. There’s a market and you’re smart enough, I think you’re smart enough to be able to say, Okay, how do I package this so that it won’t benefits me, but also benefits patients and benefits people at the same time. So there’s lots of neck products out there

to help restore the curve. When I guess what not to spend that much time on the product, you’re seeing that it works, you’ve had obviously, with CPP you use the bunch of different kinds of products, you’ve tweaked it, and you’ve made it your own. So we’ll just leave it at face value like that. There was a reason to create something different. And people can definitely check that out, like you said, To learn more about it and buy a couple, see how it works. And if they get the results that they’re looking for, boom, they’re going to become, you know, long term clients. But my question is, what’s functional movement? What, what does that mean to you? And we’re talking about cool move well, function? I don’t know they need that. What does that mean to you? At least?

Unknown 10:38
Yeah, yeah. And that’s, and that is a great question. I think that’s even the name of a chapter book. I’m going to see real quick. What is functional movement? It’s chapter to chapter two is what is functional movement. And so let’s just see what I even said in this. So what is functional movement, the current state of exercise, and as the podcast we’re doing this on Skype, but I’m showing it on the screen right now. And so it, it’s really, in a nutshell, it’s a word, it’s a phrase that’s been used, that’s kind of one of these, like, really cool phrases now that everyone throws around, they’re like, I want to be functional. Be my fingers. Yeah, right. Right. And so technically what functional movement is, is it’s that there’s a handful of movement patterns that are just natural to us as human beings. And there’s some different systems out there. I think the best system out there that really leads to this is functional movement systems started mostly by a great cook, lead, Draper, Brett Jones,

Unknown 11:34
Greg rose. These are PTs and chiropractors and strength and conditioning people. So it’s FMS, functional movement systems. com. They’re an awesome group. That was a huge inspiration of mine. But there was still some things missing as far as how to put this into a chiropractic practice and how to really explain it to chiropractors make a jive. So what is functional movement, there’s there’s seven basic human movement patterns that we should be able to do. It’s coordinate needed movements, and so on, for example, yet squad is one of those patterns, that is the most advanced pattern. That’s a, what’s called a triple reflection movement. And ironically, that’s what a lot of personal trainers and stuff, look at with a client as their movement assessment, they take the most advanced, complicated thing, and they try to derive a bunch of information off of one thing, which is extremely flawed, it’s better than nothing. But it’s extremely flawed, because they’re six other movement patterns that you’re missing. And if you don’t measure it, you don’t manage it, you know, it’s like that, quote, yeah, its measured gets managed, right. So seven, seven different patterns, there’s cervical pattern, shoulder pattern, a fluctuation pattern of a whole body and extension pattern of the whole body rotation pattern, single leg stance, which is like a cross crawl movement in a balance mechanism, and then squatting. And so seven different patterns, those have to be tested, those have to be broken down as far as if someone can’t perform those to a certain level of friends criteria. And if they can’t, then you got to figure out why can’t you move? Well, which is another? Think that’s another name of a chapter in our book, but and and then from there, you have to break it down and figure out why exactly Can’t you move? Well, and there’s three reasons why someone can’t move well, in a nutshell, it’s either a muscular problem, a joint problem, or a brain problem. And those things have to be figured out. So either it’s, it’s some kind of tissue is not allowing to be flexible and extend the properly. A joint is fixated or restricted, whether it needs to be adjusted or certain exercises to get more emotion in the joint, not necessarily an adjustment but more of a mobilization. And I don’t say that to me, like gross manipulation, because I’m, I’m not a gross manipulator, I’m a specific chiropractor. Right? But then the third part is brain is it is it a motor control issue where we have all the flexibility in the world, but our brain doesn’t know how to get from point A to point B properly. And so that’s that’s it programming issue. That’s like, the hardware is okay, the software doesn’t work. Okay. And so those are the three reasons people can’t move well, at. And for several years in practice, myself, and a lot of other chiropractors out there, in practice, don’t even look at this stuff at all. And the problem is patients, patients can get the best adjustment the world, they can get the best postural correction in the world. And if they’re not measuring or managing movement, you’re really not going to be fixing people to this level. And if you think someone else out there is going to do it, like a physical therapist or a personal trainer, whatever, you’re rolling the dice, you’re sending your patient out to this wide world, and you’re adding all these cooks to the kitchen. And you know how that goes. We have too many cooks in the kitchen. Yes, the food tastes like? Yeah, like it’s not not so good. Right? So anyway, so that’s my long answer to your question of what is functional movement?

Justin Trosclair 14:53
Well, it makes sense, because you know, chiropractors were adjusting it all day, you might get the next chiropractor who likes hot grip, some kind of thumb in the muscle, and they’re going to break up the adhesions in that one area. And if they have time, maybe they’ll look at another area like the compensation pattern. But I think a lot of doctors are not really going to do that. Because they only have so much time, let’s focus on the area, blah. But if you get one to get through both sides, all of a sudden, Oh, wow. Okay, now actually can move better. And then you can take it to the next level with what you’re talking about, and actually evaluate that next component and say, okay, you still can’t do a cross crawl, you still can’t do whatever the collection collection component is. So now we got to work and do that. So the program that you have, will take you through kind of what to look for how to correct it. And so that way, you can kind of implemented in like a couple of weeks, once you kind of learn that you can start implementing it and start charging either cash or insurance for rehab services. And so somebody can actually make their money back on.

Unknown 15:57
True, absolutely, like several times over it. I mean, there’s, there’s so many components that that in what you just said that I want to make sure I touched on is like, one is how we practice and how we teach us inside of move on University. It’s not with the expectation that the chiropractor does all this stuff themselves, it’s that they build a team, and they build an exercise department within their clinic. So they department analyze their clinic, I have a chapter on that, and our book about departmental ization, as far as building an actual business model, where you have different areas of the clinic that are rendering services, and also also driving revenue into the actual business of your clinic. But number one is you’re providing the service that patients need. And you’re not having to do it as the chiropractor because you have other people helping you not net now granted based on insurance or not insurance, you have to make sure you have compliant people doing this and that stuff we touch on in our program, but you have to make sure you can do that, depending on what state you practice in or what country you’re practicing. Right. Yeah, for sure. And then the second part of it, as far as what you were talking about is mature if I forgot what you’re talking about. But but but but basically how this whole program works is that yeah, it’s it’s this turnkey system so that someone can add it into their practice. And it integrates with what you do as a chiropractor, and it it slightly modified or I think expands on your message. As far as where we fit into this whole ecosystem. It’s that it’s that chiropractors are specialists of health, and vitality. And we do this primarily by looking at the spine. And if you really want to understand the spine and be able to take someone to the next level, you have to be addressing movement patterns, because that all relates back to what’s happening on a segmental level, which is where our chiropractic roots started. I’m going to switch a little gear

Justin Trosclair 17:43
on your here. Okay. All right. When we’re talking about products, real quick with the product part of it. There’s lots of things on the market to kind of mentioned that. Are there any ones that you’ve noticed that we should stay away from or that there’s any fads going on that then we’re here today gone tomorrow? Don’t spend your money on it at this point that you’ve noticed? That might be a hard question, because you call them

like, Yeah, this one products trash?

Unknown 18:06
I think I think with that, I think I think it’s a fair question. And I would just say the politically correct answer to that is the way that we practice there’s there’s specific things that we use in our practice, because we find that this cuts to the chase, and it works very well. It’s stuff that we share, and we teach doctors as far as Okay, here’s, here’s the exercise equipment we use, here’s the home rehab equipment that we use, here’s what we recommend

Justin Trosclair 18:29
certain products like not Yes, your own cervical one. But there’s certain things you can do that purchase, probably withhold that goes along with the program, and you kind of like these have been vetted already.

Unknown 18:38
Yeah, like, like, depending on how in depth someone wants to go, we have some doctors that are using, like 20% of our system, it’s helping them a ton and others that are going at 100% using everything but there is there is a home mobility kit that we send our patients home with. And so it’s different bands and lacrosse balls and trigger point tools. And that’s all stuff that I have no interest in trying to manufacture. That’s so we say, here, here’s where I buy it from you go to lacrosse ball store.com and buy a million lacrosse balls. And then here’s what he is, you know, you know, so it’s just sharing some of those resources that that, you know, maybe if I was better at this, I would hit up all these places and tell them, they should give me a percentage of it.

Unknown 19:18
But I mean, really, at the end of the day, like the reason I’m doing it is just to help these chiropractors have a solution, it’s not necessarily so we can monetize every step of the process. It’s just like, here’s what we use, here’s where we buy it, here’s where you should buy it. Here’s how we use it. Here’s the videos that we made to train patients. Here’s the protocols we use. Here’s where this fits into mobile University. The nice thing is, and this is more of the point of it is there are some extra things you’ll have to purchase. But we’re not talking going out and outfitting an entire gymnasium with these 8000 $10,000

Justin Trosclair 19:48
machines, it’s all things that you can,

Unknown 19:50
fortunately, it’s super low tech equipment. And it’s very inexpensive. And in most cases, the majority of doctors can do start up and get everything they need to get this rolling for a couple 100 bucks. And and I mean if they really want to outfit an area to do exercise in house, thousand bucks for a 10 foot by 10 foot space and you have everything you would ever need to be able to see to patients and their simultaneously all day long. And then as you need to scale you need a little bit more space. But that’s a question. That’s also a number one objection that doctors have to doing corrective exercise functional movement is the space objection, right? How much space don’t you don’t have enough space. And you know what, like, when we started off, adding exercise, we had a little room and we just did it in a room and we tested it. We designed protocols, we started making this and then we had an opportunity to expand and take on more space. And now granted, everyone’s in a different situation. But a story that I share in my book, too is when I was in New Mexico, that’s where I was at before I moved out here to Idaho. But when I was in New Mexico, I worked at this clinic called Johnston family chiropractic. And we did instead you can guess by the name. And then And then next door to it, we had space and we had this this broom that was like I don’t I’m a 12 foot by 12 foot that we had full spine x rays stored. And this is before we had everything digital, right? So we had tons and tons we have these triple stack steel racks where you had 14 by 36 inch x rays, thousands of them. And so something that I did is I basically proposed to the owner of a clinic who I worked for, hey, if I move all this stuff, and I pay for monthly storage, can I use this room to start doing stuff out of? Yeah. And so that’s what we did. And that’s and that’s how I started with doing traction and postural corrective exercises. When I first originally learned CBP,

Justin Trosclair 21:34
yeah, so, so,

Unknown 21:36
so space wise, there’s usually workarounds. If it if it’s something that’s going to work, and you have the option, sometimes it’s taken on more space, and people say, Well, I don’t want to do that, that’s, that’s risky. Or that means, you know, I have to pay more rent or whatever. It’s like, if you go into this with a solid game plan, that’s called running a business. You know, it’s it’s scaling your business properly. And some doctors I’ve taught to, they’ve been so motivated and so excited about this, that they’re usually using this in the small space they have with plans of moving their clinic to a to a larger location to expand. But you don’t have to do that you can do a small amount of functional movement. In a small space, most doctors can find the space to do it. There’s a lot of ways to get creative.

Justin Trosclair 22:18
You don’t have to have three adjusting room, you don’t even have to have a doctor’s office. Come on now how much time you spend in in your office office. Like there’s ways to, you know, hit three adjusting rooms, put it down to two, now you got a rehab, you could try it out. And if you feel like Wow, this is amazing. I really do want to have another 500 square feet and build out a sweet for for this, then go for it. That’s what I think. Yeah, you don’t have to jump dive, you don’t have to dive into a new lease Come on people. For example.

Unknown 22:45
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 22:48
for sure. Switching gears a little bit, doctors are struggling there, some of them are fresh out of school. So just they’re struggling, you got any advice for these people to get out of the trenches for 2018?

Unknown 23:00
Totally, I would say have something that differentiates you from everyone else in the community. And so have had a unique selling point.

Unknown 23:09
As far as chiropractic, you basically have to really just just understand how to sell what you do. And selling is not about word. So I would say invest in as much sales trainings, you can really understand how to how to communicate and talk to patients invest in yourself.

Unknown 23:29
Once you get that, or at least start that simultaneously learn systems systems that are reproducible as what works. And so that’s how we’ve scaled things in our own clinic is that I’m I am not the functional movement guru, there’s people out there that know a lot more about exercise. And I do. My thing is, I know plenty, I know enough. And I’m the systems guy. So So for me, I’m more of the guy that puts all the systems together. That’s how my brain works. And I’m building this. So it’s, it’s reproducible, and it’s scalable. That’s my advice for doctors is to get into, get into a system. And if you’re fresh out of school, don’t open your own practice. Okay, if you’re fresh out of school, go and work for someone else, who who is doing it successfully. Learn from them. And you can focus on your communication and your marketing and your technique and refining systems inside that practice. So you don’t have to take on the whole their burden of being a business owner as well, until you’re ready to do that, if you ever want to. I mean, granted for almost nine years or something like that I was an associate doctor, I was in a great deal. I got reimbursed very well, I was doing very successfully. And there’s times now I think, man, if I can go back to that, that’d be nice. You know?

Justin Trosclair 24:43
Well, I definitely can can say that. Because when I have my own clinic, and you screw up as on you, and the reputation that that may pass along, because people all about bad situations like I’d rather mess up when you’re done to my dime.

Unknown 24:57
And something else to say to like, for example, even even yesterday, like yesterday, I have

Unknown 25:06
last night, we get this negative Google review right away. And it’s like, it’s like someone who knew one of our staff that worked at our clinic two years ago was writing this bad review that, that this last staff person was, was like, asked to take down this negative review. And that, I mean, it’s so absurd, it’s like, for whatever reason, when you own a business, you you have this target on you this big bulls on you were the rest of the world things like you’re the man, you know. And it’s like, No, I’m just taking a lot of responsibility and risk and putting a business together. And I’m just trying to support my family and support our staff and have a great thing going, you know, for a vision, right, but people attack you. And it’s like you have to have, there’s a phrase I heard yesterday from from, from a good friend of mine, she’s a chiropractor, she said, You have to have a lizard fix skin. You know, it’s like, it’s like super thick skin. But that’s the stuff that people who don’t own a business don’t really understand is that it never stops. And it’s your reputation. And it’s so many things lie on you, you can take all that off of you. And you can go work for someone else’s figured it out for as many years as you can make that work. problem is there’s a lot of associate agreements out there that really don’t treat the associates. Well, they kept what they can do that they don’t give them a lot of growth. how we’ve structured is based on how I was in practice, where the sky’s the limit, you can grow your practice as much as possible, you can do very well everyone benefits.

Justin Trosclair 26:36
So is there a nice round percentage, if somebody was like, okay, maybe I’ll forego with an official salary. But I want to get in, if I see 20 patients, maybe I should get a percentage of that 10% of collections or of everything that I do. Are there any numbers that people should be aiming towards? I think that they know they got kind of a good deal. There’s just too many variables.

Unknown 27:00
There’s a lot of variables. And that’s something that for us even early on, as far as explaining how we do our deal for our associate doctors, the first thing I got to tell them is that you can’t compare apples to oranges, because as far as how we operate in our clinic, we have so many other services that generate revenue that go into that doctors pot of collections, which is based on how they’re paid. And so if you’re in a clinic, where your only revenue that goes towards your collections is you’re adjusting well then you need to keep a higher percentage of that. However, if you can go in and you have departments in your clinic that are generating revenue, that I’ll go towards you then a lesser percentage makes sense, because there’s more overhead involved in that. But there’s also a more stable practice model, easier to convert patients. And it’s really a true business. It’s not just you and there is like the solo guy. And and like, you know, if you’re not adjusting people all day long, you’re not generating any revenue that goes towards your income. You missing the boat if you’re not doing rehab, I think because there’s

Justin Trosclair 27:54
double the money. If not, if there’s no other reason to do it, you can double your money by just adding rehab.

Unknown 28:00
Yeah, yeah. And for so many years, like rehab was this like bad word, because in straight chiropractic, even in God, instead, it was like we prided ourselves on, we’re going to fix everything with an adjustment. And then the reality is, that’s just not true. I mean, there’s, there’s so much you can do with an adjustment. I’m not taking away from that at all. I love Chiropractic and without the adjustment, there’s a lot of stuff you can’t do. And all the rehab in the world is not going to fix it without the adjustment. Okay, so so I’m very adamant, very pro chiropractic. I’m not one of these chiropractors that just

Justin Trosclair 28:31
next door.

Unknown 28:33
Yeah, nice. Nice. I mean, but but but like that there’s some chiropractors that look at the adjustment is like just another modality. And that’s and that’s really not how we communicate it to our patients or the community or how I look at it, it’s that the adjustment is the epicenter of what we do. However, then now what I’ve done is I’ve made movement kind of our, like,

Unknown 28:57
spot where we measure things that’s like, that’s like our main barometer on someone’s health is how well do you move and then let’s reverse engineer that and find out why you don’t move. Right. Right.

Justin Trosclair 29:07
So rock shifted, but the tools are still the same. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay. Okay. Now we can do with this question, based on move well, or on your own clinic? Give us at least one good marketing tip.

Unknown 29:21
Yeah, I got a few. So I would say a great marketing tip is that, especially when you’re starting off, or you’ve been in practice for a long time, is that business cards handing out business cards is kind of dead. That’s like old marketing. And there’s marketers are like, Hey, here’s this great recommendation, you’re going to go pass out business cards all day long. And hey, you should get a T shirt with your logo on it that makes you ask something about like, hey, well, why do you have that T shirt? Like, that’s cool. But that’s so antiquated. It’s that get with technology, here’s what I would recommend doing. One is build some kind of sales funnel, like use a software like Click Funnels, that’s what I use. And, and it, it’s awesome. Learn how to use it, you can put together a sales funnel like a lead generator. And you could send people to that. But better yet, let’s say you meet someone at the hardware store, they’re wearing like a carpal tunnel brace or something. As you’re checking out, you make conversation with me say, Hey, you know, I couldn’t help but notice it running this brace on your hand, what happened? And then you engage in you start a conversation, they start telling me about it, you say, you know what, that’s something that actually work at this clinic. We see patients like this every single day. And what we do is so unique and different, were able to help people were a lot of other stuff is just a different approach. Sometimes it fails. And then you kind of gauge their interest. And you say, Hey, tell you what something, something I’ll do is send you some free information about what you can do about arrest. And then that way, you’ll at least have my information. So if you ever need anything in the future, we’re here for you. And then you get their email, right? So you say so immediately you pull out your phone, you go, Okay, so what’s your email, I’m going to send this over to you right now. And you literally open an email, and then you have something drafted in your notes inside of your iPhone or smartphone, you copy paste it, hey, was great meeting you today, here’s the thing I was telling you about. You give them a landing page, that landing page, probably not your website, maybe our website, but that landing page, now you build something that has something specific for someone you meet in the community. So it’s something that you can easily build, or at the very least, you just send them an email, hey, was great to meet you. Here’s my information below and you have a signature below, then you take that email, and you put that into your ongoing communication email list, where now you have blogs, and you have content that you send out to people and so that that person is getting emails from you periodically. Hopefully they don’t unsubscribe, because you get lots of good content. And then they’re going to think about your periodically, you’re going to put little offers and things in there. So it’s using email marketing, when you meet someone in the community. That’s my tip. I like it,

Justin Trosclair 31:49
and they sit with the email. It doesn’t have you may not be like, Look, I got Nick, I got low back. I don’t have time or didn’t have time yet to make carpal tunnel. But you could always just say, Okay, here’s the a template of Hey, was good season. I’ll get I’ll get you the information that we were talking about later. But that way, here’s my information, and you just read follow up.

Unknown 32:10
Yeah, yeah. Or it’s like, if you have a cool video that you make about your clinic and about how chiropractic works, you can educate them on on how the body works. Okay, hey, hey, like you make a video. Hey, it was great meeting you today. And this is a video I thought was really relevant based on what’s going on with you see, make it like General, right, yeah. And then it’s like, here’s how the body works. And then you like list a bunch of symptoms. So no matter if you have headaches, or this or this or this or this, you can see that relationship with how your brain controls everything. your spine is now the center that protects that delicate nerve tissue. And that’s truly the pathway between the brain and all the Oregon cells and tissues in your body. So you can see now how your spine your posture affects your overall health. Right. Awesome. So you know, and you can have a video like that and put that together, which Yeah, you know, this is stuff we’ve done. I think

Justin Trosclair 32:58
we got we got what chat with Shawn Andrews and Billy sticker, then all do funnels. They all do chiropractic marketing. So just those three resources right there. You could spend a whole lot of money and get a lot of good, amazing coaching. So you don’t even have to like huddle start this you think just called these guys.

Unknown 33:19
Yeah, for sure. Now plug. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And someone else I was just chatting with this morning is a guy named Chris Barfield

Justin Trosclair 33:27
probably prefer to?

Unknown 33:28
Yep, yep, I’m actually talking to him in about 10 minutes after we get off this podcast interview. I got

Justin Trosclair 33:34
up late. I’ve been following that guy for years, but never really use them kind of one of those things you like, he always pops up on your radar, but then you just have, you know, whoever you bond with.

Unknown 33:45
I’m sure.

Justin Trosclair 33:47
We’ll switch gears one more time. These are some of the questions I like to end with. And I know we only got a few more minutes. So I noticed you had a kid and a wife. What are some of the ways that you can keep the passion alive so that you don’t end up the divorced and you know, all that type of thing?

Unknown 34:03
Well, I’m still figuring that out to my friend. But but but we just flew in yesterday from Arizona, we’re out visiting my wife’s family, we’re out there for six days. So like unplugging and having some time where you can just take take a little bit of time off. I mean, you’re always on you’re always doing stuff. He was doing little things here and there. You can’t completely shut off, or at least I can’t that’s that’s how I operate. But you still at least have that time. Because Yeah, I mean, right now, it’s, it’s, I have a little boys almost two years old. And I don’t want to be that guy that’s never there and absent. So like today is is a, what is it today, Friday. So like Friday morning, I got with him this morning, and kind of got work done. My wife was able to go run some errands, go to the gym. And you know, I’ve been able to play with him kind of in between stuff I was doing. And so it’s it’s it’s trying to do that and find that balance. It’s tough for us, because we have no family out here.

Unknown 34:59
So it’s my wife and I we’ve never had anyone watch him. It’s just us. And so it’s definitely challenging. I can’t tell you that it’s easy. But I think it’s really just having the understanding and having a very understanding family. Like I have an amazing wife that that that is my partner with like a lot of these thoughts and a lot of these business plans and stuff like I run everything by her she has great. She has great feedback, great ideas. And,

Unknown 35:26
you know, it’s like having that support system. So I think first and foremost, it’s finding someone that has similar values and understands that you’re an entrepreneur and kind of shares that entrepreneurial mind. And if you don’t have that, yeah, it’s tougher. And every situation is unique. But I mean, for us it works. And

Unknown 35:46
I mean, what we’ve been married for, some be going on eight years. I mean, eight years going on a lifetime.

Justin Trosclair 35:52

yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Was that a little mix baby, too? Yes.

Unknown 35:57
Yes, he is. He has he’s actually half of be enemies. And then half half Todd.

Justin Trosclair 36:03
Yeah. It might we’re going to have one of those at some point. Oh, cool. Half Chinese half American baby. I tell you what, yep. Cool. Same thing with you, man. My wife is so like an entrepreneurial person is just put her in front of something. And I could hear you got some advice. And she’s like that other than like, Hmm, I don’t think of it sweet.

Anyway, so the last question. We’ve all got our favorite books, podcasts that we listened to. We got our favorite phone apps that we like to use. What can you drop on us to gain some more knowledge?

Unknown 36:35
I mean, honestly, something I listened to all the time I listened to my good buddy Chad Warner’s podcast. Okay, I listened to his he’s like 150 some episodes and he’s just a fun guy to listen to me. So genuine, smart, dude. So I mean, totally. Just always promote him where I can because he’s just he’s just a real person. So his is the the Cairo funnel podcast. I listened to Russell Brunson this podcast all the time, which is Marketing Secrets.

Unknown 37:07
The movement fix is another podcast I listened to I follow Jeff langmaid stuff at the evidence based chiropractor because we use his stuff as well with how we reach out to MDS topia. also super solid dude, love Jeff, great guy.

Unknown 37:22
So I mean, that’s what I’d recommend. As far as reading I don’t really read. You know, I don’t have time to read. So I listened to podcasts. I listened to audio. If you follow Gary van der Chuck, he talks about that, that like podcasts and like audio is the new video, you know, yeah. Um, but somehow in that I, you know, even though I don’t read it, I found time to read a book, but

Justin Trosclair 37:41
a few different things.

Unknown 37:42
Yeah. Right. But that’s, I mean, that’s pretty much it that that and also to say one more thing, an app called headspace, which is a meditation app, which is awesome. And then another thing called the muse, which is like a biofeedback process for meditating. I really think it’s important to have meditation built into your morning ritual, your morning routine. That’s something that at least three days a week, I do a solid morning routine, if I have a good week, I do it more than three days a week, but I wake up early, and I meditate. And I go through and I stretch, and I do my neck rehab at home. And that’s how we teach our patients to do this as well in this program that we built internally in our clinic called the 12 week transformation, which is part of mobile University. But I won’t get into that right now. So anyway,

Justin Trosclair 38:26
back any Okay, how are people going to find this? Are there any promo codes or anything like that?

Unknown 38:32
So find the main thing as far as for the book, it’s move well, secrets.com. So that’s, that’s one main want to jump on that. So you get our free book, move all secrets, calm. If you want to find out more about kind of everything we’re doing, you can go to move well, university calm. And then a third thing for our neck traction unit to find out more about that. That’s move well rehab.com slash awesome. So move all rehab, calm flash, awesome. If you go to move all rehab, calm without the awesome. That’s the patient training site that they get access to. So they know how to use the unit once the doctor prescribes it and make sure that it’s appropriate for that said, patient.

Justin Trosclair 39:13
Nice. That’s cool. Okay. Dr. Todd, you brought it. Thank you so much for explaining your program. That was one of the things I was looking at. And I was just kind of like, all right, I gotta get this guy on, because I’m curious about it. You gotta scratch your own itch sometimes. So I really appreciate you being on the show.

Unknown 39:30
Absolutely. Well, thanks for having me and hopefully woke up in the future.

Justin Trosclair 39:36
I’ve got some new things to talk about, of course, you can always review is give us that five star review on wherever you listen, but I got for new t shirts, you know, there’s chiropractors, some of them that just like to adjust. There’s some like me who rehab and you know, decompression and cold laser things like that. And we call us

streets versus mixers.

So I created some mixed tour shirts. They’re supposed to be kind of tongue in cheek hope you like them also, the Atlas at remove the DNS, so therefore check that out. Maybe you like that better. Today’s choices tomorrow’s health book, version two, point O is now out. We got nerve stretches, optimal calorie counter calculators a section on fasting and a big section on how to budget and try to get your financial life in order all the things that I talked about all the time it’s over 100 extra pages so get it now bonus my new hot off the presses book needless acupuncture self treatment guy for 40 common conditions is finally finished. It’s been a in the works for quite a while stop the hurting with no needles are meds, your roadmap to self treat your conditions painlessly with needless acupuncture. It’s got pictures, it has descriptions as of course the conditions and I plan to have video tutorials soon as you go to the website and check it out also on the website, but in the top right. All the social media icons are right there, whichever you’d like to follow me on, click that button and say hello.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has

come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life.

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Unknown 41:18
giving you

Justin Trosclair 41:18
a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).