E 139 Prolon Fast Mimicking Diet Deep Dive with James Kelley MD

a doctors perspective e 139 prolon fast mimicking james kelley md
Dr. James Kelley, MD talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast.

Learn about the 5 day fast mimicking diet, prolon by L-nutra. Clinically shown to act like a water fast but you eat and still get apoptosis, autophagy, stem cell rejuvenation and reduces IGF-1, mTOR and improves cholesterol while losing visceral fat.

L-nutra with their signature product Prolon 5 day fast mimicking diet food box is going to be thoroughly dissected today on the podcast. It’s based off of Dr. Valter Longo research and book The Longevity Diet. L-nutra / prolon has received around 50 million dollars of federal research money to make sure the food in the prolon box tricks your body into thinking it’s fasting yet your are eating.

Prolonging longevity aka Prolon.

Trick  your body into thinking it is in a fasting state. (Eating really helps with compliance for 5 days while your body does apoptosis , autophagy and going into a ketosis state.)

After 5 days this diet leads to Stem Cell Stimulation and Rejuvenation.

If your body never lacks calories, it never has that primal need to destroy the bad tissues in your body which ends up causing poor cell replication etc and diseases eventually show up.

 Apoptosis and autophagy takes between 48-96 hours to kick in on a fast (roughly day 3-4). Day 5 is when stem cell enter the blood stream.

The problem is that compliance on a water only fast usually ends on day 2 and if you can make 5 days, the body will eat a lot of your lean muscle mass. Prolon remedies both of these issues with its specially formulated food and glycerol drink.

Why should you not try to mimic the prolon food plan? It’s very difficult to do.

                Glycemic Index + Types of Food + <10% protein, 35 % Carbs, 5% Sugar, 50% Healthy Fats + 800 Calories day 2-5 + Full Serving of Fiber + Ghost Carbons (glycerin is one – it drives glycerin into the Krebb’s Cycle for energy and only used if in starvation mode)

If You do try to play test kitchen at your home and you do the blood work after and you notice not much changed, consider it’s because you failed and not that fast mimicking diet failed.

There are actually 14 soups that they did the federal research on, but only half are released in the boxes so far.


By day 3 you will be in ketosis about 1.5-1.8 mmol per decaliter.  You will lose visceral fat, lose weight in general but more importantly it cleans up the damaged cells.  IGF-1 raises from eating protein (which helps muscle growth) (also in ketosis based diets typically the protein intake is to high) and this diet helps reduce/inhibit the IGF by having very little animal protein for 5 days and that gets the cells to cleanup (autophagy).

Ketosis alone will not cause the cellular autophagy.

Why the headache on day 2?

Caffeine withdrawal (PKA reduction is one of our goals),  mTOR (reduced by reducing sugars), and IGF-1 (also lowered in this 5 day fast mimicking diet).  Listen for the other 2 reasons.

No MCT oil, No supplements, No ketone salts during the 5 day FMD.

Stem Cells

How is it that certain organs actually shrink over 5 days yet their functional output stays the same, and why does that matter?

During the FMD the stem cells increase by 800% but after the diet they go back quickly to normal levels. The organs do get back to the normal size so its thought they migrate and regenerate the organs.

What should we eat on day 6 and why are soups recommended and Mediterranean diet in general.

If you slow the Aging of the body, you can Reduce the chronic aging illness like (cancer, heart diseases etc) and therefore live longer and healthier lives (at least in mice). Listen to figure out the how, what, why.


 If you patients are on diabetes medications they should not do the fast mimicking prolon diet. It could create a blood sugar issue and I and the company don’t want the liability of someone going into a coma or dying when studies have not proven it safe yet to take. (People on statins and aspirin are generally acceptable.) *consult a doctor before doing the prolon FMD if you are on any medications.

www.prolonfmd.com the diet and food box page
www.l-nutra.com corporate website and research

Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/139 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

a doctors perspective e 139 prolon fast mimicking james kelley md


[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 139 Pro long fast mimicking diet deep dive. I’m your host Dr. Justin Trosclair. Today, Dr. James Kelly’s perspective, during 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective. Welcome back. We are going to go all kinds of deep into provolone fast mimicking diet, based off the Voltaren Longo PhDs book. This is the five day fast that I’ve been doing a just finished my third series my results are not in as far as the bloodwork goes. So hang tight. During the Dennis series, which is next week, I’ll be able to give you the highlights on that. If you’re interested in the dentist series. It’s gonna be four weeks if you want to get the references PDF, by all means visit a doctor’s perspective. NET slash Dennis with an S and you can get that it’s a nice quick reference guide. think you’re gonna like it, just like the ones we’ve done for podiatry and acupuncture and all the rest are big thanks to Dr. Silverman from Episode 135. He was talking about nutrition and gut health and he was instrumental in getting me the interview with Dr. Kelly. He is the medical liaison for the microloan l Neutra company. So pretty much his job is to do podcasts and talks and go to see doctors and answer their questions and you know, all that kind of stuff. Once again, I want to mention from Episode 122, Christy Boyles, she owned the nine podiatry clinics and had more fans and that led to her allied wellness clinics. Well, that, again, is live now Allied wellness.com, au, covering hydration, nutrition, sleep, stress management and movement. Again, it’s a reason for the doctor to be able to get to the page. Now you can sell that to the patient and give them access and all these kinds of articles. But it’s a way for you to get people the information that they probably need for their own health, without you actually having to like devote the amount of time and energy is to be that resource because she’s done it for you. So, you’re going to get tools to assess booklets, diaries, all those types of things, even hold a workshop with it. Use promo code podcast, podcast and save 100 Australian dollars. So that’s 297 Australian dollars 201 US dollars 180 euros, or 21,000 Japanese yen, because I have listeners in Japan. It’s one of the higher ones in my repertoire. Okay. And real quick things that we’re going to cover on this episode with provolone. What is it? How do you fast but yet you can eat stem cell regeneration. Does that really happen? How does that happen? What’s the point? If up toasters Auto KG, or however you want to say it? These are the things that happen? You know, your body goes into ketosis. But if you just go on a keto diet versus this is there a difference? The breakdown of macronutrients that two things going to have plus ghost carbons, what’s that they came up with some new flavors recently will discuss the headache that you might get. And again, this themselves. So really good overview of everything that we want to know plus a little bit more of a deep dive, since you can just listen to Dr. Longo and some of the podcasts that he’s been on to just hear more of The Basics and the theory behind it. So we just get into the meat and potatoes. So all the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 139. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain

live from China and California. Today on the show, we’re going to talk about the provolone l neutral, fast mimicking diet from the dr. long goes research, but now it’s the product that you can use for week if you listen to the podcast, or the last couple of months, you’ve probably heard my own journey. I’m on month done month to I got one more month ago, and who we have today, kind of the medical liaison guy. He development in early stage medical biotechnology, he also worked with the Innovation Institute, which was partnered with the Cleveland Clinic back before this job. So really excited to pick his brain. Dr. James Kelly, welcome to the program.

Unknown Speaker 4:15
Thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Justin Trosclair 4:17
I’m going to assume on the for this podcast that people know what I’m talking about a little bit, either read the book, they’ve heard about it. And so we’ll just kind of go into more pointed questions that like I had. But before we do that, give us just the brief overview, what is the diet, the science a little bit behind it? And why we should care? which I’m sure you’ve answered 100 times.

Unknown Speaker 4:39
No, that’s that’s my one I like talking about it. So I don’t mind at all and to it is actually what I get paid to do. So it’s a confluence of both worlds. So what I’m the medical science liaison for L neutral, we are the makers of the prologue, five day fasting mimicking diet and prolong is prolonging longevity, is what it stands for. And the diet is essentially designed trick your body into going into a fasting state. So there’s two things you have to know about one, why is fasting beneficial? And two, how does this mimic of fast so very, very, very briefly, what we’re really going for is stem cell based regeneration and rejuvenation and the way you get there, and there are a number of other health benefits that go along with fasting for more than a couple days as well. But it takes a couple days to activate the processes in your body that clean it up. So basically what happens is if you’re always eating, you’re never going to run out of energy. So the body never has to be efficient, that the body never has to be efficient, it can tolerate damaged tissue. And then damaged tissue in the end goes on to do things that aren’t always great. A lot of aging and age related disease is directly related to eating too much. So if you go into a fasting state where your cells actually run out of energy and are forced to do a sort of self assessment, because your body doesn’t want to waste what little energy it has, every cell takes a look at itself and says are you broken, or Can Can you be repaired? Or do you need to be deleted and replaced and those two processes are ontology and a pop those. So we’ll talk about those more, I’m sure in a bit. But on top of GNA pop, those are a potosi’s if you want to say the alternative pronunciation, are basically the way your body gets rid of or cleans up damaged tissue. And it takes two days in humans, most of the autopsy and a pop doses appears around our 48 to 96 of a fast which is day three and four of a prolonged fast. And then on day five is when you start to see stem cells sort of ramp up in the bloodstream. So it takes about four to five days to really get this total body clean up. And we don’t know what percentage of the body cleans itself out over those four or five days. But that’s really the only way to get there. The problem is if you try to do a water only fast, we’re all you’re doing is drinking water and eating nothing for five days, the vast majority of people drop out by day two, just really, really, really challenging to do and on top of that, you will eat a lot of your lean body mass because the way the body works is 12 hours into a fast you’re out of the glucose from your last meal, your body doesn’t go into full ketosis till about day three, and it even in full ketosis that only provides about half the energy you need. Your body will get the rest of the energy from itself cannibalizing not just fat, but also glycogen and amino acids in your muscles. So

Justin Trosclair 7:11
no matter what your body’s still takes them out of time whether you ingest no calories.

Unknown Speaker 7:15
Yeah, water or fasting million diet is going to take a while. But in the meantime, if you’re not eating anything, your body’s going to cannibalize its own muscle for the first two days. And then it gets into a protein sparing state and it’ll preserve most of your muscle but let’s still eat a little bit. What the Walter Longo Dr. Longo, the head of longevity Institute at USC, our founder figured out was that you can trick the body’s pathways, you can hide from the things that notice nutrition, because the cells go into this fasting state, not because they’re starving, but because they get a signal to go into a fasting state. And if you hide from the pathways that recognize nutrition, you can still send that signal, even though you’re sneaking food into the body. So what pro lon is, is a very, very carefully measured, clinically validated, kind of a stealth food has a particular ratio of macros. And we’ll talk about this too, I think you and I have already spoken about that. It has a very specific macro nutrient ratio and caloric content that’s designed to not trigger your body’s alarms for growth. And if you can sneak food in without triggering those alarms, you can give the body the energy it needs to preserve muscle and to keep you busy and fed during a fast. But you can still keep those cells in that regenerative state. So you can still get all the same ontology hypothesis and stem cell based regeneration while still giving people food. And that’s really all pro lon is still food. So sorry for the long version. No, that’s

Justin Trosclair 8:38
still That’s good. That’s I think that’s the great overview of what we’re talking about. And as a person who’s taken it twice now, there’s only like one day where you really feel my opinion, quite hungry because they removed the snack. Lunch to dinner, like there’s no snack and you’re like what Come on. And it’s like, it’s not a lot, but I was kind of surprised the amount of food that you can eat. You know, the amount of food your package in there. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 9:02
we tried to make a little feel like a lot, but it’s still not a ton of food. But you do get three meals a day plus some days snacks, plus drink plus dessert Plus, you know, herbal teas and vitamins and minerals and nutrients. So we do our best. But yeah, it’s about 1100 50 calories, day one, and then about 800 calories for day 2343 through five.

Unknown Speaker 9:22
So I had to follow questions, I guess I’ll ask, one of them is going to be, you know, 800 calories on Facebook, you know, you join a group, you’re like, Okay, let me get some help with this. And the group is there’s a ton of people that are trying to mimic the diet,

Justin Trosclair 9:37
the mimicking diet, yeah, here’s the macros, you know, there’s this much fat and protein, and they’re looking at the ingredients, and they’re like, okay, and the amount of time that these people are spending versus just spending the 200 to $250 is just unreal to me. But then I want to flip that as on the side as well as they people who are probably in the keto diet, they I think they would say, Look, I’m already in ketosis, my body’s already using fat versus the sugar. So is that helping? Or should I get into ketosis first through the salts are changing my diet for a few days and then doing the provolone. What are you finding with?

Unknown Speaker 10:13
Yeah, so those are great. Great. So there’s a couple things in there, and I’ll try and quickly address them. One is the mimicking of the mimicking diet, and then the other is ketosis. And what’s its relation to this? How does it help? I like ketosis. I’m kind of a moderation guy, though everything in moderation, I wouldn’t do a lot of people do it for six months at a time, I would never do it for more than two or three weeks. I’ll talk about that in a sec. But mimicking the diet. So Dr. Longo is pledged all of his shares to charity. So he’s the wonderful thing about working here is that we kind of are walking the walk, we’re really trying to do something for the good of humanity, I don’t get paid on sales of the product. I’m here to make sure people are well educated on what we’re doing, and that they understand how to be safe and effective with the diet. So I do a lot of training with physicians and a lot of answering of customer questions. So I don’t have any dog in the race. If you want to try and copy the diet. Dr. Longo even publishes the ratios in his book, The longevity diet, so he wants people to be able to do this. The downside is, we didn’t it. At this point, we’re about $50 million in federally funded research and grant money validating this clinically, we spent a huge portion of that developing the product itself. And we didn’t do that because we’re bad at spending money, we did that because it costs that much to get it right. So the idea that you can go home and kind of make it in your kitchen, you may be able to but there’s a couple reasons why it’s not necessarily going to work one, it has to be certain types of food has to be certain glycemic index. While we do know the ratio of less than 10% protein 35% carbs, 5% sugar 50% healthy fat at about 770 to 800 calories a day on day two through five, there’s also a couple other things we do, we have almost entire days full days serving of fiber per day on the diet, despite having less than half the calories of recommended daily allowance, we have almost full fiber. So the glycemic index going to be quite a bit lower to we do a lot with what they called ghost carbons, which are carbons that your body doesn’t recognize. So certain sources don’t trigger those pathways. glycerin is one of them. So I know I mentioned it a bit ago that we help preserve lean body mass because we give your body something you need besides muscle. glycerin is one of those things. So it’s hard to get the right amount of glycerin per body weight. And we went through the work of validating what that amount is, that’s what that l drink is under. Drink that Yeah, yeah, that’s the thing that’s really going to give your body it’s kind of basically an energy drink, because your body will when you’re in mild to moderate ketosis and glucagon is up, it’s going to drive glycerin into the Krebs cycle, you’re gonna make energy out of it, and it can do a couple other things do we can even go through ketosis. But glycerin is kind of unusable when you’re not in a starvation state, you just urinate it out. So there’s a lot of tricks we do that are really advanced and how we develop the product. So if you want to try and copy it, you may get kind of close, I’ll tell you this, I work here. And I work with our nutritionist to develop an alternative version that a friend of mine who hates Mediterranean food could do. And we went through all this effort, and we did it. And she got none of the metabolic changes that she had gotten when she did the diet that we actually sold. So I will say that as a, I’m an expert in this, and I still didn’t do a good job mimicking it. So if you are going to do it on your own at home, one, make sure you’re safe. If you’re on any medication, you need to do this under supervision of a doctor, because it isn’t necessarily safe for everybody to go into a fasting state and to if you don’t get the results you thought you would. Don’t write off fasting, mimicking, consider that maybe you just didn’t get it quite right and through no fault of your own.

Justin Trosclair 13:41
And you know, they won’t say that I tried it. You didn’t you try to really weird version that you

Unknown Speaker 13:46
created yourself, I get a lot of phone calls where people are trying to basically get me to give them the secrets. And I’m like, there are no secrets, we just did the work, you basically have to do the work to use the product. So I generally just tell people just do the box we have if you’re not eating for five days, you’re going to save a lot of money. We know ours works. Just give it a shot. If you have a specific reason why you can’t do our version, I understand that talk to us, we’ll see what we can do.

Justin Trosclair 14:08
So that’s before we jump into the keto part, no just came out with new flavors, which I was like, Oh, I was too late, but uh, or too early. But I’m assuming the same research went through. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 14:19
So actually, what’s actually, I think we initially researched nine different flavors of sip. And then we had to do the same clinical testing on all of them. And the new flavors we’ve released are essentially, two, I believe there’s two more that we’re refining, but two of the four are finally released. And so we have these are all they were all part of our initial research. And we have a couple more I think there’s 13 or 14 total that we’ve been working on. But these have all gone through the same clinical rigor. These are not just oh, let’s change the flavors up. These are really validated at this point. So

Justin Trosclair 14:52
we got these done, then we have these finally got past these past. Alright, we’re still getting the results that we’re going to talk about in a second at the top of the ketosis part, the blood work that matters. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 15:04
So, so yeah, so on to the keto question, the keto one’s a great question. The ketosis is part of the diet, the vast majority of people by day three are going to be into mild mild to moderate ketosis and about 1.5 milligrams per deciliter. I believe, that’s the measurement 1.5. Whatever’s there in ketosis, they drop the vacillate between point eight and 1.5. And 1.5 is considered full ketosis. But that’s not really the purpose of the diet, you will burn visceral fat, you will lose quite a bit off your waist is targeted fat loss for people who have fat to lose. If you’re pretty close to where you want to be, you’re not gonna lose much weight. But the the reality of what we’re going for is that’s that cleaning up of damaged tissue, which co occurs with ketosis in some cases, but ketosis alone is not enough to call it that ketosis has way too high protein in general protein is going to turn on IGF one, which I know we talked to you and I’ve mentioned before the past IGF one is insulin like growth factor one, it’s the thing that bodybuilders eat a lot of protein for, they want to stimulate their growth hormone. If you eat animal protein, in particular, you ramp up your IGF one, and that allows you to grow it deposits tissue muscle gets built out of the protein you’re eating. So the act of eating protein increases IGF one, the active working out, also increases IGF one. So you couple those together, that’s how you get muscle growth. We’re trying to inhibit that for five days just to trigger that cleanup mechanism. Dr. Longo has more or less validated that we have way too high IGF one in America, we’re eating way too much protein. But I’m not going to get into the debate of whether protein is good, I’m going to stick to the side of the only way you can get the cellular cleanup is by lowering protein for five days will ignore everything else and just focus on that. So keto diet, not going to cause regeneration and rejuvenation, you may burn a little fat, so you are going to get a little ontology but it’s not damaged tissue archaeology, it’s just fat off. So so it’s a little bit different, but it is part of the day. So if you’re in ketosis before you go into the diet, you’re probably going to have a much easier transition. So day two, that’s very Yeah, very common for people to get a big headache on day two if they’re not already in ketosis ahead of time. Another thing is,

Unknown Speaker 17:13
let’s find our coffee intake.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
Yeah, so coffee is part of it. There’s three reasons we think one is coffee, caffeine withdrawal, because you can drink a lot of caffeine or coffee in general, you’re going to activate protein kinase A, which is PKA, one of the pathways we’re trying to inhibit to trigger clean up. So there’s three main ones, IGF one, m tour, mechanistic target of rapamycin, and PK. So if you do inhibit inhibition of all three of those with very low protein, very low sugar, moderate carbs, you can add a low calorie intake, put the body in a fasting state. And if you if you drink too much caffeine, you’re reactivating one of those pathways. So that’s why there’s a limit on coffee. So if you’re weaning off of coffee, you’re going to get a headache on day two. But even people who don’t drink getting caffeine get a bad headache, if they’re not super well hydrated, they’re electrolytes are out of whack a little bit, just going into a fasting state, the presence of beta hydroxyurea initially makes some people nauseous or have a headache, it just does. And then transitioning from low insulin, high insulin to low insulin, high glucagon can also trigger that is a number of things that we’re not quite sure about. But in general, if you’ve done keto before, it’s going to be an easier transition. So we do see that so people who want to try and ease it if they’ve done a little fast in the past and felt terrible on day two, or even late on day one, going into keto beforehand, or eating a very clean, high plant based diet ahead of time with a ton of vitamins and minerals. And staying hydrated will probably really help you

Justin Trosclair 18:39
so so you probably want to avoid the MCT oils. And the the ketone salts that some of the places you know if you’re in ketosis, if you’re that person, you’re a man, I’m I’m bringing these ketone salts, I’m taking the empty toe, Mr. Coffee, and all those things actually have calories. And I’m assuming if you take either one of those products, you’re going to ruin your five days, because it’s off.

Unknown Speaker 19:00
It’s a pretty tight metric, we put as much food as we could in there before we start to trigger the pathway. So if you add anything outside, you’re probably going to throw it off MCT oil, well, I think it’s great outside of the diet on the diet is probably not going to work too well for you. Same with any dairy or sugar in your coffee, you just gotta drink plain black coffee, you’re going to have a cup of coffee per day, but anything more than about 90 milligrams of caffeine is going to jack up the diet, at least from what we can tell.

Unknown Speaker 19:29
So it’s like my disclaimer, like, Yeah, do this people I know.

Unknown Speaker 19:32
Yeah, thank you. Yeah. And then I try to caution it because they basically they’re like, well, if this is if what you made is good, I want to make it great. So they want to ramp it up and do an extra high version. And I’m like, Listen, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. But there is a limit to what your body can do. And if you keep adding things, you’re going to knock off our science and start screwing up other stuff. So if you just do what we said, you’re much more likely to get the results in the diet, can you get better ones, maybe we haven’t tested it. But this, what we made is what seems to for the vast majority of people be the right ratio to give them the benefit. So we just I just tell everybody, I know what you’re trying to do just and the other thing, they want to take a bunch of supplements. If you think this is something that’s been debated a lot, but the theory we have is you actually don’t want to support your damaged tissue. You don’t want to give those fragile cells, any extra robustness, you want them to look as bad as they can, so that when you go into the fasting state, they’re the first ones to get cleaned up or replaced. If you’re taking a lot of supplements that stabilize your cell membranes and keep your mitochondria super healthy. If you take those during our diet, you may actually be doing yourself a disservice. Now again, we aren’t cutting our patients open and delicately examining their innards on a cellular level. So what we’re talking about is more bench research and academic but it sure holds up. So just do what we included in the box. Don’t bring anything in extra and you’re more likely to get the benefit.

Justin Trosclair 21:02
Because I thought I’d read somewhere. When you’re doing this. Your organs might shrink a little. Yeah, but still Yeah, they regenerate. Yeah, the output is the same, but they’ve actually are smaller. And then when you eat On the sixth day, it rebuilds. Yep. So mentioned that in the mention how important it is on the six data, what you’re supposed to, or what would you ideally eat. So that way, you’re, you feel better.

Unknown Speaker 21:24
So does your man you’ve done your homework, this is great. So I and I talked about this quite a bit. So in mice, we can and I apologize to everyone out there this is that these are the way we do the IRB trials there, you sacrifice the least amount of animals necessary to validate that you’re going to be safe for humans. And that’s just the nature of the beast, these animals have, hopefully going to help save lives, some of the stuff we’re working on in the future. They’re, they’re treated very humanely if there is such a thing. So in any case, so that’s my disclaimer, like we do our best to try to make sure we’re but but if you want to validate that you’re coming causing stem cell based regeneration and ontology, and in October says you have to do dissection and staining at this point, we don’t have any better tests. In humans, we’re obviously not doing that we’re not cutting their brains open and frozen, sectioning them to demonstrate neural regeneration. So what we do in humans instead, to validate that this does, what we said it’s going to do is we did MRI of people on the diet. And we did lab testing, and then we did post hoc analysis to so we look at what we see on the diet is from Day Zero to day five, your spleen and your liver, which are large organs and easy to measure the size change do get significantly smaller. If you look at the blood outputs, the levels of those organs are the same or better. So you have a smaller organ now, and then it’s not just dehydration, we can actually measure whether its cellular volume that’s lost than it actually is cell so they are shedding cells. And you see the output remaining the same are getting better. So you have a smaller organ doing the same or more work, that’s optimization, or those are damaged tissue that has been repaired and improved. And then after you eat again, on day five, you see these organs get larger. And at the same time you eat again, on day six, I should say a traditional food, those organs get larger rapidly over the next couple of weeks. And at the same time you see the stem cells in the bloodstream that went way up during the diet by day five, they’re up by about 800%. And we’ll talk about which themselves those are two if you like, Yeah, please, after you finish the diet, they go down fairly quickly. And they probably go down because they’re migrating into the tissue and making a new or larger organ. And that’s exactly what you’re seeing this organ get larger. So now you have evidence that it’s shrunk and got more efficient. So I’ll talk to G and A pop those is shedding cells, and then it got larger, and then that’s evidence of stem cell based regeneration. So now we’ve done the same thing that we did in mice without cutting people open. So we’ve demonstrated that we’re probably doing what we say we’re doing,

Justin Trosclair 23:54
and what should we eat on that six day. And that kind of tells you But

Unknown Speaker 23:58
no, that’s it. That’s a so here’s the so we’re a very science driven company. And if we haven’t published a trial on it, we tend to not talk about it. So So the problem is in the clinical trial, we wanted to validate that everything you see on the diet is just from the diet itself every all the results. So the only thing we modified in everybody’s lives, we kept everything else controlled, don’t increase your workouts don’t change your diet between cycles, just eat these five days. And because of that, we didn’t actually test what diet they should be eating on day six. So day six is sort of a bit of a guessing game we do know you’ve been on essentially bowel rest for five days you need a soft plant based food. So a couple things are going to make you feel sick. If you eat too solid, too much solid food, your stomach’s going to grind away and you’re not going to feel very good if you eat too much sugar or protein you’re probably gonna feel pretty nauseous so and in some cases you may even get sick. So we generally advise everybody start liquid and advance as tolerated up to solids we recommend they follow a Mediterranean style diet just because if you look at the Blue Zones the longest living people on earth they all eat Blue Zone style diet so on day six things that are you eat healthy fats, healthy plant based carbs, avoid animal proteins if you have to eat something you could have some fish for dinner something soft and geared towards the leafy greens and the fruits. So I know that they mentioned on the in our low meal guide things like juices and then pasta which is sort of I guess the if you got to pick something that’s inside the never ending hospitable and we went just a handful of go to all of garden eat at reasonable man, the nice thing about the diet is it’s a little bit of a cognitive retraining people have a different relationship with food. Like for me, it’s a kickstart, I’ve been eating poorly for a couple months, I do the diet, I no longer crave the bad stuff and I’m don’t crave as much of it. So for me, it’s like behavioral, it’s like a free way to trick my body into being more well behaved.

Unknown Speaker 25:51
So in reality, his longevity Diet book that he wrote with the orange and white cover, he’s not a big proponent of protein really, animals at all, he’s like, Look, you eat animal, I’d you want goes up you want goes up, it goes up, you probably gonna have more heart disease, you’re probably gonna have more cancer, General, he’s just like, yo, stop eating animals, maybe every now and then. But eat fish. I think

Unknown Speaker 26:13
he’s uh, yeah, he’s pretty much just a pesky Attarian. And even then very, very rarely. And the reasoning is pretty sound. Because if you look at like, he makes a really good point really early on in the book that if you try to cure cancer, you’re going to improve people’s lives on average, by like two or three years. If you try to cure heart, if you cure every all five of the top major diseases, you will extend human life by about 15 years, on average, if you intervene in aging, instead of trying to treat those diseases, you just intervene the aging itself, half as well as we can do with mice right now, you live 30 years longer. So it’s a nice little point that these are all age related diseases, if you just slow the aging, you’re not going to have as many diseases. And if you give the body opportunity to regenerate, you’re going to have even less so at least that’s the thinking. And in mice, it certainly holds up, we just have to do much larger, very long trials and humans to show that. But the evidence is good that if you eat a bunch of protein, you’re just ramping up aging. Growth is aging, the more rapidly you grow, the more you use up the copies of the cells you have, every time you replicate cells, you increase DNA error. So you increase the possibility of DNA error related diseases, including cancer, and heart disease and diabetes. So growth is a good thing from a muscle standpoint, but we do way too much of it. So once you hit your peak, you need to do something to help clean your body up. And that’s what he’s focused on. Just keep your protein lower. You can still eat some, but we just eat way too, way too much here and we end up in trouble.

Unknown Speaker 27:45
So and we don’t need to be trying to take anything like going to die on our milk this or anything like that afterwards for like, my liver was doing all this. And if I’m already in a state of regrowth in all this. If I just take something that would support liver detox rerecording. Yeah, it would it would help even more like, I’m assuming like, No, just just let your body do what it would do naturally, just

Unknown Speaker 28:06
Well, I’ll say that I can’t definitively say any of those are bad things. I don’t know that they are. I will say if you’re trying to ramp up growth, right, after you get a growth slowing diet, you may be doing yourself a disservice. There are people who have metabolic abnormalities who may benefit from things like that. But so far, we haven’t seen a lot of convincing data that shows that it’s worth it. There are a lot of people that we work with who do do that with their patients. And so far, they seem to have had good results. So I’m, I’m very much keeping an open mind about it. But I’m, I tend to err more towards the side of show me the data, show me that you need it. And I’m happy to do it. So okay,

Justin Trosclair 28:43
Kelly, we got one big question here. And I’ll just stream together because they all run together, go for it. We’re doing the blood work, they you know, the week before you take do the start the first month, at the about 10 days after the third month, we’re supposed to retake it like CRP, your liquid panels, HDL, LDL, things like that. So those are the things that you’re going to see drop. If you go on the web page, you go to really the doctor resources, you’ll see where the papers say that. But if you’re someone like me who’s like, Hey, I can probably get patients on this. There’s definitely legal reasons that you can’t actually claim these things get better. Although in the office, that’s probably what you’re gonna be looking for. And then I’m a Bridget into this. You got several studies out there looking at diabetes, endothelial glycol, calyx dimensions, we’ve got some of the fatigue and muscular resistance, the safety and effect efficacy, because here’s the deal. You’re like, hey, if you don’t if you’re on these drugs, you got to keep taking these drugs. But if you have diabetes, and all this stuff, we don’t really want you to do the diet. I’m not gonna wait. The hypertension in the print. Maybe the pre diabetics are the people that maybe are on Metformin, but not on insulin can take it. So I know there’s legal things that you can’t say. But those are people that really need this diet and part of the one the easiest ones to find, because so many people are on Lipitor, and Metformin? So I guess that’s the question. If you’re on MIT, are you done? Or is it like you’re on insulin? Don’t do this diet? Like how do we how we supposed to navigate this man?

Unknown Speaker 30:05
Yeah. And that’s a great question. So I’m and I apologize, you are asking great questions, not just blowing smoke. So as the medical science liaison, I don’t get paid on sales. But there are some restrictions around what we can talk about. Typically, we don’t want to discuss medications because we haven’t validated what medications are safe and what aren’t. But from a, if you just look, from a biochemistry standpoint,

Justin Trosclair 30:29
we don’t want anybody to drop insulin so much where they pass out and I hit my head because I didn’t have any sugar. Exactly.

Unknown Speaker 30:34
That’s so that’s one of the challenges. So I’ll say this, we as a company do not recommend this for diabetics, unsupervised, we actually don’t even recommend it for practitioners to use with diabetics, because we don’t have efficacy and safety data. We are in the process of doing that with the investigator initiated trial, meaning it’s not done through the company, a doctor just wanted to do this. And we’re supporting with boxes, but not with funding. So it’s an independent trial. But until we have really well controlled and safe studies that demonstrate that this is not going to put people in trouble because our product can lower blood glucose and their medications can also lower blood glucose, we’re very, very careful, we puts Patient Safety First I’d rather you not get the benefit, then you try to get the benefit and end up doing some harm. So so we are very careful about that there are doctors who would like to ignore us, we’ve seen people do the diet and do all kinds of things with the medications. It’s stuff that I can talk to people, if you’re a practitioner, I can talk to you one on one about what we’ve seen people do but we don’t recommend it as a company. I apologize very much for the language we were we just take? No, you got to do it.

Unknown Speaker 31:41
It’s a real risk. That’s why I thought I thought I’d ask because

Unknown Speaker 31:44
Yeah, and I agree. If you look on paper, it looks like they’re probably candidates that may benefit it but but I want to highlight we’re still in the preliminary data gathering stage. So even though our clinical trials, published research demonstrated one particular thing, it was on a limited sample size, and no one in the trial had diabetes. We have Dr. Longo has done other research on fasting and diabetes, investing, mimicking diets and beta cell regeneration in the lab setting. So there are some very, very exciting things coming out. But they’re very preliminary. And I just want to caution everybody listening, I know what you want. I want the same things for you. But more than anything, I want you to be safe. So until we have that data, we’re going to be very tight lipped about it. Please accept my apologies on that one.

Unknown Speaker 32:26
And with that there’s interviews done nothing.

Unknown Speaker 32:28
So the status by the way, Dr. Longo is going on record to say anything’s aspirin and Stanton’s are very safe with the diet. So if you’re on cholesterol, medications, and aspirin, those are the two meds that we don’t really worry about. As a company, we feel that they’re probably safe, but we haven’t done the studies. So again, we rely on if you have a medical diagnosis, and you take a prescription medication, it’s always best to go through your doctor, your licensed healthcare practitioner, who understands more about how this product might work with those. So because we don’t want to know is just, yeah, we just want everyone to be safe. And there have been people who try to do this on their own who have not done well. So those are the reasons we take it very seriously. And then I appreciate everyone at home, listening, I’m not promise we’re not some scaredy cats. We’re doing it for a reason. So just bear with us. We’ll work through and hopefully we’ll get some data in the near future that allow us to be a little more open about it. But at the moment,

Unknown Speaker 33:14
that’s some serious research, though, like to get that part like my goodness, yeah, that’s going to take a lot of time, a lot of years. So this point is,

Unknown Speaker 33:21
yeah, and right now, the despite the fact that the FDA and the federal government are our major financial backers, they don’t have a pathway right now for us to do an FDA trial, because it’s a box of food. And until they do, we won’t be able to make any medical claims around specific diseases. So even though we have a lot of you actually do have a couple of patents, right, you have quite a number of patents, but we can’t make medical claims because of patents we do have, we have the world’s first longevity patent for a diet. We have a couple other patents around the application of fasting, mimicking with cancer, and with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s neurodegenerative diseases, and a number of other things. But patents are not the same as medical claims from the FDA. So so we need to they had no FDA, we still need FDA approval on a couple of those things. So so we’re doing our diligence, we’re doing it right. We’re trying to make sure that we don’t open our mouths before we can support what we’re saying. So I appreciate everyone’s patience. I know it’s a slow process. We’re doing as much as we can as fast as we can. Awesome.

Justin Trosclair 34:17
Well, that’s kind of what I got for you. We’re going to respect your time, give us some of the websites contact information, so we can check

Unknown Speaker 34:24
out more of this stuff. Sure. If you want to learn more about the diet itself, it’s pro Lon FMD. com, which is prolonfmd.com, which is pro long fasting, the making diet.com. Basically, if you want to learn more about what we’re working on as a company and take a look at some of the trials that we have underway with different products that are not provolone, you go to L dash new tra l hyphen, N as in Nancy UTRA. com. That’s our corporate website that talks a little bit about our future state. So we’re we’re hoping to one day and that’s one of the things that we’re Dr. Longo is he has six few percent ownership of the company and all of his shares go to a charity that all of the profit and revenue goes towards researching using nutrition as a medical treatment for disease. So we’re working on things like again, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, auto immune disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, lupus, rheumatoid, etc. We’re working on a lot of great stuff we’re very excited about it’s going to be years away, but we’re trying to do it, right. We’re trying to make sure we protect you guys will give you the best product will give you the best results possible. So

Justin Trosclair 35:31
Dr. Kelly, thank you so much for taking the time hanging out with us and answering my questions. And hopefully, other doctors who are listening to this podcast are like, just give me some more meat and potatoes. So I’m really happy to the hope hope that people

Unknown Speaker 35:43
Yeah, well, you guys have any specific questions reach out to us as a company we got a great medical science team. There’s there’s three doc for docs now on staff, we have a really, really talented nutritionist reach out, you may end up talking to me, or my wonderful colleague, Dr. Tracy Thomas was sitting right across from me, but so I encourage you guys reach out to us, we’re here for you. And thank you so much for having me on. This is a lot of fun.

Justin Trosclair 36:11
Another great interview has ended. While you’re on your phone, click that review. But write up a nice review for me five stars if you could, as everyone says an industry it’ll help other people to find us when we have enough rankings. Not to mention, I’ll mention you and your review on an upcoming episode. If you follow me at all on Instagram, you know you only get one link. So I use a link tree. And so it’s a doctor’s perspective, net slash links with an S and that’s going to give you everything you need to know the top episodes are 2017 and 2018, the podiatry series dentist acupuncture series holiday 2017 financial series, how to write a review how to support the show like buying a cup of coffee, getting swag, like t shirts, the today’s choices, tomorrow’s health book, that’s the blueprint for better health, exercise, picking food correctly and financial. And then of course bundle packs, which can get you the needle acupuncture book 40 common conditions, including the electric acupuncture pin at a great deal. The resources page has some of the products that I like it’s a affiliate style. So if you buy something from them, I get a piece of that, just like on the show notes pages. If you buy a book from clicking that link, I get a small piece of that as well. So I really appreciate that. Things like screen cast automatic peer VPN, missing letter J lab speakers, pro lone edge or hot grips. Once again, if you do need any coaching on how to improve your bloodwork, drop weight and the provolone diet fast mimicking diet five day plan, let me know as well as if you just need some coaching, whether it’s health, whether it’s marketing, whether you need some practice growth, etc. Reach out Facebook, Justin Trosclair MCC, of course, at a doctor’s perspective. NET on top right, you got all the social media icons that you can imagine, click your favorite and reach out. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please tell a friend pass it along. You can go to.net slash Listen, it’s just that easy. It’ll open up right in your app. And don’t forget, I appreciate you. Listen, critically think and integrate

Unknown Speaker 38:17
see on the Minnesota on Thursdays and Saturdays. Hope you’re enjoying those. I’m definitely having fun summarizing these podcasts and less than 10 minutes for you. You get the nuggets without having to waste your time. Every week.

Justin Trosclair 38:35
We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate what some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media rather review and you go to the show notes page. You can find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin Trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.

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About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).