Diplomate of Acupuncture Joyce Kawalchuk discusses TCM, 5 elements, cosmetic acupuncture, gut health, farmers markets…
Leaky gut to gluten free and no added sugar to intermittent fasting, ketosis and prolon diet, Dr. Robert Silverman discusses how gut health translates to brain health. He gives some of his top supplement advice to get you started in healing your gut.
Eighty percent of our immune cells are in our gut. Our gut health communicates a certain way to our brain and vice versa: that’s why he labels it the Gut Brain Axis.
How can fixing your digestion improve a patient’s overall health and how it can take your adjustments and rehab technique to the next level?
Ketogenic Diets and Intermittent Dieting. We talk a lot about these two options as part of the daily regimen to keep your gut health optimal.
Are you aware that NSAIDS, dairy, gluten, and antibiotics can all damage your gut microbes.
What is the significance of Gas and Bloating as well as Bran Fog?
What is gluten sensitivity vs intolerance? How does ingesting gluten damage your gut health and your overall inflammatory markers of the body?
Glyphosate – the hidden ingredient that is the culprit to so many gluten issues because it destroys the microvilli as well as being labeled as cancer warning by the World Health Organization, WHO. Why are the microvilli important?
GPS of health: no gluten, no processed food, no added sugar
Are eggs bad for us?
Probiotics and Prebiotics: What are we looking for in a quality probiotic supplement? What’s a descent price range? How long do they stay alive and ways to prolong their life so we get the benefit?
What is leaky guy syndrome and how does that play into probiotics and gluten issues? (saccharomyces boulardii is a yeast and is helpful for leaky gut)
Why are athletes who do strenuous exercise for 2+ hours a day susceptible to leaky guy? (zinc carnosine benefits as well as magnesium bisglycinate (chelated and selenium)
Inflammation: Does it start from the gut? Can it also be linked to the gut brain axis? What kind of systemic issues and diseases can occur from chronic inflammation? How do antigens and molecular mimicry factor in?
The July 11, 2019 Chiro Economics article https://www.chiroeco.com/the-gut-brain-axis/ The Gut-Brain Axis: determining physical, mental health. The article is basically a microcosm of his book coming out in December 2019 and we dive into how the Gut Brain Axis works.
The Vegas nerve (rest and digest nerve that runs from the brain to the intestines) has huge implications on the gut brain axis, Dr. Silverman will dive into that for us. It’s 90% afferent and delivers gut info to the brain in milliseconds. A decrease in vegas tone you can see more irritable bowel disease, celiac, and SIBO –small intestinal bacteria overgrowth while stimulus of the vegas nerve (what does he use?) can see a reduction in those conditions.
What role does omega 3 fatty acid play in gut brain health?
Dr. Silverman treats a lot of post-concussion patients so tune in midway to gain knowledge on that topic.
Prolon and Keto diet. How are they connected and what can we do to maximize the prolon L-nutra fast mimicking diet plan? Are the beta hydroxyl butrate powders worth their price in keeping you in ketosis? When and why should you consider taking those products?
Differences between Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Fasting. Fasting should be Fast, Flexible, and Simple.
L-nutra: they found the right ratio of macro and micro nutrients to give your body some calories (800) but tricks your brain into thinking it is in starvation mode. This creates autophagy as well as cell regeneration and stem cell production.
Something I did not see coming, he starts his functional nutrition with the 5 day prolon diet and then works to correct the gut.
Fat is a better fuel source than carbs and the brain uses it better.
Can we take MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil) and is bulletproof brain octane necessary to boost the ketosis and help us stay in the state?
Another supplement mentioned is glutathione in the liposomal (nano technology that protects the glutathione).
Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/135 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
Books: Dr. Robert Silverman (new book out in December 2019) and Inside Out Health Bio:
Dr. Robert G. Silverman, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, FAKTR is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, international speaker and author of, “Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body,” an Amazon No. 1 bestseller in 2016. The ACA Sports Council named Dr. Silverman “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” in 2015. He has six different degrees in clinical nutrition and has appeared on FOX News Channel, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Wall Street Journal, NewsMax and was invited as a guest speaker on “Talks at Google” Dr. Silverman also has credentials such as: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NASM-certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified FAKTR provider ,Functional Movement Screen, and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. www.drrobersilverman.com
https://www.chiroeco.com/the-gut-brain-axis/ The Gut-Brain Axis: determining physical, mental health
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 135
Unknown Speaker 0:07
gut health is bring
Justin Trosclair 0:08
health. I’m your host, Dr. Justin Trosclair and today with Dr. Robert Silverman’s perspective 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated, as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
All right, everybody, we are back for another week. This episode was actually a little bit of a surprise for me, because I’ve been looking to talk about pro loan, and he actually does it, but he is not the forerunner and the pro loan interview that should be coming in a couple of weeks from now, where we are going to talk about though, is this theory and functional medicine, functional nutrition about your gut is 80% of your immune system. And how does your gut correlate to your your brain health? You know, can it help with concussion recovery? What is like leaky gut, this gluten added sugars and processed food destroy that? And what can we do to fix it. So we’ll actually go through a few of the supplements that he recommends, which is great, it will tie in protein and how that works well together with it as well. Ways to determine if you do have potentially a gut issue based on things that you eat. We’ll talk about the book that is coming out at the end of the year, which is part of the reason why we have on the show, you can see a microcosm, if you will of the book in the July 11 2019 chiro economics article, I got the link in the show notes. It’s the gut brain axis. So if you like these things, you’re gonna enjoy this episode. I know I did. If you’re looking for ways to support the show, just go to the resources page. Or at every show notes. If they were mentioned a book, you can find it there, purchase it through Amazon. And if you’re looking for more episodes that might get you jump started on this podcast beyond just scrolling and scrolling. Just go to www.adoctorsperspective.net/top1718 and that is the top 23 episodes. So far of 2017 and 2018. So let’s not belittle the point any longer. Remember the Listen, critically think and implement. All the show notes can be found in the transcript at www.adoctorsperspective.net/135 . Let’s go #behindthecurtain.
Unknown Speaker 2:13
Live from China
Justin Trosclair 2:14
and right outside New York City. Today on the show we got a guy I think he has 15 different acronyms behind his name. That’s a lot. He has a best selling Amazon book on Inside Out health he is certified in lots of different nutrition programs, at least six AR t factor CrossFit things he’s appeared on like Fox and NBC, CBS, ABC Wall Street Journal, the guy has been around a while he’s definitely has a name for himself. And in fact, he will be in the cover of the Kairos economics
Unknown Speaker 2:44
that’s coming out like this month or next month, depending on when this thing comes out
Justin Trosclair 2:47
this episode.
Just I’m excited to have him on Dr. Robert Silverman. I Justin, I’m excited to be here. Thanks so much for taking the time out.
Oh, man, it’s been a pleasure, because I enjoy talking about nutrition and definitely something that I have a passion for. But you know, haven’t really done enough extra education to really be talking a lot about it with my patients on that next level, especially with the topic that you want to discuss. And that I thought, wow, this would be a great episode, the gut health changing your brain health, and then disease based on the gut instead of like, what do you know all the other stuff that we look at usually. So it’s a new topic, and
I believe it’s kind of a new, I want to say trend, but there’s more research coming out that’s like, well, we need to look at this more closely than we have in the past.
Unknown Speaker 3:30
Absolutely, I believe that all of us, and especially all our chiropractors would be really aided in our patient outcomes. If you looked at the guts of brain access. Remember, 80% of your immune cells are in your gut. It’s where your macro and micro nutrients are absorbed your foods, your vitamins and your minerals. Hippocrates once said, All disease begins in the gut. What goes on at God communicates with your brain, what goes on in your brain communicates with you but so people come in my office, and they’ll have a lower back or shoulder injury. And I will treat the area, believe me and I look at the system. But I’ll always tell them, if I fix their gut health or they got the brain axis, they’re going to get better outcomes with that injury and true health outcomes.
Justin Trosclair 4:18
And if you’re talking about like athletes and cross fitters,
Unknown Speaker 4:21
that’s what they want.
Justin Trosclair 4:22
And they’re already probably doing something like, I’m on the keto diet,
Unknown Speaker 4:25
you know, or something like that. And I’m the intermittent fasting,
Justin Trosclair 4:28
you know, all right, well, you can keep doing that. But we can also address
Unknown Speaker 4:30
these other things, too. And you want to know, it’s funny, both things you just mentioned the keto and intermittent fasting, like you several mentioned later, they’re actually great for gut health.
Justin Trosclair 4:39
Ah, see that very interesting. All right, give us a little bit about not like way back. But how did you get into so much nutrition? Like, why did that tweak your interest so much, and then let’s bridge into like the book. And then, you know, some of these things that you discovered,
Unknown Speaker 4:53
you know, I didn’t wake up one day want to be a chiropractor suffer from what they call congenital sort of colitis, that’s the damage to musculature in my neck. So therefore, I have an asymmetry in my posture in my gate because of it. So growing up in New York City, being a little different sometimes that was, as they say, a little rough. With that being said, I went to a chiropractor, 21 years old, for back pain, believe it or not, not even neck pain. And he said, I’m also going to work on your neck, because at that time, you know, over 30 years ago, he believed in the whole body. And I got some relief, I not only got relief from my back, I got some relief from my neck, I had a plan. He did exercise, he talked about nutrition, whatever nutrition was, you know, at the time, that was the cutting edge at the time. So I knew that even though I was in business school, I wanted to go to chiropractic school. So I finished my degree, business degree, I got a job offer from IBM worked in the morning. It wasn’t for me, I did what everything that I promised my parents walked out at lunch and went down the road and found a community college to study getting bio physics, organic chemistry, psychology, and went on my route in chiropractic, very simply within chiropractic. chiropractic is the day of enlightenment, you know, you’re looking to fix the body from the inside out. And you know, chiropractic offers a multitude of options. One of the better options on as good as it gets, if you will, is nutrition. That’s diet, that supplement. Those are tweaking and playing within systems. So everybody should understand their most valuable asset is their health. There is no monetary number you can put on your health. I always look at health as like bank account, did you put into the savings account today? Or did you try and take out in checking account because if you take out every day, that checking accounts going to be empty. If you put in every day, you’ll be able to hold off when something goes wrong on a rainy day.
Justin Trosclair 6:52
That makes sense. That’s a great coffee mug by the way.
Unknown Speaker 6:56
Yeah, the boss, no boss. That’s my wife’s coffee. Thanks saying saying it was absolutely I stole it from my wife.
Unknown Speaker 7:04
So how does one
Justin Trosclair 7:06
just never stop learning? Are you that guy? I mean, looking at your wall
is so many little plaques everywhere. And you’ve done all these deployments and everything else. Are you one of those people that just took a lot of courses every year just based on time they finally just accumulated or like, what was the passion with that
Unknown Speaker 7:21
I’m definitely the idea of accumulation of getting all the courses. So I’d have the basis to start to really learn. So now, you know, I still do courses I do online, but I’m not so much going for the degree. I’m going for the knowledge. And you know, you can get that in different books, different articles, I’m sure you can ask me all about that towards the end. And it’s just a constant learning process. My goal is to be better every day. We’re docs, we’re lucky. You know, athletes have a roof, they can make a lot of money, but they have a roof on when they’re at their best and age, a skill set, etc. I think doctors if we take care of ourselves can only get better as we age. And if we take care of ourselves, and we allow ourselves to age well and longer, we can help more people in our lifetime.
Unknown Speaker 8:06
Definitely. Well, let’s jump in. Now, this
Justin Trosclair 8:08
is a topic I don’t know a lot about per se. And so it’s a little intimidating to be like okay, well, where should we start? When we’re talking about gut health? There’s a patient come in and say I got constipation, or actually, I haven’t had a good stool in a long time. It’s always running like that was where most people would start
Unknown Speaker 8:25
thinking, you know, something wrong with me. Most people don’t realize 80% of as I said, and I’ll keep saying it 80% of your immune cells are in your gut. So when you think about it, most modern medicine most options that people have I’m in America are damning to their gut, and then I’m going to definitely answer your questions. So they don’t realize the antibiotics. No one’s saying not to take them, but taking them in such a large amount. Sort of prophylactic Lee damage your gut health, non steroidal anti inflammatories, Aleve, Advil, ibuprofen, they damage your guts, gluten, damages your gut, sugar, dairy, pesticides, excess stress. So all these things can damage your gut. And most people don’t realize that they’re going to damage. So now let’s segue into the patient walking in. Now, it’s conceivable when I do my functional medicine, functional nutrition patients that they may come in and say, you know, I’m not digesting well, but typically, they don’t say that, or definitely the chiropractic patient doesn’t. So I have to draw it out of them. And one of the easiest questions is, do you get gas and bloating after you eat? And almost everybody says yes, well, we’re not supposed to. If we get gas and bloating, it’s a sign that we have a digestion problem. And the reason that we get gas and bloating is there no nerve fibers, or pain fibers in the inside of your intestinal tract. So the only way your body can symptom or signal that there’s something wrong with your gut, is by giving you gas and bloating. Now, I’ve got two brain axes, do you get a brain fog within 45 minutes after eating? And most people will say yes, well, you’re not supposed to you should feel better after you eat if you’re getting a brain fog, and implies that the gut brain axis is slowed, because there’s no pain receptors in your brain. So that neurological impulse to your brain is slow. So you get lethargic. So a lot will be a lucid dating and drawing out what the patient says and trying to explain to them or see if they have specific symptom ology and other tests for that. But I know in the podcast, we may not be going into test so that you ask people that you may also say, hey, you have gas and bloating since you’ve had some gastrointestinal problems. Have you had some more faults and musculoskeletal? And they’ll say yes. And now you’re off to the races where you know, again, 80% of your immune cells are in your gut. It’s that the step to systemic inflammation, localized inflammation and ultimately auto immunity hoping not trying to lose anybody. So you may have to bring everything back at some point to overall gut health. So ask everybody now listening, do you have the guts to be healthy? What have you done for your guts lately?
Justin Trosclair 11:15
And by the way, most of the audience are some sort of doctor. So when we throw out some tests and stuff like that, that’s not a bad thing, because it would be somebody listening that’s best, like, Oh, great. I was
Unknown Speaker 11:24
interested in now I know where to go.
Justin Trosclair 11:26
What about you mentioned the gluten. I know some people are like, everybody’s gluten intolerant these days. And we don’t know if it’s in their head. Or if it’s just trendy. You got dairy, you start talking about all these different things all of a sudden, like what am I supposed to eat? Oh, vegetables, okay, but we love our car. We love all this stuff. And these are talking about maybe eliminating all of these things for a while is what I’m assuming you do the elimination added back see how you feel type of protein? I’m not sure if that’s how you do it. But um, what do you see in that are the you know, if you grab each
Unknown Speaker 11:57
section and said, This is
Justin Trosclair 11:59
typically what you would find with gluten or dairy or whatever, like some of the issues?
Unknown Speaker 12:02
Well, wherever you are in North America, or at least I have. Gluten is means glow. It means glue in Latin six to your intestinal tract, it’s been hybridised. So 152 different amino acids. Its impact it’s truly impossible with what they’ve done in this local regional area to break down gluten. Without being said gluten is also exposed to something called Roundup. roundup has life sate. glyphosate has been called by the World Health Organization as a cancer causing property and damages what we call the micro Villa, inside the gut, the micro Villa or a shag carpeting, that actually a finger like projections, I’m moving my fingers now and they grab the nutrients without the villa, you don’t have the ability to grab nutrients and your food or will just simply go through. Now, I’m a big proponent, I have none of my patients eating and included. Now the studies show that about one in 101 at 130 have celiac allergic to the protein in the gluten. In addition, about 39 to 40%, which is four out of 10 people have some sort of sensitivity to gluten. So you’re knocking off four to 10 people knowing that absolutely can’t The real problem is the six out of 10 thinking that it’s okay to eat gluten. And what they don’t realize is gluten is inflammatory to everybody, and will damage your gut for up to about 45 minutes. Now, obviously, if you have celiac and you eat gluten, it’s human diaper time. If you have sensitivity, it’s bathroom time. If you’re like me, you don’t have either one or the two. It’s still damaging to your intestinal tract. It’s damaging to your digestion. So that sandwich that you have, which is so common where we are in America isn’t allow you to absorb the food or probably the crappy food that you put on the sandwich. So I tell everybody adhere to my GPS of health. My GPS, simply no gluten, no processed food, and no added sugar. The average American consumes 160 pounds of sugar per year. Sugar is a toxin, it works in a reward center. Your brain is the number one drug used in America, and is one of the largest drugs used in the world. We just don’t think it’s a drug.
Justin Trosclair 14:20
And it isn’t everything. Sometimes you see stuff you’re like, why do you have to put extra sugar in that? Like, why
Unknown Speaker 14:24
do you have to put so much sugar in it?
Unknown Speaker 14:26
You know, I mean, the number one calorie consumption or source of calories is high fructose corn syrup in America, it’s 15 to 20% of a caloric intake in China is growing to on that.
Justin Trosclair 14:37
Oh, it’s crazier, like fried chicken and coke and all that kind of stuff. Chips.
Yeah, it’s all over. Now. It’s all over. They don’t have a heavy leg relations in the oil that they use to cook things. And it’s always you know, everything’s cooking some kind of oil to cook in. And it’s never the good stuff. So yeah, it’s definitely you can see it around. It’s becoming an issue. Do people have like, are they compliant very much when you say, Hey, man, stop drinking so much a bread,
Unknown Speaker 15:02
you know? Or do you have like a?
Unknown Speaker 15:05
Um, you mean? Do they start off being compliant? And do they ultimately become compliant? Do they start off compliant? Very few.
Justin Trosclair 15:13
Because I’m thinking if you get off of it long enough, they give it an honest try. You actually feel better then they like you know, Go in, go eat something again. And then you know, oh, man that really did do something like I’m not sensitive. I’m not nothing. But like I actually did feel better when I wasn’t eating
Unknown Speaker 15:27
it. thing. It.
Unknown Speaker 15:28
That’s exactly what I do. I asked it I beg borrow and steal to get them to do it for one month. And I said if you don’t feel better in a month, just go back to it. And usually within a month. That is the turning point. But initially, they look at you like you’re crazy. Come on. Why would I do that? Somebody else hasn’t told me I mean, the literature is there. Its robust on getting gluten out. So no gluten, no processed food, no sugar. That’s that’s the starting point. Okay, so Okay,
Justin Trosclair 15:54
we got this part with doing that for about a month. Now. We gotta replenish what I’ve heard pro probiotics. What I’ve heard it don’t really do much. And maybe the vertex out, you know, is eggs. Good for you? Are they bad for you? Maybe it’s one of those things. But then I heard prebiotics are really good, because then you’re feeding the gut that you have, but the probiotics are typically already dead by the time you take it.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
What’s your thought? Okay, so I’m ag ZZ that will get the pre Pro. egg is a high ology food. If you’re not allergic to eggs, I always have you eat them, because I think they’re a great natural source of protein and fat and I’m a protein and fat person in most instances. Dairy, on the other hand, is an issue eggs are not dairy, dairy comes from mammary glands. So I’m a big proponent on not having to see dairy. So that also means fatter and goat because they are from mammary glands. Now, you asked about pre and probiotics, if you’re buying a good quality probiotic, if underline, you could see me moving my hand circling it going into Blackboard trying to vivify this come to life, it is a good one, like something you’re either carry or a patient or the doctors on there have access to get there. Eventually, they live for 11 days. However, I’m a big proponent of the use of probiotics. Most instances, they have to be room temperature or colder because they’re very sensitive to temperature change, just to speak to what you said. That’s part of the problem, that people change the temperature or when they ship it’s very hot, etc, etc. So as long as it’s a stable room temperature or less, the probiotics if it’s a good quality should be alive. Yes, you should give prebiotics with probiotics because even a good probiotic will ultimately get hungry and the only thing left to eat if you don’t give it prebiotics is your intestinal tract so it will perpetuate that damage or that proverbial leaky gut. So a good prebiotic with probiotic in many instances is the way to go. Now some uniqueness to my plans is that if someone has a leaky gut, I don’t give them probiotics. So I actually heal and seal the gut lining and then I give them a probiotic, the only proverbial probiotic I give before fixing their gut lining is saccharomyces Berardi, which is a yeast but functions as a probiotic and won’t pass the EPA fail your track, because if it’s a bacteria, good or bad, and it passes the gut, ultimately, the body will attack or respond to it and get inflammation, systemic inflammation, localized inflammation and possibly autoimmunity. So it’s a great question on the premium probiotics. And they’re just not enough. But they’re a critical element to enable the gut to brain access to function and proper communication.
Justin Trosclair 18:45
What kind of price range are we looking at?
for like a good probiotic? And we have a lot of different doctor brands, but you can still get something for 595. And you get something probably for like, 6595, I’m assuming, right?
But um, Is there like a ranger? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:58
it’s probably a better quality, you pay this much, I would strongly suggest in reference to the probiotic, assuming it’s, you know, let’s talk about a month supply. They usually about $1 a day or there abouts, maybe $1 and a quarter. So that’s about the appropriate if you’re looking at $75 for a month supply, or like $8. One, somebody ripping you off at the high end, the two at the bottom, and that’s that dead stuff you were referring to previously.
Justin Trosclair 19:24
Okay. So I appreciate that. Because, you know, it is you, you got an MLM company selling you a vitamin D five a month. And then you’re like, Well, my doctor vitamin, which we know is actually whatever that certification is for vitamins to know, like, what’s in the bottle is within the pill, you know, that’s only like 50 bucks a month, you know, is a difference? What would you do for an athlete that to cover the gut so that they can overall perform better? Well,
Unknown Speaker 19:48
you know, it’s funny about athletes, people think athletes are not susceptible to injury or gut injury. So if you have more than two hours per day of strenuous exercise, you have the ability to increase your incidence of what we call leaky gut. leaky gut, refers to the idea of objects passing your gut that shouldn’t so in this small intestine, which is a single epithelium cell lining, its sole purpose is to allow food, nutrients and water to pass from the intestines to go into the bloodstream. Large, undigested food particles, bacteria, viruses, yeast, other things, if they pass the gut, will stimulate our immune process, and again, will attack it and we will get inflammation. So that’s leaky gut things are passing that should it very common and athletes that do strenuous exercise for more than two hours. So if anything, you’ve really got to help your athletes by always taking care of their gut health, zinc carnesi, is something that comes to mind right away, that will help keep these tight junctions in your gut from opening up too big to allow certain things outside the gut. Remember, the gut keeps everything inside the body from what we call the outside of the body, which is your bloodstream,
Unknown Speaker 21:07
or you mentioned
Justin Trosclair 21:08
inflammation several times that it happens. So give us the rundown. Where’s it going to go? What’s the problem with that and why should we care? We’re talking heart disease, diabetes, keep going cancer
Unknown Speaker 21:19
Well, okay, so here we go. So the gut, in cases all these things so again, let’s go back to the anatomy, the small intestine, which is a misnomer, it really should be the large intestine, it’s about 90 to 95% of our intestines are small intestine is a single epithelial layer, which the surface area anywhere with it was unraveled from a tennis court to a basketball court with the thickness of a paper towel. The bulk of digestion occurs there in that food, nutrients and water are digested. If the intestinal tract becomes too permeable, so I’m taking my fingers and all and spreading my fingers apart, it becomes too permeable. Objects passed that shouldn’t pass like undigested food particles inside of the intestinal tract and go to the outside your body your immune system says wait a minute, is this supposed to be there is itself it shouldn’t be there? Or is it foreign, the body registers or as foreign, your immune system goes on attack and begins to attack that let’s say that undigested food particle or what we call an antigen, so at that point, we’re getting an antigen antibody effect. With that being said, we’re getting localized inflammation, if that continues, eventually will get systemic inflammation, and pass systemic inflammation will get autoimmunity because the immune system will be on attack for such a long period of time, it will begin to get confused, and it will then start to attack body structures like joints, fibro cartilage, because the sequence of the objects on your body are similar to the antigen. And we call that molecular mimicry, ultimately leading to autoimmunity. And one of the first things that should come to mind is rheumatoid arthritis.
Justin Trosclair 23:17
Unknown Speaker 23:18
does it link to the visceral fat
Justin Trosclair 23:21
or abdominal fat or under the sugar leads to
Unknown Speaker 23:23
diabetes, but when we combine everything together, you see it happened faster. What we’re seeing with leaky gut damage to the gut and release asserting things like LPs lipo, Polly sack, right, which is an endo toxin, this leaky gut and the cascade of leaky gut leads to an incidence of higher body composition, obesity, pre diabetes, diabetes, and the like. liver toxicity overload many things that passed the gut go straight to the liver and the garden the liver have a portal vein which carry things back and forth to it. In addition to that leaky got leaky heart, leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky gut, increased incidence of musculoskeletal injuries. So if you start fixing your gut, you’re going to see a plethora of things, they may start to heal in most of our bodies.
Justin Trosclair 24:15
Do you see like magnesium, selenium, or any of those micronutrients as a way to help heal things faster?
Unknown Speaker 24:22
I like Selenium. I think it’s a great mineral. Selenium is one of my choices, magnesium would be a much higher on my list of things that I would take most Americans are deficient in magnesium. You just have you know, your typical cup of coffee and drink it your magnesium is going to be stripped out of your bones. So I think everybody would benefit from a good quality magnesium supplement. The best choice would be a bisque Listen, eight because it’s attached to amino acids. So you can get high levels of magnesium without any gastrointestinal upset, straight magnesium 800 milligrams. That’s a cure for constipation, UR Secretariat.
Justin Trosclair 25:00
Yes, indeed, I’d always heard related. If you can get your minerals key later, then you’re going to be better able to absorb them because it’s that amino acid in the body.
So yeah, let me know as it takes it apart. It’s like surprise. It’s something else
Unknown Speaker 25:12
too. Absolutely. I believe in key minerals for sure. All right.
Justin Trosclair 25:15
We mentioned a little bit about the brain is getting foggy, you know, lethargic after you eat things. What else? What else? Are we looking at you You just got an article published in the Kairos economics. Give us a little a little rundown of whatever we may be missed so far that you think are like definitely highlights that you’d want to point out.
Unknown Speaker 25:32
Okay, great. Well, in that article, which is a microcosm of my new book coming out at the end of the at a superhighway to health, we really spoke about how the garden the brain gets these enable is able to communicate. So let’s talk about that. Like what’s one of the main communications well for chiropractors and any doctor, it’s the Vegas nerve, cranial nerve number 10, king of the parasympathetic nerves, the largest longest cranial nerves in the body. The Vegas nerve is known to be called the Vegas because it’s the great wonder. It goes from the Medusa upland gotta down through the transverse colon enervating that Laurin x innovating the thorax and enervating the intestines, the Vegas nerve, they call the rest and digest nerve, because I call it the chill out nerve. Vegas nerve is also innovated or attached to the outside of the intestinal tract. So because it’s on the outside, it has to sense what’s going on the inside of the gut. And that’s why the Vegas nerve is 90% a ferret. So, at the gut level, if, if you would take the Vegas nerve and elevator, everybody gets in the elevator at the bottom, it goes to the top the brain and drops off almost everybody and you don’t get as much back down from the brain to the gut, but it’s communicating between the brain and the gut. The gut communicates with the brain within a million second. Studies have shown that a Vegas nerve stimulation is decreased or tone is decreased higher incidence of IBD irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, Emerald about IBD and IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, mental bowel disease, celiac. They found that a large number of gut issues Vegas nerve decrease will lead you down a path of possibly getting CBOE small intestinal bacteria. overgrowth stimulation to the Vegas nerve has shown to aid in the resolution of the aforementioned conditions. So we always want to stimulate the Vegas nerve, we always want our Vegas nerve stimulated because if our Vegas if our parasympathetic and sympathetic are equal, so right now I’m taking my hands and making like an equal seesaw. after injury or after concussion. You have this on leveling, my left hand is going up in my right hand dropping down, you have an on leveling of impulses from the sympathetic so your parasympathetic sketch shut down. Hence the idea of why so many people have gastrointestinal issues with a concussion. So your Vegas nerve is a critical element is almost the Forgotten nerve in the body. Without question, every one of us should consider how to stimulate the Vegas nerve. So my next question of course, I knew that was coming in coming as they say, well, very easy. Vegas nerve, you can stimulate it, I use a four or five violet laser light is shown in my office through heart rate variability, actually jack up heart rate variability to prove that the Vegas nerve works. So I use laser. In addition, there are some nutritional support systems that work very well to stimulate the Vegas nerve, omega three fatty acids, alpha poke acid, fruit vegetables and green tea extract. They are great to stimulate the Vegas nerve. So I combine the Vegas nerve stimulation with the laser and a protocol. And we have this fabulous outcome.
Justin Trosclair 29:12
I’m glad you mentioned it. So you said a violent
Unknown Speaker 29:14
laser instead of a red light. Correct? Right lasers are great for healing love them use them on concussion on the brain every day found the violet light to be effective for the for the vagus nerve.
Justin Trosclair 29:25
Okay, and I would have to assume in the research, if you went back when they were doing things with the Vegas nerve, incidentally, they found out all these digestive things started getting better, like Oh, I didn’t expect that. And then somebody fine went to the research was like, hey, look, look at all this stuff. Let’s do a study and actually just talking about this. We were seeing it now we know. Okay, omega threes. If you take two or 3000 milligrams of that a day, I heard that you know what you actually would want to take to that really good therapeutic doses? Can it raise your overall lipid levels, like your LPA or something like that sort of like Oh, that looks unhealthy like that take a
Unknown Speaker 29:58
crap ton of omega PA is a great question because LPA is that heredity for incidence of heart attack. So in the literature, omega three fatty acids have, if anything, the new article just came out show it decreases the incidence of cardiovascular disease. So for me, in virtually every instance, you know, there’s always some exceptions. I’m a proponent of some people supplementing with omega three fatty acids, EPA, DHA.
Justin Trosclair 30:25
Okay, so overall, that’s just a pretty much anybody and everybody should be on it just because of the way we eat. In general, we have a very big reversal of those numbers that we should have to begin with omega three and omega six
Unknown Speaker 30:35
is great. Yes, because omega sixes come in grains and Rice’s and things like that, in both our societies that we live in is very heavy on grains. They are forgiving this on leveling between omega six and omega three, making us more susceptible to inflammation.
Justin Trosclair 30:50
Now, you mentioned concussions a second ago, how does that tie in?
Unknown Speaker 30:53
Well, concussion so I treat a lot of concussions because I really specialize in concussions in the gut brain axis. So when you’re hit your head, you go sympathetic, and going sympathetic raises obviously your sympathetic nervous system and decreases your parasympathetic nervous system and decreasing a parasympathetic nervous system shuts down your Vegas nerve shutting down your Vegas nerve leads to a decrease in digestive secretions, bio secretions, and also the contractions in your small intestine, which are called your migrating motor complex. That migrating motor complex allows for nine to 11 para stall the contractions to mood food bolus out per day, when it’s decreased, ie post concussion, it’s only three. All of the things that I just mentioned, increase your incidence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. There have been some studies that speak to the idea that 60% of concussion patients are have gotten small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or CBOE that is obviously the small intestine. And just so you know, I’ll say it here. I believe in the three year time people be saying wow, I thought I had leaky gut. I did. But I also had Siebel
Justin Trosclair 32:08
CBOE something that medical doctors take care of
Unknown Speaker 32:11
CBOE is something right now, that’s on the radar for us functional medicine, functional nutritionist that really look at because there are a lot of great alternatives to just blasting away with antibiotics.
Justin Trosclair 32:24
So if you find the right functional nutritionist, potentially you could get it taken care of. Is there like a timeframe that we should expect? A couple months a year
Unknown Speaker 32:31
See, but yet you see a few it’s going to take three to six months. CBOE is nasty. It’s gnarly, as I like to say on the west coast. it poses a lot of issues. However, the protocols that we’ve used and other doctors are now implementing really lead to some excellent clinical outcomes. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 32:53
you’ll feel better. Yeah. So we want all we want, right? And look at
Justin Trosclair 32:57
you mentioned the keto diet like I, I mean, personally, I’m just not as
I’m not so sure that we need to be in that much meat, especially when I’m looking at I don’t know, if you looked at the pro loan diet, and like the fast mimicking diet, they’re like,
wow, 10% meat, vegetables is the way to go. I
Unknown Speaker 33:12
I love that. You just said pro long because I have the kids in my office and I lecture for them, and I use the ketogenic diet. So let’s talk keto. Let’s talk long and let me show you how the two are similar in some idea.
Justin Trosclair 33:26
And PS I’ve already done my first month, and I’ve got two more months to go at the house. So um, if you can help me maximize my money on that, that’d be great. Alright, I’m really I’m all ears on it. Alright,
Unknown Speaker 33:36
so do you want pro long and keto? First,
Justin Trosclair 33:39
let’s do keto. Because you mentioned you kind of bridge them together. So
Unknown Speaker 33:42
okay, so what I like about the ketogenic diet is the ketogenic diet is great for neural degeneration, in that it was based on helping children with epilepsy. Yeah, so fat is a much better fuel for the brain than sugar. And just let’s try this 60% of your brain fat. So told us all eat the carbohydrate, like the standard American diet, thumbs down, doing a thumbs down. So ketogenic diets also great because the ketogenic diet makes something called ketone bodies, acetate, a pseudo acetate and the one that you really want to emphasize is beta hydroxyurea iterate, beta drops. iterate, is the gold medal winner because beta hydroxide beauty rate actually allows for the increase in something called BDNF in the brain brain derived neurotrophic factors. It allows for brain neurogenesis, that brain neural Genesis means that brain nerves can grow back breakthrough concept. In addition, it’s a great fuel source for the brain and that ketone body as all ketone bodies increase the use of ATP by 22% over carbohydrates. That’s one of the reasons that it’s a better fuel source. In addition, a beta glitterati days also releases glued off filed, glued or thigh on is the master antioxidant and a dose of glue to file and can decrease brain tissue damage by 70%. Also stimulating one of the largest most potent antioxidant pathways in the body, and RF two. Studies have shown that the ketogenic diet is very advantageous for both endurance and power athletes. So I do like the ketogenic diet. Good studies have shown that it doesn’t increase your incidence of cardiovascular great for weight loss. So I like to use the ketogenic diet, because when you get in ketosis, ketosis enables you now to start to burn fat as your main source of energy verse carbohydrates. Now let’s go to prologue.
Justin Trosclair 35:49
Wait pause for a second Is it true I’m trying to remember back It’s been a while be two and it’ll settle 16 don’t those two combined to regular
Unknown Speaker 36:01
they, they amongst others like Mac, broccoli, seed extract, vitamin C and selenium are all in a pathway. So if you wanted to take the master antioxidant glue the file I would suggest taking Luda thigh own in a life of salmo form. Life of Solomon was a nanotechnology that protects the Bluetooth ion brings it in because if you took straight Pluto fire on your stomach would kill it. You take what we just talked about all the different nutrients that make it it’s a long arduous, not as effective process. So it leaves you with two options, inject it, or take the life of salmo form life of sawmills are going to be the next step in the delivery system for nutrients and supplements.
Justin Trosclair 36:47
And then the second follow up, there are keto products. There’s the salts and things like that, that you can I guess you can take and it’ll boost you up. So like when you go work out, you get more views more, us more, you don’t burn out so fast or whatever. What are your thoughts on those ketone salts in those ketone products?
Unknown Speaker 37:05
Okay, so the two that come to mind first are the ketone salts. So the salt has typically beta hydroxide, pewter, eight and eight to 12 grams. So getting beta hydroxide beauty, right? The salts are used to keep you in ketosis or get you back into ketosis within 15 minutes. They are typically guaranteed to keep you in ketosis for an hour. So obviously, if you’re in ketosis, we already told you there as as athletic advantages to it. In addition to the salt, they call it a salt because it has NACL in it, which is an electrolyte. A lot of people take the salts, because they get what they call a keto flu. They get the flu coil through a process called natural rhesus. That natural rhesus ships about in potassium and sodium, hence you want to put the salt back in not to get this horrible feeling flu typically on day three. The other keto product that I like so much is medium chain triglycerides, or MCT oil, you want to oil of carbon eight and 10 because it’s great for brain fuel, preferably from coconut oil, and not from Palm oil. The combination if somebody would have a concussion and walk in your office would be almost breathtaking, because you would get them into ketosis right away, and that would be have a tremendous positive cognitive effect on someone with an acute concussion.
Justin Trosclair 38:29
Dr. Silman? Do we need to buy Brain Octane from bulletproof or
Unknown Speaker 38:33
can we just get MCT oil eight and 10 we can get em ctio from our distributors who give us good quality protein,
Unknown Speaker 38:43
good quality supplements. We don’t have to buy it from bulletproof David Asprey. Even though he’s done a great marketing.
Justin Trosclair 38:51
He’s good.
Unknown Speaker 38:52
He does. He’s great. He’s brilliant. And he’s really creating awareness for certain things, but with all respect to him, he’s not a doctor, and we better off following the doctor because, you know, they speak our lingo. It’s not disparaging he does a great job,
Justin Trosclair 39:08
right. I mean, he started something. And you got Tim Ferriss, and Joe Rogan interviewing all these people about ketosis and da, Marcus Dino, and you know, and you’re like,
Yeah, what’s all this? What’s all this and everybody’s getting on the bandwagon and everything so great job.
Unknown Speaker 39:20
We don’t need to bring it we can get somewhere else.
Justin Trosclair 39:23
And that’s expensive. So it’s good to know.
Unknown Speaker 39:25
Yeah, absolutely.
Justin Trosclair 39:26
And those salts, they’re not easy to swallow. And they’re not cheap either.
Unknown Speaker 39:29
No, no, no. I mean, he knows what he’s doing.
Justin Trosclair 39:32
Yeah, so let’s let’s bridge to the promo now, if you could,
Unknown Speaker 39:35
absolutely will prolong in. One of the books I’m going to recommend is the longevity diet by a Florida Longo Great job. He was just voted in 2018, one of the top 50 influential doctors, and they’ve made great color. Yeah, great book, they’ve made something called fast mimicking diet, so I’m going to dial it down. Most people use the term intermittent fasting. So intermittent fasting technically means that you’re going to fast in a week for one or two days. It’s not how you and I think about it, it’s a term that’s used. Nothing wrong with it technically means one more time fasting for a day or two. What we talk typically talk about an intermittent fasting is time, restrictive eating. So a great example of time, restrictive eating is fasting for 12 hours, and eating for 12 hours. So the term intermittent fasting, most people use in the parlance it does mean time restrictive eating, both of which have great positive clinical outcomes, metabolic health, weight loss, very, very good producing ketone bodies. So I do intermittent fasting slash I truly do time restrictive eating with virtually all my patients, each little depth do the 16 816 and eight, if there’s a neurodegenerative issue, or someone has to lose a lot of weight, I never start them on 16 and eight, so what I do, because fasting is fast, flexible, and simple, fast, flexible and simple. That was from a TED talk, I forgot the the the docs name, but I can’t take credit for it, but I used it anyway. So speak to that pro long, pro life, you know, prolonging longevity. It’s not pro long fasting, it’s actually prolonging longevity because he’s the longevity guy. That’s a long ago, they have RL Neutra, they’ve got a specific five day kit. Now within that five day kit, the pro long fasting is either water fast, which is partially positive, but a lot of people don’t like because they get too hungry. This one has in the kit, they want 1100 calories and days two through five 800 calories. what he’s done, is he found out the macro and micro nutrient amounts to fill the stomach just enough. So you’re not that hard hungry, yet the brain thinks you’re in starvation mode. And that’s a critical element. Because that brain starvation mode stresses the cells. So you get all the benefits of time restrictive eating intermittent fasting, metabolic and weight loss, but you get self health. So you getting a toughie GR toffees, the body’s way of fixing itself. It’s sort of like a spring cleaning or yourself, you’re also getting cell regeneration. And you’re also getting stem cell production. day four, and five is the critical element. And he’s put together different foods 1100 to 800 calories. He also has an avenue to drink, which has a lot of glycine, really shown not to decrease muscle mass. And with all that being said, the study is it’s about 90% fats and carbs, and 10% protein, almost the antithesis. It’s a plant based but it’s not because he’s about big proponent. It’s more fat and carbohydrates, and he puts you into ketosis. So the caloric restriction also gets you into ketosis. So the keto and him are both producing ketosis. So that’s where the similarity is. The keto the ketogenic diet is consuming almost no carbs, yet prologue has some carbs, okay, does it look like a lot of carbs, it was almost 40 to 50% carbs, I think it’s, I think he’s 6030 fat carbs normally, and I think it’s like 4743 inside the kid, but don’t quote me on that last one. But the carbs are different. We’re not talking about a donut, you know, I mean, it’s the carbs from a crap ton of beans. It’s like carbs from fruit. It is it’s quality carbs. So I’m a big proponent that I use the pro long kits to start or within almost all my functional medicine protocols. So I do it a little differently. So I’ll give it to you. Now, I do the five days, and then they’ll do 30 day got that I’ll do the five day kit, I may continue with the gut, or I may go to detox. Then month three, I’ll do five days. And then guess what, then I’ll do like body composition. So the bang for the buck on the prologue is doing it three months in a row. And then deciding how you do don’t do one month you can. But the biggest bang for the buck is that three months, I want patient lose 12 pounds in those five days. And he didn’t. And by the time he came back in the other one, he was six pounds the next week, he was a little robust. But the great, great outcomes, great studies.
Justin Trosclair 44:35
And what you’re what I like what you’re saying is you know that the stem cell production because they four and five. And the one thing they said is it’s the repeating that gives you a lot of the benefit. And he’s like, it doesn’t really matter what they say they say you can eat junk day sticks is right, it’s three feet, and you got the rest of the Monday like you can take it and go back to how you ate. But of course, if you’re already going to have that that jumpstart like you’re doing it’s make sense to give your body the best chance to continue the healing process. But you know, Phoenix correctly, before we jump off this call and wrap everything up stem cell production for those who are like that sounds kind of whoo, whoo. And what’s the point? Can you give us a little like, how does that help? And what does that do for us?
Unknown Speaker 45:12
Well, the stem cells, I mean, we’re injecting them, you know, the idea of stem cells allows our bodies to heal naturally. So what’s fascinating on what we just discussed, is our body has its own mechanism to heal itself. So the brain has to feel a little strain, strain the cell, and we start to heal. Now, that is everything about holistic chiropractic doctors to allow the body to heal itself. So we’re proving it over and over again, you and I are both not anti to drugs, that they’re if we need them, it’s a great option. If we can’t fix it ourselves. However, your first option every time is to allow the body to fix itself. Because we have the best mechanisms. The only thing that the drugs can do is dial down the volume on the pathways, they can kill some organisms. So I’m pro medical, don’t misunderstand me, I’m highly pro medical. I’m just saying I think we’re a viable first option, in many instances.
Justin Trosclair 46:12
Very good. I’m trying to get somebody from the L neutral company to come on. Maybe I can get a logo, I don’t know. But I
Unknown Speaker 46:22
long goes not not doing any more podcasts, however. So you know, I can make that happen for you.
Justin Trosclair 46:27
I might go with someone in the company. And that way, I will be so intimidated. He has a pretty thick accent to
Unknown Speaker 46:34
he does speaks good and tight. And he’s a brilliant guy. What I’ll do is, you know, when we get off, we’ll talk and I’ll make the connection.
Justin Trosclair 46:40
Very cool before we head off, cuz we gotta respect your time. It’s been a great hour practically this point. You got a book coming out at the end of the year? I do. Plug it man. What’s going on with that? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 46:50
let’s shameless plug superhighway. The health Dr. Robert Silverman. Facebook is Dr. Robert Silverman, same Instagram follower, we’re going to put it out. We’re going let everybody know in advance, so you can preorder. You guys going to love it. The editors liking it, we’ve shown already some excerpts of some chapters to some of the experts and everybody’s on board. This is sort of a microcosm, Justin’s great, I just sent him a copy of an article that was published for the cover of July 11, of chiropractic economics. It’s a 1400 word article. It’s a microcosm of the book, really get some interest. guys feel free. You got all my info, got a question, reach out to Justin, reach out to me.
Justin Trosclair 47:32
Wow. So I really appreciate your time and given us so much to like, chew on and hopefully stimulate us to either a buy the book, and also says we’re doctors, maybe take some classes in the functional nutrition and get a little more familiar with this stuff so that we’re not going in so blind, and really can feel confident when we’re recommending these things to patients. Because you know, they need it.
Unknown Speaker 47:51
Definitely remember health as well.
Justin Trosclair 47:54
Absolutely. So you have a website?
Unknown Speaker 47:56
I do. Dr. Robert Silverman calm.
Justin Trosclair 47:58
There we go. That was a powerful interview, like always say, Please listen, critically, think about it, and then implement. I know a lot of people don’t always make it to the end of the episodes. But I encourage you, if you made it here, and you can you talk to your friends about it, encourage them to do it. I think the family and vacation and the home life balance part of the end is important. It’s something that I didn’t get a lot of those other podcasts that I was listening to. So check them out Minisodes Thursdays and Saturdays, those come out, let me know what you think about that. If you have an episode that you want me to do for the audience, just send me a message on Facebook, www.facebook.com/JustinTrosclairMCC is the official page of everything about me. You find the books, the acupuncture needle book, The today’s choices, tomorrow’s health book that talks about weight loss, exercise, dieting, and financial health, you can get free chapters at www.adoctorsperspective.net/chapters or www.adoctorsperspective.net/protocol . So that way you can experience the book before you buy it. You said in the interviews that I’ve been a part of where the roles have been reversed. It’s gotten net slash as heard on the resources page on the website as all the products that I recommend, and there’s some deals for some of those. So check that out. And as always, if you click any of the hot links in the show notes page for books, we get a piece of that, and we appreciate that as well www.adoctorsperspective.net/support is the web page if you want to buy the host a cup of coffee. And lastly, reviews are always always appreciated and so grateful when you get them. So that’s www.adoctorsperspective.net/reviews . You’ll have a great week. We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media rather review. And if you go to the show notes page, find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin Trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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