E 134 EMR Considerations Josh Nation of Chiro8000

134 a doctors perspective josh nation chiro8000 electronic health records
Josh Nation talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast.

If you’re tired of hefty upfront costs, massive customization mandated, and monthly recurring fees for your EMR or EHR (electronic medical /health records) then tune in to this episode with Josh Nation of Chiro8000 to learn what’s needed in software.

It should be noted that Forte Holdings (Chiro8000) is not only for chiropractors but they have specific modules for podiatry, optometry and medical doctors… but they are focused heavily on the chiro market. One thing they do is have the most common codes for your specialty preloaded for easy clicks but you do have the entire library in a menu.

Topics Covered:

Repeat note from last visit (clone note): what makes theirs more randomized
Customization of what is repeated or cloned?
Do you own the software?
Do you own the patient list?
Pluses and minuses of a cloud based (internet only) software compared to one that is physically on location.
Best way to DEMO a product.

What computer do you need? Can you use a tablet?
Is there a Chiro8000 app version?
Where is information stored?  Networks, servers, secure backups, oh my!
Buying a new computer or setting up a server can be daunting… he gives a few pointers on what to buy and how to do it.

Does your old patient software charge a fee to gain access to the backup file?
Templates vs Macros… what’s the difference?
Can you import documents into the Chiro8000 system and where are they stored?

Are you able to add boxes, orthopedic tests, and things of that nature?
How easy and quick is adding a real note (like an updated ADL that they can now perform)?
Scheduling concerns?
He talks about the ease of manipulating your scheduling program to your specific needs on a global scale but also day to day.
Chiro8000 also allows you to easily preschedule a patient for their entire treatment plan with just a few clicks.

You can send text and emails about appointment reminders as well as an email onboarding sequence of emails. 
Could this program replace your MailChimp or AWeber account?
You can also segment your list based on insurance or diagnosis and only send messages to those people.
What about the billing part of the program?
Can it run stats on insurances, diagnosis codes, treatment codes?
Multiple ways to track Accounts Receivable, Missed Appointments, aging report and the like.

Staff turnover happens, how long does it take to retrain a new person on Chiro8000 by forte holdings?

Are data transfers from one software to Chiro8000 seamless? What all can be transferred: demographics, financials, EMR records?
How long does a data conversion take with Chiro8000?
What’s the difference between a Prospect File vs an Active Patient File?

www.chiro8000.com  800-456-2622

Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/134 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

a doctors perspective e134 josh nation chiro8000 electronic medical records

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 134 EMR considerations I’m your host, Dr. Justin Trosclair and today we are Josh nations perspective

2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Welcome back just got back from Shanghai again working at the Infosys spondylitis lecture, very hospital actually re met a friend so that was fun to hang out one more time with a guy before he moves back to his home country. If you’re interested in any series that we’ve done, then go www.adoctorsperspective.net/acupunctureseries, or www.adoctorsperspective.net/top1718 which is the top episodes of 2017 and 2018, and www.adoctorsperspective.net/podiatry . So those are your quick checklist. Here’s the top ones. Take the ones you like and listen to them. download them.

As always, if you’re into what is Justin recommend, as far as you know, rehab tools, speakers, podcast stuff, marketing stuff is at www.adoctorsperspective.net/resources . Today’s episode Yes, it says Chiro8000, which is a brand of 40 holdings. They have software that you can use for podiatry, optometry, medical doctors, but it is heavily focused on the chiropractic market. It is EHR, our EMR, however you want to call it, as well as the scheduling, the billing, and all those types of things. And that’s what we’re going to talk about. So obviously, it probably feels like we’re promoting just Kairos 1000. And in essence, it is but at the same time, we’re going to go over all the things that you should be asking before you purchase a system or if you hate the system, you have more questions that you can ask another one personally, like you’ll find out I use this system and I’ve been using it for a long time. They’re not a sponsor, but I’d welcome it. So things we’re going to cover, like who owns your patient list? Is it saved in a cloud? Is it on a hard computer? Do you want to pay a monthly fee? Do you not want to pay monthly or you want to own the software outright? What kind of computer is the at the bottom

We’ll go over what is a template versus what is a macro? And if you don’t have what they want, can you customize it? How fast our notes you know, when you’re doing a duplicate from last visit policy is not great to do that all the time. So how do you make it seem more natural? Is it quick to add your own note in there as well. So there’s, oh, this ADO got better. Well, I don’t want to go to a million boxes, what do I do to do that? And then the big piece that we’re gonna talk about at the end of the episode, kind of sprinkled throughout but mostly at the end, because I kind of got bogged down in the beginning with like, Dr. Notes and those things, but we’re gonna go over appointment reminders, scheduling Billings, like how you can make reports from like CPT codes that you use, how often how much which insurance companies you can send text messages and email reminders. Like if you’re running a patient Appreciation Day, you could send text reminders, all these people if you had like, maybe a supplement that you wanted to promote to just people who had headaches, you can segment that list so like it removes needing an infusion soft, the MailChimp and a Weber like you pretty much can go to that like you can get it set up to where it does the onboarding email sequence for you.

Which is pretty cool. And of course AR and aging and all those fun things. So anyway, hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I had recording it. Like said it should answer some questions that you have for any software that you are considering data transfers all that stuff. All the show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/134 , including the transcripts. By the way, all the show notes have transcripts. Now, on the bottom of the webpage, you’ll see a little button you just click that it’ll expand it, otherwise it’s hidden. leave a review feels good helps other people discover what we’re doing. Listen, learn integrate, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China and Eldorado Hills, California. Today on the podcast. We got an interesting episode. We don’t do a lot of product highlights but this is some program that I’ve been using for 12 years. So pretty much my entire career as a chiropractor before it was just the billing and the scheduling. Then I finally up

greatest the EMR and actually I really enjoy it. They don’t get a lot of press. And it just I don’t know why. So I invited Mr. Josh nation on the show. He’s the product and Support Manager of 40 holdings of Chiro8000. And now, they’ve actually combined the scheduling billing and the EMR under one roof for their version 16. They’ve been around for over 20 years. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Yeah. Thanks for having me. I’m excited. Alright, so I know what you’re thinking, Oh, my gosh, you really think we’re going to listen to a product sales pitch for half hour to an hour? Well, I guess you could look at it that way. But we are not trying to present it that way. I’m not being paid or anything at this point. Although I would, you know, I’m just saying No, I’m just kidding. So uh, but we just want to highlight some things like why, you know, we know the big players, I’ll just say it Carl touch Eclipse genes. apps are getting some really big press recently. And I’m always the guy that’s thrown out there. Chiro1000. And for me, one it works really well. And then to I’m not a big fan of these things.

fees. It’s like you pay 10 grand up front for something, then you got to customize the whole thing, or pay somebody else for like a template, which will definitely ask if you guys have that system. But I like, hey, guess what, I don’t want to pay a monthly fee. And you guys don’t do that. It’s this is what the software costs. If you need help, you can pay for that. And then we’re done. And you pay for an upgrade every couple years. And usually do we had this pre chat. The upgrades aren’t like we change the font. And we mean, we’ve added an ortho test or something like usually it’s like these massive overhaul, will you like oh, okay, everything’s kind of the same. But like, it’s so different, that there’s a little bit of a learning curve. And then in a couple weeks, you’re back up to where you wanted to be. So they’re not like, Oh, my gosh, I can’t figure this out. It’s like knows, these are things that we wanted, and you guys fix it. So that was a long intro. What do you think about that?

Unknown Speaker 5:45
Yeah, no, I agree. You know, when I, I am very much a user of software, just as I am also a product manager of software. So you know, I always kind of look at what’s out there. And you know, I’m a human being too. So I look at price of something, I look, the value you’re getting for something, also, to be quite frank, I mean, we live in the digital age, we all are attached at the hip to our cell phones and computers and everything else, you know, I’ve gotten enough apps to last me for days. So really, simplicity. Now, I think is key, I think less is more, you know, I look at some of this stuff out there. And I’m not saying anything negative about them, but to do you know, 15 apps to do what one app can do? Do I need all that do all those logins and different settings? I mean, you know, we look at the profession itself, and we understand why you got into business, you know, I mean, you’re you’re truly helping individuals, you know, you’re making a difference in their lives. And you didn’t go to school to be a computer science major on the side, right? You don’t need to be a computer programmer, you don’t need to be a master of 12 different apps, you know, and that’s exactly, I think you hit the nail on the head there.

Justin Trosclair 6:50
Now, it’s true that least whenever I was using it more regularly, like right now in China don’t have to use it as much. It was still customizable. You had everything it’s set up. And then for myself, I was like, well, there wasn’t enough activities of daily living, everybody wants that stuff. So I had to create it. And you know, Oh, my gosh, he has a great yeah, a lot of these systems you can pay, or you can maybe download a free template that your buddy down the street who’s been using it for six years, and to get his system run for but I’m guessing the better the art and more that’s amazing the charge, which rightfully so like this do spend a lot of girls spend a lot of time like I spend some time customizing. I do certain ortho tests on one of those in there. And it’s, it’s really cool because it just still flows, how you want it done. And it’s still point and click like all the charges and things like that. But the one thing I want to mention, the 40 Holdings is the the Umbrella Corporation, and you actually has not just for chiropractors listening, you’ll have other modules, what are the other professions that you’ll I guess support right out the box?

Unknown Speaker 7:50
Yeah, I mean, you know, you can we have podiatrists that are supported optometrists, we have some MDS that are starting to venture into our patients room offerings. So, you know, that’s definitely I would say chiropractic is our, our forte, for lack of a better pun, but that’s exactly what we’re tailored for. But yeah, we do have those those sub areas that we can go to,

Justin Trosclair 8:12
and what does that look like that says, don’t have like the podiatry jargon, pre program, then things like that?

Unknown Speaker 8:19
Well, over the years, you know, we’ve, we’ve looked at the different software’s both internally and externally, and one of the things that we started doing is just finding ways to allow things like diagnostic codes, for instance. So instead of us shipping, a version that has one set one, another version that has a different set for all the different primary specialties, what we can do is we can offer the full library. And then when you come in, let’s say your chiropractic, I can have those codes pre loaded up for you, you know, the M, the S codes, things like that, you know, if you have the G codes for some headaches and things like that, but I’ve already got those codes, pre lined up treatments, things like that, you know, your CPT codes and common for chiropractic, I can do the same for each of those, but all under the same heading, if that makes sense. So just to make it easier experiences I, again, I like simplicity, I like to make sure that everybody can get in there, like you said, Yeah, I mean, customizing is no fun for anyone. There’s always things customizing and, and the update word nobody likes, likes to update anything you know. So I, we definitely take that to heart, we try to make an update a fun experience and an easy experience. But then we also look at just customizing the software, it is your software, I mean, you own it when you get it. So like you said, no hidden fees or anything like that, we just try to make sure everything’s user friendly and easy to use, there’s kind of three ways you can go. And it’s shameless plug for our support team, because I really, you know, they go above and beyond when it comes to that. They treat everyone like family, you know, they’re not scripted, they’re not timed or anything like that. But we kind of have three ways you can go about setting up your software. So you can either, you know, we can do it for you, we can do it with you, you know, we can log in or something like that and assist you so that way you kind of learn as you go, if depending on your level of expertise, if you will. And then finally, you know, I can just make sure that you get a good thorough training at any time, and we can make sure you know how to do it. So any level of comfort there because everybody’s different.

Justin Trosclair 10:19
And it comes pre popped with ICD 10 at this point, right?

Unknown Speaker 10:22
Oh, yeah, yep. All right, pre populated with that, of course, as those sets get updated from time to time, we can get those codes in there for you quickly and easily. But, again, the one thing I like to stress is you’re seeing you have access to the full library, should you need it, however, you’re seeing specifically what you need for your specialty right out of the gate. So you don’t have to pre set that up.

Justin Trosclair 10:46
That’s a good thing, because that’s, that’d be out of control. Because ever, you know, first looking into ICD 10 Yeah, there’s, yeah, like ICD 10. You know, I haven’t had a lot of experience with it, if I’m honest, like, whenever I get into it, I want to be reliant on my friends to send me some, you know, top 50 codes, you know, versus what we used to use, and then seeing what the 8000 system has in their pre pre done, you’re like, Okay, these are the common codes, you know, left, right.

Unknown Speaker 11:09
Yeah, it’s a challenge. Because before, you know, I mean, you can just, you know, I mean, there was now it’s, now it’s all your different quadrants, you know, and also you’ve got to factor in encounters and things like this, is this an initial account or subsequent encounter, things like that. So, it’s definitely an interesting world for those coders out there.

Justin Trosclair 11:30
Now, there’s something that people like to talk about, I know a couple features that I mean, I see a lot of people want, and then after that, we’re just going to ask you, like, what are some of the top features that you know, separate you guys or whatever, and, you know, kind of get more people like, Oh, that’s why it’s cool. Adjusting, we can always have five or six ways to explain what we’re doing. And if you see somebody say, 15, visits over however long says a car accident, you’re going to end up using all three, all six of them three times, and the person that’s reviewing your notes will be okay, so it’s still canned. But at the same time, as a doctor, we’re like, well, we want some speed in this, we don’t just want we can’t see the same thing every visit. Although your program does have that feature, we’re just copies everything you did the last time that way. It’s quicker, you know, you don’t have to redo the history and all that kind of stuff. So What do y’all do? How does that work to where, you know, it’s quick, but you can still make it look different. But at the same time, you don’t have to like recreate the wheel every time what’s going on with that.

Unknown Speaker 12:24
And you touched on a good point, which is, you know, sometimes those things do become similar from visit to visit, and you got to randomize it. So we get a couple different ways. So as you mentioned, we do have the way to clone everything forward. So meaning from the last visit, you can clone it for but we took that one step further in our newer version. So now you can actually go in, and you can actually pick and choose of the areas what you want to copy forward. So we use the term salt same as last time. But essentially, you know, there’s there’s commonality of things that you might see, you want to be cheering as well as some things that are okay to stay the same. So you may go in and say no, I want to never carry forward the diagnosis and the treatment, but I want to carry everything else forward. Or you may find a combination. So in, of course, we’ve got 50 different sections, you can pick and choose what comes forward. So that’s that’s that level one you were talking about. But to we do have options, very simple interface, where you can just simply click to randomize your subjective or your narratives in the in the software itself, so that even if they are copying forward, they still are arranged in a way to give them a uniqueness. Because we’re even starting to see in the front of billing, for instance, Medicare or some of the work coms, they’re actually scrutinizing that to a degree as well, to see if there is variants in your reporting.

Justin Trosclair 13:48
So when some of the subjective, they’ll be like a section, if you click into that, you know, tight muscles, I’ve heard tonic muscles, Garden, you know, there’s like, you know, whatever word you want to use, I’m sure there’s some better ones, but I just gave us an example. So they might have what, like 10, or 15 different ways to say the same thing. And then some of the software is able to like combine several options as well.

Unknown Speaker 14:07
Yeah, so we essentially in that specific area would be it’s almost like a sentence builder. So we’ve got two sentences, think of a parent and a child. So parenting the patient presents today. And then child is the subsequent filling in that sentence, for acute symptom of you know, and going through and down through the, the order there. So just like you said, we have, we already pre populate with common phrases and use terms so that way, you could just put the click of a button, select them, but we also understand every every practice is different. So that being the case, you can also come in and add your own phraseology to so really, you’re combining these with just a click of a button and in the program can throw them in a different order scheme beyond so you have the ability to randomize it, as well as the software will take that one step further. randomize it as well think of, you know, essentially, it’s like putting Dyson and shaking them around, right. So you’ve got the same components are there, they’re just presented in a different order, if you want it to. And if it all makes sense. Like if you’re talking about physical objective, you’re going to have tight muscles, you’re going to have a cemetery pain. So you’re going to meet all the Medicare guidelines on every patient, regardless of the reason

Justin Trosclair 15:23
you know, the cash pack, another cash, their Medicare, their insurance, those are just the basics that you just have, in my opinion, like just don’t skimp if you don’t have a computer, just click a button. Right? So, right. So here’s my thought, you gotta screen you gotta like, who knows, you start going through and you like, All right, we’re talking about muscles. So then you have all these things. So you you’re like, Okay, I’m only gonna pick this one today. But you you clone the next visit. And you can forget about it. You’re like, You’re, you’re going through, you’re seeing a lot of patients. Oh, man, I forgot that and click that and click a different one. So do you have to like go in and say, Okay, here’s the six ways to say the muscles are tight. You click all of those, and then it just picks one each time or like, you have to go in and today is this and tomorrow is this one. And then tomorrow’s that one?

Unknown Speaker 16:08
No. So you’re, you’re on the initial outset. So let’s say on visit one, or visit, visit five, it doesn’t really matter. So at some point, what you’re doing is you’re going in and selecting, let’s say those muscles, okay, so you selected five muscle groups, you targeted those. So now when you go into your next exam, that’s going to already be pre populated for you. So now, you could just simply be select or select if you wanted to, but you already see what was entered before. However, let’s say just hands off, I did nothing with that same group that was already carried over. Now, if I went to print out my sup, my soap note, and because we have the randomized option on, it can reorder only those selected ones. Nothing more, nothing less. So it’s okay. Yeah, we’ve got to be cautious. At the same time. I’ve got to make sure that I’m still fitting in Yes, I can randomize things. And yes, I can mixture of things have a unique does to them. But I still got to keep your voice. Right, I can’t go in and it pre select out of the order that you’ve already selected in terms of those muscle groups are going to be what’s randomized, because that’s the only thing you’ve allowed. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 17:15
what about, I’m a big fan of Okay, cool. We got an automatic randomization, that’s great. But I’m always like, Okay, today, patient made the comment, they could walk for 1.5 miles, were another two weeks ago, there’s only point five, is there a way to just quickly add something like that. So it’s truly it’s truly custom. And it’s it’s accomplishing what they want their daily living, and it makes it a unique note every time because you always add something, is that easy to do? Or is it like, buttons?

Unknown Speaker 17:43
Yeah, so it those are just I mean, that would that change you just talked about there under a second. I mean, you simply would go into the next visitor exam, you would already see the pre existing, they were able to walk X amount of miles. And all you have to do is change that one number. We have also one of the newer features as we have templates, I see this term thrown around a lot in the industry right now. And I think there’s a, I’m a tech guy. So I obviously am more tech minded when it comes to this. But I hear terms like macros, and templates, kind of being thrown around, I hear you know, the buzzword is macros, when in fact, I think they’re more templates, is what we’re seeing out in the world. And, and what that means is a macro is I do something, I click something and then an other set of actions occurs, meaning it’s moving to the next realm of doing something. Whereas a template is obviously if I have a work comp, and I’m only going to see this set of fields in this set of options, because they’re what’s allowed for work calm, so I don’t want to even be bothered with anything outside that realm. And that’s typically what I see out there. So we can actually go we do both templates and macros, if that makes sense. So you can go in and define a visit type or an exam type, as well as the subsets that are kind of already pre populated in there, that doesn’t mean that you, you can’t change them, of course, in a matter of seconds, you can. But you know, we’re seeing I mean, in the states here, I mean, the visit counts are only going higher. I mean, there’s just more and more people going to chiropractic, that’s a good thing. But you’re still right. So with the documentation side of this, you know, so that being the case, you have a shorter amount of time now to complete your notes than you’ve ever had in history. So you got to be able to get through there. But yet, you got the catch 22, right, because there are more requirements on your reporting than there have ever been. So, you know, that’s the conundrum, you’ve got to do more with less time. And so that’s where we start seeing, you know, some some out there, you see templates, some you see macros and macros, and we just kind of, you know, we figured you needed both. And that’s just because it gets you through that much faster.

Justin Trosclair 19:51
For people who might be a little confused for their system, when you get a new patient or ask you is this PI? Is it cash? Is it work comp, and so at that point is please click PI, it can take you through certain questions that it wouldn’t ask if you were just the cash patient you like, oh, you’re an auto accident. Okay, you probably need these 15 questions, right? And, you know, you know, where were you hitting where you were in to see but so have all those types of things in there. That’s what he means by like a different template. Versus like a macro would be ortho test, click neural test, click right and you just go through and write down what it is and Okay, you do an orthopedic tests, you do a straight leg raise, there was pain, there was pain in sight. Distribution. Oh, and said he went to the fifth toe went to the first toe. Is all of that is like button button button.

Unknown Speaker 20:39
Yes, I’ll touch base. We’ve got something around the corner. You know. So we’re, we’ve what we’ve got right now we’ve really tried making sure that our current latest version of the product is definitely designed for touch base. So that way, I mean, what we’re finding more and more is gone are the days of a workstation sitting in each of the treatment rooms or wherever windows in a way station. So now everybody fuck around with the tablet. Most everybody you know, I’ll say Oh, yeah, tablet. So I mean, we’re talking, you know, a Windows device or something or, or iPad. And so you’re walking around, and you got to be able to just move from room to room freely tapping on these things. So yes to to give you a long answer for what you just asked, Is it touch based?

Justin Trosclair 21:25
So you’ll have the ability now to it doesn’t have to be on a eight gigabyte ram processing computer, laptop, carry that to each room, you can actually do tablets and things like an iPad now?

Unknown Speaker 21:36
Oh, yeah. In much too much to a credit of what we got a few things. So right now, yes, to answer your question is you can work on a tablet, where we’ve got the benefit of tablets are, are very well progressed from where they started even a few years ago. So I mean, you can, you can purchase tablets for a very minimal amount of money there. Obviously devices that you can hold with one hand there touch base entry, you can walk around from one room to the other, and quickly and easily. And for instance, a surface pros are a good example surface pros are powerhouse machines. They screen with our programs. So they go super fast. And you can just walk around instead of being tied down to just this old antiquated every software and hardware. So now Yeah, it’s that’s the whole goal. We do have also an iPad based kiosk, patient kiosk. ICF. Yeah, for the patients and check themselves in, we could do a desktop version of that. And then we are just right around the corner, we’re having our official doctors app, iPad app is coming out as well. So that’s right around the corner, that’s going to be a game changer. I think just because we’re we’re trying to give the level and kind of what you’ve talked about leading up to, to now is the mobility, but the speed, and being able to still randomize and give unique assessments within your report is, that’s kind of all coming to a head with our doctors app that’s coming out. And that’s, I’m pretty excited about that one. So we’re going to be seeing it here soon. That one is just a full fledged app, you would download on iPad or Windows, something like that. And then you’re able to truly it, it’s all quick touch base entry, you can get through a visit if you wanted to. or an exam, I’m going to daresay you could do it under a minute. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you could go and really go to the nines. And you can fill that out and take 1520 minutes if you want it. But it’s designed to give you a full compliant and Medicare ready report just in that amount of time. Let’s just jump to this because you made a comment about it

Justin Trosclair 23:41
when you work with the tablets. So there’s going to be a workstation. And now the okay jargon people I’m sorry, I don’t know the all the fancy terms. So there’s a there’s a computer, a main computer, like you’re saying the front desk or something. Yeah. And then the program is able to be put on, I don’t know what the full version or like a lighter version that goes on these tablets. And then those just sync up automatically and all save on that one workstation. Yeah, because you wouldn’t want to 15 different computers, and they don’t talk to each other. So that how you’d have to set it up.

Unknown Speaker 24:13
It’s set up, it’s You’re right. In the fundamentals you do have it’s a server workstation based situation, because we do have a database that resides on the server. But like you said, That’s essentially the main computer, that’s of your choice. It’s wherever you want it to be, it could be the front desk computer, it could be one in the back room or one in your office. But that being the case, yes. So these tablets do sync up. However, they have a secondary storage on them. And of course, we’ve just got to keep in mind that everything is networked. So much like if you connect to a Wi Fi network, or VPN, over you know, there’s a million a million different ways you can network in but these devices, these tablets are these notebooks are these laptops, whatever you decide to use. They’re just simply networked to your main computer. And as such everything rights back there.

Justin Trosclair 25:03
Alright, so you don’t have to, you should have probably have a special area that has like massive hard drive or whatever. And that even the front desk, who’s using all the billing, we need to talk about that stuff. There’s what even be on a slave is that what they call it master and a slave, they would be the slave version of the one that’s in the back room with air conditioning and everything. Do y’all help with that kind of setup? Because I mean, as me, I never did that, because I was like, I don’t want to do that. And I was like, Oh my gosh, how much is that gonna cost? How many more computers that have to buy,

Unknown Speaker 25:30
we helped to a degree, it depends on what level we get to remember some things like networking, for instance, that’s not just how our program is talking amongst your office. Networking is kind of the security of your office. That’s how all computers and all programs and all data on all those computers are talking to one another. So I absolutely can help and respect to my program, just understanding that, we always recommend that either, you know, if you’re if you’re tech savvy and comfortable with it, you can do it. But getting a network professional and there’s always a good idea. But in terms of setup, I’ll be quite frank, it, you can, you can set it up very quickly yourself. So I mean, to set up a server setup, the workstation, I Windows updates, or something like that might take you a little bit longer, just because those are time consuming events. But networking is never been easier. Most of this is all just point click in Windows interface.

Justin Trosclair 26:25
Yeah. So then another question I have because you know, a lot of other competitors, they always are, you pay a monthly fee, they store it for you on the cloud. But with this system, you’re stored on your server, you’re stored on your computer. So if you had a fire is gone, like you You lost everything, and that’s not going to be a good situation. So you should have some sort of whatever backup means, you know, you might put on an external hard drive that’s encrypted, you may want to back it up to a HIPAA compliant Dropbox, p cloud or something like, daily. So that is that is that a big draw back for people that like, Oh, I gotta do one more thing with this computer?

Unknown Speaker 27:03
Not at all. I mean, so, you know, I can go in both directions. So to talk about which first said is, yes, your data is in your control. So I don’t see that as a bad thing. You know, by law, in many states, you have to have your records in your possession available at any point in time for a certain number of years, I definitely would recommend taking a look at you should be in control of your data. It is your patient data. But second, if we look at that, yeah, absolutely. I mean, you can use, we’re never tried to be a nanny program, if that makes sense. So I’m not saying you have to spend $5,000, I’m not saying you have to spend $5, that being the case, you know, you can back up to let’s say, your desktop to your hard drive anywhere of your choosing, or to an external drive, there’s cloud services out there that are free under a certain gigabyte limit. And I can tell you that on average, most of our clients, the data drain is not that pig. So you can actually be kept and have kind of a redundant system so that you have data being stored locally, but you also have that getting uploaded to the cloud, like you said, in a HIPAA compliant cloud. But nowadays, that’s, that’s very prevalent. So you’ll find that being very accessible. I mean, if we were talking 10 years ago, in this now, you know, that’s different story. And this is important, this is a discussion I have with my clientele, because I try to help educate, you know, data is something it’s a serious matter. I mean, we watch the news every day, you see some large company that’s been compromised. And and people look at this and think it’s ridiculous, but then they don’t realize the power of the data that they have in their own hands. And unfortunately, a side effect of the society that we live in, and the technology we live in is everybody has to be to a degree data minded. I mean, whether it’s your cell phone, whether it’s your laptop, we got to understand that at any point, we could be compromised. So I believe that knowledge is key, I mean, backing up software takes a matter of seconds, in terms of another thing to do, well, we have an option to manually do it, or you can automate it. So one time, you can take all of maybe 15 seconds, you can set and build a schedule. And from that point, you never have to lift another finger, it’s automatically backing up to whatever redundant systems and this is absolutely where my support team comes in. Because we’ll make sure I want to make sure your data is secure. I always put it in kind of a frame of mind of what our clients would understand, you know, I look at it like your bank account, you don’t not look at your bank account, and make sure everything is there. And it’s as it should be. The same should be happening with your data. And it shouldn’t be so mysterious techie thing, it should be something that’s very simple, easy to manage, and inexpensive. And that absolutely as possible. It’s it’s sometimes if you were to go out, I mean, don’t get me wrong, if you go to an IT person whose job is to secure and backup data, it’s probably going to cost a lot more. And it’s probably going to sound really complicated, because that’s that person way of living. Right. Right. You know, and I don’t mean to say that crudely, because there’s a lot of passionate people out there, I’m just saying, you know, there are come to us, there’s no extra cost, like you said, there’s no hidden fees or anything, you paid for it, you got it. So give us a call. And we can give you very quick and easy alternatives, we can help walk you through every step of it. Like I said, we can do it, we can help it, we can train you to make sure you know how and you’ll be up and running on the data perspective. Now, the other side of the coin is for those people that don’t have data locally. And then what happens when you leave a software, I would challenge you know, you definitely need to look at are you being charged for your own data to get a copy of data? And you know, at what are the policies of that because here’s the thing, whether you’re saving locally, or whether you’re you’re getting stored to a cloud from some other software, you’re still responsible for your data. So would you rather be responsible and have the data in your own two hands and nobody exactly what’s going on with it? Or have no clue where it’s stored, how it’s stored, what the policies are, on it hidden not know anything about, you’re still on the hook for it regardless? Well, for me, that puts it into perspective, I’d rather see it and know where it’s at.

Justin Trosclair 31:16
because realistically, a lot of people buy a program, maybe Kairos touch the like, well, this is the behemoth I’m not very happy with it is what I’ve kind of been hearing people can like I’m trying to go some results. And they’re like upset because they’ve already spent so much money, and I’m happy with it. Now I gotta go and try to buy another one. And so then I don’t like I said, I don’t know if they hold your data hostage or not. But you really have to consider that because it’s too late now if you already own it, but now I got to spend so much money to get my data and then transfer to a new program. And from the past what I’ve noticed, y’all are good about that. If you use the different program, you can take their backup, and you can lease transfer, you told me, can you transfer everything? Can you only transfer like demographic information like address and all that we can do it all. So

Unknown Speaker 32:01
when it comes to that, we have many tiers of data services just to make sure you get what you want. So we can do the full everything that’s in a past system we can bring into our system. That being the case, what we we can do, sometimes we’ll see that people will opt for only demographics. Why? Because they’ll say, Oh, my financial sides a mess, I want to start over on that. And so just here’s all the data, but just extract the financials, give me just my demographics that lets me start from square one. And then I have some people who say no, I want everything or, I mean, really you call the shots. So with the data service, you get to pick you want insurance information, demographic, medical history, financials, it’s up to you.

Justin Trosclair 32:46
Because if I’m in the middle of a bunch of cases, I guess some people are like, Look, every patient from today forward, you’ve Kairos 1000, every patient you had before you can back it up in case you don’t need it. But like if you’re in visit 12 of a 10th of a 15 visit package, you can have to keep using that one because we can’t transfer those last 12 visits into the new system, or does that not show we

Unknown Speaker 33:05
absolutely can we can transfer the visits I can even so most modern software is now even go so far along with the visits, they can also go deeper in, let’s say, claims that are outstanding. So let’s say you just send about your claims. And now I’ve got a batch of 25 claims out but yet I want to move my software do I have to wait? Because I’m mid batch and I want to wait because I got a post that no, we can actually pull claims history. For instance, I can put from the past software into our software, if you move to us and entry saying you’ve got these 25 claims out on these 25 patients to these payers for this much. So that way, you’re just posting the payments, and can reveal if you need it to from our software, but you can pick up where you left off, if that makes sense. So is it when it’s transferred over? Does it look more like? Like if you were to print your soap know what it looked like that for all the old visits were? No, it’ll look like ours. And the reason is because you’re essentially mapping right? So I’m taking this field to this field. So it is still in the heart. It is our program. So our soul would still be the output. So no however,

Justin Trosclair 34:15
see could go you could go back and change something. Right. Right.

Unknown Speaker 34:19
Right. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 34:20
not like a permanent, which you’re not really supposed to do anyway. So if it was just like, No, no, these first 10 visits are going to be a Word document that you’re just going to print is like no, actually, you could actually go back and alter the record if you needed to, for some reason, right? on the

Unknown Speaker 34:34
blog. We can also I mean, going in there you you. It’s still formatted and template. It’s not like you’re getting into think bare bones if you moved it over. So it’s pretty exciting. You know what I like about it, too. So let’s say you want to do a data conversion. And that’s honestly, that’s a big part of what you touched on. I mean, that’s a massive thing. So people say I hate what I’m on. I’m frustrated with it. I don’t meet paying too much, whatever. Yeah, there’s all different reasons. But I, I’m also tied to it, because I’ve got so much going on, I can’t take my practice down. So what do I do, I even if even if you say wait a second. So you can do a data conversion, bring in whatever data we want. What about that period of time of business, I still have to conduct business in between them. So the nice thing is, is we can get your data, we can get everything all primed up and ready, you can still continue to use your old software if you want. And then once we’ve got everything lined up, we can come back to you and say let me just grab one more quick current backup of where you’re at, of everything you’ve done up in this point, give us just a short amount of time. And that same day will come back and say here’s all your data to today. So your current, you had no doubt.

Justin Trosclair 35:44
Give us 10 minutes. I’ve got to upload however big it is. And but yeah, it’d be good to go. Yep. Wow, what about the the other side of it because we’re talking about Dr. stuff, but in reality, some people get rid of stuff because you got this the scheduling is horrible. It doesn’t integrate with if I was just a Facebook post, I don’t know why you would want to do that maybe doesn’t integrate very well with trying to do MailChimp, you know, maybe you know you want some a little bit more automated someone throw a bunch of things at you and then let you make an answer. So MailChimp integration, you put a new patient, they got an email, some people are like, I wish it would just populate that to MailChimp and be done with it. Some people are like the billion sucks. So how do I you know, does it have good aging? Does it whenever I click five different treatments today will automatically go to Sally up front, and it’ll be boom, right there when a patient comes out, it’s going to be right there. Am I able to like do a lot of reporting to find out Wow, I’m not doing any three regions. I’ve only been doing one in two regions, What in the world? I’ve I’ve been doing them out of the statistical norm, you know, are never actually charged for this. And I thought I was like what’s going on? So you can track all of that. As far as scheduling goes, I want 15 minute blocks. I got five doctors, you know that type of thing. Yeah, so what give us a little spiel on that area. Because that’s important. That used to be an entire module for you guys. That was like that was one purchase that you didn’t have to use with the software. But now it’s combined, which I didn’t realize up until like recently. So that’s pretty cool.

Unknown Speaker 37:08
Yeah, so everything know, like you said, everything is under one roof. We’ve got the scheduling is, is a breeze. I mean, honestly, it’s it’s clicking point, you can do it on your all Windows based, Windows based, that’s correct. And you click on the calendar slot. And you can simply write that in there. Just say you know what type of visit so you you on a on a high level can go in and actually set visit type defaults. Let’s say you can go in and set visit link default. So you’ve got a lot of the stuff at the high level already situated for your day to day average things if you will. Now on the schedule, it’s simply I click on a slot and I go Can I can select a patient or a prospect. And I can put them into my system. Now. Let’s say that appointment, I want to move it to a different room or a different doctor that day, drag and drop it. Let’s say I want to expand that visit, it’s I click on the window itself and drag it to a longer or larger time slot. And there you go. So just very intuitive, easy touch controls are using the mouse. Now being use case, let’s say you came in today, and I scheduled appointment for you and you said wait a second, I want to schedule 45 more visits. Well, I got you. Okay, so I could click on that appointment that you’ve got right there. I can say create a recurring appointment, I can then first I’ve got like a very simple wizard, to take me through their process. So I can say which days are in play for your office? You know, let’s say Monday through Friday, or Monday, Wednesday, Friday? How often? Or what’s the interval I want between the appointments, so every two days, every one day, whatever you want. So after answer just a couple questions, taking maybe two seconds, I can say do I want to avoid overlaps, just so that because I’m not looking in the future, I’m not looking at my calendar, I don’t want to see if that slots available. I want the program to do that. So I say avoid overlaps. I hit build schedule, instantly on there, all the 45 visits ready for you shows me all the dates times and I can hit print right from there. Or I can click email and email you your appointment. So that way it’s in there and logged in our software as well. But scheduling just takes a matter of seconds. It’s very easy. In terms of integrations. You know, it’s funny, because,

Justin Trosclair 39:19
here, let’s pause for a second. When you’re talking about the scheduling out and all your visits. I like that idea. You know, they need to come in eight times boom is done. You like Mondays, like Mondays and Fridays. Awesome. That’s only two days you like to nine o’clock slot, boom, we’re done. But at the same time before everything saves, does it Lisa used to use the pop up and media, you could say Hmm, so like when you’re learning the program, like, all right, every other day is not what I thought it meant. Let me fix it. Let me change, you know, let me start over, you know, might want to use on a dummy patient first and play with it out. So you can kind of see the difference and be like, Oh, that’s what that means. All right. That was I was confused. But anyway, the point is, Bob’s in front of you, you have it set up, you can are looking like oh, well, that’s where that wasn’t. That was not correct. Let me change that real quick. Are you already knows I’m on vacation that week. All right, let me just remove that and then added some results. And it’s kind of all touches buttons. And you’re almost now you’ve customized his schedule based on his schedule to

Unknown Speaker 40:14
exactly. So you can change it on the fly there too. And you do have a review period. So that way, if you do need to make some last minute adjustments or something you absolutely can.

Justin Trosclair 40:22
Okay. And again, like even when you’re doing that, you’re still dropping, drag and drop. Hey, today, I got to come at three o’clock,

Unknown Speaker 40:28
okay to be done. And we logged those things, too. So, you know, of course, we’ve got the appointment reminders, we

Justin Trosclair 40:34
also reschedule

Unknown Speaker 40:35
Yeah, so we can, we’ve got appointment reminders. But that being the case, also, let’s say somebody calls in and says that they can’t make it, you know, I mean, some offices charge for that. Some offices just want thorough records, audit logs of what’s transpiring. So for whatever reason, you actually will see, every occurrence that occurred with that patient with with regard to their scheduling is, like you said, they may call in, also you can make in that schedule, and building the schedule, or just doing daily visits, you can do this for prospects to you know, a lot of software’s you have to go in, create a patient file, then go in and create a schedule for that patient. And this, you may have somebody on the phone right then in there, I gotta get this person’s information as quickly as I can. My phone’s ringing, I got to get to some more people, you know, but I don’t want to lose this information. And plus, I want to make sure I secure a spot, I don’t want to necessarily create a patient file one because I don’t got time to because I don’t know if this person is going to end up actually coming patient. Yeah, there’s a price, I want to eat up my time my resource my program on them until I know they’re going to come in. But let’s say you don’t come in. Well, now I’ve got reports that show all my prospects, my no shows, that will say, hey, here are the people that didn’t come, we’ve got reports, views and things like that. So you, if you want to know the number of patients that didn’t come in, in the last 30 days, or 60 days or the year, you can just quickly pull report on that. And then you can recall their information. So it’s got their number, their email, so that way, if you’re assigning somebody to kind of reach back out and say, Hey, we missed, you know, just checking to see if you’d like us to reschedule

Justin Trosclair 42:11
that. And to get them off that schedule. Even like this person always reschedule, if they reschedule more than three times, take them off the list. And you can set that up. So when you get the report printed out, you’re like, wow, I had 500 patients and whittled it down to 250. Because they hit all the criteria that I didn’t want to have to call back because I have a patient Appreciation Day. And I don’t appreciate you missing 15 or whatever, reschedule every other day.

Unknown Speaker 42:34
But yeah, and then on the other side, so let’s say they do come in, well, you already at the time of the call took some information. So you took whatever you decided you take, I mean, it could be basic demographics, it could have been that you also pulled some insurance information. So that’s queued up window. If you did show up, I don’t have to reenter any of that, I can just click the button in that prospect and say create a patient file from this. So no double entry data or anything like that. Now they are officially a patient, because they did come in so you can lock them in. And you don’t have to re enter that data.

Justin Trosclair 43:07
Before we go to integrations. I just thought of this. Sometimes you get an MRI report, and it’s not digital. So what do we do, we scan it, we take a picture insert into the file, the patient’s trying to fill out paperwork. They’re like, dude, I’m not using the kiosk Are you kiosk is kind of glitchy I don’t like using it. So now they still got to fill out the paperwork, and then I gotta go back. And then or not, I’m not doing it. But you know, somebody’s gonna go back and be like name, click this condition, click this, click, click. So it’s going to be done twice by your staff and by the person. So what do we do about all that?

Unknown Speaker 43:42
Yeah, so let’s start on the MRI side of things. So on any any paperwork, or any report or any image that you have, you can scan directly into different areas. Okay, so for instance, Mr. Eyes, then I want to scan into their EMR section. Why because I’m going to be looking that as a chiropractor, right, so I can bring it in there, I can scan directly from the software into into the program, Bob. And to take it one step further. Because a lot of times, what you see with x rays is let’s say they came from a hospital or an imaging center, and they got CD. And that CD not only has the images, but it has a self extracting Image Viewer that’s proprietary to that. So what we can do is set up your program to recognize this file type will open with this extractor. So you are still just scanning in directly into your program. However, when you double click, you don’t realize it but behind the scenes, we’re opening that diagnostic centers imaging program. So it still looks like you’re just viewing the X ray in a matter of seconds, you know, yeah, I just clicked on it opens, you don’t realize behind the scene, all the wheels that are firing, we’re actually opening up any sub programs needed, if they have something like that, to make it that easier. Now, I might have something that’s dealing with insurance cards or something like that, I don’t want to put that in my EMR section, I want to put that in my billing section. So that being the case, I could scan directly into the billing area. So it’s primed up and ready there as well. So you know, I mean, we, we don’t hinder you, we don’t stop you from you can scan to any section you want. We’ve just made it easy to scan the appropriate things into the appropriate places.

Justin Trosclair 45:25
People still use scanners, that’s still a thing you can buy out there.

Unknown Speaker 45:28
Yeah, that’s funny. as a as a tech support person, you know, one thing you were talking about size of data. And you know, if I were to give a suggestion out to the the listeners here is every scanner has very easy to use settings that you can change the file type format, most people will scan in something like a JPEG, which is a standard good files get an image type. That is you can see a lot of detail. But a lot of these new scanners come out and they’re set up to skin as TIFF files. And the problem with that is one TIFF file is about 10 times the size or more of a tape as well. So if you’re an agency, or let’s say your your office is scheduling, and scanning, you know, all this billing information and mountains of X rays, if you’re doing TIFF files, and I’m not talking about to start program, I’m talking data in general, you’re creating a massive need for large disk space, you were talking about hard drives and things on the server, you need a hard drive with, you know, maybe a four or 500 gig hard drive is good. And that is on a minimal computer you can get for a couple hundred bucks nowadays, I mean, you can go to any box store and get I mean you can buy terabytes worth of external drives. But in this case, you get a few hundred you can get for you know 20 bucks, 30 bucks, however, you

Justin Trosclair 46:50
might want to get an SSD and spend the extra money it’s faster and last longer spend the extra money people

Unknown Speaker 46:57
SSSD solid state drive which has no moving parts, no moving parts means it’s going to last you longer. It also means it’s significantly faster. If people want to kind of understand what that means. Think memory cards, the little USB plugins think of the the little SD cards that maybe you put back when people actually carried cameras around and stuff. You know any of those are solid state devices. Now in a computer you can get the full fledge solid state drive pricing has never been better on those. So yeah, absolutely. You know what you’re going to see, there’s two areas for any program if you’re if you want to get some more muscle out of your hardware, and for the best price, a great upgrade on your RAM, your memory, it’s the cheapest component in your computer. And it’s also the 16. I mean, 32 even nowadays, the price is so cheap. Do you need that big though? No, you know, it depends. So here’s the thing you got to remember, memory helps with running more things at one time. What do we see offices doing? So they’re running a software like our own, they’re also running, you know, what’s a huge resource allocation Hall, Google Chrome, or they’re running their? Well could be Facebook or something. But in reality, what they’re running is they’re playing music, everybody’s playing Pandora, Pandora is on the back. Yeah, so they’re playing that they don’t, that’s tearing up computer resources. So that’s where if you are an office that does something like that memory is definitely going to help you out. Now, the SSD is another thing that is going to show you I would say go get an SSD before I would say go buy the latest and greatest processor, the processor is going to cost so much more money and you’re going to see marginal returns, the SSD is very affordable, very easy to change. And you’re going to see massive returns Do we need to get an Intel I nine or the Intel I seven eight series,

Justin Trosclair 48:49
because that’s the latest stuff like nine is extra expensive. And the I seven eight series, you’ll pay a premium for versus the one generation lower than that. I know we’re getting in the weeds here, people but you know, when you’re looking at having to buy new equipment, they’re gonna want to know like, are you buying the right thing? Like I only bought a two gig of ram? Well, that was dumb, you should have at least at eight and really 12 or more was what you need it you don’t need 32 per se but at least 16

Unknown Speaker 49:12
Well, here’s the thing. So let’s let’s talk about this. So your adjustment table, would you put a patient on an adjustment table that was 30 years old the leg was was wobbly, and and the padding and everything and started being ripped and torn? You wouldn’t do it right? Not a respectable chiropractor. Right? So now if we look at it, so your computer, whether you think about it or not your entire business is running on that computer, the financial side of your business, the compliance side of your businesses on that. So do we look at trying to see if we can get a computer that’s 20 years old, up and running and up to speed? Or do we go to a box store for a couple hundred bucks get a brand new computer? I mean, do you to answer your question? I don’t know if it was related to our software specifically, do you need a 99 for our software? No. nowhere near that, I mean, really, we work on a dual core processor running at 2.7 or higher, which is any any processor that’s been made in the last 10 years, or even some greater ones. But that being the case, in terms of, you know, some of our competitors, that’s another thing I mean, so your data is your own with our program, your hardware, you pick and choose you maintain it, we’re not trying to rake you over the coals with any of that some software’s you got to look at some provide the systems to you, which means you’ve got to kind of factor that in, you know, on the cost side, on the maintenance side, you know, how often are they upgrading, I really, we try to make sure that we’re running at you know, minimal specs to make sure it’s more approachable for everybody for our side, and you guys will have a list of this is what you need. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can go to BestBuy. And like, I need something that has at least this and they’re like, Okay, well, you still have 30 options. So what we’ll do, so my my goal is always make sure that we’re finding something that would work for the office and is the most affordable, you know, economical here. And so oftentimes I’ll talk with clients that are just starting with us clients are thinking of starting with us or existing clients. And I’ll say send me a bunch of links. And what I’ll do, you know, in my support team is we’ll take a look and give an honest assessment. Sure, this one computer, it’s a Lamborghini of a computer. It’s also $7,000, this other computer is $500. And sure, unless your your you know, your sideline is an online gaming professional, I don’t think you need the Lamborghini, I think you’re going to be more than adequate with this other one, if it’s you, it will be powerful, it’ll be fast, it’ll do everything you need to do, it’ll be secure. And it’ll also save you quite a bit of money. So our goal is always just to make sure that you can make it out the other side, as you know, as affordable as possible. And what we’re talking about too, is

Justin Trosclair 51:53
these are two separate systems, you’re going to have like that one mainframe server, you’re probably gonna have another computer for the front, each doctor is going to have at least a tablet or a laptop, these are meant for your office, like you should have a separate computer. If you’re a gamer, or a podcast or video editor, that should be a completely different computer that you have. And it might still be at your office or it might be at your house. But don’t confuse the two, you probably want to have separate ones completely. And that’ll save you a lot of money.

Unknown Speaker 52:20
Well, hopefully we’re all thinking of the the all encompassing HIPAA right at any point. So not only are we thinking about what we should or shouldn’t be doing on that office computer, but we’re also thinking about the other things that are currently sitting on that computer. And what we don’t want others to have access to, you know, security. It’s just like Home Security, the best security in the world starts with the office and their staff, you know, if you have a great security system in your office, but you don’t set the alarm does, you know, good, you know, you could have great security minded individuals. But if you’re opening doorways that you shouldn’t on that office computer, then you’ve kind of you’ve turned off the security system, if that makes sense.

Justin Trosclair 53:01
Yeah, doesn’t say what’s a good like security system for your computer, but it changes so much. Let’s just ignore that question.

Unknown Speaker 53:07
I got a good answer for that one. Short and sweet. Okay, yeah, give it I would personally recommend being that we work on Windows devices, I would recommend Windows Security, Microsoft Security Essentials, why it’s free to most of the security software’s out there nowadays are what us in the tech industry would call bloatware, meaning, you buy security software to secure you not to do a bunch of bunch of ancillary services like did you backup Did you do this? Are you doing this where you’re going here who’s doing this? There’s so many pop up so many settings, so many problems, so many charges? Well, let’s look at Microsoft Security Essentials is free. Also the operating system is the makers of it, you think they have a pretty good vested interest in protecting windows being that it’s made by Windows? So you know, I just I, I recommend that i’m not i’m never saying there’s not other great security out there. But I just think that why, you know, just because something costs 10 times more than something doesn’t make it better. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 54:06
that’s good to hear. Hey, okay, we didn’t really ask about this. I’m sure some people who are listening like Justin, you didn’t let him finish here, there was this thing that didn’t get completed. And that’s just how it goes sometimes, because we’re not going to take five hours and beautiful. A full thing here. There’s a lot of online apps, let’s let’s just call it out. I’m gonna call out Jane app. I don’t know if you know much about them. They’re big player, they’re coming up. If they get the insurance situated, there will be a lot of chiropractors at least jumping on Jane’s app, which is an affordable rate each month and not crazy. But like you said, they’re always online. So what are the pluses and minuses of having like an online based program versus one that’s going to be sitting on your computer that you pay one time for?

Unknown Speaker 54:45
Well, cloud based solutions were real big a couple years ago, we’re now starting to see him die. Oh, ok. So Cloud systems are great for ease of access. I mean, you you log in on the internet, they’re quick, they’re they’re light, they’re easy. So they don’t require any kind of hardware technology or anything like that. So that that’s very appealing on that side, because of that cost can be lower. Now the thing that we’ve got to look at, so some of the competitors, I won’t name names, but that we’ve talked about today have had cloud systems, and those cloud systems are no longer with us one to two years later, some of the big ones. So that being the case, these individuals bought in on the cloud, they didn’t have their data on hand. So we’ve got to again, go back to the what’s the advantage of having your data. So you’ve got a

Justin Trosclair 55:32
legal they can’t just disappear without letting

Unknown Speaker 55:34
you know, right? No, but they can then force you right back to that local system. So because I mean, if we think about it, you know, can you answer the question that your internet is always on, and you’ve never had a problem with bandwidth. So if you’re in a business park, and somebody cuts a wire, or somebody else is using, so you have X amount of bandwidth in your facility, a windy day, could be anything I mean, really. So unless you’re just maybe if you’re in a major metropolitan area, then that’s not a problem. But if you’re in a rural office, or if you’re like me, I’ve lived in some pretty big cities, and I’ve had experienced a lot of outages. So are you just done for the day, or now you’ve had to drop to paper for the day. So now who is going to stay after to re enter all that, I mean, there’s logistics there that just you know, it, it sounds great on paper, if you haven’t always on system, if there’s no issues, that sounds great. The problem is, that’s not real life. And then we’ve also got to think about things like data, just making sure that does your software, they’re not responsible for your data, you’re responsible for your data. So in terms of accessibility, security, or anything like that, if you ever do go to a cloud, you really need to vet that you need to understand, I mean, just like where your backups go, where your data is, you have to know where that’s at. Because at the end of the day, you’re on the hook, not them. Yeah.

Justin Trosclair 56:58
And like I said, the internet speed is a big differences, you can go on a regular website and be like, Oh, my gosh, this thing won’t load. And you don’t want like a hefty program that’s got to come through.

Unknown Speaker 57:06
Well, so just this week, there was a major issue with the internet. So sites like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook had complete outages for a certain amount of time. So these corporations are some of the biggest companies with the most money, the most resources in the world, and they were down. So if we look at someone like them can be down, then it’s very easy for us to be down. I mean, it’s not if it’s when you will be down, I can guarantee you that. So that being the case there, you know, for me, I’m thinking data security, I’m thinking, you know, being able to always be up the power of our system is you don’t have to have the internet, you can move, you know, your data is your own.

Justin Trosclair 57:48
And if you lose power, you could have a backup generator of some sort to so you never actually are down for your office,

Unknown Speaker 57:53
or because if your data is on a hard drive that you own, you could go to a location that has power.

Justin Trosclair 57:58
Yeah, I remember to question that didn’t get answered. When you’re saying that new patient paperwork, they don’t like the kiosk or they’re too old or whatever, it’s not being used. They had all this paper, what happens? Somebody does somebody have to go back in and type in and click all the buttons? Is that just part of life that has to happen? Can you scan it? No, no. And it gets transferred somehow, or because I think if you scan the paper is just, it just shows up as an image attached to a certain area of your program.

Unknown Speaker 58:24
So what do we do? One thing is a yes, I mean, of course, you can have a manual solution, you can have somebody typing in, you know, based off paperwork, that’s always going to be a plan B, if you will, yes, you can scan that paperwork. And it won’t translate that data though, from the paper on to the files. Another thing that we have a few other options. So for instance, one of the things we see is just trying to look at when people don’t want to fill out that paperwork, a lot of times it’s right there when they’re in the office. So we also have some new things where I can actually send my patient Intake Forms off ahead of time, I can email you intake forms a month before you come in, fill them out at your leisure. So now you’ve got plenty of time to fill this out. You can email that back, and it will that will automatically input itself. So that’s a viable alternative. Yeah, yeah. It’s pretty cool.

Justin Trosclair 59:18
So so it’s like, it’s like an interactive PDF, you just fill it out, and then you can send it back, essentially, it’s not just the way I’m thinking about, like, oh, there’s a PDF, I gotta print this thing and write it out. No, you just type right there on the computer and hit print. And what you’re saying is you fill it out on your computer, and you can actually re email that back

Unknown Speaker 59:35
at your leisure, you can come back. So let’s say I want to go and eat some dinner on a patient, you know, I’m going to be seeing you in two weeks, I can start filling it out on the computer, I could say I need to take a little break, come back, but it gives you time. So that’s the one big thing is you could just come walk and read in office, they say yep, everything’s right here. We got all your paperwork. So you’re all loaded up and ready.

Justin Trosclair 59:55
Okay, and then Sally could do the kiosk at the same time, like, All right, I’ll ask you the questions. Let’s go to the back. You’re in person in person, right? Yes. Because you get those people in a bad attitude. They got back pain for the last two weeks, they can’t walk. They’re like, I’m not doing any of this. You like, well, we got to do something. So let’s figure it out. Grumpy pain, right? Okay. But by the way, it’s kind of fun that they’re usually nice people wants their pain goes away.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:20

Justin Trosclair 1:00:21
Imagine that.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
The power of Kairos?

Justin Trosclair 1:00:25
That’s right. Okay, you can answer to either way on this one. What’s something that we haven’t covered that you feel like we definitely should talk about just as like a little sales pitch. And I hope people if they’re at this point in the interview, that they realize that they’re like, this wasn’t as much of a sales pitch as these are things you just shouldn’t be looking for in all of your software that if you’re considering a software, these are things that you should be considering. We’re just giving you the Kyrie thousand pitch on it. But whatever you choose, these are things that you need to be thinking about to begin with. So with that, is there anything we missed that you’re like, Oh, this is a huge selling point for our company. or potentially, we kind of talked about like the cloud. There’s fads out there that can come today and gone tomorrow, that it’s a gimmick, watch out for it, and we don’t do it. So you have anything for us.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
One of the big things is, if you’re shopping around for software, one, It is that easy to move. So don’t judge a software based off your existing experience, because there are better solutions out there. And they’re easier solution. So just because you had hard time with your existing software doesn’t mean that you have to stay with them. Because you’re just you’re too, you’re in too deep, if you will, we’ve had people that have moved in just a matter in a day, they’ve went from a practice, they use 15 years of a different software, they gave us our data, we expedited it for them, and they were up and running the next day. So it is absolutely possible. So don’t you know just just have an open mind and understand that perception. The other thing is to being that I’m a product and Support Manager, I’m not a salesperson, you know, I am I’m very passionate about our product, I’m very passionate about helping our clients achieve success and, and have a tech stress free life. So that being the case, you know, another part of when you’re shopping around for software is read between the lines and in actually factor in what you need, and do a cold hard look at it. So a demo, for instance, on anything in the world is taking you on a rollercoaster ride, right? Everything they want you to see. And do Why? Because that’s what they probably do with the best. It’s my job. Yeah, I like to take those people off script. You know, if I’m ever sitting in with a potential client, I see you take me where you don’t like to be in your current software. I’m not gonna leave this, you leave this. And let’s just see if we do it in a way that works better for you. I like that idea better, because I don’t want to get a pre loaded demonstration where, yes, everything glittered and it was all perfect. But then I get it. And it’s something different.

Justin Trosclair 1:02:51
Especially like every program does this duh, this is like basics. This is my struggle, convince me that you do better.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:00
Well, I mean, very simple thing. So you know, I i’m not saying anything about about the other product, but there are products out there that have 12 different apps. And I will question Why do you need 12 different apps to do one thing, you know, I mean, if it’s all under one roof, it’s all easy. Just understand that go out there. And honestly try everything. I always like to use the old term, the Pepsi challenge, which is pick two programs against each other and find which one works for you. You know, we’ve got to think about things like we normally don’t want to think about turnover and the office, how many front desk individuals have you gone through in the last year? A lot of retraining, you know, is it is do you have a system that requires a lot of training? Is there a fee for retraining? How complicated is your system, billing and things like that, or the you know, I mean, our program right now, with our partner clearing house, you can click a button, and it creates and upload your claims without ever leaving the software imports your claim status messages, you can import your era and post from them automatically. So I mean, we’re taking a billing process that 10 years ago took hours, and we maybe had multiple people. And now we can refine that down to one individual who can do this in minutes.

Justin Trosclair 1:04:13
But it does work for other stuff like office ally and all that as well. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:17
Yeah, absolutely. So we we tie in with all clearing houses. But that’s going to one of the major points I look at is don’t just look at one facet of your office. I mean, it’s got to have great notes, it’s got to have the options you need. Of course, it’s got to be fast, it’s got to be reliable, we got to think about billing, we got to think about scheduling. What about appointment reminders? I mean, really, it’s a total picture. And make sure you’re thinking about all that, to have an informed decision. Because there are you know, don’t just look at what you think everybody else is on, because our is your practice, everybody else know, you have a unique identity, you know, and that’s, that’s the one key thing you need to find what works best for you. And we’ve been here, you know, I one of the points that I like to make is, you know, I often times get asked about how long we been around. I mean, we’ve been here for over 20 years, you know, we’re privately owned, we definitely were We’re a group of caring and passionate individuals for chiropractic, especially. So you know, it’s one of those things I’d say, just give us a call. I’d love to show you the program. And I’d love you to take us off script.

Justin Trosclair 1:05:26
Yes. off script again, appointment reminders, can you do text messages? Or is it just email automatic? Because I know you can do it automatically.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:33
Yeah, we can do we can do text or email or text and email. So you can do this.

Justin Trosclair 1:05:40
You know, I forgot one time that I clicked the button to email everybody. And sometimes I get phone calls, like, Hey, I’m gonna miss an appointment, or, hey, I don’t know why I have an appointment. You’re like, what? And then email me? I was like, Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:53
yeah, of course I did. Yeah, I’m looking. I’m like, oh, maybe I should do I need to turn that off my

Justin Trosclair 1:05:59
laugh, like, Oh, crap, what was great was on the background, I didn’t even realize it was happening. And there boom, yeah, it was. So that was pretty cool.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:06
Ya know that we try to make that kind of thing you know, where you can automate it, or you can manually do it, let’s, maybe you set something up to be automatic Monday through Thursday, Friday, and we don’t know, maybe we’re going to cut loose, you know, a little early on Friday. And so you want to choose, you know, you can you could manually send your appointment reminders out earlier, then if you want it, you know, I mean, really, we try to have a bevy of options to make sure you can do whatever suits you best.

Justin Trosclair 1:06:32
Can you send math texts? Are does it is that a different program. So I could say, Hey, we haven’t a patient Appreciation Day on July 25. And it could just as everybody gets one.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:43
So here’s what’s really neat if you got a couple minutes here, so we have the ability I

Justin Trosclair 1:06:48
this is a service that other people pay for

Unknown Speaker 1:06:50
it. And that’s where I was going to go. So we see a lot of clients who are paying a third party service, to maintain these lists of patients, and then send out service material at this time. So our software does everything. When we say practice management and EHR. I mean, it truly is everything you can think of. So when it comes to that we have the ability to create clinic newsletters in the software, you can build quickly and easily. We have templates and things quickly do that. But we also have the ability to mass so you can isolate your patients. So in your case, yes, I could send in a matter of seconds to all patients. Or maybe there’s new Medicare cards out today or Blue Shield has updated their insurance. So I want to target just those clients. I could create mailers in a matter of seconds for isolated metrics of patients as well. So if I wanted to just send to all Medicare patients who are all Blue Cross or all sit Cigna, or something like that, but I can also do all patients. And so yeah, you can really, we’ve got everything under the sun, I’ve got policy, if you want to put the company policy manual into software, I’ve got a place for that you want the newsletters, the appointment reminders, the billing, it’s all there. You know, if you want to know, I tell you how much your software so a lot of times people will say, I use every bit of the software, we even have a tracker in the software that shows you how much of each part of the program you use down to the second and percentage of your time in use of the program. So I can say, Hey, get your money’s worth as support person I see you’ve never used this component of mass emailing out your newsletters, you’re paying somebody 1200 dollars a month to do this, how would I show you how to do it for free in your software. And I was able to isolate that because the program shows everything you’re using. All right.

Justin Trosclair 1:08:44
So you can have an eight series email onboarding sequence, right? upload those, you know, just documents upload those to the system, or you know, you it points to that wherever it is on your computer. So every new patient gets that in a sequence so that you know like MailChimp, and I’m talking about Yeah, day one, day three, day nine.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:02
Oh, yeah, you’re getting advanced now. But yeah, we absolutely have a we have what’s called AI, the artificial intelligence, you can actually set trigger action. So it does this, then do this, then do this. So you can get very deep with the program, for instance. And I’ll just do one example. But there’s really unlimited on Zack examples. But I can have that when I first set up a new patient. It’s never been in the system that patients never been in my system. So the second I hit save on the new patient, it automatically fires things like a new patient visit package, and things like that get emailed out automatically. I didn’t do anything. So behind the scenes because I took this one action, it’s going to fire off these other three actions for the new patient, just because I’ve defined those to happen. And I did that one time took me seconds to set up and then I never had to worry about it again.

Justin Trosclair 1:09:50
Can you do something where they refer someone and I think the program used to say, hey, john, I should refer Billy Oh, sweet. Is there a way to like, right that says, hey, if this happens, then send yourself a note that pops up that says, hey, send this person a welcome package, you might have like a T shirt that you wouldn’t mail,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:10
you can set up the AI in combination with the alerts. That’s that’s actually that’s a good one, though. I’ve never had I’ve got a lot of people that asked for referral reports. But I’ve never had the automatic action tied. That’s it. That’s a good idea. I like it. Okay, you could do it. I just I don’t I’ve nobody’s asked me to do it yet. So that’s interesting.

Justin Trosclair 1:10:30
And another one based on diagnosis codes. Anyone who has had headaches, I want to send them a special newsletter are I’m running a promotion this month on a nutritional product base for headaches. And then I just emailed anyone who has these five diagnosis codes, can that happen? Right? Oh, absolutely. If things getting gangbusters, man, yes. Gluten infusions, you you would

Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
ask this, and we skipped over this, but you were asking about, for instance, CPT codes that I’m not using. So we have report I mean, we have a wealth of reports, we have reports to do forecasting and statistics on a business level. But we also have things like a CPT pair report. So I can actually see which CPE T’s are being charged for an eight. So I get an aging report on those CPE tease. I can also break it down to see specifically which insurances or cash those are going to. But like you said, if I’m looking at my practice, from a business perspective, and I want to see I mean, I’ve got reports, I can do two years statistics I can, it will take the metrics based on what you’ve done to date, and will provide a forecast of where you’ll be at next year and the year after, if you hold these numbers. So it’s, you know, much more than just the side of making sure you can do your soap notes and your appointment reminders. It’s making sure it’s everything. I mean, we’ve only scratched the surface in today’s discussion on what we do. I mean, we do quite a bit more on top of that. So I mean, really, it is a full everything you need for the off. That’s fantastic.

Justin Trosclair 1:11:59
You know, it’s funny, I got so caught up in the soap notes earlier. So whenever I do the pre roll, I’ll definitely have to mention like we stay stay tuned to the end, because we’re going to talk about the actual other stuff, like the marketing and the business that actually save you time and money. So you’re not having to buy Infusionsoft or MailChimp, or Zynga, or any of these other companies that do what you already do. And your customers are using it. They’re not saying it’s clunky. And they’re like, well, they have it, but oh, no,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:26
no. So what’s funny is, I end up getting a lot of clients that will call me because they’re so happy with the software and the services, they’ll call me up, I’ve had clients and this is this is unheard of. So I on the tech support side, I’ll have someone call in just to say, Thank you, everything’s worth matter. I’ve had people I’ve had people call us for any tech issue outside of our software. And they usually open with I know, this isn’t your software, but I like dealing with you guys instead of my tech. And so I was wondering if you could help me answer this. So, you know, we really, it’s a real family field here. I mean, we know our clients by first name basis, we make sure we read between the lines, you know, that’s one of the things I’m talking with my text is making sure, you know, listen to the inflection of a person’s voice. Listen to what they’re asking, you know, what’s the inference on the call, not just verbally, what are they saying, but I may explain how to do something to you. And you kind of answer like a, Okay, thank you. You know, I’m not just going to hang up the phone and say thank you have a nice day, I’m going to say no, clearly, there’s something there, you didn’t figure it out. Let’s go ahead and get back, let’s grind if you got the time. If not, let’s schedule a time, you know, that works for you. Let’s work around your schedule I’ve had, you know, it’s just that’s kind of our both in the application as well as our support that is our sales process or everything that we do, it’s always client facing. And I really like that

Justin Trosclair 1:13:56
one more based on what you said, once I figured out your program, and you know, you when you buy it, you get a certain amount of like tech support included, like, all right, I got it. And then every now and then I’m like, Hmm, maybe I forgot how to do billing, or what really interested in all this ancillary email stuff. And I didn’t really care about that at first, because I just needed to get things done. Are you able to be like, Look, I know you want me to sign up for a year, and pay every month, but literally, after about 30 days, I’m not going to need you and I’m gonna be wasting my time and money. Are you able to just purchase your time? Like, I would rather just give you $100 for this hour, we figured out then pay $100 and whatever it is, for the next 12 months for tech support?

Unknown Speaker 1:14:32
It depends on what it is you’re looking to do. I mean, if it’s if it’s generalized, and you’re saying I just let’s go through from A to Z, I haven’t used the program in a couple years. That’s something that would probably benefit you better to be on the support plan. Okay. However, let’s say you said no, I want to just learn the EMR side or appointment reminders. I mean, we can do you know, we can take a look at it potentially scheduling a block for Justin event, meaning a topic. Okay, we can do that as well. It’s not an hourly based thing or anything like that, though. I mean, we don’t just say, Okay, can I purchase two hours of tech support? No, I mean, if you’re looking to learn a subject, then we can absolutely look to make a session for you know, I mean, we have other ancillary things outside of so we have tech support via phone, we have tech support via email, we answer in real time. But we also have, you know, tools we have built in manuals, we have the ability to go, we have 4360, which is an online portal. And so if you want to explore and learn topics outside of calling us, okay, you can go through the 4360. And we have hundreds of topics in there. If you want to learn how to do advanced billing, or scheduling, or anything of that nature. I mean, we’ve got videos recorded, we’ve got documentation, we’ve also with the 4360. You also can go in and do live webinars, we have two a week that we rotate around different topics, to also make sure that you know, you know, if you want to patch in new employees or something like that, we can do that as well. Also in 4360, is a forum. So sometimes you may not have a question to a tech support person, because it’s not I don’t, I know how to do this, but maybe have questions about how to implement this in your space. And so you can go talk with other chiropractors who are using our software, and you can talk amongst yourselves as well.

Justin Trosclair 1:16:33
Wow. Alright, that’s great. You know, that’s sometimes the vein in some people’s existence, like a tech support. But I just wanted this show me a manual. And you’re telling me there’s manuals, there’s videos, there’s webinars, there’s all the stuff that you can do, you can self learn, and, and whatnot. So that’s fantastic. Great support. Boy, I think I’ve had you way longer than I expected. And I really appreciate your time. So okay, what is all the information? We need? websites, phone numbers, that kind of stuff?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:58
Yeah. So

Justin Trosclair 1:17:00
www.Chiro8000.com That’s, that’s going to be our link to the software on the website of things. In that it’s got a very detailed description of what we are who we do in a way to contact us. You can always give us a call here 800-456-2622 to, and we’re happy to entertain any questions show you anything you’d like to see. Justin nation bringing it today, man. You know, I enjoyed this conversation, it answered a lot of questions that I would have, like I said before, in general, what we’re looking for, and then what you’re with some of the things that you offer, but I really appreciate your time and coming on and showing us this, because it’s an important topic that we don’t like to talk about in podcasts and in business where it’s always like, secretly behind the door. Okay, what do you guys actually think? So just to kind of like this basic product demo of pluses and minuses has been really good for me, and I’m pretty sure some of the audience members are gonna be like, yes, this was great. Kairos 1000 dot com.

Yo, check them out and see what’s going on. So really appreciate your time. Good

Unknown Speaker 1:18:03
deal. Yeah, thank you time, it was fun.

Justin Trosclair 1:18:10
That was a powerful interview. Like always a Please listen, critically, think about it, and then implement. I know a lot of people don’t always make it to the end of the episodes. But I encourage if you made it here, and you, you talk to your friends about it, encourage them to do it. I think the family and vacation and the home life balance part of the end is important. It’s something that I didn’t get a lot of those other podcasts that I was listening to. So check them out, Minnesota Thursdays and Saturdays, those come out, let me know what you think about that. If you have an episode that you want me to do for the audience, just send me a message on Facebook, Justin Trosclair. MCC is the official page of everything about me. You find the books, the acupuncture needle book, The today’s George’s tomorrow’s health book that talks about weight loss, exercise, dieting, and financial health, you can get free chapters at.net slash chapters, or slash in a protocol. So that way you can experience

Before You Buy, and if you’re sitting in the interviews that I’ve been a part of where the roles have been reversed, it’s dot net slash, as heard on the resources page on the website has all the products that I recommend, and there’s some deals for some of those. So check that out. And as always, if you click any of the hot links in the show notes, page, four books, we get a piece of that, and we appreciate that as well. the.net slash support is the web page if you want to buy the host a cup of coffee. And lastly, reviews are always always appreciated and so grateful when you get them. So that’s www.adoctorsperspective.net/reviews , you’ll have a great week.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate what some of these guests have said. By all means please share it across your social media rather review. And if you go to the show notes page, you can find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin Trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).