E 108 Cash Practice Continuity Programs and Clinic Buy Outs Dr Joseph Simon DPT

e 108 a Doctors Perspective cash practice clinic buy out dr joe simon dpt 1
Dr. Joseph Simon, DPT talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast

Cash practice marketing has unique challenges, continuity programs, considerations to purchasing a clinic or starting fresh, leadership hurdles and Dr. Joseph Simon physical therapist explains why you need a coach and perhaps his 9 step program.

Dr Joseph Simon of Private Practice Business Academy teaching Doctor of Physical Therapists and alternative health care doctors about automation, systems and marketing.  He starts the podcast with a bit of background and practice and home tragedy via a hurricane on top of spending too much money on bad advertising that left him over $150,000 in debt in 3 months. How did a text message flip the switch to taking consulting more serious during this troubling time?

At the same time of hiring a $6000 a month marketing agency he hired a $15 hour person doing what Dr. Simon already was previously doing… which had better results after three months?

Can a physical therapist make it as a cash practice or should they stay in their lane and just get referrals from primary care and orthopedic doctors?

His system relies on a 9 Step Process (especially cash practices) and he talks about parts of that on the interview.

For those PT’s who don’t have direct access to patients, he gives a little details on how to still market the same way but to have your own medical doctor you refer to to get that necessary referral.

Can you take a HMO clinic and switch to Cash only? You need Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. Can the current staff handle the transition?

What are his thoughts on having the original clinic owner stay on for a period of time for a more smooth transition? Spoiler, it was a surprising answer for me.  What are his tips to retain a patient base during a buy out?

Would you rather pay for goodwill, an email list, an actively engaged email list or well trained staff and systems?

Considerations to starting your own practice from scratch instead of the complexity of buying an established clinic.

What has Dr. Joseph found to be a reliable continuity program for doctors especially a cash practice? How does a concierge practice work or a gym within a gym or a workout bootcamp?  Is the point of these for profit or constant contact?

We need to market: facebook, youtube, google, internal referrals… what does he recommend?

#1 IDEA for Internal Marketing: What gifts should can you/ should you give to the patient? Should be it be full of your logo or customized with their name?

What’s a potential value amount to spend on custom gifts?   

How much should you budget for marketing per year?

Top 2 issues clients struggle with:  Leadership and Systems of a Practice

 Why are most issues that come up in the office really your fault and how do you start accepting that as reality instead of blaming others?

Kids have coaches and parents to teach and help you, why don’t we hire coaches to help in business as doctors?

How to tell when you have out grown or outpaced the coach you hired and you need to upgrade?

Dr. Joesph has a 9 Step Formula for doctors who are “making it,” in practice 4-5 years and looking to expand.

Dan Sullivan – Free Day , Focus Day, Buffer Day



PrivatePracticeBusinessAcademy.com old podcast        

New podcast 30 for 30 Physical Therapy.  He resides in Manhattan, NY and has transitioned into more of a mentor – coach – business consultant role but still owns multiple clinics thought the United States. ��

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/108 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:05
Episode One away cash practice continuity programs and clinic files. I’m your host, Dr. Justin show square. And today we’re Dr. Joseph Simon perspective. Doing 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Welcome back to the show, I hope you took advantage of the amazing acupuncture he pin and book bundle pack at a great price that is now ended. But always check back. I’ve been learning a lot about marketing and sales and all that type of stuff. So I’m trying different things, what will motivate people to purchase? And I hope that you’re doing the same thing with your advertising on social media, Facebook, Pinterest, wherever it is that your advertising hope that your split testing and seeing what copy words with pictures work. What deal with works, especially if you do like a discounted exam. $19 might be giving it all away. 47 might be a little bit higher of a barrier, and you get rid of some of those looky loos or maybe don’t even discount at all, and position yourself as the best in town and still be able to charge that $97 just some food for thought for the first part of this year. Today we got Dr. Joseph Simon he is a physical therapist. We’re going to talk about cash practice, marketing ideas, internal referral ideas, continuity programs. I was asking about like, if you know you’re going to be a cash practice, whether it’s chiropractic, podiatry, whatever, should you purchase a clinic that was insurance? Did you just start from scratch? Being that he’s a coach? What’s his nine step program? What are some of the qualities that he notices most doctors are struggling with, say like leadership, and he dropped some really good knowledge on us. Definitely. You can listen to this, take some things away immediately and change what you’re doing. Especially like when you know you give away swag. He has some hints on that to make your dog go further, but also make it actually something that patients want. Well, if you are interested in Knee Pain Relief, from know needle acupuncture as a doctor’s perspective, net slash knee, haven’t released that before. Go check it out. As for me, January has been great. Got to see a bunch of friends that see my nieces and my family. Just having a great time. Maybe it’s been doing great growing smile and cooling, doing all the things you hope they will do. My wife has bought so many books. So I think I will be able to learn some more Chinese just by teaching the baby some words. So I’m excited about that as well. Okay, we’re on the tail end of a three week cash practice series on oh six was Dr. e. 107. was Dr. Aaron and now doc Joseph. And coming up later. We’ll also have some continuation from the holistic dentist back in Episode 105. We’re going to have what a mild functional therapist is got to go in on the show and some other guests to be determined. Okay, the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 108. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China. In Manhattan, New York. Today on the program, we got a doctor who’s been teaching for almost a decade helping other doctors alternative healthcare physical therapist with automation systems marketing. He’s got several podcasts and his flagship program is called private practice Business Academy. Please welcome Dr. Joseph Simon. Thank

Unknown 3:31
you so much, Justin. I’m very honored to be on the show. For a minute there. I forgot that you calling in from China. So that was caught me off guard for a second, but

Justin Trosclair 3:41
just don’t mention it. I like to like to see what you guys do sometimes like Wait, wait, Where are you calling

Unknown 3:45

Unknown 3:48
That’s awesome. By the way, I was like, wait time What time is it?

Justin Trosclair 3:52
It’s 11pm.

Unknown 3:54
Whoo. You are a soldier, man. I love it. I love it. I love people. And when we first connected I it when you were like, Hey, we should jump on a podcast. And I’m like, Oh, he’s more than happy to chat with another podcaster. It’s always so much fun.

Justin Trosclair 4:07
I agree. I agree. Somebody was saying that’s so meta to podcasters talking about podcasts like it might be but

Unknown 4:15

Justin Trosclair 4:16
So there’s several avenues that mean we can go down, of course. But I think the biggest one that I’d like to chat about is is the cash practice. There’s a lot of chiropractors and a lot of physical therapists that are sort of leaning towards that direction in an ethical way. And there’s always just mind space in the way or maybe you’re in a GMOs and having to transfer over. So I can ask you some questions. Or if you are like no, this is typically the this is what people need to know to start with. And then it’s always ends up with a good conversation after that the most isn’t your first podcast, which way you want to go with this.

Unknown 4:49
I can start off I mean, it’s uncomfortable with it. This is kind of the story even when I do the presentations when I present in front of large groups or when we’re at events or conferences, because it’s exciting what I start with so I can I can just dive in and let your listeners get you know a little bit more about my about me how I started and where how I ended up how I ended up getting all the way to this point in my career. So, so for listeners that don’t know me, my name is Dr. Joe Simon, I am a physical therapist by trade. I don’t practice anymore. I still own multiple clinics around the country. I would classify myself as a business business owner and a business consultant these days. I don’t all start the quick story. You know, I started a private practice. I quickly expanded to to thinking I knew what I was doing back then. No clue. I think I was just shooting from the hip at the time. But then, you know, like Mike, Mike Tyson says, you know, you think you have a plan to get punched in the face. And I got punched in the face. And I would say 2012. So in 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City. It destroyed my house. I had a nice apartment right on the Hudson River. I got destroyed. I had two practices. I had a small practice in downtown New York, which got flooded. And that got destroyed, basically. And then I had my flagship practice, which was a 2000 square foot facility I still have today. But here’s the thing at that time, everyone was in survival mode, right? So there was no, there was no patients, there was no referrals coming in, you could do whatever you want. There was there was nothing happening. Besides the fact that I still had staff, I still had to feed my family, I still had to pay mortgage, I still had to do all this stuff, you know, and it was crazy. We know it was a time in my life where you know, I just kind of real back for a second and I was just sat there and my destroyed home. While I was cleaning up the the sewage out of the the kitchen. I will doing one off on my phone. Now back then I was doing a small bit of consulting where I was just helping out other local practitioners. And the demon my phone was a payment that came through PayPal. Yeah, I was still using PayPal back then. But I the payment came through when I looked at it was a couple hundred bucks. It wasn’t a massive payment. I’m like, would you look at that, no matter what the the monthly payment or subscription was still coming through. And that little light bulb went off in my head. I said, so if I could do that, where if it’s not a brick and mortar? Maybe Maybe that’s the way I can keep myself alive. But then I said, Well, how do I get to that point? Well, you know, I really have a passion for marketing, I really have a passion for sales, I really have the passion for the business aspect of private practice. So I really went to the thinking of if you have $2 left one dollars and go for marketing. And that’s exactly what I did. I literally took my last dollar By the way, I was 150,000 in debt by month three, by the way, because I was still paying all the overhead I was paying everything. And yeah, so it was a scary point in my life was and I know I am super thankful for my wife, who basically said, Listen, we know we don’t have much. But if we lose everything, what’s the worst that can happen? Because to go live with my parents, and I’m like, that is the absolute worst that could happen. So we were like, it gave me a lot of motivation. So I went down and I did two things. I hired a marketing company, because I doubted my own skills. And I said, You know what, let me hire a marketing company, maybe they could do something. Now their fee was $6,000 a month, I did not have the money when I signed the contract for a six month agreement. So I was like, All right, let me let me just do this. Yes, I have a very high risk tolerance. But on the flip side, I hired a $15 an hour marketing assistant. And I told her, Hey, you’re going to do everything that I know how to do from my marketing skills and abilities. So and I set both of them out. And you know, and I don’t get me wrong, I gave both of them the same material. I gave them everything to do. The by the end of the first month, I started to see a little traction from the marketing assistant, not so much for the marketing company. And I spoke to them and they said hey, look, it takes time I got it. by month number three, the marketing company generated zero leads, I mean, absolutely zero leads and the cash has come coming back to me with excuses. My $15 an hour marketing assistant had generated 90 leads. And we converted exactly 57 of those making them 57 paying patients. We are out of network cash based practice or somewhere, insurance somewhere cash. But I started to dig myself out of the hole, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I said Wow, look at this. I my confidence in my own skills and my abilities start to come back. So that I kicked it up again for the next month. Then my assistant who’s now these days, she’s actually my partner and my management company after that was a long time ago, six years ago, because she learned she learned everything from the ground up. So here’s a person that has just graduated fresh out of college and wasn’t sure if you want to do for a living and came in and was just like, All right, I’ll learn marketing. And her life was changed as well. But long story short, I fired the marketing company after month for they wanted the last two months payments, yada yada, yada. But I just showed them the stats. I’m like, Guys, you did. I paid you right now, you know, and I pay them for the four months. I said at page, you close to 30 grand, and you did nothing for me. I’m actually paying you from the money I’m making from my own marketing.

Justin Trosclair 10:29
So yeah,

Unknown 10:30
that was a that was that. But that that actually did two things. It besides the fact that I kept all my employees fed, it paid for the rent and pay for the mortgage paid for the repairs. Besides doing all of that it did something very special, which I didn’t realize at the time that then I had the ability where other practice owners were looking around and saying, Hey, what are you doing like this is insane like, and not just physical therapist, by the way, I attracted other physicians, it is chiropractors, I say alternative health, but all types of medical practitioners started to come to me because they start to see my advertising, they start to see what I was doing, they start to see my workshops, they will like, Hey, we can barely get a patient in the front door. Now a traditional physical therapist back from when I started. The model back then was was to align yourself with an orthopedic surgeon. And the orthopedic surgeon would send you patients, and you had to give him his staff launch and you basically had to kiss but I flipped that entire model on its head, I said I no longer need a referral source. I am going directly to the general public. And now the orthopedic surgeons are coming to me asking me for patients because they’re like, Hey, I see you have a patient that might need surgery, you know, let me take you out to lunch. And now I was getting the cell phone numbers. It changed the entire paradigm of what I created. And I was like, and then obviously all the physical therapists were coming to me and saying, Hey, I, we really want to understand your process. And it took me a couple of years, it wasn’t something overnight, but I created a nine step process that I use to this day, that I when I consult and coach other practice owners across the board, I teach them the nine step process. And I’m like, if you’re if you are an out of network, cash based practitioner, this is something that will definitely work for you. And that is my story. In a nutshell. That’s exactly how I resent it. I’d read and where I am today, today, we are up to 11 physical locations, I have about 22 private clients that work with me. And yet at this point in life, it’s I’ve found a kind of work life balance, but it’s it’s my unique ability. It’s my fun, you know, so I really like Like I said in the beginning, I really enjoyed the business strategy and the marketing and sales aspect of it. That’s that’s my passion, you know, and don’t get me wrong, I, I still get that dopamine hit when I do treat a patient every once in a while I have to plug myself in and help out. And I still love the fact when the patients bring in cookies, or they you know, they say hey, I feel so much better with that it was amazing. And you know, so don’t get me wrong, I still get that that’s the one thing I do miss, but I understand that being the captain of the ship, you have to give up a few things.

Justin Trosclair 13:15
When I first started the clinic fresh out of school didn’t know what I was doing bought a practice end up being one of those is another something that you do so it’s gonna be like a medium to something, took a clinic over there just really was overpriced and everything. And then within the first six months, the landlord decided to redo the parking lot and redo the outside. So it just looked like a complete construction zone. I was like, I really don’t know what’s going to happen in the next if I’m going to be in business over the next six months, you know, all that was getting done. And then you know, you kind of go to the next you know, you figure it out you get creative with your marketing you start reaching out and touching people’s hands and just really hustling to get it done because there’s no other option so be able to get through a hurricane like that and just have everything just kind of a up ended in seen through the tunnel. Hundred 50,000. I mean, that’s a nobody the school loan and we’re talking about and I got school Oh no, God this. Yeah. So that’s pretty well,

Unknown 14:05
it’s, it’s absolutely i mean, the the hurricane is one thing, but I’ve consulted with practitioners, yeah. Where it’s always something, it could be a divorce, it could be you know, the, you know, the clinic was burned down. We went through one of my clients right now, honestly, they just have such poor systems in place, that their staff is embezzling thousands and thousands of dollars, and they just don’t have a finger on the pulse of their practice. So they have no idea what’s happening. So the nightmares are not just the hurricane hurricane was a physical thing, right? The ship got rocked survived the storm, but there’s so many different aspects of it. And like I said, Sometimes, the beauty of being in healthcare, in most professions, you make a good living, you know, you make a very good living, you’re not breaking rocks we’re living you doing well, that’s why it’s my saying, I’m like, guys, you’re not out there. You’re not a bricklayer, you’re not fit physically doing something. I mean, maybe an orthopedic surgeon is physically doing something that a physical therapist might be physically doing some, but he is still not at that level of physical physicality. So I tell, I tend to tell people, I’m like, you know, you have the ability to almost get a job anywhere in the world, as we see from China.

Unknown 15:18
But uh, that’s the that’s the beauty of it. I mean, the downside is that we’re just not trained in business. And when you’re in front of a practice, that is something that is. So I know, I these days, I’m at the point where I try to give back as much as possible. And I’m really trying to get to most of the colleges, and I’m trying to get to most of the universities, and get a chance to speak to the seniors have any profession, and talk to them about, Hey, this is business, because at the end of the day, we all have the same problem. How do you get a patient in the front door? You know, and how do you get that patient to talk nice about you refer more about four more patients to you? You know, and it because I, I assume that you are a great practitioner, whatever you do, but how do you get that patient in the front door? And how do you get that patient to refer refer more patients, and it was interesting you mentioned earlier

Justin Trosclair 16:08
was, as a chiropractor, we always had to pretty much get out there and hustle and do marketing to not some of us go to doctors to try to get those clients. But really, we’re always out there trying to, you know, meet people through different media outlets. And you’re saying that it was like a novel thing. We’re like, no, I decided to go out there and market. And that’s what To me, that’s interest because you didn’t have to go that way before. And so it’s a new thing for physical therapy like to have to go out and directly market involves have changed, we’re now I think in most states, you can actually have direct access to patients. So you don’t have to be referred in by a medical doctor, have you? That’s pretty correct, right?

Unknown 16:44
Yeah, that’s absolutely correct. I mean, the majority of the states, even the states that do not have direct access, I’ve seen some great physical therapists that have figured out different ways they’ve taken my material. And they said, Okay, I’m going to still get the patient to come in the front or, but now I’m going to send that patient it to my physician. He said, it was like I said, Hey, I’m going to send this patient over to you. And I just need a prescription for this patient. So I’m giving you a patient. So they’ve taken my entire model, which I tell all the time, I’m like you should give before you receive, and what the that’s exactly what we flipped, right? And the model before it was the fact that, hey, knock on the door handy to referral, I need to refer and you’re not giving anything? What are you giving, giving them a lot, you give them lunch, and I can understand, like, I can imagine I don’t get me wrong, that these days, my front desk staff will tell me, Hey, we have someone that wants to buy lunch. And I’m like, lunch is not necessary. If they just want a meeting, we would love to have them for meeting. I’m like, we would love to share time with them. We would love to if they want to all go out for dinner, we’ll split dinner, you know, there’s no need for it by us something for you know, that’s that’s where my thinking is at the point. So I think most changing and I think the next generation coming out, have adopted excited would you say where the chiropractic model has been doing it for years, where they’re like, Hey, we have to get out there and hustle and grind, we have no choice. There’s, you know, sometimes we might in some states were looked down upon by the medical community, in some states will look at held a pie and saying, Hey, this is the this the route you have to go. So it all

Justin Trosclair 18:19
and some doctors themselves in the foot with horrible advertising?

Unknown 18:22
Exactly. It all depends on the advertising as well. Right?

Justin Trosclair 18:25
Question for you. Okay, I think one of the things that you do is practice acquisitions. And it gets tricky. If you have an HMO, if you’re looking at a practice to purchase, sometimes they’re very insurance based and you know, I don’t really want to do insurance, I’m going to do cash. So a question there would be, should you skip on that type of clinic? If you’re looking to purchase one? And then second, what are some general top two things to really be aware of if you’re going to look into purchasing a clinic?

Unknown 18:52
So great question. You know, Justin, that’s a great question. It’s a loaded question, because it’s not an easy answer. But the quick answer is, the numbers don’t lie the cash, right. So I know even even, it doesn’t matter what it is a business in general, the numbers don’t lie. So I mean, if you have three pieces of paper, if you have to income statement, which is also known as a profit loss statement, if you have a balance sheet, and you have a cash flow statement, from the provider, saying, hey, I need these three things. If you had me those three things, I can be a detective. And I can tell you the story of that clinic. If they give it to me for the entire year, if they have it monthly, it’s even better. But if they give it to me, and I can work backwards, I can tell you the story of that clinic. And I can say what’s going on? And then sometimes just questioning like, all right, what’s what’s happening here? Like what happened in month? You know, and and may that you guys did so great. And why did you dive in the summer and what’s going on in September, and you know, so there’s a lot to it. So even if it’s HMO, if it’s a priority of not work, or if it’s can space, whatever it is, the numbers don’t lie. And once we start diving in a little bit deeper by looking at the claims, by looking at the reimbursement rates, that’s one thing. And then the next thing is we you know, you have to understand the staff, the staff that’s currently working there, is this staff able to handle a transition? Sometimes they’re not, sometimes they won’t make it, you know, and sometimes they realistically the doc is burned out, right? And when I come into those practices, and the docs burned out, and and things and everyone thinks they’re babies worth way more than it’s worth, you know, that’s a that’s a sad truth behind it, and I get it. I mean, if somebody came to me today and said, Hey, I want to buy a practice, but great, this is what I’ll sell for. Yeah, you know, but everybody wants a way a higher some, some realistic majority or not. But when we go through this process, we kind of just questioned them and say, Okay, this is the stages. This is what it’s worth to us right? Now, how can we make this a fair deal? Because you know, I don’t want to I don’t want rip anybody off. And I’m like, hey, I want you to leave, I want you to leave this meeting saying, Wow, I, I feel like I got the upper hand on this guy, I really going to make something good. But you know what, in return, I want to make sure that I wrap this up with a bow before I step away from it. Right? Right. So they’re obviously the majority of people I’ve dealt with a good people, they just in bad situations, or they’re just at the point where they’re just tired, like, Hey, I can’t do this anymore. Is there something that we can do together, I would look at that venture first before I come in and say, Okay, I’m going to take it over completely, because I’m a firm believer, and most of the practitioners that have a lot of owners, I should say, most of these private practice owners are realistically operators, they’re not owners, and to transition them from an operator odor, is a pain point that they cannot get past. And they would benefit having someone like me as being the backend for them saying, Hey, I’ll handle all the backend stuff you, you get together, he’s a good guy, I can be the bad cop. You know, like when we have staff meetings, oh, Joe is here, he’s the bad cop. And I have no problem with it. And I just say that jokingly, because it’s that when you come in for staff meetings, everyone’s happy because they want you want to have a good team around you. But it’s amazing to see the mood, the mood shift in somebody, the mindset change in someone, when they don’t have that stress on their shoulders anymore, when they say one day can say, wow, you know what, I can do what I like to do, and that’s to treat patients and have a some autonomy, right? Where I’m like, Hey, I can treat whatever way I want. And I can have a little more flexibility in my day, I don’t have to, you know, if my day ends at five, I don’t have to, you know, do payroll, I don’t have to figure out how to get a patient in the front door, I don’t have to, you know, figure out the health insurance for my employees, I don’t have to figure out schedules. All that’s kind of taken care of for you. And you’re like, wow, that’s if that you know, 52% is taken off your plate. And I always asked him, if this was taken off your plate, what are you gonna do with your free time and I’m a big proponent, my partners that you need to spend more time with your family, you need to pick up a hobby, you need to do stuff that will clear your mind that when you’re in the clinic, you are at 150%, yo, you’re killing it when you’re there, you know,

Justin Trosclair 23:11
do you find that when you’re trying to take over a clinic, you can negotiate something to wear, that doctor stays on for a few months at a certain percentage of collections or something like that to make the transition a little bit easier?

Unknown 23:24
It all depends on the deal, obviously, I my personal opinion, is if the opera, the current owner, wants to step out was this a Hey, listen, I had is not in this I can’t do it all depends on that current owner. It doesn’t benefit the transition period at all. And it looks sometimes that clinic might not be the one that I purchased. Because if what guarantees me that his patient base is going to stay, if he doesn’t have a team in place already, and he’s just a solo practitioner, and he wants to sell his practice, I’ll be the first one to tell you that practice is probably not going to be able to sell because what guarantees me that patient base is going to stay and I’ve made this mistake before I bought that solo practice. And I lost probably about 70% of the clientele, you know, after he stepped away, and it was a nightmare. And I’m like this is and we had everything built out where there’s a transition period, and you get a percentage, but his heart wasn’t in the game anymore. And he didn’t care if patients came with income. But so again, the the ability to kind of, you know, flip through these deals. And if it’s, it’s something I would pass on personally at this point in my career, but if someone’s looking at it right now, your number one question would be if the owner operator has stepped out and stepped away? Will you be able to retain that level of referrals? Or load that patient base, you know, and what, where else would they go? What’s the competition look like? You know, will they jumped ship and go to the competition? What separates you from the competition? So, there’s a lot of questions that would come up in the in that, you know, due diligence period,

Justin Trosclair 25:03
I was talking to somebody one time and they’re like, man, goodwill, that type of stuff. He’s like, I don’t know, I’d pay much at all for that, because there’s no guarantee that patients are like you and stay. And so they were just like, you know, you really gotta, you know, use for different formulas when I sold my clinic. And that way I can kind of know like, Oh, that’s a lowball offer. Oh, that’s a really good offer. And so I kind of had like that, that play window of lack of negotiate. And I feel like I’m getting taken advantage of you know,

Unknown 25:28
yeah. And everyone has their the formula that works. And I think that’s a great takeaway, you didn’t just use one method, I think the takeaway there was that you had four different methods to go by. And you said, hey, look, if this one is it gives me at this point, and this one is a little bit too low. You had a couple of different aspects. So you were actually a very knowledgeable pay somebody

Unknown 25:49

Unknown 25:53
out of it, like,

Justin Trosclair 25:53
yeah, this practice is worth so much like, Yeah, no.

Unknown 25:59
But the multi million dollar, that’s what everyone wants, right? They want the multi million dollar exit. But you know, it’s not the 1980s and early 90s anymore, you know, so those days are gone. Would you recommend people starting from scratch?

Justin Trosclair 26:12
Yeah, better option, these things for cash practice?

Unknown 26:15
I absolutely do. I mean, there is, there is a formula to follow to even do that. But I recommend instead of saddling yourself with any debt or leases that might be in place already. I think starting from scratch is fine, depending on what your exact niches right. So depending on your niche, if you can create something where you could build a following pretty fast, then I would say starting from scratch, like we have a formula down right now where we’re always trying to tweak it. And we have a break, even at this point with our latest clinic that we open from scratch, that we have a break even at six months, you know, so it’s not always the case, but it was just something we really have been fine tuning. And before that we you know, we were at 18 months, and we were at 13 months, then we came down to 90. And now the latest practice that we started from scratch, we’re at six months breakeven. So that is, you know, that’s something we’re like, Hey, we’re learning from our mistakes. How can we do a better what can we you know, what can we do? And to be honest, it’s sometimes cheaper to do it that way than buying a practice. Well, you’re not guaranteed that, you know, that return, and just saddled with staff, you’re saddled with debt, you’re saddled with whatever it may be? So there’s two ways to look at it. Yeah, kind of retrain the staff the way I need it. I mean, realistically, you’re really buying talent, I wouldn’t even say you’re buying the patient list. My personal preferences, you’re really buying the talent that currently works there. And that could be an office manager, that could be an admin, that could be a trading clinician. But you’re really buying the talent. And that’s the key takeaway. I want everyone to grab grasp on this. It’s don’t fixate on the patient list. Because if you’ve lost that patient list by tomorrow, what do you have left? You just have the staff that’s there, and we’ll let staff be able to follow you. So the promised land is the question.

Justin Trosclair 28:04
One person told me, they said to I want to know what the email is this and I want to know what the frequency of which you email these people because it’s kind of hard to reactivate somebody with a postcard and a phone number that they’ve changed three times in the last five years, but an email that’s been used and scratch where they call it clean through, you know, these these male chimps, they’ll, they clean up your files and everything like that, like if you have a strong, you like, wow, okay, so this could you know, this could turn into something, it kind of on the same vein as like email lists and things. I heard one of your podcasts, I guess it’s been a while I looked at the data, but but our doctors able to have continuity program you mentioned getting a text or a couple hundred bucks. Amen. That’s living the dream right there. I think so. Have you all found anything that’s worked well, for doctors, whether it’s a membership practice, or coaching services? or what have you found? Or have you found anything so far?

Unknown 28:56
Um, it’s, you’re right, that podcast episode was a I think 2015 2016.

Unknown 29:01
It’s been a couple of years since I, I put the that was the private practice Business Academy. I think we’ve recorded about 75 episodes and and then I kind of called it quits. I took a year hiatus from everything in 2017. And just 2018, I started to come back slowly with my new podcast. But going to your question about continuity model. You know, it’s funny, there’s a couple of different physicians that I’ve seen, make it work to her to a concierge point where they charge you, you know, a monthly fee, and you have access to that primary care physician and you have access to the basic needs of the basic tests and measures they can provide. But the rest would be covered by insurance, and there would be no backfilling or there would be no overbuilding, or, you know, what do you call it? coverages? So I mean, I’ve seen that model work, I’ve seen some providers put in place a health program in place where they have a nutritionist on staff and they have a, a continuity model based off of that. I’ve seen others create a online portal where they’re like, okay, the exercises I hear you have the ability to access these exercises, I don’t believe and then of course, there’s the telemedicine concept, I don’t believe anyone’s perfected it to the point where it That alone is generating enough by itself, I think that’s a good step, I think that’s a great tool in the in the chain, that keeps the whole machine going. I think it’s a great lead generation by all means, right, we’ve used a couple in our clinics, from monthly maintenance, to having a on site, exercise database for clients, you know, and we would have patients in there, you might have 50, you might have 20, you might have nine, you know, and you’ll you’ll keep those patients. But the point is, you have ongoing contact with those patients, I don’t think it’s a revenue generator, by any means. I think, if you look at it for what it really is, is you’re keeping the Lord guilty of that patient just like every other continuity program is designed to be. And that’s why I think physicians and I, when I say physicians, guys, I really mean all providers from physical therapist, chiropractors, doctors, I think that’s the where physicians make the biggest mistake, they think that if I have a continuity program, it has to be expensive. It has to be $1,000 a month, it has to be $500 a month, because I am a physician. And that’s I think the dumbest thing I’m like, you could have a loss leader, which we’ve done as our continuity, which is an OB you make zero money from it. But it’s guaranteed loyalty of those patients, and we’ve had patients in our clinics for over, you know, 12 years, and they’ve just been keep, they come back every year, and their insurance might

Justin Trosclair 31:45
come on, they hurt themselves, they’re going to pay you

Unknown 31:47
Yeah, I know, it’s just that need whenever they have that need, you know, it’s just like common cold, whenever they you know, and and this actually going to come to you whenever they pulled them back out. So I got to come to you, whenever they you know, strain their ankle, they’re going to come to you right, so it’s just you want to be top of mind and you want to have they want to feel the outside access point.

Justin Trosclair 32:05
Have you have you done any being that your physical therapy, like a little gym with like a side door off to the main practice where you become a patient, if you want, you can be a part of this gym, you can come in, you know, do a couple different machines or whatever it is you need to do. And there’s always some sort of staff member of some sort kind of watching over you and the doctors right here in the other room if you need them as that worked any better.

Unknown 32:27
I mean, some some clinics have run that I don’t have the stats on how they have made it work, we back into used to run boot camps. So complete boot camps. And that would be our lead gen for our wellness clinics. So obviously, if somebody in the boot camp was injured, like hey, you should stop off and get checked out. I know clinics right now that are built inside of CrossFit gyms, where they work directly with the trainers. So the trainer as part of the the initial assessment would say, hey, you get a quick screen by our physical or chiropractor that’s on staff. And I’ve seen that model work where they are huge referral source to that clinic. So there’s, there’s multiple ways that I’ve seen

Unknown 33:11
it work. And I said, I say that that it’s it all depends on the facility. It depends on the the staff that’s working there. But that model, I think the fitness angle, works to an extent because it’s income grew into each other at times, because if somebody’s coming to work out, and they have an injury, the classic model is Hey, you need to stop working out. So you know, so then the trainers like, Hey, I sent a guy over to you, and you told him to stop working out. But that’s my money. Why would we stop working out? You know, so it’s just a very interesting concept. But you can make it work. Absolutely. I’m a firm believer, and I’ve known people that have done it. And I see the new crop of pts coming out, really, that have no money, and they don’t have money for it to buy assets like gym equipment, they’re just open putting up within gyms, and they are really relying on those gyms for as a referral source for the general public. So that’s a starting point for them a very cheap starting point for them.

Justin Trosclair 34:11
Okay, I’ll have to scratching my own itch and start looking out on LinkedIn for people like that. in that realm. That’s gonna be that would be a good podcast episode right there. When we’re talking as your come up marketing everything. What are you noticing? It might be Facebook ads, but one of the best bang for your buck? Or you just run in a simple discount coupon? Or is it like a video of explaining how good you are? What’s the little secret we got for us?

Unknown 34:35
Well, it all depends on the size of the clinic. But I’m going to tell you right now, the best marketing you could ever do hands down. Is your in house marketing is taking care of the current client base you have right now and people like I’ve heard this before. But how do you take care of them? Not just treatment? But what do you give them as gifts? What do they get on that first day? What do they get as just a gift for from

Justin Trosclair 34:58
the log or something?

Unknown 34:59
Yeah, you know, and that’s, that’s what people usually do. And you know, so here’s a great, I’m glad you brought that up, Justin because a T shirt and a mug most of the time. And I’m going to say everyone listening right now though I can we give out t shirts, we get about pens, we give out mugs, it’s all logo it up with their clinic information. So besides going, Yeah, besides going to a landfill?

Unknown 35:22
Yeah, pretty ugly. Because I think about it, like if you go somewhere and someone hands you a T shirt, and it has their logo on it, no matter how nice the material is, what are the chances of you wearing that T shirt, maybe in the house before you go to bed, maybe when you’re doing some work in the backyard. But everyone’s like, Oh, my word out, never wear it out.

Justin Trosclair 35:45
be full of grass when they want a lot more never,

Unknown 35:47
ever wear it out. And most of the time, I’m going to say 99% of time, that T shirt gets thrown into the donation pile after a little bit. And I’ve gone down this route. And I realized I’m like, wow, we spent a ton of money on T shirts, we’ve spent a ton of money on swag. And it just didn’t convert, like we want to people would say thank you. But we would never see them actually use it or bring it in or whatever it may be. So then we said to ourselves, okay, what can we do? And we realized the biggest hiccup we had was the fact that we put our own logo on everything. So what if we took out a logo off, and we put their name on it. And that is my secret. Beyond secret referral source that I’ve used over the years, I’ve taken my logo off, and I paid to have the patient’s name put on it. And guess what,

Justin Trosclair 36:35
like what like truck Claire on the back, you know,

Unknown 36:37
not just you could not even the T shirt. But let’s just go to the coffee mug example. Everyone loves. Everyone loves to see the name. So think about the having coffee. It’s It’s Christmas morning, having coffee and a big oversized mug. And you know, the mother in law’s over and says we should get that cop? Oh, you know what my physical therapist gave it to me? Oh, really? What? Why we go to physical therapy. I know, my back was bothering me. The conversation is started, who do you think the next patient is going to be? You know, the mother law comes in. And this has been proven. And the last, I would say 36 months, we’ve had this insane. Increase referral rate by in house marketing tactics. And we’ve actually paid less, and Facebook ads, because Facebook has been changing the algorithm so much, you know, my team has been having a hard time with it. So I need to find something different. And ever since I’ve been using this method of you know, and this is pure marketing one on one, one on one when you use someone’s name in any product. And I obviously gave you the example of the coffee mug, but feel free to put it on anything that you want. You know, it doesn’t have to be expensive. I mean, a coffee mug is like companies who use it just you can google personally and I’m being very honest, it you can go on Google and say personalized gifts. And you will get a bunch of companies that pop up and you just have to look for that patient. So I don’t buy it in bulk.

Justin Trosclair 37:59
Yeah, I don’t think the bulk of you know chiropractic Rs. You can get 100 of these mugs for pretty cheap. But you start putting Justin on a mug all of a sudden, oh, no, we have $17 mark.

Unknown 38:10
Yeah, so that that $2 mug or that 99 cent mug is now four bucks. Okay, but what’s your return on investment on that? $4 when you spend it on that one patient, when that patient brings in two other people, even one person, that person brings in one person, and you’re in your eval as 100 bucks. Well, guess what? You spent six bucks with a return of 100 not not a bad day. So I mean, and they’re always very thankful that like, What’s this, like, hey, I want to say I want to say thank you, yo, yo, yo, great client, you know, you we really like to work with more people just like, you know, and the staff is trained a that and they get stuff like this. And you know, and they look at it like this is awesome. You know, I don’t get me wrong. We’ve gone from blankets, we’ve done chess sets we’ve done, you know, we’ve done, what do you call those things, tablets, the covers for tablets covers for phones, once you what type of phone they’re using, we’ve gone a name, we just got creative, you know, and I let my staff get creative. And I have a rule. If it’s 100, if it’s under $100, you do not need to ask my permission, you can just get it. Yeah, you know, so they have to $100 to spend on a referral gift of their choosing that will have the clients name on it. And that is the best marketing. You can do hands down better than Facebook better than Google. I’ve been calling it my Facebook killer from my, my consulting clients, when I work with them every comment and I can tell you, I you know, my fees a high. But I guess I have a guarantee that 90 days, we can triple what you pay me. And I can just do that by this simple technique. Because I can get three times the referral rate in about 90 days from the current clients. And whoever’s listening, I implore you do this technique. And you’ll be you’ll see a huge difference. I mean, you know, Justin is in China, and he probably has a great work house close by that you can get all this stuff from it. Oh, he might be a new company.

Justin Trosclair 40:04
outsources, I can get you some stuff. I just tried to

Unknown 40:13
start a new company.

Unknown 40:15
The brand new company Justin sorry, he’s outsourcing personalized, which will be

Justin Trosclair 40:19
like every Chinese person that you ask, what do you do? A I’m in business, in what kind of business business, you’re like, all right, conversation is apparently done. We don’t have any frame of reference. But you know what, I was chatting with some people earlier in the summer, and they were they’re bringing back is an old saying that disappeared. And it’s come back, it’s the box, and exactly what you’re talking about. If you’re a physical therapist, a corporate, I’m a big fan of like practical gifts. And I’m not I’m not talking like a vacuum for your wife for her birthday. But you know, something kind of practical that you know, they want they can use, I think if you think that way for the patient, like you’re talking about, you could really get creative. And it’s not a stress ball, you know, maybe an ice pack or you know, mug, but you can get real creative, especially if you’re fine with spin and 15 bucks or 20 bucks per patient because I said if you get a referral off of it, then you know, your exam kind of would cover some of that offset that cost a little bit too

Unknown 41:11
easily. And I mean, if we think about it, how long does a patient stay? In any treatment for physical therapy to chiropractic? It could be months, it could be weeks, but it’s definitely more than one. Right? So we we look at that lifetime value. And then even if you’re a podiatrist, listening to this, the podiatrist is probably doing dumb stuff. Well, I’m seeing that guy one time, well, maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’re doing a group of treatments for that patient, you know, so it all depends on how you look at it, and which a reimbursement rate is obviously, but you know, then that’s what we kind of sit down, we figure out together we got we kind of go through that and say, Okay, what, what’s your average? What are you actually getting per patient. And once you know that number, it makes it very easy to figure out your marketing and say, okay, you you’re allowed to spend a third of that, or you’re allowed to spend, you know, a quarter of that in your marketing. And you can do it any way you want. But it has a direct correlation. You know, and I am a firm believer of that marketing has a direct correlation to your bottom line, the more marketing you do, the more you the bigger your bottom line. It just it’s just that for

Justin Trosclair 42:12
people say, if you can spend if you can figure out what’s working and what works to get patients in and you can close them, whatever, you have more money, you can spend more on advertising, and all of a sudden, everywhere people go, they always see your clinic. So it ends up you win because you can spend more money than the next guy. So they always you know, you’re on the top of their mind. So I was like, that’s interesting. I was like, I’m like that idea. Yeah, that’s

Unknown 42:33
exactly what I did years ago, right. I wasn’t the biggest clinic I was just a one person show in my own clinic back then. But my advertising outpaced most hospitals, right? hospitals are only now advertising as like the other like da the farmer pharmacology companies are doing. But back then hospitals didn’t advertise. Rarely Did you see a hospital advertise anything? Really? Did you see a private practice advertising, you still don’t really see private practice advertising a lot. And when they do advertise, it’s just poorly done. I seen advertisements where it’s just a group picture of the staff on a billboard with with the name Oh, with Office, and I’m like, What

Unknown 43:12
the hell is that going to do for you? One cardiac surgeon in the region?

Unknown 43:17
Like, all right, that was the most useless where it was probably don’t get me wrong. I applaud the sales rep that so that guy that build? Yeah. Because you did a great job selling the car. I gotta tell you that. Yeah, it’s the worst advertising ever. And that’s, that’s the biggest problem. They just don’t know where to put their money. And they like, Hey, we know. And this is my pet peeve. I hate going to a conference when I get a question. Hey, what do you budget for marketing per year? And I look at them. And I’m like, Well, how much money do you want to make? You know, that’s the that’s the question. That’s what you’re really asking me. I’m like, so if you want to budget, if I tell you 2%? Are you going to say, Well, I make this much money on 2%? I’m like, Well imagine what it would be if you spent 4%. Know, like, it’s it’s a very simple conversation. But I see the I see the struggle, because they just don’t know what to do. And that’s the problem. But yeah, I’m doing the in house technique. It works very, very well.

Justin Trosclair 44:13
I don’t know which way I should go here. You already give a nice answer for the referral. That was one of the questions I was definitely going to have for you was like, what’s a good way to generate referrals? And maybe like a conversation, you know, how to approach that? Because it could be awkward. Hey, Bob, your head is gone. Why don’t you go ahead and send me your family and friends

Unknown 44:34
are you can go with the what’s like two things that most of your clients are struggling with, or you find that they struggle with that you always have to, like deal with so they can improve. We can go with clients. So I mean, clients, I’m going to assume we’re talking about business owners, Chris, not patients. I don’t think enough. So the biggest thing I see my clients is struggling with right now. Number one is leadership. Number two, is actually figuring out the operation mechanisms or systems for that practice. Because they don’t have either to be honest with you. So when I come in, and I say, how do you handle the situation? Most cannot handle confrontation. And look, I’m a big fan. If you’ve ever read the book, extreme leadership with Jocko willing, big fan of that book, I implore everyone, this is one of my recommended readings that I make all of my clients, my inner circle, read, because this is so important before I even start consulting with them or coaching them. I tell them, like you have to read this book, you have to understand my mindset about leadership, and where we’re going to go with it. Because the problem at the end of the day is always you. So stop blaming.

Unknown 45:50
Always, you know, it’s always you, if you get if you can be able to absorb that piece of information, then you and I could work together. Because I know I can make you a lot of money. Because once you say to yourself every time when something goes wrong, hey, Susie didn’t wake up today. She missed. She missed the bus and she’s gonna come in late and she won’t be able to answer your phones. Crap. What am I going to blame? Is that Susie’s fall? Maybe a little bit, but whose fault really is it? Well, Doc, that’s your fault. Because you didn’t instill in the fact into Susie, why she needs to come in on time why she should be waking up early, and what the consequences would be if she shows up a half hour late and doesn’t answer the phone. Right? So these are things that have to take place. And most doctors in that same situation will grumble under their breath, will say all the main things in the world about Susie and do absolutely jack. They won’t do anything at all. And we know confrontation. And Susie will come in and be like, hey, this wasn’t a big deal. All right, guess what, two weeks later, Susie’s going to send a text message to the doc and say, Hey, I’m not feeling too good this morning. I’m just not going to come in today. And what happens again, tomorrow, again, is going to crumble under his breath, and complain and do absolutely nothing. And it’ll be six months. And that six months, that six month timeframe, Susie will poison the entire Well, she poisons the entire practice, you lose good employees, because good employees are working that atmosphere that like I can’t stand working here. So you lose good employees. And then the doc says himself, man, you know, I’m just gonna do everything myself. Or this, this is not worth it anymore. I need to get out of this industry or have to sell. And that is the number one biggest problem that I see. I know I said to but the the systems I tell you will all fall and systems are needed to help with leadership. But leadership is the number one thing I see that everyone and including myself back in the day before I really started to take ownership of it and say, okay, it’s me, at the end of the day, it’s my fault. If my business partner is failing or cannot lead his team, that’s my fault. I didn’t teach him the right way to do it. If a clinic last 20,000 this month, hey, that’s my fault. That’s not the team’s fault. What did we do wrong? And then we’re just back trying to go through the, you know, the the story to figure out like what happened. So that’s the best thing I can share with the listeners today. And that’s a that’s a big plate for a pill I should say for you to swallow. To understand leadership is is really the key, we can solve that. I guarantee your life and your practice. We thousand times better.

Justin Trosclair 48:30
Oh, yeah. Like when I graduated from school, 11 years ago, actually, I knew I didn’t know anything about because I was trying, you know, I was like, Okay, it’s time to read some books about business. But I had a coach. And you know, they really helped with the processes and systems and things like that. And even with a coach calling you every week, you still drop the ball and you like, I’ve got the blueprint, you know, step one, step two, and then you go to Step four, and you like I forgot to do step three on this patient. And maybe that’s why my numbers are down this month. So okay, then you need to do it again. And this is the that constant reminder. So it’s a for someone that just jump out and not have anyone to help them. It kind of blows my mind.

Unknown 49:06
I gotta tell you, Justin, you are a little bit different than the average practitioner, right? You decided to get help off the bat, that’s

Justin Trosclair 49:16

Unknown 49:18
That is unheard of the average practitioner out there from physical therapy to chiropractic. The number one thing they say, I will do it myself, or I have to figure it out myself. But when you give them the quick analogy that, hey, when you were a little kid, and you played Little League, did you just get out there and you know, throw throw the ball across some third base to first base? Were you able to hit a home run off the? And they were like, Oh, no. Well, how did you learn all that? Well, my dad taught me how to, you know, throw and catch a ball. All right? What about hitting and all that stuff while I had a coach? Off you go, right? It’s that simple analogy gets everyone to start thinking like, yeah, you’re right. You know, and I can tell you, I think I heard this before. Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins does the thing. He goes, What are you doing to a child that’s learning to walk? You know, a first gets off, he makes couple of steps. And he falls he was what do you do? Do yellow buttons and say, Hey, you little bastards.

Unknown 50:12
You just let him?

Unknown 50:14
And he’s like, no, he goes, and he was less human behavior. you encourage the little baby to learn to walk more? He goes, but why is it such a huge difference when it comes to being a business owner or a practitioner to say, hey, I need help, I need to learn to walk before I can run. And you know, most of times when I get to business owners, and you know, there’s some that I don’t work with, because we’re just not a good fit, or they’re just status is not what we can work with at the time. But I tell them like you’re trying to run, and you haven’t even learned to walk it. And sometimes going back to leadership, leadership, sometimes it’s just a walking, you got to learn how to walk first. And you may have a practice that generates, you know, 1.2 million, but when you’re only taking home, you know, 115,000 or $90,000. Like, hey, you’re doing something drastically wrong. Yeah. So if you’re generating that much, and I love those conversations, when everyone tells me like, yeah, you know, I have a million dollar practice, you do? What do you keep, and when they tell me they’re keeping less than their employees, like, Oh, that’s a that’s a bitter pill. You know,

Justin Trosclair 51:18
when you know, not everybody in this other thing, too, is and I’ll do this, when I, when I got a coach, it was kind of a little bit of a contract, where they’re like, Look, your new student, you got a better deal, you’re to you, but to be playing normal prices. So my point is you can find different companies are different individuals that you want to get a coach from, and they might have like a new doctor rate, or you may not be able to afford the thousand dollar a month guy, but you might be able to do the 495 guy. And there’s nothing really wrong. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Because if you long as you’re not like in some kind of crazy long contract, maybe just a year or something, you outgrow that person or you start making more money. Yeah, it’s working, do have more to offer. Our I’m surpassing him now. Now I need another person and now I can afford to spend more money. But something’s got to be better than nothing, I would think

Unknown 52:06
I 100% agree with you. And look, there’s a lot of coaches out there and not to knock on the the coaching industry for physical therapy or for chiropractic. There’s a lot of coaches out there that they just talked to talk to have in water at the walk, right. But they’re good at where they are right now. So if somebody is brand new, and just like what you said, where you just starting off, you knew the coach, well, that coach might have been able to get you to 100 grand, and say, hey, look, I can get you to 100 grand. And that’s,

Justin Trosclair 52:35
that’s what actually was the startup

Unknown 52:37
and you know, he might not come out. Yet he specialized in startups. But that might be all he knows. And then when you talk to that person will do you have clinics that you start up all the time? Well, no, I used to have one I sold it, this is what I do now. He said, Okay, so you have a set knowledge about you know what you can do, but then you start seeing that, okay, I really want to learn more about the next level, or, Hey, you know what, this guy doesn’t his he not in the trenches anymore? He’s not treating anymore? How do I know he has his finger on the pulse? You know, so that might be a question to you, then you might get the guys that I usually get by time to get to me, you know, they are practice owners that are looking to expand, they already have one business, they already have one practice and they’re like, Okay, I need to get to number two, I need to get to number three, I want to get to number 10. Number 20. Right, that’s, that’s where they’re at. But you know, and I’ll even tell them, I’m like, Hey, listen, if you’re at that point, then you and I should talk. But if you’re at the point, just starting up, you’re fresh out of college, you know, what, can I help you? Yeah, I could help you. But I don’t have the time. Because my time there’s only so much time and bandwidth that I even have. And you know, and that’s the tough part, I try to explain to people I’m like, I rather you go see this guy or this girl, because she would be a better coach for you. Because I know she has the time. But on top of that, she’s she just got past where you are, she will remember exactly how to do it. My strategies will work. You know, and but guess what, it’s, it’s designed a little bit differently. And you know what, and I required to

Justin Trosclair 54:05
Nicole test and it’s down to a coach, you’re looking for clients, you’re on a podcast, maybe you’ll get a client out of this is the same way. Like if I wanted to be a coach, I might have to niche down and say I only work on startups, or I only work on expanded view from one clinic to two clinics are I specialize in hiring associates correctly. That’s cool. Just own what you do. Make a business. I

Unknown 54:26
mean, I know that just that just coaches people on how to answer the phone.

Unknown 54:32
It’s a great he makes he makes more money than almost, you know, 90% of the coaching industry out there. And all he does is teach people how to answer the phone correctly. And you know, I’ve taken this course I’ve done done as material. And you know, it was it was okay. That’s why I’m not keep dropping, dropping his name because I’m not you know, I don’t want it bad enough. Anybody but, but it’s great. I gotta tell him that, that on that factor alone of niche and down to that big fan, big fan, but I’m also big proponent of the material has to be good as well.

Justin Trosclair 55:02
Yeah. I mean, if you think about it, we didn’t even talk about that. Because, you know, you got it down. But if you can’t answer the question, do you take my insurance? Uh, no, actually, I just pay cash. What are your doctor do? I mean, there’s so many questions, it’s yours yours personally answer the phone has to be the answer right to get the patient in the door. So I guess it’s worth having a coach for that. Or at least it’d be a part of the coaching program because you can’t even get patients in the door. That’s gonna be a problem.

Unknown 55:26
Yeah, I mean, these days, we’ve changed even that model on its head, because I realized, like I said, early part of the interview, I’ve realized is a lot of practitioners out there that don’t have the risk tolerance that I have. And these days, we’ve developed a program where someone fresh out of school that’s looking to soccer practice, you know, we will tell them, like, Hey, you should work for other practitioners don’t come, don’t come to us. But if you’ve been out for about four or five years, that’s the person I want to talk to. Because if somebody’s been out for five years, then I know hey, you’ve done the work, you’ve, you’ve drank the better juice, now you’re ready to learn the the, you know, the inside of how to run a practice. And those are the people we take on an ownership track, and build up a practice with them. Because then when you asked me earlier about, hey, what’s better? Do you start a practice from scratch, we are starting a practice from scratch with these practitioners that have experienced that have been out for about four or five years. And that’s how ownership track and I’m more than happy to get them on board and show them like, this is how this is leadership number one from day one. Let’s start working. Because I’m a firm believer that everyone should have their own business, they should have their own practice. If that’s not for you, that’s fine. If you want to work in a hospital, you want to be a teacher again. But if you’re out in the world and private practice, and you’re working for somebody and you saying hey, I’ve done this for five years, and I don’t know what the next step is, I don’t have the money to start one. That’s where I come in. That’s where my joy and passion is right now. It’s a it’s been a lot of fun for me at this point. We’re working with those type of individuals. Perfect.

Justin Trosclair 57:00
Oh, uh, we’re going to switch it up for you if you’re okay with this. Little more personal Yeah. All right. You mentioned homework life balance, what’s a good way to a achieve some work life balance and be if you’re, if you have a spouse, keep that spouse relationship healthy and loving?

Unknown 57:17
Great question just. So that’s, you know, what, and I have a lot of people that I work with, I don’t have this. And I’m going to share with you the guy that taught me how to do this. So there’s a coach that I still go through to this day, his name is Dan Sullivan, he runs a program called Strategic Coach. And when I went to him, I specifically went to him because I heard not to the simple fact of you can learn to run a business. But he had this thing called free days, buffer days and focus days. And I really love that concept. And I said, You know what, I want to go learn from the master himself. So I went and learned from the guy himself, I’m still there, I’m still you know, I still get coaching myself. I have multiple coaches that I love to learn from, and I you know, reciprocate. But Dan has been a implement, like integrity, integrity, integrity, part of my, my learning. So free days, focus days, buffer days, so my free days, I do nothing. that’s related to business. So those are days we have I told my wife, you know, because we have small kids. So you know, we might not be able to do a date night, because we don’t have a babysitter. So we do a date day. So we’ll go out and have lunch, we’ll grab a movie will you know, we’ll do some fun stuff will go shopping will do the different things that she likes to do. You know, maybe I like working out. So I’m like, hey, let’s do a workout class together. These are things that hey, we we have figured out that if we do this once a week, or if we you know, if it’s a busy week, I get it. But maybe on the weekends, we have the whole family out, and that becomes my free day. But that’s a day I do nothing. I mean, absolutely nothing. I don’t even my phone is off that day, my phone is completely turned off. And I don’t pick it up again till 8pm at night. And yes, there’s 1000 messages, there’s emails as fires. But everyone knows, especially my, my executive assistant, she’s the one that’ll handle it. They said, Hey, Joe, Joe was off today, he will not be able to get back to this today is it or if it’s super urgent, I can get to him. But guess what, 99% of time it’s not super urgent. Everyone back tomorrow. So that’s, that’s how I handle the work life balance. And because I was since I’ve learned that I have been in the program for four years, since I’ve learned that I gotta say, My attitude, and my stress level has dropped drastically. Because I even implore my employees to do this, that we give them mental days, you should use your mental days, if it’s once a month, we obviously can’t do once a week. But you should take time you should do these classes, you should do a workout program, you should do something or just not show up to work and just blow off today. But obviously give us a heads up on it. Don’t do it last second. But you know, go go out there and do something for yourself with or without your spouse, whatever you want to do. You know, sometimes you just need some alone time. You know, I know people that go to a museum and they just hang out, you know, and tell like that was a great day. But guess what, that employee or including myself, I come back. supercharged, you know, and today for me, honestly, is today’s a buffer day, I have a couple of podcasts, interviews that I have to do, and I’m on this one with you. And then I have a couple of meetings that I push back to the end of day but they’re all phone meetings. So I physically don’t have to go anywhere. You know, it’s all technology base. It’s all from home. And it’s not that, you know, so it’s that’s kind of my work life balance.

Justin Trosclair 1:00:39
Awesome. And any favorite books, blogs or podcasts that you want to recommend? You kind of mentioned one or two so far.

Unknown 1:00:47
Yeah, I think I mentioned extreme leadership with Jocko willing that’s a must have if you haven’t read that book. I mean, I it’s funny because I’m in my my home office right now, I am a big fan of physical books. I’m not a Kindle guy. I’m a big fan of audible to, because I’m usually on the road a lot when I have to consult so I just downloaded a ton of books on Audible. There’s so many right now but I think it’s the extreme leadership is the one thing that I really go go to right away. There’s other book four Disciplines of Execution, which I like really gets into management. You know, like these all I’m a big, you know, I’m a big Gary Vee fan for podcasts, love listening to Gary, Gary Vee kind of just gives you that pump up that you need. That’s always good. And again, it’s it’s one of those things where, if I can, if I scroll through, if I hear a recommendation from a podcast, I’ll buy the book immediately. You know, there’s you know I can from I’m looking at my wall right now and I can see good strategy. bad strategy is a great book, Gary V’s books, which is, you know, the Jab, Jab, Right Hook was a great book, think it’s a couple years old now. And you know, obviously the client books that Napoleon Hill based, which everyone reads, so good, they can’t ignore you by Cal Newport great book. So these are just a ton of books that are just sitting on my bookshelf, them to scroll looking through right looking at right now and saying, okay, what’s up there? These are all just great books that I can’t recommend enough or good. What’s your website, sir? So the website is my direct website is Dr. Joe Simon calm. That again, that website is for those that want to work with me at that what we described. The podcast, the old podcast was private practice Business Academy, you can still find that on iTunes. The new podcast is the 30 and 30 marketing for physical therapist. I figured I just thought chatting about marketing for for different with different practitioners. And that’s just a fun thing that I do on the road whenever I meet someone who just jumping on the phone, and some of my mentors have been on there with me over the years, I’ve reached back out to them and said, Hey, sorry, new podcast podcast, would you jump on and just share your knowledge? So the likes of Jay Abraham is on there, and Dan Sullivan’s on there. So it’s great to get those guys to share their vast knowledge with you. So it’s, it’s always fun.

Justin Trosclair 1:03:12
And did you want to mention, you’re gonna have a program coming out in January or not in January, but sometime or me by point nine?

Unknown 1:03:21
Yep. Absolutely. Thank you for reminding me for that. So I finally put my actual nine step process that I do to grow practices from scratch. Or if you are an in network provider, and you want to switch to out of networking cash, this nine step process is something that I’ve actually videoed put it down. It’s an actual full program. It will be available early next year in 2019. So I will have the link directly on my website at Dr. Joe Simon calm so you can find it and it’s just being tied up right now we’re just getting the editing done, we’re getting the worksheets together. When I filmed it, I was I was ecstatic to put everything down you know who’s was something someone was asking you to do for a long time because they said, you know, you have all this stuff stuck in your head and it’s working really well. It would be great if you could just get this down and it could be shared and I’m like you know what, that’s a great idea. I think it’s time to do that.

Justin Trosclair 1:04:14
Very good with Dr. Joe appreciate you being on dropping a lot of good nuggets for us today. And that’s got tell everybody listen and implement going to see some results in your product. I appreciate just

Unknown 1:04:26
implore you to keep doing the good work, great interviews that you have lined up and what you already have out there so for those that you know what I shared to my list as well and for those are from my list, please dive in check out all Justin’s stuff as well appreciate it.

Justin Trosclair 1:04:47
That wraps up another episode or remind everybody that we have some great affiliate links available if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, we’ve got the edge tool and we got the hot grips saved you 10% also with the edge you’ve got the like blood pressure cuff restrictions system you’ve got the G sweet inexpensive Mr. In case you talk to him cash practice. If you want to know what hosting out of us for podcasting, blueberry, pure VPN, it’s one of those ones I use to help keep my payments secure as well as access the internet more safely. You’ve got the primal paleo grass fed protein bone broth style save 10% on that no sugar, allergy free, gluten free, dairy free all those types of things mentor box get taught by the author, we got set percent for those floss bands. And you may have heard about on one of the episodes really like those any Amazon products that you might want, click the link in the show notes pages. And of course, I got my own electric acupuncture pin to go with the needle acupuncture book and Tom Tom, you know have a bundle set bringing them all together for a great price. also have the free downloads at a doctor’s perspective, net slash blueprints. And more lately I’ve been doing is substituting a fifth one like I’ve done a knee and depend on the guest, I might do a different type. So check back there, all those resources can be found a doctor’s perspective, net slash resources. There’s also t shirts at.net slash t shirts, put up some new designs from time to time, like Megan lemons out of lemonade, shrimp po boy plus all the Chiropractic and podcast swag that you could want. If you have any ideas for guests, please send an email Justin at a doctor’s perspective. net, I’d love to hear who you think would be good or a profession that you may not have heard yet. If you can send me review that’s dot net slash subscribe Apple, Google stitcher Android devices, you just click that button it’ll take you exactly the page you need to you can write a review, hopefully a five star review. I said it does help for other people to discover what we’re doing here. And we’ve got over 100 episodes is gonna be like a third year super excited. We’re going a little mini series like we’ve been doing, which has been fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well. That’s that’s the feedback I’ve gotten. And one thing I haven’t really talked about too much is the doctor’s perspective. NET slash support page. If you’re about to host a cup of coffee, go for it. If you want to pledge a little higher fee, there’s buttons for that there’s even money recurring for those who feel like wow, this is like the cheapest mentor coach program I’ve ever seen because you interview so many different kinds of doctors and and have been able to implement things that I’ve heard and it works. So monthly recurring payments, which also you can get you my books for free t shirts for free. The first book, you know that deals with health and exercise, getting on a diet, getting your financial health and order as well. things to learn in China, you know that books is available as well. And one thing that I don’t have I don’t have like a full blown page about coaching and things. But there’s a little button there. I’ve had people request Hey, doctors and non doctors asking me can I do more than just answer a couple of questions or could you be my coach for a little while and I say yeah, we can do that. So something I haven’t really advertised but it’s something that I can do and do whether it’s marketing strategies for new patients growth, those types of topics. If you’re interested just email me Justin at a doctor’s perspective. net. As always, listen, critically think and implement. Have a great week.

We just went out hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media. write a review and you go to the show notes page. You can find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai
