
M 78 Ergonomic Desk Measurements

Time to get concrete numbers about computers, screens and chair distances to see if you have good ergonomics to help reduce low back pain occurrences. Ergonomics factor that cause low back pain Main measurements to impress companies with your ergonomic assessment: working posture, screen to keyboard, distance to chair, height of computer… do it wrong…

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E 144 Touch Education Evidence Informed Massage Matthew Howe

Bringing evidence back to massage, Matthew Howe of Touch Education gets back to the basics, then builds how to bridge the research to practice, fitting in with a chiropractic or physical therapy office and what can be done for PTSD and other trauma. What started as a couple classes being taught at his massage alumni…

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E 97 Medical Music and Career Options Dr Amy Arton DC

We hear from a spinal manipulation professor and learn about new teaching technology. Dr. Amy Arton DC created a dedication song to the people who donate their body to science. We chat music industry and different types of chiropractic career options. Dr. Arton had the courage to leave a comfortable, reliable family business and become…

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E 87 LGBTQ Patient and Doctor Interactions Dr Dana Stachowiak PhD

Exploring ways that the doctor – patient relationship with LGBTQ population can be more comfortable and inclusive. Dr. Dana Stachowiak PhD gives ample ideas and stories of doctor offices doing it right and wrong. We touch on intentions, Christianity and unknown biases we may carry. Dr. Dana Stachowiak PhD went to Western Michigan, Winthrop University…

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E 76 Lies of Socialism, Don’t be duped. The Truth From Russian Born Ekaterina Bolshakova, Interior Designer

Raised in Russia, learn firsthand how socialism can lead to disenchantment, alcoholism, corruption and why your Circle of Distribution is your most important asset. Nothing in life is truly free. Ekaterina Bolshakova is a kitchen specialized interior designer. Born and raised to the age of 30 in Siberia Russia, Ekaterina Bolshakova, brings a unique perspective…

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E 61 Mysteries of Acupuncture Alexandra Suozzo L.Ac

Nuisances of acupuncture point selection, does not being Asian matter, can you only observe the body to find a point, why not just free needle, linguistic chatter, and the low down on herb importance. Alexandra Suozzo goes behind the curtain on e61. The Mysteries of Acupuncture abound and we joke about that topic plus secrets…

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E 58: Facial Acupuncture Professor Michelle Gellis Gives a Rare Interview

Are you ready to be intrigued with the benefits of Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture by long time acupuncturist professor Michelle Gellis? Intradermal needles, collagen rejuvenation, whole body effects-her classes and patient stories will get you motivated to learn more. Professor Michelle Gellis, LAcMAc DiplAc is one of very few cosmetic acupuncturist certified by the American Acupuncture…

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