Personal Brand Building Expert Jane Anderson takes us through LinkedIn like a pro, advice on…
Can you understand, codify, and communicate your personal brand. Who are you, who do you and do not serve. What do people say behind your back, adding personality in ads, and one liner goals. Your Personal Brand is How You Are Perceived. Ben Baker
The people who resonate with you will gravitate toward you and your story to others.
Fix the persons’ problems and they will love you. Market to the people you know you can help and serve.
You can choose to market yourself as the greatest at treating XYZ health condition and regardless of your bed side manner people know they will get better because of visiting your office.
Another option (besides obviously being able to help rid someone of their pain) is to also build a clinic full of people that like your personality. Maybe you are funny, joke around and really into music and bunch of other stuff. Well, people who stick around at your office (not just get better and leave when pain dissipates) are probably going to be people who like your skills and your personality.
You build a personal brand marketing campaign differently for rural vs urban and all kinds of other sectors but the main flare is going to be your personality to find your target audience.
What information can you get from your top 10 clients (that you know like you) so that you can tailor make and craft better personal brand advertisements. You might want to hire that out to someone so they can be honest.
Figure out what questions you want to ask to gather information but the skill is knowing How to ask those questions to get that information.
Elements of a one liner / catch phrase / mission statement: Tell it like a story (a very short story), this is where I was, this is where I am, this is where I’m going, these are my goals, this is what I stand for, these are the types of clients that I serve, and this is why I’m valuable to them.
People have short attention spans so how do you create videos to match?
When planning your social media strategy, he recommends being a thought leader – listen to how a doctor can implement that.
Books: Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk
, Walking on the Glass Floor
Judy Hoberman (women entrepreneurs)
When your company isn’t growing anymore or needs a new breath breathed into it, that is what Ben Baker specializes in. His major passion and hope is that organizations will use his book to help educate and mentor others on how to communicate their value and understand who they are and why others should care about them.
Ben Baker’s book Powerful Personal Brands is out September 2018 on amazon and his website also he is giving a free chapter on his site. By November 2018 he will have a 60-90 day course to guide your through his book.
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and a full transcript of the show.
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Justin Trosclair 0:03
Episode 94 personal brand development and marketing I’m your host Dr. Justin trust Claire. And today you’re Ben Baker’s perspective
2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get a behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Welcome back this week and next week bringing some new stuff for you. You might have already noticed change up the front description. I also change the intro so just changing things up getting close to 100 episodes next week actually, the musical intro is changed the giving you a little preview of what’s to come start in Episode 100. Enough about that, y’all today we have been Baker personal brand development want to talk about who do you serve? Who do you not serve? How do you communicate that with some personality, say not just boring. And if people don’t really like your personality, when they come to the clinic, you might notice they don’t stay very long anyway. So how is there a way to do some of your marketing so it’s professional, a little bit of your personality comes in so you’re attracting the people that you actually want to work with. Right? One of the things we’re going to cover is asking the right questions to some of maybe your top 10 clients so you can kind of go behind the curtain of your patients to find out what is it that they like about you your skills your staff your office and finding out who should actually ask these questions because that makes a difference will go a little bit of a one liner that catchphrase mission statements is that even necessary today couple of his favorite media people need far as books go and his new book just came out powerful personal brains endeavor get a free chapter on his site your brand marketing com Let’s not wait any further. He’s got a lot of good information he’s got a good voice to all the students can be found a doctor’s perspective net slash nine for let’s go hashtag behind the curtain
live from China in Vancouver. Today’s guest you know it’s something that we struggle with sometimes is doctors How do you talk about yourself and reference yourself and present your A game not only on your website but on in your person on when you’re networking with people at the Sunday barbecue and it business groups so welcome to the show, the author of your brand marketing, the owner, the legend, personal brands been Baker?
Unknown 2:27
Well, I don’t know about a legend legend in my own mind. So you know, don’t don’t ask my wife. She’s She’s certainly take me off that pedestal real quick.
Justin Trosclair 2:36
Oh, I tell you, man, but then they’re always in your corner.
Unknown 2:39
Always in my corner. Always in my core. Thanks for having me on the show. Justin. I’d love love having you on the show. You know, there’s a lot of time zones between you and I agree with you know, there’s there’s probably even a day a day between us right now.
Unknown 2:53
Yes, day and night. early early for us. The sun’s not quite up. And for you. I think it’s the afternoon.
Unknown 2:59
Yeah, yeah. So thanks for having me on the show. It says How can I best help your audience, I want to make sure that I’m adding value. That’s, that’s the best thing for me to be able to give you? Well, I’ll
Justin Trosclair 3:10
tell you what I was looking around on you on LinkedIn and social media. And one of your posts caught my eye and I was like, Oh, that’s a great this guy really named his book well, and somebody like personal branding. And there’s all types of different people out there and companies and things. And it just sort of like resonated with me for a little bit. And I was like, you know, our show that the podcast is all about doctors who need to find their voice they need to portray that I am amazing at what I do. But the patients don’t realize it. And my website, my marketing, like sit on the pre and how I present myself to other professionals and to the patients that that’s really important. And I’ve got a story. Some people have better stories like that miracle story, I went to the chiropractor, my headaches of 15 years went away and others are just like now it just seemed like a really cool idea. Like no medicine, bye can heal itself. Just gonna, you know, just the spine, this really interesting. So anyway, so those those types of things are important to us. And of course, when you have marriage and it doesn’t work out, okay, well, that doesn’t really fit well into the your personal life story probably as well. So how do you maybe combine everything together so that you’re genuine, authentic, and presenting your best self to your patients, so that you can get more clients, people commit to the care that you’re recommending, whether that’s five visits, or whether that’s three weeks of care about the physical therapist or something that’s really like the avatar that we have. And based on that, what would you initially want to talk about
Unknown 4:37
pro says, Yeah, you’re right, the book, the book is coming out in September. It’s called powerful personal brands, a hands on Guide to Understanding yours. And the impetus behind that was, you’re right. There are very few people today, you know, especially young people that can understand codified communicate their personal brand, there’s very few people out there that can sit there and say that this is who I am. This is what I believe in, this is what I do. This is what I don’t do. These are the people that I serve, these are the people I don’t serve, and the people that I serve, this is why they care about me. And the big thing is, why do people care about you? The myth about a brand is the brand is not the avatar, it’s not the logo, it’s not the it’s not the picture behind me. It’s what people think about you when you’re not in the room, what’s a story that they tell about you to their friends, to their enemies, to the people on the street, on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Facebook, on any social media, that’s what your brand is your brand is how you are perceived. And you can do a lot to influence that. But it really comes down to are you authentic? Are you consistent, you know, people sit there and say I want to live a more authentic life, there’s there’s no such thing as more authentic or less authentic, you either are or you’re not, you know, I know the joke is either you’re pregnant, you’re not your authentic or you’re not. And you know, if you’re if you are living an authentic life, if you could say this is who I am, this is what I truly believe in. These are the things that make me special, unique, different this is, these are the things I stand for. And these are the things I stand against. And you learn how to communicate that the people that you can serve the people that find you valuable will gravitate to you. And not only will they gravitate to you, they’ll start telling your story. Because I tell people, no one has 100% penetration. Nobody has, you know, everybody in the world or customer, you don’t look at men and women find their own, that’s my customer. Anybody with a Visa card is not my customer, anybody with a Visa card that sees value in what I do, that I can solve a problem that they have. And that’s most things that most businesses don’t look at, what is the problem that you’re solving for other people, you can figure out? What are the problems that you’re solving for people and make their lives easier. And it doesn’t matter how you do it, whether it’s chiropractic, whether it’s Chinese medicine, whether it’s you know, marketing, whether you know, doesn’t matter where the lawyer, it doesn’t matter who you are, if you can fix the problem that they already have their yours, they love you, you know, they’ll spend the money with you because they know, you can fix the problem. And you’ve built a level of trust. You know, I tell people stop being a commodity, start being a brand word loving. And what it means is, find who your audience is. Understanding these are the people that I can fix. These are the people that I can serve, these are the problems, people who have problems that I know that I have the solution for, and talk to them. Everybody else, it doesn’t matter. There’s millions and billions of people in the world that I can’t serve, I don’t care about them, I care about them. I mean, they’re people, and you care about them as human beings, but they’re not my customers. My customers are the people that I can help and the people that seem that know that they have a problem that I can fix. And if businesses start thinking that way, they’re better off
Justin Trosclair 8:17
for the doctor. Okay, let’s let’s think of chiropractic physiotherapy because we’re very similar. We could target headaches, low back pain from sciatica, and bulges, and I don’t know, maybe their arms are numb all the time, and their hands get tingly at night and stuff like that. So those are all like little niches that you can you can go down to. So are we talking about just finding either people we like to treat like conditions? Are we talking more like I’m a outdoors the I like to go hiking, and sip on 20 year old malt liquor, you’re looking at, like, this is my style of person. I’m, I’m fun and joking around a lot on very serious everything is very, you know, type a person nowadays, are you trying to say okay, that’s who you are. And you like those types of people. That’s how you would advertise and present yourself. And so maybe those, whether it’s heading people versus type a people, you know, I think that would be two different kinds of marketing,
Unknown 9:13
there’s two different ways you can look at this, I have a buddy of mine who’s a chiropractor, and he’s a really good chiropractor. He’s got a vicious sense of humor, and doesn’t like being around people that don’t. And he’s built his practice based on the fact that he likes to actually sit there and cubits and have fun and joke around with his his audience, with his patients. And if you don’t have that type of personality, if you don’t have the type of person that actually wants to have, you know, more of a barbed relationship with your chiropractor, you’re probably not going to go back to him. Okay, you know, but if you are, that he’s the kind of guy that says, Yeah, I can relate to him. Because, you know, he happens to be an outdoors guy, he happens to be into a whole bunch of different type of music, he happens to be in a bunch of different things. But he also fixes your back, right? It also takes care of your problems. So yeah, you’re coming to him initially, because you have a pain, and you want that pain fixed. But you keep coming back to him. Because there is a relationship and because you like his style of medicine, and you trust him. You know, there are people out there that sit there and say, Okay, I’m good. There’s the practitioners, the practitioners build a brand based on the fact that I specialize in vertigo. I specialize in, you know, foot pain, I specialize in lower back pain, I specialize in whatever. And there’s the practitioners. And those are the people that sit there and say, You know what, this is the type of problem that I fix, you know, and I’m really good at it. And I specialize it I read about this every day, and I’m up on the new practices. And I you know, and I built my practice around this type of medicine. You know, I had a physiotherapist that only dealt with vertigo, that’s all she ever dealt with, you know, she was known as the vertigo girl, right? And that’s what you do. And you know, you go to her, because you have vertigo problems, you know, and I didn’t come to her because I liked her personality is that she’s a nice, you know, nice lady. I like her a lot. But I came to her because I knew that she would be able to fix my vertigo when nobody else in the cities specialized in vertigo in terms of physiotherapy. Hmm. So it’s a matter of sitting there going, if you understand who you are, and what your specialty is, and how you like to treat people. And as a doctor, what your style of medicine is, what your focus is what you’re passionate about. And you communicate that, instead of just saying, I’m a chiropractor, room and physical therapist, I know you know, shiatsu, just whatever, and I can fix anything. Well, if you can fix anything, you’re a generalist. As soon as you’re a generalist, you’re one of many, well, if I don’t like you, I can go to somebody else. But if I’m somebody that specializes an L for an L five, pain, you’re dealing from sciatica, you know, what, and you become known as that person that can fix people that have got sciatic you’ll issues, well, then you build a practice based on that something sounds like
Justin Trosclair 12:15
you got it, you can do both, you can build your clinic, on both one of them, you need to be a good clinician. But at the same time, if you have a personality that people kind of gravitate towards, or you prefer treating those types of people, either a people are going to figure that out pretty quick. And using a turn people away basis. I don’t like this guy, he’s good, but like I don’t really want to, and then other people will be like, I really liked it, I’ll come and you may have better compliance with certain people because of your personality. Now, and I’m not sure how much of this that you do. But when you’re crafting your story, when you’re crafting this part, is there. Do you use videos to sort of illustrate your personality while talking about your the conditions you treat? Or is it just had to become organic in that way?
Unknown 12:57
It really depends on the practice. You know, it depends on the practice and what the type of what you’re looking to do. There’s, as I tell people, there’s no one good way to market, there’s one good way to market you to your clients. And it’s understanding what are the ways that you market you know, I’m a big believer of everybody has a website, everybody has some social media presence. video in today is a really good idea because people are very visual. But it’s a matter of developing something that makes sense to you and make sense to your practice. And I would never, I would take 10 you know, 10 of your audience members. And I probably market them very differently. You know, even if they’re in the same similar boat, they’re you know, they’re all doctors, they all specializing in holistic medicine, this is that everything, they’re going to have different audiences, they’re gonna have different personalities, they’re going to have different ways of communicating. And you know, some might have a very urban practice, some might have very rural practice. You know, some people are looking to sit there and say, okay, not only do I want people to come to me for doctors, but I also want to do to video I want to do video medicine, which may be possible. And depending on what type of medicine you create, you know, and it’s a matter of looking at it sit there going, Okay. How do you want to be seen? How do you want people to visualize you? How do you want people to engage with you, and build that? Build your marketing around that.
Justin Trosclair 14:25
And a friend who said, one of the doctors he was was his mentor’s? He ended up having a hunting show or a fishing show on one of those free channels, I guess. Yeah. And that was the craziest thing. He’s like, dude, I love fishing, I made a show about it. And he goes, you wouldn’t imagine the amount of people who like to fish in this community, who resonates with me because of this. And I’m so busy because of that. Now, not everybody needs to go and start a TV show. But the community likes the fish. He likes the fish. And he created a practice based on just that one little sliver of his personality.
Unknown 14:57
It’s called Building a tribe. And it’s called Building a tribe peep. People like us do things like this. Yeah. So if you start sitting there going, Okay, I’ve got a group of people, I’ve got 100 people, 500 people, 1000 people, 20 people, that really, really like me, that really liked the way I do business with them. They trust me, you know, there’s that relationship building, go through and ask them, you’ll What do you like about the where do you find valuable about me? What you’ll How do you like to communicate with me? What are the things that I do that are valuable to you. And if you go out, and you ask that those, those people that have you’ve already got trust with, you’re going to get some insights that you probably didn’t understand on your own. And when you do that, then you can start building out from there, because those are the those are your best clients. They may not be, you know, they may not be the most profitable clients, you know, but they’re your best clients. They’re there week after week after week, they’re the type of clients you want to duplicate. Okay, so and when you take the clients that you want to duplicate, figure those people out and then write communicating like that. And, and, and people like them will start gravitating to you. So that would be maybe the first step.
Justin Trosclair 16:09
If you have a clinic, you’ve been there for a while, maybe find those people that have been coming in for a while and just say, hey, let’s have some coffee, you might have like a round table of some sort. And absolutely just asked that question, have somebody and you may be you may not be the be there because it’s pretty. I don’t know about you, someone’s pretty awkward when someone’s porn on praise or criticism, like I like everything, but maybe have your staff members do this for you, you stay home, people hire
Unknown 16:36
me to do that people hire me to go in and talk to their client to find out what they do. And it’s it having a third party come in, and sit there and say, Look, we’re the marketing company for so. And so. We’ve been, you know, we’ve been charged to come in and put you through a few questions and understand, what do you what do you like about them? What do you dislike about them? What do they do? Well, what could they do better? Wow. And, and when you have a third party, knowing that you’re not so worried about hurting my feelings?
Justin Trosclair 17:08
Yeah. Especially with stays anonymous.
Unknown 17:10
That’s right, because I first of all, I’m anonymous. Second of all, I tell people, it says, Look, I’m looking for the aggregate, you know, you can be as detailed as you want, nobody’s name is ever going to get mentioned to me to, you know, by me to the client, right? What I’m gonna do is I’m going to start talking about stories in the aggregate. And when you start talking back to the client, the accurate is, is here’s some stories that I found out. And here, you know, this is what what’s the person’s name, I’m not gonna tell you the person’s name. Although if you only had
Justin Trosclair 17:37
five or six people, you’re going to know who these people were it but you can figure it out.
Unknown 17:41
Yeah. But what it allows you to do is to sit there and say, Okay, let’s get a more of a general idea of what the people’s thought processes are. Yeah. And it allows for that thing. So to have somebody that you can bring in, whether it’s a research firm, whether it’s your marketing firm, whether it’s somebody who can actually go out there and, and and do either a roundtable or a series of coffee chats, or you’re on phone interviews, or whatever with your top clients. It’s amazing what you’ll find out, wow.
Justin Trosclair 18:11
And then at that point, you can hire somebody like yourself are, if you’re that good, personally, figure out how to craft it, change your message, but really, if you like with your book, even probably should be able to go through it and say, Okay, this is how to take what’s been said and repackage it versus doing nothing with it, which is probably what a lot of people end up doing. And they don’t know what to do with all this good information.
Unknown 18:33
Well, it’s like anytime information, people collect information all the time. You know, there’s terabytes and terabytes and terabytes of information that are collected all over the world every single day. And most of that information just sits there and hard drives. Yeah. And it’s not the information that you gather, it’s the information that you ask the drives the right questions. So it’s, it’s figuring out what are the questions that you want to ask? And then figuring out how to ask the questions and gathering the information. That was one yeah, so it’s,
Justin Trosclair 19:06
yep, go ahead. That was he just sort of kind of what you’re talking about is you get clients, you you’ve talked before to the doctors, and like in big groups, once like one or two things that they struggle with most, when trying to figure this out,
Unknown 19:19
doctors, for the most part, and you know, and I’ve done a couple of conferences with doctors is that doctors are pretty much like any other, I would say, profession. And I’m talking about doctors and lawyers and accountants and stuff like that. They’re very good at what they do. They’re not very good at the business and of of their profession, right. And that’s, you know, whether it’s the marketing, whether it’s accounting, whether it’s the operations, all those types of things, you don’t learn how to do that. And when Dr. School you don’t learn to do that, when you get your LLB you don’t learn to do that in working for an accountancy, you don’t learn how to run a business, it’s all it’s assume that you understand that is assumed that you understand how to market it. And there’s It is assumed the ability of how they look at it. That’s right.
Unknown 20:10
And that’s a disservice truly to any profession. It truly is a disservice to any profession, to not have marketing and branding courses, as part of your doctors training, it really is, because you’re going out there, you’re becoming a professional, you’re opening up your own practice, and you have no idea how to communicate it. Yeah, you know, maybe you’re lucky enough, you bought a practice, you know, you, you you all of a sudden, you’re dealing with a couple thousand, you know, people that were already coming in, but even if you did that can be, they may come to you once, they may come to twice, but if you don’t know how to communicate with them, if you don’t know how to build their trust, they’re going to go find somebody else, it doesn’t matter how much money you you spent to buy that practice, yeah, I don’t care how to communicate with these people and show them your particular value. There’s somebody down the street, that probably is better at you are,
Justin Trosclair 21:04
well, we can see in our own on Facebook, you join these different groups, you hear these people kind of chime in you like, Man, this guy’s been out of the same amount of time as I have. And they’ve got three different programs. They’re hooked up with all these, you know, corporations, and he’s like, what, what have I been doing? Like, what did I do wrong or whatever, you know, you always compare yourself and he’s like, this guy is really just built this name for himself. And maybe they just knew that from a long time ago, like, they just you know, some people have that in that side of him just, I build these things I’m capable. I don’t know. It’s just it’s a different skill set, I think from somebody was just, I just go in, I just finds all day long, or whatever it is rehab. And that’s they’re happy with it. And other people have these visions of No, I want a system system with ties it only teach people how to do it. And then they go out in the market it and they sell themselves to the profession and have these seminars, and it’s like, Wow, that’s a completely different story that you’d have to portray. And it just amazes me like, it just seems like in every profession, anything, no matter what you do, there’s people that are doing this, and there’s people that are doing that.
Unknown 22:10
And absolutely they prosper, and both are happy. Yeah, and you know what, there’s a lot of people out there that have become very successful by accident. There, there really are there, there are people that have gotten lucky, they’ve been in the right place in the right time. They, you know, they, they put the right formula out there, you know, got people’s attention, built a practice, and you are very successful, you know, and they’ve gotten lucky. And there’s a lot of people out there that work very hard every day, and you’ll get nowhere. And I think the differentiation in terms of it is understanding how to build a brand. And if you can build a brand. And if you can sit there and say, this is something that is beyond me, this is a company, this is a company and I’m branding the company, yo you you’re going to have your own personal brand new bear, your brand is built on trust. But when you can brand a company, all of a sudden you have something that’s sellable. So 2030 years down the road, you can sit there and say I built this name. People recognize this name, there’s value attached to this, people come because they know the name brand, they then they, they they work with us because they know the name brand. there’s value in that in a long term basis. And people remember, people buy Nike shoes because of the brand. And it has nothing to do with the Nike swoosh, you know, people by the Nike brand because it stands for excellence. And that stands for achievement. And that stands for reaching, reaching your potential. And that’s what the Nike brand, you’ll really truly means. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a man, if you’re a woman, if you’re black, if you’re white, you’re you know you’re gay or straight, it doesn’t really matter. Every single person has the ability to reach their potential. And we’re here to help you do that.
Justin Trosclair 23:59
There’s a text matter.
Unknown 24:01
tagline does help. Okay, so tagline really does, because it’s a catchphrase, you know, my tagline is stop being a commodity, start being a brand work loving. And it’s it allows people to have something to sit there and say, Okay, I get what he’s trying to do, I get where the value is in. The shorter it is, the better. The more it’s memorable, the better the more you can tell a story, the better. I tell people to get rid of the vision and mission statements, ah, yo your mission statements, those six wonderful words that you agonize over excellence, you know this and that they are that nobody remembers them. Yeah, nobody can tell you the order. Nobody can tell you what they are. Very few people can tell you what you mean by it. But if you have a brand story, and your brand story tells you, this is where I was, this is where I am, this is where I’m going. These are my goals. These are where I stand for. These are the type of clients that I serve. And this is why I’m valuable to them them. Not only can you tell it, your employees can tell it, your employees can tell it to your customers and your customers can retell it. So if you can create a brand story that simple, it’s unique, and it’s compelling. People will tell that story and say, you know what I just saw Justin, he was an amazing chiropractor. You know that he allowed me to do this. It was it was a simple adjustment, it was pain free. And you know what I trust him.
Unknown 25:29
And with that, your story is being told to others Hmm. And your brand is being us being built.
Justin Trosclair 25:37
Like once you go through the book, you might have like, you’re all over the place. As you see I don’t I talk sometimes I’m just kind of all over the place. And then finally try to circle back. Yes, it’s one of those things that probably should take a class or something.
You can do a 10 minute video, you know, yes, maybe record yourself not polished, just kind of work yourself through it. Whether that’s, you know, some people just prefer to typing, you can type it, I don’t here go through, write it all down, cut it in half, cut it in half, or we as the goal to kind of get it under a minute, under 30 seconds, or 10 seconds so that you can portray it fast.
Unknown 26:10
But it’s not being able to trade fast. It’s being able to portray it well. Okay. And the thing is, is that most people have, you know, I mean, they say that people have less attention span than goldfish today, which is like eight seconds. If you can create videos that are a minute to 90 seconds, that’s where you need to be. If you can create a series of videos, people will listen to 10 different 92nd videos, they won’t want to listen to a 1315 minute video,
Justin Trosclair 26:45
which means you can just edit your video,
Unknown 26:47
she what she meant a lot of people do a lot of people, a lot of people do that a lot of people create, like I have, I have a talk that it’s over an hour. And what I’ve done is I’ve cut it down to somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 different three minute videos.
Unknown 27:03
So I can send out the three minute videos as clips that talk to the talk to different pieces.
Unknown 27:11
And if I can do that, it allows me to be able to add value. That make sense. Okay,
Justin Trosclair 27:17
that’s a big important piece right there is what do you think your customers are going to do, then you’re going to sit there for 30 minutes
Unknown 27:23
is any friends. It’s like our video today. People walk bits and pieces of it. And some people will watch the whole thing and some people will watch the first five minutes and some people will fast forward through and some people watch it and admitted to have 1.5 or two you know two times speed and said there oh that sounds interesting. Slow down listened to five minutes and the speed it up again. You’ll different people will digest information differently. It’s true. And it’s it’s understanding that and building information in chunks. So you can give it to people in ways that they can digest. It’s called eating the out how do you even elephant you eat? It is a lot of small, small bit. That’s right. Yeah, nobody eats the elephant in one big bite. Yeah, you eat it in small little bites.
Justin Trosclair 28:08
I like that. That’s important to remember, what’s something that we can do over the weekend, that can make a big difference a Monday and Tuesday.
Unknown 28:17
I think the best thing you can do over the weekend is plan out a social media calendar. And, you know, with with with doctors, I would assume that LinkedIn is probably a good thing is is past, possibly Facebook, depending where you are in the world. And you need to sit there and say what type of Doctor am I? What am I selling? What’s my value? Who’s my audience? Where are they, and create a series of social media pieces that speak to the thought process. Put yourself in a position of being a thought leader, you’ll I’ve got 21 different one, you’ll one pagers are just 12 or 15 word quotes. And they’re they’re 12 or 15 word quotes, that I’ve got 21 of these things, and I’ve got them loaded up on something called social jukebox. And they just they just get sent out on social media on a random basis. And that way, people are constantly getting new information from you. And it’s thought provoking, and it’s got your website at the bottom. And it’s got a way for people to get back in touch with you. And it could be hints for healthy living, you know, it could be, you know, your spine, spine safety, it could, you know, there could, there could be all sorts of different things that you can do, and just little tidbits that you can give people that are just Quick Hits, that allow people to have something that they can say, oh, it is it, I could just got this tip. That’s a great tip. Okay, and then they go looking for your website,
Justin Trosclair 29:51
top five, low back exercise on but you
Unknown 29:55
know, people love top fives people love, you know, top 10s people like, you know, one, one big great idea. You know, there’s there’s all those type of things. And if you can, if you can create yourself as a thought leader 98% of people in your profession probably don’t do that. So that’s the base of that. That puts you in 2%.
Justin Trosclair 30:14
Unknown 30:16
so that’s the same differentiates tips.
Justin Trosclair 30:19
tips can be really good educating not dumb ways like the quadratic Islam, more muscle, da da da know, that’s probably not that great. But that’s right. On the backswing of your golf, if you took your elbow in or whatever, I don’t even know an offer. That could be something that people like, Oh, that was actually valuable. And you said if it’s your if you thought about what kind of people are you looking for obviously said niche down, you know, we’re looking at your personality, your person that is going to come through on how you right, and how you video, and the presenting on topics that you actually want to treat more. And you can post these in a runners group, or That’s right, you’ll gravitate towards these people,
Unknown 30:58
whatever I mean, the goal, I mean, the golfer one is a perfect example, if you could come up with 21 minute talks on different ways to you know, for golfers to stretch before or afterwards, or how, you know, back maintenance or whatever, you know, and have those things go out on a on a regular basis, like one one a week or once every two weeks, or whatever, you know, so that way they go out. So they’re not being inundated by them, but they’re getting them on a regular drip format. You know, that’s valuable to and if you have a newsletter, add them to your newsletter.
Justin Trosclair 31:32
We thought about repurpose in here.
Unknown 31:35
Absolutely, you got to repurpose, because the thing is, is there’s no point creating content and only using it in one place. repurpose it, reuse it, if give people some some reasons why they should, you know, come back and use it over and over and over again. Okay.
Justin Trosclair 31:51
Who would you say is some of your biggest influences when you’re creating this stuff? You know,
Unknown 31:56
there’s, there’s some some great people I mean, the number one entity answer that I have is Seth Godin. And you know, and Seth, Seth is amazing. Seth has written over 7000 daily blog posts in a row.
Unknown 32:10
I know it just every day, you can go to Seth Godin com Gio di N Se th Gio di And you can sign up for his daily newsletter. And that’s my breakfast every morning. You know, before I start my day, I read his daily blog. And you know, some days, it’s 30 words, and some days, it’s half a page, you know, and there’s, there’s days I throw away, and there’s days that I save, and there’s days that I you know, that I repurpose, and I send out to other people, you know, like everything out, nobody can have gold 7000 days in a row, no, but the majority of the stuff that he puts out his gold, and it gets you thinking it’s, you know, it’s productive, and it gets people thinking about things, different ways. You know, I really like Gary van der Chuck your event, your main or media? Gary is harsh, he’s brash, he’s in your face. But his viewpoint is don’t market like me. Take Don’t Don’t be me, don’t be Seth Godin, don’t be Richard Branson, don’t be be, you know, take a little bit of me Take some ideas that you like to be incorporated in with who you are, and make it your own. And that’s what it is, is if you try to be somebody else, you’re being inauthentic. You know, take ideas from other people, make it your own, incorporated in with your own thought process. And we do look at it that way. But don’t try to do things exactly like, you know, Richard Branson, or Gary van or check, or Seth Godin, or God knows who else out there, because or Bezos or whoever, because you’re not them. You know,
Unknown 33:52
you’re not them. So be you. And market like you and communicate like you and talk like you and think like you, because in the end, that’s what people are coming back to. They’re not coming back to Richard Branson, or Seth Godin, or Jeff Bezos or, or, you know, right, Mark Zuckerberg or whoever, they’re coming back to you. So they want to make sure that in the end, it sounds and things like you.
Justin Trosclair 34:19
And even if you think yourself is boring, you have friends, people, you can use those more people like that you just didn’t know where to find them.
Unknown 34:27
And the thing is, I’d much rather have a smaller, dedicated army of people that like me than 10,000 people that are hangers on, you know, the don’t find me valuable. I mean, it’s it’s the thing is that social media think the you have to have 100,000 likes and 200,000 followers to be somebody ridiculous. You know what, yeah, there’s lots of people I know, that are really powerful, that have really good thoughts going on. And, you know, and have 502,000 2000
Unknown 34:59
people that them on social media that do incredible things. And those people that that are following them are engaged, they’re commenting, they’re not just liking, things are commenting. And they’re commenting on the comments. And they’re talking amongst themselves in the comments. And that’s when you know, you built an army. And those are the people that you want to go to war with
Justin Trosclair 35:21
this. You can leverage a engaged 5000 person crowd way better than a 50,000 crowd would barely likes your stuff like an advertising. Yeah, you got 50,000. But they’re not engaged, I’m not going to pay you is that like,
Unknown 35:36
some people who love you?
Justin Trosclair 35:38
I’ve got a couple of questions. But where can people find out more information about you, any of the things you mentioned a free chapter book, give us
Unknown 35:47
a place to find me is your brand That’s the repository of everything. If you go under my author section, there’s a free chapter of the book. If you go under my speaking section, you can get all the info nation if you ever want me to come out and and be a keynote speaker deliver workshops for you. If you want to find out about my webcast, you know, it’s in there as well. So your brand marketing com is repository for all that information.
Justin Trosclair 36:16
And what do you see yourself in five years, what’s going on? What’s the
Unknown 36:19
ROI in five years time I see myself working with larger corporations. I mean, I work with mid level sized companies now. But the companies that I go after our companies that are strategic, that are growing, that are looking for ways that they can move the needle, I’m looking for companies that are sitting there going, you know what, what we’ve done in the past isn’t working anymore. And then the message that we have just doesn’t do it anymore, but we don’t know why. And I want to be the person that can come in and help them figure out their why, and help get people back on track and help people be successful. And that’s my goal, so that the money will come and the money will go, you know, for me, it’s being able to sit there and say, Can I help companies and individuals be successful, and be able to move the needle and be influential within their marketplace. And if I can do that, you know what I’ve done my job, and people will pay me to do that.
Justin Trosclair 37:18
Because a lot of the stuff we’re talking about today, it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight, you got to craft your message, you’re going to hone it and it’s going to be pretty crappy probably at first. Then once you get through it, especially if you’re doing it on your own, if you’re if you’re hiring somebody like yourself, is going to be a lot faster and oh look a lot more polished.
And then you got to get the message out there. And that’s the part that we all struggle with implementation consistency. Having somebody hold your feet to the fire. Hey, man, you didn’t put out that video this week, like you said, you were What’s going on? You know, this is how you’re going to grow it. But if you don’t do it, you know, few don’t know your website’s around, they’re not going to see what’s how cool that is, and, and you know, can be presented, right?
Unknown 38:02
Well, as I said, brand is who you are. It’s a story that people telling you not in the room, your marketing, is getting people to understand your value in the long term basis. So when they need you, they come and find you advertising is I needed somebody to buy what I do right now. Yeah, so it’s looking at how do the three of those things work together to be able to fulfill your short term and long term needs,
Justin Trosclair 38:28
is there’s anything that you feel like you’d like to talk about, that you’re really passionate about, that I forgot to ask our didn’t ask Are any kind of piece that you want to cover?
Unknown 38:37
Well, you know, here’s this is the things that I’m passionate about, is education and mentoring. And that’s why I wrote the book, The reason I wrote the book is because I want people to be able to communicate their value more effectively. And if you can communicate more effectively, who you are, what you do, why you do it, whether it be personally or as a brand, you can differentiate yourself. And that’s what I’m looking to do. And I’m looking for companies that want to utilize my book, to be able to give out both to employees and also to customers to be able to, you know, to be able to submit relationships and add knowledge. And I want to talk to universities that can utilize my book to be able to make the students better, because students learn subjects, but they don’t learn how to communicate their own value. And that’s what my mission, my goals are, is to be able to get people to get to that next level where they can understand who they are, and why people should care about them.
Justin Trosclair 39:39
So you could you could be implemented and said like some of these schools, because of some of the schools that I know of, for professionals, we take a business class now they basically it’s maybe how do you create a business plan for banks is not much going on in that. So someone who teaches that class could say, Hey, we’re going to have an assignment. This is important. Here’s this guy, Baker, he’s got this book, we’re going to work through it together. When you come out the other end, you’ll at least have a working idea with no experience as the actual doctor for the world. But basically, you’ll figure out who you are, and you can have a plan. So when you get out there, you’re not starting from nothing and just kind of floating around
Unknown 40:18
and the next 60 to 90 days, I will have an online course for the powerful personal rooms. So there will be an online course if you if you check back in my on my website in the next 60 to 90 days, there will be an online course that people can take on personal branding, and also on about building your own corporate brand.
Justin Trosclair 40:39
So we’re talking November ish, 2018. Okay, man, that’s fantastic. Trying to think well, any any favorite websites, phone apps, favorite books, anything like that, that we could learn something from you
Unknown 40:52
feel it? A friend of mine just wrote a book, and it’s called blocking on the glass floor. And it’s all about women entrepreneurs. And you know, this year being the year of the woman Her name is Judy Hoberman. And she wrote a book called walking on the glass floor. And I think that that’s it, that’s a great you know, that’s a great book for you know, that most people will never hear of unless they’re on your show. And I think that it’s a it’s a book that I’ll take that everybody’s going to enjoy. Very cool. Vin Baker, this has been fantastic. on my end, I think it should be inspiring, or at least encouraging for people to like, okay, I’ve been procrastinating.
Justin Trosclair 41:30
To do it. Pull the trigger. Your book will be out by the time your show comes out at some look on it. Amazon, I’m assuming Amazon?
Unknown 41:37
Absolutely. That’d be as on everywhere. So people can people can order it through their local Amazon it just look for powerful personal brands on Amazon. If you get a black cover with orange and blue on it, you know, you found it.
Justin Trosclair 41:49
All right. Thank you so much for being on the show. And again, the website is
Unknown 41:53
your brand
Justin Trosclair 41:58
I’d like to tell you about a special we’re doing right now, if you’re listening to this months or years from right now just contact me maybe we can still offer this for you. But what it is the acupuncture needle book, we’re doing some bonuses, the same cost of the book, not only do you get a one hour one on one coaching session, but I will actually throw in the program that you’re seeing which already like to do. But the big thing is you’re going to get the electric acupuncture pin for no extra cost dielectric acupuncture and actually helps you find the acupuncture points that you need to stimulate. And because it’s kind of like a muscle stem, but with a special tip, you’re going to get far superior results, definitely go to needle list and check that out. Also, the first book, today’s choices tomorrow’s health, you know, we’re talking tips from China, we’re talking 10 plus years experience as a chiropractor, answering patients questions day in and day out blueprints that I personally use the lose weight, not eat so much. And also keep my finances in order. It’s something that I’m passionate about. That’s why I wrote the book. It’s over 200 pages 40 something chapters, again, offering a bonus for this one as well. A one on one coaching call for one hour at no extra cost. We got t shirts, some different state prize and chiropractic t shirts. If you got any ideas, let me know I can maybe design up something and make it available for everybody. Follow us on social media because there are a lot of sales that go on with the shirts. let you know if you write a review on iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast, Spotify, wherever, let me know send me an email. And every month I can raffle off one prize The prize is to be determined but we can do that. Also, if you check out any the resources page on a doctor’s perspective, net is the all our affiliate links which we get a little kickback for. And then of course on every show notes page we have Amazon links for the books that people have mentioned in the other types of products. So you click that Amazon pays us a little bit. As always, thank you so much for listening. You can buy the host a cup of coffee on a PayPal button on the website and remember, listen critically think about it and implement it into your practice.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media. write a review. And if you go to the show notes page, you can find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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