E 177 Profit First System and Onboarding Staff Sabrina Starling PhD

e 177 a doctors perspective Sabrina Starling profit first onboarding
Sabrina Starling , PhD talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair, DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast

Discover the profit first system for doctors. Implementation, red flags, and we discuss onboarding staff to get A players. Dr. Sabrina Starling of Tap the Potential shares so many nuggets you can implement.

If you treat profit like a leftover you will never have profit and for many, not much of a salary neither. The business owner should not have to experience sleepless nights worrying about paying their personal expenses.

Profit First in a nutshell.

· Bank accounts: Income, Profit, Owner’s Compensation, Taxes, and Operating Expenses
· Tax and profit accounts at a different bank to make it more delineated and harder to spend
· When you make a sale money goes to said accounts as follows: Taxes 15%, profit 15%, salary 25%, expenses 45-55%. (For 250-1m of revenue)
· For sub 250k: Taxes 15%, profit 5%, salary 30%, expenses 45-55%.
· Take 50% of amount in the profit account as a dividend quarterly.
· Rainy day / emergency fund
· Cutting expenses, up to a certain point

The owner salary can eventually be a set dollar amount instead of percent because when the business makes enough money, you want to pay yourself in more tax advantage ways than to just keep it a percent.
You can only cut a certain amount of expenses before you start letting key members of staff go or reducing marketing that is important.

How do we deliver more value so we can charge more for our services.
Hint: part of finding that balance is niching down.

What mind-shift and best practices do we need to go from a sales- expense = profit model to the profit first model of sales- profit = expenses.?

Some profit does have to be reinvested into the business, how do we know when enough is enough?
She has the Tap The Potential Solution to handle implementing Profit First, On-boarding, and more business coaching needs.
Owner salary is for the work they do in the business and the profit is your compensation for the entrepreneurial risk you bear.

Line Of Credit

Don’t forget that a Rainy Day fund or Emergency Fund does need to be in place. Cash is king as they say and it really helps you to get a bank loan or line of credit for operating expenses or equipment purchases when the bank sees a cash reserve. Plus, they usually wont give you enough money without you putting up a certain percentage.

Onboarding Employees

What are the 5 components to hire the best and actually trust the employees so you can unplug for a week or two?
What do employees most want so they stick around: coffee, sleeping pods, money, autonomy, the best micro manager?

Best Ways to Train New Employees so we Hire the Best

Why are task flow videos not quite the best way to train your new staff? Instead of videos to save you time, listen to her view on setting goals as to what makes an A List employee a year from now.

Hire with a clearly defined role and someone who has the personality strengths to achieve the goals of that role. Then identify a clearing defined result that they are responsible for. Train this person for 1 clear role. For a receptionist it could be answering the phone for new patients and rescheduling.

How do we become the Employer of Choice even If you are in a Rural Area?
Where do the A players hang out: online and offline? What values in a person are you looking for?

Marriage and Kid tip: have blocked out time with your loved ones with no electronic devices.

Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/177 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript

Dr. Sabrina “The Business Psychologist ™” Starling, Phd www.tapthepotential.com and the podcast at www.profitbydesignpodcast.com/ and to find Profit First Professionals in other areas https://profitfirstprofessionals.com/

e 177 a doctors perspective Sabrina Starling profit first tap potential

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00:00:00 – 00:05:05

Episode 177 profit first system and on board, and staff time, you’ll start to Justin trosclair in today near doctor Sabrina starlings perspective during 2017 and 18 podcast Awards, nominees, host, and best-selling author on Amazon. As we get a behind the curtain. Look at all types of doctor and get Specialties down here. A doctor’s perspective is June everybody. I hope it was a fantastic month. This episode is coming out on the last day of the show. I think is going to be quite good. If you heard about the profit first system from the book, from a YouTube video, or from another podcast, you’re really going to like this episode because we’re going to dive deep into this, for a chiropractic and physical therapy. So, geared towards this doctor, Starling is a business coach as well as a PhD and it’s been certified in this for many many years. So we’re gonna get some great insight and then we’re going to cover at the end of the episode. Onboarding staff how to even hire the best, how to be the best company. So that the best players will come to you and some pretty cool Bears tips and kid tips at the end a past guest recently has something to say about the show so I just wanted to play that for you real quick, you do a great job of engaging and keeping the excitement going and sometimes you kind of wonder if the the host is still there. That was Steve Anderson. Again, you can pick up his book, all about creating a dental practice, which a lot of the information here can be used for other types of doctors offices because there’s so much knowledge from a lifetime of building practices. Secondly, if you’re ever looking for any of the books that I wrote down the curriculum vitae design, that I can do the top downloaded episodes for the past four years. You find all of this stuff at a doctor’s perspective. Net / guide and it just a bunch of buttons wage That you can click before we jump in. She had a really powerful message at the end of the episode that I just want to play for you right now. It’s about a minute and then we’ll jump into the interview. So it’s Justin as from one podcaster to another. I want to say to your audience. If you have been finding any value in the doctor to doctor podcast, please subscribe to it. And leave a review. We podcast do these podcasts as a labor of love. Justin is doing this as a labor of love for you. It’s tremendously time-consuming also very fulfilling cuz we get to have these conversations. But the best thing that you can do for a podcaster is help other people to find the podcast. So when you rate and review the podcast, it increases the likelihood that more people. Like you more doctors out there. I will find this podcast and find the value that you’re experiencing. All the show notes and the transcript can be found at a doctor’s perspective. Net / 177, let’s go hashtag dog. The curtain lot from Cologne, Germany and a Little Rock Arkansas today on the show, is a little bit of a passion of mine were talking about money again. For some of that profit first book by Michael, I don’t even know how to pronounce his last name, cuz it’s sounds check, Michael Vick. Wow, I was way off but it’s a great book and she is a certified Master Level of this person along with everything else she does. Like she has a podcast called profit by Design. She has a three three or four books on how to hire the best. So rural people contractors entrepreneurs, and then just kind of the vanilla, I guess that was the first copy of the book. And her model I would say is work supports not the other way around so please welcome doctor Sabrina, the business psychologist. Starling welcome to the show. Thank you, Justin. I’m excited to be here and anytime I get the opportunity to log. About profit. First, I am all in. And so you have an audience of doctors chiropractors, physical therapists. And if I, I think of a group that really needs to hear the prophet person messaging, it’s, it’s these individuals because there’s so much pressure on the businesses in the squeeze from insurance, and the need to be efficient and it makes it very hard to be profitable and someone will do have a c. I wrote it down sales minus expenses equals profit and that tends to be so many people staying. So when you switch it, I always liked that idea. Like we have sales, we have profit off of taxes, we have a basic salary for myself and then what’s left is okay expenses. Because you can always spend more money or more advertising. Overall, let’s get shirts for the patience. For referral wage is always a way to spend money and then you end up always mad cuz you don’t get paid. Yeah. If we treat profit like a leftover, we’re never going to have problems because there’s always other things we could spend the money on in the business world. And so profit first is all about let’s put the entrepreneur, the business owner.

00:05:05 – 00:10:13

First we have to put our oxygen masks on before we can take care of our clients and page. So this is really about self-care for entrepreneurs and making sure that we are not. The ones losing sleep at night, because we can’t cover our own personal expenses and payroll. And this is all about, let’s do it first. So I’ll give you Justin’s cliff notes, and then you can correct me or really been you doing it for so long and you say no no, that’s a great Mile, High View but now we can get granular and these are the easy wins. These are the breaks typically fail. So here’s what I’m thinking, you got your for bank accounts, maybe five, you got taxes, expenses, profit, the owner salary and then operating expenses, then you got the percentages can be anywhere from 15% for taxes. May be anywhere from 1% up to 15% for profit. Your salary. Could be 25% and your expenses, I guess, 45% or so. And then a call log. Of this profit in the account, you think, fifty percent of that and then you kind of do whatever you want with it. At that point, how does that sound so far? That’s right on you just keep going. You got it. Okay, so that’s a great deal of you have a nice day off. All right. Here’s kind of my question. Then you might be new in business, or maybe they’ve been the three years, but how do you know what a what you should pay for yourself? But then expensive cuz sometimes you have a business that runs sixty or seventy percent and maybe that’s just because you don’t collect enough money to begin with so like your new and business so you’re not really sure what what is an appropriate profit vs. Expenses versus everything or how much should go to marketing. You have any advice on any of that type of stuff cuz that part can be tricky. Yeah, so I think a good rule of thumb is that we really want our experience has to be anywhere from about 45 to 55% of the business. And the reason I’m giving a range is because it really depends on the total. The revenue size of the big dog, So one of the things that’s interesting is as the revenue in the business, grows the percentage for owners pay decreases and the percentage for profit increases after that happens. Because as the business Revenue grows in order for that to be happening, the owner needs to be working less and less in the business and relying more on the team to accomplish things for the life us to be scalable. And so at that point the owner is being compensated via profit. So it doesn’t mean that the money that the business owner takes out of the business is any less is just coming from a different place in the business office from profit rather than owners pay? So, you know, A good rule of thumb is a healthy business, is going to be 35 to 45, sometimes 55% operating expenses, depending on revenue and Monday. We, we really want to as you alluded to. We want to make sure that the margins are there, so that you’re collecting enough to begin with for you to be able to pay yourself appropriately through Thursday. Pay and profit in the business. One of the things that I notice in terms of when people are first introduced to profit first, and they start implementing it. One of the mistakes that I see is, we decide, oh, profit off is all about cutting expenses, and it absolutely is. Most of us have expenses that can be cut in our business. And at a certain point, you can only cut so much. And then you’re looking at letting go of old members, you’re looking at letting go of critical marketing that you need. And so then it becomes a question of how do we add value in the delivery of our service jobs so that we can charge more and at my business tap, the potential. We’ve developed the top of potential solution and the top potential solution is the guaranteed money to designing a sustainably profitable business. That gives you more money in your bank account than ever and more time for what matters. Most so profit first is the very birth First step in the top, the potential solution, but if you stop there, most business owners never hit the full Target, allocation percentages for profit and owners pay off. If they don’t move into identifying a clear sweet spot for the business in a niche cuz the riches are in the niches and took a clear, sweet spot. You can figure out how to innovate and add value and make yourself really stand out and be different. And I’ve was very first profit, first month’s special. I came on board, I implemented profit first in my business and I struggled to hit those Target allocation percentages. And it was only through pumpkin planning in my business. And pumpkin pie is also one of my McAlister’s books, it was only through that process that I was able to hit those Target allocation percentages. And we see that with our clients that it’s not enough to just cut expenses off. We also need to move to the other side of the equation and look at how are we going to be different? How do we add value? And we’re definitely, I was going to let the audience know what we’re going to cover some of those particular about yourself later, the timer potential and about the books for sure.

00:10:13 – 00:15:05

Cuz I think like you said like you just said it all ties in. And when you were talking earlier an owner salary, at one point might be the 25%. But if you make enough money eventually, it’s going to get lower and so maybe you just want to pay yourself. I don’t know. Seventy-five thousand a year, but as your business gets bigger, it becomes a smaller and smaller percentage but the prophet becomes a dividend and if you have your business set up, correct? Yes you get text list on that extra money. So you still might make the 150 to 250 to 300. It’s just that it’s paid out differently, right? Right. So it’s not that you are going to take home less off of the business yourself. And I can’t emphasize that enough that we as owners need to be appropriately. Compensated for not just the work we do in the business but also the entrepreneurial risk that we ve So owners pay is about the work. You do in the business as it as a team member profit, is your compensation for the entrepreneurial risk that you bears. And so as the business Revenue grows, you’re working less in the business. So you get compensated less through owners pay and more through profit, okay? But because it’s a perfect system and because the revenue is growing as the revenue grows, you get to take more and more out of business as the owner. Yeah, it’s quite nice but you see the 20 is now eight years? Yeah. So they say it’s natural to put all your profits back into your business like you’re planting seeds for growth, but sometimes that actually just shows a future disaster. Can you elaborate on that page? Gosh. Yeah, I’ve been there and done that. Yeah, we have this idea that every we need to reinvest every penny that comes into the business because we’re going to grow the revenue of the business. Well what they don’t teach us is that typically expenses back up before growth happened and so profit. First really reverses that mentality and says no. No you you keep your, you pull your profit out and you don’t reinvest all of it in the business. You keep that aside. Some of it can be reinvested but you want to make thoughtful choices about that and you want. So you don’t want to make. If you take money out of profit to cover, payroll, you’re not reinvesting in the business, you’re covering expenses. That’s not growing the business, but let’s say you have an opportunity to purchase a new piece of equipment. And this piece of equipment, is something that adds value to your patience. And the beautiful thing about this is they can utilize this equipment without your help or without a team member, they can just, you know, go in and use this piece of equipment and now you’ve Have something in your office that’s generating Revenue, you’re not working, that’s a beautiful thing. And so it would make sense to take money out of the Prophet account to cover that piece of equipment became one. You’re not taking it alone, you’re not in Acura accruing, interest or accumulating interest cuz you’re not on a payment plan with a company. And and so you take the money out of profit account. And because that’s a really invest money in the business is going to immediately in that next month, as you start telling your patience about it, it’s going to create Revenue coming in that you didn’t have in the previous month. Where is rainy day yet? Rainy day. Yeah, like the rainy day money where I found that broke down. Hey, it’s so the first place rainy day comes in is in the process of account. Let’s have a cold it. We had a lot of our clients doing profit off and Covetous it all other business owners across the country are freaking out because there’s no, there’s no rainy. Day funds are clients who have implemented profit. First had their profit account and they were in come home. Situations with us. And a lot of them said, you know, I have six months worth of operating expenses built up in my profit account or three months, or even two months, there were, there were cushions there and that alleviated, a lot of stress over time. You want to move from having the money in the profit account to what we call. The Vault, where it’s just, you know, when our school, you get a large amount of money in that profit account. You want to move it over to the Vault and that’s their choice of rainy day fund, okay? Cuz that’s a scary thing. I mean, sometimes you never profitable enough for whatever reason to have a rainy day fund, but then you still have to like there’s still a need to find a way to save two or three jobs cuz eventually that’ll add open me that adds up if that’s all you can do. But well and I’ll give you another little insiders Tip, Tap the potential and a lot of our clients who do profit first through tap, the potential have funds also built up in their owners pay account. So they have money that they are not taking out his drawers and it’s just building up. I have always had a like a a bottom line that I don’t take off. Diplo this amount in the owners pay account, will take drawers to this this point. And so that has allowed me six months worth of cushion to pay myself. So not only did I have an operating expenses covered in the business for multiple months.

00:15:05 – 00:20:03

I also had in my owners pay six months worth of cushion, talk about peace of mind as we went through covid-19. So, yeah, it private first is kind of like our grandparents in the who went through the depression, who would stuff money under their bed, under their mattresses and all over the house to have these rainy day funds cuz they saw the banks crash them and the whole banking system imploded. And so they had this money tucked away in their house. Well profit first is about having money tucked away in these different accounts that allows us to get through. So it’s just one rainy day fund. There’s multiple places where there’s money tucked away. I can remember, in college people saying they have a hundred bucks left in their account, you know, when you’re that poor, you know what I mean? Yeah, I just like an dog. Had a limit where I wouldn’t go lower than that, if I had less than this. I was like, nope. Nope, can’t do anything. I’m poor now. Yes, cuz I can’t imagine having like 25 bucks less than the count. A hundred bucks left an account. And if you think about a business that could be like five grand, if I’m not even cover rent and for some people. Well and it’s this is becomes really important because the more money we have tucked away in these accounts in our business, the more leverage, we have with credit card companies and the banks. And so we want to cash is King in businesses. So we always want to have cash at our disposal. So we are able to go to the bank and say I want to have a $200,000 line of credit. Well, they’re going to look at. Well, what resources? Do you have, what assets do you have to justify that? And so, it doesn’t mean that we’re going to use $200,000 on the line of credit cuz that’s not wise necessarily especially if it’s just covering operating expenses. If it’s a reinvestment in the like a piece of equipment or it’s profitable that meant be a good use of it, but birth. Has encoded. We saw people get strapped for cash and businesses, you know, if you’re waiting on relief from the government and the government is slow, there’s administrative errors or whatever you need, cash cushion some wage. If you’re running out of it in the business, but some business owners have been dealing with this now for fourteen or fifteen months and struggling. So if you’re starting to run out you want to have like a line of credit, you want to be able to go to the credit card company and say something like I need to extend the bat. I need a higher balance that I can carry. They will do that because you have this money tucked away in different places in the business and you have the assets to justify, it should say that these big Banks actually were doing. I don’t know. We own color fraud, but definitely some shady business cuz it sounded like one point. Big businesses were taken the money for covid-19. Needed. There was an expose on it. I don’t think they call it everybody though. I’m more concerned about those big Banks doing that makes me angry. Cuz yeah, the little man like me are the ones that are holding the bag wondering. Why one of these chain restaurants are having problems. Like you guys are still open. You get delivery and I can’t crack backs over the phone. Now, we’ve all had the pivot though. We we had to switch and go to Virtual Office where mask and just find a way to make it work. This is something interested. I I follow different people who have certifications for this marketing or for this type of thing and I don’t know sometimes it feels like it’s a fad and off profit first. It was popular for a while but then, you know, it’s been a while. It’s been a while, unless you’re really into it that people don’t talk about it as much, but do you find that certified guides at this point, or being seeked out for this method or what’s your view on this? So it’s interesting to me with a podcast profit by Design. We have had, we always bring guests on that will serve our dog. So because we have a lot of business owners will bring on guests who are tax tax professionals or accounting professionals, or bookkeeping professionals. And we’ve had guests on Earth who are not profit first certified, but because we’re the profit by Design podcast and because we are Mastery level certified and profit first our audience assumes that the guest who comes on page book keeper must be profit per certified. So they’ve gone to work with them and been sorely. Disappointed in the guidance that they received on the implementation of profit per say that professional provided good guidance, on other things that they needed in their area of expertise, but there was an assumption made that they could do profit first, without being certified profit. First provides ongoing education for us profit first professionals a.m. and we have a community. When we have a tough situation for a client that we don’t, we can’t figure out or we need some help solving we have an entire community of profit first professionals and like access to my dog. All with himself so that that resource does not exist for someone who’s not. Certified is so I I would be. When someone gets certified in a program. It means they’ve met certain criteria.

00:20:03 – 00:25:07

They’re reliable. You should be able to count on them and not everybody who is certified is going to be reliable and you can count on because some people do slip through but profit. First puts a lot of criteria in place, they vet their profit first professionals. So I do think a spiritual was still an active organization and with oh yeah, growing and everything. Okay? Is growing and the percentage of entrepreneurs who are in poverty, who are paycheck to paycheck, goes down every year because of profit first, like, it’s a movement, it has made a difference in what the experience of being an entrepreneur is. Yeah, okay, so that’s good. So you can find accountants and tax people as well as quote like yourself business coaches, that all are under song, What you’re doing, what you’re trying to do. Oh yeah. And that makes such a difference because you can find some people that are just Shady. Yeah, no. Let you burn with that shadiness and then, you got others that are too strict. He can we just do this and you’re like no, no, no, I’m not the right person. Well, it’s good to know that there’s guidance out there. Absolutely. And a note about the strict implementers of a program. One of the things that I think is important is to protect us as profit first professionals that we’re providing guidance and best practices to our clients and also able to Pivot with them and adapt profit first to their unique situation in their business. So it doesn’t do any good for us to say, this is how it’s done. This is the hard core way. You’ve got to do it this way because every business is different. And that’s what you when you hire a professional. That’s really what you’re getting some wage customize it for you. So someone like brings what kind of what I’m more familiar with with storybrand and Donald Miller and his, you know, business Made Simple situation. You know, they got coaches that can come in along and as always looking at Dez, like, that’s pretty cool. You know, you gotta a whole year worth of stuff, probably for like, $10,000 to become a coach, but anyway, when you’re doing the marketing part, they happy with our specialized. Yes, construction Healthcare et cetera. So, is that set up where if you go into like profit first, or whatever their site is to find a guide, can you find someone that’s already Niche down into Healthcare? Absolutely, you can. Okay. Perfect. Okay, good, good. So now they know you know what the webpage for that is to go direct I believe it’s profit first professionals. Okay, so let’s switch because you also have, like I said, three or four books, you’ve got a new one coming out real soon. How to hire the best? Yes, if you want to, you can give us the, the high view of what it is. But I’m curious on a couple of key notes that I’ve I’ve looked out. So you want to give us the the synopsis first. So how to her the best is written for entrepreneurs and small-business owners who need to have a players on your team? And you feel like you can’t compete with larger companies and the salaries and wages that are offered. And and you feel like, well, I’m kind of stuck with what I can get a job hiring, hiring, is one of the greatest challenges in small business. And when I wrote the first, how to hire the best, I wrote the rural Edition cuz I was in a rural area and I had clients who worked Physical Therapy chiropractors and they were struggling with hiring. And one of the, in the rural addition, I share the story of Jeff mcmenemy, who has a physical therapy occupational, therapy multiple locations. And throughout Wyoming and if you you know anything about Wyoming. That’s already rural. It’s rural. There’s more Antelope than people and so recruiting PhD level. Physical therapist to a rural area, too huge challenge. Jeff is totally mastered this and he uses the how to hire the best system. He set himself up to be an employer of choice and that’s really what, how to her the bath is about. It’s how do you become that employer of choice, so that you have a steady stream of applicants chomping at the bit to come to work for you. And I was just talking with a client of mine who taught how to hire the best in the early days and he’s been doing it for a number of years now, he’s in the landscape industry and that industry really struggles right now with hiring. There’s just not people to go to work and do the work who wants to work in the eighty, ninety degree weather every day. Exactly, right. It’s a really challenging role to hire for and so he told me that in the last six months he has hired nineteen member. Using how to hire the best and he also made the point. He said, none of these individuals were unemployed at the time that I hired them, they were all working elsewhere. They knew about the opportunity that work for us. We have that reputation they wanted to come to work for us and so that is what how to hire the best is about it. Teaches you how to set yourself up to become that employer of choice that you have that. Sit on a string of applicants that is so critical in relation to profit first, because the biggest expense in a business, especially a professional service business is when a payroll, and if you have a lot of turnover in your business and you’re having to hire and recruit, there’s a lot of money to train all that money.

00:25:07 – 00:30:11

Just leaks out the back door of the business and I found it really important in order to help our clients hit their target, allocation percentages of profit. First that they know how to hire and and attract and retain. A players to their team. So that’s another place, where in the top of potential solution, we start with profit first, we end with hiring but it all comes together because that’s, you have that sustainably profitable business, totally talking here. We’re talking about like free coffee, sleeping, pods, more money or not. Ami be the best micromanager possible because that’s my boss. We’re going to home, you’re micromanaging. And I one centimeter to do this. Now so it’s not so much about just random benefits and that’s what we see going on right now with covet. Businesses are just putting these crazy benefits out there. That’s not worth going to attract and retain you’re a player. So we want to get to know who are the right team members for you. What are they like, what is their personality? Like, what are their values? And then identify where they hang out, because a player’s hang together. And so when we design the wages and salaries for your team members, and the benefits provided is all customized to the a players that you want on your team and what is important to them, so it maybe it maybe that work life, balance and autonomy and flexibility with scheduling is critically important. So you build your business in that way in my business at a potential. Our entire team is part time we work twenty five hours a week approximately dead. Like I said, bring to taken it up a notch and and the reason we do that is because we are a Professional Services business. We are all knowledge workers. We work with our brains, there’s I know from coaching, there is no way to be effective as a coach. If I’m doing it forty hours a week, if I have 30 hours filled with talking with clients, can’t run my business and by that thirtieth person am talking too, they’re not getting the best of me in that week. And so I wanted to make sure that we as I have team members coaching, I want to make sure they’re showing up at their best and so they’re encouraged to have a hobbies and have a life away from work and recharge and rejuvenate so that when they’re working with our clients, they’re, they’re bringing their best selves to the table. That’s not to say they’re not working forty hours a week is just, they’re only doing this type of conversation, twenty five hours a week, so they’re all they’re all part time. I’m sometimes there’s three hours a week or thirty five hours a week at some times. I’ve done forty hours a week or more, but for the most part we’re all part time and under Thirty hours closer to 25 hours, yes, that’s great. Cuz it’s takes a lot to keep track of this meeting. And what is what do we talk about the last five visits that we had? And then trying to make sure everybody’s on track. Well congratulations. I I was expecting a what I thought you said the opposite. Like we only put in twenty-five but you know all the behind-the-scenes is another tin. The 20. No no. And you know because and I think your listeners will really get this if we want to be at the best choice because we want to each, right? And so when we Niche we have to specialize and we do really good to provide that value that we’re charging for. And so that means we need time to Thursday. We need time to attend conferences. We need time to think and develop our own thought leadership. And if we’re not doing that, if that is squeezed out, we’re not going to be the best choice. We’re not going to be the specialist, and we will not be able to command those higher fees that come from having a specialized Niche. What do you consider on board? And employees? That kind of range has a lot, so, elaborate more on that question. So, if you have, let’s just go with our basic doctor office. You’ve got maybe one doctor if you’re lucky a second one, but really what you have or front desk maybe some trainers took uppers and they need to be on board quickly. To answer the phone correctly to not lose the call if they call, they’re calling for a reason. Hopefully it’s a new patient or get them scheduled collecting money rescheduling. Yes. So there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of hats that off desk person has to do. It’s not just collect their money and then on the way they go, they might even be your billing person. So there’s lots to do. What’s a good ways that I’m thinking videos? Like, I’ve mentioned this before to someone like I. So how do you wash them quickly and get them up to speed. All right. Yeah. Where have you find works? Yeah, the first thing when I when I teach how to hard the best I I say we want to start with a clearly defined role that you’re hiring for and you want to hire suck. He has the personality strengths to achieve the results that you want out of that role. So you have someone at the front desk, I want you to think through, if they can only get one thing done for you off, in a given day or given week, what is that one thing going to be? Is it going to be scheduling? Is it going to be billing? Is it going to be Collections? And cuz it can’t be all things because you’ll never hire somebody who has strengthened all those areas.

00:30:12 – 00:35:13

So somebody who is great with talking to your patients, cajoling them, encouraging them, to keep their appointments with you because, you know, of no shows are very costly. And so that kind of person is a different personality than somebody who’s going to be very detail-oriented and great with keeping books and payment collection. So, you need to be really clear. Now, it doesn’t mean that somebody can’t collect payment at the front desk, but you got to be really fair, like, what’s the most important part of this role? And, in my experience, the most important role That well, was keeping your calendar booked. So, if there’s cancellations, they get somebody else in that spot and keep the day going. And so that’s gonna be somebody who is great with people who has a great attention to detail cuz they will keep in mind who are the people that we can call that, you know, are on the waiting list, who want to just jump in there. So we can keep that calendar moving. That’s what you want to hire for. And then you want to identify a clearly defined result that, that person at the front desk, is responsible for that Keys into how you on board quickly, because if you know what, that clearly defined result is, and if that clearly defined result is that, that calendar is booked full every single day of appointments. There are no open spots because of no shows or cancellations clear, clearly defined expectation, then you train for that. And so, then you think through, okay, I’ve heard in a player in this role, what does a successful a player in this role? What are they doing at the one years? What are they doing at nine months? In six months, and three months and the first 30 days. The first week, the first day, and you worked backward, and you define a clearly defined marker points of success. So you need to know how is this person showing you? They’re going to be successful at the end of day. One, what are you looking for? Is it that they have knowledge of how the calendar works? By the end of day? One that can cancel and reschedule someone on that calendar by the end of day one, and do it competently without making mistakes. And then you think about, okay? So, what am I doing at the end of week one? Well now they’re calling patience and getting people in when we have cancellations, they have good. They’re demonstrating good phone skills and they’re good with interacting our, our page, enjoy talking with them. When they come in, we can we can sense a feeling of lightness, in the waiting room like nobody’s ticked off. Nobody sitting there with their arms crossed staring at the front desk person. That that is a side job. Maybe that’s your sign of success. So, whatever those tangible markers of success are at these different points. We want to have them. Clearly defined in the beauty of this is, it will speed up your training process cuz now you’re not training them on everything but you’re not training them on day. One about how to collect payment, you’re training them on the calendar. They may master that. And and you know, at the end of week one, or at the end of month one, now they’re collecting down payment but you have your clearly defined results and you set them up for success to excel around that clearly defined result. And then you add in those miscellaneous things like, oh, and by the way, we would like you to collect payment off are. Oh, and by the way, would you follow up with this person who’s behind on payment with us? But they’re always clear on. Here’s my one result that I’m responsible for like this so much, I have to write that down. It will be in the show. Notes episode 177, possibly everyone. Yeah, it’ll be transcribed to, I’m thinking with this. If you have current staff, somebody always misses work. Somebody gets home. Injured or has to leave and quits. My personal opinion is if it’s a computer thing, you can record screen flows, so that if you do this every time you don’t have to explain it to have somebody record a video and then the first day to me, could be, you need to watch six hours of videos on how to do everything. And most of it might be simple. You know, I’ve got six hours, you know what I mean? You haven’t, it’s training and is everything. Looks back up here? I’m going to teach you a little bit, just because this is what every one of us is business owners. Do we’re busy and so we can stick somebody in front of a computer to watch videos by golly, that sounds like a great job. So we need to think about it from you. Have you invested this time and energy to become an employer of choice to attract in a player to your team. And you want to create an exceptional experience for them as a team member because they are going to pass that on how you treat them, is how they are going to treat your patients. So, your job, once you have your first team member, your job longer taking care of your patience. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, know, well, all pun intended there. So when you have your first team member, your job is to take care of them and make sure that they are having a great experience. So they can take exceptional care of your patients. Think about it as as an employee coming in like what would make you feel welcome? What would make you feel really good about being there? What would have you going home at the end of the day, telling your spouse, your significant other? I love my new job.

00:35:13 – 00:40:01

This is the coolest place ever. So think about what needs to happen. Monday, one with that team member for them to have that experience and that’s what you need to deliver to them. I’m pretty sure it’s not watching, six hours of video. Unfortunately, but we could say we could say that software can help in all these things that were doing. Yes, if they’re not good at building, you should have software involved to make it more error-proof and all that stuff. There’s so many programs out there, green screen, close and videos are great training tools and it’s a great way to document your systems. We just don’t want to take out the personal aspect of how we deal with our team members and make sure that they have really good attention from us throughout the onboarding process. Okay? We want to respect your time, we’ll switch gears, are you ready for this? Sure, we need to talk personal just for a few minutes, you’re married. Nobody wants to end up in divorce. So what can we do to keep the love alive and potentially take more vacations as well. All right, so this this is speaking to my book before we vacation it’s coming out in October and I’m I firmly believe work supports life, not the other way around so we always always as entrepreneurs and business owners need to remember off. That we need to take care of our primary relationships and ourselves first. So we need to make time we need to take, we’d go on dates with our spouses, we need to have what I call a board meetings with our children, where they get dedicated, like, four hour blocks of time, there’s no technology. So, phones are off. And I’m just with my kids off and it’s whatever they want to do. And I have one rule in that, we’re not going to go watch two movies and call it our our quality time. So there has to be interaction going on. That is how we keep them alive and our families. And we we take care of our spouses and our kids, the the the spouses and kids of entrepreneurs always are and they’re both of them that expressed to me that they feel of the business. And that is a sign that the business owner is in this very dysfunctional, relationship, with the business because they’re putting the business ahead of family in Spain. Says. And so we’ve got to reverse that and make sure that we are doing things. This is spending that quality time is the number one way to take care of those relationships. You know, I always think it’s because there’s not enough money off, but that’s not always the case. There’s a lot of people that just their vision is so big. Are they just bought into genetics baby bra? And it’s like well when is enough enough? Well and not only that, we adults off a lie to ourselves that we’re working really hard because we want our kids to have more opportunity. And they’re going to somehow benefit will be more money into the family. Kids, don’t give a flip about money, they care about quality that I’m there are kids who get, you know, one Christmas present a year and they’re eating ramen noodles in their home. If the parent is spending quality time with them, they’re going to be much. Happy are then the kid above a parent, who has a nice five or six bedroom home, or bathrooms, a swimming pool. That’s not important because they want the quality time and they’re the dog. Quote from one of the entrepreneurs who says there is no there are kids are asking when when are you going to be done with this when it when are we going to get our time and and there is no there. It’s you’ve got to do it now. I’m very good. I got a small kid so hopefully this will pan out correctly so they don’t go on a path of drugs and alcohol or something. That’s like one of my worst fears man. It is Holly it, absolutely is in kids turn to that because they feel the emptiness when their parents aren’t there for them. So I’m I think you’re on the right path, just cuz you have that awareness, that’s a huge. Well, thank you for that. Also, by the way, she’s a PhD doctor by the way in Psychology, right? Like behavioral psychology, I have counseling psychology. Yeah, so poof take what she says that on the refrigerator off the last question, besides Mike’s books. Any other books that you and yours? Of course, anything else that you would recommend? That’s impactful whether it’s for personal or for business, you know, there’s there’s so many books out birth. And I always go with kind of where what’s been helpful to me most recently. So Ryan holidays book, The obstacle is the way is the book has been on a side table for the last six months. It’s not because it’s a thick book it’s because it’s a very simple book to read and I’m digesting it. You know one I take one piece a week or every other week and it is inspiration around how to just overcome challenges and reminders that we get stronger because of the challenges.

00:40:01 – 00:43:46

We faced off with covid-19 of my business. We’ve had to Pivot, I heard you speak to pivoting. I know so many of your listeners have had to Pivot and and what I see happening in our business is the the challenges that we face because of covid-19, Think your your listeners major league as well? Everyone, this is dr. Sabrina, you can catch her on her web pages of tap, the potential. Or check out the profit by Design podcast profit, by Design podcast. Which has like over a hundred and forty episodes. Yeah. So they’ve been doing this for quite a while, so that’s exciting to see two. So from one podcaster to the nether. Thank you so much for being on the show and I do hope that you will get some phone calls off some clicks. Yes, Another great interview has ended while you’re on your phone, click that review button, right up a nice review for me. Five stars. If you could as everyone says an industry, it’ll help other people to find us. When we haven’t took thinking, not to mention, I’ll mention you and your review on an upcoming episode. If you follow me at all on Instagram, you know, you only get one link. So I use a link tree and so it’s a doctor’s perspective. Net links with an S and that’s going to give you everything you need to know the top episodes of 2017 and 2018, the Podiatry series. Dennis acupuncture series found a 2017 Financial series, how to write a review, how to support the show, like, buying a cup of coffee getting Swag. Like, t-shirts, the today’s choices, tomorrow’s health book that has blueprints for Better Health exercise, picket food, correctly, and financial. And then of course, bundle packs, which can get you the no needle acupuncture book, 40, and conditions, including the electric acupuncture. Our pin had a great deal. The resources page has some of the products that I like, it’s a affiliate style, so if you buy something from them, I get a piece of that just like on the show notes Pages. If you buy a book from clicking that link, I get a small piece of that as well, so I really appreciate that things like Screencast-O-Matic purevpn. Missing letter, J Lab speakers provolone, Edge or hot, grips off. Once again, if you do need any coaching on how to improve them, your blood work, drop weight and the pro loan diet, fast mimicking diet, 5-day plan. Let me know. Well as if you just need some coaching, whether it’s Health, whether it’s marketing, whether you need some practice growth, Etc, reach out Facebook. Justin trosclair MCC of course at a doctor’s perspective. Net on the top right you got all the social media icons that you can. Imagine click your favorite and reach out. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please tell a friend pass it along. You can go to. Net worth. Easy. It’ll open up right in your app and don’t forget, I appreciate you. Listen, critically think and integrate see you on the minisodes on Thursdays and Saturdays. Hope you’re enjoying those. I’m definitely having fun summarizing these podcasts and less than 10 minutes for you. You get the Nuggets without having to waste your time have a great week. Oh boy. Well, you shouldn’t take long.


Books Mentioned:

Get Different, Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan , Obstacle Is the Way, How to Hire the Best The Entrepreneur, How to Hire the Best Rural Business
About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).