Learn the In’s and Out’s of house call chiropractic. Going to someone’s home or office…
Low overhead, no insurance, cash pay, more time with patients and higher fees are reasons to switch to house call chiropractic. Dr. Jen Faber had a successful HC practice and now consults with others to gain the same. Plus we chat travel and novelty.
Why did she quit the traditional high volume practice, transition into house call chiropractic, switch into consulting and sell all she owns so she can travel for 18 months abroad?
Have you ever had a patient ask, can you come to my house to deliver treatment? She had a fully booked schedule 4 days a week, working mostly mornings, six figure income as a house call doctor. People said she was crazy and it can’t work, but she carved two niches and made it work, she even had a waiting list.
After many friends and other colleagues started asking her “how did you do it” type of questions, she moved to another city and began consulting full time. Help more people by helping more doctors have the practice of their dreams.
How do you want to spend your time as a doctor and personally? How should we practice, what type of practice are we allowed to have and finding your authentic calling?
Burned out, long hours, high stress, high pressure, low pay, high overhead and minimal time with patients are all reasons to consider the house call chiropractic practice.
Our default when working for ourselves or at least what gurus say is to Grind and Hustle and work 80 hours a week. She found that at first she did have to put a lot of hours but was honest and said working from home did take some getting used to, as to not waste time doing other things.
She has a good explanation why she created modules over an 8 week time span.
Dr. Jen mentions several times you have to look at what you want from your practice, not what’s normal, conventional, what your peers are doing etc but what is it that gets you energized and build your house call practice around that.
The more you compromise, the quicker you will burn out.
Think about what you want, the type of patients, the hours, the fees, the schedule and your voice.
Why does Dr. Faber say the VIBE of the patient is what you want to attract with marketing?
Sometimes we have to start with What Do We Hate or Don’t Want in a Practice.
CHALLENGE: What to do with a business card aka don’t give one out for 2 weeks, what?
Help the patient connect with what their pain is (not just back pain but can’t swim). If you are going to give a health talk, discuss a topic THEY will CARE ABOUT, don’t make it about chiropractic.
Low overhead, no insurance, cash pay, more time with patients and higher fees … is it really all rainbows?
If you aren’t happy with the situation you are in, what do you have to lose to change? Particularly if you have been unsatisfied for 10-15 years and you still have another 15 before you can retire, why not be enjoy your work again?
Dr. Jen Faber discusses her plan to immerse herself in the world for 18 months starting her trip in Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia and finally Europe countries (October 2019).
Be free sometimes in life, don’t be weighed down by possessions and other people’s opinion and your own mental blocks. Take a risk and try new things. Where you are terrified, is when the transformation happens.
Relationship with significant other:
Never take for granted how good you have it with someone. Find similarities in thought and activities that you can share together, even if that means you sacrifice at first to make the other happy. Another tip: at night they acknowledge each other for they did during the day (it can be what they did/accomplished for themselves, the other person etc). Lastly, choose novelty in your life. Even if that means driving 10 minutes to walk a new neighborhood, eat at a different restaurant , try a new coffee shop or take a vacation and do something you never done before. Explore things in life together.
90 Day Life http://90daylifebook
Unconventional life transformation http://www.drjenfaber.com
2 books on house call, and the 8 week program. To learn more about how to build a house call practice and access free training, visit http://www.housecallpractice.com
Social media is: drjenfaber
Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/138 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 138 myth busting house called chiropractic. I’m your host Dr. Justin Trosclair. And today we’re Dr. Jenn farmer perspective
2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get the behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Before we jump in to this world traveler, and all around interesting guests, it sends me to say that we did not get nominated for the podcast awards this year. And I was looking forward to it. Because I thought one of my past guests Dr. Tyson, Franklin, Episode 119 would have made it as well but we both didn’t make it. So who knows what’s going on out there? Maybe the people that were nominated this year just had some ravenous fans. I don’t know. I think I think my fans are pretty good. I know people nominated
But alas, two out of three years. That’s pretty good. But I got great news this past week. You probably saw it on Facebook, Instagram, anything you follow me on social media, I was pumping my today’s choices. Tomorrow’s health book is the red cover. Well, at hurts like me, you know, there’s a way to become number one. And there’s a whole like marketing plan behind how you do it and you know, submitting your book to people, different websites, also how you classify yourself in the Kindle and paperback categories. And so I went to work did a lot of things behind the scenes and worked pretty hard. And guess what, number one best selling Kindle in six categories. That’s right. And we topped out at the number 150 free download on Kindle of all of Amazon Kindle. So that was pretty exciting. And then
when it went from free to 99 cents, we jumped from not even being on the rankings to being 6 million all the way to
232,000 that’s a huge rank increase. And of course, that’s going to disappear, right? And then actually for the PageRank and Kindle, and went to number 122. So that’s, that’s all right by me. So I appreciate everybody who downloaded it, who shared it, and it’s good to see that my marketing is working. So if you have any questions on how to do that, let me know I can do it for you as well. And before we jump into the episode, past guests Dr. Kristy Boyles from Australia, Episode 122, she has finally released her allied wellness program at Allied wellness.com.au and it’s a system for doctors to address the five categories and patients health that may or may not be being addressed very well, hydration, nutrition, sleep, stress management and movement now, so to help improve their fundamentals to give you tools to assess booklets and diaries for the patients the document what they’re doing, and it gives them patients access to a full library of resources or you can guide them in
Hold workshops with the information that is provided in this library. So it’s kind of like a hand holding process for you, which is nice. You don’t have to create the information, all you have to do is kind of assess which was like said they give you what the patient is lacking. And then you just give them the booklet, give us some pointers pointing to some of the things in the library that you think they should check out and the way they go. Now this for lifetime access is normally 397 Australian dollars. But if you use promo code, podcast, promo code podcast, you can get it for 297 Australian dollars, which is 201 US dollars. 180 euros, or 21,000 Japanese yen. Those are some of the big areas where I have an audience so interesting that I lead wellness.com.au check the transcript. Let’s jump in. Here we go. Dr. Jin house call. Now I’m not gonna give away her whole story but just to say she had a six figure house call business in Washington DC. And her thing is like, Look, I was good at it. Did it
Six years but my higher calling was to help more doctors, which ones are and help more patients. And she was already having people ask her like how you do it is the same question she had to answer over and over and over again. So what does that do that leads you to create a new program. So that’s what she did. I mean low overhead cash don’t have to deal with insurance you more time with patients higher fees. I mean, there’s a lot of reasons to switch from being burned out practice owner who may or may not be making a lot of money or wishing to spend more time not taking vacations at the mercy of the schedule that you created, you know, 10 years ago. So we talked a lot about that it was really cool was that she is going to be on her way to a long trip because she’s, you know, virtual, digital. And as we do talk about at the end, some fun traveling stories and places to go visit across the world. And she has some pretty cool advice on the relationships which is you know, we always try to cover a little bit on that. There’s about a five hour 12 minute spot around probably minute 40 ish around there. What kind of feels more like a like a kind of like a sales pitch, but it’s just her being who she is like
Explaining the program and who would use it and so it’s not meant to be like a hard sale. But if you’re just like, oh, here comes the sales, just fast forward a little bit, past that up a little. And then you’ll get to the good stuff with the traveling and the rest of our conversation and you’ll be you’ll be glad you did. You’ll be glad to stay tuned. Also, this should be released in becomes complete this pre roll post row and in between for a YouTube, she was actually able to record it on her end. So we’re going to post it and let me know what you think what a polished podcast looks like versus the raw material. Well, we all the show notes on this episode a doctor’s perspective, net slash 138 including the transcript, as well hashtag behind the curtain
Live from China, and Utah. Today on the show. We have a consultant if you will a nomad lifestyle, which is pretty sweet. Her passion is a performance she has one word that she likes to live by. Elevate. This is pretty funny. A transformation coach joy magnet and convention buster. I thought that was pretty funny. She’s been featured on CBS fear CEO project happiness and the CW. Please welcome Dr. Jenn Farber.
Unknown Speaker 6:16
Hey, Justin, thanks so much for having me. I’m looking forward to being on today.
Justin Trosclair 6:20
Did I get it right?
Unknown Speaker 6:21
You got a great, it was fantastic. Good your research.
Justin Trosclair 6:26
When people have videos, just watching people. The pre chat has been amazing things in common. We both are going to travel we have traveled. We both had a clinic. And now we don’t. And you also wrote two books will even mention that yet. And one’s called 90 day life and one is called elevate your life method. So that could be maybe a good jumping point from instead of going way back to why you picked chiropractic, maybe how’d you go get out of the daily grind, and into what you’re doing now and book writing and kind of being more console. Dr. Jenn instead.
Unknown Speaker 7:02
Yeah, I think that’s a good place to start. So give really good, just context of how I got the stage. And a lot of it for me really has been figuring out what is my ultimate truth? What do I ultimately want to do with my life? How do I ultimately want to spend my time in my years of consulting, I’ve also recognized that both doctors, people in our profession and outside of it, a lot of times feel very much caught by what convention tells us what to do. How should we practice? How should we work? How should we live? Who should we be? What path should we stay on. And I think so many people feel really stuck on that path. And I did too, when I was in a conventional private practice that was very high volume, I felt incredibly stuck on that path. And now that was back into nine. So that’s, you know, 10 years ago. And that’s what helped me transition to realizing I did not want to stay stuck in this conventional way of practice and conventional way of life is it didn’t work for me. Fast forward to today, everything that I do is help people really figure out what is their truth? What is it that makes them happy? How is it that they want to spend their time? What do they want to fill their days with, because over the years, I’ve made a lot of decisions to really reinvent the course of my life, you and I both share a bond of having left private practice. And now moving on to different chapters, I left private practice, I’ve sold all of my possessions to travel a lot of things to tear my life apart, so I can rebuild it. And so many people Justin have come up to me and said You’re so lucky to do what you do. You’re so lucky to be able to travel, you’re so lucky to be able to, to write to be an author. And every time I will say I am not lucky, there’s nothing about this that’s like, everything is something that I had to consciously put intention towards creating, I had to be very conscious about taking risks, and walking away from what I knew, no matter how crazy people society or profession thought I was, and really listen to what I want. So that from a 30,000 foot view is what brought me to this point where now I write books to help people wake up, I coach and consult people to help them wake up to the life that they want and the path they want to create. If they’re stuck and not happy with where they are, how do we really get connected to their priorities, their values their truth, so they can live into it.
Justin Trosclair 9:21
Now, do you do any type of car pride to get all house call visits or anything like that anymore?
Unknown Speaker 9:28
No, I stepped away from private practice in 2014. So the quick backstory to that is I left a high volume associate ship in 2009. After two years of being in the profession, and Justin, it was crazy. Yeah, it was really, really, really early on. So I graduated and no six, left the associate ship world in 2009. And that was because I was frankly tired of seeing 60 to 80 patients a day. And I was in an environment that was very high stress, very high pressure I was in that classic each of you associate position. That unfortunately, I think it’s just still really common today, I talked to doctors on a weekly basis that are in a really similar spot. So in 2009, I realized I just couldn’t continue on that path as an associate. But I also didn’t want to continue in the typical private practice world when I saw the expense in the stress that it would take to actually make it run. And I understood why high volume is actually more of a necessity than a gold standard to make enough money to make money in practice. So that’s when I transition to house calls. And thankfully, one patient as an associate said to me, would you ever come to my office? I lived in Washington DC at the time. And that one little question stuck in my head? And she said, Would you ever consider that because the traffic is crazy. And it’s hard to get to you? And would you ever consider doing that? And so when I left as an associate that question, like, planted a seed in my brain and made me realize house calls, makes so much sense to me. And I could elaborate further on that. But to get to your question that I did have comfortable six years, and I built my practice in Washington, DC, I built a thriving patient base. I was actually in a really great place. I was fully booked, I had a waiting list. I didn’t have to change a thing. So I was doing great. The irony, is that right? When I’d reach this pinnacle of success in practice, I had so many colleagues and start to reach out to me saying, how are you doing this, they would tell me stories of I just I understand your story, I’m an associate, I’m burned out or I’ve had a private practice, I can’t afford to make ends meet and either have to choose to become a real estate agent, or or try to figure this out and keep grinding, you know, 6080 hours a week. Right? So 2014, I was at crossroads, do I stick with a private practice that I spent years building that was for hiding six figures book demands doing awesome? Or do I step into a bigger purpose, which is really what I’ve always wanted to do is to make a greater impact on our profession, and honestly on the planet to help people who just don’t feel like they fit the conventional mold. So 2014 is when I switch the consulting 100%. And it was a hard decision. But an easy one. At the same time. It was hard because my hands working with patients and they still do. But I knew that my greater mission, I knew if I could help every single doctor if I could help them, build a practice that was more authentic, gave them more freedom allow them to spend more time with their patients. I in turn was helping patients in a in a kind of indirect way. So that’s where I really felt satisfaction. And now for the past five years, I’ve been consulting 100% and wouldn’t change it for the world.
Justin Trosclair 12:35
Wow. Okay, uh, house calls. I’m excited about that recently, just from joining the Facebook group and kind of seeing the potential in that. But this is someone who actually got fully booked. And I guess maybe this, but this is really big. I mean, that’s a big area to cover. It’s not like a concentrated effort where you just like, I don’t have to really go that far everywhere is five minutes away. No, it’s pretty far and you’re able to do that. So to me, that’s that’s all. When I go back if I try to go that route, okay, there’s somebody that’s doing it, there’s somebody that can actually help you in that situation? Yeah. Because, you know, like, a lot of coaches, I think you should always have a coach. They’re always brick and mortar. They’re always kind of preaching the old school 1990s and maybe early 2000s, kind of stuff like that, that really don’t jive well with that anymore. Okay.
Yeah, I think consulting, how when you quit? Did you kind of do a transition where you started backing off and start trying to get more,
you know, money through that first like, okay, they said, Yes, I can survive, or it was it just cold turkey.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
Right? It was, it was complete cold turkey. A bed? Yeah, I I tend to do that I’m a bit of a spontaneous creature that maybe isn’t always the smartest name. And I also if I try to ease out of something to step into something else, it’s actually harder, I’d rather just rip the band aid off and go for it. So I was also looking transitioned out of DC. So I’m planning to relocate to Miami. So what I ended up doing is I ended up essentially selling my patient base to a local chiropractor. There wasn’t they weren’t hospital chiropractors there at the time. But I sold my patient base to a chiropractor locally, and packed up my stuff, moved down to Miami with my partner and started my online business, which was completely liberating and really terrifying. I remember waking up knowing I could stay in my pajamas and have my coffee or my tea and work from home for the day. And then I thought, Well, how do I do this. So that transition was was definitely a cold switch. And it was a massive learning curve, and how to figure out how to really make money online, and how to get clients online when I was so used to everything being very personal, right? As a chiropractor, everything is face to face, it’s touch, it’s very intimate,
Justin Trosclair 14:45
it’s easier to sense, it is like DC. Now it’s the whole United
Unknown Speaker 14:51
and and beyond, honestly, but I mean, a lot of it is really figuring out. And this applies a lot to consulting too, because I talk a lot about marketing and the house called practice for all but also, you know, larger world outside of that as a consultant of what’s your message, you know, what is really the message of how do you want to connect with your people. And from the hospital standpoint, my people it’s like in our conversation, and they’re people who don’t fit in high volume, they don’t want to stare at the same four walls every day, they don’t want to work 80 hours a week, they don’t want to see patients every five minutes, they want something different. And unfortunately, they’re bombarded with a message and a common path of how they’re supposed to practice. So they feel that the oddball they feel like the unicorn, so I like to come in and give them a voice that says, I understand where you’re at. I’ve been there I’m on the other side, I’ve seen the light, I’m happy to help guide you through it and how to do it, right? Because it’s easy when you want to switch to a different practice model or different life model to really question yourself, because not typical. And it can be very easy to retreat and stay back into that. So I think that’s really important is to figure out when you’re making kind of a cold turkey switch, you have to really understand why you’re doing what you’re doing, who you’re doing for because there’s going to be a lot of days that you could really struggle and question if this is the right path. But you have to be really committed to why you want to make that change.
Justin Trosclair 16:12
Know this turn into like an 80 hour a week because I’m thinking, I don’t know, obviously, I don’t know what you charge per hour. But you got to factor that in, you might work 30 hours on that you got to do marketing, and all this other stuff. So did it actually reduce your load as because some of us pretend like, yeah, I’m going to be my own boss. And then you’re like, Whoa, this is way worse than being an associate. Like there’s so much more burden, and expenses and time, and I’ve never actually off work. So how that play out?
Unknown Speaker 16:37
Well, it’s interesting. There’s two ways I’d like to answer that. But do you want perspective of when I switch into a household practice? Or do you want that perspective when I switch to online? Boy,
Justin Trosclair 16:47
let’s, let’s do I’m so passionate about both? Let’s do online, though, I can do both? What actually what I would like to do? Let’s do this with the consulting. And then I’ll have you answer a couple questions about like, what something that household people can do like as far as marketing or a common niche that you might find or the way to position themselves. Does that sound right?
Unknown Speaker 17:07
Yeah, for sure. I’ll kind of help segue. And I think, yeah, I totally get where you want to go for sure. I think first for in to be completely fair, anytime that we make a switch into something new odds are, you’re going to bust your tail doing it. So the first several, honestly, couple of years figuring out the online space, I was putting in really long hours and really long weeks. But I would say that wasn’t so much because of necessity, as opposed to what I thought I had to do. Not using my time as productively as I could have out of the gate. You know, having a luxury to work from home, it’s very easy to fill your days. And it’s very easy to always find something to do and find something to work on. And I think that’s a common thread. No matter what type of business you have, if you’re a business owner, whether it’s in practice or online, it’s very easy to fill that void. And I think we’re also taught that we’re supposed to, you know, I think we’re taught we’re supposed to work our tails off and the harder we work earlier in life, the better the rewards that are going to pay off. So my first couple years, I completely follow that, you know, I followed that idea of work 80 hours a week for yourself to not have to work 40 hours for boss, although I worked six hours for a boss. But I think if I could just a little two part answer to that. The biggest thing for for being a consultant is the way that I serve people now is through some private coaching, but a lot of its through my online programs and online training online coaching that I’ve really figured out how can I systemized? How can I automate it so I can still give personalized support, but not have to provide the same exact coaching over the phone that I know I could give you a video or audio? So a lot of it for me was figuring out so I’m not How can I serve as many people as possible? Because there’s only so many hours in the week. I can’t just do 100%, one to one. How can I serve as many people as possible? And for me, that’s I got opened up into the world of the online programs and taking your knowledge and packaging it and systemized in it. Because with house calls, I get the same questions. How do you do it? How much do you charge? How do you get? Will it work in my area? What if people say no? What if people want to take insurance? What should I schedule? What else should I do? Right? All of these similar questions that I have. Right, right. And so a lot of it is fit came to figuring out, how do I take what is my expertise? What is my knowledge? What do my people need to know? And then what is the journey I need to take them on to do it right, based on my own mistakes in practice and what I what I took years to figure out, how can I accelerate the learning curve for every single one of my clients, and package that into a system so that week by week, I’m taking someone on a journey that’s going to help them get from Point A being burned out to point B, transforming their business in life.
Justin Trosclair 19:56
That’s literally what we want, though, it’d be nice to just say, Hey, here’s a three hour initial week to get everything answered. And then whatever else you’re going to say, that’s what we want. We don’t if I can just watch the videos with the same questions we always ask. And then whatever it is, like once a month, we get on a call and talk like yeah, here’s the fine tuning things that I have an issue with. Yes, based on everything that already watched, instead of answering the same question this is that’s fantastic to me.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
Yes. And, and the combination is it works great for both people, right? Because I don’t want to be on the phone for 40 hours a week. It’s not it doesn’t make sense. And then I can only help I can only help 40 people, you know, at one time, but in turn, I mean, we live in this world of instant gratification, right? We want to access content when we want to access it this Netflix style world. So I think it works great to your point too, is because people can they can put their kids to bed and then go in and hop into the program, right? Or they can, you know, wake up early in the morning and submit a question through a help desk. And it just makes life easier for all involved. So from the standpoint I like these kind of two chapters of my life of consulting now, but also what it was like in my house called practice, funny mistake that I made when I transitioned into house calls is that I had the same exact our business associate, I said the same exact hours, eight to one, three to seven, Monday through Friday and Saturdays. And that’s what I had to do, because that’s what I was taught. That’s what I saw all my peers doing all of my colleagues doing, and I hated it, completely hated it. When you’re trying to also you’re trying to see patients in those hours, then you’re trying to find time to market. I woke up in a couple months realizing this is not why I decided to be my own boss and have my own practice. So I’m dramatically cut my hours, from eight to noon, Monday through Thursday. Select Fridays, no Saturday, so I had three day weekends every week, I worked mornings because I knew I wanted to work mornings. And that’s when the switch started to happen. When I realized not often enough, are we being taught to think about what we want, as opposed to be in taught this is what you’re supposed to do. This is what you should do. This is what the people in your community Do you want, the more that I see doctors compromise and follow convention if it doesn’t fit them, the faster I see them burning out and the less successful they are. When I coach my doctors on how to connect with what they want their hours, their fees, their people, their voice, their message, their practice accelerates, it goes through the roof. And I think that’s all about authenticity, as opposed to what’s expected of them.
Justin Trosclair 22:24
Yeah, when it’s coming from the heart, is it called a thought house call, you’ll be super busy between like four and eight o’clock at night, I thought you’d be forced to kind of work night shifts people off work,
Unknown Speaker 22:34
yada, yada, yada. It’s the funniest thing and most most doctors and eventually clients will come to me with that question. And there’s always this uncertainty up front. There’s that misnomer that you have to always be available with house calls because of the nature of the business, right? You think 1800s black doctor’s bag driving up to the driveway, right and come into a patient’s home
Justin Trosclair 22:54
mama goes to work. It does that I hope usually as well.
Unknown Speaker 22:56
Yeah, exactly. But what gets missed in that is what what I love to help share with the doctor is let’s get creative on your community. And let’s get creative and understand first the pulse of your community but also how you want to work, you’re still the doctor, it’s still your practice your hours or your hours, you can work eight to five in a private practice, and people take our time to come see you. With house calls, we have the advantage to go to a patient’s phone or office and bring the care right to them. So my standpoint always holds true of both hours that you want to work, your patients will happily work with you. Especially when you let them know, Hey, I’m going to make this really convenient, you could just take a step away from your desk, you can just stay in your pajamas before going to work. And I’ll take care of you before you head off to work. So that’s there were so many switches I had to turn off. So just what you said is really interesting, because I had to turn off all the thing that says yeah, but should I do it this way? But yeah, but like when patients want to do this, and I had to just turn all that off at asked myself, What do I want? I want to work mornings. Okay, knowing that. Now I how do I promote mornings, right? Who are the types of people that I want to work with. And it was beautiful at individual house calls that offices I would go to. And it just made it super seamless. But I had to be defiantly committed to what I want. And I had to do something that I think is hard for doctors to do. I had to put myself first. And it’s hard as a doctor because we we go into this profession, right? Because we want to serve other people. It’s what drives us, we are the nurturers of this planet. We want to help people get healthy. But one of the reasons why a high percentage of chiropractors and health professionals are burning out is because they’re not making any room for them. Right. There’s no conversation in their mind for what they want. So I always encourage people to lead with what they want first so that they can build a practice and life that’s in alignment with themselves. And then the right patients will follow that way they’re not trying to market all over Dr. All over or the 1000 different types of doctors right just be be who they want to be be Dr. Jenn be Dr. Justin. So I’m so glad you said that because I for me, I’m always like, myth busting. No, think about it this way. Put yourself first don’t listen to what you’re being taught, connect with you.
Justin Trosclair 25:23
Because that’s gonna be tough because a lot of people don’t really know what they want. They just took whatever’s in the door they like, yes, yes, I know, we’re supposed to niche down. Yes, my target market is blah, blah, blah. But in reality, you’re gonna take whatever walks in that door, and you just hope is more headaches, because that’s the job in marketing room, as I can imagine, in the same way when you’re trying to do what do house calls? I don’t know what I don’t know, I don’t want to do athletes. Do I want to go to businesses? Is it weird? Do I feel comfortable walking into the bank and saying, Hey, I can adjust everybody here? If you want me to
do that?
Unknown Speaker 25:54
Yeah, you know, I think a lot of it when I find you know, there are some doctors I work with that actually have some good clarity. And I can kind of pull it out of them. Like what’s the type of patient that you want to work with? I think interesting enough, though, what happens is when it comes to marketing, it’s not even so much I think the type of patient as it is like the the the like the demographic or the athletes or the professionals. But it’s really more about like the vibe of that person, right? It’s more about like, what is the energy that that patient is bringing into your practice, because the danger of running or anything in life, but practice business stuff from a place of desperation and stress, you’re going to get the bargain hunters, you’re going to get the coupon shoppers, you’re going to get the bond patients, you’re going to get the patients that aren’t super compliant, don’t follow through not wellness. And that doesn’t mean we can’t serve them. It I’m not dogging on them at all right? We can we can help anybody with the spine, right? It’s pretty simple. But in the world of what is the energy of what you want to bring into your practice? If I find that a doctor struggling with what is that specific type of patient that I like to go to, okay, talk to me about your people. Who are the people you love to be with? What’s a vibe? What’s the personality? Like? What do they want to do? How do they like to fill their time? How they like to live, right? Because when people actually fill your practice with those people, and then that’s when the light bulb typically turns on, and they’re like, Oh, got it. Okay, now, who these people are like, think about your friends. Think about your favorite patients, the
Justin Trosclair 27:27
one who’s your most annoying patients? Why are they so annoying to you? Why do you hate when they come in? That’s what you don’t want to have in your when it was the opposite? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 27:35
exactly. And sometimes that’s needed, right. And that’s where I find a lot of a lot of doctors come to me because they want to run away from what hasn’t worked. They want to walk away from what they don’t like. And sometimes that’s the best place to start. What do you hate? what’s not working for you? And a lot of times, I’ll hear things like the long days, the insurance grind, marketing all over the place, patients are following through no time for vacations, no money in their bank account. Like right now we know all of that stuff. Let’s look at the opposite. And let’s actually craft what you want. It can feel like a big gap for a lot of doctors, because, you know, they just we’ve been taught that there is a certain way and how to practice. So even when it comes to the type of people you want to work with a lot of it comes down to really like what is your what’s that energy? What are the qualities that you really appreciate? So for me, it was somewhat easy in the sense that I love working with athletes. I I knew it from the echo an athletic patient says and associate, I knew that’s what I wanted to go after. But why did I like them? Well, it’s because they had a zest for life. They were always pushing their limits, their tenacious creatures that are always thinking of what’s the next thing to do, what’s the next fear to overcome? What’s the next personal best second set, and I knew I wanted to fill my practice with that kind of fire, the people who are so on, not people who are just kind of hundreds of walking through life. So because of that, then my message and my marketing and my essence, shine through and everything in my practice. So it wasn’t just doing marketing, a chiropractic adjustment or marketing a new patient visit. But it was using messaging that that correlated with those qualities. So when the right people read it, they’re like, Oh, I like the sound of this. Like this. Yeah, me, you know what I mean? So you have to like put out that vibe of what do you want to attract? So to come back to you, because the desperate tactics do not work? I’ve seen it time and time again. I’ve experienced it too. So I’m very protective of my people who want to go down that path working harder, not smarter. Ever.
Justin Trosclair 29:41
Couple of random follows here on this one. I interview someone think it’s next week’s podcast, and you’ll be the week after that person. So if you’re mixed mixed to confuse that with everyone, just bear with it. But I was asking was like, hey, do you get to see patients more than once a week home call house call type of setting? And then when you are at somebody’s place? Are you ready to like put a sign out? Or like, Hey, can you try to tell your buddies in the here since we’re already at this at your neighborhood? Maybe you have like four or five neighbors that might want the same thing? And we can just
Unknown Speaker 30:10
Yeah, yeah, sure. So So two part question. First question is how many times to see a patient right? And that’s the thing to chiropractic, right? It’s super common that you’re going to see patients to three times a week have one? Yeah, for sure. So you absolutely can there’s no reason why you can’t a lot of doctors think that they can’t because of the fees, because we charge more in house calls. And then it’s unbelievable, competing, supported and all that stuff. So it’s so much mine, that they still need the care, they still need the care, right? And now they’re paying for the convenience. So you absolutely can and a lot of times doctors will ask, Well, you know, How many times should I treat a patient? How should I manage their cases like that’s, that’s for That’s for you to decide? Because it’s up to you in terms of how many trees do you think that patient needs, you’re just going to their health. That’s the only difference. The only difference. Now, there is something typically noticed, though, that I noticed for myself, with my clients is that when it comes to house calls, one of the common threads is that doctors want to spend more time with their patients, they feel too rushed in practice. So a lot of doctors will go from seeing patients every five to seven to 10 minutes. And we’ll spend 20 to 30 minutes with a patient because typically, what doctors will want to do is they’ll want to provide more services, I’ll have so many doctors come to me and say I want to do soft tissue, I want to do rehab, I want to do nutrition, I want to do ergonomics, I want to do more posture work. So when they switch to these longer appointments, what they’ll typically find is that patients actually need less frequent care, because they’re allowing their patients to be more advocates, better advocates, excuse me, because they can do more appointments. But in turn, they’re also providing more care per appointment. And I noticed that myself, I was at a free three visits a week, associate ship, and I will go down to one visit a week, typically at the beginning. Now if I had an athlete with an injury, a major sprain strain, repetitive stress, you actually would see him a couple times a week, for the first several weeks. It just depended on the case. But yeah, you could absolutely see patients exactly as you would in private practice, you’re just around a brick and mortar, you’re just going to their home or office. But I would also say that doctors can give themselves levity, and that if they’re providing more care service, TLC, odds are in your favor, that patients may accelerate faster. And it’s a win win. Because you get to spend more time with your patients charging more for your services, you’re getting it as cash, you’re getting paid directly. So you you actually make more profitable practice and make it into more wellness faster. So with your second question, which I forgot,
Justin Trosclair 32:42
I shouldn’t have done that.
I caught a cold, you’re in a neighborhood, you’re at Bob’s house, do you put a sign you have a sign on your door, you’re like, Hey, dude, you probably have 15 neighbors, maybe a couple of those people. I’m already here. For sure. It’s my time wisely. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 32:57
you know, never, I would probably personally never, never culture recommends someone to actually put up signage in front of someone’s home or office just because it’s their own private space, right. That being said, though, something that can work really nice is to actually have some type of branding on your car, you can absolutely bet. So if you’re driving by and someone sees you, eight, they can give you a call or check out your website. Sure, you can absolutely do that. But what I find is more powerful marketing as a whole with house calls is just that power of word of mouth. That power of providing a really exquisite experience for your patients that they’re not going to get from a typical brick and mortar practice, especially if a doctor is willing to go into their home or office providing the more time that in and of itself is going to be one of the best marketing tools ever and making sure that you understand how to ask for referrals. That’s one of the best ways that you can actually grow in different neighborhoods or different locations is that power of word of mouth and it makes you think one of my favorite experiences with my it’s called practice was I would have three, like three friends really great friends, lifelong friends, they would meet at one house every other week. So the three of them as long as every other week, they’d all be hating live work on it as a time and that means they hang out with each other was phenomenal was a great experience. So that can happen very organically cheap, I thought both of the homesteading doesn’t have to, or all of a sudden you see one employee and other and they start the share? Oh, yeah, that I think
Unknown Speaker 34:34
encourage you to put signage in front of them and just
Unknown Speaker 34:37
is much more effective. Much more effective with
Unknown Speaker 34:42
that, yes. What a really powerful model for sure.
Justin Trosclair 34:45
Okay. See, I think when I, when I look at that, I think you should have a good business card. There’s a lot of generic dumb business cards that we all have. But you’re gonna be mobile. I don’t know, some no business cards on everything, because it’s about the personal connection. But I would think you’d want a quality maybe from moo.com or something like that. But just something where you see you’re like, Oh, this is high quality. This is set setting you apart a weird shape. I don’t know something, you’re gonna be around a lot of people, and you’re gonna have to try to get them your information somehow. It’s not like, Oh, I’m on the corner of 100 and fourth and church rates. What? Right? No, you’re not.
Unknown Speaker 35:18
Right, you’re not? Well, what’s interesting is your your you may laugh and be a little surprising me say this, but I actually try to encourage my clients more often than not to not market with a business card as much as possible. Sometimes I’ll actually answer a few in a second. So like she said, doctors are really dependent on the business card, because I’ve had dogs who will market and they’ll say, hey, my business cards today, and then they’ll feel really good about it. And I’ll say, how many patients from that? Well, none so far. So
Justin Trosclair 35:49
did you talk to them? Or did you just give them a call directly?
Unknown Speaker 35:51
So some of the really like to throw a challenge question from my private clients, and they love me before, because they’ll do like a two week challenge. It says, Okay, the next two weeks single business card, we’re going to mark it completely differently. Because what tends to happen is I see marketing is two different sides, you have passive marketing and active marketing, passive marketing, which I totally do, because that’s completely scared to market a product super shy, introverted, I would do that I’d go to networking events, packing up the business card, hoping it was fancy fancy and my website or give me a call, or I’d sneak it to the stores, you know, that little area where they put the flyers, I’m going to pick up a really good looking flyer, and this is going to get patients and that all I would do yet I would fill my date, so much stuff, but there’s no opportunity to be the doctor marketing that way. And I love to talk about marketing the standpoint of being the doctor because doctors tend to freak out when it comes to marketing. And I’m in marketing, what do I say? do it the right way. But in turn, if you actually think about being the doctor and stop passing stuff out, hoping it’ll work and be active in your marketing, and had conversations with people, educate people in your community, when you have someone that you’re talking with at an event, have a conversation with them about health, if they’re having trouble, then invite them to work with you invite them to a consultation, new patient, right. So are our job as doctors is to be leaders, right? To lead individuals, their communities, state of higher health and well being and you’re not going to do that passing on a card. Now my friend, if it is a good looking business, for that can absolutely help. We just can’t depend on it. So when doctors are going out and they’re doing health fair, like doing a health bar, building stuff on their website, it’s out on the media page, you can’t just throw out a bunch of content or share a bunch of stuff, all the people will like you, you have to propel the person to action. And you propel people to action by really doing two things, one, call them connect with what their pain is not so much in a physical sense. But how is their current state of impacting their quality of life? What can’t they do? What are they afraid to do? How’s that affecting their day to day life? have anyone honest conversation with them, or when you’re doing a talk about a health talk, do it about a topic, don’t
Unknown Speaker 38:24
do it about something your people care about a topic that we’re about
Unknown Speaker 38:29
when you get people to really connect with like, what’s been within them, that that they know they need to get fixed, that are putting up beds or putting it off at the top go there, educate that on that have conversations about that do talks about those sites, they do that. And then if you do the second thing of actually propelling someone to have an action with you to sign up for your newsletter, join your group or get email list sign up for a consult. That is for marketing effective. So many doctors will bang their heads saying I’ve marketed 10 hours this week, and nothing’s happened. And it’s because they’re just passing stuff out. So so that’s why I like to throw out the challenge of don’t use a business card, because it forces you to be that doctor and be that leader in your community and really get people to wake up which is I think part of why we’re in this profession to begin with, wake up to their health again, don’t just accept it as it is, you know?
Justin Trosclair 39:28
Yeah. Before we jump into a little bit of the books, people always hate know somebody, do they ever you ever get the doctor, just another guru trying to make a buck on the chiropractic people? Do you ever get that kind of stuff? And he had to deal with it? You know, I? That’s a great
Unknown Speaker 39:42
question. I haven’t haven’t gotten that a ton. I mean, look, there’s bullies out there. I have gotten hate around the house call model. I have gotten hate around people who really love high volume really love brick and mortar saying that, you know, what I’m doing will never work or Sham or it’s a farce or this is a joke. And there’s there’s this how, yeah, exactly. There’s no way that this can work. And, you know, I’ve had people threatened to sue me because I’m preaching a business model that actually isn’t doesn’t effective, I’m like, actually is very effective. So I haven’t had the just another guru and someone’s trying to just make a buck, though I know it’s out there. But for me, I mean, it’s been very rare. Like I could probably count on two hands in the past, like, five years of consulting that I’ve had someone on Facebook put out a hateful message, but it typically because it’s someone who probably, I’m guessing either really loves high volume, or they’ve been so attached to high volume brick and mortar that they don’t know any different. And they feel really, really stuck in it that I’m an easy target. Because here I am coming in find the Youngblood saying, hey, there’s this completely different way to practice? No, I haven’t gotten not what I have good night. Yeah, I mean, they’re always Okay, I’ll hear from doctors who would really love to work with me. And they really love to sign up for my program. And, and maybe they feel like they can’t afford it at the time, and they want to do it later. I’ll get that sometimes, you know, but it’s also in fairness. Because you know, so system to pay a lot of people in private practice, a lot of times don’t make a lot. When that happens. My job is to be their advocate, and help get creative and either figuring out what are different ways they can make an investment in themselves? Or two, are they just afraid to make that step? If they know in their heart of hearts, they want to transition to house calls, that are terrified out of their mind to drop a couple thousand to work with a consultant because maybe they’ve worked with a coach in the past and it hasn’t worked? Maybe they’re, maybe they’re afraid that house calls won’t work for them. Maybe they’re afraid they’re going to get a coach doesn’t listen to them. Really make sure
Justin Trosclair 41:47
you spend the money and you can’t get out of it.
Unknown Speaker 41:49
Yeah, exactly. I’m stuck. Yeah, exactly. Which is why I try to be super transparent. I mean, look like you could go to my website and learn all about the program, like what it costs, what it includes, and everything. If you have questions, you can email me anytime. Sometimes, like TV on the phone, if people are really stuck and want to know more about me in the program on my great, you tell me all of your questions, you tell me all of your fears. Let’s flush it out. Let’s also make sure this is a good fit, right? I want to make sure I’m a good fit for you. And you’re a good fit for me, because I don’t like to take on everybody if they’re not a good fit either. So a lot of times, the most common question, which is, which is really more of a fear of action is kind of fit underneath that is typically a I’m afraid to fail. And because of that I’m afraid to invest in my future.
Justin Trosclair 42:33
Cuz I could put that on a credit card. If I had to. Yeah, I don’t want to, but I might have to because that’s the only way I can do it.
Unknown Speaker 42:39
Yeah, or maybe I just put it on two credit cards, or any of them say that’s where my I never like to sell people. And I think unfortunately, we get sold a lot on a lot of things. I think, you know, not so much gurus and stuff. And I think in the online space, right by this new thing, get this new thing, get this new package program or 297 400.
Justin Trosclair 42:59
Yeah, that was worth 45. Guys.
Unknown Speaker 43:02
Yeah, exactly. Which is why honestly, like when I in any of my training, like free training videos, or webinars, or if I get on the phone with someone, I don’t talk about price until the way, way way and because I want to make sure that this person, this potential client is someone that I know, I can genuinely help. But also like have read amounts. Yeah, and also what’s really going on in their mind, right, because a lot of doctors are just terrified that they’re going to be stuck and burned out and are going to have to leave a profession they thought they’d spent a lifetime doing. And those are really deep fears when you’ve got a six figure student loan debt, staring you down, and you’ve got bills every month, and you’ve got kids to take care of. So I, I really love to be that that empath and just be like, tell me about your life, tell me where you’re struggling. Nuts. Now create a future for what you want. And I’m also real, you know, I never say if you work with me going to get these results, I can’t guarantee that just like we can’t guarantee results with a patient, I can guarantee how I show up. And then if I’m working with someone who is defiantly committed to change in their way of life, when we can create some magic, but I have to sometimes let them see that in themselves because they’ve been so beaten down. Or their self esteem is kind of in the trenches, because they’ve been paid crap. They’re working their tail off, they’re not the type of Doctor they want to be. So part of its just rebuilding them back up again, to help them understand what they can really do. And that’s also I enjoy that I help I love helping to wake people back up and see, well, this is what they can actually do. This is what’s possible.
Justin Trosclair 44:38
What is that website
Unknown Speaker 44:39
house called practice.com. If people want to get information specifically on who I am, my program, how I help all the informations there. I’ve got house call specific books there. I’ve got free training there. I’ve got information on my programs right there. And I have two different programs. I have an eight week health call practice program. And I also have a coaching session where people already have a social skill practices. So all the animals aren’t there. And then if people get to know more about me on the more performance, burnout life, unconventional life side, then they can go to Dr. Jenn fiverr.com. And everything’s there too.
Justin Trosclair 45:17
So this might be funny, maybe not. I didn’t even know about the house call practice consultant before we got on this call. Oh, that’s like, I saw you like your house called practice person. Cool. She wrote a book. That’s kind of cool, too. And, you know, kind of like the transformation type things. I was like, yeah, let’s see show Come on. And then you got all this other stuff? And I’m like, Yes. A bonus.
Unknown Speaker 45:38
Yeah, yeah, no, actually a lot of my so everything about how I transitioned into, like two separate interviews, like what I need, like, when it comes to, like, I’m getting listened to you probably the house call stuff is maybe more relevant. But um, yeah, so on that, like, actually to two books related to build a house called practice on that site. So people just want to just want to read into it a little bit, you’ll see it right on the website, just go to books, and they’re right there when it’s kind of like a shorter ebook guide. And then the other is more of a longer breaking down my story on lessons my journey, so I can share that with others. That’s, that’s all on there, too. And that’s really, that’s really where I started to find my voice, both as an author and as a consultant. Because everything about a house call practices, unconventional, everything. Right, it’s low volume, it’s low overhead, it’s more time patients, it’s charging more per person per appointment. It’s cash versus insurance. I mean, you can’t get much more unconventional than than the brick and mortar model. And I love that about this practice model, because who I am as a person and who I love to attract are those people who just do not fit the mold. And and it is my hope that over time over the next five to 10 years that this model gets more readily embraced with, I’d love to be able to spearhead it where this type of curriculum is actually in schools where students can get more exposed to this work, continuing education about it, I’d love to be able to spearhead some of that stuff. Because it’s I’m never going to be wanted to tell to say that high volume is wrong. I’m never going to be one to say that you should not do brick and mortar. My mission is just to let people know if they don’t fit in that world. Here’s another path for you, my friend.
Justin Trosclair 47:24
We don’t even know that there was an option.
Unknown Speaker 47:26
No, we’re not exposed to it. Not at all. And I remember when I decided to start my house called practice and location aside, a lot of doctors would say to me, oh, it’ll never work. They see. Everyone wants to use their insurance. No one’s going to want to pay you cash. I had colleagues who were in typical brick and mortar saying, well, this will never work. And people will never pay you more all of these things. And I could have so listened to those naysayers and I just want to give a little love to people who are listening to this, that if there are naysayers in your life, that talking you out of a path that gets you excited, you have to turn on that noise. And every time I had someone criticize my path in my head, I would just say, watch me, just watch me watch and see what I’m going to create. I had to be that tenacious for myself, because when I started my house called practice, I’ve been in this empty one bedroom apartment, I have nothing but a mattress, I have no sense. I have no money. I have called my mom bawling like a baby. Because I had no idea what I was doing. But I knew I couldn’t turn back. I knew brick and mortar wasn’t for me. And in that moment, I remember thinking someday, one how other people who feel exactly like I do. I never wanted other people to feel alone like I did. Because in that moment, God, I felt so alone. I mean, there was no other teaching you how to do this stuff, I would see like, there’s like a random dude in Florida went to bed, and he would treat patients in his van and stuff that was cool. Not not from like that, that mentor at mama bear, I’m going to take you under my wing to show you how to do this. And I got you. I remember that feeling. It was very, very, very visceral. But in light of being really just finally committed to what you want. Sometimes it is going to go completely against the grain and sometimes completely against the grain even with the people that love you the most. And that’s that’s tricky. You have to really listen,
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I’m in China. How many doctors you know, I know about five that have made it. So China and me and this other guy. We’ve been here three to five years, and that’s unheard of. Yeah. And
Unknown Speaker 49:35
they’re not gonna do it comfortable. comfortable. We we talked about the dispatch before the interview started, right. I was telling you, I did my preceptor ship in New Zealand. And I remember people thinking, well, you shouldn’t do that. Like, what about the ports? What are the board regulations? How will you find a clinic and all of these things, but it’s like, Yeah, but I want to do this. Like, you could have stayed comfortable in the States as could have it. But you didn’t want to you had your reasons. But how sad that that have been? Had you not? Yeah, had you not made that move? Right? How different would you have been? How not? Would you have that right? I do not?
Justin Trosclair 50:10
Who knows what I would be doing right now? Yeah, I have no idea. Like my own mentality where I’d be at definitely would be podcast. Yeah, that’s for sure. Sure, I must have been great.
Unknown Speaker 50:19
I think about that, too. I think about if I decided to stay as an associate, I could have stayed there, I could have stayed and eventually built bass and bass and eventually made some kind of decent cash. But I think about, you know, I think about doctors I talked to, and I say this so lovingly, who have been stuck in a practice that they do not like for 510 20 years. And a long time. It’s a long time and it’s scary to change. And the longer you’re in a situation, it’s even harder to make that change. So that’s why that’s why my, my mama bear totally kicks in. I’m like, Okay, let’s, let’s get all the junk out of what you’re afraid of and and really figure this out. So you have a clear plan of what’s up. What’s the lookout? But I think that’s just it. Like, if, boy, if you’re in a position right now in life where you are not happy with where you’re at, it’s really a matter of taking a simple choice. Because in the worst case scenario, let’s just see fail. Let’s say you went to China, and you practice totally, completely bombed, right? Nothing worked. Figure it out anyways, you do something different, but at least you could look back and say you tried, you gave it a go. Right. That’s how I felt the house calls. That’s how I felt when I switched online. I taught when I wrote a book. Oh, that was just like, well, I want to do I’m going to at least give it a go. And I’ve been plenty of things in my business where I’ve had plenty of ideas, programs, marketing campaigns that have completely tanked. Horrible, but I haven’t sold anything. And then I realized, well, that’s okay, I’ll just create something different, or I’ll communicate it.
Justin Trosclair 51:48
Yeah, they can’t take away what you learned to that experience.
Unknown Speaker 51:51
Yeah, no way that’s lessons are there.
Justin Trosclair 51:53
This was nice to about if you have a brick and mortar and you’re thinking about this, nobody said you have to close the door, you’re probably in the lease. So you could just take a day or two and just try it and commit Tuesdays and Thursdays Yeah. And then if it really got skin big, you can always sublease your building, sell it to somebody else. I mean, you can kind of figure it out. Yeah, I had one quick question before we switch gears, just like you know, two more questions or so forth? So the books that you have, yeah, if we were to buy those books, would we get enough knowledge to where we can say, I’m good to go? Or would it be enough for me? Like maybe I can get it to go if I know what I’m doing. But I think I need to do the week program. Does that make sense? Sometimes our books are so good. We like wow, I just gave away the farm if people just would know how to do it.
Unknown Speaker 52:34
Yeah, for sure. It’s really, really great question. And so there’s two ways I can answer it is there’s there’s two types of people that I find, right, there are people who are as do it yourself as possible, they just want to scratch the surface and know kind of the core concepts and the core ideas. And if I know the framework, and I can run with it, let me just give it a go. So on that side of the coin, if you’re you know, I just want to understand a little bit what this is about learning.
Justin Trosclair 53:02
Should I do this,
Unknown Speaker 53:03
I’ll drop 1015 bucks. And let me just read the book and see what I can figure out. Sure. But I intentionally like I didn’t, I didn’t write the book. So my book so much so that it’s a, like a play by play full detailed strategic plan. I talk really conceptually about what the model is because a lot of doctors have very fundamental conceptual questions that I’d like a few, a few books, just to break down everything from soup to nuts. So right, you know, in fairness, if you’re the type of Doctor that’s like, I just wanted my toe in the pool, I have no idea what I’m doing. I have no idea what I’m getting myself into, I don’t even know if I want to do this, then yeah, get a bug, that’s fine. Start there. I have free training on there. Like, there’s like free three part mini course, like, take that. See. And then I have people who want to dive deeper, I have people who know they want to do it. Who know they want to do house calls. They know they want to do it, right. They love the idea of accountability. They want to make sure they have an actual method on how to do it. And that’s the programs for so there’s really two different camps of people. And for people who are really considering the program. One of the things I always like to talk about two is there’s always that investment up front. But it’s always like what, what’s the like? What do you want this to look like for the course of your life, I think is really important. Because after eight weeks, people get at the set of content, many ways that they still get it for life. So it’s really no big deal. You just buy it once you have it. But I think that really depends on the person. So I have different resources available, because I understand that people are crossing paths with me very, very different moments of interest or desire commitment. So if they’re kind of like the lower, I’m not really sure cool, get the free training at the book, read all the blogs on the website. But if you know that you want structure, and you’re you’ve tried it before, and it hasn’t worked, or you want to you need to start making money and get the successful as fastest as possible, then follow the method in the program would make the most sense, you’re actually gonna save money and time doing it that way. But that’s, that’s why I have it for both ends to really serve people based on where they’re at. So yeah, great question. I’m glad you asked that.
Justin Trosclair 55:14
All right, because I know I’ve been known to buy a book, read a blog, watch a video or take a coach up on their $99 program like Hey, 99 is way better than 2099. So, uh, yeah, for $99 is like, yeah, I’ll do this program for a month and just kind of get my feet wet. And yeah, then you realize, like, I’m glad I didn’t spend $3,000 on this person. So
Unknown Speaker 55:38
anyway, there’s the other argument to right. That’s the thing, like, those resources should be available like most most people who are in a space like myself, should have resource available for someone to make sure is this really what they want to do and what they want to pursue it. My other on the flip side of that, though, and it’s a it’s a mild pet peeve, and I say it lovingly is that this is not practice model, you can build on mandates. This is not not something where you could ask one question, or get one answer or read one post and do it right. Because a lot of times what I’ll find are two things. There’s the strategic side of this and how to do it, right. But the deeper part of this is the mindset piece. Every single doctor comes to me with head trash about the conventional model, what they feel that they’re supposed to do, and make a lot of common mistakes up front, that my goal is how to help actually literally rebuild their mindset into more of an unconventional space. So they’re in alignment with what they want. Because it’s like when you’re trying to take care of a patient, and you’re thinking, Oh, no, I’ll just give them a quick adjustment, right? If a patient comes to you, and it’s like, you know, I got a headache. Yeah, I’ve got this cervical curve. It’s completely out of whack. Yeah, the car accident, right? I mean, that’s the analogy I think of. And if you were to adjust that patient one time, sure, they’ll probably feel better, right? If you’re good chiropractor, and you’ve taken away some of their pain, awesome. Have you created a transformation? No, odds are not right, you’ve kind of fixed that curve, you’ve probably not changed other muscles firing probably not saved their neurology in their cervical spine, there’s, there’s a transformation that has to happen. And with that requires a commitment. So that’s where like, the people I do my best work with are the ones who are super committed to this. Like, I don’t work with people who want the band aid approach. And I say it lovingly, if you do want to do that, then check out all the other resources I’ve got. But if you want to dive in and work as a team, my friend, I got you. So but again, that’s my love with perspectives. You know,
Justin Trosclair 57:34
I think that makes a lot of sense. Because of the we’re conditioned one way for 10 years. 20 years. Yeah. And then to just jump ship and do something else. You’re gonna have a lot of roadblocks. Yeah, switching gears, I like to go personal. There’s a lot of people, you know, they make six figures, double, triple six figures, and then they get divorced or whatever. And I hate that. Right. And then also, people like to take more vacation. And from what I’ve heard, you are heading out of the states, and you are going to do this whole consulting thing worldwide.
Yeah. Tell me about that a little bit.
Unknown Speaker 58:04
Yeah, so it’s pretty exciting. So I’ve always been an explorer at heart. I’ve always loved traveling. But ironically, and you know, earlier years of practice, I just never carved out the time to do it. And then there’s just there’s just no no room for that. And so part of my transition into house calls, having that practice for six years, and then an online consultant is have the freedom of time. So since 2009, my work is bad. And for the most part, time, you know, I’m working, I’m working on a half day basis are now things are very online, and I can do my work from anywhere. So I’m completely location independent. And ironically, one of my clients, I’m actually coaching her out of her healthcare practice now into becoming location independent, because she realized that she wants even more freedom. So I think for me, bands always been a big deal more than even money, right? Because I feel like if I, I can have a lifestyle, where my time is my own work from anywhere in the world, my needs is very minimal, and my possessions are very minimal. That gives me a whole different type of freedom. So that’s what’s great about being online. Now, as a consultant is I can work with clients from anywhere. They’re mainly states based, but I don’t need to see them in person, right. It’s all virtual virtual programs, virtual coaching, it’s anywhere in the world. And for the longest time, I wanted to do a trip around the world and spend months exploring different parts of the planet. And I just never was really able to do it. Private Practice, that was one thing, you can’t really take off 18 months doing that.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Also 18 days,
Unknown Speaker 59:43
right. And also, when I’m with my partner, he and I had a had a dog. And so it’s really hard to travel internationally with the dog. There’s like, countries like Australia and the UK, like the quarantines are crazy. So all of this stuff. And so I so my plan is starting in October to be hundred percent nomadic. So I have my awesome home base here in the mountains of Utah, but I’m going to be 100% nomadic for minimum 12, probably 18 months, and then I’m going to start my journey down in Australia and New Zealand, and then a couple months there, then move up to Southeast Asia spent a couple of months there, and then move to Europe. But there’s no clear plan. It’s a one way ticket to Australia. And no clear that after that. And I I intentionally wanted to design it that way. Because I like the idea of that unknown. And that novelty not exactly knowing how this is going to all unfold and part of why I’m doing it is well, it’s just going to be an amazing experience. But in I core, we all have these different sides of ourselves, right? Like there’s the doctor side and the practice side. And then you have the husband wife, partner, Mother Father side, right. One of the sides I’ve just not expressed enough is that this who wants to travel and share about my my stories of exploring and and in turn, it’s not just from a self, you know, discovery standpoint, but it is my hope to also inspire other people that have that are things that they’re putting on hold. They have their bucket list that they keep putting on hold until they retire. Oh, no. What No, what can they actually do to start to live into that? Now, sooner in life, it’s hard to experience those things. So part of my hope and doing that is also you know, sharing my own lessons that I’ve learned and and sharing what’s crazy scary about this journey. What’s exciting, what’s liberating, what am I learning and discovering to
Justin Trosclair 1:01:41
really live?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
I’ll probably do like Airbnb as one of my favorite
Justin Trosclair 1:01:47
because Australia New Zealand is crazy expensive.
This is like where are you gonna go cuz you gotta make a lot of money.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
It’s funny you say that it’s actually not the Australian dollars really week now compared to the American dollar, American dollars, like $1 60 per Australian dollar. So it’s actually really cheap to live in Australia and New Zealand right now. So it’s a really, really good time. Yeah, if you’d like a currency conversion economically, the Australian dollars, not performance. Great. Actually just need some new friends Australia. Yeah, I did like a three week tour in Canada and I made some friends from Australia. They said this is the perfect time to come. unfortunate. It’s not the great time for them to come to the States. But it’s a great right now travel to Australia. But I love that I love I’ll be bringing a suitcase and a backpack that will accommodate everything I need from outdoor trekking, hiking, some mountaineering, that I want to start to get into everything that I need for work, professional clothes, all of that. So I love that. I love stripping away everything I know and and walking away and doing something different. It’s cleansing. And I think that’s where sometimes it’s so easy to get caught in like the routine of life and the structure of life. But we really are creatures of novelty. We really all like love to have like new things, new stimuli. It’s why it’s why we love to travel. That’s why we love to taste new food. It’s why we love go somewhere and explore. My goal is to create as much of a life that’s filled with novelty as possible. So I’m really excited for the journey. I’m excited to share it along the way to
Justin Trosclair 1:03:21
recommend two places. Sure. All right, we’re gonna go to Thailand, right? Yeah, of course. Yes.
Okay. Who kit? Have you heard of
Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
that place? of a really good friend who goes there and here says it’s amazing.
Justin Trosclair 1:03:31
Yeah, yeah. It’s gonna be great.
Yeah, I mean, you’re gonna go to these private islands and snorkel and see the amazing and you just not gonna want to work that day. And a place that you may not have thought about Cambodia.
Oh, good. No, there is
you look it up. It’s like ancient ruins in Cambodia. Like Angkor Wat is one of the place places Yeah. believable. It is. I mean, if you just went for like four days and just like really be a massive tourist. Get in there. Get out like
Unknown Speaker 1:04:00
yeah, so beautiful.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Like you could ride your bikes through these 3000 year old ruins and all the crazy stuff. I mean, hands down. I don’t know if I go back because already been. But
Justin Trosclair 1:04:10
yeah, it was
Unknown Speaker 1:04:13
amazing. And I appreciate that. Well, I think that’s part of it, too, is they’re the things that are much more on the map of Thailand like everyone would say if you’re go to Southeast Asia go to Thailand, but I’ve even had friends say go to like Laos and like me Mr. Like go to the smaller countries. It’s still not a lot of people have discovered so I appreciate those recommendations.
Justin Trosclair 1:04:32
I’m going to culture appropriate at some point in hope for Halloween. I went to minima Burma, we went to I went to the beach, my wife went climb a mountain that’s 21,000 feet in the air. Yeah. And I was like, I’m not doing that. And I have to leave the country. So I went there. And you see definitely a massive difference between like the resort you’re staying in and then two miles down the street where the people that work there. And all the guys were these like fabric skirts.
Yeah, like everybody just wears that.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So you know, of course as a tourist is like now so got me my wife one and we will run on Taiwan time in China. Yeah. I think it’ll be like a Halloween costume one day cuz this is not the time of the year in America where you could really get away with wearing right.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
It’s more like an association, right? Like now there’s a memory because you have that piece of clothing from there, but it wouldn’t be like yeah, acceptable, I guess. But maybe we’re not shot glass people busted nor to despair it. That’s it? Yeah, you love it. That’s
Justin Trosclair 1:05:25
great. But I’m not buying magnets. We bought magnets for fridges. That was the only thing we really bought. We were like when you something small they can fit in the box. And we can leave with something crazy a bunch of T shirts with Thailand written on it.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:37
Really like the accumulating stuff. I’d rather accumulate like memories through photos or races like what your wife does, like I love like, I love epic lines. I love epic hiking, or something that’s like very, very personal. One of my favorite souvenirs if you will came from when I was in Peru last year, and you got the city’s approval there. There’s things for us to look the same for the while at the same tchotchkes the same blankets and it’s all beautiful. But we were doing this two day hike in the Sacred Valley and there was an overnight hike where we camped by these Inca ruins, it was the most amazing experience and we’re at about probably 13,000 feet and there are these two women knitting along the trail and they have these hand woven goods I if I can show it spin it around I have its textile and there was this table runner that they had just finished weaving yeah that that I I want to have this because made me think of like these amazing people and this amazing culture and picture exactly the same the still the terraces on the mountains where they still performing just like the things that like there’s so much memory in that, you know, for me and I those are always my favorite kind of souvenirs of like, what can take you back to a place so like that piece of clothing. I totally did it because it just it takes you back there even if you swear to the privacy of your home.
Justin Trosclair 1:07:03
Right? It’s still like Cambodia. Yeah, we got a couple of placements for your dinner table. You know if your table you put your plate on top.
Yeah, we got something like that. We’re like, Yeah,
that’ll be you know, we’ve seen that before. I’m telling you, my mom has all these, these a fine china from who knows how many generations? I’m not buying plates ever again. I’m gonna just borrow the fine china. And I’m just going to use them and if they break, cuz I’m not carrying that around for 30 years. Like you have like, I can live in two suitcases. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 1:07:31
Unknown Speaker 1:07:35
Yeah, well, and I think that’s that’s sort of like a common theme that I really love to work with people on is how to letting go of the things that you’re attached to. And sometimes those are physical things. Sometimes those are circumstances and sometimes those are just beliefs about yourself more often than not right and how do you like Monday just go in an attic have a friend is a lot of it is like how do you part it is like detaching from things that no longer make you happy or detaching from things it just weighs you down, which is why the house call everything about my own journey. I understand like the theme of my life, because house calls allowed me to detach from everything I knew. It’s the most minimalist main practice, have car have table will travel, do house calls, and switching online, so I could strip away possessions. I like that feeling because I think we can accumulate so much baggage in our life. And that can be physical baggage. But more often than not, it’s the mental stuff, right? Who do we believe ourselves to be like, the self image issues, the questions, the confidence, and I think we need to continually cultivate ways to be fearless, maybe even a little bit reckless. Sometimes it’s just to see what we can do like this upcoming weekend, just for just to share that I practice what I preach. I’m doing my first ever mountain marathon. Now. I’ve never run a marathon in my life. I’ve never run a half marathon in my life. I’ve done like a couple five K’s. But after coming off of Canada, longest second day with a really good friend was a 20 mile hike. And then all of a sudden, I get back to Utah and I see this sign for this, this mid mountain marathon. I’m like, Okay, I’m not really a runner, my knees aren’t super great. But I’m just going to try it. I’m just going to try it and see what happens. And so I signed up for it, I’d lilium give myself a week to prepare. Last week, I did a 24 mile hike just to prepare for it. And
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
your knees are bad.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:35
Versus running like that’s totally the different
Justin Trosclair 1:09:38
walk with you. I could walk a lot.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:40
Yeah, walking in versus running very different. But But I want to do it because I’ve always wanted to pursue tougher ventures and pursue trim running and just trying to figure all that out. And I thought you know what, if I overthink this, I’m never going to do it. And I have no idea how it’s going to go. I there’s time limits that I need to hit feel a lot of doubt and pressure. But also I’m excited just to see what I can do. And and sometimes I think you can’t dip your toe in the pool. Sometimes I think you have to just go for something, even if you don’t know what the outcome is going to be and just see what happens. So I really try to live that as much in my life as possible. Because that’s where a lot of the growth happens. If sometimes you just just go for it, don’t question it. Don’t think about it so much. Don’t let that fear based part of your brain talk you out of it. I mean, I’m going to want to vomit the start of the race. I’m going to be so nervous. I know that. But But you but I think in those moments in life where you are mildly terrified, is where where that transformation is going to happen. Because you know you’re pushing yourself. So far beyond like, starting a house called practice was completely terrifying. Sometimes I thought it was completely bad for doing it. But now I look back on what I’ve been able to create and who I’ve been able to help, I wouldn’t have changed it for a thing that I would have ever done it if let the fear take hold. You know, I think that’s really, really important for all of us. We all have those fears that can hold us back if we choose. Or we can choose to just move past them.
Justin Trosclair 1:11:08
Last question here. Somehow you found a partner that is on your same wavelength, it is capable, even with you. So what is your secret to staying in love and keeping the spark in your heart? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:11:22
well, I think you look at like my partner and I like we’re not married, but we might as well move into like eight years. And I think look like in relation we’ve we’ve had the ups and downs. And I think part of what we’ve two secrets that I’ve found that we’ve really created is the first is you can never take for granted what how good, it is what you have, right? Very lucky to have someone who has a similar lifestyle as me he works online. I’ve I’ve got them into more hiking Scott more outdoors, they really share, we share more and more similarities as we actually grow through life together. And I think the first time secret is to not take that partnership for granted. I think so easily when we’re with someone 24 seven, I mean, gosh, we both work from home. So we’re together all the time, you find yourself in a position where like you just you take it for granted, take the fact that he puts a tea kettle on the stove every morning for me for granted because it’s just what he does each take that that proximity to someone to turn a life together for granted. So one practice that I found to be really helpful, and we’re not perfect at it, when we do rate is at night actually acknowledge each other for what we’ve done, acknowledge each other for what we did in the day, that could be something that that person’s just done for themselves and for their business. Or maybe they just were like a rock star with a client today, or something that we’ve done for each other. So like on Saturday, Ryan did a good part of the 24 mile hike with me he did like 17 miles for it. So that night like I really acknowledge them and like Thank you, for he’s like I was your Sherpa that day. Thank you for pushing yourself because I know this really pushes you like you haven’t done these types. So I think acknowledgments are huge. If you can take a time to daily do a daily acknowledgement of your partner of something they’ve done with you or for you. That’s really awesome. because it keeps that appreciation alive. You don’t take that for granted. Second thing I would say to is the novelty piece. I mean, we live in a beautiful part of Utah, we have a really nice, comfortable home. Nothing crazy, but it’s perfect. It’s just enough space for us. We can have a really comfortable stable life here. But we intentionally choose novelty, through travel, choosing different trails, choosing different foods, choosing different experiences, how can we continually bring more novelty into our life that keeps things fresh. And I think that’s the second key is when you can explore things in life together, you build stronger bonds, but you also create an opportunity just to always add spice, right, you’re never allowing that routine to get too too comfortable. And ironically, we find that when we travel, we’re that much more present for ourselves and with each other. And time just crawls because there’s so much new to explore. So whether you’re in a position to travel a lot or not, I would say Where can you cultivate novelty? Right? Are you doing date nights? If not, maybe do them on a Tuesday night instead of a Thursday night? Right? Are you eating the same thing every Monday? Are you going to the same coffee shop? Are you going for the same walk in your neighborhood, like rewrite it all rewrite one thing at a time and just see what happens in those micro changes. So if you acknowledge each other, and you create novelty consistently in your way of life, I think those are the biggest key to at least grab experience to have longevity and fulfillment along the way to stop perfect but it but it but that’s part of it. Right, that flow of figuring out how can you keep refining? It is a partnership? You know, it’s very different from just dating and how can you continually grow together? Having some of those common practices really builds a stronger bond I found?
Justin Trosclair 1:15:07
That’s a great answer. Thank you so much for that. So welcome. website, again was Dr. Jin fabr.com, as well as house call practice calm. Any other links that we should know about?
Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
For? Yeah, for house called practice. If you go to that website, you’ll see resources for free training books, Facebook group, lots of resources there, and doctors and Fiverr. All of my social media handles are Dr. Dennis Hopper. So Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn just saw Dr. Ben power, super simple. So the websites will be place to start and then redirect you there. If people listening if they want to learn more about building a practice model that’s really innovative. You don’t want to do brick and mortar, you want to learn more about house calls and go to house call practice calm. That’s the side that’s the websites going to be most relevant to you. If you’re in a position where you feel stuck in your life path, and you’re looking to change things up. You feeling burned out, if I’m a little bit lost, you want to change your life direction, then dr. john foster will be the site
Justin Trosclair 1:16:01
to start with. Fantastic. Thank you so much for being on the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
My pleasure. Dr. Justin. Great, I really enjoyed our conversation. And just thank you for being super thought provoking. I’ve appreciated being able to share my own journey and my own lessons and knowledge with your audience. So thanks for the opportunity.
Justin Trosclair 1:16:23
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