
E 178 Narcissism Explained with TikTok Fame Kelsey Phalen Straatmann

Narcissism and co-dependency are not healthy behaviors and KP_Straatmann of TIKTOK viral videos on these topics will explain it all for us. As a collegiate softball athlete she naturally became a personal trainer (9 years now). She was fascinated by the mental aspect of sports. When asked why she didn’t do sports psychology instead of…

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E 177 Profit First System and Onboarding Staff Sabrina Starling PhD

Discover the profit first system for doctors. Implementation, red flags, and we discuss onboarding staff to get A players. Dr. Sabrina Starling of Tap the Potential shares so many nuggets you can implement. If you treat profit like a leftover you will never have profit and for many, not much of a salary neither. The…

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E 171 Foot Strength and Shoe Sales Colin Dombroski PhD

One shoe to rule them all? I think not and Dr. Colin Dombroski will break down why that is not the case and discusses his books on foot aliments and prevention. Canadian Certified Pedorthists – design and manufacturer of foot orthotics and the rehabilitation around that. While they can’t prescribe the orthotics like a podiatrist…

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E 136 Sustainable Recovery Over Addiction Timothy Harrington of Wide Wonder

Drug use can lead to addiction or dependence: why is the difference so key? Trust vs Fear when disciplining teenagers. How to remove the stigma so you don’t suffer in silence and get the mental health they need. Wide Wonder founder Timothy Harrington. Learning to not just get off drugs and alcohol but to stay…

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E 110 Vestibular Research and Dizziness Rehab PhD cand Dr. Carlo Rinaudo, DC

Vestibular, ocular, autonomic and dizziness issues, exam findings and rehab with Carlo Rinaudo DC PhD (cand). Managing spinal and MSK conditions with chiropractic and how vestibular rehab affects the nervous system, plus we talk about neuroConnect. I didn’t know this but in Australia the term Dr is reserved for medical doctors and all others, even…

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E 101 Eight Self Destructive Processes with Dr. Diane Harner PhD and Emotional Intelligence

What are good Emotional Intelligence type tests for hiring, how stress can motivate, ways to stop procrastination, self doubt, 8 self-destructive processes to work through, sleep and brain nutrition. Dr. Diane Harner PhD neuroscientist What are some of the drawbacks to being a Type A driven personality when it comes to managing your expectations of…

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E 87 LGBTQ Patient and Doctor Interactions Dr Dana Stachowiak PhD

Exploring ways that the doctor – patient relationship with LGBTQ population can be more comfortable and inclusive. Dr. Dana Stachowiak PhD gives ample ideas and stories of doctor offices doing it right and wrong. We touch on intentions, Christianity and unknown biases we may carry. Dr. Dana Stachowiak PhD went to Western Michigan, Winthrop University…

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E 72 Relationship Ending Behaviors—Detect and Prevent by Divorce Coach Jeannine Lee

Relationship red flags, dysfunctional communication, parent child dynamics, balancing the other: these are covered so you don’t get divorced. If you do Jeannine Lee’s Beyond Divorce book and Group Recovery groups is a must to listen to. Learn about yourself and process all the tumultuous emotions. Jeannine Lee, author of Beyond Divorce , has a…

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E 65 Learn A Book From The Author in 15 Minutes Dr Alex Mehr Phd Mentor Box

Imagine not merely reading a book but learning it via video and having reference material in just 15 minutes. The book taught by the author for less than a monthly online TV streaming service. The product is MentorBox and the CEO is Alex Mehr PhD. Based on his Billion in sales from 30 products, he…

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