Episode 31: Concussion Specialist and Franchise Chiropractor Dr Rich Baez Atlas Upper Cervical Specific

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Dr. Rich Baez DC talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast

Dr. Rich Baez DC adjusts c1 (Atlas) and c2 (Axis) only in a franchise chiropractic company called The Specific.  One of the reasons he decided to focus on just the upper cervical is because of his own post-concussion syndrome symptoms being resolved.

Can CSF in your brain stagnant and cause symptoms?  What does Dr Baez find when he does  5 xrays including a motion x-ray of atlas axis.  The technique is called Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific and can be found at www.specfic.com around the world.  Dr Shawn Dill is the creator and business hub of The Specific franchise and you can get very similar adjustments at all worldwide locations.  He doesn’t do a sales pitch for the franchise, but based on the conversation you can see a side of chiropractic that most have not heard of yet.

He carved his niche as not only an upper cervical atlas office but read the book >>>>>  and it helped him focus on finding post-concussion type patients.

Listen how he relates a cardiac surgeon, Jimmy Kimmel’s new baby and breaking through medical limitations with his style of upper cervical treatment.  Find out why over 50 people from Norway have flown to Boulder to receive his treatment.

The upper neck is like the top of a chain floating in space. Don’t get that one straight, and regardless of the other adjustments, the spine will continue to adapt to poor position.

The upper neck is like the top of a chain floating in space. #behindthecurtain

Offer certainty that what you offer the patient will help them. 

Shadow other doctors that are successful, you can see what you like and Don’t like

Volunteers helping kids in the court system: lends an ear, encouraging to study, play sports etc

If you don’t have a clear vision, how do you even pursue your goals? 

Have an accountability partner to share goals and struggles. 

Hear you host get super excited mid way in the episode with a random nugget of personal revelation.

Podcast he loves:  Shawn Dill  Black Diamond Club

Books:  John Grisham

 Michael Port Book Yourself Solidhow to identify, attract and market to your specific favorite ideal client

www.thespecfic.com rich@thespecfic.com

travel tip: [su_box title=”Travel Tip” box_color=”#292929″ title_color=”#D56A00″]check different sites for best deals [/su_box]

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/31 here you can also find links to things mentioned, the Travel Tip and the transcript.

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 31, concussion specialist, franchise chiropractor. I’m your host, Dr. Justin trust color and today, we’re Dr. Rich by his perspective

for doctors who want a thriving practice and abundant home life, listen as your host, Dr. Justin shows Claire goes behind the curtain and your doctors and guess about real world triumph, drug, practical tips and entertainment on this episode of a doctor’s perspective.

Today on the show, we got something a little bit new, we have a Doctor of Chiropractic, not only does the only adjust the first two bones in your neck, but he also is a part of a franchise. And there’s not a lot of those in chiropractic. So we get the experience, you know, normally it’s private practice, or maybe they’re in a hospital. But now we get to see what it’s like to be in a franchise. And we’re going to go through a lot of different things about why just Upper Cervical adjustments, having clear visions, accountability partners, and so much more. So stay tuned. You know, of course the travel tips can be at the end. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash three, one. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Welcome back podcast listeners to a doctor’s perspective. Today we have Dr. Rich by his doctor of chiropractic works in Boulder, Colorado. Welcome to the show.

Unknown 1:21
Anything doesn’t really happy to be here.

Justin Trosclair 1:22
Absolutely. Well, in the pre talk. We know I know that you have a unique kind of approach to Chiropractic and the way your business model setup. So I would love to hear about that and kind of your backstory little bit like how did you become a chiropractor? Why that and the versus anything else out there? So what you got for us?

Unknown 1:39
Yeah, sure. So the kind of characters that we do is a little different. It’s a specialty within the field. So just credit approval quickly to work with the top two bones in the neck exclusively for call the Atlas and the axis. And we’ll get into why a little bit later, perhaps. But real quick if they’re the most neurologically dense as far as how the brain receives information. So there’s the problem there is the problems in the response that the body starts to generate. When it comes to me and my backstory. Let’s see, I got into chiropractic. Let’s see, I guess I’ll start I always worked for chiropractors in high school and in college. And I didn’t know that was a field I was going to go into initially, but it was always in the back of my mind. In college, I was kind of deciding between psychology on one hand, being a chef, on the other hand him. For me, it was always something about service always came, came through and ended up resolving into doing a tour of a chiropractic program through college. And it just fit something clicked and it made a lot of sense. So I decided to give that a shot and haven’t looked back since very cool. So did you end up majoring in psychology and actually I got a minor in psychology, I got my bachelor science and exercise physiology, I just say to my initial plan was to be a sports chiropractor. What that means is working with athletes. So the I was working for in high school and in college, he was the chiropractor for the 40 Niners there, the thought came out of California, professional team. And my thought was to be able to take over his practice and work with those athletes because that for me was the passion at the time, did end up going down that route. But that was the initial initial thought. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 3:19
so so why not sports that you said some about the See what I mean, I’m a chiropractor. So I kind of have an idea what you’re talking about. But you were thinking about doing sports, which a lot of chiropractors find exciting and it’s in every day’s a new day, the shoulders, knees, the ankles, but then you switched into just kind of a C one C to specific and I know some of these guys, that’s all they adjust, even if you have a low back pain. So what happened? Was it like during school or outside of school, you have a miracle story? What was the reasoning behind kind of switching gears?

Unknown 3:46
Yeah, it’s a great question. Let’s see. So for me, I’ve had many concussions in my life playing sports. The last one was when I was 16 years old, I had a bad car accident in Atlanta with a thing called post concussion syndrome for eight and a half years ended up eight and a half years. So what that means is for me, I had severe brain fog, I couldn’t really articulate or speak clearly at all, emotionally flak, not angry or depressed, just very neutral for many, many years. And yeah, I was seeing this chiropractor I was working for throughout that time frame. And my body felt really great. I didn’t have any issues when I neck or back or things like that. But nothing above, you know, inside the school itself, nothing was changing. I had these debilitating things going on, and they weren’t being addressed. And so for me, I didn’t you know, I wasn’t thinking what held for the same time when I got halfway through the doctorate program and chiropractic school, one of the clinic Doc’s there said, Hey, if I do this unique kind of thing, if you can follow protocol, I can help you get better. And I said, you know, let’s, let’s give it a shot. You know, I tried everything up to that point. And we did the analysis, all the neurologic tests that we do, and it gave me that first correction of the upper neck, and it felt like someone had told that plunger on a safe house full of liquid. And I was as I was laying there 13 afterwards, I felt fluid draining out of my scope. And it was from that point forward about three years ago that things started to change neurologically for the brain fog subsided, I could start speaking again, speaking pretty clearly now, I hope, Toastmasters health, but yeah, so it’s those kinds of things are really what it changed my perspective, as far as what could be achieved through chiropractic care, and it really helped open my eyes to web, my future would look like it within the profession. So you say you felt

Justin Trosclair 5:31
like a like fluid actually, during like you had like some kind of sensation, kinda like a nasal drip or something like you just kind of felt that.

Unknown 5:39
Yeah, so obviously, for me, I’m very analytical. So I had to go back and try to understand what’s going on there and why they could even be possible. And what I found is that the brain is suspended in spinal fluid as just it acts as a cushion against shock and absorption of forces. So it’s under a constant pressure. And when that pressure changes there, flow doesn’t circulate how it’s supposed to circulate it change and how spinal fluid circulates and other blood is circulating. So for me, what I’ve found is that there was what’s called a stagnation spinal fluid sitting in the in the brain, and are circulated how supposed to So once that pressure was normalized after that adjustment that flew to start moving again, that’s stagnation went away. And yeah, things have been going the right direction ever since.

Justin Trosclair 6:24
You know, I watched I would shout out a doctor when I was in school, and he did like SOC blocks with the pelvis. And I think they use a cadaver, and they’re pumping the tailbone, and they can see you can see like, the CSF kind of square area, like bathing, that that part of it. And I was like, Oh, you know, it’s just how much research is out there that shows that type of stuff. I was like, Wow, that’s pretty cool to see that happening. And if that is actually like a pump, like, you know, the brain is one pump. And this is another pump out just like that was really interesting, because so teaser, they’re into the hips, but they’re also into the sea, one area as well.

Unknown 6:55
And it was interesting, what

Justin Trosclair 6:57
did you throw up or anything like that? From the concussions? Well, though, from the the adjustment, I’ve heard that some friends who think sometimes they get a really strong adjustment after like a bad migraine, and they just their body has a response, and they’re like, throw up or they’ll get real busy or something.

Unknown 7:12
Yeah, no, I never had that happen to me. And I’m having to any of my my patients that I take care of, I’m not sure if it’s a technique specific thing, or maybe it’s just, yeah, I’m not sure what what the issue would be there. But I never had that experience or that in the office either. Yeah, okay. Yeah. And no problem. Yeah. Yeah. So and also, to

Justin Trosclair 7:31
go with it up, what do you see? Do you see anything kind of weird happened when you when patients have that type of amazing results?

Unknown 7:39
Yeah, I mean, after so our protocols, if we do adjust the patient on that on the office visit, we have the rest, and these are grabbing chairs for 20 minutes. And so they basically go back into what’s called it our nap room. So they’re back there, there’s, you know, nice music playing in the water fountain going or waterfall. So it’s a very relaxing room, and most patients will fall asleep. Well go in there and I’ll be snorted, wake them up by some patients will come out. And they’ll just say some bizarre things they’ll say, one lady says that she was in France, Canada, after the first half hour session with a friend of hers and France, which I mean, I can’t explain or something that I would believe in too much. But she’s very much into the energetics of life. Another person says that she felt that her body was in the chair, but her spirit was like left of her body. And now it kind of as alternative banking for you here weird things pages. I mean, nothing that I can I could quantify or say is what was actually going on. But you Here we are stories that come from them as they’re in that position. And as a relaxing and as this bone that’s been stuck for so long as finally moved, things start, you know, circulating that they haven’t circulated before. So they start going through some weird, weird internal discussions

Justin Trosclair 8:48
start happening. Okay, do you have to take special, very specific x rays of that area to see if it’s going? What direction is move, then do you use like an instrument or use your hands to actually adjust? I see once

Unknown 9:00
you do, yeah, so for us, we do five x rays at the top two bones. And we do what’s called motion x rays. So we do these things, we’re looking to see how the top two balls are sitting under the head. But we also have them go through motion where they’re bending to the right, and then to the left. And normal things should happen when you go to those motions. So we can see if the bones aren’t moving properly. If you bend your head to the right, for example, and I talk on isn’t sliding to the right, it’s just stuck there on the left hand side that’s abnormal. And we know that’s what’s causing the issue. So we can see exactly what’s happening. And in black and white, what the issue is how we’re going to address that on an office to office visit. So for us, when that company that happens host community office, we run an assessment on them to see how the brain stem is functioning as a neurologic tests that we do. And if things are looking great, we send them home, they don’t get adjusted. And if they aren’t looking right, we will do a manual adjustment of that top on the left hand side is not a rotation adjustment, it’s a very specific, very quick manual movement of that bone from the from left to right in that exam. So you can tailor the angles and the thrust based on whatever positioning is all exactly so we have those three dimensional view of the complex, we also do a picture look into the gym to see if the bone and rotate it or not. So we know exactly how it’s sitting there. And we want to do want to correct it, we know how to glide that bone backward needs to go. So that is a very comfortable adjustment and nothing’s being jammed together. And it’s very fast. So there’s a lot of folks that come in that are very wary about having their neck corrected or adjusted or manipulated. And I tell them, you know, it’s gonna be okay, we have folks that are in your same position for this kind of very light the first time it’s you kind of know what’s going on and the end of the loving care as they go through it. They get addicted to it. So it’s, it’s tailored to the person I see a lot of kids you see a lot of adults it’s, it’s safe across the board. Very nice.

Unknown 10:57
what’s the what’s the thing we call it?

Unknown 10:59
Yeah, so the name, the technique is called knee, chest, upper cervical specific. So that’s what we do in the office, it is described a position that patients in

Justin Trosclair 11:06
Okay, that’s interesting. So kind of,

does it look like one of the like portable massage chairs, like at a health fair, where you’re kind of kneeling into it and your faces, your chest is in the pad? And your head kind of goes down?

Unknown 11:17
Yeah, exactly. So the table is unique to the adjustment that we do. So patients are in the in the table was about maybe two feet long, I would say and based on the X rays are placed, you know, to make that correction. So it’s a very comfortable position for the patient to be in there. it’ll it’ll enables them to be relaxed, we do make that correction, we find is that when people tense up and they’re, you know, anticipating the adjustment, it’s very uncomfortable. And you have to kind of fight through that muscle resistance that will this position. That doesn’t happen. They’re very relaxed. It’s they’re not fighting you. It’s very comfortable, didn’t get in there and make that correction without any kind of adverse effects. That’s pretty cool. I never heard of that before. Yeah, it’s actually so is it, it will say the guy who developed chiropractic is BJ Palmer, he was the one that there was Research Center was trying different things. And towards the end of the Resource Center, he came to his understanding that this was, in his opinion, the most effective way to do this kind of work. So that’s kind of who we started to follow. And then the innovation that have made along the way, but he was the pioneer for us to follow. Now do you treat like low

Justin Trosclair 12:23
back pain? Or is it just neck and bring related stuff?

Unknown 12:27
Yes. So we do see a lot of folks that come in with low back pain or sciatica, or things like that, it’s usually not their primary complaint, usually it’s they have something and then they also have that, although some folks do come in with strictly low back pain, and they get results. Also, I mean, you have to imagine that the spine is like a link of chains that are just floating in space. And if you twist the top link, the rest are going to start to spiral beneath that. And you can imagine if that top link is stuck, and you can move the bottom links as much as you want, but they’re going to go back to that same position, once we’re able to unlock that top, the rest of artist spiral back how they’re supposed to be in in a natural way, and those symptoms start to go away. So we see folks that you know, that have these posture under maladies, they have shoulders that are higher than the other or their hips are rotated. And we find that it’s often that compensation for something else going on. So by correcting the top, we can start to see these things start to unwind. And in some cases, they don’t. So we refer them to other chiropractors or massage therapists to really help get that last little bit of relief that they need. But in most cases it tends to resolve which is

Justin Trosclair 13:31
cool. Now, how long would someone expect before they got like a referral? like a like a month? Six weeks? Seven months? Yes.

Unknown 13:38
So for us we do a revaluation after their a 12 visits. So they’ll be about six weeks out, it will do a reevaluation. And if things aren’t where they should be based on our experience, then we will go ahead and make a referral at that point. So within that first month or two, if things aren’t getting better how they should we start looking for other things that might be going on. know the statistics based on generic chiropractic as a whole, like peaches that get better and those that don’t. And those will get worse, which is very small. But with your technique with what you’re doing, what kind of numbers that kind of success rate Are you seeing are you seeing? I mean, it is case dependent. And we see a lot of things ranging from Yeah, headaches and migraines on the you know, on that side to things like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s on the other side. So we do see the wide gamut of things that are happening. As a generic rule, I would say 90% is how we operate for success rates in the office, we do we are in that upper percent based on the research we’ve done and pages that we’ve seen and tracked. So we actually have published studies that we’ve done for things like Ms and Parkinson’s and looking to do other studies coming up in the next year or two on on bigger things like that. So we do operate in that in that range is based on our own numbers that we keep, we’re looking to make that more official in a near future.

Justin Trosclair 14:55
We’re looking forward to that because I know I’m guessing you’re not a what we call a mixer.

Unknown 14:59
No, no, the only do you do rehab and things like that to bone. That’s all we do in the office. So when it comes in with a low back pain, we’re not going to adjust the low back, we don’t actually a patient asked me to do that about two weeks ago. And I told her I haven’t adjusted at low back in about three and a half years. So she might be better served to go find someone else he cuz that’s not my gig, I’m not getting any more. So we we only do the top two loans. We don’t have any I guess mixing up like nutritional things like that in the office, we don’t have any of those extra thing for us, we only can early concerned about the neurology and how that’s functioning of the body to really take over and start to heal. Because that’s our, our niche of the market is how that brain body connection is firing. And there’s a lot of folks that are amazing at nutrition and an amazing at, you know, rehabilitation for me, I’d rather be the best at one thing. And then if that once that’s resolved, if things are still present, to send them to the other practitioners to really help them achieve the result of looking for are there any

Justin Trosclair 15:57
misconceptions that you know, I’m mixer? For sure. I do rehab just a little back and do all that stuff, especially here. So for someone like me, who’s kind of like, would listen to someone like you and I respect what you do? I know plenty of people that do it. But for those who are like, my goodness, you’re crazy Doc, but why wouldn’t you just adjust the low back? Are there any misconceptions that we have that you can kind of late arrest? Or at least get somebody to say, you know, I want to steal just low backs and do these different things? But I guess Yes, you what you do actually works? What could you tell someone like that? I hate her as the haters.

Unknown 16:30
haters are totally fine. Nothing wrong with that at all. There’s always there’s different ways of looking at everything. I mean, it’s like the assumption would be that if you go to a medical doctor with a runny nose, and they treat your runny nose, it’s all medical doctors do is runny noses, I guess second misconception with in chiropractic is if you have low back pain, go see a chiropractor, anything else, they probably couldn’t help you. But the same time there was actually a little story is a late night talk show hosts and name is Jimmy Kimmel. You ever heard of Jimmy Kimmel? So his son, he had a son that was born about two weeks ago, now who had a congenital heart defect, we’re basically the wall that separates the left and right side of the heart wasn’t there. So blood, they had no oxygen with mixing with other had oxygen. And if that persists, the child would have survived, right? So they brought them to a cardiac surgeon who end there with these microscopic tools, and they fix the heart lining. And now the child is on track to ride in his life. And actually, Shaun White, who is a professional snowboarder had the same condition. So he was actually on the show and shared his experience in the limitations are endless based on that surgery. So the same thing is true with in chiropractic where there’s some folks who go to if you have a runny nose, and they’ll fix a runny nose, everything’s great, but the same time, there’s folks that are looking more so on that cardiac surgeon side of things, but then in quotations, they’re looking to achieve different things. Both are totally valid and corrected. Right. There’s nothing wrong with either one of them. But for folks that have tried everything, and they’re still struggling with their health, we want to be able to offer them a solution that there is a hope to get better that they aren’t stuck with this diagnosis that isn’t going to change. And that’s probably the most common thing we here in our office is I’ve been told that my doctor that that I’m working with that for me, I have to go home and learn how to live with this. And for me, that’s heartbreaking. And that was my story with my concussion syndrome. And the truth is, there is always hope to get better. So for kind of your niche, yeah, so for us, that’s me. I don’t really work a lot with low back or neck pain or things like that. I mean, mostly practice right now is concussion. And then so that’s that’s what I see most often in my practice, just head traumas. Yeah, okay. Well, that’s,

Justin Trosclair 18:34
that gives the credence to they say carve a niche. And we’re like, Well, how do we do that? What do we do and like you’re tracking the patients that you want similar to yourself with the technique that you have. And you you can become successful with what we would think is a small sliver of the population. But now it’s enough population to actually thrive and survive and make a huge impact. And you can

Unknown 18:53
see the biggest thing too, I mean, there’s mean, you you, you know, that example of Jimmy Kimmel with that heart surgeon, people fly from around the world to see this part surgeon because he’s the best people fly to pay for what they value in life. The same way even for our practice, we have folks that fly from overseas to come see us, you’ve had 50 patients from Norway fly in for care, and the last three years alone, and they live in Boulder for six weeks and they fly home is because we offer something that’s so unique. And you’re right good at what we do, that people come from really far to achieve it. And that’s true of any any profession. So if you’re able to really establish yourself as that authority in this thing that you do, you know, it could be as small as you want to make it but it’s still going to be thriving. So but it’s demonstrating value and demonstrating category authority in a certain topic, and you will be successful. That’s really awesome. And Norway. Wow.

Justin Trosclair 19:44
Yeah. Your clinic? is it part of a chain like a franchise?

Unknown 19:48
Yeah, so we operate within the franchise model. It’s called the specific Chiropractic Center. So currently, there’s 21 offices that are operating under that umbrella all across the United States, Hawaii, and most recently in Barcelona, Spain. So we were first international office. And yeah, so basically, we share marketing materials, we share, branding, and things like that. So all that side of things is taken care of, for us, all our offices are unique in what they do it they cater and what they look like. So it’s not like McDonald’s, where they’re all exactly the same. Every office looks different. We have different, you know, we talk about target markets who were trying to work with in our, in our communities. For example, I work with concussion for the most part of an office in Chico that only release thyroid patients. So it’s they’re all different as far as when you know what our passions are. But we all work under the same umbrella. Whereas if you were under my care in Boulder, Colorado, and you decided you want to go on vacation to Hawaii, I could transfer all your records to the doctor out there, he could take care of you that exactly the same way I would take care of you. And when you came back, you wouldn’t have missed any part of your care. So it’s it is nice.

Justin Trosclair 20:54
Okay, yeah, I was about to say so you all are need chest Upper Cervical specific

Unknown 20:59

Justin Trosclair 21:00
is that you’re, you’re allowed to branch out and decorate in target different people. But the adjustments are going to be like, like, if you went to an activator Dr. across the entire world, if they’re true to the protocol, you’ll get very similar protocol, very similar results across the world. And the ideas with this specific you can have continuity of care, regardless of like whatever doctor is doing.

Unknown 21:21
That’s exactly it. And we actually, I think we all have these axing training through with the art of the specific best, the post doctorate work that we do in the upper cervical spine. We’ve all gone through this exact same protocol. So I mean, there really is no difference between see me or seen Dr. Edison and co it or seen you know, Dr. Sophy and Barcelona, we’re all the same name. So it’s, it makes it great for patient care. How long have you been

Justin Trosclair 21:45
in a part of that system the entire time you’ve been in practice

Unknown 21:48
or time? Yeah, actually, I was even in school. Our CEO like or Shawn dill, he was my first quarter philosophy one teacher, so he was the one that really kind of Oh, my opinion perspective as far as what chiropractic kind of was designed to be what it is as a profession. And then from there, I started training through again that program that Pat’s program by second quarter through me even now I’m still going to those those refreshers to keep keep keep learning and keep progressing keep getting better because like I said, there’s people out there that are really sick, and they’ve tried many many things to try and get better and they’re still struggling so when someone comes in my door and says, Hey, Doc, I’ve been dealing with this thing for 35 years and I’m hopeless I’m you know, some folks even talk about not wanting to go on much longer to really tell a person I am I can help you You know, I’ve been training for this my entire life The best thing for you honestly is is me let’s get started with your care so it’s it’s having that certainty that you know what’s going on you know, you can help them I mean that’s that’s what we’re that’s what we’re all looking for us and we’re all trading for so I’m just thankful to found this program. It’s been life changing for me. And it’s it’s really been a big success story people we see in our offices across the world across the world

Justin Trosclair 23:02
two questions for you. So is Dr. Deal, the guy that actually teaches the adjustments dollars and more like on the business side of things? Yeah. So

Unknown 23:10
Dr. Dr. Dale, he teaches what’s called tats the are the specific so he was so him and he recently passed otter Andy Roberts, they have started your this was something together. So they’ve had been teaching this for, I mean, eight years, I would say if not longer need to go back and look at that. Yeah, so they’ve been teaching it together. And with Andy passing recently, another doctor has stepped up and is now helping out to Sean and his name is Tomas Tomas. So at this point, Patterdale is more so on the he’s old teachers at tattoo, but he’s more of a Business and Professional coach. It’s kind of segue, right? Oh, he still he still goes and does these programs and teaches a program but most of his time is spent throughout the rest of the year on business and marketing success. For Chiropractors and other service professionals. He runs a program called the Black Diamond Club, which is a monthly subscription that you can join. And that club is geared towards understanding, you know, marketing business principles that you can use in your field. So they’re not person specific, or, you know, demographic specific, they’re just general things that you can incorporate into your current practice that are going to help you have clarity and your vision and clarity on you know, who you want to be working with, and how to find them. Regardless if you’re in his official system of the specific lessons Rosen technique. I mean, yeah, there’s chiropractors in or there’s like, you puncture us in there, there’s, you know, home decorators in there, and like, like, Teresa should be a good person to have. So it’s Yes, they’re just principles that govern business. They’re not chiropractic principles are not acupuncture principles. They’re just how to how to be more successful in your in your

Justin Trosclair 24:48
line of work. That’s good. I mean, that’s the point of my podcast. That’s why I have a variety of doctors, because we can all learn from each other. And if you learn one thing from a dentist that could turn into like a big thing for you just a little tweaking as a 16, you succeeded in in my, my whole reasoning for doing this podcast makes me feel happy if that happens. So that’s awesome that he does that. Basically, that there are people other people in your circle of the specific, I am curious, I’m scratching my own itch on this one. For those who maybe had their own clinic, and then we’re like, Man, I’ve changed my life, I want to do this. Have they noticed the difference between private practice versus going franchise? Because there’s not a lot of chiropractic franchises out there? And so I don’t know, I haven’t seen you know, you haven’t really been will talk to too many people that own like, the joint, or any of the other ones that are out there to see if that it’s really worth it? Or is it better just to be, you know, private practice and learn a really good technique? Or what like, have you heard anything from I mean, from the bumper? Sure.

Unknown 25:40
And it’s hard to me to speak on X, I came straight out of school into this. So I looked, I know, right, this model, and I know how it’s, you know, help me with my my learning curve and made me successful very early on and practice is a lot of folks that have graduated with that, you know, aren’t doing very well in practice are still struggling. And with this model, it’s all the backend stuff is done. So you talked about, you know, all the things you need to have, as far as marketing material, you have all the business principles and strategies and marketing plans and things like that, all that’s done. So you kind of just show up and implementing it. So to do the work, obviously, but the same time, right, that part of it is taken care of. So you can focus on it matters to all of us, which is caring for our patients. That’s number one. So that’s that can be the primary focus, while the backend stuff is already taken care of. So I find huge success in that we’ve had a few practitioners who were in private practice to join the specific and they’ve seen growth and their practices for folks that have done that. Again, number I can give you a number as far as what to expect if that was the question.

Justin Trosclair 26:46
No, no, no, I just curious to, there’s always these big companies and you like there’s always the rising stars, like you could, they could sell anything with any system. And then there’s the one that like, no, they were struggling, they got into it. And they made their like, to me the rising stars, these of the systems that you can go into, because they weren’t doing well. And now they’re doing well because of that, and so

Unknown 27:06
that I was just gonna fight is actually a good that would come from that when that person is struggling, there’s probably mean, everyone, everyone that I’ve met, that’s a chiropractor, or any other doctor, they’re in it for the right reason to help people that are struggling to be that doctor for them. But the same time in school, whether it’s chiropractic or acupuncture, even in medical school, you’re not really taught the business and marketing principles to be successful. If If medical doctor won’t open his own practice and be on his own, that’d be very similar to any of us will be under practice, or they don’t have a lot of support. So for something like this specific, or even like Black Diamond Club, or just goes over these principles, also really helps really focused in the mind as far as your professional hand on one side, being strong, but rising that service, or that business and marketing side, because that can sometimes be weak. So I think having a system,

Justin Trosclair 27:57
there’s not a good adjusters that don’t even practice anymore, they’re not helping exactly, I mean, so you gotta have that you got to have both

Unknown 28:02
hands strong, and you could be the most amazing life changing doctor on the planet, but her doors closed, you can’t offer the service anybody. So you have to have both, you know, so it’s, it’s a matter of just having those systems in place that you can operate within that way, there’s a again, a structure to your to your office, when their structure in a system, it’s reproducible. And you can you know, every patient gets the same experience, and they’re all going to, you know, it’s gonna be great. Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 28:28
well, would you advise a college kid? Who they’re, you know, they’re they’re in clinic, they don’t really know what to do? Should I an associate? Should I join a franchise and open my own clinic? Any advice for these guys? Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown 28:39
Absolutely. The biggest advice I could give will be to shadow to go to an office that you that you think you might have an inkling for, whether it’s totally your own practice, or to be an associate anything like that, go to an office that you see as being successful, and just hang out there, talk to the doctors, Shadow them for a couple days, couple weeks, and see you. If that’s something that you actually interested in doing. I mean, I know, I can speak for all the doctors in a specific you could definitely if you’re in one of our areas would be happy to shadow you. Come on in, see the office, talk to us one on one, and we’d be happy to work with you on answer any questions that you have. But whether you’re in college or already in the program, I would, I would say shy Don’t be the number one thing that recommend. That’s, that’s what I did. It’s It showed me a lot of insight. And I think I want to do with things I really didn’t want to to see you see both parties as important.

Unknown 29:33
Yeah. So

Justin Trosclair 29:34
yeah, I was a student I was I was doing but when I stepped into the guy, and the same SOC guy, he had this thing he did with a shoulder, I can’t tell you why it really works. He’s like, I’ve been doing this for years, it really gets good results. And so that’s what I do. I just stole this one. There’s two things from this one guy that I shadowed throughout school from time to time, not even a ton, but enough to learn. And it’s been it’s been so good for my my, my clinical skills. And that’s just one guy. So imagine if they actually did that regularly, I mean, don’t squandered students.

Unknown 30:03
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, everyone has something to offer, whether it’s a chiropractor, or the dentist that you alluded to earlier, everyone has something to offer each other. So even when you’re new in practice, you’re going out there and you’re networking and and trying to meet all these people mean go in there with an open mind, even other other carpenters have so much to offer other financial advisors mean everyone has something that you can take away, and vice versa. So to be open and open mind open Harvey open to listen, and I get the ego out of the way as much as possible. It’s easier said than done. But when we’re able to do that the results again are just tremendous. So it’s You’re right, there’s so much to learn from everybody. How much stuff do you have? In our practice? There is I work with myself by colleague Allison Bremner, we have a massage therapist, also, who works part time in our office, so we don’t have a front desk person.

Justin Trosclair 30:52
Okay, so that was kind of the question is, if you have staff, how do you how do you find a good person? If you’ve had that if you had to hire somebody? How do you know if they’re good? Or how do you know what after 90 days that they should still be there? What’s your many hits?

Unknown 31:03
Yeah. You know, fortunately, I haven’t actually, fortunately, or unfortunately, I haven’t hired any staff for the office. Although I know that we do have a system again, to do that a procedure called How to hire a superstar. So I haven’t gone through that myself as far as learning the information. So I can share that with you, unfortunately. But again, I know that’s always a big question. And in the Black Diamond Club, I watched and follow these threads where people are had the same question. So it’s, there’s a procedure to do it. And I wish I could share it with now I just I can’t remember what what the procedure is. But

Justin Trosclair 31:36
yet, there’s your technique style, would you say that you’re able to see a decent volume of clients before you actually need to hire somebody to to orchestrate, Emily?

Unknown 31:46
I would say, in my mind, at least, when you start seeing over 200 a week, it for me is when I would want to have bring someone on to Temecula? Yeah. So it’s Yeah, at that point, it becomes more than I’d want to. Excuse me. So let’s go to answer the phone. So the answer the phone, someone’s got a Yeah. So for us right now, with all the billing and all the scheduling. Fortunately, for us, we’re a what’s called a cash practice. So we don’t work with as well, yeah. Okay. So we don’t need someone to do the medical billing, which would definitely be a job in and of itself. So for us, it’s just, you know, processing payments, which is, you know, fairly easy to do. But we get to a point where it’s you guys working at that level of business, I have definitely want to bring someone else on.

Justin Trosclair 32:28
I am curious. And this is not a plug for the company. But do you have a company that allows you to build like, this is going to cost you Whatever, let’s say $700? Well, I can’t afford that hundred dollars? Well, can you afford to 50 a month for three, four months? Do you have like something set up like a company that can do that for you like real easy, like it outside? Or do you have to just kind of, yeah, or do you like just set it up yourself and

Unknown 32:48
you want to do if that was a case of the more of an internal financing where we would just push payments out on our end. So we don’t have an outside company that we work with? I would I would offer that kind of a thing. Not all that someone needs care. And they are strapped? I mean, I I do take a couple of pro bono cases per year, just if they if they if they fall in that boat, or someone no single mom with six kids working, working her job. I mean, she needs care to right. So he’s push payments out over a long period of time to make sure she can afford it. So it’s there’s flexibility on that in. Yeah, so it’s good to have a heart Can you can just go based on based on numbers

Justin Trosclair 33:25
like to hear it. So I’d like to hear a couple more questions on like business side. And then if you don’t mind, we’ll bust into some personal stuff and wrap it up. Okay. Okay, as far as five year goals, or even 10 year goals, what do you what do you have in mind? And how do you know if they’re actually worthy of your pursuit?

Unknown 33:41
And then the biggest thing that often gets overlooked in any kind of business is having a vision for the future. If you ask a lot of people, what is your five year goal? They don’t have an answer for your what’s your 10 year goal? You know, so you know, I know for me, my five year goal is to open another practice here in in the Colorado area, Boulder, Colorado area and my 10 year goals and second office from there in Denver. So I want to be able to run book practices, I want to have associates that are working in those practices, and I’m training to actually be successful own because of power, they can either buy the practice that they choose to or continue to work there. I know for me, it’s having multiple practices in this area to start with. It wants that to achieve start looking at possibly other other areas also. But yeah, I think having those those goals, that vision, it leads to them being manifested. If you know, it’s like, it’s like a GPS in your car, right? If you’re trying to get from Boulder, Colorado to Texas, Texas. So that’s a Dallas, I don’t have a GPS, you know, I just started driving south, I know it’s that direction. But beyond there, how would I know how to get to get to Dallas. So if you don’t have a GPS or a vision, you don’t know when quarters that put in there, you’re not gonna go to your destination or goals. So when it comes up folks looking for, you know, planning for the future, if you don’t have a clear vision, if you don’t have it on your vision board, and I office date, what that’s gonna look like it’s going to feel like, if you don’t have those things clearly laid out. It’s very difficult to hit your goals, in my opinion. Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 35:07
that’s a big goals, multiple multiple clinics reaching out to even bigger markets and things like that. So I applaud you. And I hope that you can make it not all but as long as you’re working for it. I said, you have to go and get it takes

Unknown 35:18
time. Yes. So when Trump there’s 24 hours in a day, we can always make it work?

Justin Trosclair 35:22
Absolutely. So your solo doctor, you love it. It’s what you do. However, how do you stop from being burned? out? You take vacations? And if so how are you able to manipulate your schedule at work so that you can go and recharge?

Unknown 35:35
Yeah, that’s a great thing. So I’ve been in practice for almost three years now. So fairly new. So I haven’t taken many vacations per se. As a company, we do have team meetings twice a year. So that’s always we take a week off for those meetings, and we traveled to to somewhere for them. So with Lake Tahoe one year and went to Hawaii another year for that office out there. These count, they might kind of vacation there,

Unknown 35:59
therefore account to me, because that’s my goal next time is but take CPE credits in cool places that I wanted to go into an extended our days,

Unknown 36:06
you’re on a nice location. So let me as far as I’m concerned me, I live in Boulder, Colorado, which haven’t been here is at the foothills of the Colorado Rockies, something every week, you can just so beautiful go and be you know, be somewhere isolated. If you choose to do that. Or you can mean there’s so much to do here. I know for myself, I take my days off. So I can take a little four day vacations. So I’m going to head up in a go to San Diego at the end of this month for four days just to kind of recharge a little bit. But as far as taking a big vacation, the benefit of our office I’ll speak for in Boulder and per se is that there’s two doctors in there that do the same thing. So when I’m gone, Allison can see my patients and vice versa. She’s gone the entire month of August. So I’m going to run her clinic and mine and there’ll be any disruption and either their cares so there is a benefit to them and also can be gone for the entire month. She’s going to Australia for us sport that she plays and her patients won’t what sport is called Australian rules football so it’s actually part of the Denver Bulldogs girl he is you know that

Justin Trosclair 37:09
Yeah, yeah played there. Man. I was I was rookie MVP for the CO it one year

Unknown 37:14
ago. However,

Unknown 37:17
she can take a look.

Unknown 37:19
Yes, she does. She’s confident I’m sorry. I gotta look great. I love it.

Unknown 37:23
So she playing for the national team and everything.

Unknown 37:26
It was their their competition and August

Justin Trosclair 37:28
Wow, what another one on are

Unknown 37:30
just going out there. And it’s great to cuz they is it is a contact sport. And I get to check her and see how our brains function and making sure she’s playing good. Otherwise, you know, so she’s able to

Justin Trosclair 37:39
know broken up

Unknown 37:40
to play that game without any kind of repercussion. Yeah. So it’s great that she can go and do her thing, and I can run her practice and vice versa. So that vacation time is kind of built in automatically. without missing work. I guess the best way to put that

Justin Trosclair 37:53
is that how you’re allowed to do for not allowed, but most people work. Fridays off and not Mondays off. So are you able to attack the where you get money that she gets Fridays off or something?

Unknown 38:02
you dictate your schedule? We Nelson she works with days a week in the office. I work more so still growing. But yeah, yes. It’s person dependent. It’s not a there’s no structure or criteria per se when it comes to our office. Okay.

Justin Trosclair 38:18
So why did you pick Monday? I’m curious. Most chiropractors either take off Tuesday, Thursday, already work four days in their office on Fridays. So I’m just curious why Monday.

Unknown 38:26
And Monday is a it’s a thing, man. It’s It’s Monday, I think one days off. It’s got a I don’t know, for me, I work Saturday mornings. So for me, my weekend starts, you know, Sunday, essentially, Sunday and Monday are my two days off. You know, I take Sunday afternoon. So but yeah, for me, it was always finding balance. Again, you try to avoid burnout and trying to avoid that overwhelm, you have to have personal time to so me during the week it’s GO GO GO thousand percent. But on the weekend, it’s rest, relax, don’t think about the office, don’t check emails, no phone calls. It’s strictly no office. So emergencies happen always be my, my cell phone number, they can always call or text me if they need these immediately. But when it comes to voluntarily checking things, I don’t do that. Because otherwise you do get work never ends otherwise is burnt out.

Justin Trosclair 39:16
Yeah. What do you do for your spare time to kind of just any hobbies or volunteering or anything?

Unknown 39:20
Yes. So volunteering is a big part of what I value in life. So I’m not sure if you know about the Rotary Club. I’m actually the president of our Rotary Club here in Boulder. And I worked with a nonprofit called, which is for children who work with kids in the court system. So basically, I’m an advocate for these kids, for the duration of the case, which is about a year and a half long, and we do everything for them. We think a big brother slash court advocate. So this kid at this case was working on had six kids. So take the take some of them to play basketball and take others to the mall. And we kind of see what was missing in our lives. If they if for example, they are struggling in school, maybe they’re not telling them all about it, or normally notices those things, my responsibility to notice that find them a tutor and get them set up with that. So it’s the eyes and ears for the kids and the court system. So it goes up. Yeah, volunteer work. That’s a big part of me what I value in in life. hobby wise, I get into golf recently. So sorry, golfing. So the weather probably changed here. It’s beautiful and sunny. So I’ve been out there at least three times a week at the driving range trying to get better at this thing. So

Justin Trosclair 40:27
yeah, you played the flat irons area. Exactly. It’s

Unknown 40:30
like that’s where I go for the driving range. I’ll just there yesterday with she had our five year anniversary party here in Boulder on Friday. So we had we had three dogs fly out from other areas of the country to support us. So we had a guy from Arkansas out there, we had two dogs from Utah come out to support us. So that was a funny. So Saturday was our day of being together. So we want to play golf with two of them. And afterwards, we all went to the Colorado Rockies game. So that was our our little activity together. So he went so the baseball game and got some sun and it was a great time.

Justin Trosclair 41:03
That’s really cool to see you guys get together and like support each other. Because even if you’re most technique people, you know, like, you know, a lot of us unite with it’s chiropractic technique that we do you know, and when they don’t even do that kind of stuff. So that’s really cool.

Unknown 41:14
It’s honestly we we always say it’s a family, but it really feels like a family because we we talked throughout the year where are throughout the week, I should say we’re always on calls together always keep each other accountable for goals that we set up a call at three o’clock today with my accountability partner to make sure that we hit our goals for the week. Yeah, so it’s it’s not just a business together. It’s friends and family at this point. So it’s it’s a great group of people. Again, happy to be here. Absolutely.

Justin Trosclair 41:41
I’m happy for you. We got two more questions. I hope they’re fun for me. Do you have any morning or lunch routine that grounds you and excite you and focuses you for the rest of your day.

Unknown 41:50
So my my morning routine is I get up and listen to a podcast. Maybe also listen to yours, Justin, I haven’t haven’t.

Unknown 42:01
Usually, it’s usually it’s through through Shawn delegate, he does weekly podcasts. So I will listen to the new one on Tuesday morning. And then kind of backtrack previous ones throughout the rest of the week, they will get my head straight as far as that’s concerned, or do a little meditation in the morning before the day starts. And I get to talk this was that mean to you, I’ll say I get to the office a half hour early. And for I do what’s called drills in the morning to get my body warmed up for the care that we do. So it’s always getting myself ready on that because Peter board is how we practice in the morning, or privacy adjustment. So it’s always getting my head right and my body warm for the first person that comes in. So again, I’m just starting at 9am on Monday there at 9am I usually get there at least half hour early to get everything ready for them. So it’s always making sure that my best for for patient care,

Justin Trosclair 42:51
it would seem like you’d have to be pretty on it. If you’re having to, you know, it’s a very delicate which direction and all that kind of stuff. Like you really gotta focus on your notes, focus on what you’re doing think three up and deliver that quick adjustment, like you really got to be on your game, I would think on every page. I mean,

Unknown 43:04
again, we cover all this great upside of what can happen with this kind of care. If you mess it up. There’s also a pretty big downside. So say we could help someone get better if you’re, you know, over adjusting or if you’re doing the wrong thing, you can actually make someone very sick. So it’s making sure again, you’re on point and ready to go a month, you know, hung over for morning shift, because I’d be very bad for for patient care. So it’s Yeah, it’s serious work. We We all know that. So making sure we’re taking a serious run. Very good. Okay, so last question. Is this

Justin Trosclair 43:33
fun? Do you have any favorite books, blogs, you’ve already kind of mentioned podcasts that you would recommend for other people and maybe maybe some that you would say I I kind of like this, but I don’t tell anybody

Unknown 43:44
not know all the second one first. So I started reading the Jon Britten books. So those are the written in the 80s and 90s. I believe in their lawyer and crime books. So I’ve been my my guilty pleasure recently is reading through those bad boys. So they’re, they’re fun books to read them. Guess typically, I’m more so into the business growth and professional growth and self help book kind of thing. But recently, it’s been more so fun, just reading for the pleasure of reading. So that’s been great to react book, I’d recommend any business book that Yeah, without book I’d recommend and it’s really what shape my practice. And it’s a book called Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port. And it goes over how to identify who your ideal client is who you love working with, when you look at your schedule, and maybe Sally’s name pops up and you just get excited that she’s coming in that day, how to find and build your practice around Sally how to make your office full of her basically, or Jim went whoever it is just how to identify the qualities of that person, once you know who that person is how to create marketing material to attract them into your practice. So I highly recommend that book. Again, I don’t get paid for that, or Black Diamond Club. But both those things are things that really shaped my practice. And again, a lot of colleagues and started in this area. And since I’ve been here, and there are no longer practice, and the reason for me succeeding is the specific as well as Black Diamond cloud and Book Yourself Solid. Those have been the three keys that has made me successful up to this point, when you when you were trying to figure out your ideal client and reading this book, how was there a process that you went to the book, walk you through that process? Or like how did you figure out like, this is exactly the type of person I want, based on your own concussion or what yeah, I mean, the book walks you through exercise this book, essentially, it’s not a light read by any means. It’s a textbook almost. So it walks you through this process to really narrow those things down. And I’ll say to that, it’s changed as I got through this four or five times already do that book. And each time it changes. So it’s kind of it’s been evolving ever since. Initially, I went through when I was at school, based in my idea of what he was seeing in my clinic, which was different than what it is my first year in practice to what is you know, today on. So it’s, it’s always a work in progress. It’s never, it’s always changing. So again, if someone’s looking to work on business principles, and really getting clear on who you want to have in your practice, if that’s something that matters to you, then I’d recommend that book because it really helps hone in what matters to you. It teaches those things out that if you’re not aware of and how to get clarity and again vision for what you’re looking for in the future.

Justin Trosclair 46:24
You find you have a lot of salads in your practice now.

Unknown 46:26
It’s mostly Sally’s Yeah, mostly salad is a few folks that that are there that are might need to be moved soon, but not okay. It’s a Yeah, most folks my practice I am happy and love scene. So it’s, it’s been great so far.

Justin Trosclair 46:41
Awesome. Last question. Do you have any favorite phone apps, whether it’s business or pleasure,

Unknown 46:46
that’s a great, you may not even be a techie guy, I

Unknown 46:49
don’t know. I’ll say this. There’s have used it’s a new app. I’ve been used too often. But I love going to the movies. That’s always been a passion of mine. Growing up my family and my parents, a weekly thing we did was go see, go to movies and watch something as a family. So I had the cinema mark my phone. So now I guess you can go there to get points for going to the movies. So if at some point the future our next call, I’ll have a free movie to watch because of it.

Justin Trosclair 47:14
So that’s that’s been $500 to get a free copy walk

Unknown 47:17
on yet.

Unknown 47:19
10 bucks anyway.

Justin Trosclair 47:22
Very good. Well, how can people get in contact with you?

Unknown 47:24
Yeah, so you can go to www dot the specific calm and on there. That’s our umbrella website where you can find maybe a doctor nearby you if you want to shadow or talk to them. My images on there also, when go ahead and send me an email at rich at the specific.com. And I’ll respond to you right away. I’m pretty good about emails, very good man

Justin Trosclair 47:47
at any closing remarks that we haven’t already discussed. Anything pressing on your mind?

Unknown 47:51
Yeah, I mean, the work that we do is important is valuable. And I think having understanding the value of what we do is critical. If you I feel like sometimes we keep value our services. And that’s a detriment to the patients, we take care of a detriment to doctors and tetra into the profession as a whole. So understand that we do is important. It’s valuable. And keep keep pushing and keep working.

Justin Trosclair 48:12
Absolutely. Well. Rich, thank you so much for spending your time and giving us some wisdom and some nuggets that you on during this hour.

Unknown 48:18
Thanks. I really appreciate it as a great time. Thank you for doing this. Appreciate your work.

Justin Trosclair 48:25
Great stuff. Dr. Rich, it’s exciting to see someone who has only been in practice for three years but has such passion such drive and has really just created a niche. We hear that and you know, it’s so hard sometimes to verbalize and find that avatar of the person you want. And you know, for me, it was like, Okay, I want someone who just wants like instrument based adjustment. Well, that’s a niche, but maybe you can go even more niche, a micro niche. And that seems to be what he’s created. And I mean, you get people the fly across the world to see you. So that’s pretty amazing. As always take what he said today critically think about it integrated. See what kind of growth you can get from your own clinic Travel Tips coming up next. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash three one.

big thank you to everybody who purchased the book for those who are considering it a doctor’s perspective. NET slash free ebook and get yourself a PDF version for free. If you watch the video, fantastic. You’ll see different reasons why you should read the book. We’ve got things from helping with headaches, stretches and exercises that you’ll actually do ways to figure out food labels. What’s the deal with sugar tricks for portion control and a nice chunk of the book? How can your body heal itself? Are you minimizing Why are some people negative about chiropractic? What does it actually do? What is pain? What is a misalignment or sunblock station? You can go on Amazon, they got the Kindle version paperback book. As always, there’s merchandise at the Resources tab. There’s podcast t shirts, copywriting t shirts, mugs, weather’s getting a cup of coffee, all the stuff is high quality, good job Did you like what we’re doing giving back a little bit, keep the show going. Definitely not necessary. But of course, it’s appreciated.

If you head over to the website, the top right is all the social media flavors, pick what you like friend is, of course active on Instagram and Facebook the most and trying to do more live videos trying to keep everything fresh. The pictures of my travels are typically on both of those big rush on Facebook, slow drip on Instagram. Of course, if you want to leave a comment, definitely do that. It helps us to know how to improve the podcast so that you guys like it better. And of course, if you leave a review on iTunes or your Android app, that’s very appreciative if you want screenshot it, boom, throw it up on Facebook, tag me and I’ll give you a shout out.

travel tip this week, don’t be afraid to compare sites. You don’t have to spend hours and hours researching flights and tours and things we may want to at least look at two or three websites. Again, you can check like you know, kayak if you’re doing American travel, you know, they don’t do worldwide but if you know you’re trying to do some local flights as well, once you go it’s like say a new country, then you might want to check in like Southwest is kind of the cheap airline of America, you know, I’m going to you know, went to New Zealand flying to there was expensive, you know, kind of expensive, of course. But once there we could have flown to a different part of the island for like $77 and to a different city for 140. So we had different options available to local airlines. And we found that by doing different sites, so just keep that in my next time you’re traveling. Especially like if you’re running cars to

we just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media, and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guest. Thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

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About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).