Ben Baker talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast. Can you understand, codify,…
Jane Anderson Personal Branding Expert talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast
Personal Brand Building Expert Jane Anderson takes us through LinkedIn like a pro, advice on becoming a Speaker and Author, how to be an Influencer and great resources for furthering your growth. You will have a to-do-list after this hour.
- Jane Anderson is a communication expert. With over 13 years’ experience in Personal Brand Building and LinkedIn Profile Development for CEO’s. Her clients include Virgin Australia, Lego, and Ikea. She is on Faculty for Thought Leaders Business School, working with some of Australia’s leading experts in their field. Host of a top podcast Jane Anderson Brand You Show as well as a top 23 world’s best branding blogs. We discuss her path to being a brand leader including great advice she got about becoming a professional speaker.
- Her start with a Knighted shoe brand owner. Competency Framework, how to sell yourself and her background leading to her own entrepreneur journey. Discover, like I did, what is Thought Leader Business School by Matt Church (top 3 rated global speaker by East Baker) and how it can 10x your results or take you to 500k – 1.5 million in revenue with just 1 or 2 staff. It’s capped at 150 students and it’s kind of a commercial MBA.
- How to price your new book and speaking engagements and if you even should? What’s the point of writing a book if you won’t sell many and people may not even read it?
- What is the Lead Generation Indicator? I took it, results are 14 pages long and it really gives you a glimpse into how your personal branding is developing and where are the gaps.
- What can you do to make LinkedIn more powerful for yourself? She gives a powerful Secret Sauce that you’ll want to use immediately. LinkedIn has 240million daily active users
- She is co-creater with Dermet Crowley on an app Memo Mailer and its great for sending voice memos to yourself or a staff member.
- Her mom made them get a specific type of job as a teenager, take a listen why.
- The role of woman in coaching professional men and women teams.
- Things to look out for when becoming a consultant.
- Show notes can be found at here you can also find tweetable quotes, links to things mentioned and the Travel Tip
Women need to have belief that they can make a living consulting or being entrepreneur
Family support is huge in the confidence to go on your own business wise
When people see the hours and travel you have to do, some might think you are crazy, but its worth it
So many try to do a red belt activity but only have the skills of a white belt. Get the sequence right first
Thought leaders Have to Think, Sell & Deliver
- Professional Speaker and Author
- Certified Personal Brand Building Strategist
- Professional Certified Coach PCC (International Coach Federation)
- Certified Master Career Director and Certified Employment Interview Coach (Career Directors International), one of two in Australia.
- Accredited Career Counsellor and Advisor (Career Development Association of Australia)
- Nominated for Telstra Business Awards in 2014 and 2016.
- The only Australian Executive Career Coach for BlueSteps Global Executive Search
- MBTI and DISC Facilitator
- Featured on Today Tonight, CLEO Magazine, Brisbane Business News
Michael port Book Yourself Solid
Graeme Codrington Leading in a Changing World, Mind the Gap
Own Your Past, Know Your Generation, Choose Your Future, Future-proof Your Child
Stephen Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People take her lead generation indicator and a ton of LinkedIn video ideas here
Matt Church his main site and look into Speakership, Matt Church Books, Amplifiers The Power of Motivational Leadership to Inspire and Influence
, or The Thought Leaders Practice
Pip World wide for speakers
Dr. Robert Cialdini Influence The Psychology of Persuasion
Guian Prirar build Personal Brand Building Biz Book in a Box
Kevin Hogan Covert Persuasion
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned, the Travel Tip and the transcript.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Unknown 0:02
Episode 26 strategies for personal brand building. I’m your host Dr. Just to trust. And today we’re Jane Anderson’s perspective.
Justin Trosclair 0:14
For doctors who want a thriving practice and abundant home life, listen, as your host, Dr. Justin shows claim goes behind the curtain and doctors and guess about real world
Unknown 0:25
practical tips and entertainment. On this episode of a doctor’s perspective.
Justin Trosclair 0:31
We continue
with our spotlight on women with Jane Anderson. Next week, we will have a dentist, the first dentist on the show. She is relatively new in practice, and to be honest, um, I just continue this until I run out of female guests. So it might be two or three more weeks. I hope you’re enjoying a different perspective. I know I sure am. I hope it’s empowering for new doctors, women in general. And even guys change their mindset if they have a weird one out there about women. I hope you’ve been having a good time this past couple of weeks. So let’s continue woman’s month
Let’s go.
Our guest today comes from around the world to Australia, Jane Anderson personal branding master. She’s got several books underneath her name. Okay, this one is influencer. She has another one about LinkedIn. So of course we’re going to dive into LinkedIn. I didn’t even realize people still really use it for business and referrals. So we go into that and ask some really good questions. Have her talk about her lead generation indicator definitely want to test that out on our website. And just a lot of our influences her history and how she became a brand leader for big companies like virgin Virgin Australia, Lego, and a few others. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash to six. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Hello podcast. Welcome to Week Four of woman spotlight month. today. Our guest is a communication expert. 13 years experienced in personal branding and LinkedIn profile development for CEOs. She’s worked with over 20,000 people on having more impact and influence on business communications in their careers. She has clients like Virgin Australia, Lego IKEA, Rio Tinto, origin energy, and she’s on faculty for thought leaders business school, or it was some of Australia’s leading experts in their field. And she’s the creator of lead generation indicator, which is the world’s first diagnostic measuring marketing gaps and opportunities for industry experts. I took it so I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say about that. She also has a number one ranked iTunes podcast, the Jane Anderson brand new show, and has been featured in Business Insider Sydney Morning Herald the age for your mail and sky Business News. And she was rated the number 23 world’s best branding blogs. That’s quite an accomplishment, as well as a nominee for the test Dre woman’s Business Awards in 2014, and 2016. And somehow she has managed write three books, including Connect how to leverage your LinkedIn profile for business growth and lead generation in less than seven minutes per day. Please welcome Jean Anderson.
Unknown 3:09
Thank you. Thank you, Justin, can you come with me to all my events and do all my intros for me?
Unknown 3:17
Just like hotel pay for?
Unknown 3:22
Justin Trosclair 3:24
Well, I have some interesting news for you. In May, I will be going to New Zealand. Oh, great. And then I’m heading out to Australia in July to see my nice seeing in Sydney and then going to Keynes I believe. Great. Very,
Unknown 3:37
all fantastic. That’s great news. When July,
Justin Trosclair 3:42
July mid age, like 15 fish.
Unknown 3:45
That’s the it’s such a beautiful time of year to come. It’s our winter then. But our winters nothing like you know us winter like snow and things. It’s so beautiful and mild. And when you go to Cannes to go out on the roof, it’s not even going to be that hot. It’ll just be just be perfect. You’ll have such a great time.
Justin Trosclair 4:04
And you can wear shorts, or put on some jeans
Unknown 4:07
bring you James you’ll need and probably like a light coat or something. And depends if you feel the cold. But when you go to Cannes, you’ll just need your shorts and your thumbs, you’ll be Oh yeah, you’ll be fine. And I mean songs that you put on your feet, not
Unknown 4:28
whatever you really wanted.
Justin Trosclair 4:31
In China, you have to wear these skimpy bathing suit sounds like if this is what women feel like you’re not on display. This is not cool. So I am, I apologize that this is it has made you were to be made. And so
Unknown 4:47
that’s great news. I’m very excited for you.
Justin Trosclair 4:50
I appreciate it. Well, as most people will known at this point we had you on earlier. We had my my malfunction, and you’ve been gracious to come back on the show. And I’m excited because you gave so much good information and you’re not going to disappoint you obviously do this all the time. And so if you’re ready, let’s just get started. I
Unknown 5:10
yeah, you know, and I think you know, I think even this even just, you know, saying that I think is really important for people to know, in business it you know, stuff like this happens all the time. It’s happened to me when you you know, you, you excited about doing these types of things and things technology fails. And you know what, it’s just life and, you know, I’m grateful that that you have that we’ve trying again, and because I think that really shows the commitment to you to your listeners, and that you really want to create something great for them. So I’m so more than happy to have another go.
Justin Trosclair 5:43
Thanks, I appreciate it. They always talk about authenticity, you can’t get more authentic then. Hey, guess what?
So they weren’t always a coach, you weren’t always a big deal. What’s your backstory? And how did you get into this field to begin with?
Unknown 5:58
Yeah, I’m so when I you know, if I go right back to when I was in high school, I did a marketing degree. But after I finished high school, but while I was in high school, I was 14 years old. And I got my first job and and I was working I worked for a family here in Australia called the makers family and my shoes are big chain of shoe stores here in Australia now. And back then back in the light IDs that are really well known brand and and so the gentleman who owned that business was a second generation right Tyler cold Sir Robert my thing. So he was knighted by the queen. And, and his family started this business or his father started it, he was second generation. So I worked for the makers family for 12 years, and, and then worked for his daughter as well. So and so she was the third generation. And so I learned about what a name means and what your personal brand what that means as part of growing and business. And, and, you know, I think he was kind of before its time, you know, when you look now at how people grow their businesses and how to leverage their name and their personal brand through their business. That’s so big now, but I didn’t realize the value of that back then. So I did a marketing degree at university and I still continue to work for the mother’s family during that time. And, and then I moved into government for some for a period and worked in HR. And then I started to, you know, even though I did this mix of marketing and HR, I constantly found myself in a position of helping just people communicate well. And so it was teaching them how to apply for jobs internally in government. Then I started to work on as an HR advisor, I really worked on a lot of panels on how to we had a change of of recruitment process in Queensland state government. So Queensland is the state that I’m in. And so I started to teach people, not only how to apply for jobs and progress their career within government, but also teach panels, how to recruit using competency frameworks and things like that. So I really started falling into, you know, teaching people how to sell themselves. And so whether they were giving a presentation, trying to get an idea across, trying to get a job. And so and then coaching leaders, so I then went through a situation where I got divorced and started my life all over again. And I move from the country back to the city. And I was stuck, I couldn’t get a job. And I spent three months at my parents house, you know, it’s great to have big have the cooking done for you in the and the washing. But after a while my mom got it. I remember the day my mom said to me, and she’s a bit of a tough nut. But she said to me, You know what? She said, Jane, I don’t know what you’re doing. But it’s clearly working.
Unknown 9:03
She and she said, I think it’s time for you to go and talk to Central again. So I sent a link around social security type service here in Australia, so and I thought, you know, it’s not that I’m too proud, but I just thought this just doesn’t seem right. Something’s something’s not right. You know, I’ve got all this experience I’ve got, I think I’ve got a good reputation. I know I can get a good job done. And so I thought, you know what, I’m just going to design if I get my dream job, what would it be. And so I decided I wanted to work for this particular CEO here in Australia, you since one CEO of the year here and I wanted to work for him and I knew I could help his company. And I just went out and preached. And I got my my dream job so and then just from it started to work with in that organization just started to work with leaders on helping them progress their careers and be strategic about what they were doing. And from there started to see clients outside of work and just built up my clientele out of that and just started to evolve. And then that’s how I left corporate and moved into what I do now.
Justin Trosclair 10:11
Did you have to take any classes I think like a what’s that guy’s name? That Stephen Colby but like Anthony
Unknown 10:18
Robbins, or
Justin Trosclair 10:20
the Rob, I can’t believe the guys names.
Man, everybody goes to me thinking grow and I Think and Grow Rich by
speaking in a speaking class like how to do best presentations, how to make yourself better and more articulate person I need to take his class if I can figure out if
Unknown 10:39
that’s all right. You’ll think of it at like two o’clock tomorrow morning. And I
Unknown 10:45
thought it was
Justin Trosclair 10:47
Unknown 10:48
no i didn’t i wasn’t I wasn’t I haven’t been formally trained in in communications, although I did a marketing degree. But I think I learned my communication skills from working for the made his family and and so Roberts daughter who I worked for Tracy may This is her name. And in fact, she’s gone on to be a coach and a mentor. Now for women in business, she sold her business and that was a big thing for her So, but I think I think I’d always it’s just something that I think I’ve had really good. I’ve always had really good bosses and people I’ve worked for
Unknown 11:23
they’ve had
Unknown 11:24
an incredible communication skills and I’ve learned on the job.
Unknown 11:28
So I think it’s probably been that and I’ve also you know, my mom, I remember when we were growing up and had getting a job. Mom was quite particular about us having a high school job where we had to talk to people so she wanted us to make sure we had you know she didn’t want us to have some kind of job where you know even if as a part time school job, not sort of you know being in a job where we were necessarily you know not communicating with people like naughty know warehouse not you know, talking to people or she wanted us to really focus on getting out and customer service and so retail was was my start and spent 15 years in retail. I did go on and work for Peter Birtles is this name the CEO. So the company was called Super retail group. So super cheap Bordeaux BCF go cross cycles, raise outdoors, they have about 10,000 staff here in Australia. And so I took on their learning and development managers role and rolled out the training for for that 10,000 people. So um, so I think retail was really my my grounding and, and learning to talk to people.
Justin Trosclair 12:41
So like your mom was pretty forward thinking in that because that’s a skill that will always be good, but you probably would have hated it as a kid you like, ah, and then you like, Okay, well, later on it actually does a really good skill to have always name was Bill Carnegie. Dale Carnegie. Dale Carnegie?
Unknown 12:58
Yes, of course. Yeah, he is. He I always think of his his quote with presentations. He says, you know, when you present, there’s always the one you gave.
Unknown 13:10
The one you prepared the one you gave and the one you wish ago?
Justin Trosclair 13:16
Oh, my speaking skills turns into the glad he prepared some more.
I’m curious competency framework teaching you how to sell yourself any hints because, you know, doctors, we’ve got to sell to a hospital gotta sell to our clients. Any one or two tricks or Yeah, skills that we can develop on our own buy a book or something? Yeah,
Unknown 13:36
yeah. Um, so I coach a lot of doctors to get onto specialist training programs here in Australia. So if you’re, if you want to get onto dermatology, dermatology is by far the most competitive here in Australia. So if you’re a producer, okay. So if you want to be a dermatologist, you want to be a urologist, if you want to get into obstetrics and gynecology, general surgery, whatever. And so they all have competencies. And so it’s the same in in any role. And what, whatever you’re applying for is what is the criteria? What is it that that this organization, or this department, or what are they looking for my experience has been that people don’t actually there two problems. One is that they don’t read the competencies. So sometimes they don’t, a lot of people don’t know they exist. And so they’re trying to sell themselves based on their focus on, there’s a lot of focus on themselves the first time they try to do it, whereas I think you gotta go attention out, just don’t look at what it is that they looking for. And once you can see what they’re looking for what they need help with, then you can work with the criteria. So I say a criteria or competency framework, it’s a bit like a patient, you know, you’ve got his, it, set it on a piece of paper. So it says, you know, these are all the symptoms that the patient has. And your job is to say, what do you what are you going to prescribe? Or what do you have is the solution for each of those symptoms? And if he can, and that’s essentially what you’re doing to sell yourself, isn’t it? You know, you saying, well, this is what your problem is. And I think that the real key is understanding what the problem is that they need fixed. So regardless of whether it’s a patient, whether it’s a hospital, whatever it might be, is what’s the actual problem they need fixed, and then sell the solution? What is it that you can help them with to solve that problem? And then you actually don’t even feel like you’re selling yourself, you’re just solving the problem. You know,
Justin Trosclair 15:40
what, I think you’d mentioned that, but on the last time we talked, and I was applying for a job that didn’t even exist yet, because they’re all filled. And I went on their website and look at the application. And it said something about some core value that they have. And it’s like, what is what is this acronym. And so, enter websites been a few minutes reading, I was like, Oh, I’m going to tailor my cover letter, yeah, to cover two or three, the points that they’re talking about. So well done. It works.
Unknown 16:08
You just gotta read it. A lot of people get too caught up in their own thoughts, and just just read what they’ve been the information they’re giving you sometimes they don’t give a lot, but try to find whatever you can.
Justin Trosclair 16:20
Now I’m curious. So you have the experience with with Virgin with IKEA is did you have any story of a time where you know, like, you help somebody and they went on to really make some big changes are just the saw, like a real success and just gave you that fire? Like, I’ve got to keep doing this for more people, because it really works.
Unknown 16:40
Yeah, you know, I and I’m fortunate enough that I see it on my stylist. So I mentor, a mentor, a lot of people, mentor and a big part of my business. And, you know, I think some of the ones that come to mind, you know, even just a there’s a lady that I’m mentoring at the moment, even yesterday, you know, she has been she’s a she works with elite athletes around the world. So she’s an expert in high performance. And so she works with companies here, like she’s just come back from the UK working with the UK Olympic swimming team. She works with the Australian Olympic swimming team. And we have significant challenges with women in leadership roles in sport here in Australia. And so she spent the last few years so she’s been a swimming coach in the past, but she now really works with administration. But the biggest challenge in sport, particularly, we’ve had a lot of controversy here in Australia, about women in football. And that’s happened in the last few months. And so there’s a lot of funding that’s about to go into women’s sport and, and battle as in women in leadership positions in sport. And this isn’t something that’s just just us the here in Australia, this is a global challenge. And so but she’s making just massive inroads, and there’s about to be a lot of significant change. And she’s right at the very forefront of it. So she just came back from London working with the team there, she’s bad, she was here, but she’s here in Brisbane at the moment. So we met yesterday. And she’s about to launch her next book. And, you know, for the work she’s doing around putting women into leadership positions in sports, particularly male dominated sports, and helping helping women not be overlooked for roles that they have value. And to help them build their confidence, you know, that has a massive impact for a country. And, and so that’s, you know, she’s just one of so many that, that I work with. So you know, even saying something like that I get so excited seeing what they’re doing. And, and just being able to articulate that and communicate that and type that out to a market and say, Look, I can help you. You know, this is this is the challenge that sport is having. And there’s there’s a lot of funding about to go into that. And she’s the leader in, if not globally in that. So watch this space for her. She’s very close to a quite a big tipping point. And then you’ve got others who, you know, if I think about it, I had a lady who I’ve been mentoring. And, you know, she came to me because she’s, and I it’s funny, you know, like this lady came to me. And I’d really admired her work, I followed her blog for a long time, really enjoyed seeing what she has, has to say. And in her case, what I didn’t know was that she was really struggling in their business. And she came to me and I said, Oh, I followed your blog for some time, I really enjoy what you say. And I often share her articles and things. And she said, Yeah, but I’m struggling. And so I looked at her business and identified that she was only working on one possible income stream. And she had another five available to her and leveraging off what she’s already got. So not done a lot of extra necessarily repositioning or building a massive business. And so in her case, we’ve just created some new products access to new markets. And now her business has doubled just in the last 12 months and it’s on track. So it’ll probably go four times in by in the next we’re on track for three is the three plan is what we’ve put together. So so things like that. And that was the experience. I went through all these all the struggles I had to so it’s not that I was the guru at this and I work out, you know, suddenly knowing how to do all these. So I had to find a mentor, I had to find someone to teach me. And so I’ve made my own mistakes, you name it, I’ve done it. So these things don’t magically appear. But you know, it’s just amazing to see the things that some of these people can do.
Justin Trosclair 20:47
Yeah, well, it’s interesting, because when you said a female’s been in leadership role, my mind typically goes to, well, there’s a woman’s NBA, and there’s women’s sports. But even those professions don’t usually have a lot of women coaches. And you’re actually saying no, that’s still very stereotypical mins the you know, the Australian fully I’m guessing that’s what you mean by football by Australian footy? Yeah,
Unknown 21:08
and there are some women in Australian Football here in Australia, that we have a lot of, you know, unconscious, its challenges around unconscious bar. So you know that they can’t do certain certain roles, and not necessarily playing in the game. But bringing the best out of people in a game. And, and or being able to be going into those coaching roles or leadership roles. And, you know, we there are already some women who are coaches in football here in Australia, which is interesting, and they’re doing really well on the teams are doing well. So there’s just a lot more opportunity. It’s just the working still with the cultural mindset. And that’s always going to be the case. And I’ve never really been, you know, a pro feminist type. That’s not part of my brand or anything like that bed, I’m more about, yeah, we have this people who have the capability to get the results, let’s just do that.
Justin Trosclair 22:09
Yet to say that a woman that there’s not enough women that are qualified to coach and any facility or any capacity, that’s just to me is mind boggling being that you guys or girls are just taking over so many positions and becoming CEOs and rising through the ranks. Once they once they get the opportunity, you know, yeah.
Unknown 22:26
And equally, I think, you know, you’ve got changes then for I think, for a lot of men that I see where that I’m working with, you know, there’s a lot of change of roles. So you’ve got changing industries, and now men taking a you know, there’s not by 2020 50%
Unknown 22:41
of the workforce, they’re going to be self employed. So you’ve got a lot of men who are going, you know what, I wouldn’t mind trying out this consulting thing. I think that I’ve got experience, I think I’ve got something to share. And for them kind of saying, Well, I think I could I’ve got something to share. But I’d like some time with my family to so many, maybe I can you know, maybe there’s something other than the normal nine to five, work with, yes, I still have to work my butt off. But maybe there’s something else maybe there’s a bigger purpose E and maybe there’s something else that I could do that can have an impact to help people.
Justin Trosclair 23:15
I am curious on that, in answering it two different ways. What is the struggle, maybe one of the top struggles you notice when someone wants to transition into what you just said? And then what was one of the struggles that you have personally had to overcome to succeed?
Unknown 23:28
Yeah, good question. Um, I think the biggest struggle is if the first one for a lot of a lot of people, I think are the financial impacts. So you know, I have a mortgage, I have all those really practical things, you know, like, how am I going to cover that? I’ve got kids in, you know, private schools, and am I going to keep paying school fees and all that sort of stuff. There are certainly the practical elements that I think, certainly hold people back. And, and that’s fair enough, you know, there’s sometimes it’s not the right time, but it’s coming. The other thing, I think, men and women, it’s a little bit different. I think for women, it’s around a belief thing. So quite often, it just hasn’t even occurred to them. Like they, it because they just simply don’t even have the belief that that’s even possible. However, we’ve got 60% of new businesses in Australia started by women. So so there’s a real, you know, irony. And I’m obviously the, the Minister for small businesses morning. So after I speak with you, I’m off to go and see her to talk about I’ve just done a session with International Women’s Day with the Minister for small business and women here in Queensland. And you know, this, I think, when we’re talking about a mentoring program, for women, in Queensland, there’s a lot more funding coming into that. So I think the big thing is mentors, hard to find mentors, but even to know that you need a mentor, I think is one of the hurdles. I think in my case, my greatest challenge was, I always knew that I would do it. So I knew from from a child that I would always be doing this. But I think from for me, it was actually I was married at the time. And I didn’t have the support from my husband, when I first when I first started talking about that I really wanted to start doing it.
Unknown 25:15
It was a lack of support. So know, you’re going to stay in your job forever, you’re not leaving, you’re not having a business, he had his own business, but I wasn’t able to have mine. And so it was a lack of support. And you do sometimes see that. I think whether it’s male or female, women can be a bit nervous that their husbands are leaving the workforce. And you know, does this mean I’m still going to be able to have my Jimmy choose? And, you know, so we might have to have the $6 bottle of wine for a little while instead of the, you know, $50 bottle of wine or whatever. You know, that that there’s a lot of fear that comes from from partners, I think. So I think that’s an obstacle as well. For me, it was my family, as well. So my family I think for about two years, my mother kept putting job ads off off the online she print them and come and visit me. Have you seen this job? I think it’d be really good for show you this one apply.
Unknown 26:11
After about two years, I gave up?
Justin Trosclair 26:14
Oh my goodness. But they don’t they don’t know how much money we make. Typically, they just they’re like, I just know that you don’t have a job.
Unknown 26:21
Yeah. Yeah. And my family feel feel bad for me. It’s, you know, the hours and travel and how hard you work. And, you know, they just think you’re crazy. But you know, when we love what we do, and this is the this is the whole reason we’re put on the planet, then when you have that kind of purpose and intention. There’s a much higher calling, then, you know, my paycheck? Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 26:44
that’s the, that’s the entrepreneurial life right there is working more hours than everybody else, and then having to figure out, you know, how do you scale it? And then then how do you get your life back? That’s right, you put the initial? Well, I’m curious, do you have this thought leader business school? What What is that? Exactly?
Unknown 27:02
Totally, this business school was developed by a gentleman here in Australia called met church. And so it’s a business school that it was started. Matt’s been doing this work for about 25 years. So he’s been a professional speaker, his number most three, the third most booked speaker on a speakers, which is a big speaker site, where people are done. And he’s been voted top 10 speaker globally. So he’s here in Australia, and he’s been helping people build become experts in their field. So if you, if you if you look in the US people like Peter Shan is probably one who’s an Australia did well on the mat and move to the US, named James, a productivity expert, Australian go over there. So what he’s done in the last couple of years is developed, essentially, it’s called thought leaders Business School. And it’s like a commercial MBA. So instead of doing an MBA, and coming out and going, Okay, now I have to work out how I’m going to pay for that. And now I have to, you know, increase my salary enough to cover all that, what we essentially do is we teach people how to set up a practice that is their business or their, as the expert in their field. And we have 150 students, it’s capped at 150. So no more than that. And, and so we help people who are experts in their field, and to really grow their practice. So they, when we look at growing their practice, the goal is to take them to a turnover of 500,000 Australian dollars to 1.5 million, and with one or two staff. So it’s really believe it’s the model for the future. It’s the life by design. And there’s a lot of work that comes with that. But there are people in business school like I’m some American, there, we have, we’ve just created the the global platform. So we have a few people from from the US and Canada, Dr. Dan diamond is is part of our group. So he ran the triage center for in New Orleans for Cyclone Katrina. So he’s part of our our group, and I do quite a bit with Dan, I’ve got him coming out to speak at the AMA conference in 2018 strain Medical Association conference here. And we have people like Dr. Richard hard, she’s the lead advisor to the Australian Navy, and strategy advisor. So you know, if you look at the caliber of people in there is quite extraordinary. So it’s a fairly new kind of concept. But the in the formality of it, but Matt’s been doing this for about 25 years.
Justin Trosclair 29:41
So this is definitely something where you need to have a business setup where you like you said, You’re making the least 500,000 Australian dollars before you can kind of move into this type of program know,
Unknown 29:50
that’s what the, that’s the goal to achieve. So we have a lot of people who come in with starting from scratch, like they’ve got nothing. And so we The goal is to get them to the A between 500,000 to 1.5 million with the one or two stuff. Okay, so yeah, number of those that have come in. So people I mentor ring, so I have six mentees, I have three people who have doctorates. And once a doctor of data, one’s a doctor of innovation. And so these are people, you know, even there are people who are academics, even within universities, who have consulting as part of their practice, you know, they lecture as well, there’s another guy, mentor, Dr. parenting. So you know, so the, the frustration for them sometimes as being, you know, being it’s about being commercially smart. So using exactly the skills and all those types of things that you have, the doctors that we have in the program, from all sorts of fields, have done the research, they’ve been academics or have done that work. Right. So there, you know, so well positioned and but just making the most of their expertise and being commercially smart about.
Justin Trosclair 31:00
So theoretically speaking, a Doctor of Chiropractic, who has recently read a book and has a podcast, would that be someone that could benefit
Unknown 31:09
is definitely,
Unknown 31:12
most definitely. Because you, you know, people like that and like yourself, you’re coming in with a lot of momentum. So we have an the mistake I made this is what happens with a lot of coming that challenges sometimes with focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time, you know, sometimes, so we have a what’s called a belt system. So if you can imagine like a karate, you know, you’ve got a white belt? Oh, yeah. Okay, you know, yellow belt, brown belt, black belt, black belt, red belt.
Unknown 31:39
And that’s all about sequence. So quite often, where people come in is that they’re doing trying to do some red belt activities, but they’ve only got a turnover of white belt. And so the sequences out we go, that’s great. We want to get to that. But they’ve seen someone else doing it, and I go, but this person does this, and this person has you, you know, contractors who they come in and do this work for them. And this person’s written a book, and this person’s got that and, and we go, yeah, hold on. Yes, you need all that. But we’re going to get the sequence, right. And when the sequences out, that’s when we lose time lose money. And then businesses fail, and people go back to try and find a job.
Justin Trosclair 32:20
It’s like a website, you might see a pretty website, and it’s a WordPress, or you can see another website, it was completely coded by hand, the back end, you don’t see the back end, but it’s completely different, even though it looks similar on the front end. Yeah,
Unknown 32:32
exactly. And, you know, this is, I think, when we caught up losses about a bit like LinkedIn versus websites, you know, early or website is a great example, where sometimes they’ll come in, and they’ve, they’ve done the most amazing, beautiful website, and we’ll go great, how much you selling and like I did nothing.
Unknown 32:53
Exactly. So. So quite often, a website is the second it like we weren’t worried about a website until it new, you know, we don’t stress about a website until they’re turning over, you know, 240 300,000.
Unknown 33:05
So we’ll focus on list building will focus on selling off I LinkedIn is one of the key activities that makes that work. So it’s a real foundation piece that sometimes people kind of see, as an add on that. I’ll do that when I’ve got time because I had, I’ll just focus on my pretty website.
Justin Trosclair 33:24
Yeah, what’s that it’s a time suck. And it makes you think it’s something and really, you didn’t,
Unknown 33:28
yeah, and it’s, you know, it doesn’t it’s having it done gives you a sense of accomplishment. But at the end of the day, when you go to your to your sales figures, you know, yeah, it really didn’t create my soulmate, just just yet.
Justin Trosclair 33:45
I had a coach, and they wanted us to hire somebody to do all of our public relations, email, small clinic there, like pay somebody to get out there and do the talks, do all the stuff that you need to be doing. But you’re adjusting spines. And they’re like, the one thing you can’t have them do is playing the website, they’re gonna want to change the font change the color, and that’s not going to do anything, you got to get them out of your office, right?
Unknown 34:05
Yeah, yeah, and no one can sell you better than you. And, you know, unfortunately, that’s what often happens. So they’re all good salespeople in or you know, as a, as a thought leader, if you’re the expert in your field, there’s three things you need to do. One is, you’ve got to think so you have to unpack your thinking, you have to be able to disclose what it is that you know, and have that voice and educate. The second one is sell, you have to be able to sell and hit your sales targets and budget. So you’ve got to go to the sales meetings, you’re not sending, you know, how goal is to go out and all that sort of thing. You’ve got to sell you know you better than anybody, and deliver so and deliver the program. So that’s what we really focus on is getting those three things, right, if you can get a thought leader, think sell, deliver. And I have my own KPIs. With my team, they know that I came my These are my things, sell deliver KPIs, and then, you know, maybe 20% of my time is managing everything else. But those three things are the deliverables, you know, so like even a podcast like today is there is I think activity. So we say great, we’ve got content coming out. We’ve got some ideas, we’ve got conversation, and this is a tool that creates content. So we go great, that’s a think activity. Perfect. So yeah, I think it’s really easy to get caught up in lots of different options and not knowing where to start.
Justin Trosclair 35:31
Very good. Now, one thing, oh, this transition into this, definitely wanted to go into detail about your latest book about LinkedIn, little tricks that we can do with that. But I remember talking to you about it, and it was thought was really interesting is you’ve got some books online, I noticed those you’ve been priced higher than I would have expected them to be not saying do not deserve it. It was just higher than I had expected. But I think maybe that’s because it’s a niche. That’s me thinking that and then also like becoming a speaker, because you talked about metrics, getting involved with that. So that was just curious, what are maybe some resources or maybe create a fee system for yourself? Yeah, I want to be a speaker, I maybe I have experienced, maybe you don’t maybe you can position yourself as if you have more experience? And how do you create like a fee for that? And like for a book, is there a way to determine what is a good price for your book? And yeah,
Unknown 36:20
good question. Lots of parts to that. So I think I answered the first thing, because a lot of things are driven by the ball. Okay, so your book is the most powerful positioning tool that you could ever create. So if you look at something like for latest Business School, our goal is we create we plan to write a book a year. And because that keeps us current that keeps us relevant. And it keeps showing the market that we understand what’s going on. We can override a Robert Cialdini, you know, landmark texts from 1995. That’s lasted him, what 20 years.
Unknown 36:56
So and he’s just written as new on but but you know, you don’t have that to write the New York Times bestseller. The book is that positioning tool. And the reality is, you probably want so many books anyway, the book is your you’re more than likely probably give it away. And you’ll be giving it to in workshops, you’ll be giving it in exchange for email addresses, you’ll be giving it in the visual newness of the book, most people probably won’t even read it. But the reasonableness and the power of that book and the cover and the statement you’re making and it’s that fake, it says that you know something about this subject? Well, you know, from a sales perspective, if you’re thinking about, Okay, I need to be able to go out and and so what I do, I could go out and have a whole bunch of sales meetings. So if you want to have 40, sales meetings that would take you a week more life, you’ve had them back to back now that’s you can’t really get 40 done in a week, you might be able to get 28 miles maybe. Yeah, but if you were to do well as back to back, that’s a lot of repeated conversation, and it’s very good, poorly leveraged. But if you can go and speak at the National car practice conference, and you’ve got, you know, a few thousand people, then Geez, that’s pretty good. That’s a pretty good leverage of time to speak in 45 minutes. And to get to that amount of people. Now to get that spot. The book is the tool that creates the reassurance for the event planner, or in the US, you’d call them a professional conference organizer or meeting professional. So then walk reassures them that good, you’re not going to make me look bad by me putting you up on stage. Because you know, something. The other thing is that if you’ve written the book creates positioning, which means that you’re an event planner, the event prime is problem is that they’ve got to sell tickets to an event, they’re going to get a bomb on a seat, they’re going to move you off watching a YouTube video
Unknown 38:55
and get you in a room. So you’ve got to have a little bit of create now your own following through social media, you know, so that an event planner says, Well, okay, I think I think if I put you in a brochure, if I put you on the website to say you’re coming, I think people might come.
Unknown 39:15
So there you know what I think. So the key thing is is to get the book creates the positioning, which creates the keynotes, which creates the workshops, which creates your mentoring programs. It’s all that’s about trust, it means that I can trust you, I you know something about this, I can get to know what you do. And that book goes everywhere. It’s on your LinkedIn profile, it’s on your website, you know, you’re giving it out. So the pricing of the book, unless you’re a bookseller, the pricing of the book and selling a book is not really the ultimate goal. And we can get a little bit caught up in the wrong goal with books. And I’ve noticed because I’ve price it out,
Justin Trosclair 39:59
it’s not that it’s like an expensive business card. Yeah. But when you buy something in both of these places, you get a discount, because you’re the author is not like you’re paying 11 or enough a full price by any means yes, to give it away by the client gets it. They don’t know that. And then they’re like, wow, you just gave me a $20 book, or $30 book. And that’s remember most people, that’s impressive. Yeah. Like, they know what they know about. They bought a book, they felt the book, it takes effort and time to write a book. Yes.
Unknown 40:27
Yeah, it’s very visual, very tangible. And you know, you get to add that value to your programs. So if you’re running a workshop, or a keynote, or something like that, and you go, you know, here’s my keynote fee is I’m going to charge for it. And by the way, if you want to buy a book for everybody, then here’s the value on that. So the value of what you’re selling, if you’ve got bigger numbers, that’s great. And that’s a bit of a bonus. But yeah, certainly in terms of my books, most of them, I give away, so I don’t actually sell a lot of them all. They’re sold as part of programs that I that I believe are
Justin Trosclair 41:06
just kind of nice to
Unknown 41:07
Yeah, I get it. Oh, it’s all from I think that generosity mindset, you know, it’s finding the right printer that you can do it cost effectively, I think I have a local printer here that are using it. And I like the job that she does. My medical book and my my doctors book in the Connect book, the Connect book, in particular has a really physical cover because it’s black. If I had my time again, I’m not sure I’d use black cover scratches really easily. So we’re doing a lot to some protected and make it keep keep it looking nice and packet nicely. And that’s been a little bit fiddly. But then in terms of the like, the transition to a paid speaker, you know, if you’ve got academics, particularly in universities and things like that, they’re not always being paid. And so one of the one of the problems I find when working with people who are trying to get paid as a speaker, there’s probably two I do want mix of paid and unpaid. So it all the short answer is all depends. And who’s in the audience and where it is, and other ideal client and if they’re not, and all that sort of stuff. And a couple of years ago, I set myself a goal, and that was to do 52 keynotes in a year. And so I thought, and that was when I was first starting out. And I remember when I first was coached around my speaking they the guy said to me, he said go and do 250 k nights, and then come back and say me, and I was hot. Wow. Okay.
Unknown 42:41
And so what, five years from now.
Unknown 42:42
So that was these guys. Anyway, I went back and said, I’ve done my 250 years ago, now you ready to learn? And and I was it made every mistake. And and so proud of that was the goal that I said, Okay, well, I’m going to do one a week. But that doesn’t have to be on that doesn’t mean face to face anymore. You know, you’ve got the opportunity for online, you’ve got webinars, you’ve got all sorts of things. So, um, but yeah, big difference. But I think some people do get caught up in you know, I’m only going to be a paid speaker, and I’ll just be having the blue m&ms and, and, you know, you know, they turn into a diva. And for who you are, yeah, exactly. So, you know, it’s being humble. But you know, there’s plenty of times where even even for those who are doing multimillion dollar practices that I mentor, there’s times where I say, No, that’s an unpaid one, you go do that one. So,
Justin Trosclair 43:38
yeah, there’s always a piece of like, you have to give back. Otherwise, you just need to, I think sometimes you have to give back. And other times, it’s just, there’s gonna be so many influential people, that would be great for you that you just need to get out there. Because the back end sales are going to be huge.
Unknown 43:52
Yeah, that’s right. It’s all part of positioning as part of funnel building. It’s, and you know, you just constantly you’re still part in in space, my say,
Justin Trosclair 44:01
well, let’s switch gears, you have this thing called the lead generation indicator, it’s online. I took it, the results are like 14 pages, people it is in depth, me tell you, it’s like a slap in the face.
And then like half of it, I was failing. This is just great. So talk about that. And you have a book about LinkedIn, because I’ll be honest, I thought LinkedIn was kind of authentic. I read something today. Actually, it was only 25% of the users actually log in per month. Yeah. Which is not so great. But you’re saying it’s a tool, you leverage that tool? So if you could talk about the indicator, and then what are some tactical what we can do today with our LinkedIn to make it better?
Unknown 44:42
Yeah, yeah. So a little bit of context on how I came about it. So in 2012, we had a change of government here in Queensland, and I lost about 80% of my business overnight. Well, at the same time, I’d also lost a lot of money on Google AdWords and working with an expert on this stuff. I was having sleepless nights, I was like, What am I going to do? And I didn’t want to go back to a job. And I think we can I had enough for my mother putting the jobs in front of me. So um, so I thought, well, what skill of I got and at the time, I was writing LinkedIn profiles for Korea management client, so for helping job seekers, and I thought, you know, what, I can use this tool for business development, I can use this to go and access buyers and be there’s got to be people out there who need my help, I’ve got this database, I just use this. So I started to work out what I could do, and no money. And, and so the best thing was, it was any tool I had, that was free that I could work out what else to do. So I started and that was how I learned how to use it. So a couple of things. One is with the lead generation indicator, so as you said, it’s a diagnostic that measures marketing gaps for people who operate through brand new, and you got a top of the class for the podcast section, that’s for sure. Justin, say, no problem there. I wish everyone buddy was as diligent as year. Um, but uh, you know, it identifies these gaps, that it’s any diagnostic measures these gaps. And it’s, it’s sort of seems quite sort of simple. But when you marketing in an expert, it’s a different game than marketing a plumber, or a candidate Tyler or, you know, those types of businesses. So the idea is, I just found I was constantly having this, I was drawing the model and having the same conversation with everybody. And I thought, you know what, I’m just going to fit create a questionnaire. And people can do this themselves and access information themselves. And so you get a score, and it tells you exactly where those gaps are and what you need to do next. So it measures You know, you’re doing a podcast, or you’re writing your blog, heavy split your database into the markets that you work with, how often he is speaking. Does your search engine optimization work on your website? Have you got a LinkedIn profile? Have you got the keywords in there? So um, how often are you reaching out to new people, you’re referrals, all those types of things. So just getting that whole marketing mix, right, particularly when you’re your people are buying you. So I found that was really because there was nothing else around. And that was the conversation I kept having with people. So I created that the new book that will be out very soon is influenced the book, I think we’re in final stages of it now, which is explode your least skyrocket your leads and supercharger visibility. So the book was going to go to influence about change it to expert to influencer. So it’s how to use the diagnostic so that you know exactly what to do next. So they can start everyone’s Welcome to jump on the website, if you go to my giant Anderson site. And if you hover over, there’s a section called sharp if you hover over that, there’s a little drop down and it says the lead generation indicator, if you can’t find it, and if you jump on my Instagram, and most of my social media, there are links every way to it. And I’ll link it the
Unknown 47:59
Unknown 48:00
Be Awesome. Thank you. And it’s it’s totally free. So it doesn’t cost you anything. For those I sell it to you if I sell it as part of programs, it’s $80. But for the for the listeners, welcome to jump on and access up totally free. And but the key part of that is the LinkedIn strategy. As you said, I think LinkedIn is such a beast of a thing. And I think I’ve got a bit of a love hate relationship with LinkedIn. And I said, I think probably most of us do. It’s so hard. Yet it just seems so powerful. And but it’s so complicated that I just don’t do anything. You know,
Unknown 48:34
there are 400 and what are we up to 480 million people on there. Like you said, there’s a lot of people don’t necessarily log on. But what we do know is that 40% of people are on there who are on there, that you do login login every single day. So that’s still 240 million people that are on there. So and, you know,
Unknown 48:57
I think we get caught up in the numbers. But as long as you’re connected to the people who matter, those people who are the right people for you and your your practice, those people will get referrals from that only 1% of people write content, yet, the average person has moved over to two hours a day of from watching TV to two hours a day of consuming content. So we can’t keep up with the volume of content. That’s the perfect platform for experts. And for people that you know, who are marketing through their personal brand to write their original thought leadership. So we always start here before we’d start with the website, because it’s like a database that you can go okay, I want to talk to accountant in Shanghai, okay, let’s do that. Let’s go find them. And we can go find them. There’s no other way unless you’re googling sit there for hours. But so I think one of the most practical things that that listeners could do. And it’s just one of the most one of the probably secrets in LinkedIn that they don’t really share very much. One is yes, writing content and search engine, optimize your profile and all that sort of stuff. And you can jump on my post, you’ll see where you can do that. But I think the most powerful thing in LinkedIn is the safe search function. And I’ve done a video recently, so I might change to that. share that link with you, Justin to put up. And I just did it recently, I wasn’t it was my little sort of hidden secret sauce that I had in my programs. But I’ve shared it with people because I think it’s so valuable. And so simple. So a safe, safe search. That’s all it is. And so if you think about, let’s say your, your ideal customer that you need to reach out to, let’s say you’re a chiropractor, and you have referrals that come to you from local, local doctors or other health practitioners, a lawyer, a lawyer with correct Yeah, there we go. Lawyer with car accidents, there you go. Perfect. So we go, Okay, let’s find all the lawyers in your area who specialize in that. So we go easy. So we go into the safe search area, and you’ll see this in the video and I click through it and then talk you through how to do it, you just click on you go to save search, like in your profile and go, Okay, I’m going to do a search. And you can search on categories and lawyers and the location. And then all you do is hit save. And you’ll get an email once a week in your inbox with all the new people who are in your network, who have that search result or who you meet that criteria. So you don’t have to keep going and finding them all the time. So there’s turn up in your inbox and it says hi, Justin, here, the next 20 lawyers who specialize in car accidents here that is the list of those people and you go Awesome. Thank you. And reach out Introduce yourself.
Justin Trosclair 52:00
There the newest people that you don’t have to waste your time or a friend it already not funded. Yeah,
Unknown 52:04
yeah. Wow.
Unknown 52:06
It’s sweet. So you know, it’s the least amount of work most highly leveraged activity on LinkedIn. And not many people do it, they don’t realize it’s there.
Justin Trosclair 52:15
So as far as um, I relate the pictures to that kind of thing, kind of like a dating website, there’s, there’s things that you should have like, you probably don’t want to have your your booze picture and your shirt off on LinkedIn, you probably want more your headshot, I’m guessing Are there any tricks for that to make you look a little bit more professional? Yeah,
Unknown 52:30
a couple of things. One is, you know, make sure your headshot is your chest to your head. So not full body shot, I should be able to if I will pass you at a conference, I should be able to recognize you from your photo ID. So you know, I know you at the other thing I would suggest is smiling. So P friendly. And you know,
Unknown 52:53
a lot of people put glasses on or they don’t looking at a camera or they doing these really artistic storm shot. You know, that’s, that’s great probably for a website. But people make a decision about you on your profile in less than three seconds. You know, you put all this content in, which is, you know, there’s a lot you have to do to get that three seconds to really pop. The other thing I would say is, you know, on LinkedIn, there’s a banner that’s on your profile. So you’ve got your photo, but there’s a banner that sits above the top of your profile. And it’s a new thing that they brought in in a bad but probably about the last 12 months or so. And a lot of people can’t get the graphic to work right? Or they just put nothing in there. It’s a really good shape to work with. It really was Yeah, so my suggestion is, is get a graphic designer, get someone on fiber? You know, you can. But my suggestion is, is that banner is absolute prime real estate, you know that that’s the landing spot of all your clients. So any feel validated this, I have a picture of what it is that that you do. So I had a lady It was a leadership expert. And she had photos of her riding camels in the Middle East. So do you work? It coach people with camel businesses or something? And she said, Oh, no, that’s where I went on holidays. And
Justin Trosclair 54:16
it’s my personal connection. You know,
Unknown 54:19
if I, if I don’t look at anything else in your profile, I should be out from that picture. It should, you know, it’s the whole saying the picture speaks 1000 words. If I look just look at that picture, what would I assume that you do? So if you are a chiropractor, you know, have a picture of your clinic or you working with a patient You know, you’re not gonna have their face and everything but send a really clear message that this is what you do. And and it just makes it really sticky. And then people hadn’t even have to read the rest I got all got it is chiropractor. You know,
Justin Trosclair 54:53
I was this. I think it’s funny. I was on a dating websites at one point. And for whatever reason like this cycle the pictures very well, some. So you load it up, and you’re like, why? I’ve seen this person I’ve either can’t get away.
Unknown 55:08
Anyway, so one
Justin Trosclair 55:09
of those popped up. I was at a local coffee shop. And I looked around and I was like, Oh, no, that no, Justin, you do not know that person. You’re you’ve just seen a
that is weird and creepy. of like, I didn’t say anything that would have been even worse.
Unknown 55:25
Unknown 55:27
Yeah, but the power of a picture. Yeah, profile picture right there.
Unknown 55:30
Yeah, it creates familiarity. If you look at I’d probably child Danny’s book, pre suasion, which is the new book that he’s created is so essentially priming so that, you know, customers are familiar with you in particularly with your if you’re working with patients, and they’re validating you, the more familiar that they feel with you, they’ve seen your face, the more trust you have, and the more you’ll be able to influence them when they get in the room. So as opposed to, you know, five, the Battle of trying to get them to trust what you’re saying and influence them to, you know, follow their program of, you know, strictures or whatever, you know, exercises they have to do at home and they don’t believe you. If they’ve seen all that before they get in the room, and they’ve built enough trust with you. Your face is just so powerful. And we often underestimate it. Do you ever read any? I think his name was Kevin Hogan. He had like rapport building techniques. Again, the power of persuasion, have you ever written
Justin Trosclair 56:31
down and check it out? You know, I was getting out of school, I was 25. I looked, you know, pretty young, obviously, trying to get people 45 and 50 year olds to trust me with your health. And I just added like, okay, there’s something to body language. So I just read a few books about it seemed to really help I didn’t. Anyway, last up, I want to respect your time. You’ve have this memo mailer app, do you want to talk about that at
Unknown 56:54
this app, I created my backgrounds been how I worked with all these big companies like that Rio Tinto is a Nike is and places is that spent, I spent five years as a productivity consultant working with CEOs and A’s and getting them working well together. And, and when I went out of my own practice, one of the headphone a, one of the things we really had to do with speed up communication, and so created this app called memo mailer. And I’ve co created with a gentleman called Dermot Crowley Democrat, he’s the best selling author here in Australia of the book called Smart work. So he’s a productivity expert as well. So the app essentially why what I created it was because we have, you know, when you work with experts, we’ve got really cool ideas, you know, we’re creative, we see opportunities, and we have two issues. One, we can’t get the ideas out quick enough, or we can’t capture them have a way to capture them. More, there’s only one of us. And we need someone to delegate everything too. And so what happens is our brain starts become a to do list, as a opposed to using it for problem solving and creativity. And it was a guy called Tony Schwartz who is that the is that harmony is a professor there. And in his research, he found that the average person can only hold seven things at once in their mind. So what we needed to do was use all the tools that we’ve got to get those things out of your head and not use it as a to do list. I created my my my law, and it’s a way that you can, it’s in the iTunes App Store and Google Play. And it’s designed it set up and you pre set it up, it has two buttons. So one for yourself or one for your assistant, or whoever you like the idea is is that as soon as you think of an idea or something that needs to be done, that you have a way to capture it. So you would press the button. So if it’s to yourself, so I I went to an event last night, and I had heaps of stuff that came out of it. So I just quickly did my memo mailer while I was walking to the car, and said, I can’t remember to do this tomorrow, follow up this person, you know, go and investigate that. And I just press the button, then let go. Now that sends an email to me, with my voice recording with all that.
Unknown 59:10
So it’s super quick, you don’t have to type your email address in every time. It’s all pre set up an equally so Virginia and he’s my aa. If I come out of meetings, I’ll walk out of a meeting. So if you’re walking out of a patient meeting is I’ll say, Hi, Virginia, can you please draft this for this, this client or this patient? So how their bill was great to catch up with you today really enjoyed meeting with you. OK, so the plan I want you to follow is, I want you to do these exercises in the mornings. I want you to that in the afternoon. And then I want you to come back and see me in a week’s time. So Virginia, could you please send bill these dates blah, blah, done. And I walk into the next meeting, that if the communication is very quick, and Virginia can listen to that at the moment that works for her. So I don’t have to wait for it to get off the fine. I don’t have to type
Justin Trosclair 1:00:00
up an email. How much time would you have to waste in between clients to like, you know, most people have a 15 minute hour. So it’s like you have to spend those 10 minutes writing up the notes and typing it and sending it off. And oh, what about tell Bob at eight o’clock this morning? Now it’s lunchtime. Wow, that’s really convenient,
Unknown 1:00:15
super quick. And the feedback we’ve had from working with as we’ve had phenomenal feedback, and I didn’t create it to, you know, to make a billion dollars like Angry Birds or anything, it was more, it was a bit selfish with it. I actually created it for myself, because I just wanted it absolutely, I knew it would help us and I thought I will. If it helps other people, that’s great. But the feedback that we’ve had from a is was that when I did the testing was that they didn’t want it in a written form. They didn’t want the transcription, they wanted to hear it.
Unknown 1:00:49
So basically, it’s always hard when
Unknown 1:00:51
it is that it’s never there’s always spelling errors, you know, and it slow down because they had to then go and check with you on that. And so the feedback we had was I definitely wanted to hear it in audio. And also the tone because they could tell the tone of your voice based on how you wanted it written. This is urgent. Yeah,
Unknown 1:01:12
yeah. You know, if you had a friendly time they got all he you know, must watch this patient will be super nice. And that just the time I would ride it was was a little bit different. Yeah. So so your listeners might find that useful. So whether they’re on their own or they have support.
Unknown 1:01:29
I like that a lot. That makes a ton of sense.
Unknown 1:01:33
It’s not rocket science. It’s not a rocket science thing. But Jesus speeds things up.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:38
Absolutely. Well, wrapping things up. can people find you said Jane Anderson speaks calm anything else that people can find you?
Unknown 1:01:47
Yeah, you can jump on LinkedIn. So you’ll find me there if you do a search for Jane and Jane and since around but if you have a look around, you’ll see me I think of it the red jacket on and blond hair. So you find me day and Facebook business page and personal page, I find most people want to connect personal page. So if they do that, that’s fine. Whereas I recently got Twitter and Instagram as well. So okay,
Unknown 1:02:15
all right. All right.
Justin Trosclair 1:02:16
Well, before we wrap up, do you have anything else that you would like to share with us any books or anything to find like that or any words of wisdom? Before we go?
Unknown 1:02:23
I think, um, I was I just wrote down I think last time we spoke, there are a couple of others that I had he I think that might help people if they’re looking for extra resources to help them grow their practice.
Unknown 1:02:36
One would be I would have a look at Mark reports book Book Yourself Solid. So his book is multiple New York Times bestseller. He does an incredible job talking about some of those ways that you can grow your practice, and highly, highly recommend I buy it for all my clients. The other one I would say is, particularly if you’re trying to pick up the productivity in your practice is Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People seven habits. It’s It was probably the book that changed the way I work most. And I wouldn’t be able to get through near the stuff I can get through without his work. The practical application is a is a big thing as well. But if you want to sort of to know the what’s the landmark takes the best one to read Eric and his is probably a good one, too. I wrote down last time, just see if you still agree. Yes, somebody named Dion. Parag, again. Pereira. He’s a futurist. He’s in business school with us. So he has a if you’re looking at running webinars and things like that he’s a he does a lot with the future of health or he’s written a few blogs on the future of health. I’d have a look at gi hands work. And a new one. Also for you who are finding is talking about the future of health a little bit at the moment is Graham Codrington. So he’s a futurist as well. I am Codrington he’s a South African gentleman. And he did a post just recently on his Facebook page about impacts of of the future of health. So um, I would go and have a look at what Graham has to say if you want to follow his blog and on his website to okay
Justin Trosclair 1:04:19
the last two was paid to speak by Matt church and something called ecology speak ology I think I had
Unknown 1:04:25
speakership, I had with my speaker to ship so. So if you want to find out more about thought leaders business school and match it, she can jump on a map church com, in Google thought leaders Business School met his presentations, skills course, if you want to be if you want to become if you want to learn more about the paid speaking industry, he has two courses. speakership is the technique of speaking. And he also has a business called a sorry, a course called paid to speak, which is about the paid speaking industry and how you can break into that and how it works. So yeah, and he’s written a book on so your thoughts if you want to become a thought leader as well? Hmm,
Justin Trosclair 1:05:07
very good. The joys of round two, we got reason, just. Yeah, exactly. All right. Well, fantastic. Thank you so much for your time, and enjoy your meeting coming up. I hope it’s very productive.
Unknown 1:05:21
Yeah, thank you. I’m really looking forward to try and get out there and help more women to be able to grow they grow their practices. So um, and do some mentoring and get some good stuff out there. People need need your help. So I just say is get it out there.
Justin Trosclair 1:05:36
All right. Well, you have a fantastic week,
Unknown 1:05:38
you thanks so much for having me.
Justin Trosclair 1:05:42
Well, I’m sure you guys figured it out by now. But yes, we had a glitch with an amazing first interview. So now we had around to it’s always a little different around two. But it was so good. So much information. I know I went into my LinkedIn and started playing around and fine tuning and making sure it looked good and started attacking different methods of getting more clients. Well, I guess more leads, if you will, and just putting out information on there some good quality information and the hope you guys will do the same. Check out our books based on our conversation. They’ve got to be good they can ever given us a look into how to be a personal brand. You are your brand. So represent yourself in the best way and in the most ways possible. Keep doing what you’re doing. Doctors get out there and you community, show them who you are become the star in your community. Visit our on our website, Jane Anderson To get more information about everything she’s up to. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash to six. Have a great day. Stay tuned for the travel tip.
A big thank you to everybody who purchased the book for those who are considering it a doctor’s perspective. NET slash free ebook in Get yourself a PDF version for free. If you watch the video, fantastic. You’ll see different reasons why you should read the book. We’ve got things from helping with headaches, stretches and exercises that you’ll actually do ways to figure out food. What’s the deal with sugar tricks for portion control and a nice chunk of the book? How can your body heal itself? Are you minimizing Why are some people negative about chiropractic? What does it actually do? What is pain? What is a misalignment or a subway station in go on Amazon, they got the Kindle version paperback book. As always, there’s merchandise at the Resources tab. There’s podcast, t shirts, chiropractic, t shirts, mugs, weather’s getting a cup of coffee, all the stuff is high quality, good job. If you like what we’re doing, giving back a little bit, keep the show going. Definitely not necessary. Of course, it’s appreciated.
If you head over to the website, the top right is all the social media flavors, pick what you like friend is of course active on Instagram and Facebook the most and trying to do more live videos trying to keep everything fresh. The pictures of my travels are typically on both of those big rush on Facebook, slow drip on Instagram. Of course, if you want to leave a comment, definitely do that. It helps us to know how to improve the podcast so that you guys like it better. And of course, if you leave a review on iTunes or your Android app, that’s very appreciative. If you want, screenshot it, boom, throw it up on Facebook, tag me and I’ll give you a shout out.
Today’s travel tip is about being loud. Some countries have a stereotype that our citizens are very loud on the elevator very loud, walking down the street at all hours a day and all hours a night. Not like a stereotype. Not everybody’s now but if you’re in a culture, he knows people aren’t being quite so noisy, you know, you could tone it down. You don’t have to just saying I know myself personally, I’m walking down the street with my wife. Nobody can understand this. So I just will be loud sometimes and just say some crazy things. And it kind of just like Could you just stop and so it’s just a you know, mess with her little bit. But it’s fun. And I said you do what you want. But just a little tip to be aware of different cultures and different cities that you might visit. They might have a different personality, little different vibe. So do you want to fit in you might assimilate you have a good week.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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