Dr. Maurice Pearl, DC talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast…
Practice scalability, durability and transfer-ability can include hiring an associate. We discuss all the details involved. Staff, systems and retention are a major part of Dr. Stephen Franson DC the Remarkable Practice also, family expectations.
Main Goals: Teaching Systems in the office for doctors, wellness lifestyle, clinical outcomes, patient education, empowering people as their coach, and creating world class teams
A big part of the remarkable practice is to create a business and not just a job that owns you: successful in practice but without losing your family and kids (aka the point of this podcast)
What to look for in a staff member so we hire correctly the first time around? Hint: you have to know what role and responsibilities you are hiring for. Plus you need someone to compliment your personality – which could be the opposite of your style (introvert vs extrovert)
Any gaps on your team that need to be filled and do you have a “staff infection”?
Scalability, Durability, and Transfer ability are typically the type of clinics and doctors he attracts to coach.
Many clients will have multiple associates or multiple clinics or integrated with PT’s etc.
Hiring an Associate and Being an Associate:
Advice on when a doctor is ready to hire and how an associate can be better represent themselves to get the best salary and bonus structure. With 67% of associate positions failing, tune in to his ideas. (check the website — chiromatchmakers )
1, Get the legal writing correct
2. Terms of the contract: salary, bonus, what exactly is the hiring doctor looking to get out of the associate. A big reason to know what you want out of the associate is because you will be looking for a different type of personality in that associate doctor based on your goals.
Are you looking for more capacity – just need someone to adjust more clients.
Are you looking for someone to do more outside marketing and grow the business side in that way.
Both of these bring value to a clinic and he helps us see the potential in rewarding the associate in both styles of roles.
More Services:
Attracting new patients, converts and retention are the 3 main pillars of his services but he found out a 4th pillar is team building since he got asked about it by clients all the time.
Is marketing to get new patients the number one issue or is it trying to retain the patients you have gotten in the door already.
How do membership practices take the fear of paying out of the equation when a patient feels like they should get checked by the chiropractor after a stressful weekend or minor flare up?
- While Dr. Franson does encourage twice a month check ups, he doesn’t claim the adjustment will take the place of a proper diet and exercise or that an adjustment will cure all that bothers you.
Be careful how you describe success because you will spend a lifetime trying to achieve it.
What is a vision story (core values) for your family and are your behaviors setup / aligned to honor those values? Balance is a terrible goal but a great reference point.
Communication and agreement and having integrity about the time line can really go a long way to keep harmony in the family.
Prayer of Jabez is part of his morning routine.
How can an associate get the best positions — https://chiromatchmakers.com/
Programs he offers: Body Signals Program, Immersion Program, Bonfire health program, Vital signs -track clinic numbers
Books: Top grading –Bradford Smart, The One Thing
by Gary Keller, Essentialism
: Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown, Traction
: Get a Grip on Business by Gino Wickman
theremarkablepractice book coming in 2019
more info: www.theremarkablepractice.com
Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/112 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
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Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 112 hiring an associate via the remarkable practice. Just trust Blair today, Dr. Stephen fresh perspective to in 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Great to have you tuning in again, really love the energy from the fans. Hope you enjoyed the top 10 of 2018. That’s a doctor’s perspective, net slash top 2018 you can see who is the top 10 plus and runner up. We had all kinds of countries and people really excited for that. Hope you like it. Guess what? My little sweet Asian Cajun baby, just learn how to roll over. Let me tell your parents tell you how cool it is. It really is. You know, the good news is it’s you know, it’s my kids, so I care. And that’s the difference. So anyway, that was cool stuff good to see are growing, being more vocal laughing. Just you know, real pleasure real treat to be with. As I mentioned before, parents are having a good time here in China during the New Year, throwing new food experiencing a different culture celebration, gluten, the lantern festival views follow me on Instagram, even seen some pictures of that. Not look, let’s get to the show that Stephen Fransson is the remarkable practice calm guy. He teaches systems in the office for doctors clinical outcomes, patient education, teaches you how to be remarkable in your family life as well. One of the two things we talked about a lot today is going to be staff. That way you can get the best staff member possible to grow your practice and make patients happy. Also hiring an associate the doctor’s point of view and from the associates point of view, because Hey, everybody wants to have a win win win situation. So we try to figure that out. We don’t go too much into marketing in this episode. But we do talk about retention. And that’s a good way to grow a practice not just have that revolving door with your patients always leave you always searching for that new patient. And at the end, is a big believer, just like this show is what’s the point of having the best practice ever if you’re on your third marriage, and you never see your kid so we discuss how to have communication and core values in your family that you can reevaluate so that there’s harmony in the fam thinking like the episode, there’s definitely some things you can learn. Show Notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 112. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Live from Louisiana and New Hampshire slash Boston. We got a great guest today he is going to make you think about your your operations of your business in four different ways. He has all these different immersion programs, a body signals program. So pretty much he’s in a whoopee in the shape. That’s his goal. Alright, his company is called the remarkable practice.com has been a doctor for a long time. Please welcome Dr. Stephen Fransson. Welcome to the show.
Unknown 2:56
Hey, thanks for having me. Dr. Justin is great to be here. Right, right.
Justin Trosclair 3:00
Well, we were chatting at saw you got on your email list at some point, you know, and that’s how that goes. And at some point, you get something you like, well, that’s really an interesting concept that you have here. I mean, yeah, I mean, China usually so it’s kind of hard for me to pay for certain types of coaching these days. But then when I see someone like me, I got a podcast, I need to pick this guy’s brain little bit if it interests me is probably an interest somebody else on the show.
Unknown 3:21
Right on? I’m glad you asked me. So
Justin Trosclair 3:23
that’s Do you know, the classic, a little bit about your background, how you can transition from being just like a doctor to doing more of like a coaching and that aspect?
Unknown 3:32
Yeah, absolutely. So 30,000 feet have been a chiropractor for 20, what 25 years now. I’m actually married to my chiropractor. My wife is a chiropractor as well. In fact, we have seven chiropractors in my family. She both her sisters are chiropractors, both of them and married to chiropractors, my brother is married to a chiropractor. So we always joke and say where the chiropractic Cosa Nostra.
Unknown 3:58
So practice in Boston. For 20, almost 22 years after doing an internship in Arkansas and residency or associate ship in Virginia, open up our practice in Boston, we built one of the biggest wellness oriented corrective care chiropractic offices in the world. So we were blessed with great success and whatever success we enjoy, attributed to a commitment to you know, the chiropractic principle, teaching people the wellness lifestyle to get great results really driven by clinical outcomes. That’s what we’re all about patient education, empowering people, as their coach D become healthier human beings, and creating systems for everything in the practice. I’m the I’m the systems guy. So everything has to be systematized, and then creating world class teams. So it all comes down to the team you surround yourself with. In fact, I just got off a jet this morning. 2am. So I’m not tired, I’m still flying, to be honest with you, because I’ve been teaching a create your own remarkable team immersion in Phoenix for the last Friday, Saturday, and then into Sunday. So we had a couple hundred 150 people in Phoenix, learning how to create their own remarkable team. So I credit a lot of the success we’ve enjoyed to the ability to attract and lead just phenomenal teams.
Justin Trosclair 5:27
So what does that look like remarkable systems remarkable Phoenix, like what’s what’s like one or two little nuggets that, you know, we could have expected that we can to get as jazz the?
Unknown 5:36
Oh, well, you know, our overriding premise is that it’s about creating a remarkable practice as part of a remarkable life. Not instead of one, right, so so many, quote, unquote, successful doctors out there can probably relate with the fact that everybody from the outside looks in and says, oh, you’re busy, you’re successful. But you know, categorically, they might be busy and successful in their business. But very often it’s at the expense of their health and their, their marriage, knowing their kids breaking down their bodies, maybe even financially breaking them. Even though
Justin Trosclair 6:08
the podcast that’s the avatar there.
Unknown 6:10
Exactly. And, you know, so I’ve always said, it’s about having a remarkable practice, as part of a remarkable life, not instead of one, you know, first pass, if you didn’t know, we were so purpose driven and mission driven. That could sound selfish, but it’s not. It’s the opposite of that. I believe what our patients really want need is a doctor and a team that’s excited to be there and serving them, a doctor and a team that’s congruent and are healthy and energized and passionate. That’s what the most attractive force on the planet, right. So that’s what really creates that extraordinary practice. And if you make sure that you keep life, I don’t like to use the term balance but fully integrated. So that you’re you’re you’re living out your passion, you’re running your practice, the way you would love to run your practice. You have the hours that you would love, you take vacations, you leverage systems and communications and teams, so that you can really run a huge practice that’s, that’s a business and not own a job, a job that owns you, right. So that big part of what we teach in the remarkable practice is how to create a business and not own a job.
Justin Trosclair 7:22
Or you only cash practice. Do you deal with insurance based practices as well? Is there any?
Unknown 7:26
Yeah, we personally ran a cash practice, we had one of the biggest cash practices the world I beliefs. And, you know, ultimately, it comes down to creating value. You know, people will pay for what they want, right? So Money Follows value. So it’s all about creating extraordinary value for what it is you deliver, people have happy paid for. Most of the things in people’s lives that they pay for the insurance doesn’t pay for. So they just buy the things they want. So you have to make what you do what they want, or you adjustments, only
Justin Trosclair 7:55
type of cash practice, or do you do the rehab and all that other stuff?
Unknown 7:59
Yeah, and our practice, we were focused on Chiropractic and delivering the adjustment. Of course, we created this education program, we taught people the wellness lifestyle, it’s called the bonfire health program. So we teach them about how to how to how how healthy people eat, right how healthy people move, and how healthy people think. We made it very programmatic It was called the bonfire health program. But the practice itself, our practice itself, really focused on the chiropractic, it was the adjustment and educating the patients. But in the remarkable practice, man, we have all flavors of doctors, doctors that do insurance, doctors that do primarily cash, a primary insurance, there’s doctors who do ancillary services, there’s integrated services, people do therapies and natural paths and massage therapists and acupuncture, you name it. We had MDS at our event this weekend, because everybody needs to learn how to build a remarkable team. And when we’re talking teams,
Justin Trosclair 8:57
so we’re going to get little, a little nitty gritty got couple of flavors here that we can go through. Yeah, that’s fine. diggin, are we looking for in a staff member so that we can hire right the first time and not have to do the wheel? placement?
Unknown 9:10
Yeah, that’s a great question is really the theme of the weekend this past weekend. So let me let me put the question back to you. How do I hire a football player?
Justin Trosclair 9:18
good resume skills,
Unknown 9:20
Justin Trosclair 9:22
My opinion, it’s got a match your culture, and you can train the person, like if you find someone say, here’s my thought I was at the grocery store the other day, and I saw someone and we’re talking and
Unknown 9:31
I was like, well,
Justin Trosclair 9:32
this lady’s really good at what she does. Like, if I had my own clinic, and I needed a position, I’d be like, wow, you, you want to take your skills and just come and get into an interview, maybe get more money and help people on a bigger scale than, you know, bagging groceries?
Unknown 9:44
Yeah, you know, I think I think there’s a soft side to this as well as chiropractors, we, doctors in general, were healers. We’d love to work with people, which means we love people. And most of us are terrible in hiring because we love everybody. And if we’re if we’re doctors, we think we can fix anybody. Right? So I thought my football analogy where I was going with that was there’s lots of different types of football players, right? And if you’re building out a team, if I were asking you to hire a football player, your first question would be, well, what position we hiring for? Right? Okay, yeah, that’s true, you know that, you know, that each position would call for a different set of responsibilities, which would call for a certain set of probably attributes, like physical skills or physical qualities that, you know, would bode well for a given position on a football team. And we can appreciate that more trying to build out a football team. But it’s funny, people kind of dropped that that knowledge when it goes to building out their business team. Right. So the first thing you gotta do is you got to recognize, what does my organization call for? In other words, what are the positions on my team? What are the roles on my team, and each one of those roles is unique. Even though they’re small, the small businesses, most of them, most of them are 2345 people on a team. Even with a small team, you put down people in different roles, and you create specialists who are skilled and are hard wired to be awesome. In that position, your practice is going to be much, much, much more successful. Of course, I’m an advocate of cross training. So he has depth and durability and your team. But I believe God only made geniuses and as the CEO of our businesses, our first role is to figure out exactly what type of genius Do I need in each one of these positions. And then make sure as Jim Collins puts it, put the right button in the right seat on your bus and develop them as human beings look around and say to yourself, first and foremost, do I have the right butts in the right seats? Do I have any gaps on my team and might speak to the next higher? And also a very important question, Do I have a staph infection? and other words, is there somebody on my team that’s not supposed to be there, and we need to free them up to go do something else, whatever they’re called to do,
Justin Trosclair 11:50
which we typically wait too long. And it’s poison the well as they say, because I think his first hire, they gotta answer phones, they got to be able to feel the Do you take my insurance? Why would I think you know, those types of questions, but I’m thinking, at least when I was there, I also need them to set people up on a stem or be able to at least do show some rehab, if we get busy. And they’re keeping, you know, I mean, like, they can do several jobs at once. Like, that’s how I look at my first hire. But is that kind of what you’re looking for when you have a core person?
Unknown 12:18
Yeah. When we’re talking about coming off a Jump Street, which is that first hire you know, it’s you and Okay, I need one person. You know, one of the one of the most important things is self awareness, you need to know yourself, like, okay, so if I’m an extroverted doctor, and I’m going to be a natural, big personality with lots of energy and be a natural promoter, because I want to reach more people, help more people and build my business, I might want to hire a more introverted, more details person to help me stay organized and structured right to kind of balance me out just a little bit. If I’m more of an introverted doctor who’s more of a caregiver, and just as focused on taking care of patients, you may consider bringing in a bigger personality, somebody who’s more extroverted, who more outgoing and to create, you know, a little more energy and some promotion into the practice, right. So like that, again, there’s never a just a, you know, there’s never just a simple question like, so I like to say one number is a fact two numbers are a story, right? So I always want to get the whole story. Yeah. So when doctors asked me, who should my first hire be? The easiest first answer The answer for four tires, sort of a Swiss Army knife, you get to put somebody up front who’s going to be they’re going to be a person that is adaptable, right? Because they’re gonna have to wear a lot of hats. They go to be somebody who’s got a great work ethic, somebody who’s higher energy, somebody who is able to not multi focus, you can’t do that, but multitask, right? And it’s usually somebody who loves to be busy. Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s typically your first hire. Once you have to retire in place, then you look and say, okay, what’s my next higher, and it’s going to usually be a compliment to the skill sets in the first time.
Justin Trosclair 13:57
Okay. And you as far as what you’re doing, you can do multiple doctors in the clinic, can you do hire an associates are multiple locations? Are you versed in all of that, or what you’re
Unknown 14:08
saying so, so we have doctors in different stages of the arc of a chiropractic career in our organization. So the remarkable practice, typically 10th, we attract doctors who are looking for, you know, number one, they want to take that job that they know they own or more likely owns them, right? So what they want to take their job and turn it into a business, right, which immediately implies I’m trying to, I’m looking for scalability, durability, and eventually transfer ability, right? scalability means I could do more, give more love more, serve more have a bigger impact and make a bigger income. But it doesn’t have to all be by a pound of my flesh and an hour of my time, right? Yes, durability means that I can do more, give more love more surfboard, make a bigger impact, make it bigger income, even in my absence, like if I’m not there, maybe I’ve fixed my hours from home with my family sometimes or I go on vacation, or, you know, or I’m just out of that world role. durability is a critical part of that. And then transfer ability implies one day and we need to sell it right. So either I’m going to have a success with that comes in and sells it or, or I’m going to sell it on the marketplace. So durability, scalability, durability, transfer ability, requires the system it’s a system ization of everything and building out a team, and then committing to training and training up that team. So your question of do we have doctors who have multiple doctors and associate doctors? Absolutely, we had 39, Associate doctors in our practice over the years. So I have a training program where I train up these doctors and then launch them out into the world. Many of our remarkable practice, doctors have multiple doctors inside their practice, either one associate or multiple associates, they have multiple other professionals, like I said, they might have a functional medicine expert or an acupuncturist or an MD working in their office. And in an integrated practice. Some doctors have 2345 clinics, some of my clients have 50 or 70. clinics, right. So that’s called an enterprise doctor, right? So you work with the whole gamut across, you know, what I was describing as the arc of the career. The current typical chiropractic here is the launch phase, which is when you’re in school, and in your first year where you don’t know what’s going on, you just coming out. The second chapter, if you will, is the grind phase. Which is it’s, you know, your head down, bomb up, and you’re moving and shaking building that practice, right. And then the next phase is the scale phase, which is where you’re looking to scale and then add associate doctors build out your team, etc. And then the final stages, the exit the exit stage, it’s like, you know, who’s going to take over and continue legacy? And what’s your exit strategy for this? So, yeah, we work with doctors across the whole spectrum.
Justin Trosclair 16:49
Okay, so this is a kind of a one sided in the second side, one, your doctor, they’re looking to expand because they want to spend more time with their family. Maybe they’re like 50 they’re like, Oh, I need I need to start exiting out of the clinic or at least likes to hire somebody. How does the doctor know when they’re ready for that that’s actually higher. And then as an associate looking to get a job that I feel like there’s a lot of chiropractors they don’t actually have the load to support an associate Dr. correctly a financially but they just don’t want to be there anymore. And so you get you know, that they eat their young situation, and that’s always horrible. But so any advice on an Associates appeal better to these doctors are ways of things they Okay, I’m commanding a higher salary, or a better bonus structure or something like that. So that is when it’s actually a win win.
Unknown 17:34
Yeah, well, you’re asking the right guys. So I actually have a separate and indistinct business. I’m a partnership. We own a group called the Cairo matchmakers. Because of my experience with all the associate doctors we attract a lot of doctors looking to have us coach them on how to develop their associate Dr. program for just that reason. either want to create scalability, durability, or transfer ability. So this is a really, really tricky space, Justin. So unfortunately, 67% of associate Dr. Relationships fail, because most doctors go into it totally clueless. You know, let’s be truthful. You know, I love chiropractors, I love chiropractic. I love chiropractors. But so many of us got into chiropractic, because we wanted to take good care of people. But you figure out by the time you’re graduating that Oh, my gosh, I signed up to be a chiropractor and an entrepreneur, a business owner, right? Yeah, there’s two different things, and very often two different skill sets. So just like they kind of found themselves in as a business owner, not really knowing what they were doing. They’ll find themselves in the same position with an associate Dr. That I don’t know how to design an associate Dr. program. I don’t know how to interview. I don’t know how to find an interview. I don’t know how to onboard somebody. I don’t know how to set expectations and agreements. How do I do a job description? Is everybody the same? How do I set key performance indicators, goals and statistics and bonus systems and compensation programs? I mean, it’s very, it’s a really, really confusing space, the speed layer and mines.
Justin Trosclair 19:04
It’s very, it can be very confusing. Instead of just some blanket, which is what they normally do. It seems like,
Unknown 19:09
yeah, yeah. I mean, what they do is they typically call their brother in law and say, hey, you’re a chiropractor, but associate, we you fax me over the contract with us is like, well, we’re fresh out of fax machines, and you’re not supposed to do it that way.
Unknown 19:21
You can just borrow somebody else’s contract and stick it in and say, Okay, good. So we get the non compete here. And we’ve got, you know, your hours here, sign here, you know, that’s terrible. That’s terrible approach. Yeah, that’s just not the way to do it. So we work very closely with doctors to make sure that they go through, you know, basically three parts of a contract. The first is the legal ease, which is, you know, making sure that all the legal language is in there and get that in their second is putting together those very important expectations, that agreement, so everybody understands, including the owning hiring Doctor, what am I hiring this doctor to do? Yeah, like, What? What would make me really happy to have them on my team? And I’d be very happy to pay them. Right. So it it has to be the economics have to be right. So you have to go through the optics of like, what is this role? How are they going to add capacity or build this business? Or how they going to create bandwidth or freedom, time freedom for me, depending what the doctors goals are as wise hiring a doctor, hiring an associate Dr. This has to be done, right? Because that’s going to inform the type of doctor you should be hiring this different avatars of doctors. We call them racecars, pickup trucks and SUVs, right? There’s different doctors that you should be hiring for different roles. And you’re going to have to compensate them differently. These a racecar wants to be compensated differently than a pickup truck ducks, right, they’re all worth their weight in gold. As long as the model fits
Justin Trosclair 20:38
their like the doctor says I’m seeing 200 a week or 300 a week, I want to get the 500 a week, I just need somebody to actually kick back. And that’s a different type of person, then someone who’s like, actually I want to be a go getter. I want to go out and market and Craig backs, you know, there’s like is that’s kind of what you’re saying?
Unknown 20:52
Yeah, so I’m going to have to just throw up on my mouth a little bit when you said crack backs.
Unknown 21:00
So yes, that are, you know, looking for capacity, you know, in other words, I would love to be able to have a caregiver, somebody who’s going to deliver excellent chiropractic care and specific chiropractic adjustments, take great care of the people, right. So that’s the person I want to bring on the team, because I love to do the business building, I’m going to go out and attract potential new patients, I’m going to convert those new patients. So that’s new business development, I just need somebody to help me adjust these patients is 200 patients here a week, you could be adjusting them free up my bandwidth. So I go up build this business. Correct, right. And then the other end of the spectrum to some doctors are like, yeah, you know what I would right to just, you know, I’m happy with where my practice is right now. I love to attract, convert, retain patients take good care of them, I want to bring in another doctor, you know, strap on some horsepower to this practice, let them be a business builder, I’m going to create an environment where they can come alongside me and help me save this community, you can go out and attract new patients and convert new patients and build a practice, build this practice or build your own practice inside of our clinic. So that would be more of a business builder. As you can imagine, that’s the race car. And on the other side of the this continuum, the caregivers pickup truck typically,
Justin Trosclair 22:11
could they possibly make similar incomes based on how busy say one clinic is, is if you’re the caregiver? You know, you’re like, I’ve seen so many people a week, it’s not fair just to get paid $100 a day? Or maybe they’re like, wow, I bring in so much money per day. It’s crazy. But I don’t actually go out and recruit my own patients that doctors doing all that hard work. I mean, is there a way to have equal compensation?
Unknown 22:34
Absolutely. Listen, it’s, it’s the best thing we can do for Chiropractic and for humanity is set this model up correctly, so that it’s a win, win win. Everybody throws that terminology around, but it has to be a win win win, or it’s unsustainable. And that’s going to be really, really expensive, right? Yeah, we we insist on the win, win win. And we’ll teach people exactly how to do it. Believe it or not, our average doctors are in the 80s, 85, 9090
Unknown 23:01
plus thousand dollars as associate doctors, and the only ones that are happier than them them are the owners that hire them, because we help them put them in a position where the owner clearly sees Wow, this is incredible ROI for me. I’ve got them set up in a win win win. And they’re energized by the arrangement and the relationship. And we put them that genius in their spot. And everybody wins.
Justin Trosclair 23:25
Perfect. Yeah. Because I always wondered about this. When when doctors are looking at contacting some coaches that do this. I don’t know sometimes these coaches like we’re going to get you a 10 x return on this guy. And you’re not gonna have to pay much to him, but he’s gonna bring so much money and then you get better. And everybody’s Yeah, what does that mean?
Unknown 23:45
Yeah, get get rich quick schemes are bad enough. But getting it on the backs of another person who is a chiropractor, fellow doctor, who probably has a family to raise has has bills to pay as well. Yeah, but listen, it’s not a win win. It’s a win win win, right? This is, it’s all about making sure that the owner is the happiest guy in the room. It’s because we’ve got the expectation set, right, their KPIs are set, right, I have them trained up and equipped to do this well. And look at that. There’s a created an opportunity for a great doctor to be a caregiver inside of my business. And at the end of the day, I want two or three these people because this is a big win for me.
Justin Trosclair 24:24
Perfect. Yeah, two questions. I’m gonna I want to ask this. So that way the guests know what’s going to happen, or the listeners, I’d like to know maybe top one or two that the most most of your clients are struggling with that you can you know, help with. And then we know you’re going to have influential guides for yourself, you probably read books, you might even pay your own coach to help you as well, of course, so let’s kind of go with that. Like, what are some of the struggles that you’re finding most of your clients? Are you always have an answer these questions.
Unknown 24:50
Yeah, I mean, I think we’ve hit on a couple of big ones, right? So 95% of your problems are people problems, right. So that comes right out of top grading, which is one of the books I’ll recommend. So top grading is the pre, I’ll say Human Resources expert Consulting Group in in the world, they don’t like to call it human resources, but people know it by human resources. It’s like building teams is cooperating. So 95% of our problems are people problems. Most people just they have staff issues, meaning CA’s issues or associate dr issues. And this is a big derailleur right. So if you don’t have the right team member and play, doesn’t matter what your other systems are, like I teach four domains of practice success, attraction, conversion, retention, and team building. So attractions obviously marketing for leads for potential new patients. conversion is converting that potential new patient into an active new patient. retention is creating ideal patients and collecting ideal patients. And then team building, which is obviously building a world class team around you. To be honest with you. That fourth domain was a bit of a blind spot to me as I started my coaching and consulting career,
Unknown 26:03
mainly because we’ve always been really, really fortunate to assemble great teams that was just the essence of building a business in my mind’s eye. But anyway, so I spent the first few years just teaching doctors about attraction, conversion, retention, and I’d be on coaching calls with them. And I’d want to teach them about the awesome systems that we have in place for marketing, and for conversion and for retention. And that’s what I wanted to teach them, I might just put the systems in place here the systems processes, procedures, scripting, train your team bubble, blah. And they would say, okay, Doc, yeah, but can I ask you a question about my staff? Or, Hey, can I talk to you about my associate Dr. Or am I going to talk about my office manager? Oh, my so and so just quit, you know? And and, and I would be like, Oh, my gosh, what’s wrong with these people? I’m trying to teach them what they need to know. And all they want to talk about is there people, you know, that’s, I laugh at my, they’re not implementing. At the end of the day, I can give you all perfect systems, processes, procedures, and scripts. But if you don’t have the right people doing it, it doesn’t. It’s not that it doesn’t matter, but it’s not near it’s not going to be nearly as effective if you have the right people in place. So number one, most common stress point pain points for doctors is they don’t know how to build out a remarkable team. Okay,
Justin Trosclair 27:17
can I cluster booking, if you’ve never cluster boat, you might call it something different in your staff never done it. You’ve never done and all of a sudden, I hire you and you’re like, Oh, we gotta get five people at nine o’clock. You like, No, no, we get one person at nine. And they won’t do it. You’re like, are you gotta try to collect six visits upfront. No, no, no, that doesn’t sound right to me. And you can’t get over that hurdle. Come on.
Unknown 27:39
Yeah, big cultural shifts. I think the second most common issue problem that I see is, I’ll see docs, doctors, teams practices come to me, and they’re like, I need more new patients. I need motivation. Nema always a patient’s Yeah, it’s always it right. So let me say this. I love new patients. And I love marketing, and I love attracting new patients. I love referrals. I love external events, we can attract potential new patients. I love digital marketing. I love all that. Okay, but I feel like new patient should be about inspiration, not desperation is de Martini teachers, right? So which should be an inspiration, you should be trying to build your practice based on your mission and your purpose in your community, not in the desperation of trying to replace the people that are dropping out. And and leaving your practice. I call those types of new patients replacements, right. So these are people that are just, you know, the filling in the holes in the bucket, right? And that’s where most doctors find me. So I say pause on the questions around marketing, let’s fix your retention system so that you’re happy patients, you’re happy clients, you’re happy customers, happy practice members, whatever you want to call them. They’re sticking around, happy consuming the value you deliver in your community. And guess what referring others just like that, right? So it’s all about taking this perspective, Hey, you know what, let’s create ideal patients. And let’s collect ideal patients and doing it in a highly deliberate manner. Can I tell you a statistic that’s going to absolutely blow your mind?
Justin Trosclair 29:12
Yes, because I just wrote a question that might be what you’re answering right now.
Unknown 29:15
Our average patient, or a average patient that we started in our practice, we saw them 300 times over their lifetime,
Justin Trosclair 29:25
Unknown 29:26
300 patient visit average over their lifetime. And for some people listen to this and like what it’s like, yeah, happy patients stay, pay and refer, you’ve heard it since the 50s. Right. And it’s so true. When you create an environment that builds and creates value. People like, okay, I found my doctor, I now have a health coach, I have now found a lifestyle success strategy for healthy human beings. This is where I’m going to be and this is where I’m going to take my family for my health care for life. And they stay off on average, on average, 300 visits, think about that. Is that that that?
Justin Trosclair 30:04
So this is the question I actually had, you have a client they’ve been with you say six months? Is there a sort of a global retention rate that you’re hoping to get like, you get 30 new patients 50% will stick around every four to six weeks, they might pop in or whatever? You know, the maintenance, wellness, lifestyle? I mean, is there a number that you should follow slowly? Um, but
Unknown 30:26
yeah, I’m definitely a numbers guy. We have a whole program called vital signs that we use to track all the metrics of the practice. And, you know, I’m speaking from a place of respect for people’s clinical and clinical application, and also their philosophical belief, right. So I believe that people should get the spine and nervous system checked regularly. Because life is stressful life. Modern Life is highly unnaturally stressful, it’s toxic, deficient, and people should be getting checked and seeing their health coach regularly in my world.
Justin Trosclair 30:55
We clear was that mean?
Unknown 30:57
I checked my family weekly, I adjusted my kids this morning, before they left to work for work, right, I get my, I get checks weekly, and my wife just adjusted me. So I recommend and wellness care if your objective is to get healthier and stronger throughout life, I’m 50 years old, I’m in the best shape of my life, my surf around the world at the top of my game. And by the grace of God, I am healthy as a horse. And I know that it’s because of the last since I was 16 years old, I’ve been under regular chiropractic care. I’ve had my spine and nervous system checked every week since I was, I’d say since I was 20. That’s a pretty good run 30 years without missing a week.
Unknown 31:35
And the practice and the proof is in the pudding. Right? So we’ve raised just these beautiful, healthy, happy children. My children have have not had as much as an aspirin, with the exception of my son who had an emergency surgery on his knee. So other than that, the proof is in the pudding, taking care of your body proactively stay healthy. So yeah, regular care is definitely what I advocate. And not randomly, but on a schedule, get checked. If you need to be adjusted, get adjusted. If you don’t need to be adjusted, they’ll be adjusted that day. So yeah, I love the idea of wellness care. I love the idea of maintenance care, and not waiting for symptoms.
Justin Trosclair 32:12
Is that setup a membership each month when they just come in that often.
Unknown 32:16
I love that term. Yeah. So a wellness maintenance. Membership club. Absolutely. Patients are happy to pay for that. They know just like a conscious level doctor, they see the MDS do it now. you subscribe, and you know, I’m your car graduate for trying to schedule wellness care or maintenance care, and you get checked and get adjusted when you need it.
Justin Trosclair 32:34
In a sense, if they’re paying a fee, they don’t feel obligated. Like if I go in I, I have to get adjusted. It’s like no, we’re going to check you see where you’re at. If you need it, you get it if you don’t see you next week, and just obligatory there. And if you miss a week job,
Unknown 32:48
you still people, even more importantly, people are not making decisions based on money anymore, right? So two things happen when people have to pay per service every time they’re there. They may say themselves, yeah, I’m having really stressful week, I should get my spine checked, or, hey, my kids are fighting something I should get my spine checked get adjusted. So man, I mean systems boosted or man I woke up this morning, stiff or sore, I had a rough time ski in this weekend, I should really go in and get adjusted. But I don’t want to spend 50 or 60 bucks. So let me just wait and see how it goes. So next thing you know, they’re managing their health based on what they want to spend that day. My patients never think about that. They’re you know, they’ve, they’re on an electronic funds transfer hundred bucks a month, they can get checked twice a month, every other week, every 14 days get checked, get adjusted when they need it, this number of money question. And then on the other side of it, the doctors not making a decision what a person should get based on what they think they’ll go for financially, gosh, that’s not a leadership position. And that’s totally out of integrity. You know, if I were to take care of you, Justin, and you’re my patient, I’m, I’m not going to be sitting there in the back of my head being like, geez, he really should, he should get adjusted more often than I don’t think he’s going to go for it, I don’t think you’ll pay the money. What a terrible place to lead from that’s totally out of integrity in my world. So you know, ultimately, the goal is to determine what is a person’s health goals, do objective testing, and the objective test will tell them and tell you exactly what they need to do to get what they want. Get them make sure that they fully understand and appreciate what that is, if they’re committed to that, then to move forward with it. And then your job is just to be there. Great doctor.
Justin Trosclair 34:19
So I want to follow up with this. Are the patients becoming reliant on you? Just like they tell us don’t eat them somebody 20 times in a row, because they’re just going to get reliant on that machine, when they should be a more active role in their health. So when they come in twice a month, Do you ever feel like that’s they’re relying too much on you. And they should be able to be at the gym, taking care of some of this stuff?
Unknown 34:42
to gym, right? So they should be at the at the gym, they should be working out. I like to say you only have to work out on the days that you eat. Right? So you only have to exercise on the days that you eat, right? I’m a I’m a natural guy, right? So what would you do in nature, you’d hunt and gather, right? you chase down your lunch before you ate it? Right? You’d have to carry firewood and water. Right? You know, so things have changed quite a bit. So yeah, you only have to exercise on the days that you eat. So absolutely, they should be working out, right. But if I said to you that, hey, you don’t have to work out anymore. Because you’re you get adjusted, would that make sense to you? Not to me. So why would have if I said to somebody if you work out and now you don’t need to get adjusted anymore. That doesn’t make sense, either, right? Or if you said you, you you eat right now, so you don’t have to exercise or you exercise now. So you don’t have to eat right? Or you exercise now. So you don’t have to sleep well. Or you sleep well. So you know, you know if you have to watch your thought life anymore. And you got your thought life good. So you don’t have to exercise, right. So these are just components or facets of a wellness lifestyle. So none of them replace each other. They’re integrated, and they complement one another. So do my patients rely on me?
Unknown 35:52
Know, but I think they rely on good chiropractic here to make sure that their spine and nervous system is optimized functioning without any interference so that their body can cope with and adapt to the stressors that they’re inevitably facing in modern life. So they know that they’re nervous system is a system that you know, we that this is how we experience life through our nervous system. And your nervous system controls how we adapt, cope readily and appropriately to the stressors that we inevitably face and modern life. And it’s actually the definition of health and wellness is the body’s ability to adapt readily and appropriately distress. So I think they rely on us for good direction as to how they should live their life to be healthy. And to adjust them and removing interference the nervous system.
Justin Trosclair 36:34
Yeah, that’s obviously gonna be an objection that you’re gonna have to handle between haters. Patients who just don’t get it, and you know, other chiropractors who are like, I’m totally against this. You like, Well, yeah, you shouldn’t be, but maybe
Unknown 36:49
the evidence based on evidence based conversation, it’s like, well, you know, to be honest with you, if you get if your current on the evidence, evidence now is talking about the relationship between the brain and chiropractic right. So nowadays, it’s all about the brain, right?
Justin Trosclair 37:05
So we’re gonna switch gears, because you mentioned it in the beginning of the episode. And that’s big part of our, our podcast is the personal part, the files, the vacation. So sounds like you’ve kind of got a good handle on this year, obviously teaching people about this, but we work a lot, especially for yourself, you’re probably going on weekends, you said you gotta go to Australia, this month or next month. And that’s not he’s taking a lot of time. So how is the regular doctor who works Monday through Friday, typically or Monday through Thursday, able to take more vacation and spend maybe more time with their their friends and family?
Unknown 37:35
Oh, I think that’s a great question. And, you know, ultimately, when you hear me say it’s about creating a remarkable practice as part of a remarkable life, right? Not instead of one, it all comes down to what is your definition of success. My pastor said something ones that I love to repeat over and over again, which is Be really careful how you define success, because you’re going to spend a lifetime pursuing it. So I want to make sure that these doctors, they just take pause and say, What is your vision of success? Right? What’s your vision store? What success look like for you? And what’s it look like for you and for your family? That’s called your vision story, right? And that vision story should be an expression of your core values, which is what are most important to you and to your spouse, if you’re married or partner if you share life with somebody, right? So at the end of the day, it comes down to really having the awareness of what’s really most important to you and your spouse and your family. Those are your core values, making sure that your vision of success, like what success looks like for you like what are you trying to create? And you know, what is what is happiness, joy, fulfillment, what does that look like to you, if we were, if you were to describe it, to me, making sure those things are aligned. And then that last piece, making sure that your behaviors are aligned. In other words, your schedule and the design for your business and for your life are aligned with those core values in that vision story. If you have that level of awareness, you can slip and check yourself and be like, yeah, you know what, I’m not going to let other people project on me what success looks like or sounds like you’re, I know what it feels like. It’s based on my core values, my vision story. So once you have that in place, then you can audit yourself and say, Okay, so how do I spend my time, energy, focus and money is that in line with my vision story, my core values, the person is able to keep an eye on that not get it perfect. But keep an eye on that. And making sure that they are consistently auditing themselves and be like, Okay, so how am I doing with that? Am I running this aligned to life, like, people talk about balance, and forgive my French, but I think balance is both? You know, I think it’s a terrible goal, right? So at the end of the day, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re a business owner, owner, you’re a doctor or caregiver on any level, and you’re really trying to make an impact in the world, you’re going to be out of balance in your life, right? So there’s gonna be time when you’re wildly out of balance, right. So I think balance is a terrible goal. Because I think it’s really unachievable, unless you get terribly selfish, and you just be very inward, focus on yourself and try to get perfect balance and everything. I think balance is a very good reference point. And it should be used the way a sailor uses the horizon, which is you keep an eye on the horizon and use it as a reference point. But the goal is never to get to the horizon. Right? It’s a reference point. So at the end of the day, balance is a terrible goal. But a great reference point. I think harmony is a better goal.
Justin Trosclair 40:26
Yeah. Because this is what I was thinking, let’s say make 300,000 a year and you want to make 800. And you already spinning, you’re not you’re not efficient with your time, you’re not efficient with your, your family, you’re kind of always going on or something soon as possible. Like, no, let’s just back it up. We don’t need that extra money. In fact, if you could reduce the money so that you’re actually home more balanced, would be restored, or you know, however you want to, you know, you don’t like we’re balanced, but the harmony is restored. And I think especially we have a spouse as you can have those conversations, what is your goal? You want to need to see me 20 hours a week? Or do you just want like really good quality time? Like if you had a solid hour, amazing quality time per day, I could work another five hours? It’s
Unknown 41:04
Yeah, it’s, that’s, that’s a really good reference. Okay. So
Unknown 41:10
it’s, it can be quantified, but it’s usually just more qualified, right? So
Unknown 41:16
when you come together as a, as a couple, for example, or as a team, you know, so if you’re speaking to your children, you can say to yourself, listen, at this point in our lives, we’re doing this initiative, we’re doing this project, or we’re building out this new practice or adding a new doctor, or, you know, we’re going to be building our house together, whatever it is, if you if you have the conversation, establish already, these are our core values. This is our vision story, what success looks like so us as a family. Now, let’s have a conversation around these next 90 days or next three months, or whatever it is, guys, we’re going to be, we’re going to be a bit out of balance here, here. And here. Is everybody okay with that, because it’s in the name of some worthwhile work, or it’s in the name of this initiative. And you have this health, the conversation going on, and everybody’s in agreement. It’s time based, it’s transparent. That’s what you can achieve harmony. And you’re not, there’s no infighting, you’re not fighting each other about it, right. And so the key to it is the communication and the agreement, and then having integrity around the timeline.
Justin Trosclair 42:16
Love it.
spouses, what’s one way that you were able to keep the love alive and feel connected?
Unknown 42:23
Oh, man, I scratch the winning lottery ticket. I just married the right girl.
Justin Trosclair 42:28
Just an adjustment a week and she’s happy.
Unknown 42:30
As I’m a handful, man, I’m a handful. I’m a full time job, no question about it. No, certainly my wife is like, she just the grace that she extends me she’s very flexible. But really, it’s because we share a purpose. Right? So we both have, we’re very purpose driven people. And she’s as on purpose as I am. And you know, we have a not a perfect Yin and Yang, but we were very complementary to each other, right? So our strengths are complementary to each other. And, you know, I’m, you know, first and foremost, I’m a Christian guy. So, you know, that’s my first role in the world. I’m a, I’m a husband, I’m a father, I’m a son, I’m a brother and friend. So I’m a person before I’m a professional, right? So but in my professional life, I’m a doctor, I’m a leader, I’m a speaker, I’m a teacher, trainer and author a coach, right. So I’ve got a lot of roles that I play in the world. And she plays the role of guard rails for me, like she’s a world class mom and a world class wife and war class daughter, a world class friend, on top of being a doctor, a teacher, a speaker, you know, so on top of those things, so she helps keep it on the rails and, and show show show, call me on it little rip check every now and then, to make sure that you know, it’s, you know, the family focus comes first, which is I appreciate that, just like my role is to keep us focused on productivity and, you know, advancing our businesses. So when we both agreed that those are that’s our mutual rule. So my relationship with Camilla is a good example of one plus one equals 11 That’s awesome.
Justin Trosclair 44:09
Last two is popular right now. Somebody has like the the morning routine or lunch routine that grounds and and gets them excited for the rest of the day. Do you have any one of those you’d like to share for us?
Unknown 44:19
Good god ass Yeah, morning rituals. Since what it’s all about one of the most original coach back in the day, Dr. CJ Mertz really had a big impact on me with teaching me about morning rituals. And I just so appreciate him for that, which I was sleeping out staying up late at night sleeping in as you start seeing patients at 930 in the morning. And you know, by the time our you know, practice at its peak, we’d see 100 patients by 930 in the morning, because we’d start seeing patients at 645 in the morning. Wow. Yeah. And I live in a different state from where I practice. So imagine that. Yeah, we were we saw a lot of patients, but it was incredible. Lee well organized and orchestrated great systems, awesome team, multiple doctors. So we had quite an operation gone. But you asked about morning rituals, you have to have an extraordinary set of morning rituals before you can show up in the office and see 100 patients before 930 in the morning, right? So I would get up way too early. You know, now, now that I’ve studied the science of sleep and the repercussions of sleep,
Unknown 45:23
deprivation, especially years of it, I would have done things differently. But looking back, I was up by 430. And my rituals are are straightforward. So I pray before I get out of bed, I get into a state of gratitude for the beautiful family that I have wonderful wife laying next to me and just a just a great just a great life. It’s easy to get in gratitude. Frankly, I appreciate the wins. As much as I appreciate the challenges and the lessons learned. I put my feet on the floor. You know the old classic right foot left foot. Thank you. I love starting my day with that. Thank you as my feet hit the ground. And I do the prayer job as before I get out of bed which is low. Bless me indeed. expand my territory, guide me with your hand. Keep me from trouble, right. It’s a great way to start your day. So I get up, go kids coffee maker, let my dog out. And I have my cup of coffee. I grabbed the Bible, I grabbed something professional that I’m reading. I grabbed my journal, I grabbed my to do lists I’ve to to do list today in this week. And I grind through those to do lists and do my reading. I do my writing. I do my checklist. I have my second cup of coffee, I love coffee, play with my dog a little bit, then the kids come down. So I put the kids will get a nutritious breakfast in and make sure the kids get their green smoothies before they leave to preschool. Three days a week I get to drive my son to his school and my daughter and her school. So kind of split duties there. Get him to you know, carpool, that sort of thing was a wonderful way to start the day. I used to have to get down to Boston to go to do the practice. But now we sold the practice. I don’t do that anymore. So I get to take the kids to school, which is awesome. Then I coach on all day long. I do podcast like this, I create videos, etc. And I’m off to the races. So there’s my morning rituals. And by, you know, seven o’clock in the morning, I’ve already had an awesome day.
Justin Trosclair 47:13
You’ve accomplished more than most people accomplished by noon.
Unknown 47:17
That’s the big idea. Right? So if you’re hyper productive by eight, nine in the morning, the rest of the day you don’t feel so frenetic and stressed I leave your room to do everything else creative. Okay, books, blogs, podcasts. What do you go for these days? What do you recommend? You know, I’ve been I’ve been just taking in more and more content online. But let’s talk about books. Because I don’t think people talk about books enough anymore. three books I would have doctors read right now. I love
Unknown 47:47
the book. The one thing is very good. I love the book. Essential ism was probably my favorite. And I love the book traction.
Justin Trosclair 47:58
Unknown 47:58
Justin Trosclair 48:00
Check on Amazon people. You can find them. Yeah. Okay. The question everybody wants to know, where can we find you? Facebook website? Lay it on us?
Unknown 48:08
Yes. Yes. And yes. You’ll find me everywhere. So it’s Stephen Fransson. fr n. So when Stephen Branson with the remarkable practice, you’ll find me about the remote view. Remarkable practice calm. So the remarkable practice com Facebook.
Unknown 48:25
You can find that as a website. And on Instagram. I’m Dr. Stephen F. Dr. Stephen F. So Stephen with a Ph. So Dr. Stephen F. And
Unknown 48:37
let’s see how else can you find me? You’ll see my book coming out in March. For me, the remarkable practice book is coming out the Definitive Guide to creating the remarkable practice so that’ll be coming out. So keep your eyes open for that. But yeah, I’m if you just Google the remarkable practice, you’re going to find me everywhere. And then also for people who are looking to hire either associate doctors or ca staff people. You can also find me at Cairo matchmakers. So Kyra matchmakers calm. My partner’s. Alan minor Mark Mel Sheila. Correct. You’ll find us a car matchmakers.
Justin Trosclair 49:11
Okay. I’m clearly butchered your first name earlier than Oh, no, everybody got put it up in there.
Unknown 49:17
So yes, Stephen. Stephen Francis.
Justin Trosclair 49:19
Yep. Sorry about that.
Hey, we’re all this is a fantastic our I’m pretty sure you people having questions in their head, like, Oh my gosh, I got to contact this guy or follow them on Facebook before I make a make a decision. So
Unknown 49:34
really, it’s easy. If you have any questions for me, you can message me on Facebook. People do that all the time. So just reach out to me on Facebook, Stephen Fransson, or go to the remarkable practice. But if you can go to write to Stephen France, and you can message me. I’m very good with that. So I’ll message you right back or you can message me on Instagram as well as Dr. Stephen F.
Justin Trosclair 49:52
Love it. Alright, man, thank you so much for being on.
Unknown 49:55
Hey, thanks for asking me guys. God bless, guys. So remember what the work that you do is incredibly important and very, very worthwhile. You’re making a bigger impact on the people in your community and humanity as a whole. So why not be remarkable. So remember that today like everything you do try to be remarkable.
Justin Trosclair 50:19
That wraps up another episode or remind everybody that we have some great affiliate links available if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, we’ve got the edge tool and we got the hot grips saves you about 10% also with the edge you’ve got the like blood pressure cuff restrictions system, you’ve got the G sweet inexpensive Mr. In case you’d like to in cash practice. If you want to know what hosting us for podcasting, blueberry, pure VPN, it’s one of those ones I use to help keep my payments secure as well as access the internet more safely. You’ve got the primal paleo grass fed protein bone broth style, save 10% on that no sugar, allergy free, gluten free, dairy free all those types of things mentor box get taught by the author, we got set preset for those floss bands. And you may have heard about on one of the episodes really like those in the Amazon products that you might want, click the link in the show notes pages. And of course, I got my own electric acupuncture pin to go with the needle acupuncture book from time to time and you know have a bundle set bringing them all together for a great price muscle have the free downloads at a doctor’s perspective, net slash blueprints. And what lately I’ve been doing is substituting a fifth one like have done a neat and depend on the guest, I might do a different type. So check back there. So all those resources can be found a doctor’s perspective, net slash resources. There’s also t shirts at.net slash t shirts, put up some new designs from time to time, like Megan lemons out of lemonade, shrimp po boy plus all the Chiropractic and podcast swag that you could want. If you have any ideas for guests, please send an email Justin at a doctor’s perspective. NET I’d love to hear who you think would be good or a profession that you may not have heard yet. If you can send me review that’s dot net slash subscribe Apple, Google stitcher Android devices you just click that button it’ll take exactly that a page you need to you can write a review, hopefully a five star review. I said it does help for other people to discover what we’re doing here. And we’ve got over 100 episodes is gonna be like our third year super excited. We’re going a little mini series like we’ve been doing, which has been fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well that’s that’s the feedback I’ve gotten. And one thing I haven’t really talked about too much is the doctor’s perspective. NET slash support page through about a host a cup of coffee, go for it. If you want to pledge a little higher fee there’s buttons for that there’s even monthly recurring for those who feel like wow, this is like the cheapest mentor coach program I’ve ever seen because you interview so many different kinds of doctors and and have been able to implement things that I’ve heard and it works so monthly recurring payments, which also you can get you my books for free t shirts for free. The first book you know that deals with health and exercise, getting on a diet, getting your financial health and order as well. things to learn in China, you know that books is available as well. One thing that I don’t have I don’t have like a full blown page about coaching in things but there’s a little button there. I’ve had people request Hey, doctors and non doctors asking me can I do more than just answer a couple of questions or could you be my coach for a little while and I say yeah, we can do that. So something I haven’t really advertised but it’s something that I can do and do whether it’s marketing strategies for new patients growth, those types of topics. If you’re interested just email me Justin at a doctor’s perspective. NET as always, listen, critically think and implement Have a great week.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share it on social media rather review and you go to the show notes page. You can find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin shows Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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