E 97 Medical Music and Career Options Dr Amy Arton DC

e 97 a doctors perspective amy arton dc no words songwriter 1
Dr. Amy Arton, DC talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast.

We hear from a spinal manipulation professor and learn about new teaching technology. Dr. Amy Arton DC created a dedication song to the people who donate their body to science. We chat music industry and different types of chiropractic career options.

Dr. Arton had the courage to leave a comfortable, reliable family business and become a Doctor of Chiropractic. Why did she do it? Also she has one of those “chiropractic helped me when the other doctors couldn’t” stories.

She had a small clinic in Tennessee and Louisiana, has done some fill in work, is a singer and songwriter and now is a faculty member at Texas Chiropractic College with a focus on palpation and adjustment courses.

Can fill in work (locum) pay enough to be considered a full time job? What must be done to be successful at vacation relief doctor work?

How does having multiple instructors during adjusting courses benefit the students?

Force Sensing Table –students can adjust into this machine and it evaluates line of drive, force and speed.

Patient Simulator (aka like a manikin that can mimic heart issues, dilated pupils and more)- it’s the latest technology for students to get a feel for real life conditions.

What are her thoughts on the biggest misconception in chiropractic? Part of her answer is that medical doctors understand what we do but the patient perspective is still not as positive as it could be.

Dr. Amy Arton is a songwriter and she has made many decisions in life based on developing her skills in this area. She would always sing the dedication song for the cadavers that were used in school. It is a huge honor to use them for our education and she felt like nothing really captured how important that is.

She decided to write her own song for just this situation. Universities across the country have shown interest in her cadaver dedication song and she is hopeful that they will be incorporated into the ceremonies.

End of the Episode you Can Listen to the FULL SONG: No Words!

We discuss song writing and the business behind making songs. Also, we touch on headphone quality and our personal preferences.

She tells a moving story about her grandfather teaching her a few chords and the progression into songwriting. Does she want to be the next Big Deal or is she a Behind the Scenes star?

What is a work tape? What do artists listen to when they are picking the songs they want to use?

Find more about Dr. Amy Arton, DC at www.thesongdepot.com and it also has links to soundcloud to download any of her other tracks.

Book: Youre a LEADER Charlie Brown

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/97 here you can also find links to things mentioned and a full transcript of the show.

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:03
Episode 97 Medical music and career options I’m your host Dr. Justin trust Claire today we’re Dr. Amy perspective

2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get a behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Welcome back. If you’re driving if you had the gym be safe while listen Today on the show we have a Dr. Amy our home. She is from South Louisiana just like myself. Fact. Apparently we grew up about 20 minutes apart. met her I think was like my last trimester. So school anyway, today’s a unique episode, because she is part musician, part chiropractor. And she’s done a little bit everything she’s had her own clinic he’s done filling work has been professor or an instructor. I’m not sure which one they use. So she can have a well rounded look on things in the chiropractic profession. But our big passion is music and songwriting. And we’ll go into it later. But she was always a part of cadaver lab celebration, which means I don’t want some beginning or the end of cadavers usefulness in a school, not just carpeted school, but you know, schools across the country that use them. But that was a gift. I mean, somebody decided to donate their body to science. And that is something that, you know, I guess we could probably take for granted. But the things that we learn from those bodies last us a lifetime, especially as non surgeons who really don’t want to see that again. So it’s very cool. So she wrote a song. And at the end of the episode, you’ll be able to hear it. But until then we talk all things, music, songwriting, how’s that work in the industry. But then we also talked about being a professor, being a instructor, new technology, and all those types of varying topic. Enjoy the talk, I hope you will as well. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net, slash nine, seven, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China and Houston, Texas. Today’s guest is a Doctor of Chiropractic, a also a singer songwriter been owner since my college days, actually, her name is Dr. Amy or Tom,

Unknown 2:16
welcome to the show. Thanks, Justin. Good to be here.

Justin Trosclair 2:18
Yeah, I know a little bit more about your background, and probably most people. So I think that’s kind of fun. Maybe scary. Could be, but but one of the things I know about you is you came from a family business that was going well. And I think you have one of those stories where people are like, I could have probably stayed at this job for the rest of my life. And we’re been ok and been financially fine, and all this kind of stuff. But you did you had this desire to be a chiropractor, maybe something else you let me know. And you said, Forget this, I gotta I gotta do me. And you went to chiropractic School, which is obviously not an easy thing. It’s not a cheap thing. And even annoying passion for music, which is one of the reasons why you’re on the show today. So So give us a little bit of background about yourself and how you decided to do Chiropractic and leave a solid thing?

Unknown 3:07
Well, you know, Justin, the big thing was, while I was doing the business back home, everything was going well. And the biggest issue I had was I always felt like something was kind of missing, even though that was doing okay. And I wanted and I had had an incident when I was like 19. And I was, you know, struggling health wise. And I had gone to some medical doctors and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. And my dad told me that maybe we should bring me to a chiropractor. And at the time, I didn’t know what chiropractic even was. And he explained about the nervous system and all that good stuff and how maybe some adjustments might help. So I’m like, well, let’s, let’s go ahead and give it a shot. So I went to the chiropractor. And after about a month, I mean, all those symptoms and stuff started to subside. And I was very impressed. And I was always in the doctor’s office always trying to learn. And my mom kept saying, Hey, why don’t you go to chiropractic school, and I was like, man, and she kept saying, and I was like, man. And then finally, years later, like I’m talking almost 10 years later, I just woke up one day, and I’m like, you know what, I’m going to chiropractic school. And just finally just finally just got to me and I and I had to do it. That’s why

Justin Trosclair 4:28
it’s called that a parent can see something in you that you don’t see in yourself just like a coach, I guess does that. And we can’t force us to do anything. No figured out on our own. That’s right. You went to Harvard School, you finished it. And you move to I think summers in Tennessee, correct?

Unknown 4:44
Yes, I was in Nashville for a short time, had a little practice there for a little while. And then I’m back to Louisiana, had a practice there for a little while. And then after that I was kind of working for other doctors here. And they’re filling in doing work for them on top of every now and also had a few jobs as well, that I was doing. Sometimes you have to make the bills,

Unknown 5:08
right, right? No, that’s true.

Justin Trosclair 5:12
I was curious about this, you know, when I go back to the States, everybody assumes you just going to be a starter practice or, you know, go work for somebody, and we don’t have to go too far into the bad work situations that occur. But when you do and fill in work, that’s something that was interested in, I’ve heard of people being able to do this full time, were you able to find that you could get enough gigs every week to make your ends meet or even be profitable? Like, you know that well,

Unknown 5:38
okay, here, here’s, here’s my opinion on it. I think had I pushed it, I could have had enough gigs to make it a permanent thing. But I wasn’t pushing for it, because of course, I had other passions as well. So totally, I think it probably could have been done, I did get up substantial enough to kind of help pay some basis, you know, but to make that full time living saying, Hey, this is what I do, I feel in, I would have had to hustle and really be knocking on everyone’s doors. But I think I think it could have happened for sure.

Justin Trosclair 6:11
So it really is something that were you you can put your name up on a couple of websites, but you need to be sending emails or faxes or letters to all the doctor saying, Hey, I can do this, let me know when you want to take a break them, you know data,

Unknown 6:23
right. And I can say this to most of the doctors that I filled in for they wanted me to adjust them first. So obviously they wanted to make sure that they had the appropriate person in their office.

Justin Trosclair 6:35
Well, that can be challenging. If it’s like a you know, if you’re in, say New Orleans, and you need to go to Shreveport, which is roughly five and a half hours away, or something like that you like yeah, I don’t know, if I’m going to drive, you know, 10 hours round trip to.

Right, right? Well, I’ll be honest, my skills,

Unknown 6:52
most of most of my gigs were the furthest out I was from where I was staying was two hours. So I do really have to go to for within my local area. You know,

Justin Trosclair 7:03
I just, you know, just brainstorm sometimes, and what his guests and that was when I was like, you know, I’m licensed in three states. But, you know, I’m not just gonna drive all the way to Oklahoma, and be like, Hey, guys, Oh, you didn’t like my skills? Oh, that’s too bad.

Unknown 7:19

Justin Trosclair 7:21
But, you know, if you’re gone for a week, you know, that’s one of those little things you like, Look, I need airfare or at least, you know, gasoline or something in a hotel for however many days and you know, depend on how busy somebody is. It could be worth it for him, you know? Right, right. Okay. Well, that’s fun. So, Amy, based on the experience that you’ve had a couple practices filling, now you’re actually at a school teaching adjusting, and a couple other different classes. What did you say that you’ve discovered is kind of your specialty these days?

Unknown 7:51
Well, actually, I kind of feel like that is my specialty is like teaching adjusting to the students. And it’s very funny, fun and rewarding when you when you see them adjust for the very first time. And their little brains get excited. It’s it’s really fun. Bunch of high fives go around. So it’s very, it’s very interesting. And I that’s what I love to do. So it works out pretty good that I’m in the adjusting courses.

Justin Trosclair 8:17
Students tend to, you know, something, we can have a bad attitude, or we just get someone’s we’re excited. Maybe we’re that point where all the kids are super stoked about, yes, this is what I came to school for. it’s finally happening. Versus you know, at some point, we were just like, I just want to be done with school, can I get out and get, you know, start getting a job? I think that we run the gamut. What are you finding artist students these days? Are they multiple? Are they willing to accept guidance? You know, those types of feelings? Do you feel like you’re able to truly impact these youngsters? As they say, and and how do you feel like your role is in that?

Unknown 8:53
Oh, absolutely. I, you know, most of them are very open minded, I’m not gonna lie, there may be a couple here and there that come through that, that you can see kind of a closed off. But the good thing is, you know, as instructors, we all have our own personalities. So if if if we find that a student is kind of closed off to, let’s say, me, for example, they may be more open to one of the other adjusting instructors. So overall, the good thing about that is as having multiple instructors within the classroom allows for there pretty much to be open mindedness with all the students and for them to all take input about what we’re telling them. So so that’s the good thing. And you know, it’s definitely impacting because we all kind of do our own thing, right? The end product, it’s the same, but how we get there, sometimes the setups a little bit differently based on our body sizes. And so when we see one students struggling with doing it a certain way, then we mentioned Hey, how about this way, and then you can see that they take on to that, and it works for them. And that that leaves you with a really good feeling.

Justin Trosclair 10:00
So tell me this, they got small people, we got big people, it’s always quite interesting, I would say, teaching people and this Oh, you’re just a small little girl, you can’t, you can’t adjust and you need to be a linebacker. That’s that’s what needs to be. That’s obviously is that’s not true, correct?

Unknown 10:18
Absolutely not true. No, I, I myself, and I’ve seen people even smaller than myself, just some pretty huge guys. So it really comes down to technique,

Justin Trosclair 10:31
angles of the adjustment that the thrust and all that stuff,

Unknown 10:34
right, do you have the right line of drive, the right speed, the right force. And that’s one thing that you develop with time. But the cool thing is now at the school, we’ve got this new technology, it’s called a for sensing table. And so, you know, the force table allows them to adjust and then see their line of drive, it allows them to see the force that they put into the adjusted meant, how fast Yes, yes, how fast that adjustment was, and amongst a few other good things. So it’s really neat, to be able to bring the students in there, and then they can see where they are now. And then we bring them back later. And they can see that they’ve improved. And we’ve even used it to help students improve, as well, if we saw they were struggling quite a bit.

Justin Trosclair 11:24
Is that how you test now like, I remember, when we were in school, you know, you just had to pretend, you know, just kind of show them. This is the direction I’m going, you know, and more verbal with a little bit of visual cues. Now, is that how they get tested, I do it on the machine. And you didn’t do it correctly.

Unknown 11:42
As of this point, we’re not actually using it as a testing measure. We’re just using it as a tool to help the student to learn and to keep them engaged. We haven’t got as far as putting it into the assessment part yet. But hey, that that may come at some point. You know,

Justin Trosclair 12:00
it will, you know, if even if you’re trying to adjust on a machine, just like when you play a video game on your phone, you’re like, I push the button. Why didn’t it do what it’s supposed to do? And then you lose. So I can imagine that thing. You don’t have a lot of practice, like, all right, how do I make sure that it shows a rotation to the left with a little bit superior? You know, right, right. That’s pretty cool.

Unknown 12:22
It’s very, it’s very nice. And now we have these patients simulators, which are really cool, because you can actually give that simulator specific conditions in which the student will have to go ahead and monitor and figure out what possibly could be going on with that simulator. So it’s very interesting. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 12:44
so it, it looks like a mannequin or like, you know, one of those CPR dummies, it has

Unknown 12:49
that kind of look to it. Yes, it’s a full body, full body. And it’s lying on a hospital bed. Ah,

Justin Trosclair 12:58
that is pretty cool. is very neat. Because otherwise you never really know what these things look like sound like I feel like when you’re doing those exams,

Unknown 13:08
right, but it’s really their, their eyes will dilate. It’s it’s very interesting, the amount of technology

Justin Trosclair 13:15
that’s really cool, because you need to get an idea. I had a patient I remember one time this role pale, and kind of cold sweats and was complaining about like an arm Vietnam, and I was just kind of like, Really? I don’t really like the way you look right now on so you, you work up a little heart routine. And you’re like, oh, man, I don’t I don’t think it’s safe to be here. You should, we’re going to go ahead and get you out. And it was a good, it was a good call. It was a really good call on my end. But it was definitely an intuition. And then, right, right, buddy, and you’re like, Okay, this is how it plays out. Which I guess that’s why in like a medical school, you get these residences. And you see everything’s you like, Oh, yeah, I’ve seen it. And and, you know, student clinic and the main clinic, you see what you see, sometimes you’re lucky and you see a lot of crazy stuff. And that’s it Good thing, sometimes you kind of just the regular people. And once you get to for a while you start seeing more and more. And that’s when you really start to learn a lot of of all that. Well, before we get into I think the crux of our interview, one of the things I like to ask and sometimes I don’t ask it, but being that you see, you’ve seen it in the real world and you see it in a school setting. What are you noticing some of the misconceptions about chiropractic?

Unknown 14:21
I think the biggest misconception today is even though we’re widely accepted in the medical community, I feel that people outside of the medical community still don’t quite really understand the vigorous training that we go through as chiropractors. And I think that’s probably the misconception. Like I can’t tell you the number of times that it’s come up that I’ve, you know, dissected a human. And when you tell people that they’re like, You did what? And I’m like, yep. And and it’s just, it’s just amazing. They don’t they don’t realize the the amount of vigor in Wow, and how much in depth learning we get on anatomy and physiology. And all those other good things.

Justin Trosclair 15:08
Yeah. So did you ever use that paper that compared the medical doctor versus the chiropractic education? Jeffrey number, that paper?

Unknown 15:17
I do remember that paper, but I never used it. And I never used it? Because at the time when I when when I looked it up? It wasn’t accurate, Justin, so I didn’t know what the actual facts were. So I couldn’t see.

Justin Trosclair 15:30
I don’t think it’s accurate either. Like that’s that. Yeah. That’s that was my joke about it. Because maybe there’s some areas that are true. Like maybe we do have more, you know, anatomy and basic physiology, but I think it was a miscued document. And I don’t think many people are using it these days, because I’d be we take one pharmacology class. So that’s huge differences. You know, whenever they’re in school, they always have a little bit of anytime they learn something, they can always throw in, oh, these are some of the drugs that we were used to treat it. So there’s always some conversation about the pathology and the treatment. Whereas when we’re learning a lot of basic pathology, you just kind of learned a pathology and right how to recognize it and how to pass boards, because a lot of stuff we’re just not going to use, but you have to have this information. Otherwise, you just be technician.

Unknown 16:17
Right. And like we get the nutrition part of it, we’re in the adjusting part where there were nutrition for them from what I heard was, I mean, that’s like an elective.

Justin Trosclair 16:27
Yeah, exactly. Because the way we learned as, okay, this is the symptoms of being deficient, or being toxic. And what you should be looking for, and almost looking at that as like this is our pharmaceutical is the nutritional counseling, if you will. And of course, you know, with the FDA, you can’t say whole bunch of that type of stuff, like, you know, treating anything. But you can see signs and symptoms, because you’re deficient in magnesium are deficient in v3, or whatever. There’s all these things that you can kind of correlate say, oh, there’s the six different things. And what’s the rest of the symptoms and signs? Okay, boom, it’s probably going to be this.

Unknown 17:05
Right? Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 17:06
that was a tough class. That was a lot of a lot going to live classes. What gets you excited about the future? And that could be your future that can be chiropractic future, especially in the education room? What are you seeing, you know,

Unknown 17:19
I’m just, I am excited with, with the technology for the future. I just absolutely love technology, and the things, it’s allowing our students to actually see an experience before getting into outpatient clinic, where they’ll see real patients. It just amazes amazes me, compared to what we got versus what they’re getting. I think technology is helping to make the doctors of tomorrow. Better. And and that’s, that’s no doubt.

Justin Trosclair 17:54
So I want to switch gears, one of your passions is music. You’ve been writing music for a really long time, I believe you play the guitar, maybe some country music, some songwriting? How does that affect your your life, your career decisions? And and what you’re doing now?

Unknown 18:10
Well, you know, it’s actually affected me a lot more than I ever thought it would. And the good thing is, well, the way it’s affecting me now is, there’s a few different things. One being an education, not only am I allowed to utilize my songwriting, but I’ve utilized it in ways I didn’t, I never really thought I would do that, to give you an example, every year at our cadaver ceremony, our school has a service to honor those who donated their bodies for us to learn from a and for the last two years, when I was doing the the singing for the program, I couldn’t find really good songs, I thought were appropriate and thanked them enough. So I decided that this year, I would actually write a song to help those people, you know, to help pay tribute to those souls, who helped our future doctors and us as well. So that’s what I did. And then I wrote it. And then I ended up, you know, posted on my Facebook. And, you know, I really didn’t think that it would have the impact that it did. And I started getting people contacting me and thanking me for writing the song. And, you know, I guess it’s something people don’t usually talk about. No way. Because I had no idea how many people I knew that I had actually known relatives, relatives and friends who donated their selves to science. And so they just felt very honored that that song was written for those people. Right? So it’s, so it’s made me, you know, I was really happy to hear that, because obviously, as a songwriter, it’s good when you touch someone, and then to see it’s touched someone kind of like, dual channels, right, like, you know, the whole donation learning, and the the writing kind of everything combined. It was it was really neat. You know,

Justin Trosclair 20:15
and that’s something I don’t think we think about very often, especially once you’re past that part of the education is somebody had to donate their body so that you could learn off of it. And a lot of people have no desire to even donate organs, even though they passed to help somebody survive, much less donate to science, to where we can do what we need to do to further education and educate doctors for the future. So I think that’s kind of cool that you were, you know, aware that, hey, this is a big deal. And picking a song and having two things on that’s actually a big deal as well. If we’re trying to actually honor these people, the way they should be honored. I mean, that’s commendable. I don’t even know if that’s a good word for this. But I like it.

Unknown 20:56
Sounds like a good word, Justin.

Justin Trosclair 20:57
Sounds good enough for you. Okay, I’m rambling today, what we’ll do is, she’s given us permission, which is really cool. The end of the episode will actually just play the whole song. Is that true? Sure. There we go. So, at the end of the episode, you’re not gonna hear me talk too much. It’ll just be that the song? You can listen to it. Put your mind right where it’s at. And we’re really thankful that that’s there. What is your plans? Do you hope that maybe a big name could pick it up and write it in like, Silva sell the rights to it, or it becomes a thing that you are known for throughout the different colleges throughout the states or any any plans with that?

Unknown 21:34
Well, I can tell you that I have received emails from a few colleges, that will be showing it to the students who organize their, their ceremonies. So it’s a possibility that they will use the the song, which is really neat. And, you know, so if I hear anything, as I, as I know for sure who’s using it, I’ll definitely make sure that everybody knows and I’ll think those colleges, that’s really

Justin Trosclair 22:00
nice. The distribution to other colleges, and we talked about chiropractic colleges, potentially, like med schools and universities and in different states, like could this go nationwide to all types of schools that use cadavers?

Unknown 22:13
Well, I can tell you there are some schools, medical schools with out with outside within the United States. When I say outside, I mean, outside of Texas, and you know, I’m in Texas, chiropractic college, but there are some colleges that are definitely they’ve shown it to the right people. And it’s possible it’ll happen. Do that’d be cool. That would be really cool. Cool.

Justin Trosclair 22:36
Yeah. The thing is songwriting situation, that’s got to be tough. Are you more of the person is like, I want to be the next Reba McEntire. Are you the person that’s behind the scenes that actually makes Tim McGraw look good? Because you actually wrote the lyrics? That That would be me.

Unknown 22:52
That’s behind the scenes, the behind the scenes I yeah, I mean, I do sing. And, but it’s one of those biggest honors I could have would be having a bigger artists actually seen one of my songs. Because I mean, that’s where my heart’s always been is with the writing. The first time I played the guitar. Like, seriously, my first thought, the very first song I ever learned was silent night. And my grandpa had shown me the three chords to play it. And what happened was, but I didn’t know what it was for yet. And then I practice those chords. And then one day, he tells me, okay, start playing the chords. And when I tell you to switch, switch, and I’m like, okay, so started singing. And then he would tell me switch to see switch to G, you know, and he’d say it after each little line where he needed to switch chords. And I remember the first thought that came to my mind was, wait a second.

Unknown 23:52
If these chords and those melodies make a song, that means I can write a song. And that was my first thought, at my, I never had the thought of, oh my gosh, I’m going to get up there and shake my booty on the stage. My first thought was, I can write this stuff.

Unknown 24:10
And I was only seven. But you know, that’s, that’s a? Yeah, that’s where my heart’s always been in the writing part.

Justin Trosclair 24:17
But when you’re creating the song, do you put together like, a melody to go with the lyrics? Or do you just submit a packet of songs to some organization, just the lyrics? And then these artists, maybe have somebody go through them and say, hey, these are some songs a similar that we went through, we like them. So tell me what you think for this next song? Or do you like that? Or do you have to submit kind of a melody with the lyrics?

Unknown 24:41
Well, typically, when you submit songs to pitch to artists to sing their, their hearing a work tape, which is the music, a rough draft of the music, the melody, and the lyrics, so they’re kind of hearing

Unknown 24:56
how that song is meant to kind of sound in the end. And if you are co writing with people, you may be in a situation where one writes the music and the other writes the lyrics, or you kind of share both. So but but yeah, so it does happen where you just write melodies, or you just write lyrics are you can do both. But But by the time it’s actually pitch to the artist, typically, it’s it’s it’s the full deal, the full song, that’s pitch to that artist.

Justin Trosclair 25:28
Oh, wow. Okay, so Dr. Amy comes up with a little, a little jingle got a little course. And maybe a versus, you know, has the whole little thing that gets submitted to somebody somebody listens to in his life that has potential, then they play with it a little bit, make it better hire it out to somebody. And then finally, that part gets pitched to the artist and the artist is like men are Yeah, that sounds really great. But can we change it up a little bit and do a little something to it to make it my own?

Unknown 25:55
Yeah, now that that happens to where you have a song that solid and it’s it’s coming pleat, and then they pitch it to the artist? And the artist is like, Yeah, but I want to change this line. And then and then, depending on the publishers that the Songwriters are working for, then they’ll make appropriate changes. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 26:15
because I would assume, especially like in the pop world, my goodness, they have, you know, five or six the same singers doing five lines, and then they have to mix it. So there’s an echo and like, actually, you’re the, you’re the background singer singing your own song, you know, so there’s all these different pieces that they have to put together, then they put little special effects to make it sound the way it does. And,

Unknown 26:38
yeah, now now you’re talking. Yeah, now you’re talking about the producing and the engineering of the song. So it’s, it’s a, I mean, there’s a process, right, first, you have the, you have the melody, and then you have the lyric, and then after the melody and the lyric, then you come up with the music that supports that. And then from there, you you do the production of it, and then you do the engineering to mixing level out the sounds. So it’s, it’s a quite quite a process before you get a finished actual product that you hear on the radio.

Justin Trosclair 27:08
Now, and I don’t know if this is true.

If it’s just from the times, they were saying like, you know, like a lunar Skinner song, maybe had two or three people engineering it and do it all making a song and you’re like, wow, that’s like a classic song, it only took three four people. And then you have like a Beyonce song. And there’s like 16 different people working on this song for you know, for single ladies, you know, or something like that, like, it’s 16 people to make this song that is pretty wild to think. And he had this song with like, real musicians.

It only took two or three people, you know, it,

Unknown 27:45
it really just depends. Like, I mean, you can even look at writers on a song and see that sometimes there’s one writer, and sometimes there’s three riders, and sometimes there’s five riders, who are just not so like, I mean, it just depends on on, you know, if somebody hears something that’s really cool, and they want to put their two cents in and everybody’s cool with it, then I mean, it’s, it’s really unlimited. The amount of people that might work on something, it could be very small to very large, just depending on the project and who wants to

Justin Trosclair 28:16
read the hook. In a good this everything’s great, but we need like a little hook the bridge it better than boom, that person created it you like gotta get my credit for free. Oh,

Unknown 28:26
yeah. Yeah, look, I’ve traveled back and forth to Nashville a lot. There was this writer who wrote with another famous musician, I’m not going to name names, because I don’t want to do that. But, and this guy had this really good song, by the way, it ended up on the billboards, really good song. And but he was stuck on the bridge, which was just, it was just a really, it was really a one or two line bridge. It was not much. But he was stuck on it. He didn’t like what he had. But he had a real solid song with the exception of those two lines. So one of the girls that he wrote with, he brought that into her. And she was went ahead and she heard it and then like, you know, just a minute, she’s like, oh, why don’t you say this? And it worked perfectly. It fit. And she got half that song. She got have to fight after that song. Financially, they Yeah, they ended up considering it a call right between the two of them. And she got her 50% he got his 50%. And you, but but I mean, you know, and it paid off really well for them, both of them. So but that’s the thing. I mean, you just never know, you know, who’s going to come in there and say, boom, what about this? Just don’t know.

Justin Trosclair 29:34
Wow, I love Dave Matthews Band, and one of their songs came out. And it just it just sounded like a little riff that people would come up with back when they were like, 16, you know, just like, I really don’t know how to, you know, let me just put it in there. And I was just like, they must have been really struggling, if that’s what they came up with. Because this dude, it sounds had great.

This that was like, I give up.

Unknown 30:05
But you know, how many people really noticed what you notice, too. So you just never know who’s listening. And who’s going to notice what? You know, it’s funny because I find that Lately, I’ve been doing my own work tapes and recording my own music. And I’ve noticed that since I’ve been doing that I can hear a lot of what’s the word I’m looking for in consistencies or blips, but it’s it’s like that you could hear where something didn’t go right. Or you could hear where they actually faded something down and faded something you could start to you start to hear everything even in the professional music when you when you when you’re stepping into it. It’s pretty interesting.

Justin Trosclair 30:44
I got new music coming out for Episode 100. And I was in a car. They gave me the informant. You know, they sent it to me and I was like, I was listening to it through my phone. I was like, sounds All right, you know, let’s let’s let’s change it up a little bit. Then I finally had my good headphones, like some good heavens, I really enjoy him. I was like, Oh my goodness, this sounds fantastic. Like there’s some bass in there. Like it was so rich, there’s so much sound coming through my headphones was like this is way better than just coming out of your computer speaker. I really liked it a lot more. There’s just so much to it. And that’s my point is sometimes you got to either have the ear, but you also have the equipment to be able to hear me say things like, I don’t need a $2,000 pair of headphones, because let’s just face it, I’m not that guy. But I do enjoy 100 to $200 pair because you do hear some things that you’re not going to hear from this the basic Apple supply of headphones.

Unknown 31:44
Right? Okay,

Justin Trosclair 31:45
good. glad I’m not the only one.

Unknown 31:47
Yeah, I’ve got my I use a studio pair their hundred bucks. But you know, I’ve compared him on my own ears to the ones that are more expensive. And I find these have the best set. And that’s just me, you know, everybody’s got their own preference. So these hundred dollar ones weren’t great for me.

Justin Trosclair 32:07
When I hit the bus, everybody’s bubble, but those beats everybody’s like, oh, what beats Well, if you actually research it, beats are made by who was it now? I don’t remember anymore. They’re just like, sublicense. Maybe they tweak it to make, you know better quality stuff. But when you go to their actual website, there are other artists that they licensed some of their products to. So if you’d like this DJ, or this singer, whatever, they have their own right customize. So I’m sure they change a few things. But in reality, a lot of the technology is very similar into lots of different places. It’s all about marketing. So Exactly. You can save 60 bucks and just not by the beats get right well, yeah,

Unknown 32:47
I mean, I I tried the beats and I did not like it at all. I didn’t either. Yeah, they I was like,

Justin Trosclair 32:57
I mean, honestly, at that point, I was like, I’m willing to spend them. Do one one bozo one sign Heiser? Do I need jail audio? Do I want you know, what do I want? And I tried beats first because that’s the obvious choice. And I’m on the return these

Unknown 33:12
like very, I find they’re very nice. mid range. I don’t know how to explain it. But they’re very I don’t find them well balanced from from your high range to your low range of fine it kind of all mid range. I don’t know. It’s really weird. I just

Justin Trosclair 33:28
maybe it’s geared towards the music that you know, Dr. Dre put through his maybe his gear for that type of genre.

Unknown 33:36
Maybe I don’t I don’t know. I mean,

Justin Trosclair 33:40
I cannot trapping it up on the weekends. Know,

Unknown 33:42
I’d have to I have to I have to go. You know what, when you go to Target, right, they they don’t that’s not the music that they have when you’re listening with the beats. So you’re right, maybe that’s where they’re going wrong. Yeah, they need to put some put some jury in there so we can you know, put some Kiki right and that’s,

Justin Trosclair 34:02
that’s popular while we’re going really sound like a bunch of old people. I heard that word Kiki. I don’t know where I heard it from but I know the young kids are saying Kiki these days.

Unknown 34:13
Oh, wait, not kinky. Oh.

Unknown 34:19
I’m just messing.

Justin Trosclair 34:21
No, I saw this lady doing this dance. I was like, What is this? And then I google YouTube it and I’m like, Oh, it’s like a whole like trendy thing. Okay, okay, now I know what’s going on. It’s pretty funny. I know. You know,

Unknown 34:32
when I first saw them, and I saw all these people wiping out on the concrete. After the jumped out of their cars. My first thought was, are they stupid? And then my second thought was let them do it more business for us.

Justin Trosclair 34:49
Oh, man, that’s that’s messed up.

Unknown 34:53
It’s true, though. Right?

Justin Trosclair 34:54
There. You know what I used to joke with my bad joke. But I used to say, you know, one of my neighbors and Chris was like, Hey, you know, if you nobody gets to an accident, I’m not saying a bad accident. Small, but fender bender was going to kill me get checked out to backup. And every now and then you get somebody who don’t realize my sense of humor in there. Like, I don’t know, that doesn’t seem right. And everybody was like, dude, that’s pretty funny. We know what you’re doing. We get it. So they it’s all about context into the you

Unknown 35:22
know, it’s true. And some people some people don’t have a sense of humor, you know,

Justin Trosclair 35:29
makes into these groups sometimes. Alright, switching it to it. We’re going a little deeper. Yep. I have a morning routine. It’s pretty popular right now. You know,

Unknown 35:38
my morning routine is just I mean, I get up. I pray and thank God for my day and I eat I’m always hungry in the morning. So I eat and then after that I go about my day. I mean, I just do what’s important on do it. Do what I feel is most important first.

Justin Trosclair 35:57
Give a go to breakfast item. I know some people are complaining that if I eat grains, or if I eat sugar, I feel bad the rest of the day other people like I need my coffee with my butter in it and I’m good to go anything. Anything unique for you.

Unknown 36:09
You know what? I love these this week? I haven’t been doing doing them. I bought a box of cereal. that dreaded cereal thing.

Justin Trosclair 36:17
Like Lucky Charms stuff.

Unknown 36:18
No no not lucky charms. It was a Quaker Oats honey.

Unknown 36:24
That kind of Syria.

Unknown 36:27
And it was so yummy. But it’s definitely got more sugar than what my go to is usually so I’m going back to my go to Am I am I go to his those a little. They’re called made of ours. They’re really good. They’re yummy.

Justin Trosclair 36:41
like oatmeal with someone mega mega oil.

Unknown 36:43
Yeah, it’s like, it’s like oats. And oh, gosh, all kinds of other things in there. But there’s only five grams of sugar in it. So yes, and there’s seven grams of fiber I believe. And like maybe 13 proteins. So it’s I really like it.

Justin Trosclair 37:00
That was in America. Breakfast was always I don’t says it didn’t wake up in time or something. But it was always a rush was like I needed a protein bar. You know, some that has has more protein and fiber but less sugar that we don’t crash and I don’t feel like I started my day off eating donuts, you know?

Unknown 37:15
Yes. I can’t do that. Yeah, I’ll definitely crash. But

Unknown 37:21
But yeah, I mean, that’s a they’re yummy. They really are. And it’s quick. Yeah, I I’m not a morning person. So breakfast to sit there and make breakfast that only happens like on the weekend. You know,

Justin Trosclair 37:34
I remember in school, one time my friends went to this Mexican place and brought me back a bunch of soap appears. And they were I guess they in the car they were scheming and plotting against because they knew it. However many they brought, I’d probably eat them. And they’ll just be like a peanut butter jelly sandwich that day. So I don’t know three or four. So puppy is.

Of course, for the next hour. I was excited and like making jokes. And then the next I was asleep in class. And they were just laughing at me to like we wanted to see this. But what happened? And sure enough blood sugar. Yeah.


Alright, so one of our last question. You have any favorite books, podcasts, even musical album? That really you secretly love that other people should definitely check out.

Unknown 38:26
You know what I don’t, as I’m terrible. I’m so terrible at following people. But I do YouTube a lot. But I’ll just google things, whatever I’m in the mood for looking at or learning or knowing I’ll Google it. But to actually follow something I don’t I can say, books, though, I did read this little book one time. And it’s really a good little book. And it’s called your leader Charlie Brown. And it’s by Carla Kurt singer. And it’s such a cute little book. I really enjoyed it. Because what they did was they took principles about being a good leader, which I mean, obviously, as a chiropractor, you want to be a good leader in your community and for your staff, right. And they put it in the perspective of each of the characters of Charlie of the peanuts. So it’s really neat, and just it’s just cute. And it’s really a good little read. I really enjoyed that

Justin Trosclair 39:24
are nice. It’s fun to have a fresh perspective on an old classic.

Unknown 39:29
Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I mean, I, I’m like Snoopy, so I have to, you know, Snoop. Snoop is how I would describe myself like Snoopy. that would that would be me, Snoopy. How about yourself? Justin?

Justin Trosclair 39:41
I’ve gotta be honest, I’m thinking peanuts. I’m thinking, I don’t even know the characters. I think I’m more like a Calvin and Hobbes getting into mischief for something back then. I don’t know.

Unknown 39:52
But anyway, it’s really cool. For anybody who knows the peanuts, they might enjoy that little book.

Unknown 39:58
Indeed. Ah, there we go.

Justin Trosclair 40:00
Dr. Tom, where can people go to find more information about you, your doctor stuff and your musical talents?

Unknown 40:07
Okay, so yeah, I do have a Facebook account, it is private. So you would have to go ahead and find me and then messaged me, and asked to be my friend, but it is private. So if you do do that, just bear with me, it may be a while before I accept your friend request. Chances are if you see if I see your friend of Justin’s I’ll, I’ll go ahead and accept it. The other place you can find me is the song depot calm. And on there also have links to my SoundCloud account, where you can go ahead and download my songs for free if you choose to do so.

Justin Trosclair 40:44
Yeah, like that. The song depot.com

Unknown 40:47
Yes, indeed. Okay.

Justin Trosclair 40:49
Dr. Amy, thank you so much for being on the show. It’s always fun to get a different perspective. There. Like you said, like I’ve said before in the show, someone who’s had private clinic, they’ve done different types job, they’re working in a school, they’ve got these hidden talents that we don’t know about, really enjoyable. Thank you so much for for coming on and being open with us today.

Unknown 41:10
Thank you, Jessica was it was a pleasure to be on the show. It’s always good to get with you and, and hang out anytime.

Justin Trosclair 41:18
You want to take a second and say thank you so much for listening to the show. If you haven’t left a review on your favorite listening app, please go ahead and do that. One thing I’ve realized, I’m putting out a lot of links all over Instagram, Facebook, this podcast itself. And if you ever change the link, or shut the website down, all those links are now gone. And did that just want you to know if you’re listening to some of these episodes, and I mentioned a link and it’s going to head on over to a doctor’s perspective. net, you’re probably going to find that thing you’re looking for. On the top menu, search around and I’m sure you’ll find it all the books that you find there. Acupuncture, broken, no needles, the free chapters, you can download the 360 degree health from exercises stretches financial health, what is Chiropractic and the free chapters for their t shirts, resources. And we even have a financial support site now. It’s just a doctor’s perspective. NET slash support. There’s one time support, there’s monthly support, go ahead over there and check it out. Something that I’m offering right now, with the needless acupuncture, if you buy the book, you also get the electric acupuncture pin for free as a bonus, and that electric acupuncture pin helps you not only stimulate the points stronger, that helps you locate the points as well. So that’s a huge plus. And then with the today’s choices tomorrow’s health book, I’m offering a bonus of a one hour one on one coaching session to go along with the purchase of that book. Actually, there’s three different bonus packages if you had to a doctor’s perspective net slash no needles as getting close to the end of the year, or you’re ready for the 2018 Top 10 I mean it’s too early right now but it’s going to be here before you know it that will be available for download later on just like the 2017 is now you just heard a great guest implement one thing make your practice and personal life as best as it can be.

Unknown 43:23
So Steve,

Unknown 43:26
and as

Unknown 43:29
I was with

Unknown 43:36
a chance to speak at never formally

Unknown 43:43
and do even though we never spoke you

Unknown 43:53

Unknown 44:14

Unknown 44:37
You chose to

Unknown 44:41

Unknown 44:44
and you said

Unknown 44:59

Unknown 45:15

Unknown 45:20

Unknown 45:37
thanks for the lessons

Unknown 45:48

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).