Mouth breathing can lead to orthodontics, malformed palettes and sleep apnea. Discover what myofunctional therapy…
Christine McCutcheon talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast
Certified Sleep Consultant tactics to get your baby to sleep through the night, pacifier usage, white noise, why swaddle, cosleeping, and balancing a new business with family obligations. Christine McCutcheon shares it all with good advice and humor.
As a mom of two Christine McCutcheon was getting up 20-30 times a night with her kids. This is obviously unacceptable so she started devouring the internet looking for tips and ways to get her kids to sleep through the night. Once she figured it out, her friends kept asking for advice and that turned into a sleep consultant business.
She got certified in sleep consultant by Jammy Time (Certified Paediatric Sleep Consultant) in Calgary. Sweet sense is the biggest certification sleep program from the USA.
Why wait till 10-12 weeks of age for newborns before trying any sleep regimens?
What is an appropriate amount of sleep for a 6 month old in one stretch: 6 hours or 11 hours?
Positive and negative aspects of the “cry it out” sleep consultant method and do you have to just use the ‘wait it out’ method.
She gives us a handful of Implement Now Action Tips to help your kid sleep through the night. How dark should the baby’s room be? When McCutcheon mentions white noise for sleep, what are 2 of the rules that you need to adhere to?
Any long term consequences to listening to white noise or music to fall asleep too?
How long should the new baby sleep in the parents room?
How tight should a baby be swaddled? Why is swaddling such a great option, our sleep consultant Christine sheds some light on who does it better.
Should babies use a pacifier (soother) and when should they quit?
Parental commitment to the methods is going to be a huge factor in finding results working with a sleep consultant. There is always a reason the baby tries to break the routine.
She shares two of her best marketing tips, hint community involvement and educating the doctors.
As a new entrepreneur not only did she not realize just how much work it would be (but in a good way) she also wrestles with guilt if she watches TV instead of working on her sleep consultant business To Do List. Can you relate and how does she coup and overcome these feelings?
We both hate dark roast coffee, what’s her reason?
McCutcheon has a passion for health, nutrition and exercise so stay tuned to her website for upcoming mommy bootcamps and recorded seminars. and social media: christinemccutcheonsc and email:
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and a transcript of the interview.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:03
Episode 91 better sleep strategies I’m your host Dr. Justin trust today we’re Christine perspective
join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin Foursquare
Unknown 0:19
as he gets a rare to see look into the specialties of all types of doctors and guess plus marketing Travel Tips struggles goals and Relationship Advice let’s hear a doctor’s perspective
Justin Trosclair 0:31
Welcome back to the show well some interesting happened apparently my apartment complex that I’m in had a leaking all the pipes so this past week in August at a guy downstairs actually taking pipe creating the grooves on the inside on the outside connecting them and running brand new pipes six stories gentlemen through the brick walls it was it was a mess impressive and what they use their go up and down the federal building is just a rope almost kind of like can like if you were rappelling down a mountain similar to that. But we definitely not OSHA approved fear would be in my mind. It’s crazy. Anyway, I just thought that was interesting since it’s happening. But today we have a certified sleep consultant. We’re going to discuss different ways to help your baby sleep through the night. Like what age is that appropriate, where they can sleep six hours or 11 hours, 11 hours, even possible. What about pacifiers are suitors ninnies, whatever you want to call it should we use those are not white noise, dark rooms? How do you swaddle? Why do you swallow? Is it important? Co sleeping? Of course that’s bad. But we’ll talk about a different way. And then of course, you know, she’s got two kids just she had a job. She’s transitioning to just doing this full time. And she wrestles with you know, how do you balance the all the timeframes and then do you you feel guilty when you have your free time and you don’t use it on your business? You know, so good conversation. We even make jokes about coffee somewhere is in the interview about when we’re talking about marketing. It was good time I’ll be like it as well. All the show notes or the doctor’s perspective. NET slash 91. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain
live from China and Alberta Canada who Today’s guest is going to be a little bit different. She’s not a doctor. But she’s got some expertise that we want to pick her brain about. Because Hey, sleeping is important. So welcome to the show. Christine McCutcheon. Thank you. I’m excited. We had one person that had anything to do with sleeping and they were selling bits
Unknown 2:36
Unknown 2:39
friends. Yeah, yeah.
Justin Trosclair 2:40
So, you know, that could be something will definitely ask, you know, what are we looking for in a bed and all this kind of stuff. But let’s chat about, you know, sleep consulting. That’s a different avenue in life. So what made you get into this, what’s the backstory and kind of bring us to the
Unknown 2:55
chair well, like, my backstory is actually a little bit different. I find the most lucrative sentence that for me, like, it really, of course, started off that I’ve got two kids. And I was that mom who was up all through the night with my first kid. And it was right around that for months were like a lot of sleep changes. For a lot of parents. A lot of parents now find that around four months, they’re having a lot of sleep issues. I was that Mama was up like 20 to 30 times a night with her. And I felt like I just felt like there had to be a better way. And I really kind of introduce myself into the sleep training world. And by the time I had my second child, I really kind of had things figured out. And I was starting to kind of give like the plans to my friends because they were always come to me for advice and a kind of note on that leave at the time. And I kind of jokingly said to my husband, I should give I’m asleep consultant. And right away, he was like, Yes, that’s, that’s what’s happening at this point, like I was on that lead from my full time job, like a job that wasn’t necessarily a family friendly sort of environment. So you were really looking for, like a window where I could potentially be able to quit, and I kind of jumped into sleep consulting at that time, and ended up getting certified, of course, and that’s kind of how I came here now, like, it really is different that I find that most consultants and acquiring a consultant and then the consultant changes their lives. And that’s why they decide I’m going to become one the mindful a little bit different than that.
Justin Trosclair 4:29
Very interesting. So when you’re talking about sleep consultants, moms, I’m assuming that one of the probably the bigger audiences out there, is there a an official Accreditation Board? Or is it kind of like a yoga where you go to classes and you learn and then you can actually get more and more certified and like different techniques about like, what are some of the things that you have to to learn?
Unknown 4:51
Well, officially, anybody can say that they’re asleep consultant, and they don’t have to be certified. But of course, most parents, they want to see a certification behind it, right, that I’m certified through Jamey time. And it’s a Calgary based consultant that she started about six years ago. And then she’s created her own certification program. And that’s kind of how a lot of them go, there’s a course some big ones in the States. And you can of course, continue to take multiple certifications through it all these different suite courses. But there is one that major one that it’s usually like this week sense when you see a lot this week sense is like the biggest one of all the consultants. But the really the big differences is the purpose of us. And as long as I find that as long as you’re certified in one that you believe in, and we believe in the approaches, that’s all you really need. And it’s more the expertise and experience that you get that becomes like that gives you the specialization in the field
Justin Trosclair 5:55
what is a good age to start considering like something’s going on they’re not sleeping good for months, like you said, are we talking more like two years old there six years old or wetting the bed or something
Unknown 6:06
I find that really the earlier the better I start clients that around like that 10 to 12 week age before that, like newborn sleep is a totally different ball game that really you can work on getting healthy sleep habits but it’s really so all over the place with newborns but it’s best to wait till about three months Okay, and healthy sleep habits like from the beginning is usually the easiest way like I do work with clients right up to the age of like six or seven and of course like it’s I always say it’s never too late you can always work on sleep habits but usually the earlier the better just because it’s it goes smoother that way
Justin Trosclair 6:46
okay so there’s like a process where you have to wean them to three hours six hours I don’t know how long the kids lives maybe eight hours max maybe I don’t really know if you’re lucky to get five what’s a goal that we should we could be shooting for here
Unknown 7:02
it’s a great question actually because there’s a lot of different information out there like you will see that a full night’s sleep for like a six month old is six hours consecutively. That’s not my opinion My opinion is getting that 11 to 13 hours overnight whoo that once they hit about that for months three to four months is what I want and then of course by date time sleep throughout the day to be really good as well so I think that a lot of parents are shocked by that that they think that if they’re getting a good like five or six hours stretch they’re doing pretty good but really be want close to double that and that’s what your child needs as well
Justin Trosclair 7:38
Wow. And this is obviously not the kid crying itself to sleep and those types of things
Unknown 7:43
on that’s like one of the biggest misconceptions I think it’s like training that of course the cried out method is a method of sleep training but that’s at least the majority of consultants that’s not a approach that they necessarily support
Justin Trosclair 7:57
the Bev their kids psyche, like it like to get abandoned, they just quit crying because I got nobody’s Come and get me
Unknown 8:03
well, and you hear that all the time, right? And not true. Read about there’s a million and a half articles talking about how you can find both sides of it. My opinion is that it does not have long term effects. Of course, you could find a million articles telling me that that’s not true. But you it’s really back and forth. And the I believe that the scientific evidence is showing that it doesn’t cause long term effects. But really, when it comes to it, like I find that most parents want to be in the room as much as possible, or being next to their child as much as possible. And that’s the approach that I use. Of course, you can do the cried I would approach and, you know, it’s a pretty effective approach. But it’s it’s really I know, it’s really hard on parents. And it’s, it’s definitely the most crying of any method out there
Justin Trosclair 8:55
can be loud, too
Unknown 8:57
loud, for sure. And I would think that it’s pretty hard to live to, at least especially for brand new parents. But the little baby, right,
Justin Trosclair 9:05
yeah, I can imagine. I mean, physical, how it plays out, you might just like know, this kid just needs to be trained. I got some good lose my mind. But it seems to me it’s like, it seems so cruel when those calls maybe a tough word to use. But Gosh, because you know, the kids crying as you just go in there and jiggle his little baby and give it a kiss. Maybe, maybe, you know, it’ll stop and they’re like, Okay, then. But that man, that’s the whole point. I don’t want it to keep coming out here every couple hours.
Unknown 9:32
Well, and I have no judgment. If parents want to do the credo it works. And sometimes that is to the point where you get your like, I cannot do this anymore. And this is the way that it’s going to be. But in those situations, I was fine. That like talking, even just chatting with asleep consultant might give you other options, especially if you’re not comfortable with the crying out. But you feel like that’s where you’re backed into a corner. But it’s definitely an option. And it’s an it works.
Justin Trosclair 10:00
There’s no judgment there. Just put them into the sheet closet, close the door and just go sleep on the other half of the house with your ear buds in.
Unknown 10:08
I think you’d have to put your budget or jump in the shower or something where he’s
Unknown 10:13
making jokes. But
Justin Trosclair 10:16
really, it’s not funny. It’s not funny. One bit, you’ll find out soon.
Unknown 10:20
Yeah, it’ll come back to bite you in a few weeks.
Justin Trosclair 10:22
Yeah, I’m gonna come back and listen to this. Because by the time you come out, like I’ll be in the midst of that, that second month of crying and feeding and you’ll
Unknown 10:31
understand it now.
Justin Trosclair 10:32
Yeah, exactly. I should have been more concerned
What’s one or two easy to implement things that we can do but definitely has like drastic change it
Unknown 10:42
you know, for everyone. I would say that darkness like in your room is really underrated. That I really asked what it clients how dark their child’s room is. And I want it to be like a nine or a 10 out of a like a one to 10 darkness scale. Okay, want you to even be able to see your hand in front of your face. Like an if there’s like a light on your clock or on like your DVR or something. If you go to TV in your room. Like even teaching that over is pretty important that just the tiniest bit of light can actually make a huge impact on your sleep. And I don’t think people really realize that the getting you dark as possible can make like a really big change pretty soon. And other than that, like probably white noise. White noise is like my biggest tip, especially for children that I and it has to be something like consistent something that’s like, you know, like those ones were, you know, it’s the waves are like
Justin Trosclair 11:40
the curriculum. Yeah, you don’t know what
Unknown 11:46
exactly just like that and playing all night long. And I listened to it all night. My kids listen to it all night. And I find that it really, really makes a difference even just to queue your body to sleep and then to drown out the background noise if there’s any
Justin Trosclair 12:03
does that mess them up later because I don’t know sometimes I see people when they always have to sleep with noise and like are you serious, like you gotta have the radio on to sleep isn’t that get annoying when you’re like not I got a certain age you know you have to do that does it set you up to always kind of need noise though
Unknown 12:18
it doesn’t necessarily set you up to need it. I do think that there is at least a part of you that can rely on it.
Unknown 12:27
I don’t consider it like a sweet prop or anything like that though. And if you are concerned about it, what you could do is if you’re wanting to cut it out, you could just turn it down a little bit over a few days and then gradually get rid of it that way but I find that it’s the easiest one to just reciprocate like in any situation that I have just like an app on my phone or I bring my kids sweet machines and it’s really not a big deal okay and it’s just like the benefit of it queuing to sleep just really great
Justin Trosclair 13:01
Not to mention that you could also set an alarm or the reversal Lord where it shuts it off like a couple hours or whatever if you’re trying to wean them off the noise or yourself and you’re like yeah tartar having the radio on all night long for no reason
Unknown 13:15
yeah for ourselves I find that that’s a really good option to for children however I do would say for to play all night long all night and it’s just set just so that when they wake up that they are really cute right back to sleep so that you’re not pulling back in there to help them go back to sleep it really does help them put their cycles sleep cycles together are you
Justin Trosclair 13:37
allowed for baby safety This is like some kind of wall like se maybe not because of the airflow I’m just thinking I’m looking at my own house I’m thinking man there’s always a street lamp and there’s always ambient light sort of get a dark room media the blackout a window or put something around the crib but then you got to worry about like suffocating it and have air flow
Unknown 14:00
probably around the grip is not
Justin Trosclair 14:02
just the pin it on
the hose coming out
Unknown 14:06
yeah I would think at covering the window is the best way like I clients to even if they’re drafting desperate for something right away like tin foil works like a dream it kind of little you know ghetto from the outside but that’s that it really it works like a dream Hey blacks it out really really well.
Justin Trosclair 14:28
Okay now that’s I mean that’s as good advice and if the kid Hey, do you think that having a baby in your room is a good idea for a little while?
Unknown 14:37
Well like the recommendation is not in your bid not in your bed No room pairing up to six months is what the recommendation is for six months and that’s just for SIDS is really that recommendation however I always recommend a parents are comfortable with it around that three to four month mark start moving them into their own room just because that a lot that both parties will actually sleep better with baby out that babies make a lot of noise when they sleep. There’s a lot of like grunting and shifting and moving and you think that they’re waking up but they’re not necessarily waking up. And especially as new parents were pretty like hypersensitive to all those noises right that I find that even mom and dad will sleep better once they get BB out. But of course it’s all personal preference. You can always work on sleep. Even with baby sleeping in your room. Just sleep will be better once you get BB out of your room.
Justin Trosclair 15:32
Okay, what about the swaddling? I’m always picking your brain or the swaddle thing you know you and then the Remo type is that the only thing that helped them sleep better that just come up with an infant thing.
Unknown 15:43
Infant swaddle links for infants for sure, like they say to stop once they start rolling. And I can be as early as like three to four months bottling. I wish that I would have done it more as a first time mom now that I realized how great it really is. And you’ll hear all the time about how my baby hates to be swaddled, and that actually usually means I need to be swaddled tighter. So it’s like that right?
Unknown 16:09
And it’s like a dads are usually so good at it.
Unknown 16:13
They are so good at wrapping that up real tight
Unknown 16:17
finger kid
Unknown 16:20
those first three months. It’s like it’s really, really good. It comes there startle reflex and that startle reflex is what’s making them a lot through throughout the night. And even throughout the day.
Justin Trosclair 16:30
Yeah, they don’t know what’s going on. No, I always say like, these kids are so dumb. And like, they’re not dumb. Justin. They’re just they don’t have any idea what’s going on. So like, everything’s brand new, like you were that kid was like, cut them some slack. Like it’s fine.
Unknown 16:42
So yeah, you should come some slack. You’re brand new.
Justin Trosclair 16:46
And I’m just kidding. Like, but you know, you just see kids like, run out in front of cars. And just like, What is wrong with you? Your parents hadn’t told you a million times to look before you cross the street. But it’s like our kids. They just thought I saw something shiny. They will get it. Oh, man. Okay, coming up today. What are some of the misconceptions about your profession?
Unknown 17:11
Well, I’ve already mentioned it, but I would say the biggest one is they crying it out. And I think a lot of people here sleep training. And they automatically assume that that means crying it out. Other than that, I think that there’s a big misconception that it doesn’t work that I hear a lot of the time. Oh, you’re just you’re just lucky that you have good sleeper and you don’t. Sometimes that’s true when there is those babies who are born with the ability to sleep on their own. But that is definitely the exception and not the rule that the majority of babies do need to be taught how to sleep independently. It doesn’t. And I think that’s like, the biggest misconception is that I hear even like, one of my past clients just updated me. I worked with her and her twins. And she’s like, I’m constantly telling moms that we weren’t lucky. Have you heard of the control for a reason is that five months? They weren’t sleeping at all. And now they sleep like a dream. And they’ve been sleeping through the night, every night. And she’ll be and she says, and still they’ll say, No, no, that wasn’t really training. You’re just lucky. But you know it sometimes it’s it doesn’t even it doesn’t even take that much. Sometimes it’s just a few changes in like the routine or how you’re responding overnight. And you can see some really big changes
Unknown 18:25
Justin Trosclair 18:26
that’s your virtual. So like you don’t do you have to be together to do this? Or can you do to via phone and Skype and all this.
Unknown 18:32
Yeah, most of my clients are actually over the phone that some clients do you like me to be going into their home just to see like, to sleep environment to make sure that they’ve got the right things set up. But I would say 95% of my clients are all over the phone. So it’s pretty great that I could work with anybody worldwide and help them get their baby to sleep.
Justin Trosclair 18:52
That’s perfect. We’ll definitely have to get your email a little later in the show. That way, they can easily contact you because that’s huge. Do you have like a success rate? Or how do you rank that if you’re, you know, if you’re doing a good job teaching the parents how to do this,
Unknown 19:07
I always say that if you follow the plan, you’ll see success 100% that but of course, I’m not there. I’m only telling parents what to do. And as long as the and it really depends on the parents commitment scale, I always ask them on that initial call what they feel like on a scale from one to 10 how committed they are. And once they’re around like that eight to 10, I know that though, they’ll be willing to follow the plan there anything less than that. It’s like, think about it for a bit. And then when you feel more motivated, give me a call again, because the motivation is what’s going to drive you to make the changes because in the middle of the night, you’re tired. And if you’re not motivated, it’s not going to happen. Yeah, it does take like for little babies, I worked with them for two weeks. And then for older children, I worked for three and then of course, but that doesn’t mean that it’s done at the end of the two weeks, there’s sometimes there’s still a little bit more work you have to do. And you always have to be consistent. And it does take some like a level of motivation and commitment to be able to implement all of the changes and to stay on track to because of course, like babies you know, like they get sick or you go traveling or you know, there’s always something going on a growth spurt or cheating. And those are the situations where you have to go back to the plan sometimes, or you have to continue on with the routine. And the motivation or the commitment level doesn’t need to just stop at the end of the two weeks. You have to be committed for a lifetime
Justin Trosclair 20:38
here, they revert sometimes either they’re going normal, and all of a sudden, you’re like, what, what just happened, you’re like, oh, they’re growing again, or something. That’s why you’re acting out or not sleeping good. And it’s just like a temporary thing.
Unknown 20:51
Well, and for babies like they’re always going through something so for always blaming their sleep on something building over, you’ll never have find the solution. There’s always a growth spurt, there’s always a leap, there’s always teeth coming through. There’s always a sickness. Like, it’s just one thing other with babies. So really just sometimes you just have to jump in and do this with both feet and make the change
Justin Trosclair 21:15
good information. So you have the market of some sort to get your name out there and to grow what’s been something that you’ve done, that’s definitely successful.
Unknown 21:25
I think really getting out in the community is really the best thing so far. I’ve really tried to be like I live in test here, which is just like a small city outside of Calgary, like right outside. And I’ve really tried to narrow in into chest mirror knowing that I really would like to help local bombs for sure that I sometimes find it interests me or we kind of our little disconnected for some reason, like the mom and the parenting part of customers will be not that close. Like our Facebook and group. It’s kind of sad. It’s like 15 posts a week when Meanwhile, like the Calgary and you know, surrounding city ones. They’re just like happening all the time. The part of my thing has been trying to get out in the community, going to do little seminars and giving away tips, doing question and answers, just to be able to help local moms as much as possible, hoping that they really, of course, people start to realize there’s help right here like that I’m actually interested in here and I can help them right here and said, You don’t have to be so separated and that we can kind of come together a little bit.
Justin Trosclair 22:37
Is it something that a lot of parents might just go to their doctor and they recommend somebody like yourself, or do they just do it themselves here, here’s a book.
Unknown 22:47
Well, the doctor thing is actually kind of one of my obstacles, because I find that many doctors aren’t really trained in baby sleep. And so I get a lot of doctors just telling me or their patients had to wait it out, or the baby will grow out of it. There’s not a whole lot of support for moms, I find in that way that I’m I’ve been trying to get in with the doctors here and just just to be able to pass on my name. And that fits to be told that there is options that you don’t have to just wait it out. Because you hear that all the time like that this shall pass this too shall pass. You’ll see it on long boards, you’ll hear doctor say it and it’s like, of course, that’s of course it will put this statistics show that the one stat that I use is that they say 84% of children with sleep issues, it’s usually three to five years that they’ll experience them. But if you don’t make a change, when really when you get onto a plan, it says little as three to four nights and you’ve already seen significant results.
Justin Trosclair 23:53
Okay, I’m thinking out loud here. Have you ever created like a flyer top three tips here, my info, try to bring docs, coffee or something like that and slip on the flyer and say, Hey, we can mass produce these for you just pass them out. You
Unknown 24:08
know, I’m missing the coffee and that whole thing
Justin Trosclair 24:11
go out there in the hand. Come on. I gotta talk to you. Your silver. I know it’s tough man. As a corporate you’d like we try to do the same thing. We’re like, Look, the biggest way we could get patients that are qualified is go to the doctor. Well, as a chiropractor, you we got a shaky reputation.
So some doctors are they like they understand like, yeah, yeah, yeah, some of you chiropractors are good. Some of them are not even open to at all. So it’s like, Okay, how do we personally like that’s something that we’re trying to do. We try to educate, we can help with back pain, we can help with neck pain, and then turn Okay, well, how do we do this, what is the best approach, so we don’t come off too salesy, but they feel respected but they also give us the referrals yeah so we’re trying to figure it out to and one of the best ways that you know pharmaceuticals you know you got to bring them food and so you end up number one time it was a sad it’s six month waiting list to get in yeah I was like wow that’s a long time and the audacity Oh, it just with the nurses today, the ducks ducks left already, like, Oh my gosh,
right now, so that was you know, but you can’t let that stop you. You gotta leave. Right? That’s just one of the many meetings that I had to do to try to make some headway but like you said, like, I’m why would think the OB and all pediatricians appreciate. I kind of,
Unknown 25:29
I think I should definitely put some more effort into that. I can’t pull up empty handed like I do have a pretty good at least I think it is pretty good looking. brochure it. It’s got lots of sleep tips in it. There you go. If I bring that along with some donuts and coffee. Maybe I’ll get somewhere.
Unknown 25:43
Yeah, yeah. So I’m saying hey,
Justin Trosclair 25:48
the name of your pioneer bread up there.
Unknown 25:50
Um, we do do not. We have one coffee shop though that everyone was so sure you’ve heard of Tim Hortons?
Justin Trosclair 25:58
Oh, yeah. For Yeah, that’s the we don’t have so. Yeah, that’s the one Yeah, like
Unknown 26:01
yet. Everyone loves it. So I could definitely find something there. Is it better than the green monster? The Green Monster?
Justin Trosclair 26:09
Yeah, the green monster of America. Starbucks. Starbucks.
Unknown 26:13
In my opinion, it is not. I kind of fit Tim’s is a little bit mediocre. at best. Their food is terrible. So
Justin Trosclair 26:23
I don’t want to Starbucks fan. I’m not. I don’t like their coffee. I like their atmosphere. But I think their coffees burnt and I don’t like that. Like, give me a medium roast please. It’s you.
Unknown 26:33
I hate the dark roast.
Justin Trosclair 26:39
It’s like the it’s like the I’m going to have a barbecue. I could create hamburgers. Or I can go to the store and buy frozen one that looked perfect. Lazy dark roast to me is is being lazy with your roaster. Yo yo crank it up to five minutes. Oh man. I got to finish smoking. Come back. shower. I’ll be back. Don’t worry can be over roasted.
Unknown 27:01
So funny. I Tim’s has a dark roast now. And people love it. And to me that’s what a taste like it tastes like a cigarette like it tastes burned?
Unknown 27:10
Justin Trosclair 27:11
those guys just an opinion.
So don’t worry, they’re not listening to my podcast.
We’re safe, we’re safe, what can what goals do you have like a two or five year goal that you hope to accomplish with this
Unknown 27:28
you know I don’t necessarily like my goal was to quit my full time job and do this full time of course like I stay at home with my children my two girls full time but so I’ve reached that goal now but I hope to expand somehow and to just be taking on more clients than I already am and really like I kind of waiver back and forth of what I would like to do like my I have a big passions and like just healthy living in general that I’m really big into fitness I’m really big into nutrition and somehow I would like to be able to bring them all together that but i don’t i don’t know how that’s going to happen quite yet. Like I A lot of my social media but like a little bit of both going on and that’s really as far as I’ve gotten within
Justin Trosclair 28:15
that a lot of logical jump
Unknown 28:17
well and it’s all one big picture like I’m passionate about sleep I think because I am passionate about just living a healthy life in general right
Justin Trosclair 28:25
have you looked into good exercises for post six months having a baby moms like obviously candles but I guess that’s a man like there’s more than that you know what I mean?
So it’s like I’m wondering if you if there’s like a like a boot camp like post baby boot camp for some I’m just kind of like thinking you didn’t ask I just my brain goes these places sometimes like that’d be kind of cool I mean to would be in the shape is healthy like how do you eat the best food so you may be has the best food as well like wow that just
Unknown 28:56
well and there is yeah like there’s a lot of ways that you could go about it right of course is so important when you’re pregnant and and really important after baby as well. My my sister always says that I should start a boot camp because now my clients are sleeping well. Now they’ll have the energy to work out
Unknown 29:14
at some point. I’m hoping to be able to integrate them all and really be able to kind of do like a mama sort of all over fitness and healthy living.
Justin Trosclair 29:24
Yeah, with the babies in one corner. And
Unknown 29:27
yeah, hey, like babies and
Justin Trosclair 29:30
there’s not the biggest excuse What am I supposed to do with this baby? You know I’d go to the gym I gotta get I gotta take care of my gym. Know I’m easy to get smashed by a lake a weekly
Unknown 29:42
babies are not the most welcome people in weight rooms. I don’t think
Justin Trosclair 29:45
No, no small baby. I can imagine that when they do have those fancy gyms that have a daycare. I’m not sure they’re like, Yo, this kid needs to go away until it’s like to you know, we don’t we’re not trying to have infants up in here. I would assume like liability.
Unknown 30:01
Yeah, you do see like a lot of those BBN yoga type classes and stuff like that. So those ones are great know weights involved on those ones
Justin Trosclair 30:10
have the baby swim building jet.
Unknown 30:12
What do you mean by baby swim?
Justin Trosclair 30:15
Awesome. Okay. Now this is not another business idea. But it is a business here in China. They got these big tubs filled with water. And then they have like a flotation device. You know, like for like, you know, and then somehow that the flotation device is built for babies like babies, like three months, six months, and then they determine the little pool and then they just float around their head bobbing above the water.
People pay for this
Unknown 30:42
you know, you’re really like giving me a flashback. I think I’ve seen it like an ad for it or something. But I don’t think it’s you’re in Canada.
Justin Trosclair 30:50
So I mean, because this is like a small These are small shops to like, it’s so funny to me. It’s so funny. We just walk in and you see the mental baby bot heads bobbing around
middle ground, they don’t freak out or anything. They just as cool as can be.
Unknown 31:06
So babies really liking that. That’s a good business idea.
Justin Trosclair 31:10
Yeah, let me know the insurance costs on that. Just send me an email, like really curious. The liability.
All right, I’m having fun. I hope you’re having a good time
Unknown 31:22
a time
Justin Trosclair 31:23
good. Well, we mentioned this pre talk, your husband has a normal job, per se. You used to have a normal job. Now you’ve got an entrepreneurial job. And we all like this laptop lifestyle, where we can just mosey on Hawaii and still work etc. But the reality is usually were tied down, you have clients you have to go see, or you’ve got eight hours of phone calls per day. So really, it’s difficult to do this. So the question is, are you able to take vacation, and if you’re not able to take enough what can you do about that
Unknown 31:53
vacation, I can, of course, we have the obstacle that my husband does work a regular job. But his sounds pretty good. He’s got like, lots of flexibility. And he can do some work from home. So because of that, we are able to take more time off. Like with my previous job, I was working like, sporadic shift work, and it was like, no flexibility whatsoever. So now it’s it’s even though our vacation seems limited, it’s nothing compared to what we were dealing with before. And I find that working with my clients when I’m on vacation is usually fine. As long as it’s not like one of those like, straight up, I’m sitting on the beach for seven days, type vacations, that those ones are a lot harder if I’d like clients. But that’s okay. I usually just planet that I’ve set a date for two or three weeks before I leave. And those the last time that I keep clients and then I take the week off and I start taking clients. But when I get back like we’ve got a family cabin in Montana in the States. And I go there all the time with my family. And I take one as well and still there. And it really was so great that I find that most of our communication is through email and email, of course, you can get anywhere. And if I have to do a phone call, it’s usually not much of an issue. You know, Skype and stuff is really most people have it now. And being able to talk to people even just through the through their phone or through the computers really just allowed me to be able to have a much more flexible life but what I had
Justin Trosclair 33:24
that’s cool. Have you ever done any recorded webinars are hour long sessions of like teaching it just one time to a camera. So you don’t have to keep doing it over and over again.
Unknown 33:33
I haven’t put that is on my to do list. Like I’m sure as you know, as an entrepreneur, you know that the to do list never ever ends. And it just keeps getting longer and longer. But the webinar is my next thing. Like I do a lot of seminars just throughout the community, stuff like that, where I’d like to offer like my seven best tips. And I think that’ll be my first one. Especially since I’ve already got it created. That’s my first thing on the list. And hopefully that gets a little bit of traction.
Justin Trosclair 34:04
That could be a really good lead magnet for like a web page email giveaway.
Unknown 34:08
Right. What
Justin Trosclair 34:10
kind of emails for that one? That’d be great. You can sell them on your new pacifier. Your Sleep well. pacifier that you invented, boom, 2999.
Unknown 34:20
You know, that would really go against my sleep practices. Come on. Oh,
Justin Trosclair 34:26
yeah. What about pacifiers? Oh, my gosh, I thought everybody was supposed to have a pacifier. That’s not good.
Unknown 34:32
I recommend them at the beginning. Because of course, as newborns, a lot of them just need like that second reflex they want. And if we gives mom a break to, which is usually really important in the beginning stage, but right around like that sweet training episode, that four months or so I’ll pull that pacifier, even though it’s it rocks. Most parents when I tell them to do and sometimes the straw that breaks the camel’s back during my console that it’s it seems, yeah, there’s no way we’re getting rid of that, you know,
Justin Trosclair 35:04
because I heard they go to their phone, the phone is what causes roof damage, and when the teeth come in, you ended up having braces, Botha Passy, at least it doesn’t happen,
Unknown 35:14
well, pacifiers have their own set of problems to usually sweep or speeches, issues that usually occur from long use of suitors boat. So what I suggest usually is like will pull the sooner that doesn’t mean that your kids going to find that some that any research that I’ve done about it is that there’s actually showing like a genetic like that you can pass on that if your kids going to be at home sector. And if there is some sector that even if you give them a pacifier, they’ll usually find their thumb anyway. And which I you know, I always wondered, because my husband and his family like his brother and sister, they were all thumbs sectors. And both my kids suck their thumb, but yet there was an nobody in my family that did and I bought for in my family. And I was like, I wonder why they my kids when I wasn’t like, why are they some sectors but turns out that there is so unlike some evidence that you can sit on as a tree. What about nail biting, nail biting? I don’t know.
Justin Trosclair 36:17
I just thought I’d ask since you’re doing my the past article or something. Cuz my brother’s sucked his thumb. Sorry,
the nail biter and then I quit. So
Unknown 36:28
nail biting is something a little bit different? For sure.
Justin Trosclair 36:31
Yeah, kind of gross. If you think about it. Yeah. What killed it? braces? That’s what started. I got braces. And you were looking at bite your nails. Very good. Our beef sandwiches with braces? If you like, you know, do you want to handle the girl and you got bread and your teeth from lunch? This doesn’t go well.
Unknown 36:47
No, not really.
Unknown 36:50
sandwiches. And braces are just not a good combo that I really hope braces. Don’t like every kid has braces. Now, like when I was growing up, it was like, 50% of us all had them. But is it really going to be that big of a deal if my kids like even though of course, I’m trying to avoid them doing any damage to their mouth with our thumb, but it’s like, Is it that big of a deal? And even if it does happen, because every kid gets braces now, anyway.
Unknown 37:15
Justin Trosclair 37:17
I don’t know what to do. But that one will have to cross that bridge when they get older.
Maybe they’ll just get a bigger head and it’ll fit and you just don’t know. Yeah, it’s diet related. I don’t know. It could be diet, really. Maybe we’ve been feeding our kids that’s trashed. That they just don’t come in good. But if we actually fed them good food that we cook and grow and all that kind of pie in the sky wishes, maybe they develop a little healthier as they get older. Maybe it won’t be so big, will mature as fast. You know, you’re right. 13 and all it
Unknown 37:46
we’re getting into. Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 37:51
you have any hobbies or volunteer and that you enjoy kids.
Unknown 37:55
That’s besides kids. The like, the number one of course is like always my fitness like fitness is definitely like I love love my sleep consulting. But I would say fitness is probably my my true passion. That that’s something that’s what’s fitness to you. Fitness to me is like I love weight training is really my my big passion. Nice. I like doing like an like really tough like quick cardio like, I’m not into like the marathon running or anything like endurance that way. But like I want to go to you know, like a 45 minute class with weight training and hit and just be destroyed at the end of the 45 in person. Yeah, okay, go in and go hard and get out to me. Like it’s it’s in my schedule. And it doesn’t get moved. Like it’s really really important to me. And for volunteer. I don’t actually do a lot either than my volunteering, my sleep seminars, and I am trying to get to like a regular there’s like, I don’t know if in China, we’ve got like parent link centers where they offer free programs for new parents, and even for you know, not so new parents where you can do there’s like a lot of like playdates or there’s lots of different little seminars, little speakers and stuff come in cool. And it’s all for free. It’s pretty great that you can sign up for, like, registered actually programs through it as well. And I’m trying to become like a scheduled speaker with parents here and chest in here. And I think that’ll be great to be able to volunteer a couple hours of my time every week and be able to help parents one on one with sleep issues.
Justin Trosclair 39:32
That’s marketing right there with advertising that’s getting your name out. That’s good stuff right there.
Unknown 39:36
It’s good for both people, right? Yeah, it’s good for me. And it’s good for them. I hope anyway,
Justin Trosclair 39:42
call it a win win.
You have any issues with this home work life balance that people talk about?
Unknown 39:50
Well, when I started this business, I have to say that I had no idea what I was getting into with an online business that it is like approximately you 45,000 times more work than I ever thought like,
Justin Trosclair 40:03
yeah, it would have told you how much work it was, you would have never started.
Unknown 40:06
No, I don’t think I would have good exposure. Totally. It’s so great going in and not knowing what you’re getting into. Because it’s it’s way more than I ever thought. So that’s what I do struggle with now is that I find that my downtime, like every time I like turn on the TV, I’m guilty. Like, I feel guilt because I’m like, I got like 50,000 things on my to do list. Like, I should be creating this female or writing this blog post or setting up this seminar, you know, like, it never ends. And now and before when I was working full time, like, once I was off the clock goes off the clock, I could go home and spend my time doing anything and feel fine. But now I find that he needs an hour to herself.
Unknown 40:49
And that our to myself now. Especially with kids. Like I don’t get a lot of time to myself. But I know that that time should be spent on my business because it’s my only like me time to really be without distractions. So that’s my biggest problem. I’m hoping that I can solve it some way. But I do find that every time I turn that TV on that’s I feel guilty for doing in.
Unknown 41:13
Justin Trosclair 41:14
it sounds like you need at least some blog posts. Listen to a couple of podcasts. You’ll figure it out. No, I’m the same way. Like I was trying to promote these books. And you get tired of doing it. And you watch TV like okay, well, the last few days have absolutely been pointless. got sucked in. And
I’m just gonna let it go. I gotta let it go. And keep moving. And yet
Unknown 41:38
yeah, easier. It’s,
Unknown 41:41
you know, it’s like, maybe if once we get more experienced, it gets easier or you get more but I don’t know. Sure. Well, I just think that to do list will just never end.
Justin Trosclair 41:52
Yeah, it was not like to me like you have a big plan having to kind of play it out in the patient game right now. Just sort of where does Where do my clients, what are they need, you know, and being patient with what you develop. So I think that’s a cool thing. And that you’re going to see it happen if you long as you stick with it. Which sounds like you are. So I’m I’m excited to see where you end up in the next model. Know, year, two years. Because it can be really, really big can be really good, easy. People turn around. And like 90 days, sometimes you just the right thing comes about. And then boom.
Unknown 42:21
You’re so right. You do see those success stories for sure. And I think it really is just like every day. Just it’s the grind the hustle, right? Do I always tell myself as long as I do something every day, I will eventually get to where I want to be.
Justin Trosclair 42:36
Yeah, you got you got two kids, you got a husband, you’re spending a lot of time doing this business thing. How are you able to find time to make sure y’all are staying connected and feeling the love
Unknown 42:47
like that’s really good. Like his with my previous job. Like I had like about four hours a week where I would be able to say that that was family time. And it was like on a deadline. Like it was like, Okay, I gotta go work. And you know, one hour I go to go to work in half an hour. So that alone has really kind of changed everything for us that I’m not doing that anymore. That the family time that we have now is just substantially more than we ever had. But I think that it’s really like about even just eating every single meal together when you’re like when you have the opportunity like we suffer every single night together. And I think that’s a really big thing. Like you turn off all the devices, you turn off the TV and you just sit down and you spend that quality time and especially at the end of the day for kids. Like it’s such a hard time for most kids at that time that they’re getting tired. They’re cranky from the day and getting that one on one like parental time I think is really important as well. But I think it really does just like lead to more like just connection like you said
Justin Trosclair 43:51
for cool. Good answer. All right. We got one more question. All right. Any favorite books, podcasts, phone apps that you secretly love and from the new just have to share
Unknown 44:01
podcasts. Like my number one podcast is probably the model health show that looks like a very well rounded health podcast. Like I was listening to ATP science one for the longest time. And that one’s like pretty nerdy and you can’t just like have it on in the background. Like I would always listening to it on the way to work. Because you have to be like, pretty used to listen in pretty good because it’s really science. See, it’s kind of like it’s a natural path. And I went and I really like it. But now that I don’t really have that commute anymore, I find that something like that’s a little bit easier to listen to. And show them all really does that hadn’t been that like, probably my com app is probably my favorite app that I try to meditate every morning before the kids get out. And it’s just even something as quick as like 10 to 12 minutes. And it’s definitely something that I’m seeing. I can notice the difference. I’ve had lots of moms tell me that they’ve noticed a difference in their temperament and stuff throughout the day with their kids. If they meditate a little bit in the morning. I don’t think that 10 minutes is asking very much of me and for other moms that we could find that 10 minutes in the morning. So I’ll report back if I notice a difference with my kids throughout the day. After a few months of doing it.
Justin Trosclair 45:15
Well I’ve only heard nothing but good things about meditation. So it’s it seems like it’s gonna be a win win.
Unknown 45:21
I hope so.
Justin Trosclair 45:22
Yeah. How can people get in touch with you reach out etc.
Unknown 45:26
Of course like my Facebook. You can follow me on Facebook. I share a lot of sleep tips and I try to go live at least a couple times a month where I do live question and answers and of course my Instagram and then best way really is to email me if you want to set up a consultation. It’s the best way and it’s just sleep at Christine McCutcheon calm and it’s it’s the easiest way to be able to get in contact with me.
Justin Trosclair 45:50
Do you remember what your handles are on the social medias?
Unknown 45:53
Absolutely. My Facebook is just Christine McCutcheon SC for sleep consultant. And it’s the same thing for instance.
Justin Trosclair 46:00
And if people are working out and they can quickly jot down on the Vienna in a notepad spell, your last name
Unknown 46:09
McCutcheon and CC UT ch e o n salon one there we go
Justin Trosclair 46:17
there. What about you, but I’ve been listening. And then I’m like, oh, let me write that down and write it down. As soon as my podcast goes, it deletes I’m like, oh, like the other day I had that happen. I was like, What was that? Where was it because I got it wrong, too. I got the email wrong. And they didn’t put the show no debris in the show notes. And it wasn’t in the show notes. I was like come on guys
put their website didn’t have any way to contact the gas. I couldn’t believe it. So yours will definitely be in the show notes page right there in the app or on website.
Unknown 46:47
My website is great to like, and I’m really proud of the website I’ve got it’s pretty it’s pretty nice to look at. I think so of course, like getting onto my website is awesome as well. I do a lot of blog posts or I try to do a lot lot of blog posts
Justin Trosclair 47:01
was there it was the website,
Unknown 47:02
it’s Christine. McCutcheon. com boom. Simple. It’s like that. I like that
Justin Trosclair 47:08
awesome. Well, you’ve been a fantastic guest hopefully put been putting up with my my shenanigans today. And you bring a lot of good information. So I really appreciate that.
Unknown 47:16
Thank you so much for having me. That was a great time,
Justin Trosclair 47:22
I’d like to tell you about a special deal we’re doing right now. If you’re listening to this months or years from right now just contact me. Maybe we can still offer this for you. But what it is the acupuncture needle book, we’re doing some bonuses, the same cost of the book, not only do you get a one hour one on one coaching session, but I will actually throw in the program that you’re seeing which already like to do. But the big thing is you’re going to get the electric acupuncture pin for no extra cost dielectric acupuncture and actually helps you find the acupuncture points that you need to stimulate. And because it’s kind of like a muscle stem. But with a special tip you’re going to get far superior results definitely go to needle is And check that out. Also the first book today’s choices tomorrow’s health. You know we’re talking tips from China we’re talking 10 plus years experience as a chiropractor answering patients questions day in and day out blueprints that I personally use the lose weight, not eat so much. And also keep my finances in order. It’s something that I’m passionate about. That’s why I wrote the book. It’s over 200 pages. 40 something chapters again offering a bonus for this one as well. A one on one coaching call for one hour at no extra cost. We got t shirts, some different state prize chiropractic t shirts. If you got any ideas, let me know I can maybe design up something and make it available to everybody. Follow us on social media because there are a lot of sales that go on with the shirts let you know if you read a review, iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast,
Unknown 48:47
Justin Trosclair 48:48
wherever, let me know send me an email. And every month I can raffle off one prize. The prize is to be determined but we can do that also to check out any of the resources page on a doctor’s perspective. net is the our affiliate links which we get a little kickback for. And then of course, on every show note page, we have Amazon links for the books that people have mentioned in any other types of products. So you click that Amazon pays us a little bit. As always, thank you so much for listening. You can buy the host a cup of coffee on a PayPal button on the website and remember, listen critically think about it and implement it into your practice.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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