E 85 Rehab Focused Chiropractic Professor Dr. Todd Riddle DC

e 85 a doctors perspective todd riddle faktr rehab

Dr. Todd Riddle DC talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast

Combination of soft tissue modalities and rehab is Dr. Todd Riddle’s specialty as he teaches at a Chiropractic College as well as weekend seminars of FAKTR. Evidence Based versus Clinical Outcomes- why don’t they always match up. Why have a residency program?

Dr Todd Riddle DC has had a successful clinic for over a decade in North Carolina and is now teaching 3-4 rehab, soft tissue and orthopedic classes at Texas Chiropractic College. Not only that but on many a weekend you can see him teaching Live for the FAKTR seminar series.

Dr Todd had a neck injury that lingered for nearly ten years while playing collegiate football and arena football that was managed in the more traditional route. After 3 visits to the chiropractor, however, the neck pain was gone and he choose a different path for his career.

While his undergrad and life revolved around sports and rehab he ended up going to Sherman College which is a super straight school. What did he take away from that experience and how did that shape his first few years out in the real world?

You have to know who you are in the beginning of your career and sometimes that’s a hard thing to figure out without having much experience.

How do you reconcile when a modality seems to be getting clinic results but research isn’t showing its evidence based enough? Part of the answer is the 3 legs of an evidence based practice.

What’s the deal with the FAKTR Floss aka a thick elastic band that you wrap over a joint so tight that the blood flow is greatly reduced? How is that different than say using straps for Mulligan Technique. If the mechanism is ischemic compression how does that help the injury heal faster? Is cryotherapy a similar mechanism of action?

Let’s learn what is FAKTR and why its not a verb. FAKTR in a nutshell is a systematic evaluation system that taps into techniques that you have already learned and makes it more efficient and have better outcomes. We spend a while flushing out how to implement these procedures and what it’s not and could you attend FAKTR seminar if you didn’t know much about rehab and soft tissue therapies.

What is the Hallmark Difference that makes FAKTR unique when treating people in pain?

Do you really need 12 hours of kinesio taping or hawkgrip training to be proficient?

What’s the difference between a trained clinician and a trained technician?

Since he teaches, what are the 2 main pieces of advice he would give? Hint: one is not to take anything for granted.

Why is he a proponent of having a more structured Residency program?

We even tackle the new graduate – first job – salary vs newbie experience debacle.

Since he and his wife travel a good bit for business on the weekends, how do they keep that level of trust?

After the ads at the end of the episode, I put a bonus question… his thoughts on cold laser.

Books: Stuart McGill Gift of Injury, Tim Ferriss Tools of Titans

Podcasts: Tim Ferris, Joe Rogan, British Journal of Sports Medicine,


Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/85 here you can also find links to things mentioned and a transcript of the interview.

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Unknown 0:02
Episode 85

Justin Trosclair 0:04
rehab focused chiropractic Professor I’m your host, Dr. Justin trust Claire and today we’re Dr. Todd riddles perspective.

Join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin Foursquare as he gets a rare to see him, look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips, struggles, goals

Unknown 0:26
and relationship advice. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Justin Trosclair 0:31
Welcome back to the show. So excited to have you back if it’s your first time. Welcome. And if you’re a longtime listener, I sure hope you’re getting some good value out of this and are able to implement it in your office. You know, that’s our goal. Today’s guest is Dr. Todd riddle, he’s a chiropractor. He is heavily involved factor seminars as well as, you know, orthopedics, rehab, soft tissue, things like that Texas chiropractic college his whole life he has been in support strength training and injury recovery and prevention and all those types of things well rounded and we’re going to go into ways we handle modality that the evidence doesn’t really show that it works. But in clinic, we see that it works. So how do you reconcile those two things we also going to discuss what is factor it’s a system not really like a technique per se, it’s more like a system it’s like they pull from a bunch of different sources to make this technique and they have a unique way of approach cover that the year and enjoy we’re talking about two main pieces of advice you would give students Why is he in favor of a residency program we’ve been tackling new graduate job and pay and not feel so take advantage of and at the end of the episode after the ads we’re going to discuss cold lasers conversation that we had sort of outside of the interview and after we talked over here, let’s put it an interview. So it’s gonna be after the ads so stay tuned. You’ll get it show notes, a doctor’s perspective. NET slash eight, five, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain

live from China, the great state of Texas Houston today on the show. We have a guy that loves ortho and loves physical therapy and rehab so much that he teaches two classes three or four classes to be quite honest. And as a weekend gig he goes around the country and teaches factor courses. The guy’s been in practice for umpteen years in South Carolina and then now he’s in Texas so I just want to welcome to the show Dr. Todd riddle

Unknown 2:17
Thank you Thanks for having me I appreciate you

Justin Trosclair 2:19
have suddenly well I’m excited because while you work at my old alumni OTC Texas chiropractic, hopefully you don’t mind Yeah, them saying that and. And just from the classes, ortho rehab, soft tissue work. I mean, my goodness, like all day, every day you are teaching I think the cutting edge of chiropractic right now.

Unknown 2:40
It’s Yeah, it’s a rigorous curriculum. And yeah, cutting edge. We try to we try to make it as cutting edge as possible. We take a lot of pride and trying to make everything nearly as evidence based as we can. But yeah, I live it every day all day.

Justin Trosclair 2:55
Let’s step back just for a little bit. You don’t go like on the the 30 minute how’d you become a chiropractor, and how did you get involved with so much rehab, but give us the the short version of you know, you could be a straight chiropractic, you could do a lot of rehab. What What made you lean towards that,

Unknown 3:09
okay, that’s that’s actually really funny, because they’re, they’re intertwined, but I’ll try to keep it brief version. It actually started with an old football injury, I had hurt my neck to the extent that I was unable to move my left arm and abduction or flex my elbow for the better part of a year. That’s pretty bad brachial plexus injury

Unknown 3:28
and initially wanted to go into physical therapy because it took about a year to get me out of that. And Spence. As you can imagine a lot of time with athletic parasitical therapists,

Unknown 3:38
once that arm problem was, was gone, I still had a lot of that game is residual and I actually lived with that all through my collegiate career and had the fortunate opportunity to play a little bit of Arena Football after college was done. And they had a chiropractor on the team that after about three visits, was able to take care of what was left that neck paid. So at that time, I’d been kind of living in the human performance world and still playing athletics competitively and man that the coolest thing you know, they can do that. And three visits I’ve been dealing with for 10 years, and he’s got this thing knocked out. So I ended up enough, you know, at Sherman college where I was trained in the straight philosophy and found out when I got slightly, I’d had made a rough decision or the rough life choice, but I stuck it out because I still had a business in Charlotte, North Carolina in sports performance I stuck out there already had background, that’s what I graduated college with. So I stuck it out to their credit, I did get a lot of really great hands that skills as an adjuster. So if you can flush away all the other rhetoric, I still got the quality chiropractic education. So that kind of balance out the rehab side of things. So I think so that’s the, the definitive at this, the thing, the thing of it is, my career is highly revolving around sports and athletics and rehab is at little stop over, I guess, might have

Unknown 5:13

Unknown 5:15
I’m not sure still waiting to see how that works.

Justin Trosclair 5:19
So I think that’s kind of a cool thing. Because I know when I was in my first couple years out of school, you know, I felt like TC didn’t give enough philosophy and, you know, you start realizing practice where is not going as good maybe, you know, the streets are like, killing it, quote online. So you’re just like me, and maybe I don’t have enough chiropractic philosophy majors, I don’t know what’s, you know, how powerful the adjustment truly is, and, and so you gotta go finding that, and then you gotta go, you know, so it’s kind of nice to have it to start with, and you can, you can always learn rehab, a little bit more rehab and all that is interesting to see. And my own progression, like, where are we where are we going, and then coming full circle, but never really going fully, straight, straight. But anyway,

Unknown 5:58
well, and it’s, it’s, it is interesting, because I do a lot of reflecting on it. As a matter of fact, there’s, there’s some reconciled to be done, they’re coming from a rehab background, and get a very philosophically oriented school and trying to figure out what my identity is, as a health care practitioner. And I will say that there is value in having been educated in that philosophy, because it doesn’t make my understanding of what we do as a profession more well rounded. And now that does not necessarily agree with a way that the a lot of practitioners conduct their business or the way that they purvey their health care what they say they do with it doesn’t begrudge the fact that philosophy is still kind of valuable from a from a knowledge standpoint, it’s, it’s, it’s very interesting, still working on that I agree, it is the

Justin Trosclair 6:53
most is like the confidence of knowing what you’re doing is going to make a difference. And then with the rehab, we know with the clinical experience later on you like Okay, before I just had to have faith, but now I got experience and I know it actually, you know, what works, what doesn’t work and how to move on.

Unknown 7:09
It’s an interesting component, you you have to know who you are early on in your career, you have to have something to stand on. And a lot of Kairos Stanford philosophy because they don’t have a great deal of experience. And I do accumulate that experience you get to make critical thinking and educated decisions based upon your experience to determine whether or not the way that you had been practicing is the way that you should continue to but so there needs to be a balance too far one way or the other that’s what biases sneak in and we can’t look at our subjectively and say, you know, am I doing what’s best for the patient or family

Justin Trosclair 7:48
when you find that something that you’re working with for last several years is just been you know, it’s been working you get the results that you’re looking for, beyond adjustments like you know, I’m talking using a soft tissue tools or kinesiology tape or something, and then you got people poo poo and it like, it doesn’t do anything. And you’re like, Yeah, but it’s kind of working in my clinic people are, you know, they had knee pain and it’s shin splints the tape them and they’re like, Yeah, I got I could actually run in, it didn’t hurt and like, well, the research isn’t showing that, but it sure seems to be doing that in clinical practice. How do you reconcile that?

Unknown 8:24
Yeah, yeah, and I had a little bit of problem with that years ago, I’ve kind of since become comfortable with that there are three legs to that evidence based practice model, you got what’s best for the patient, what the research says and what you know, clinically, clearly, we want to track keep those legs as easy as possible. But you’re both knows it’s really difficult to do, especially with what we do. So I still try to stick to that model to some regard that they’re going to be funny things that I’m used that I know work that the research just hasn’t caught up with me, you know, if if we get around to prove that the chiropractic adjustment or manipulation or whatever people are calling it these days, if we’d waited around the research to validate we would be a dead profession now, we would have stopped doing it, you’re six years 10 years ago. So I don’t don’t believe that we need to have everything entirely sorted out by others. But I think it and then when it all comes down to it, whatever decisions we do make the best interest of the patient so whether there’s research to support it or whether it’s your experience to support it. Those do have to be congruent enough to say that this is what’s best for the patient and I’m not just doing it because I want to keep trying it and saying that it works

Justin Trosclair 9:44
Yeah, Yeah, I agree with you on that one. We were both at forward Casey a few weeks ago and one of the things I was at the fact one of the factor presentations if you will, and they used I don’t even know what it was called duck call it floss I called it externally thick Thera band that you wrap so tight on your arm that you lose blood flow so I never knew what you guys whatever it was called but I’ve been doing it for like what is it for you kind of haven’t been doing it recently but I didn’t like a year back in 2014 or 2015 and just this guy that I worked with Bill do is amazing I was like you got all these little gadgets and gadgets and the all these different things he had his own jigsaw that you know the selling these days and everything had no you know the last year so I see things popping out so how how does that stuff work like how is wrapping up a joint so tight that you lose your blood flow maybe make them do some motion and all that is there any idea how that works yet because it surely isn’t research based yet

Unknown 10:45
there is no so thank you I was just gonna say that’s a perfect example of clinical experience versus the research but still is good for a lot of patients yeah so the the jury is still a little bit out about how that works is work by ischemic compression does it work by major African cation module that that impression do know and we have extrapolate a little bit as blood

Unknown 11:14
does seem to have quite a significant effect for the rehab populations through the compression of dilution of blood flow seeing an increase in then growth hormone and such so I can only extrapolate one of the mechanisms behind it’s just that restriction of blood flow and then the fusion has a

Unknown 11:38
healing I’ve seen tremendous improvements in pain so

Unknown 11:45
well as range of motion that’s interesting

Justin Trosclair 11:48
so is that sort of the same theory behind like Cairo therapy see why are oh

Unknown 11:53
oh crap therapy um. I know I can’t speak give you from the the the Euro chamber I can only speak to the crowd therapy that I teach in the rehab programs which is so okay i’m i’m going to reserve judgment automatic this don’t know enough about it but as far as the mechanisms go I don’t know how to be honest because we’re we’re wrapping up rubberband very tightly run to join and we are grading schema compression in store but I think there’s so much more to that compression Yeah, fermentation and even the soft tissue effect it will get it by having to move through active motion

Justin Trosclair 12:41
wasn’t it? You would know what’s it called it’s not McKinsey Mulligan or something like that where you would put a lot of pressure on the shoulder and then you haven’t gone through the range of motion yeah

Unknown 12:51
yeah so a couple of different ways

Unknown 12:54
it’s the same thing

Justin Trosclair 12:56
except for us my whole

Unknown 13:00
with Mohegan they use strapped for us moving their interaction a joint or create the live or rotation in a joint by using a strap and then obviously the particulars wait straps don’t have to be used for the difference between the two would be that we’re using bands that are wrapped around the joint and they’re simply using straps or

Unknown 13:23
to assist with with glide it’s more of a traditional thing huh?

Justin Trosclair 13:27
Yeah. Okay. Well that’s where my brain when I was when you trying to run when I was trying to wrap my head around what is it that we’re doing as it’s like, well, that that’s the closest thing I can think of is just

Unknown 13:37

Justin Trosclair 13:38
you know, sometimes people try to invent new things

Unknown 13:41
and actually what’s interesting about that comment we could probably use that I’m thinking about we we do use the the factor fly in Mulligan like situations to help promote the live page. So what we’re trying to do with factor is take some people aren’t have and allow them to plug it into the system that Dr. Tom Hi, Dr. Greg door created many years ago. So that’s a kernel of that being able to do things is London in together and possibly get a better result.

Justin Trosclair 14:16
Just if you can use like a two minute What is factor because I think the guy that was teaching them forward was like, people say, Oh, I just did factor do factor factor is like a flow versus, you know, login or McKinsey or it’s not like that it’s taking everything and doing it in the system. Eyes fashion.

Unknown 14:35
That’s exactly yeah, that was

Unknown 14:37
that was what I was the point I was was if you’re using a factor at an urban that you are, if you’re not understanding exactly what it is, we’ve gotten to say things like I grasped somebody like air key somebody and those that would imply that use the technical on someone, what pastor is, let me let me briefly back up here. So I mentioned Dr. Hyde and lock the door a moment ago, they were both grass and instructors working together and found with implementation that when you added movement to soft tissue manipulation, with instruments that they saw improved in scale outcome, they saw better movement, so they kind of just sort of playing around with it. And long story short, we now have factor because of their their tinkering with, with competition, it’s good instruments. So that’s what factor is that factor is this a concept now where you find positions of provocation. So if a patient has to turn their head to the right, well, as long as it’s safe for them to that you’re going to treat them as they go through that motion. So there are five contest we use that are a progression, where you start a patient from the static position of Asian and work them all the way through to function and proprioception in order to feel good about basically returning them back to active. So factors is semi systemic progression, where you can use all of the soft tissue knowledge that you have already accumulated, and plug that into the system. And if you have not accumulated much soft tissue knowledge, we do incorporate several different techniques into an example of how we can stay true to our roots. We still do use instrumentation. But I would I would be, I don’t think I’d call it a true instrumentation course. Because we had before created many other techniques, such as the floss, we’ve now also incorporated mouth special compression that was cups, so we have taping. So there’s a lot of different things that we had added into it. But then the is using all these things within our system. So if you were to say that you factored somebody, my implication would be that you took them from a state of dysfunction in disrepair, and he was systematically progress to them all the way to the point where you felt comfortable that they were ready to go back out and resume activities. So that’s

Justin Trosclair 17:18
in a nutshell, that’s a pretty big definition compared to what I would what I think most people use it as a verb. That’s cool. So you could take so if you didn’t go and learn or didn’t care in school, you’re like, just teach me what I need to know there. Dr. Riddle. Yeah, and let me pass my boards. But I don’t give two craps about what you’re talking about. Then, a few years later, you’re like, hey, maybe this dude was actually on to something, let me go take this factor seminar, you may find that you actually need to go and take a hot Greg seminar, or can you see you’re taking seminar, rock tape, blah, blah, blah, and learn how to do that better. So that you can really do the factor system appropriately.

Unknown 17:56
Oh, I mean, yes, so we’ve got two schools of thought on that we had, you had a lot of people that prefer to take a an instrument assisted course that may cover it in a much greater detail than we do. But I think we do written a pretty fair degree of detail.

Unknown 18:15
So we do have people that want to go do that first, and then come to ours, we also have people that just want to come and get the experience with all of those things. Because they either they have a higher tactile aptitude, or they just feel like they can handle taking it all in at once. And they do fine with it. So either way, we just want you to in class. So if you feel like you want to go take something else, first, to really better mastery of it, by all means. And then we’ll be happy to be there to

Unknown 18:46
not get enough of pocket money, but to help clean up whatever whatever they were still struggling with. From a technique standpoint. And, you know, that’s not to say, I’m an expert

Unknown 18:57
in these techniques, I’ve been doing it for long enough that I have a higher degree of aptitude and average in many of them, and feel comfortable making recommendations for how they can change things. So

Unknown 19:12
do it either way, like a survey class,

Unknown 19:14
it kind of, but we still you know, in 12 hours, we jam pack in a lot of stuff we didn’t, especially since we didn’t use it instruments cops off a hands on. So you do need to come in with at least an open mind about how to rehabilitation, like if you’re brand new to hell, and don’t have a clue. If, for instance, if you’re brand new to chiropractic school, your first first or second trimester, you’re probably going to have a much harder time with it, then say somebody that is in their dick seventh or beyond, obviously, and we’re looking at the school stamp. Now, if you use the example a minute ago, if you made it all the way through chiropractic school, and only you’re exposed to it was enough to get through the physio therapy board, then you’re probably it’s going to move pretty fast for you. That is absolutely not to say that they won’t do well. And it’ll just move fast. And they’ll have to really pay attention because it’s a hands on course, I speak up on the science for about the first hour, and then after that it is full on Amazon. So we get all all varying degrees and skills on there from the absolute novice to the season professional. And I I know for a fact, because we, we survey everyone, everybody walks away with having learned something, we think we have a great product and move it off the back side

Justin Trosclair 20:38
for sure. You know, and maybe just because it’s been a long time since I’ve, you know, been in the midst of having to, like, learn something completely new, you know, I mean, a lot of these things taping instrument assisted copying, let’s just be honest, the me they’re not that, like, they don’t need 12 to 24 hours of continuing education. Like you need to have 12 because they want you to get your sort of vacations for years continuing ed for and when we can I get it. But it doesn’t take 12 hours sometimes to learn this stuff. Like if you learn in the basics, in my opinion, like, right? I don’t know, is that true? I mean, well,

Unknown 21:13
I would probably do that there’s a lot of medical legal stuff, especially here in the state

Unknown 21:19
about that, if you’re going to do something on somebody, you should be able to sufficiently show that you had been trained in it at a level that makes it safe for you to use it. So if you just, you know, for instance, go take a you know, grab a roll of tape and just start using on people and they had a shock response from it, because you didn’t know so warn them of that you you could be liable for that, or you use instruments on somebody and you create a rash or even worse because you didn’t know what you were doing. I’ve seen people that students usually that have done work on other students, I’ve only seen this your picture but a really great example in a class A couple of weeks ago, one of the students in the class showed me a picture of her own leg of another student that was doing work on her and she was bruised for the better part of three months and that’s not therapeutic damage and you makin that if that were to happen to a live patient that was paying you there probably would be some ramifications of that. So you know, the degree to which you need to study it, you know, I don’t know that there’s any great for that. But I will certainly say in more is better than little because we have a responsibility to our patients to know exactly how this works, at least have a basic idea about a sit theological respond very well, and it is it safe for us to use it on them. So I you know, I don’t know that I can kind of agree that if you don’t know, or there’s something I’m sure there are the web. But

Justin Trosclair 23:01
yeah, because like here, sometimes the acupuncture people will learn how to, quote, adjust people, if you just, you know, you turn a neck and it makes a noise. And you can say that adjusting whatever, and they can learn it. And they do learn in different ways. They don’t have like a score, officially, a lot of them, don’t do it. But the point is, yes, they can make the low back move. Yes. Okay. I feel great. They still gave me the goal is great. It’s better than nothing. But when they get the complicated case, when they get the red flags, will they catch it grow, they know what to do with a tough case. And some you know, and that’s when it becomes like, okay, that’s why you went to the chiropractic school, you could turn anybody really they use an activator type of thing, but to be proficient in to catch the doctor he part of it. That’s a whole nother level.

Unknown 23:46
Yeah, so yeah, that’s exactly right. And that’s what makes us different techniques, and your technicians know how to do it. But you’re professionals, your Rockers, if you will, they have a higher level of responsibility, because they been trained to catch things that will make that technique dangerous to them. So that’s, that’s the big difference. Yes,

Justin Trosclair 24:06
that’s exactly right. technician, Good call. That’s the story that I was fumbling with.

So on the show, we’d like to talk about being that you are in the midst of the new generation of chiropractors, if you could give them one advice, or even to what could you give them to either take clinic, you know, when you’re in the outpatient clinic, take that more seriously, or what you can do to be more successful that first year out because I couldn’t remember like, I don’t know, if it’s just the attending that I had are, you know, you got that attitude where you just like, you know, it is and you don’t maximize the knowledge that you get from the different attending sometimes,

Unknown 24:45
yeah, yeah, it’s funny, chiropractic school is feel like to some, sometimes it’s a tiny fish bowl with a lot of fishing for time competing for energy competing for space,

Unknown 25:01
and sometimes the fish irritated with each other. But, and that would include the people that work there. So it’s its own little microcosm. And I think if people could realize that there’s a bigger picture there. For me, there’s, there’s a lot of learning that needs to go on, there’s a significant social aspect of it. Again, it all comes down, down. So

Unknown 25:26
quite a bit of advice I would give to to a student or younger practitioner, but the two most pivotal pieces, I think, as you’re going through chiropractic school, don’t take anything for granted. Okay, pay attention to everything that you’re learning. And when you get out, and you have enough experience to say, I don’t need this information. And more than you can jettison it, you can get rid of it. But while you’re in school, and I have this this regret myself, that in my undergraduate and even in chiropractic school, I wish I would have paid better attention. Because now I sometimes find myself going back and having to search that information out again, even though I was taught it earlier on. So I would definitely say not for granted absorb it, all their education is actually in their hands. You know, for instance, I’m a professor at the school, my job is to deliver information, their job is to absorb it expand upon it, and I have a fixed amount of time and a fixed amount of information that I can deliver in them without it becoming overwhelming. But believe it or not, education is the responsibility of the students I’m there to provide, it’s their job to agree to learn and, and kind of stimulate that process. And then the second thing that I held up his kit symbol, know, learn while you’re in chiropractic school. And if you have the time bandwidth to take outside courses, by all means, do it, you know, clearly, I operate in the continuing education world. So I’m certainly not going to tell people that want to consume our products to to not do that. But at the same time, since competing for mental bandwidth with things that you need to be learning from a chiropractic standpoint, then I can’t say that that necessarily the most valuable use of your time for you right now, we’ve got a lot of students that are coming out very, very technique rich, that have a very on knowing when to use those techniques. So they’re, they’re kind of poor and technique British is accumulating all these certifications that really don’t know where it goes with it. It’s, it’s a, it’s a rare student that can take in all of that information, assimilate it and know how to apply and I would stand on the equator the grand scheme of things that many of the students are just trying to keep their head above water. Because it’s like drinking from a firehose, so much information coming at you. So pay attention to what you’re learning in school, and keep your time they’re simple, as simple as possible.

Justin Trosclair 28:10
Well, you got a good point. And the nice thing too, is a lot of the seminars like, especially like yours, they’re usually a discounted price for student Yeah, and that will help you have a system because that was one of the biggest questions I always was getting from students was, how do you know what to do I exactly x y, z presentation. And so that, you know, you already answered it. So that’s, that’s kind of cool. There. And, and I remember, I think I remember being, you know, in the outpatient clinic and learning there’s so much going on, you’re still taking classes, you’ve got this paperwork you have to have, and you’re, you know, all these in these little checkboxes that you’re trying to do. Yeah, you’re waiting on some, it has all these little things and kind of distract you from someone’s like the not necessarily the learning that you could do. But just it kind of complicates the the, the treatment plans and the protocols and the things that you could be better simulating because you just pretty important so many directions you just like I just gotta my qualifications so I can finish and then I’ll learn it, I guess pull it all together later. I don’t know whether well and that he said that’s another great way to

Unknown 29:06
that’s a great well, but it’s a good summation of what we’ve been talking about is focused and learn what you need to learn in chiropractic school. You know, knowing how to treat something doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have that analysis, so terrible at diagnosis, because you’ve been spending so much time learning all of these techniques, those techniques are literally

Unknown 29:25
they’re useless to you. It’s like having a car with gas, so you don’t. If you’re not a well rounded practitioner, at least a proficiently well rounded practitioner, by the time you reach a student clinical, you’re going to have a hard time with that assimilation, you’re going to have a hard time putting a treatment plans together, because you don’t know where to start. And believe it or not, and a lot of students don’t realize this until they get out. You do learn those things, you know, school to school is going to be some difference. But I know because the minute you do learn how to diagnose those things, you do learn how to treat those things. Now, it’s just a matter so this for trust in your training, okay, not being afraid to

Unknown 30:09
not being afraid to make a decision, even though there’s significant lack of experience behind that decision trusting what you’ve been taught in the experience of the people that were teaching you to do it.

Justin Trosclair 30:20
Yeah, because not every case of sciatica has back pain from a December

Unknown 30:24
right, that’s exactly right.

Justin Trosclair 30:27
The diabetic you miss the kidney stone you missed a lot of things there buddy

Unknown 30:33
residences, post post residences that we really get to hone in those skills and you graduated as a Kira but you still there’s there’s a ton of learning to still be done. And in a in a real world environments such as a tendency where you get to see patients but you’re still under the tutelage of a director that can help you

Unknown 30:55
kind of hone your skills even further, I think it’s so valuable, it’s a wish we could pull that together, collected was professionally have a couple schools that are here and I would and I get exposure to those students, I would say by far the students are much more prepared to deliver a very high quality chiropractic experience than a good majority of the students coming out without those residency but that that’s the purpose of that program, to their skills into take their level of proficiency, you know, from, you know, average to expert in that technically how some of the associate positions, you know, we always complain that as such as, don’t get paid very much because they’re rookies um, but you know, even when there’s a certain point let’s me, okay, but we don’t have to go down that rabbit hole. But let’s just suffice to say we could we absolutely, I think there’s some doctors who justify paying less because they don’t know what they’re doing. And I’m going to teach you everything that you didn’t learn in school, I would, I would kind of agree with that, if it were in more of an educational and more of an educational lights. Now, there are a lot of good doctors out there that do provide an associate ship that would look a lot like a residency and there’s their their their associates leave better for it. But there are a lot of docs out there that are just taking and abusing new students because they want cheap or under experienced labor, because they know that they can charge them less than they work them into the ground and burn them out. You know, there’s a high turnover rate for new graduates coming out, because they that’s not what they expected. They become jaded and bitter about the profession. You know, that term, it’s a cliche, and I’m not entirely fond of it. But you know, chiropractic young and I think we could solve a lot of that by having these residency programs, or at least making sure that the students when they leave, have a enough of a business acumen to be able to read through the contract and know that there’s a significant advantage on both sides the students the newly graduate student will get what they want out of it and

Unknown 33:04
providing that that that employee also gets out of what they want to very clearly laid out in the contract. Too often students don’t know what they’re reading or they’re just so excited to come down and start working that they don’t think for the long run they’re not building their their career with the end in mind they’re starting right there like going broke they start paying bills I’ll just figure it out I’ll go work three jobs if I have to I just want to get out and start working and to me that’s just that’s not a smart way to approach your your profession

Justin Trosclair 33:34
and that would say you know this this podcast is for you know, beyond chiropractors and I don’t know this for a fact but I would think even in physical therapy when you’re first out you may get paid better but you might be doing the part of the job that I is really physically taxing so after eight hours you just like oh I need to go sit in an ice bath I’m so sore

Unknown 33:53
you’re probably not getting the Cush Cush patients you know that first year I was there were certain that a lot of what we just talked about goes in on goes in many professions you know the rookie you know they’re they’re carrying the brunt of the the work in I don’t fit that’s a bad thing. It’s trial by fire. You gain a lot of experience by being thrown into the work that I do believe in fair compensation, you should be paid for what you achieve you she paid for what you’re bringing to the table. I don’t believe that students coming out have this Yeah, that they should be paid based upon their merit, but also their achievements. And there’s a lot of these coming out now thinking that they’ll make six figures in an office just as a blob is a paycheck when there’s a substance the the Pratt isn’t making six figures, you know, if we expand this outside of chiropractic, you get people leaving school with ministries that think that they are going to make high 96 figures the person they’re going to go work for me not even make that themselves so there needs to be realistic expectations from our our students as they leave school as well. What speaking of expectations I want to respect your time so I want to I’m going to switch gears on you guys. If you’ve got a bajillion kids I think like five right we have four kids

Justin Trosclair 35:21
okay so you got four kids your wife who we hope to have on the podcast soon is just as busy as you are in a different way with marketing and you are on your you’re going on the weekends I saw the schedule of seminars I don’t know how often you go but anyway vacation dollar both busy

Unknown 35:42

Unknown 35:44
you make a point that she is extremely busy her last event was helping with pulling forward Katie

Unknown 35:55
that on a regular basis. Other direct Florida they should land individual practitioners she’s extremely busy with between teaching for fact are both here and internationally. And then also teach at the school and also having the kids Yeah, of course, we have to build on vacation. So it’s a difficult thing to do sometimes because my school still doesn’t overlap with school schedule or children’s. So we live in a great place where there’s a lot of things to go to the third floor.

Unknown 36:28
So even if it’s just a little return a staycation if you will we build in that time but we always we always try to have at least one longer vacation a week we can turn everything off and just go reach it’s so important to begin with you know,

Justin Trosclair 36:48
do you happen to have any hobbies or volunteering or anything of that sort

Unknown 36:51

Justin Trosclair 36:52

Unknown 36:54
yeah Matter of fact it’s funny you mentioned that one of my my hobbies right now is now that we live in Texas team needs so I’ve kind of taken that on as a hobby so when I’m home I have a hobby my entire family and our friends can enjoy as well so I would definitely not even I’m competition ready but it’s it’s good enough to make Belize happy and I really and we went to a small house to kind of supplement the things that go into the the cooking that we use. So that’s that’s kind of a hobby right now. And it’s something that my kids participate in. I tried to really aim my hobbies at life skills for my kids, such as cooking so that when they’re old enough to start doing those things are still quiet on that that will serve them for the rest of their lives. And and I absolutely encourage people to do the same because we have a lot of fun doing the things

Justin Trosclair 37:49
together. Bravo. Now what are we talking about the jerky BBQ smoking

Unknown 37:54
Oh yeah. So we smoked meats, we have a grill and I have a look at we do a little bit of both. When we’re in a bit of a time crunch look, we’ve got time to go low and slow will throw it on the person will do pork butts will do brisket, birds, fish, you know, whatever. Whatever is either because I like to say she can catch or I’m not quite as a hunting yet somebody to take me out to me. But that’s whatever we can get a good price on. It’s in the market around here

Justin Trosclair 38:27
as awesome. I know in China, where I’m at Slow, slow and smoke. They went know everything.

Unknown 38:35

Unknown 38:36
well done is

Unknown 38:40

Justin Trosclair 38:41

Unknown 38:42
yeah, you chew on that bone boy,

Justin Trosclair 38:47
see you married obviously know what does one or two things that you do that makes you keep the love alive and feel connected.

Unknown 38:55
So we have we update it. So my wife and I will hire us center and we’ve got a great little wine bar up the road, go to they have a delicious peanut butter chocolate stout. So that’s one of the things that we will before we’re going to do is enjoying a beverage together. And we still talk a lot of business being self employed, we still have, we still have a lot going on, even on those date nights. So it will talk a little bit of business to them will choose a time when we just don’t talk to any business anymore. And we be focused on each other. And it’s very hard when you are self employed, or have a schedule to build isolated time like that. So you have to, even if it’s five minutes, at the end of the night, turning off the devices and sitting with each other, just talking, you know, having a

Unknown 39:52
nightcap before you go to bed or a tea whatever

Unknown 39:58
that time right at the end of the night. so that she can kind of go into read, getting ready to sleep and sleep as well as you can basically at the end of the night. So which we try to build the little times in if it’s in the car, you know, turning off the radio and just talking. So it’s, it’s, it’s a challenge. I don’t by any means want to make it sound easy. That finding even that five minutes can be beneficial for helping to recharge the batteries.

Unknown 40:25

Unknown 40:26
and you got into the right heart. And that’s so hard to do these that we have such an intimate knowledge of each other. I travel so much that shows that wherever I’m at, I am representing our family to the highest three and that wherever she’s at, she’s doing the same thing. So we have an incredible amount of trust and that makes our relationship sexually solid to is you know, I have found the right person for me and she has she had the same and having that foundation does make it easier to live such a thousand our life.

Justin Trosclair 41:03
Well, that’s huge. Because, you know, we don’t think about that. But there’s a lot of extra marital business trips, of course that occur. And we i don’t i don’t think about that. You’re just not my style just the same as you. But it happens enough to where you like, Oh, yeah, that is something we should be concerned about. And we have these conversations to make sure that it’s, you know, not a problem.

Unknown 41:22
You can’t we can’t even let the opportunity for us to sneak in there. Yeah, you know, like, and I don’t, I don’t even know the situation that I could use it as a as an example that they give to leave your cell phone to somebody that they can be going on can be very detrimental. And just is that then your house of cards because our life is so intertwined professionally and personally, that if something were to affect us personally, it would affect affect this professionally and vice versa. So we can to reassure each other where our intentions are representing. And at the end of the day, we’re trying to make our family the strongest can be decided everything else that we have going on, and let’s be let’s face it to when you’re in front of a bunch of people. There’s a lot of eyes that could find out something you didn’t realize.

Justin Trosclair 42:16
Yep, that’s exactly right. Nobody

Unknown 42:18
this day and age. Everybody’s got a camera phone.

Justin Trosclair 42:22
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I yeah. Anyway, that’s true. Last question for you, if you happen to have that you just simply love and one that you really want to share with people favorite books, podcasts, even a phone app?

Unknown 42:36
That’s a great question. Ooh, that is a great question. Because those are the things that I retreat to when when I get a little bit of personal time to myself. So my secrets. My ice is a good glass of bourbon and one of a variety of books I read across the board. Right now I’m finishing up the gift of injury, me and Brian Carroll, but I love business books as well. So then kind of chipping away at tools by Tim Ferriss, and then I start working through some other kind of outer type fringe stuff that I’m picking up off the podcast, the podcast really the way that is what the majority of fish and fish and I can I love Tim Ferriss podcast, Joe Rogan podcast when I’m, there’s something more clinically oriented. I’ve been enjoying the British Journal of first medicines podcast, they’ve got a great one

Unknown 43:36
there, I could, I could name half a dozen or so other ones that I really enjoy, but I spent too much time are planted in cars, that’s easiest way for me to get information is by listening to it.

Unknown 43:47
Have some good

Justin Trosclair 43:49
Yeah, those two those two, you mentioned Tim and Joe. That was the my thought pattern. Whenever I was deciding do I want to short episode per week? Yeah, to kind of go more long, you know, we’re been talking for for a little while now. I’m not going three hours. But you got to have a certain level of expertise to be able to get that much time from somebody that has nothing to do so

there’s so much you can get from somebody that it takes longer than 20 minutes,

Unknown 44:16
which I appreciate. But what I appreciate about you is you did you took the step and actually did it because so many people would love to have a podcast and that’s all they do is they talk and they talk to me talk but you’ve taken a step back and I’m certain that the resources have the right technology to do it. So kudos to you for that

Unknown 44:33
appreciate it my wife was there that was hey how how are we going to be doing this podcast thing

Unknown 44:42
I was

Unknown 44:43
like I don’t know I’m still enjoying it.

Unknown 44:47
Well that’s what Tim Ferriss today when he first got into podcasting he said I’ll do a couple of I’m still enjoying it all I’ll keep going and obviously it is now spun into this wildly popular format but I think best way to do it dip your toe into the water if you still feel it on your own. So keep up the great work

Justin Trosclair 45:05
absolutely Well Dr. Todd thank you so much for being on the show where can people find out more information about you and stay connected

Unknown 45:13
so I’m on all of the social media is Twitter Instagram Facebook, Dr. Tom Riddle you can find me on there you can check it out@dash.com there’s a list of the classes there that I participate participate in with say that one again dynamic it’s sports dash seminars

Unknown 45:36
Oh thanks for type

Unknown 45:38
for seminar and where we post my class schedule teaching with factor and also with dynamic page so those are the places to pick me up on on the internet and pretty active on there so I would love to have people jump planning

Justin Trosclair 45:54
all right if anybody was listening to this episode whatever your profession is I know you could have gotten a lot you probably related a lot to to what he had to say so check him out on social media cinema friend request that be great alright man thanks so much for being on the show

Did you know I am offering a copy and one on one online class you know I’ve been in China for a while I’ve got a class set up with some TCM docs who do cupping will show you the glass kind and the suction kind you can find more information at a doctor’s perspective. NET slash cupping. Right now we have a pre sale price. So you’re going to save a good chunk of cash. By signing up early, just put your email, you’ll get notified when the class goes live. Also, as always, the know needle acupuncture book, you get four chapters, anxiety, low back, insomnia and headaches, got pictures, how to find the points. And of course, all with no needles. Just go to a doctor’s perspective. NET slash in a protocol as in needless acupuncture. We have great results the other day from lady who couldn’t do a lunch because their knee pain now knee pain is not an issue. So excited to hear that also the first book today’s choices tomorrow’s health, a lot of people are looking for a magic bullet the same it this is saying hey look, if you can do small things daily, you will see results and I’ll give you the blueprints that I use to create an exercise routine cardio routine, get my nutrition in order and actually get your finances in order to because that’s a big stress and life and of course talk to them about chiropractic. So I hope you check that out on the website under the Resources tab. These are my affiliate links that helps out support the show blueberry hosting set for said they got the power bands and the really really resistant really good to stretch those joints mentor box and get subscription to watch the author. Talk about the book so that you don’t have to spend the time reading it else knows a verb books and things like that. It’s really quite cool primal health nutrition. You can save 10% by going through my link using the code primal doc it’s bone broth. Here’s to the autoimmune protocols and specific carbohydrate diet, gluten free, non GMO, no sugar, dairy free, all those types of cool things. As well as Click Funnels. If you sign up to that or pick up a book from him, do my links helps out a little bit. And then of course, everybody’s favorite Amazon. You can sign up for different things like prime fresh our music through our links. And of course, any of the show notes. We have books mentioned a few follow the link through my site. That’ll help out as well. Well, that is it. Go on ahead and leave us a five star review. Thanks so much for listening. And we’ll see you next week.

Hey, look real quick while I got you. I’m just curious. I love cold laser teak. You solo the Terek on the Multi Radiance, and I don’t know why it seems like a was like get the Thor get the K get the and I’m just convinced that multi radians just has one of the best actual laser wavelengths possible out there with a product that’s helps you find it and I don’t know why it’s not kicking all of us all at the data. That’s why I was curious

Unknown 49:20
do the testing with lasers a lot of infighting right now, but just in those companies who puts out the best stuff and it comes down to research or they self funding their own research, which obviously we went to an exceptional amount of bias. Yeah.

Unknown 49:36
Whereas somebody else dependency researching their stuff. And the only company that keeps coming on my radar is the one that has, I think they have over six or 700 independently funded studies is like your class for laser. So which one was no under a lot of other products. It’s called light, light

Unknown 49:59
light to cure. Okay. And I had some experience with their laser and I did like it,

Unknown 50:06
it’s, it’s it. I personally think it probably has a lot of value. I haven’t used an Oregonian one much and I haven’t really used too much with the multi radius I had a little bit but can’t see me to do the quality that stuff

Justin Trosclair 50:22
and our Konya just seems to me like one of those ones where I think it’s they’re really good at marketing is how I feel but I could be wrong

Unknown 50:30
I wouldn’t disagree with you on that I feel that way about several of the laser products that are out there so okay, it’s tough enough to it’s not like you can just go buy one and say okay, I’m not going to use it anymore you know newer good class for laser you’re going to pay 20,000 us

Unknown 50:48
yeah it’s crazy but it’s what it is they’ve got yeah you’re right my opinion and I’m

Unknown 50:55
doesn’t really matter to me.

Justin Trosclair 51:00
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. A sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).