There are 7 core full body functional movements that you should be able to perform.…
Look Good Naked owner Dr Debbie Bright DC talks her 21 Day Program, functional nutrition, gut health, labs for nutritional issues, rehab specialty, 16 hour days, what makes a good nutraceutical line and lessons learned from a rocky first clinic.
Family illnesses (not hers) really got her sparked to become a doctor of chiropractic and then … well you can listen why she choose to get her masters in nutrition and specialize in functional medicine. How she moved to a new area with knowing no one, going bankrupt within 2 years and her turn around and creation of her brand Look Good Naked.
Functional nutrition is surprisingly not an actual major, so what is it and what can you do to be qualified to hang your shingle on the phrase functional nutrition. She is Kettle Bell Trainer Certified, Dynamic Neuro Muscular Stabilization, ART Certified, taught with HawkGrips Soft Tissue Instrument Tools IASTM. At this point her company has gotten really popular and she no longer runs a traditional adjust the spine type of chiropractic clinic. How was the transition and did she feel guilt and what did her peers think?
She runs the same blood work as an MD to ascertain what’s wrong with you, but the nutraceutical route is typically how she treats it. What does that look like and what conditions?
What rules does she use to evaluate a vitamin company for her functional nutrition model?
Which did she predominantly settle on as her go to line?
Absorption, synergistic formulas, professional grade… a lot goes into a quality vitamin.
Her specialty is weight loss and has her own programs Look Good Naked. LGN Program 21 day gut health reboot. Pretty much you are removing all common offenders from your diet (8 of them), replacing it with special stuff and you get the benefits or watching hormones rebalance, inflammation reduce and you gut health restored. We go into all the details of how and why it works.
We also chat about the pitfalls and roadblocks people have with the 21 Day Look Good Naked Program. Do you have to give up things like dairy and gluten forever?
How and why is gut health so important? Is it backed by science to help autoimmune disorders and inflammatory disordes? What is glyphosate and the Shikimate Pathway?
What are the role of PREbiotics? What effect does eating deep fried trash food do to you?
What is Landmark WorldWide Distinction: commitment vs attachment?
STOP trying to FIND ways TO CHEAT your DIET. Cyrex has a test that can help you see what you are building up antibodies to and what you might be allergic to.
What lessons did she learn from bankruptcy and advice for those struggling and for new docs? What would she do different?
Working 16 hour days launching Look Good Naked taught her a lesson about deconditioning even if you have a lean body shape.
Podcast: The Art of Charm
App: Moment App tracks phone screen time and you can see where you spend all your time with reminders to help you spend less time on it.
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and a complete transcript.
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Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 53 functional nutrition and how to look good naked. I’m your host Dr. Justin trust Claire and today we are Dr. Debbie bright perspective.
Join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin Foursquare as he gets a rare to see look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing,
travel tips, struggles, goals and relationship advice.
Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Welcome back. When I recorded this, you’ll notice that the quality is a little weird of the beginning than most of the middle is fine. And in the end is which is up a little bit sorry about that things happen I guess. But today we have Dr. Debbie bright she has an amazing story. The end of the episode we talked about her bankruptcy how that happened and tips to avoid that for anybody else but also became the catalyst for her brand look good naked, she is Megatron and in different rehab techniques, but also ended up having a huge passion for nutrition. And then functional nutrition and gut health and our 21 day program. You should find this episode quite good and educational about what nutrition can do different aspects about that. And then some advice, like we said earlier about for students and for people who are struggling and yet again, an online business atmosphere to help you supplement income. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash five, three, that’s it go hashtag behind the curtain.
live again from the great country of the USA. It’s a doctor’s perspective. And today, we have a San Diego, Dr. Debbie bright. Thank you so much for being on the show.
Unknown 1:45
Thank you, Dr. Justin, for having me.
Justin Trosclair 1:48
Absolutely. I think before we should begin a congratulation is an order.
Unknown 1:52
Yeah, yeah, we just got married. Actually. I think that’s where you’re going. Right?
Justin Trosclair 1:56
Is How was that?
Unknown 2:00
It was absolutely amazing. My husband surprised me with fireworks. So if you get any pictures of me on social media, it’s it’s worth a good laugh, because I was shocked.
Justin Trosclair 2:13
Wow, fireworks, like the Fourth of July.
Unknown 2:15
It was just like that.
Justin Trosclair 2:16
Wow. Well, I’m impressed. That’s pretty cool. Uh, let’s jump in. Now you’re married. But before then, before you became a doctor, what drew you to that profession? And why did you become a doctor of all the things you could be?
Unknown 2:30
That’s a good question. Um, probably Initially, I was afraid to ever pursue being a doctor because I thought it would be too hard, right. And then I was kind of looking at going to physical therapy school, and I got into contact with the child who had friend who was at Logan, and he was like, You know what, you have a lot of freedom. As a doctor, I really think you would be good at this. You should come here. So I interviewed got accepted, had never been to a chiropractor, and was all of a sudden going to chiropractic school. And kind of the root cause behind that motivation, I think was watching my dad as a child, like he went through two back surgeries, he was put on disability. He became our stay at home dad and never worked again and always lived in chronic pain. And I also had a brother that dealt with migraines, he had to take a medication three times a day, all of his life, he was denied going his acceptance to Annapolis because of this need for this medication, which he later ended up kicking to the curb and saying, You know what, I get my grades regardless of using this. So it’s just kind of a whole mix of like, Why do some people need medicine? Why do some people live in pain and wanting to be to be able to help others right, and then fast forward a little bit, I graduate chiropractic school, and I’ve got, you know, full interested invested in doing like sports rehab, and I went to a 10 year high school reunion. And I noticed that everyone had gained a significant amount of weight for on tons of medications, and they were only 28 years old. And so from there, that pushed me into furthering my education with my masters in nutrition, and kind of catapulted me into doing functional medicine. So there you go. That’s all of that in a nutshell.
Justin Trosclair 4:29
Oh, my goodness. So you went and got your masters were both chiropractors, I felt like my nutrition program was pretty strong. So when you go to a master’s program, when do functional medicine? Is that like a specialty within that program so that you can treat like diabetes and hypertension at a more superior level? Or what what kind of things did you learn there?
Unknown 4:49
So I would say it’s kinda yes and no, right? Like, you don’t go into a nutrition pro? Well, there’s like no University period, for functional medicine, it’s very new. And it just came about in the last like, 19 years. And I know that sounds like a long time, but it takes about 17 years before doctors will put new science into practice. So it’s fairly a new thing, and they are developing different educational programs and whatnot. But it’s kind of all just personal study, right? Like personal choice like postgraduate work. Now the nutrition program was just simply a nutrition program, just you know, to go further down the rabbit hole and to have a better understanding of what nutrition is and, and Clinical Nutrition and whatnot.
Unknown 5:43
But it’s not like I walked out of it, like, Oh, I feel so great at being able to treat diabetes or certain autoimmune conditions. It’s just using functional medicine above and beyond to kind of grasp a better understanding of how the body works. And then being able to plug and play like you know, where to patients have nutritional deficiencies and, and what foods are causing the inflammation in their body? So it’s just a new? I think we’ll see in our lifetime, better, right? Yeah.
Justin Trosclair 6:12
Yeah. How does that differ from say functional medicine vs functional nutrition? Because don’t the medicine people try to go nutraceutical? Are they still just kind of more doing drugs?
Unknown 6:23
I think it depends on what your background is like, if you if you were a functional medicine in D, then there will be times that an MD will use his toolbox if pharmaceutical therapy right and as a chiropractor, that’s not something that we can do. But we can use, we can still order the same blood labs that they order we can still run, you know, under our licensure all the same exams, and then opt for Is it something we can treat in house with nutraceutical therapies, or there are times that I would definitely refer a patient out maybe they’ve got some kind of chronic out of control parasite activity in the gut and they need an antibiotic, then dead? By all means, you know, amongst all the professions, it’s what is this patient needed? Who’s best up
Justin Trosclair 7:18
to treat it? There’s so many different types of supplements supplement companies, when you’re looking at that, is there any way to evaluate a company a company that is actually worthwhile? Because you know, some companies, you’re paying $60? And you’re like, what, why is this 60? When you know, there’s another brand out there? That’s only 40 or 80? How so how do you Is it just price or what’s what’s some of the rules that you use that to evaluate a company.
Unknown 7:45
So for me, I’m personally not going to use a company that’s not considered professional grade. And professional grade means that they would market only to physicians, they guarantee that what is in their products, or what they say is in their products, and they guarantee that they have the highest bio availability to the body, right. So some people will go and get a chalky vitamin from any old GNC Costco types of places. And it might actually have the nutrient value in it that it says, but it’s not in a form, its most absorbed by the body. And therefore people are just urinating out their vitamins, right, they’re wasting their money, and it’s not providing any nutritional value to the body whatsoever. I personally work with a company called designs for health. And they’re developed by functional medicine physicians for functional medicine physicians, I can see what’s in the products, they guarantee that everything’s organic, that it has high bio availability, and their synergistic formulas, meaning that you know, certain vitamins will compete with other vitamins for absorption. So they want to deliver the highest top quality product that’s best for your body. And I feel comfortable using those products with my patients.
Justin Trosclair 9:14
Do you have an opinion on organic fruit and vegetable based products that give you what you’re looking for versus the synthetic versions that are built in a lab?
Unknown 9:25
Oh, absolutely. It’s kind of sounds like a Monsanto question, right?
Justin Trosclair 9:30
Well, you know, because there’s like Centrum, and there’s not a, that’s all chemical based. And then there’s something like, what is the garden of life where all the stuffs kind of based on fruits and vegetables, but then it looks the label at least looks like it still breaks it all down. So you like this was a multivitamin? It still looks like it but it just happens to be fruits?
Unknown 9:50
Well, I would definitely say that you want to opt for a whole food based products far before you you would ever go for anything that’s synthetic. Right. Right.
Justin Trosclair 10:03
So at this point, you’ve been doing this for a while, what will classifies as your specialty?
Unknown 10:08
Um, I would say primarily patients come to me for weight loss. And secondarily, through my programs, they find that they’re able to improve their autoimmune conditions. So first weight loss. And secondarily, I don’t mean how cool
Justin Trosclair 10:26
Do you have, like 30 or 90 day like programs that people can sign up for? And you kind of track them and guide them?
Unknown 10:35
Yeah, so yep. So
Unknown 10:39
I own a brand called look good naked, which initially was kind of started as just a funny hashtag on social media, but it like really became something. And now people around the world recognize this brand, and they call it LG n. And so the LPN program is a 21 day gut health reset program, Graham, where we take patients off of gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, corn, sugar, peanuts, and artificial sweeteners. And then we add very nutrient dense, like a meal replacement shake in the morning. And then we have them eat combinations of protein, healthy fats, and fiber from lots of vegetables, so that they can reset their hormones and control their blood sugar. And then what within that they start sleeping better, they decrease inflammation in the body, they try to reenact you late. They’re healthy gut bacteria with the use of a probiotic and feeding the probiotic prebiotics, which is food that that healthy bacteria thrives on. And in that amount of time, people get really amazing results. They’re able to decrease their need for cholesterol medications, psoriasis, medication, you name it, we’re seeing improvements in the program. And as little as 21 days,
Justin Trosclair 11:58
are they able to gradually introduce these products back into their life
Unknown 12:03
after their 21 day period, I often tell them to reintroduce one food group at a time. So let’s say they offer dairy, and to have that food in each meal of the day for four days. And then to just track how they feel. Do they feel tired, fatigued? Do they get headaches? Does their skin breakout with acne? Or they constipated? Do they have diarrhea, gas bloating? And they take no and then they try to to? You know, figure out what exactly it is out of those top eight pro inflammatory foods that they react to the most. But, you know, to be honest, I’m really trying to encourage that they keep you know, the the top heavy hitters like gluten and dairy very limited are out of their system completely.
Justin Trosclair 12:54
Yeah. Because there’s certain like dairies, that’s always a tough one. And then
gluten, but like you said, if you can get the rest of them out of there are just those two, and focus really hard and put your energy into that you could see far reaching results if you introduce nuts, or something else that might be
a little less less inflammatory in the in the short term.
Unknown 13:17
Justin Trosclair 13:18
yeah, exactly. Now, what would you say to people who are like, you are a granola eaten crazy person? gut health doesn’t have this much effect on us. What do you What? Do people say that? Because it seems I hear that sometimes, or I read that sometimes. And I’m like, Guys, come on. There’s, there’s more to it. So do you ever hear that? And how can you address that kind of question?
Unknown 13:39
Well, if they are denying that gut health is important, then I honestly feel very sorry for those individuals and their lack of knowledge about how gut health is basically all health to the body. It’s, it’s new, I can’t blame them, right? It’s not like we’re taught this kindergarten, or were, you know, it’s kind of something that we have to study on our own. But it’s where science is shifting. There’s so many great results. When you utilize gut health, you know, whether it’s clearing skin rashes, and acne and conditions like that all the way to putting, you know, an autoimmune conditions. What’s the word I’m looking for into remission?
Unknown 14:31
Yeah, so Well, of course, you know, on social media, it’s really easy to to post about this kind of stuff to get attention, and then give it the attention it deserves. And then have people if people call me like, a food longer, they say all kinds of crazy stuff, and that it’s nonsense, and, and watch salute Lee, and it’s like, Okay, well, I’m sorry that you’re missing the boat, because this really is that important. And there’s plenty of research and science and labs, that suggests otherwise,
Justin Trosclair 15:02
right? I was listening to some podcasts, and they were super ketogenic and all this kind of stuff. And they went like Italy, or something. And they kind of ate some of the bread there. And they were kind of freaking out, like, Oh, my gosh, am I going to have, you know, three weeks of torture after this, because I’ve been off bread for so long. And they’re like, I really didn’t have that issue. And they thought it might be the type of flower or million or whatever it is that they use to make the bridge.
Unknown 15:27
Right? So you could go to Europe and pretty much have bread and pasta, and your gut will not explode like it would if you’re consuming it in the US. And then, right. And the main difference is the way that the wheat is processed. So in the United States, they are heavily soaking the week down with a product called glyphosate, which is its Roundup, basically. And Dr. Stephanie Senate has done a lot of research on this. And she has found that, you know, this is this is kind of this is where Monsanto meant to develop something that, you know, helps protect the plants, right. And they say it has no effect on the human body. And it’s supposed to kill the insects and bugs and whatnot. But what’s really going on is that we’re consuming this week, so quick like the state, and it is killing off our healthy gut bacteria. And the reason it’s not supposed to affect a human is because we lack something called the shipmate pathway that insects and other plants and bugs have that we do not but what they’re getting where they’re getting it wrong is that our healthy gut bacteria does contain a chicken a pathway, and therefore they are susceptible to being killed off by the Roundup. And so the week process to us contains a lot the glyphosate and that’s what’s causing so many problems.
Justin Trosclair 17:03
Do you agree with FOS being either in your probiotic or taking that like a spoonful a day or something?
Unknown 17:10
So FOS you are you just saying like probiotics in
Justin Trosclair 17:13
general? I think it’s the prebiotic front, though. Illegal saccharine FOS?
Unknown 17:18
Oh, yes, yes, yes. Um, well, you definitely if you’re going to take a probiotic, you want to have prebiotics to feed your probiotic, or it’s not going to do you and good to introduce bacteria into your system, but it has no food to eat. Yeah, right. Okay.
Justin Trosclair 17:34
Yeah. I just, I think that’s important. And I didn’t know if, if I’m alone in that, or if it’s just not that is not that serious as I as I used to think it was this seems like a lot of people take probiotics in this. Like, I’m like, these are like, like, I don’t even know they’re good. How do you what do you have like a top two brands of probiotics by the way?
Unknown 17:54
Well, like I said, I work with designs for health. And one thing that I’ve learned about their post I like is that they have something called a bio track technology. And it’s basically a coating that will help the probiotic can survive Yeah, make it survived the stomach acid and, and, and the long journey to the colon where there’s the in the healthy bacteria is post a flourish. And so a lot of these cheaper made probiotics are probiotics in that do not even require refrigeration, you’re just basically spending money to eat dead bacteria. It’s not going to survive the stomach acid, let alone the shell clay. So it’s really important to make sure that you’re voting with your dollar on a high quality probiotic. Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 18:44
cuz I think I’ve got something in the mail. And it was talking about a patented, I want to say, genetically, and that was a genetically enhanced, but they’re enhanced somehow so that they can actually like survive and make it through. So I was just curious if but yeah, he said designs for how so that’s good to know that you get what you pay for sometimes.
Unknown 19:03
Absolutely. Okay,
Justin Trosclair 19:05
so your chiropractor, you’re dabbling down functional medicine? What are some of the misconceptions that you are encountering in your profession that you would like to set straight today?
Unknown 19:16
Hmm, that’s a good question. So I think there are two misconceptions that come to mind. And one deals with the general public and one actually deals with chiropractors themselves. So the first one is what the general public is, and I think you can agree to this is that sometimes people will say that we’re not real doctors. And they simply are meaning that we because we do not use pharmaceuticals to heal pain or improve health. Right. And instead, we use you know, manipulation, soft tissue therapy and nutrition, nutraceutical therapy, and lifestyle medicine to improve chronic illnesses and pain, they they kind of can’t grow, ask the difference. It’s as if like, one doctor, because they use drugs is better than other doctors who are well versed in there.
Unknown 20:11
What therapy of choice as if it’s like, one is better than the other,
Justin Trosclair 20:16
right? And send those circles are just that next plane that only the few can handle?
Unknown 20:20
Exactly, you know, conventional medicine, right, your MD you have an ailment, you go to your doctor, they write you a script, right? That that’s more conventional medicine, that’s more of the MD side. And you know, I think conventional medicines great for emergency care, you know, it’s just However, it’s not it doesn’t offer any cures for chronic illness and you know, we see this every day with our patients and the systems it’s kind of it’s a broken system to be honest, you know, a pill for and long term doesn’t lead to any type of a healthy lifestyle. And so you know, that’s just one that the general public doesn’t you know, necessarily look at us like we’re really doctors. Secondly, I think that many chiropractors don’t fully understand what I’m doing personally with functional medicine. They cannot always grass that you know, why am I not performing chiropractic manipulations or soft tissue rehab and some have even said like, Oh, you know, you wasted your education and all that time and money and I have to point out to them that it was the chiropractic medical education that got me license to be able to you know, order my functional medicine labs and do the nutrition therapy and use the new professional grade nutraceutical you know as I want to help patients healer elements and their chronic pain conditions and their auto immune diseases Oh, so
Justin Trosclair 21:45
you’re a mixed toward it doesn’t even adjust
Unknown 21:49
you know what I did? I wouldn’t say never but I had to transition out of practice last March when we kicked off the wickedness good program because it just grew so rapidly that I had to step out of my manual therapy practice to be able to run that wild
Unknown 22:10
Yeah, it really is because you know, I went to school to be a chiropractor and then here I am practicing in a much different way. And by no means like, I’m absolutely still a fan of of sports rehab and it’s just a great tool to have in my back pocket and when I need you know, my own when I have my own pain conditions I’m by all means like knocking on my chiropractor buddies doors and getting adjusted and and getting the soft tissue work. So yeah, it just kind of worked out that way for me what kind of sports background do
Unknown 22:42
Justin Trosclair 22:42
Unknown 22:43
Um, so I was personally or like what patients that I would work with
Justin Trosclair 22:48
you personally because it sounds like you were an ex athlete.
Unknown 22:53
Um, I ran track and I have since now I mean Fast Forward I’m 32 so all the way up into you know what I do now? I’ve got a personal trainer I am strength matters kettlebell certified as an instructor. I box you know, we hike mountains. We still sprint we do all I could fun stuff. I just came from my sister in law owns to spend studios and San Diego. So I just came before this podcast, I went spinning and her gym so it’s just about trying to stay active. Right?
Justin Trosclair 23:27
Right. Alright, so this is something that I’ve been I’ve heard people talk about and you go to school, like you said, You’ve learned all the pathology the physiology, what’s normal, but then the our bread and butter, of course, is adjustments and soft tissue. And then all of a sudden you transition out of that did you wrestle with? I don’t know what the right word might be. Guilt are like not shamed. That’d be weird. But not only say weird, but you know, you’re going to probably be judged by your colleagues, if kind of might feel like I just did I throw away my money from not doing this. So what did you have anything that you receive with when you were transitioning out of that? And how did you reconcile if it was any kind of anything?
Unknown 24:06
Um, you would probably laugh if you could see my office right now. I have a home office that I built into the condo because so what that kind of looked like was, initially I was in a physical therapy clinic, a very large clinic. Then I transitioned to a kettlebell gin. And from there, I started building out the online wicked, naked community. And I left the Kettlebell Gym, and I’m sitting in in my condo, and I have a home office that has posters of the musculoskeletal system. All of my DNS dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, rehab posters, everything’s on the wall. So to say, like, did I have trouble transitioning? Like, absolutely. I also have instructed for hot grips in the past for their instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation tools themselves? Show Yeah, yeah, exactly. Oh, very nice. I love them. I never want to lose the skill set. And on occasion, I will still take rehab patients, like if they’ve worked with me in the past. Um, yeah, there’s mad respect for the profession. Definitely put lots of time and energy into it to be a party certified. All the DNS work all the hawkers certifications. Um, but yeah, I kind of had to draw a line in the sand. And I ended up letting I think the final straw was like, towards the end of this summer, I let my NCIC malpractice insurance go. And I had to say, Okay, yeah, I know, I had to say, Okay, this online business is just growing exponentially, and it needs my time and energy. And so I have to say, like, I started, I started saying no, and sending patients to some of my my colleagues around San Diego, and they, they were like, Hey, what’s going on? Your business must be doing well, because you’re sending me or sending your patients. Right.
Justin Trosclair 26:13
Right, guy? What’s going on over here?
Unknown 26:15
Exactly. So yeah, it was a difficult transition for sure.
Justin Trosclair 26:19
Yeah. Well, then you’re saying you did a lot. You did a lot of post grad rehab stuff, too, huh. That’s pretty interesting. Well, this is a this is a tough transition, not really a tough transition. But it’s, I think you might have covered some of this. So when we look at our unique abilities, our mindset and our strategies, what setting you apart from the competition?
Unknown 26:39
That’s a good question. Um, you know, I try to live according to a landmark worldwide distinction called commitment versus attachment. And it mainly just brings to mind to stay committed to an overall outcome or purpose and to not be attached to like, the opinions or setbacks along the right. And for me, functional medicine is very personal. I just believe in this type of healthcare, it’s, it’s something that’s worked for me, I get to see it work daily, you know, with my patients, and I kind of feel like, if you don’t walk your talk, like, no one’s ever going to take you seriously, right. So, you know, just, for example, like, my labs, like when it just, it’s about kind of, like, I ran my own functional medicine labs, I just have a high interest in this type of practice. And, you know, one example that comes to mind is like, I react to like potatoes, and it’s like, people drink, you know, if you have a French right here and there, it’s like, well, it does hurt. And for me, that’s going to be fatigue, or constipation and a headache later. And so I think like, one thing that sets me apart is just being able to walk the walk, put my foot down, just be in a space to stand your ground. To put that instill that into your patient, you know what that looks like, and being able to kind of transform your room where the dinner table your friends and family and to speak openly and probably about what it is that you do, and then just enrollment, right, getting them enrolled and, and on that path and hope and change lives.
Justin Trosclair 28:23
That’s true. You know, I had a it was not published, it was kind of on those podcasts where you hear new research as comes out and did mention something, we need to like a bag of fries, we just think of Imma just cheat today’s in like says not going to bother me that much. But maybe I feel kind of crappy for the next day or so. But then I’ll be back on my diet, and it’s fine. And they were actually measuring the lumen of the arteries and how they respond and everything. Wow, it took 24 hours to recover from one bag of fries, french fries, compared to I figured that was like is you had a car or if you had a cookie, or something like that it was just a couple of hours. And it was just saying like when you use these vegetable oils, and especially if it’s oldest ones not changed like it was supposed to be how long it takes for your body to actually rebalance back and the function correct?
Unknown 29:15
Isn’t it amazing how for you and I because we know this stuff? I would say I’m never gonna say a cheat day doesn’t exist or a cheat meal or whatever.
Justin Trosclair 29:27
But she’s month.
Unknown 29:28
Yeah, it’s so far and few between for us. And we’re like our patients eat like this every meal of every day. Right? And then they wonder why they’re in such ill health. And this is it, it’s like, they try to find these reasonings for cheating to be okay. And it’s really, I mean, you’re, you’re pointing out the science and the research right there, it’s it does have drastic, long lasting effects on the body.
Justin Trosclair 29:57
Think about how many times you talk to a patient that you want to come were to maintenance care. And that could be anything from once a month, every three months, whatever you subscribe to, and they they don’t get it. And after maybe the second or the third time they have a flare up, then they finally like oh, is there any way to prevent this you’d like yeah, that thing I was mentioning before you just come in every now and then. And you won’t actually have these, you know, these flare ups quite as you know, as often and may not be as
it’s really hard to convince somebody at all. It’s like they have to come to the conclusion themselves agree with that statement?
Unknown 30:28
Oh, I absolutely agree with it. And that’s with whether its food related diet related, or you know, pain in tissue movement patterns, whatever. You’re absolutely right. I will get text messages, emails, Facebook, whatever, from patient and it’ll be like, Oh, I went here and I’m feel I ate this and I’m feeling lousy. What do I do? And I’m like, it’s the same thing I always tell you to do take x y&z out of your diet supplement with these certain products that help your gut there is like, I think they expect there’s always a new answer or some new thing they need to try. And it’s like, let’s just keep it really simple and rein it back in. Right? And you it’s like, let’s do what made you feel better in the first place. And do that ongoing, okay, absolutely.
Justin Trosclair 31:22
I’m not too bright. I want some bread pudding. And by golly, I need you to have a pill for me to take so I can eat this without it affecting me.
Unknown 31:29
Oh my gosh, you know, they do make digestive enzymes that help. But it’s for accidental ingestion of gluten or dairy. And maybe it’s like the size of a thumbnail, right. And I just ran lads on a patient. She’s super reactive to dairy in all forms whey protein, milk, chocolate cheese, you name it. And yeah, and I mean, we’re talking highly reactive. So she has acne bloating, you know, she doesn’t get this under control. Now, this could be an autoimmune disease, 2030 years down the road, and I watch her take digestive enzymes and then load a cup up with see’s candy. That’s just that it’s like full of dairy and milk chocolate. And I’m like, like, it doesn’t work that way. You know, like, we’ve got to get this behavior under control. And at that point, it’s more of a behavioral issue, then what it you know, then we can present the evidence that they have to put it into practice
Justin Trosclair 32:29
it like you said, I don’t know if there’s evidence strong enough yet to say what you just said, like 20 years from now it could become an autoimmune disorder. But it sure seems like that’s the trend that we’re going to find out in 10 or 20 years, like, oh, there was a direct link, look at that.
Unknown 32:43
There actually is a lab test now it’s called it’s an auto immune reactivity screen by side RX. And they can test your blood and see what tissue you’re developing antibodies to. And then you can find, take it further outside that and run your food sensitivity screens and see what you’re reacting to. You can run chemical sensitivity screens and see what you know, lotions, perfumes, household cleaners, what what of that are toxic to your body. And ideally, you remove these things and correct nutritional deficiencies, and you should be living a pretty healthy what life of you know. Yeah. Long, vital, energetic, good life. So yeah, it’s it does exist. They’ve been, there’s been some studies done where it was a doctor Arbuckle. And she went and looked up patients that had were diagnosed with lupus that had been in the military. And so she, you know, if you’re in the military, you get blood drawn all the time. And so she requested to go look at 134. So individuals who had lupus, and they found that the antibodies were present in their blood, nine years before they were diagnosed. So this wild, I know, so you’re right, I think it’s our lifetime, and the next 1020 years, we’re going to see all of this shift, and people are going to be able to, you know, prioritize that health as a choice. And they’re going to be presented with this information. That’s genetically, it’s very individualistic to them. And then they get to choose what path they want to take.
Justin Trosclair 34:25
Agreed. I one of the time I use the Alcott for allergy testing that company and uh huh, I think some people were poo poo in that company a little bit. And that was just like, well not already know who else to use. That could be a secret sauce of yours, which labs you’re using, what tests are using, but for those doctors who might be interested in testing themselves are already kind of on this path. And they just wonder what lab what labs are you? Are you if you want to tell us? What labs are you using?
Unknown 34:49
Yeah, so I use side Rex. Um, I think they’re great for the auto immune screen, the chemical sensitivity screens, and I use them for the food panels as well. There’s a new one out vibrant America and vibrant wellness. So once more kind of conventional base. And once more side of the lab is functional medicine based. They’ve got a week Zoomer web that is supposed to have a lot of new technology that looks at I want to thank I want to say Cyrus looks at like 10 different types of gluten sensitivities, and that this one looks at maybe 25 or so. So it’s just the newest one out on the market, supposed to have some pretty good reviews. For hormone testing. There’s one called the Dutch test, which checks your hormones at different times throughout an entire day, which gives you a good screen. And then I use diagnostic solutions. They pair with designs for health, I want to say they’re kind of like a sister company. And they they do this tool lab. So you can see if there’s, you know, viral bacterial period CITIC activity in the store, and then they can pair you with the right supplements that will help you treat it. So those are the ones that I’m currently using right now.
Justin Trosclair 36:10
Well, I’m glad you answered because that I hadn’t heard of any of those companies that, yeah, very good. Now, when we’re talking about students, when we’re talking about young doctors, or it could be an old Doctor Who trying to figure out what they want to do, and maybe they’re struggling, do you have any advice for those types of individuals?
Unknown 36:27
Absolutely. So I think it would be fair enough for me to share that my very first practice actually bankrupt me, you know, and I’m yeah, and I’m here to be completely honest, because coming straight out of school, I left St. Louis, Missouri to come to California as an independent contractor for zero dollar salary to start my own practice in a place where I knew virtually no one other than a few chiropractors that I had gone to school with. And it was just not knowing how to be heard how to speak to patients, how to get them into the office. And since then, you know, a game changer for me was really utilizing the media of today. And so that’s essentially social media, right? Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, they’re all very big. But it’s a way of getting your voice heard. And you know, it’s going to resonate with your followers. And then of course, there’s going to be people who are going to be there that are going to pick on you, right, so you’re going to have to grow a thick skin, right and be prepared. And if I could just tell like students as they’re coming through school, if I could go back and do it all over again, I would have been posting daily about, you know, the amazing rehab techniques I was learning and the nutritional information I was learning and what nutraceutical is pair with what and, and just kind of developing that voice. So by the time you walk out of school, you already had such a following, that you’ll just have people lined up at your door when you open shop, right. And then you know, my second piece of advice for anyone is just be impeccable with your work, right, your images, everything. So have a clear understanding of what it is you want the public to know about what you do, how you do it. And don’t be afraid to share, people want to know that you’re real. So be vulnerable, you know, share who you are, you know, on occasion, on the weekends or with your family, because people want to know, like and trust you and they want to understand your image and what you’re about. So yeah,
Justin Trosclair 38:30
very good. Do you mind if we chat about this bankruptcy thing? Because I think people can learn something from this.
Unknown 38:38
Yeah, absolutely. Like, I’m here to help.
Justin Trosclair 38:41
Yeah. How long did you last before you realize like, I just this holes too deep? And um, there’s no way I’m going to get out of it? Was there one or two maybe obvious mistakes that you could have? You would do differently? Now? Are any lessons learned in that arena? There’s a lot of struggling doctors out there.
Unknown 39:00
Yes. So to be it’s kind of funny, long story short, with that. I tell people, I got my master’s degree in nutrition by accident. And people are like, Well, how do you get a Masters by accident? Right. So a lot of work? Well, when I got out of graduate school, the DC program, I knew I was moving to San Diego, but I also knew I needed money to support myself. So I stayed enrolled in school to continue having student loan checks to pay bills and help Just get me going, you know, until the practice could pick up.
Justin Trosclair 39:31
Yeah, I heard of that tactic before.
Unknown 39:33
Yeah, I think actually, it’s more popular than we really want to, you know, let on. But with that, to his credit, you know, credit cards, and getting in over my head and credit card debt, and it was really easy to go to a bank. And when you have letters after your name, they will approve you for high amounts of loans. And the next thing, you know, you’re just buried deep and critical debt and student loan debt. And there’s not a lot of, you know, I didn’t have a lot of income coming in, I think I made it. I want to say like 18 months or so. And then I threw the towel and and you know, is kind of is my credit wreck for seven years will absolutely. And I think I filed like three years ago. So I’ve got another four to live out. But it is what it is. And it cleared some of that data. And then I had to kind of get past being attached to like maybe that that meant I was a bad person or something. And like in reality, it doesn’t mean that you’re anything, it just for me personally, it was a smart choice, it got me, you know, where I could get my head above water and start my look good naked online business. If I could do it all over again. You know, it’s kind of hard to say that maybe I shouldn’t have jumped off the highest cliff and moved to San Diego for no income. But I think that it’s okay for doctors to work other jobs. Costs are so many people now that take advantage of, you know, driving for Uber or Lyft. When they’re, you know, that you could do that when you’re not seeing patients. There’s other ways to make ends meet. While you’re trying to buy time to grow your business. Right?
Justin Trosclair 41:20
Hmm. Very good. Yeah, cuz that’s the worst case scenario, you went, you tried, you failed. That’s, that’s what we’re all fear, like, oh, I’ll go bankrupt. And I’m still alive. And I’m still paying my bill. But to speak to your point, if you have 1000 to 1200 dollar student loan Bill $200,000 bank loan to build your own clinic out and buy brand new equipment, that’s another two or 3000, you’re looking at what does that like 3000, 4000,
just personally that you have to make just not even have a house yet. And then on top of that, you got rent for your business and all those other expense. Oh, my
Unknown 41:53
gosh, I know, you know,
Justin Trosclair 41:54
it’s been a lot of patients per month,
Unknown 41:56
it does. And I’ve known colleagues of mind just starting out who got to practice and maybe they had to treatment rooms, and they they lived in one of them, they slept in one of their treatment rooms, and they just kept it, you know, you just kind of keep quiet about it. But I think i think it’s it’s just about having like what your pride go, right? If you you have to start somewhere. And you need to make ends meet. And so it’s about limiting, try to limit your spending, you don’t always need the absolute best, most expensive treatment table on the market. Right? It’s just start with what you have. And just get out there and get your voice heard and get your message out and get patients in the door. And just always be confident like you don’t have to impress anyone, just be yourself and get try to get ahead of that the money game, you know,
Justin Trosclair 42:55
yeah, get one halt grip instead of all 13 of them.
Unknown 42:59
Yeah. Or, in my case, I happen to have met the old Frank the owner apocalypse in Vegas. And I chased him around and like I want to, I want to help you guys out. You know, never be too proud to go if you want to go to a seminar, or whatever, maybe you contact the owner, you know, and offer them something of value. tell your story. Tell them where you’re at that you respect what they do. And I ended up getting, I got my tool set for free because I worked for hot grips, you know, I worked with them. So yeah, it’s just you’ve got to be willing to share your story and be vulnerable. And just, you know, I think the best advice someone ever gave me was that when you’re poor, you ask for help. And, you know, when you’re making it, you demand the help, but you’re always making the request. Right? Right.
Justin Trosclair 43:56
First things first, Mm hmm. You might enjoy this part of it. Interview marketing, you’ve already given us a little glimpse into what you’re doing. But would you share any maybe one or two tactics that are really working for you, or that you could see just the regular Joe chiropractor doing to maximize their online presence or in any other fashion? You know,
Unknown 44:19
I have to be honest, I haven’t paid for any outside advertising pro for my look good naked brand as of yet. And it’s Yeah, it’s all come from utilizing free social media. And I make posts I use, I use a program called Canada, it’s online, you it helps you make really neat Queen ads, social media put any, anything that you basically need, they have a template laid out, whether it’s a heading for Facebook, or an Instagram post or flyer, like whatever it can be, they’ve got really great marketing layouts. And I mean, I use those all day long, right. And I just try to post consistently. And I stick to the rule of creating value. So like, sure I want people to register into my programs and purchase my products. And they do. But first you need to deliver free content and create value. So be willing to teach them something.
Unknown 45:27
Do videos, gosh, if a picture’s worth 1000 words, or whatever the saying is, then I mean, a video is worth so much more. So just and then the next biggest thing is like if you’re going to capitalize on your social media advertising, always, always, always have a call to action. So at the end of an Instagram post, you know, I either ask them to follow me or to click my link in bio so that they can access an article or a product and pushing for my look good naked program. And, you know, you just make sure you capitalize on that ass and don’t lose them at just the like, like always be willing at the very end of something to put that call to action in and it’ll help grow your following and it’ll help push traffic to wherever it is that you want them to go.
Justin Trosclair 46:18
Yeah, but wouldn’t it be nice if Instagram allowed clickable links?
Unknown 46:23
And would be so great.
Justin Trosclair 46:25
What is their deal, I don’t just stop it.
Unknown 46:28
All you have to do is in your in your profile, put the link you want them to go to. And then make sure you just put point for the little arrow emoji Adam mo Geez. And people love emojis add an emoji in with an arrow like Lincoln bio or click link in bio. So it can at least shuffle them over. But I do understand what you mean. Because you’re always having to update that right per post and whatnot,
Justin Trosclair 46:52
which is less. And I don’t know about you, but I post once a day. And so there’s a good chance that tomorrow and that’s a stick with something for like a week, I’ve got a podcast episode I’m trying to promote, I got t shirts I got. I’ve got this, I’ve got that. I’m just like, man, I have to just put it in there and put it in the picture you like and just hope that maybe someone’s like, Oh, that’s really interesting. Let me what was that slash? Sure. Okay, I’ll get a T shirt on my own web browser. And that’s it’s it’s problematic a little bit. But like you said, you can you just have to change it on a more regular basis. And you’ll be all right,
Unknown 47:25
exactly. Oh, goodness.
Justin Trosclair 47:28
I’m scared to ask this question, because you’re probably going to blow everybody’s mind. Oh, what are some of your top five or 10 year goals?
Unknown 47:37
A good one. I was thinking about this one ahead of time when you sent me over the questions. You know, a year ago, I got engaged. And at first, I was really worried that I had not yet launched look good naked. And I was worried that we had no income and a wedding that my husband and I we knew we were going to take on paying for it ourselves. And everyone who knows me knows I’m all about experience. So I’m all go big or go home. You know, if I knew I was going to have an extravagant wedding, and we did 13 days ago, 13 days ago, you know, we had fireworks, like I mentioned before, you know it was that kind of amazing, it was that kind of go big or go home experience that was like kind of helped catapult it gave me some derived to help create look good naked and really run with it? Well, in 2018, we want to buy our forever home. And you know, I’m originally from Missouri were places do not cost what they cost in California. So we went and we toured some of these really amazing homes on top of this mountain in Rancho Santa Fe, and I’m like, I have to live here like I can’t live anywhere else. So we literally have the goal of purchasing one of these homes in you know, at some point within 2018, probably closer to the end of 2018. To be fair to what and you know, we want to start a family. So I think like when people are motivated, and they have something big that they want, you know, and yes, you have to be in the right mindset to believe that you can create it and that you do deserve it, then you’re motivated to move mountains. And another big goal I have is to start my functional medicine fellowship in March 2018, through the Institute for functional medicine. And that’s a really pricey course, it’s a five day course. And they’re in cities all over the world. It’s going to take some focus and some good financial planning to be able to make this happen. But feel like the more I up my game. And the better I hope my patients to get their lives back and the more financial freedom I can have. And it’s going to be a win for everyone. They get what they want, and I’m going to be able to get what I want.
Justin Trosclair 49:58
Very true. Are you ready to transition into a little bit more personal side of this? Yeah,
Unknown 50:03
Justin Trosclair 50:04
Okay, we’re still no doctors that online businesses, we’re just not married? How much vacation Are you capable of taking? And is there a way to take.
Unknown 50:13
So I’m pretty lucky here. And then I’m not tied to a brick and mortar practice. Because I work from home, I really get to set my own schedule. And if there’s Wi Fi available, I can work, which means I can work from wherever which means I was running a look good naked program while I was in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico having a destination wedding. You know,
Unknown 50:37
it’s it’s good and bad. It can be hard to shut off sometimes. But yeah, I think that as long as we just plan it into our schedule, then vacation can be prioritized. And it can happen for us. Our household, my husband also runs a he runs a medical device and pharma recruiting company. And so he always still works from home.
Justin Trosclair 51:02
Oh, yeah, that’s a great segue, then because some men have an issue with successful women, they might be okay with you working outside. But all of a sudden, now you have a job. That’s like 24. Seven? Could be he could be the same way. How do you balance that in, make it to where there’s harmony in the
Unknown 51:19
it’s a good lesson that we are trying to learn right now. When you work from home, and there’s an iPhone by you, and it lights up, or your two laptops right there. And we don’t have kids yet. We often work a lot, I would say where it can be constant, right? It’s like, we own a TV. It’s never ever on, you know, instead we’re on the laptops or on answering patient questions or doing a Skype console or whatever, some posting something on social media, and he’s in the office taking calls calls.
Unknown 52:02
Working with people in different time zones. I mean, you know, you know how that is? Oh, man, tell you what, yeah. So we’re learning as we go, there are times that we’re just like, you know what, we gotta just turn this stuff off. And I would say my husband is much better in sticking to a schedule than I am. He’s really good at like, he turns his phone off at a certain time he reads every single night before he goes to bed. And I’m like, the more sporadic one, right, like, I gotta do this, and I got to do that. And I don’t care if it’s morning or night or whatever, if it needs to get done, and I’m working on it. So I would say that it’s, you know, as our relationship progresses, as we grow family, there’s going to be lessons to learn there for sure.
Justin Trosclair 52:49
Has he been doing this lifestyle longer than you have?
Unknown 52:52
Um, I would say we’re right about on the same track. Yeah, he so he broke off and started here company. Gosh, maybe a year and a half or two years ago. Okay, sailor
Justin Trosclair 53:06
both in the midst of trying to find your groove and
Unknown 53:10
out of balance every Yeah, definitely.
Justin Trosclair 53:12
Okay. I was curious as he maybe he’s been doing this for like, eight years.
I was just like you for the first for,
Unknown 53:19
ya know, he used to go into an office. And then he broke off and created national source recruiting. And so yeah, we’re both trying to figure out what this looks like to maintain normal working hours.
Justin Trosclair 53:32
I hear you, well, you got look good naked, you got a whole bunch of going on, you have anything else, maybe you don’t have any kids either. So hobbies, volunteering, or anything that you’d like to do that just get you grounded and ready.
Unknown 53:46
Hobbies, I would say that one thing that has really grounded me, gosh, and like really just been a good call that I made in my life was to hire personal trainer. Because when I was developing look good naked.
Unknown 54:06
I was working these crazy, like 16 hour days in front of a computer. And my basic movement was from bed, to the couch with my laptop to bed. And this went on for quite a while. And it got to where I was like super de conditioned. And you know, I’m, I’ve always been lean, and my diets pretty on point. But you should never overlook the benefits of like, physical movement, whether it be just walking during the day or whatever. But I had to hire a trainer. And you know, just having to commit two to three times a week to no time on the phone doing exactly what he tells me to do pretty much getting my ass kicked. And it’s been a really good, good choice. Right? And I obviously pay for that service. And it’s just it’s some of the best money I’ve ever spent to be honest.
Justin Trosclair 55:05
No, I’m with you. I when I was developing the podcasting, everything, you know, when you start a WordPress site from scratch, I’m like you I want to learn this because I’m tired of having to be at the mercy of some web guy. Yeah. And if it breaks, because he tried to make something new, I was like, Oh, no, it’s broken. Now, I may not have much of an audience at that point, was like, but I know and I don’t want this to be broken. So I was stay up and I try to fix it. And internet was slow. And sometimes they’ll even the wife would leave do or things you’d come back.
Unknown 55:34
And I’m still the same sponsors like, have you
Unknown 55:37
moved those? Like, maybe I went to the rush?
Unknown 55:40
Yep, I totally get it. And that’s the whole entrepreneurial, yeah, developing your own. And I’m with you on that, like, we’re completely redeveloping Dr. Debbie And I want to have a new website to launch the new book and naked program and capitalize on all, you know all the new year’s resolutions to be in better health and fitness. And I’m right back to where I was like a year ago, and I’m grinding it out right now. And I totally feel you on that. And you’re right, it’s developing your own site and your own brand and making sure you know how it works. And it is exhausting. Sometimes.
Justin Trosclair 56:19
It’s not a self plug day, but you know, I’ve got a I got a new book that’s dropping here. And I’ve got like, final touches to do. And then I got to put on all the marketing for somebody who might say, Justin, you were doing all the marketing, like months ago? And it’s like, well, no, I was, no, I got lazy for a while, in, you know, there’s all these different things is like this crazy in my life, for probably 60 days, when you just build everything out. And you know, you’re trying to capitalize on the plane on the on this, and I’m just gonna you know what it’ll happen when it happens. I’m not going to rush it and then do a poor job. And then I lose all this marketing dollars that I spend. But
it’s, it’s a balance of what you where you at where you want to do, and then how much work is it going to take to be? And I think like you said, if you put the towers and get it done quick capitalize on the season. Yeah,
Unknown 57:09
exactly. It’s, it can be a little scary. But now it’s funny because reading a book is like, I feel like that’s eventually going to Well, it’s on the list. Right? And yeah, oh my gosh, the time that goes into that, right? You literally just have to be committed to making something happen daily, or you’re never going to get from page one to whatever it is, you know, to the end. And you’re right, you can have this great book sitting there. But unless you’re willing to get out there and share it with the world who’s going to buy it right.
Justin Trosclair 57:41
And I’m not a perfectionist at all. And it still takes longer than I’m almost done. Nope. Something else comes up. You think of something else. the editing process takes longer
Unknown 57:50
you like this thing is never it’s just what they have, though. Yeah, it’s you have to have deadlines or things just wouldn’t ever get done. I’m with you on that.
Justin Trosclair 57:57
Oh, yeah, definitely. Do you have to have any favorite books, blogs or podcasts that you secretly love, and some that you would definitely recommend
Unknown 58:05
for, you know, this one’s not necessarily related to health, wellness, any of that, although I would say from time to time, this podcast will definitely touch upon that. But I really for some reason, like the podcast called The Art of Charm. And I want to say it’s more for a male audience, at least it’s kind of what I grasp because they’ll offer different boot camps to try to help guys find confidence and dress well and, and date and all. But I’m just very, I don’t know, I’m like I love during my day to just hit play and see what they who they’re interviewing next, or what book they’re talking about, or, or world experience. And I just feel like relatable. And it’s interesting. And so yeah, I would say you guys should definitely check it out.
Justin Trosclair 58:54
Alright, my last one in this is fun. We’re addicted to our phones. What business or pleasure app, can you recommend for us,
Unknown 59:03
I love that you said addicted to our phones. Because my husband and I both installed, I think it’s called moment the moment app, it will track your phone screen time. And it will tell you where you’re you’re what apps you’re spending most of your time on. And it will send you mind sends me a reminder every 15 minutes for how often I’m on my phone. And it’s almost embarrassing to admit this like it really I don’t want. You don’t, you don’t because they say the average person spends three to four hours a day on their phone and I was now I have this the seven plus. So I’ve got the big one. I have been known to do more like seven to nine hours of work from my phone in a day. And I literally could barely believe it. And then you’re supposed to be able to put yourself through a boot camp that will train you to be off your phone. And they recommend that you don’t set the alarms that lock you out of your phone until you’re more prepared for that. And I did it one day and it was like I swear to God, it’s like having a you’re going to have a mental breakdown you like you pick your phone up and all these alarms don’t start ringing and digging and going off like crazy until you close your screen again. It’s intense, but I definitely had discovered I have a phone addiction beyond most phone addictions. It’s pretty bad.
Justin Trosclair 1:00:39
Or was that was bad as the apps are developing it for that reason. Or you want to Facebook Live? Well you can either download three programs on your computer, or just use your easy phone. You want to do Instagram.
Unknown 1:00:50
Yeah, you can only post through your I Am. I mean that’s where I do all my work.
Unknown 1:00:53
So yeah, it’s a challenge. But yeah, get that moment app and then scare yourself today with it.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:02
Oh, that’ll be a disheartening day, right? You don’t you like to pretend that you don’t do not on it?
Unknown 1:01:08
Yeah, I just like ignore it every 15 minutes when it pops up now I’m like, just whatever.
Unknown 1:01:16
Making me money phone. Exactly. That’s cool.
Unknown 1:01:19
Well, how can people get more contact with you and see what’s going on with your life? Um, well, because we’re redeveloping Dr. Debbie bright calm. I would say your best bet is facebook. com slash Dr. Debbie bright or slash Dr. Debbie bright. And that’s dr. D, E, BB, ie, B ri gh T. And my email is also Dr. Debbie bright at gmail. com. So I’m available. And then yeah, from there, I’m like to think I’m pretty good. 24 hour response time. So hit me up.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:54
Very good. Thank you so much for dropping all this knowledge on us today.
Unknown 1:01:58
Thanks for having me on the show Dr. Jones. And it’s been a pleasure.
Justin Trosclair 1:02:03
I’ve got some new things to talk about, of course, you can always review is give us that five star review on wherever you listen, but I got four new t shirts, you know, there’s chiropractors, some of them that just like to adjust. There’s some like me who’s rehab and you know, decompression and cold laser things like that. And we call us streets versus mixers so created some mixed tour shirts. They’re supposed to be kind of tongue in cheek hope you like them also the Atlas at remove the DNS so therefore check that out. Maybe you like that better. Today’s choices tomorrow’s health book, version two point O is now out. We got nerve stretches, optimal calorie counter calculators a section on fasting and a big section on how to budget and try to get your financial life in order all the things that I talk about all the time it’s over 100 extra pages so get it now bonus my new hot off the presses book needless acupuncture self treatment guy for 40 common conditions is finally finished been in the works for quite a while stop the hurting with another needles are meds your roadmap to self treat your conditions painlessly with needless acupuncture. It’s got pictures, it has descriptions, of course the conditions, and I plan to have video tutorials soon. Go to the website and check it out also on the website, but on the top right. All the social media icons are right there, whichever you’d like to follow me on, click that button and say hello.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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