Dr. Maurice Pearl, DC talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast…
You need a big mission but sometimes it can overwhelm you and family life suffers. This was his catalyst to begin coaching which turned into mastermind coaching model. We discuss the mastermind evolution and how it’s a superior method. Be a remarkable ceo.
Starting out in a different profession he soon realized that people commented a lot that they didn’t plan to ever need to be in a rehab center or assisted living but they didn’t really have a plan to not end up there to begin with. Hearing these comments and the health struggles of his brother and a nudge from his mom got him on the path to chiropractic.
While being heavy on the adjustment side of chiropractic, he also coached patients on better nutrition and functional fitness.
The interview is in reverse order. We first talk about how his mission was so overwhelming that he didn’t invest enough into his family. Heart/big mission, pride/ego, drive for success and you /family are caught in the middle. Seeing 1000 visits a week by himself did lead to not putting his wife and growing family first. A crisis opened his eyes and turned his business and family life around.
The harsh reality when you think you trained your associates well only to find out when you step away, the clinic tanks. He built a clinic that was completely centered around his personality and it just wasn’t sustainable.
Servant leadership = how can I help serve you today and in your journey.
We can control some areas of our life and clinic but you have to relinquish that need to control and let your staff and others help.
Dr. Pete’s first clinic had his associates doing the exams on 40-100 patients a month, he adjusted 1000 per week and did group report of findings. For his second clinic, he started training the associates to adjust as well. Usually he had associates that could learn how to create a business and they would move on in 1-2 years.
2 types of associates: cornerstones looking to stay and stepping stone who learn and move on.
Why does he consider 1 on 1 or 1 to many (like on stage) coaching services turned out to be what he did Not want to do? It’s not scalable and more importantly it didn’t invite enough collaboration.
Everyone has a unique viewpoint and a ‘genius’ so in a structured environment a mastermind group can harness lessons form everyone… a giver and a taker. Like a 3x engagement and return on the doctors in the program when he implemented a mastermind approach.
Think about a weekly training by someone who is an expert at it (online usually), then you come prepared with questions and the magic and growth.
Acceleration happens when in the right room, right conversation and the right people.
Because his mastermind coaching was geared for doctors in the Scaling time of their career, he was having to turn away clients. Dr. Camiolo had a gap so now he is partnering and rebranding his business with the Remarkable Coaching Program. Dr. Pete’s rebrand is now Remarkable CEO.
Podcast: Andy Stanley, Dan Sullivan Strategic Coach, Bethel Church
Books: Scaling UpShow notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/127 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 127 mastermind coaching model. I’m your host Dr Justin trosclair. today with Dr. Pete cameo low perspective.
During 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Great for you’re tuning in again this week. As always, let me know what you think about those many sides. Should I keep going? Should I quit? I believe there are 19 episodes launched on Thursdays and Saturdays. Also, if you’ve been looking for something awesome, you can check out a doctor’s perspective. NET slash app, or slash free app. Those are the Android versions of the needless acupuncture book. Today’s episode is a little bit different coach, and it is about mastermind groups on the first part of interview, we actually end up talking about his almost failed marriage, because of how busy he was at work, and how his mission was big. His ego was big, and then trying to figure out okay, what do I do? How do I put my family into this, and then he’ll talk about what crisis occurred to open up his eyes and say, hey, there’s got to be a better way of doing this practice and family balance. Now, this dude is rocking with whatever management and coaching he was getting, he was definitely implementing, and he would hire associates, and they would kind of learn, but you’ll find out why he ended up quitting that type of practice. And he started doing like consulting and coaching for people who are looking to scale because there wasn’t a lot of advice out there for newbies five years trying to grow. But once you get to a certain level, you’re trying to scale and get bigger, if you have extra clinics, maybe step out of the office more, and trying to find that type of coach within your own profession can be difficult sometimes. And he saw that niche. And he went into it, he quickly realized, like, Oh, I gotta do something more. So that’s where the mastermind comes in. So if you’ve ever been a part of a group like that, it’s you know, maybe all doctors together, or maybe you have busted professions in one eating, discuss different ideas and different topics. And you know, maybe they’re getting a better idea what to do. Because you’ve had people who are better Did you edit people who’ve done it before and failed and get all that knowledge and boost yourself faster. And that’s kind of a what we’ll talk about, you’ll go into more detail on the why and the how and what it actually looks like in his program. Definitely able to listen, critically think and integrate at least one thing out of this for sure. I like this, quote, acceleration happens when you’re in the right room, having the right conversation with the right people. He’s got plenty of resources. So definitely check out that page, as well as the transcript, a doctor’s perspective, net slash 127. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Live from China and Florida. Today on the program. We got a guy it’s kind of fun, because we’re going to talk about a rebranding of a management and coaching program. We haven’t really discussed that before. So that’s gonna be really fun, obviously successful guy. He’s got long hair and a big beard, but not that big of a beard. Busy, great guy. But his name is Dr. Pete Kimmy. Hello, welcome to the program.
Unknown Speaker 3:12
Hey, thanks, Doc. Great to great to be on your program today. I’m excited. You know,
Justin Trosclair 3:15
it’s fun getting to see where people are from you said you’re like kind of Central time in Florida. And I’m like I said I was born and raised in South Louisiana. So that’s there’s a chance we could have vacation there at some point. But normally we stopped at destiny. That’s about it.
Unknown Speaker 3:28
Hey, we’re regularly over there. There’s a whole foods in Destin that that I frequent. So a whole foods.
Justin Trosclair 3:34
They’re everywhere. Well, before we jump into the meat and potatoes, you know the drill, give us a little bit about your backstory, he kind of where you are now.
Unknown Speaker 3:43
Amen. Um, well, my story can go back a little bit far. I’ll give you the short version. You know, my, my grandfather was a immigrated to America from from Italy. So we settled in up northeast, my parents had six kids and fourth of six and my brother who’s just older than me, really sick growing up, he had asthma, allergies, headaches, bunch of issues, and we went to traditional Matt met, you know, medical route for thing. That’s what we knew. And you know, he progressively got worse, you know, over about 10 years of being treated from seven, eight to 18 years old at that decade of his life. You know, he continued to get sicker and sicker, despite going to different doctors and getting different procedures. So anyway, my parents ended up taking him to Mexico to the Tijuana Institute, to sorry, in Tijuana. And that’s where they were discovered this this concept of more natural healing. And it was then that they also were exposed to things like, you know, vital listed Chiropractic and holistic health and wellness. And it was through that journey with him that I was exposed to chiropractic. And this concept of natural healing in the body heals itself, I was brought to a chiropractor to just see it because my mom was wondering what I was gonna do with my life as I was graduating high school. And I was pretty inspired by what I heard, although I was a little bit intimidated by, you know, having to commit to going to school for the next eight years, I began on a journey of moving more into healthcare, and I got my undergraduate degree as an occupational therapist, and then I went on to DC school, and I am now a chiropractor. But really what stimulated my journey was I watched my brother go from being sick for a decade and trying all the different things that the medical community had for him. And it wasn’t for lack of effort on their part, or our part, it was for lack of getting to the root cause. And it was a lack of understanding how the body actually functions. And so with that sent me on this journey of studying and learning about how the body actually functions and heels, and even being an occupational therapist I worked Justin with, you know, I was working in reactive medicine, I was working in reactive healthcare, it was always reacting to a stroke, or reacting to a hip replacement, reacting to some sort of a major trauma. And I was helping them learn how to close the dress, or speak or eat or whatever, whatever it was, you know, and just teleport, yes, very important. Very important. And I remember watching that, and I remember having a few conversations Justin with different practitioners at one of the hospitals, I was wearing rehab center I was working at and, and, and I remember talking to a few patients, and most of them said this, that they wish they never would have met would have never been there, they never planned to end up in a nursing home or rehab center. They never never planned for this. And it started to hit me. And I thought, you know what, people who end up in these crisis moments, a lot of times in these really difficult challenging times, it wasn’t their plan or their goal to get there. But they didn’t have a strategy or goal to not get there either. A lot of them were just kind of hoping for the best relying on their traditional doctor’s advice. And that was it. And so that was like the tipping point for me that I said, You know what, I need to go to chiropractic school. So I ended up enrolling and going into Kairos school and always, you know, went on this journey. And then you know, the rest is history, open a practice. And, you know, like, like most chiropractors, I got to practice what I loved, which was being able to teach people how to be well stay well, obviously, we saw a lot of crisis and people that were reacting, but we started to teach proactive health, we started to teach people how to be wise in how they manage their health, they understand how their body works, how they steward the body that they’ve been entrusted with. And so that was really the thing that inspired me, that’s my backstory to even getting in chiropractic, why I love chiropractic so much.
Justin Trosclair 7:32
And you were like a nutrition focus as well, or kind of the whole,
Unknown Speaker 7:36
we focused mainly on sublimation, I would say I’m more of a sublimation based Cairo adjust adjustments was our primary methodology. But we did include lifestyle, as well. So we had a whole program for nutrition. And we also taught, you know about functional fitness as well. So we looked at it from the perspective of, you know, their body is, you know, so you have your trauma stop toxins, right, so you have physical trauma. So we looked at what are all the causes of physical trauma, and we started to address those, what are all the sources of, of chemical trauma that you’re exposed to what are all the mental traumas and emotional traumas that you’re exposed to, and then we started, we built our program to kind of hit those three. And so the mental one is always like the most challenging, but I believe that it’s embedded within the other two, we start teaching people the principles of health and how applies to taking care of their physical body and how it takes care of, you know, from a chemical standpoint, so we help them understand toxicity, and how to detoxify and how to build their, their body with your functional nutrition, and then functional movement. And then of course, with the adjustments, that combination really helps transform someone’s mind. And so they start to interpret life through a new new lens, and they see life through a new perspective, but to have a better understanding of how their body actually works. And then I feel like that’s how we empower people to be successful in their life.
Justin Trosclair 8:57
Okay, now, we’re going to do a reverse order of our interviews, because part of our my program is always, hey, we want to make sure that you have a healthy bank account, and you have a healthy love account. And, you know, in our pre chat and things, you know, you kind of told me, you know, we were successful, I was chasing the dream, and almost almost destroyed your marriage, right? So I’m curious, if we don’t, if you don’t mind, let’s explore that a little bit. And then we’ll, we’ll go into, like, how that transformed how you practice into more of this, like mastermind, being a CEO, and, you know, working on the business that are in the business as they say
Unknown Speaker 9:31
that cool with you. Beautiful, man. So, Doc, I would say that, I did have a big heart. And I felt like a big mission, what I would say is that I, I didn’t know how to manage my heart and my mission to reach people and to see the world transform and, and also navigate my ego and my pride, right, and just desire to be successful and do big things. And what was caught in the middle of those two things was my marriage, right? So you have your heart and your big mission, you have your pride and your ego and your drive for success. And it’s caught in the middle is you and your family. And I think what I what happened was those two got crushed in between my desire to have a to fulfill a big mission and calling and all to be Uber successful. And so for the first I would say, you know, you know, eight years of my career, it was it was this constant, like tension and struggle of a mission, and there’s a world that needs help, and there’s people that are suffering and sick and, and are desperate for help, and we can help them and then there’s this, and I can help them and, and I’ve got the answer and I want to do it and I want to be successful and, and I am being successful, I just want to be more successful. And then in between, it’s like, this desire also to have family. And so what happened was, you know, for me getting caught in the caught in the middle was, you know, my, my marriage, you know, so my wife, Mary and I, we have five children. And so we in the midst of building one of the largest practices in the world, we were actually, you know, my family was suffering as a result of that, you know, we were seeing I was it just because I could adjust 1000 people every week by myself, didn’t justify the fact that my marriage was falling apart, right didn’t didn’t justify the fact that I was neglecting, you know, my, my wife and my family. And so, you know, for us, it really boiled down to crisis intervention, right? So a lot of times crisis’s will happen to get your attention, and so on. And we hope it never gets to that point. But oftentimes it does. And so for me, you know, with each one of our pregnancies, my wife was, would get very sick and and so with our, with our fourth child, she was she was very sick, what ended up happening was, I made a decision during that pregnancy that I was going to actually prioritize her and our family and be there to support her. And I was gonna, I was going to release my clinic to myself, associate doctors, and in my team to really help run that and I was going to be coming in, but I wasn’t gonna be able to be there to the degree that I needed to. And as a result of that my clinic kind of tanked.
Justin Trosclair 12:09
Oh, man,
Unknown Speaker 12:10
I wish I could tell you that my story was, Hey, I let it go. Because I prioritize my life and everything was awesome.
Unknown Speaker 12:17
Actually, I that’s what it’s supposed to be
Unknown Speaker 12:19
I prioritize my life and things fell apart, big tall man. And, and so but what it does, but it did Justin was it exposed, I expose the model that I was practicing was not a sustainable model was not was not a healthy model. And it was. And so as a result of that process of watching my clinic, which I work so hard to build and manage and keep going. And it wasn’t again, for my team being bad at what they do or not wanting to do. Well, it was just that I built the Dr. Pete show. And it was unsustainable. And so I began a journey, a couple year journey over three years that I I started to, first of all realize that this is this is terrible. And then I was like, well, I could do one of two things Justin I can go back and put it back the way it was and keep doing it the way it was before. Or I can maybe try to get the message here and figure out what else I can do. So I did, you know, option B, which was don’t go back and redo it, but look for another way a better way. And that that’s been the journey that I was on. And then, you know, I looked at, you know, my life and my practice through a new perspective, no longer was I kind of it wasn’t going to be a doctor piece job, it was going to be a model that was built on a team based on the principle based on empowering other people. And that’s what we built. And you know, I can, I can say with great confidence that the model that we teach works, because I it works for me. And I was probably a very personality driven type clinic for a long time. And it stayed very successful without me, and I now watch it happen for other doctors may teach the model. And it’s a very much a shift of your mindset and your beliefs. And then you’re behind leaders have to follow. And so that’s what we you know, that’s what we teach now. And the cool thing is now my wife married, I know marriage is better than it’s ever been before. But not because of lack of effort and energy and work. You know, it takes a lot of work in your in your in the relationships, your love relationships, you know, require sacrifice, I believe in sacrificial love. I believe in servant leadership, I believe that we we asked people how can I help you? How can I best serve you today? You know, that’s the question I want to lead with every day when I want to leave with my team is Hey, I’m here to serve you. How can I help you in your, in your journey, and you’re you’re doing because I exist to serve. And so it’s really changed the way that I I lead it’s really changed the way that I show up in my home, it changes the way I show up in my business. You know, it’s a new language that I’m learning, you know, because before it was, hey, what can you do for me to help me do my thing because I got something big to do. And now it’s like, Hey, you know, we got something that we’re all going to do together. And if you win, I win if I win you and so like, let’s figure out how we do this together, very different mindset. And I believe that in chiropractic, it’s in collaboration and in community that we’re going to actually see, really, we’re going to be able to see things change in healthcare as we all have this kind of like aching a heart see more people get well and stay well. You know, I think it’s going to happen as we we all kind of embrace this, this mindset and its hearts, I call it a heart set. That really is something that puts other people powers and quips other people to rise and shine. And that’s what that’s what we are I’m committed to doing. You know,
Justin Trosclair 15:30
you’re not the first person in our show that I’ve heard recently there, like when I come home and has to be about the family. And it’s not always about me and work. It could be about me. When I got home, I had to change it and give and meet their needs. And in that way everybody you know, was happy. When it was the Pete show. Did you find like you were just really good. I know incorporating land we call it the report of findings we have like the Table Talk is another but jargon word that we use. That just means what are you talking about each visit? Was it like the Pete show where you’re just really good at all of that communication? important? I think when you pass it on to the soldiers, they’re like, I didn’t really do much of this. I just kind of adjust binds. And you know, that’s all I had to do. I just had to show up. Was it kind of like that? or What did you see was happening?
Unknown Speaker 16:10
Yeah, I mean, I would say it did rely heavily on me, I’m not going to say that you haven’t had an amazing team. I mean, I hope that my team members can listen to this podcast in this interview and be encouraged because even though was quote unquote, the Dr. Pete show, Doc, I believe that it was because I had an amazing team, I’ve always been blessed to have been surrounded by an amazing team. But I think what it was was that what was really driving things, though, on a day in and day out basis was my energy. It was my It was my and then you know, there was there’s an underlying underpinning sense of control. And then this is a deep conversation, it goes a lot deeper than in our head, this is a conversation that boils goes down in the heart, and very rarely are people actually willing to get out of their head and get into their heart. But at the end of the day, I was just a controlling person, I had control, I wanted to maintain control, because I thought if I control the day, we go better. And I thought, well, this is my day, well, I have to be in control, none of those things are actually true. That is actually absolutely not true. Because the reality is, is we’re not in control, we are not in control. And so, you know, we can take control with a little bit that we have a little bit of control over but the majority is outside of our control. And that’s not a cop out, that’s actually a level of maturity that says I’m willing to recognize the fact that so much as often I’m I control that a little that isn’t my control, I take control, but I’m also going to share that responsibility with other people around me because truly the best way that we’re going to grow as we do it together. And so what happened was, is that I was trying to control something because I thought that was the best way for it to go. That was what I was always taught. That’s what I was coached to do. So I did everything that I was told to do. And I did it really, really well. And so yeah, you know, report of findings, table top dinner, talks, lunch, and learns, you know, spinal screenings, the radio shows everything that I did, to grow the business and build the brand. And to keep leading it. You know, I did do it all, you know, I was the guy doing the talks, I was the guy doing the most, you know, the marketing and doing that it’s like a weight on my shoulders, you know, to market the business to and I was an adjuster, to be honest with you, man, I did adjustments, I was adjusting 1000 patients a week, we’re at 1000, I did it myself, I didn’t have associates adjusting and Associates doing exams. So I could adjust all I did, I literally would walk in the door, I would adjust, I’d walk out and go home. That’s it, I just suggest do nothing else and see patients I didn’t do. And you know, and then I did doctor’s report, you know, my my report of findings that the group reports, you know, because we averaged, you know, 40 to 60 to 100 new patients a month. So I would just go in, and I would do the reports, we did group classes, that’s the easiest way, when you’re at that volume, and I would go in there, I’d let it rip. And then I was it, you know, and so, you know, for me, it worked well. But like all the conversions, the attraction that conversion and retention was really dependent upon me. And so what I did was was the transformation was one of the first things I did was actually invited, the associates started adjusting, which was that I actually shared that that adjusting a responsibility with doctors. And that was really hard for me. But it was really empowering. Because I got to work with the docs and teach them and support them and helping them develop their craft, which is partially adjusting. And it’s a lot of it is your ability to communicate or know when and not to communicate and how and what to communicate. So it was that it’s like a teacher to empower the docs to do that, which is which is really powerful. So the Dr. Pete show is very much like what I think I just described to you. Yeah, we could go so many layers of it, because we could break it down. But it wasn’t for lack of effort. I wouldn’t say I was doing what I what I knew to do. What I had seen modeled for me when I was kind of taught to do, I was just doing it the best that I could. And what I saw was it was a trap. It was a trap. And I was cornered and and the only way out was for me something that hit the fan. But you did
Justin Trosclair 19:49
one more question on this. Okay, as an associate doctor, you go into school, oh, man, I got this great job. No, it’s not great. I just do exams all day. And I went to school to adjust people. And I can’t even adjust anybody. Did you cycle through associates, like every year? Because they didn’t get that experience?
Unknown Speaker 20:06
Yeah, we did. I would say though, we were. So a lot of associates who come and train with me because they wanted to, they want to learn how we did we did, I actually feel like we had a really unique trading model set up for associate that part of it. Yeah, they would come in and train on how to build highly successful practices, you know, and so they would learn and then they would go and open their practice. So I didn’t really hire associates to lastly stay I hired that I hired them to let them go. And I hired them to train them. So I would train them for one to two years. And then they would go. And then what happened was the tipping point was I realized, there’s two types of associates, you got a cornerstone and a stepping stone. And you know, the cornerstone says, Hey, I’m here to stay the stepping stones. And I’m just, this is just a step on my journey. And both are great. And, you know, both are welcome, I just realized I was attracting the stepping stones. And if I really wanted to build a practice where that other doctors would be able to be there with me, then I’ll have to start attracting more of the cornerstone Doc, the doctor says, Hey, I want to be a career chiropractor. And I don’t necessarily need to or want to own the business, I want to work as a physician, I want to take great care of people, I’m a caretaker. And that’s what I signed up to do. Like my brother, he’s a pediatrician, he’s a caretaker, he doesn’t own a practice, you know, he, he works with a doctor, you know, and that. So it’s that type of thing. So then we started bringing in Docs like that, that’s when things really changed. So I think it was when we had associates who are just coming in for a short period of time, I think they got a lot out of it. Because I encourage them to go out and market. I encourage them to be trained a lot. And they work they learn how to do exams and do conversions, which I’m like, if you can attract and convert. That’s the only thing you’re worried about retention right now. Because you’ll retain when you build your own practice. Let me take care of retention, you guys work on attraction and conversion. And I’ll work with you on that. So that’s what we would train on tracking conversion, attraction conversion, and then I would I would take care of folks, our team would we would we would retain them to the degree that we could and then you know, that was it. So yeah, the trick transition was associate doc comes in to stay now is the next iteration.
Justin Trosclair 22:05
And I will just will put that on the back burner for now. Thank you so much as amazing. So you were talking about when we were talking before, the old way of coaching versus kind of a newer thing with the mastermind model. I’m gonna just give you my opinion, and then just see if I’m on the right track. And then of course, correct me old way of coaching. I think I was a part of one, one guys telling you to do this, you know, get your PVA, you need to go do this marketing new patients better. I’ll call you back next week, see how you’re doing and see an accountability partner. And they’re like, Hey, what are you telling people? All right, let’s go through that. Let’s do a mock patient, I need to hear what you’re saying. Because you shouldn’t be losing this many new patients, you know, the new person who’s trying to like, learn everything. And then I’ve heard of other masterminds, where usually you’re already successful, and you’re trying to get to that next level. And so I’m not sure if I would want to be a part of a mastermind group with a bunch of rookies, because it’s rookies helping rookies, I don’t know how good. But um, so that’s kind of where I’m thinking you’re at, I’m pretty sure I’m wrong. So I’m gonna let you take it over, and sort of correct me and put me straight.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
So this is really powerful. I’m glad you brought this up. Because I do want to bring some clarity to the mastermind model. So I coached for an organization for seven years. And then two years later, when I launched my coaching company, I was I kind of employed a very similar model, different conversation, but with the same model, which was like maybe more of a one to many model. And then it was a little bit of one to one kind of, you know, kind of sewn into that. And what I realized was, you know, this wasn’t the most powerful model for sure, from an internal perspective, it’s not scalable at all. But number two, it wasn’t really the best even for the docs, because what I realized was, you know, you just kind of talking had, you just got somebody who’s sitting there telling you what to do. And you know, I’m not really leveraging the genius of the person that’s in front of me. And so what I realized after meeting with a lot of docs for many, many years, is that, you know, each doctor has their own area of strength or genius. And it really was about leveraging the the group genius in a very curated environment and setting that’s very structured, that actually enables everyone to contribute which contract contribution is abundant right abundance says, I’m a contributor, which means I equally give and receive a lot of times coaching, it’s all about getting, but actually where if you really want to transform, you need to be a giver, and receiver. In other words, you show up with your brain engaged not only to listen, but to also respond. And so I I’ve created an environment, yes, that may be more tailored towards the doctor who’s going to scale, which is actually what our model is this Kairos CO, which was our original brand that Josh and I founded Kairos. co was we saw a gap in the market, we said you know what, no one’s having scale conversation with chiropractors, very fun, fundamentally, in an organized way, in chiropractic, we don’t see it we have there’s people randomly that are doing big things that are maybe scaling, but there’s more conversation for the for most chiropractors to say, here’s the next iteration. And let’s have this conversation with you, which is scaling, right. So it’s usually a goal. It’s not so we what we knew that it was it was a tipping point, because we saw a lot of chiropractors hitting a ceiling, burning out, selling out just kind of spinning their wheels feeling kind of disenfranchised. And we saw it pervasive throughout our profession, we with all the people that we had, kind of, in a sense, graduated with, you know, you get to that, what, 10, 1215
Unknown Speaker 25:27
years out, and you’re like what’s going on. And so I think that we saw there was a big need in that profession. And so you know, as as, as we created the model, I recreated this as a mastermind model. And when as soon as I did that, I saw our engagement and our results, three x and for our doctors, when we moved from, like a one too many, and then some random one on ones to a weekly, which was how we structured a weekly, get together, basically saying, Hey, we’re going together for coffee, we’re going to talk for an hour where we got a very specific topic topic on marketing we’re talking about today. Everybody shows up ready, listen to the training, get the questions that were sent to answer the questions show up and get ready to kind of talk it down with each other. When we show up in that environment, if Justin if you and I. And let’s pick, two of our favorite friends did that. And we all got together as dogs. And we said, Hey, today’s topic is marketing. And we’re going to be talking about doing Lunch and Learn talks. And we bought the training from somebody who’s a genius at that. And then they asked a bunch of questions that we all thought about it, we answer questions, we all came to the table discussing kind of our best practices, also our challenges and where we’re feeling stock or where we have issues. And we had that discussion, I guarantee you we all leave that thing ahead than when we walked in. Does that make sense? Absolutely. That’s the model. So that is exactly the model that I teach. So that a weekly training that taught by an expert in some sort of area within the field, or even outside of leverage people outside of chiropractic, I bring them in to our program to teach because I said, Hey, we as entrepreneurs, as chiropractors, who are entrepreneurs, and the docs who I work with are the business owner, right. So I work with the owner of the business. So they’re entrepreneurs or business owners, and they need to be having those conversations. So that’s how we structure it. Now. We that was our original vision. And it continues to be the vision is that there’s a lane called scale and exit that people just, you know, there’s nothing really organized for Dr. in that phase of their career that season. The first two seasons of the career of the most chiropractors, which is your launch phase, which is when you get into practice, and then your grind phase or build phase, which is where you’re really kind of getting your 10,000 hours in is really where you’re developing that practice mastery that happens over the first You know, one to like 10 years or whatever. But beyond that, it’s like once those two things are done, if they’re done really well, you actually enter into a very appropriate next stage, which is scale. Right. And so what we have done is and now myself joining with Christina, as we’re rebranding, which I’m sure we’re gonna get to talk about here is we’re bringing a new conversation very systematically and fundamentally into the profession of chiropractic. And we’ve organized in such a way where we’re creating a conversation around each season of one’s journey as a chiropractor, and we’re doing it in a way where every single one of us gets to level up. And we believe that there’s an acceleration that happens when you’re in an environment where you’re in the right room, having the right conversation with the right people, right. So when you do that, you know, you have that you have kind of like that step magic, that sweet sauce, kind of that that magic happens in that moment. And so we’ve watched it happen with doctors who I work with, that I’ve been working with for the past two and a half years. And Dr. Steven he’s been working with, you know, for seven years, plus all the things he did before that. So we’re seeing that this is the next kind of like evolution of chiropractic coaching, and, and support for the doctor and the entrepreneur, and even the associates in this series moving forward. So we have a heart for the whole team. And we see that, you know, we’re gonna be able to provide that resources and training and tools to support and community for doctors further services for the team, that’s going to help everybody elevate and rise to the next level, which is the ultimate goal.
Justin Trosclair 29:01
Dr. Steven, by the way, is Episode 112, if you want to see what he’s talking about, and I would say, one thing that I enjoyed when I was with my peers, were kind of in the same, you know, three or four years out at that time in life. Is there. Did you go to the health screening? Yeah, how’d you do? What did you do wrong? And it was kind of nice to see, like, where you have pitfalls, like dinner with the doc, this is what you should do, this is what we’ve tried, it doesn’t really work. And I think sometimes you can learn a lot from like the negative in a group setting. I think this is a great idea. Like, yeah, everybody tries that. And they all think it’s a good idea. It’s horrible. Stick with this, this will be what needs to go, you know, like this podcast, I interview all kinds of different doctors for the same reason is sometimes you got to get out of your profession. And like I said, there’s not a lot of people that are doing scale three, four, clinics are, you know, multi million dollars, how you supposed to find those people, because they’re going to keep their chest too, they’re not really trying to share all their secret beans. So you have to find someone like yourself who’s like, Hey, you know, I’m a coach, but we’re doing mastermind groups. So let’s do this thing together. You know, I don’t look at as a coach, usually as an expense, but it’s more of an investment. So all right, so you mentioned that there’s gonna be like a new rebranding going on. So like, kind of walk us through that, like, where you’re not good by yourself, you got to murder somebody else? What’s going on? I, you know,
Unknown Speaker 30:16
it’s interesting, you can interpret it two ways, you can see it that way. Or you can see it through the lens of this is the next level of evolution, right? You grow to a point and then you take it to the next level? I would say it’s a it was a mix of both. Okay, I’ll just say both. Number one is, you know, there was a lot of doctors who I was being approached by that I didn’t feel like we’re necessarily in that phase of scale. I mean, that’s just the reality, right? They’re just, they’re not there yet, you know, they’re very much in the build phase, or in that phase of, you know, they’ve got to get their house in order to kind of thing and, and so I was I was seeing Justin that, you know, that was the fact and so I was kind of having to turn doctors away. Or I was working with doctors who didn’t really feel like fit in. So I saw a gap, I saw gap in what I was doing, I said, You know what, either I need to expand my model, because I don’t want to necessarily have to turn doctors away, and I’ll be able to support them and help them they need help, and I can help them. I just
Unknown Speaker 31:11
didn’t feel like I was that. Yeah, wasn’t the guy because I was focusing on his one niche. Exactly. So that was one piece, I would say another piece is I truly believe that, you know, working with doctors and supporting their team and, and putting on events and doing all the things that we do is it takes a lot of lift, you know, it’s a lot, it’s a lot more lift than running a practice. And so for me, I I knew going into this that I wanted to do it in a partnership. And so I had an I had had an original partnership with Josh, and and just due to business stuff that has to happen, you know, we I bought him out and and I was running by myself. But I realized after about a year of you know going going alone, that hey, I want to be in a partnership, I want to do this with somebody I like I want to be able to collaborate with other geniuses and in the building and the growing and expanding of this organization. And so I’ve been in a mastermind and masterminding with with Dr. Steven Frandsen for over a year. And we were just friends and just chatting and just sharing, you know, ideas and how we do what we do and talking vision and strategy and, and it just hit me one day, I was like, You know what, you should talk to him about what it would look like for you guys to work together. Because that might be that might be cool. Like, I don’t know, what he’s interested in, if he that’d be interesting to him. But you know, just approach it. So I approached him one day with the proposal. And then we started talking it down. And then we started working it out. And so we we officially merged this year. And you know, now we’re running together. So I would say if that answered your question, you know, I, I could have kept going by myself, you know, I’m saying like, I could do that. Like there’s nothing like bootstraps and just hanging on and just keep going. And I am I had built a successful practice by myself, you know, in a sense, like as a solo owner, but I really felt like the next evolution for me as a business owner and leader was in partnership, I was drawn to a partnership model. I really felt like we go farther together kind of thing. We can leverage both or other multiple people and we can actually do exponential. You know, it’s like the whole Clydesdale thing. One Clydesdale carries 4002 Clydesdale. It’s like 16 to 20,000 pounds, they can they can pull. So it’s like you for exit when you when you when you put two people together that are, you know, in alignment with values and vision and mission, which we had that so that was what was the natural kind of if that wasn’t there, Justin then yeah, there’s no point, you know, there’s no value in coming together. It’s just like, right? Because for me, it was vision, values and mission were alive. And because that is those were both in alignment, all three of those. It was not, it was not a difficult decision from a heart level, then it became very functional. And you know, all the administrative stuff and all that that gets a little bit wonky. But for the most part. Yeah, it was those elements that all kind of came together and brought me into this this, this partnership would make sense to me. We had lady Heather Episode 64. All she wants to do is like the first couple years,
Justin Trosclair 34:09
that’s what she likes people out of school, I guess she has a heart for those people. And I know when I was in a coaching program, they had certain coaches that were first years, because it’s a different skill set, it’s completely different than the person who makes 50,000 or more a month, that’s a different mindset that you’re going to be at, and they need a different level of coaching. And like said, if you’re there, and Dr. Stevens kind of more, you know, sub 40, let’s just say, then that’s a great mix. And then once they graduate to a higher level you like, all right, you need to be pushed on to Dr. Pete. And he can take you to the next level. And y’all can discuss what that means for y’all. And we can tailor it based on whatever they want. Because I mean, I don’t think every practice should look the same. You might want one ginormous clinic and somebody else’s like, Oh, I prefer three clinics around the city. Right? And both of those have their own I think headaches to go with it.
Unknown Speaker 34:53
Yeah, yeah, it’s exactly that. And you know, what’s cool is Dr. Steven is an incredible co coach. And I think he, a lot of different clients are in scale, they are in these levels of enterprise type level businesses. So for him, he had that he had a lot of clients, and then he’s looking at what we’re doing. And it’s like, that’s, you’ve actually just called it what it is, like, being a Kairos CEO is really what what you’ve called it. So what we rebranded it as and I’m excited to talk about this is the remarkable CEO, you know, so you know, you have a remarkable practice. And the premise is you have a remarkable practice, as part of a remarkable life, not instead of one. And the same goes to as a CEO, it says, hey, you’re a CEO of your business. So be a remarkable one remarkable CEO has a remarkable businesses as part of a remarkable life that instead of one, so it’s this, it’s this leveling up conversation that he was already having with with many of his clients. And I was I was having with with the clients that I been honored to work with. And and so it’s it’s having a very intentional and specific conversation in our space about the scale and being in a remarkable by, as a CEO of your business natural week, we’ve joined forces to, to create and bring into the market. And we already know Kairos are going to love it because we have Kairos who are involved in love it and it’s just, it’s kind of like that, that that place where you end up, if you’re in that season of your life or practice and you get into the right room in the right conversation, you’re like, just good, man, it’s it’s really good. It’s not because it’s not your standard model of coaching. And it’s just that it’s a different level of conversation. And I see everybody around this table as a leader, every single person in here is a genius, everybody’s got gold to share. Everybody’s powerful in their own way. And so we all have to say we come to the table, as contributors willing to learn and willing to contribute, we’re growing. And I’ll tell you, when that happens, the tide comes in all the boats rise, and it’s cool to see dads collaborating and sharing ideas and sharing some, like you said, some of their seeds of gold that they’ve you know, accumulated throughout their life journey, which most of it comes through trial and pain and struggle in a ton of investment of money and time. And so it is special to be able to be an environment where that’s welcomed. And Dr. Say, I agree to that I sign up for that, because I’m committed. And then for me to be a part of helping facilitate and lead that has just been a huge blessing for
Justin Trosclair 37:16
me. Do the doctors have to be somewhat station only? Or can they do rehab and all that? Yeah, like it’s more of a niche down on that?
Unknown Speaker 37:24
No, it’s not. I mean, I think myself and Dr. Stephen, were both, I would say more substation based, very principled, but I have acupuncture physicians, I have medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, functional medicine, doctors, you know, all in my in my coaching program. And so we have attract doctors, even beyond the Kairos space, because I think most anybody who’s in the service field and as a provider, even attorneys have approached me, any person who has a practice and is kind of like struggling with the technician role and the manager role, but really wants to move into that CEO role is is wants to be included in this conversation. Because they know the next iteration for them is they need to be in an environment where they’re held accountable to this, this, this this responsibility that they have to be the CEO nobody else can do they can’t outsource it. For us. We’ve attracted other practitioners even beyond chiropractic. Although chiropractic is our is our sweet spot is our niche. That’s our lane. Other docs you want to be a part of, they’re willing to play and are willing to be a part of that we welcome them with open arms because we say hey, we can help you do you know what you’re doing then now we’re here we’re here to serve.
Justin Trosclair 38:34
Awesome. So normally, this part of the interview, we would ask we switch gears keep a little personal, but you were actually verbal on the first part of the interview. So at this point, I’m like, we could keep going keep going and going and going. But I think right now we’ve got a lot of interest going on. And so what are some of the websites that people can contact you it
Unknown Speaker 38:52
you know, it’s funny at this point, the best website for them to find us is that the remarkable practice.com well practice because that’s when they can they can go there and they can learn about their Marco practice and learn about the remarkable CEO and so that’s the best website and then I would say online you know, Facebook Instagram, if you want to message me you know my name is Dr. You’ll probably have it with the podcast, Dr. Peter cameo low. You can you can message me on Facebook, you can message me on Instagram. Those are the simplest ways to kind of just message me I love to you know chat with you. If you you know listening to this and you want to have a conversation or whatever, have asked some questions or just talk something down. Totally game to jump on a call with you. So just just ping me message me, either Facebook or Instagram. If you want to directly connect with me, and then yell Our website is remarkable. practice.com
Justin Trosclair 39:44
Oh, any favorite books, blogs or podcasts that we should definitely check out?
Unknown Speaker 39:49
Yeah, I love. I love Andy Stanley’s podcast, leaders leadership podcast. And I also love Dan Sullivan, Strategic Coach, he’s great to listen to. I’ve really enjoyed listening to him. As far as podcasts, as far as, like, from a business standpoint, from a from a life standpoint, like spirituality standpoint, I love listening to Bethel Bethel Church, Bethel Bethel sermon, those have always been powerful for me in my faith journey and my spiritual walk. That’s a big part of my weekly routine. And people ask, like, How do you stay plugged in and connected that’s that’s one of the ways that I do as far as books go, you know, a lot of the work that we’ve built our our model off of is, you know, books like scaling up, Vern harnesses work and tracks and you know, we come in, that was big, you know, Jim Collins, where Michael Gerber’s work, Michael Gerber wrote the E myth, Jim Collins is good to great and great by choice. And then, you know, books like essentialism, and also, you know, rocket fuel. And there’s just a ton of great books that are out there that I’m, I’ve read but those synergistic is amazing book that really shows how we build the CEO model, we follow a synergistic type model with an integrator approach, visionary leader, and then when it boils down to like, we think org chart you think, how are we going to create this, we’ve built our model, the CEO model, very much like to integrate the synergies teaches and that principles by Ray Dalio, that’s a powerful book as well, you know, so there’s just a lot of great business books that are out there. I really like the work of Kevin McCarthy, he talks about the purpose business now on purpose person, he really gets into understanding your core values. I love that work when it comes to like understanding your vision, values and mission and how that translates into execution in your in your business. And again, I read a ton of I read a ton of like, spiritual books as well, which for me, I’ve been really the most transformative, because they they help things translate from my head into my heart, and I start to grasp it truly. And and so that’s been a, that’s been a powerful journey for me as well.
Unknown Speaker 41:51
I’m gonna be making some notes for his show notes page. Let me tell you, thank you for all those references.
Unknown Speaker 41:57
Yeah, no, for real?
Justin Trosclair 41:58
Well, I really appreciate you being on given us the low down on mastermind model, the remarkable CEO model is something that we have not explored much on this podcast, I don’t think at all in this exact framework. So kudos to whole new topic, appreciate that.
Unknown Speaker 42:15
And honored honored dr Justin to do to share about it and I thank you for for having me having me with you to be able to share my my my heart my story and kind of what
Justin Trosclair 42:29
another great interview has ended. As I always say, I hope you listened critically think and implement something so that your practice life, family life can improve this week, on hit you up with a few links today. If you’d like to know the top episodes of 2018 and 2017, where do you just go to.net slash top 1718. And you can get a PDF of all those episodes, it’s like 22 of them. If you’re interested on any of the programs that I’ve actually been interviewed on just go to.net slash as heard on supply on as as seen on you. So as heard on, if you didn’t know, the needless acupuncture book sales page has been revamped. So it looks a lot better. You know, sometimes when you look at a web page, it doesn’t look like it’s put together will be like, Man, I’m not sure about this thing. But it’s been redone looks better. And also, if you have an Android device and you’re curious about it, you can actually download the same five protocols, blueprints, if you will, right there on your phone at the needless acupuncture app. And for less than $4, you can get the whole book on your phone from the Android Google Play Store. So here’s the check that out, the electric acupuncture pin is still available at a great rate, you can get it on its own or as a package, seeing it the book, the pin, as well as the regular points. Now, some of the things that I’m recommending blueberry hosting, that’s who I use, I really like him a lot. I’m not gonna lie to you. Fiverr is where I get a lot of my music done my logos, I don’t know if you noticed on Facebook, I believe my picture is now a face with a bunch of words and just saw that real quick, was cheap. Wanna try that for a while it’s fun. Turtle pillow is a trap pillow actually like an HP minute. So you can rest your neck and your chin on that. So you don’t get like the chicken Bob, where you you know, you sleep and you wake up really fast. And you know, those those U shaped ones, I just don’t think they work very well. So for me, it’s worked really well. I’ve traveled around 10 different countries with it across the pond, as they say really highly recommend that if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, two options, you got hot grip. So that’s that’s hot grips, and also net slash edge, you can get tools there as well. But they also have way more than just tools they’ve got how to get to use Google Apps as your EMR blood flow restriction cuffs, there’s a lot of research on that device and you can check that episode from the past, you can get an automatic 10% discount on all the products from the edge mobility equipment. One of the devices I use to to send out snippets of the podcast via picture and quotes from the text that I write on the show notes is missing letter, they just took all the last E and letter.com. Pretty much you know you can do a blast in two months, I don’t like five of emails or two months, I like to do nine emails over 12 months. So that person who was interviewed last month doesn’t just get lost, right? You know, so every day I have a new episode at a highlight and it’s all automated, really cool, definitely check it out. If you need to record your screen, I like screen cast o Matic also j lab audio speakers have said before I love them, it’s a great company. And now I get to actually be an affiliate for them. So if you end up buying into their products, it’s like anything I get a little piece probably have like three or four different products. I mean, they just the battery lasts longer sounds quality is amazing. And for the price that came live upon. And of course the show notes anytime you see a book link by it comes to me. And that net slash t shirts will help us out. And lastly, again, something I don’t talk about too much. But if you need coaching, whether it’s via the today’s choices, tomorrow’s health need some help with taking those small steps and accountability so that you can actually lose the weight or start exercising more or get your budget in order just let me know I can up with that. Also, if you just need some minor marketing coaching or the like that I can help you out with that as well go to.net slash support. And of course on there you can also buy the close the cup of coffee are even more than that. There’s different options available. So thanks for tuning in. And we’ll see you next week on the Minnesota
just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate what some of these guests have said. By all means please share across your social media rather review and you go to the show notes page. Find all the references for today’s guests. You’ve been listening to dr Justin trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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