E 122 Marfan Awareness and 9 Clinics Kristi Boles Podiatrist

e 122 kristi boles podiatrist a doctors perspective marfan
Dr. Kris Boles DPM talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast

Dr. Kristi Boles owned 9 podiatry clinics before the age of 30 and also suffered from an aortic dissection from a condition she didn’t even know she had Marfan Syndrome. We explore the impact on her clinics and her new allied wellness patient focus.

Interesting tidbit about podiatry in Australia: you finish high school and go direct to your degree. So she was working full time by the ago of 20 and she believes working and communicating with an elderly population early in her career imparted knowledge and wisdom quicker than usual.

How do you own and manage 9 clinics that grew in 6 years? Is it just putting out fires or do you have a back end plan to keep everything congruent?

In 2011, her aorta dissected 6mm and we hear about her journey to diagnosis, management, and recovery from not only that surgery but Marfan Syndrome and the stress of 9 clinics.

What are some of the common signs of Marfan Syndrome and how did the doctors misdiagnosis and not catch it in her? What are the 2 most devastating potential consequences of Marfan Syndrome.

While her surgeons and team of doctors took really good care of her, the recovery was difficult not just for the heart but her body felt run down from all the stress. As so many new endeavors happen, she enrolled in an American Integrative Nutrition program to learn how to heal herself from the inside. This in turn translated to sharing this new knowledge with patients and they seeing even better results.

Now it came time to train her staff doctors about this information because it helped so much more and that has finally led to an online program that she is launching to cover the 5 Fundamentals of Health. www.alliedwellness.com.au

What does allied health mean and what doctors fit into that Australian model?

She spent extra time learning Foot Mobilization and manual therapies, why did she feel that was necessary even though the biomechanical classes were so good in school?

What was the driving force behind having multiple disciplines of medicine in her clinics? Hint: she said podiatry is the hair dresser of allied health.  Also, how does she start and influence patients to change their dietary habits?

A primer and pre-consultation all starts with new patient paperwork and a screening test to access the following:

  • Hydration
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Stress Management
  • Movement

Her program is geared for doctors and staff to have the tools necessary to have conversations on those 5 areas and also provide the patients with Evidence Based Materials for at home reading.

What are the top 5 conditions that should see improvement with these lifestyle modifications?

Recovering from her surgery took quite a while and frankly it hurt business. At the same time they went from old school marketing to having to figure out marketing 2.0 with the internet. It’s been a learning experience since.

We also discuss why certain conditions like diabetes really does need a team approach and that includes a podiatrist.

When it comes to family life and work balance, she looks at her calendar and asks does this event add positive energy to my health or does it drain my health?

You can’t carry someone else through their struggle, you can only carry yourself. You can help someone but you can’t do it for them.

Books: What I Know For Sure – Oprah, Integrative Nutrition IIN,


  Australian slang:  Uni – college/university,  Full-On – completely overwhelmed,  Marks- test scores, Put another shrimp on the barbi ( wasn’t said – not a saying – don’t be an idiot LOL)

Dr. Kristi Boles, Podiatrist is the founder of Allied Health Clinics in Victoria, Australia and has a specialty in biomechanics, foot mobilization and integrative nutrition. She has a program to cover the 5 essentials of better health via her website Allied Wellness which launches at the end of April 2019. At one point she and her husband had 9 clinics but had to restructure after she had open heart surgery due to Marfan Syndrome, which was her catalyst to learn a whole body approach to health.

Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/122 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

This episode is a part of the Six Weeks of Feet Podiatry Series 2019. Put your email for a quick Reference Guide.

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[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Unknown Speaker 0:06
Episode 122 Marfan awareness and nine clinics. host Dr Justin trosclair today with Dr. Kristi, for less perspective, 2017 2018

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
podcast Awards Nominated host as we get the behind the curtain look at all types of doctors in guest specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Dr. Kristy has a great personality. Really Forgive me for butchering her name.

It’s a an Egyptian last name. So she’s like, Oh, yeah, it’s fine. Happens all the time. Okay, so you might be asking yourself Marfan awareness. Well, here it is. She has Marfan syndrome she didn’t know about it ended up having a aorta


Okay. And she had nine clinics in her 20s, 19, nine podiatry clinics. That is unbelievable to me. And so we talked about how she was running nine clinics. And then after you have this, obviously, bad health issue, what do you do now, who runs these clinics, and then we discuss her changing goals for herself for her patients, and how important it is that you can learn about a more holistic approach to different things. Now, of course, she’s a dietary. So she does all that. But you know, when you deal with a lot of diabetics, they have a lot of foot issues. And so we discussed her her role with hydration, diet and nutrition, sleep, stress management and movements, and how she was noticing she was getting a little bit better results than the people in her clinic. And part of it was some of these discussions that she was having, because she’s just passionate about and she kept learning about it. And she was noticing that her patients were really open to it by just talking about it. So she started this allied wellness, and we’ll discuss that as well. She’s a wealth of knowledge, entertain an hour. And just so you know, at the end of the show today, completely revamped the promotions and ads, those types of things. Once again, I hope you’ve been enjoying the podiatry series are smack in the middle of it. If you have any ideas for future episodes. series, let me know please leave a review helps us get found more. I want to share with you a couple of the reviews of things that I’ve heard. Here’s one, Nathan Cashin is helped rejuvenate me and restarted my own podcast again. CT said,

Unknown Speaker 2:14
Yeah, I think you’re you’re you’re a great host, a great interviewer. And I really impressed because the way you’re able to weave those questions, and also kind of follow up with what I was talking about, I thought it was really smooth. So I really appreciate that.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
And let me know what you’re thinking about the many sides. Have you caught any of them. They’re about two to six minutes apiece, real quick, their episodes that I listened to, and I just give them my summary of them real quick, real simple, no long pontificating. Okay, that’s enough for me. For now, all the show notes can be found and transcripts at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 122. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China, and Victoria, Australia. Today on the show, we have a lady doc and this is fantastic cuz I just love the diversity, different country, different gender, and she’s breaking down the stereotypes. She’s making a difference in the world and get this. She’s the founder of Allied wellness. She’s the director and principal podiatrist at two different allied health centers in Victoria. And if that’s not enough, she does a lot of development for sports, podiatry, biomechanics, foot mobilization and integrative nutrition, which, you know, I’m excited about. And here’s the key a while a while back should have open heart surgery from a condition called Marfan syndrome, which we’ll talk about because most people don’t really know what that is. And what’s the science that the spotters in your own patients. She went through that now she’s here on the other side and is just killing it. So please welcome the show. Dr. Kristy bolus,

Unknown Speaker 3:45
it is hard to pronounce that one bolus. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me on the show. It’s actually addiction background. The Egyptian a my husband’s Egyptian. Ah, look at that. Huh? That’s fun. cultural diversity. Yes.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Beautiful babies, I’m guessing.

Unknown Speaker 4:02
Oh, my goodness. I’m probably by. But yeah, the lovely. I always wanted the beautiful olive skin being someone who’s quite pale. So I got any my beautiful children. You know, my wife’s Chinese and we had a mixed baby.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
It says Why? as me? Oh, really? This issue really stands out in the local crowd. We’re like, what happened? You’re supposed to have that beautiful skin. So you never have to go tan when they’re 1215.

Unknown Speaker 4:28
But they are amazing. Mixed children. I think they’re really so unique. Oh, yeah. Okay.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Slide tracking already. I love it. I know.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
We could chat about anything.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So like I mentioned, we’ll talk about all the podiatry stuff a little bit later. But because I know that the Marfan syndrome seem to be like a catalyst for you to really branch out and start having more of a focus on, you know, the integrative nutrition part of practice. So if you could give us a little bit of background about like, you know, why you became a podiatrist? And then kind of what happened, and we’ll just leave that today.

Unknown Speaker 5:01
Yes, I was one of those kids at school that I was on the I was quite young, in my e level. So I finished school at 17 and went straight into podiatry. It just sort of worked out beautifully. I always knew I wanted to be in healthcare, but didn’t know which one and it has landed in my lap or at the right number for scoring. And what I mean, just, yeah, I just loved it. And just the diversity in our profession, how many different types of conditions we see or age group, you know, we can be involved with injuries or general care, or someone with diabetes, or an elder, elderly person that just needs nice, some support. And so when I got in my treatment room, I was a baby, I was 20. Oh, man. And I know I was just so I, I always sort of said, I did a lot of growing up in my treatment room, because I would have elderly patients who had stories galore, and experiences beyond anything I could imagine, who just talked and I was always interested in people of all different backgrounds and experiences. And so I listened. So I got to grow up in my invite tree room, which was amazing, because I just got so many worldly pieces of advice. And you know, I always had a bit of an old head, but I always had a fascination with people. So communication is probably my favorite thing in the whole world. So and it gave me that opportunity to help people’s health but then communicate on that level. And in that trusting environment where I can see things going on in my patients life that then gives me valuable experience or helps me through something I’m going through. So when I became a business owner, after I think a year of practicing, I was a partner in a business. And it just I just wanted to keep on expanding our services and what we’re doing and what we offer and how many people we can help jumped

Unknown Speaker 7:07
in his first year.

Unknown Speaker 7:08
So I just kept our feet first I did, I just went for it. But my husband had had more business experience, I had an amazing support person alongside me all the way. And we grew really rapidly, we grew to nine podiatry locations over well, it was about five or six years. So it’s just like just went quite berserk. And then we realized that that point, we don’t have quite enough infrastructure and management structure to handle such a big operation. And we didn’t have the team and our management team around us at that time. So we were working, my husband then came into the business because we needed this poll. And we were just in that we will go go go running, not looking after our bodies well enough. And you know, just keeping our eyes on growth and helping more people and making more roles for practitioners. And they

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
save you too big, you could actually plan it. Yeah. Because you don’t know what you’re doing on the on the back end and everything just kind of crumbles down.

Unknown Speaker 8:15
Exactly. And we don’t have business training in our health degrees know. So of course we’re learning on the go. But then when you’re so busy growing, you’re actually not learning enough to catch up with the growth.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So that for now fires.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
Yeah, yeah, definitely will putting out fires, that’s for sure. We just at that time, we really

Unknown Speaker 8:38
didn’t. We didn’t know.

Unknown Speaker 8:41
And we needed to keep up skilling. But yeah, we were so busy. So of course that led to you know, the lessons we’re trying to come through to us of things need to shift or change. And we were in that forward momentum. So we didn’t listen to those warning sign. So the in 2011, my otter dissected, we didn’t know I had any condition, and I had a six centimeter aneurysm at the aortic valve. And yeah, that definitely gives you that massive wake up call to go. what you were doing was not serving and not working. And we need to do, right. Yeah. So that was

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
was he didn’t see any the telltale signs growing up.

Unknown Speaker 9:30
Yeah, well, I’m six foot two and taller than two elder brothers and taller than my dad, not by a whole lot. But I’m just tall. We were always sort of joking with. Yeah, it was like and long. Like I’ve got really long hands and wrists and a long neck. I didn’t match anyone. Yeah, like really flexible joints. And I didn’t match anyone else in the family. And we were sort of like we were sort of joking around. As I would grow up that there must have been a really tall milkman around and look man strength again.

Unknown Speaker 10:08
Because Yeah, it was just an unusual body type. But yeah, I mean, I played lots of sport, and I was really active and had various symptoms, which now makes sense. But I still I mean, when you don’t know, you just think that your body you put up with aches and pains and migraines and headaches and some digestive stuff. And you just go Well, that

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
was 10 or 20 years ago to I don’t know how old you are. And you’re like, I’m thinking of a patient that I had. And she’s she was like 15 and coming on figured it out. But this was before this, or they weren’t even probably on the radar that much to be looking for this thing when you were a kid.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
No, it’s not that common. I did have one doctor who must have known about it. And he sent me off for an echocardiogram when I was quite young, I might have been like nine or around that age. And they said I didn’t Marfan syndrome. So it did pop up once in my childhood. But because we got that could like and it was a straight out. No, you do not have it, which of course I am a classic case now that I’ve been diagnosed. So something went awry there in in that scan, or in that

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
recommendation afterwards. Is it something that happens more when you hit puberty where they figured out like the heart starts to get strained? And they just wouldn’t have seen that that early?

Unknown Speaker 11:28
Yes. So sometimes when you’re a kid, you can see that the aorta is slightly dilated for that person’s age comparing to other children. So there’s it’s a little bit wider that aorta, but you know, mostly if you saw that someone had clinical signs and symptoms like really long hands and you know, growing extra tall and you know, you can have changes with your sternum can become concave or convicts in different areas. If you saw those, you would definitely be saying, let’s just monitor you in two years, and you what that day off is doing. So I mean, that comes I guess with a bit more awareness and experience. But mostly the major issues that come from Marfan syndrome is what happened to me and dissected a order and then detach recognize the other issue, they are the main issue, because it’s no fun. No. So those are the things that they’ve put some research money into. But then so because it is a syndrome, and from his own issue, it can presenting such a varied spectrum for so many people. And it can be massive scoliosis, it can be crisis of the spine, you know, it can you can have lung issues, you can have, you know, spinal issues, you know, many different things. So, they, you know, just that testing at that ground level with GPS and our specialists to be able to be more aware of it would really help get onto it quite early, because once we hit about 30, and all of our tissues become slightly more weakened, just with age process. That’s when we didn’t really see a lot of it.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
plus all the stress and running nine clinics didn’t help. Okay. Wow. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:21
And of course not looking after your body. I know what happened when I was 30. Yeah, I was just under massive stress and strain that is pushing the body to its extreme. And yeah, the body will tell us when when we’re not looking after it. Wowsers.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Okay, so you recovered from that, that that, that taken a while? And then come on with now?

Unknown Speaker 13:45
Yes. So the recovery was hard. I think because I’d been pushing for so long and put, you know, so many I’d had said will, it was seven months before they actually diagnosed the dissection. So I went seven months, still working full time, still running, everything exhausted, feeling terrible. Before we actually went, I kept going back to the doctor and saying, you know, my migraines are just like horrendous, like five days in a row migraines in bed, like couldn’t get out of bed. The heart was just pumping so hard and had grown in mass. So in the end, what really got me over the line to get my diagnosis was the heart and growing so big, that I could just have clothes on and I could see my heart My clothes moving from my heart, but no way. Yeah, was full on my doctor and Dr. To say, all you just been through the chair.

Unknown Speaker 14:48
Like, you know, yeah, yeah. So that was pretty full on. And I mean, when I got that diagnosis, so I was just relieved, like, I was not fearful of, you know, death at that point. I was just like, thank goodness, there is something wrong. I’ve known for so long. And no one’s believed me. Like my husband, of course, was supportive. But he’s like, go back to the doctor, go back to the doctor. And I was just like, my goodness, I am going to get to have a rest. I don’t have to run the businesses. I can lie in this hospital bed. I don’t have to answer another email. And I’m like, thank goodness, like I you know, that was a massive moment to just yeah, understand what is going on and relieved that someone knew what was happening? Yeah, yeah. So the recovery afterwards, because I was so worn out, I had a lot of rebuilding to do, of all my systems. It wasn’t just the cardiovascular system. And so I had to learn a lot about my body. And I’d done all my studies had been, you know, in western medicine and my amazing specialists, and I had five specialist afterwards, who, you know, looked after me and, you know, monitored what was going on. And they did, I mean, they saved my life, my surgeon and my specialist were amazing. But then I’m still really unwell. Like, my gut health was just shot,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
the basic building blocks weren’t there,

Unknown Speaker 16:17
they weren’t there. And I just didn’t get any support or help from any of my amazing specialists in that area. No, no referrals off, I did have my allied health clinic. So of course, I started then going to see, you know, multiple different practitioners. And I ended up the big transition was going to a naturopath, which I’d done before, and I didn’t really know a lot about so when at once I got everything sorted of my, you know, my body back into gear, which took a long lot of rebuilding, then I started to see some other practitioners who were going to help me more with mindset, and you know, caring about the body and like you’ve really got to recover from, you thought you were healthy, before, you know doing things, what you think is, you know, okay, for a healthy body, you’ve got to transition totally into looking after a body with a chronic illness, or chronic condition that is more sensitive, and you’re going to have to change a lot of habits, which isn’t easy when everyone around you was still doing what you used to do. And you still had nine clinics at that point at that point. But we started to scale back gradually. Okay, we were young, we came to our fixes and realized that health is the most important thing of our family. And we were mean I love healthcare, and I love caring for other people’s health, but I’m no good if I’m not healthy enough to do it. Right. So yeah, I’ll

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
still have like the smaller clinics to the doctors working there.

Unknown Speaker 17:48
Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
real quick, clear up some words for the people who maybe don’t know, Allied Health is what in Australia?

Unknown Speaker 17:57
Yes. So allied health income. So the still science based evidence based Western medicine practice, we, so we’ve got our specialist their GPS, and then allied health is the support modalities to the GPS and specialists. So podiatry osteopath, the chiropractor, we’ve got dietitian, dental is in there with allied health. Okay, my therapy, so it encompasses all those professions. Okay, the non MD doctors

Unknown Speaker 18:30
out there. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:31
yeah. And we buy a body called opera, all of the allied health professions. And I

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
should have remembered it from the last interview. But are you all considered doctors in Australia or

Unknown Speaker 18:42
Yes, so I’ll chiropractors and osteopath us as a whole profession. Use the title doctor,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
some podiatrist do okay, as they want to make sure to get you in trouble if I put put that on there under like a

strict rules,

Unknown Speaker 18:58
it is allowed. ok to use the title as a courtesy title. Dr.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Email it is real quick. There’s a long, long time ago, you go from high school. You don’t have to go to like undergrad first. You can just go straight into the nitric.

Unknown Speaker 19:12
Yes. So we go from secondary school. Usually most people are, you know, 18 or nearly 18. When you finish your 12 in earlier. And then yes, you can go straight into you know, I do go?

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, it’s pretty nice. I think I mean, somebody would disagree with me on that one. But just to be that focus at such a young age to

Unknown Speaker 19:33
I haven’t known it any other way, like I know in, in America, you do go to college. Yeah. But you necessarily major or specialize. I think that, you know, having a transition point for the kids to do some general things and figure out who they are. And you know what’s going on in a world and travel a little bit before you choose. I think I could imagine that would be more beneficial. So many kids that are 18, 1718

Unknown Speaker 20:03
don’t know.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
And then they know puts into perspective. So the other interviews I’ve had were supposed to about 18 I don’t really know what I want to do and and I was kind of like it just kind of blew by I was like well, Well, yeah, but you got a couple years to sort of figure it out. Like I thought I was gonna be an eye doctor. And then I was like, now I’m gonna do chiropractic instead. Yes. And it’s like know, at 18 the kind of locking yourself in, especially if you didn’t study hard, or, you know, you have to really know what like 16 and 15. This is what I want to do in my life. Otherwise, like, say you don’t pass this test, you don’t pass this test. I guess you have to repeat a year and better. And I

Unknown Speaker 20:36
need to didn’t study quite so hard in there, you know, from 15, 1617

Unknown Speaker 20:42
weeks, if they didn’t get the marks they you know, they would feel that, oh, maybe it’s not for me, but they haven’t, you know, grown up enough and got enough perspective, which is fine. Everyone does it at a different time, before they actually figure it out. And given that space, I think would be great. We get more more children doing what are adults doing what they’re meant to do.

Unknown Speaker 21:05
And not kidding, these old people like 20 years old, but everybody knows you’re a whippersnapper at 20. So that makes more sense here. If you’re 24 coming out of school, they’re like, Yeah, I don’t know. I come back in a couple years after you

Unknown Speaker 21:16
know, to do it. Yeah, but imagine like I was practicing as a doctors at 20. That’s awesome. I mean, I’ve always had an old kid. Yeah. So you know, that’s different for everybody. And I’d say, you know, always in the minority in you know, loving to hear about people and loving to learn. Some people just want to just figure out who they are first. And I really,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
that means it 22 you went in and just like, yeah, I want to do this thing. I’m going to be a business owner. I think I was 20 Yes, six. So that’s a big, that’s a big jump. That’s a lot of you know, five years is a lot to own your own medical clinic and or you know, podiatry clinic, whatever, and then start expanding. So all right. So when did you become a excited about the sports podiatry and the biomechanics? Like, what is your passion with that? And are you teaching it? You just learned about it? Like, how’s that look in the real world?

Unknown Speaker 22:09
Yes. So in podiatry, we do in in the Australian studies, podiatry, we do quite a lot of biomechanics. And we’ve got some really good leaders in the field of sports, you know, podiatry, and biomechanics in Australia. So I thought, like our undergraduate training was excellent, then we will, we were missing in our profession, some more of the manual skills to actually help people gradually progress through their injury. And then they’re also the rehabilitation side, we had people coming in for injuries, but we didn’t have so many manual and other skills to help with pain levels, and help people recover in that way. So we will, so we just had a bit of a gap. And we would refer often work, you know, in an allied health team, and that’s why our project, I ended up creating allied health clinics because we will be in podiatry, I recognize we were lacking some of those skills. So we needed to work closely with other practitioners to get the best result for our patients. So I was always on the hunt for more knowledge and more skills, you know,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
you can extend more than just podiatry.

Unknown Speaker 23:20
So after a number of years, we transformed into an allied health model. So we brought in specialty footwear and the osteopath of the and diabetics and natural pathy as well. And yes, I like that refer inside Yes, well, once people come to a practice and get introduced to all the team, if they don’t have to go out and ring someone else and meet another clinic and go in there and have it all over again. So yes, so that was always my vision to have the Allied Health model working, you know, really well and integrating and just getting that overall health perspective for that patient. Because we I knew just down at feet, you know, the patients were all expressing and telling me they had back pain and they had headaches or, you know, their digestion wasn’t good, or like a night Express like podiatry is like hairdressing a little bit. Okay, we get, we get the whole story, which is, of course, what I loved about what we did. So we get this whole perspective on someone’s health, but we only had skills to do what we could do at that time. So if your feet are bad, you can’t do all these things that you want to do. We had people with weight gain who, you know, and depression, and they weren’t able to exercise because they had foot pain. So we would help with the foot pain. But if they didn’t start shifting their gut health and the balance of their body and help their back, then they weren’t going to be able to have the motivation to get well again, to exercise to eat well. So there’s just so much more going on in our patients bodies. And from very early on, I was like, you need to do more with to actually prevent conditions occurring. Rather than just fixing the ulcer on the the patient with diabetes fought,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
it cannot deal with lack of blood flow there, every condition was the first thing that goes the little appendages, and then you got lots of ligaments locks, attendance, they don’t get a lot of blood flow. So you really have to support that tissue as best you can. It makes sense to me, like a nutrition aspect to this address is just

Unknown Speaker 25:25
huge. And I was, you know, I was great at communicating about, you know, bringing together all the systems of the body and talking to my patients and letting them express what was going on. But I recognize that a lot of my team weren’t having these conversations, because it wasn’t their passion. So when I got back from recovering from all of my condition, I realized that looking after a body takes that, you know, broader spectrum of care and looking after the basics in health, which was the most important thing in my recovery. And I was like, how do I move that into allied health, and then, you know, moving into also GP clinics and specialist office, because that’s where I was lacking it. So I was like, well, I’ve got to stay in a scope of practice. Like, I’ve got to, we can’t be practicing outside of our scope, or in another modality, we’re governed by, you know, professional body that keeps us practicing in our scope, which I totally respect. But I was like, Well, if I can screen my patients in the way I have these conversations, and just let them express what’s going on in their body, they’re more aware, straight away, as soon as they start reflecting, like, Can I ask a simple question, like, you know, how is your hydration levels? Are you drinking enough water? With telling them what to do? They say, not really. They know where they’re at. They’ll say, yeah, I’m drinking five cups of coffee, you know, not drinking much water, you know, and I do I get a drive now. Not feeling that energetic? And I’ll say to them without me prescribing, I’ll say to them, Well, is there a way you could do that better? Like, have you been more hydrated in the past? And they’ll say, Yeah, I used to drink, you know, more water in the morning or more water at work? And, and also, okay, great. That’s excellent. And then what? Amazing, they’ll come back. And just with that simple discussion, and reflection, each time they come in, they’ll come back in. And so I’m now drinking, you know, six cups of water, and I’ve cut my coffee to two without me actually even telling them what to do. And they feel better. Yeah, and they start and they start to feel better. And they’re empowered with that. You know, that they’ve made that decision themselves. And they’re working on their own health, and well being without being told, like a child or, you know, instructed do this, they actually understand. They didn’t feel as good. This is what they will do. This is what they’ve done better in the past, or this is what I could do. Yes. So I, I then I’d been designing some programs for my podiatry team in sports, podiatry, and some of the common conditions. And I was like, there’s something missing in this program. And then a light bulb went on one day, and I’m like, it is the whole body health stuff that I do in my room that I haven’t put out there to anyone else. So I was like, how do I make this safe for us to using allied health without practicing outside of that scope? And how do I empower those patients to make some decisions for themselves rather than us just telling them which we know, like, if you say, drink more water, or eat this, you know, their until they know and start to make the decision to do it themselves? We it’s not going to be sustainable. So yes, sorry, lie wellness, came about by approach ground that I created in my my feet feet heel pain program called fundamentals of healing. So I was like, What are the like, the key things that has helped my recovery? And what are the things I’m always having conversations with, with my patients? So those five things, hydration, diet and nutrition, sleep, stress management,

Unknown Speaker 29:24
and movement? Okay, nothing.

Unknown Speaker 29:26
Nothing crazy. So the thing? Yeah, it’s all basic stuff. And I’m like, it’s all good evidence to support it. No one in any health profession anyway, can deny that these things help health? So how do we get more awareness and education out to our patients? And how do I get more practitioners who aren’t having any of these conversations at the moment? How do I get them have starting to have these conversations? So their patients are aware that their respected doctor, chiropractor, or podiatrist, you know, he’s supporting that this is important for them to look up? So yeah,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
that’s how it all came about? Did it become a questionnaire? Or is it part of like a questionnaire when they fill out their new patient paperwork? And now you got a nice baseline to actually have that conversation later? Or like how john figured out

Unknown Speaker 30:18
that thing? Exactly how it’s that? Yeah, so well done. That is so cool that you got that, but

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I don’t know how to do it.

Unknown Speaker 30:25
Yeah. So it starts with a screening tool. And it’s just, you know, four or five questions under each of those areas that are the most important ones to, for that patient to be more aware. And, you know, I had a pie for the few weeks ago was so funny, he, I thought when he came in, he hadn’t filled out his fundamentals of healing screening before the initial console. But my efficient reception team member had scanned it in already hadn’t given me the hard copy. And so I’m like taking my normal history of men, medical conditions, and medications, and what’s their injury history, all that stuff. And then all of a sudden, he said to me, so I know I’m drinking too much soft drinks at work. He’s a, he’s a police officer, and he said, it’s really easily accessible in our office. And he goes, you know, I’m even taking a soft drink back to the desk. You know, I feel really dehydrated. And then, you know, my wife and I haven’t been eating enough vegetables, because she’s, you know, been working a lot. We haven’t been doing any food prep. And, and then he said, and my stress levels with looking after my child and running them around. And he did a summary of his fundamentals of healing or fundamentals of health, we can call it and I was like, Oh, my God, I’m attracting that he wants to tell me this without me. Even he hasn’t even done the screening. But of course, he done the screening at the year, he had already made some decisions where he was that what he could do better. And he already starting to put some plans in place of how he could you know, what you could change at home. And I’m like, oh, my goodness, this is the most exciting thing. Like I was inside, I’m really jumping up and down and doing fist pumps, but I’m sort of staying nice and to do okay, yep. Great. That’s fantastic.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
That down, we’ll check in two weeks, how are you doing?

Unknown Speaker 32:23
And so then they come back. And all I do is a quick, like, we’ve got other tools. So we’ve got a simple diary that they might fill out if they really aren’t aware of where they’re at, we’ve got an evidence base patient booklet on all the five fundamentals, just giving them some really simple knowledge on how it actually affects their immune system and their healing ability. And their overall health, these basic things and a bit about and drawing on the evidence. So you know, they know, there’s a lot of substance to it. So yeah, there’s lots involved, but it’s a very simple program is really too many people know what they need to do. Yeah, I know not supposed to go home and eat a pint of ice. I know, I’m not supposed to do that. But here I am. Every night. Yeah, watching TV, eating ice cream. And yeah, wondering why I’m fatter. And yeah, borderline diabetic. Sugar is the most addictive substance on the planet. And people just go day after day, or when they wake up in the morning, or not going to have that ice cream. again tonight, and then they’re right back there doing it again. So I mean, we know that it starts with someone holding the line for them and checking in, they’re paying to come to medical practitioners, you know, he’s there, their trusted medical practitioner checks in with them on these five areas, whenever they come in, they know they’re going to be checked in on. So automatically humans like to improve when they know they’re going to, you know, be evaluated. So that can give them a little bit of motivation. And then the very gradual trickle of some education. So we’ve got some videos that will be coming as well. So people who, you know, may read the brochure want a little bit more. So it just starts very, very slowly and gradually. And we know once people have some knowledge, some awareness, and they know that they’re supported that supported by their practitioner, they’re more likely to go, Okay, well, what could I do, I’ve been given a few ideas in the brochure, I could do that. And then they start, they start making some little changes and get some confidence around that

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
are you do you have like an email drip campaign to help educate them as they go.

Unknown Speaker 34:36
So that’s coming, because we were just about to launch the basic program on our new website, which will launch sort of in mid to late April. And then we’re building a big resource library for practitioners to be really looking at the evidence around these five areas and how they affect chronic disease and illness. So that’s that, that like is underpinning my drive, knowing that I have a chronic condition, and I was living, you know, very unwell for three or four years, and had to rehabilitate my body. And I’m now at this stage where I’ve got, you know, I’ve got energy again, I still have, you know, my condition to deal with. But the more I focus on my general health, the better I am, the more I can function. So I want to really go up against the, you know, the big four major chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer, dementia was another big one, you know, an Alzheimer’s, which is affecting our family at the moment. And diabetes there my for that. I mean, we know that there’s such amazing treatments to help those, you know, those conditions, but we want to go to preventative care, like this research out there on the style factors, which is included in my program, that I mean, we can be reducing those big for chronic diseases by 70 to 80%. By looking after these lifestyle factors, can you imagine like, you know, 70 to 80% of our population not having to be sick and unwell for the last 20 years of their life? Like it would just be phenomenal. It would be what’s the webpage? So our websites www dot Allied wellness.com are you?

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Okay, good, because this won’t come out until me so it’ll be live. Excellent.

Unknown Speaker 36:37

Unknown Speaker 36:38
We’re not technically a live show.

Unknown Speaker 36:40

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
This is pretty cool. I love how you pre framing the clients to have these conversations, making them aware of it. I think like said, we’re generally aware of it anyway. It’s just needed to check in on us make sure we’re doing it. Okay. And that’s why I think there’s so many programs out there that are 16. You know, there’s lots of lots of health programs out there. You know, the gyms can be successful when you have like a coach, or if you join a group, you’re more likely to do it together. I guess two questions. One, are you doing marketing? And how does that work for that many clinics and everything? And then to there is a way to monetize? I’m assuming all of the all these conversations in the office with the fundamentals of health?

Unknown Speaker 37:23
Yes. So with in the clinics. So with marketing First, we because we’re in an interesting transition at the moment. So we when we first started a business, we had the old school marketing techniques, which at that time, we are old school, so print media, mail drops, you know, yes, we had a website, but it wasn’t, you know, access to smart. We had so many of our podiatry patients were elderly, so they weren’t getting on the website. So we can’t run mill word Well, yeah, so we had all that old school marketing. And then, so we grew really quickly. And that was still all used all of that stuff. And then once like, before I got sick, it was transitioning really heavily to online marketing. And we had to get over a massive illness and go into survival mode for a while in our practices. So we’ve had to kind of rebuild our structure of our businesses again, and get that infrastructure, right, which is what we’ve been doing over a number of years. And then now we’re probably still quite infant like infancy in the online marketing. And that’s where we’re now when you don’t know something well enough, now we’re working with a group called practice acceleration fellow called Tristan bond, who’s a physiotherapist, who does a lot of online marketing and works just with allied health clinics. So that’s pretty something that has really, you know, making sure you do go and get, you know, education in the areas where you know, you know, actual strengths at that stage. So that’s a big learning curve. I’m learning still learning all about the different social channels and wanting to improve our social media, marketing and our connection with people. So they really know our true values, you know, practice. So yeah, and then fundamentals of healing in our practice. Because I, of course, live and breathe and talk about this stuff all the time. You know, I don’t think any of my team a surprise that we’re doing more work in this area. But it’s, it’s a new concept for a lot of our different modalities to be having these conversations. So I think because it’s all backed up by evidence, and we’ve, we’ve introduced it in a nice sort of slow, gradual way, everyone’s able to starting to say to me, Well, my question so, you know, really happy that I’m having those conversations and feel like they really listened to and cared for. So that connection, that, you know, I’ve always loved in my profession and had a skill for, you know, I realized that some practitioners, you know, don’t make that connection quite so well. So it’s a given them an opportunity to connect with their patients, and improve their retention of the patient through that patient, feeling that care and improving their overall health, feeling those results. And then, you know, of course, going out and sharing, you know, my, I’ve never had a practitioner asked me these questions started to actually make some changes, and then nice friends and family. Because, yeah, for years, I couldn’t work out, you know, thinking, What’s my difference, like, in my treat room, and I kept going to, and doing more courses and learning more skills. You know, the, the skill I had was right under my nose from when I was 20. And it was listening and hearing people, and then being interested in, you know, asking some more questions about what’s really going on for them. And you know, that, that on its own is probably the, you know, best skill as a healthcare practitioner, we can have, and, and grow and learn. And

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
we applaud that, because some people would never have made the connection, or the like, well, that’s not my realm. I’m a I’m a foot person. Yeah, I stay below the knee. That’s it. Yeah, I’m not I’m not qualified, or I just don’t feel comfortable as amazing. Just patient just want to get better. Yeah. So if you’re capable of helping them, that’s, that’s the big thing. And I know none of us because of its Australia or not, but I know if you put something on the website, like the chiropractic people I’ve interviewed there, you better have some papers to back it up, if you make some kind of unsubstantiated claim, you need to get fined or lose your license is a big deal there. So think that’s why I don’t know that might be why you keep mentioning these things are researching back this not just live

Unknown Speaker 42:01
in the very careful in Australia, that we are making sure we’re not practicing outside of our scope of practice, which, you know, I, you know, I totally appreciate. But of course, if we’ve got a patient in our room, who has diabetes, and doesn’t have circulation down to its feet, and they’re going away, you know, and eating really badly, and it’s got high levels of stress, and you know, is very dehydrated, no matter how well how good our skills are in podiatry, if they’re not looking after all of that stuff, or not going to see someone who helps them in that area, and I’m not able to get them, you know, with a good referral to go, then, you know, we’re going to have massive problems in our treatment, no matter how well we’re trained, how well we communicate that podiatry treatment, we’re not going to get the results that patient and they’re not going to either survive or have a good quality of life. So my my intention with the tool is, if that patients more aware, and they start to see where they’ve got issues, were also able to refer off much more strongly to a dietitian, or to someone for some no supporting mental health. Let me just say, you know, this is going on, I’d like you to go see someone that doesn’t have as much substance is when that patient actually realizes, oh, I’m not doing so well, in this area, I do really do need to go see that dietitian,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
have already been to the GP, he told me stop eating sugar, he gave me a medicine. I see the podiatrist, they say the same thing. I go to you now I’m actually getting a Oh, this is what it means. Here’s some counseling, you know it within scope. And I don’t really want a yellow bag on my toes in it. You know, I don’t want yet.

Unknown Speaker 43:54
Yeah. And they fearful and don’t know where to start a lot of the time. And they’re like they’ve got information coming on all these areas for so many different sources. They’ve tried a few things. But they actually do need someone with, you know, medical knowledge to communicate it in an easy to understand way of why it is so important. And what the effect it’s going to

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
get off your medicine. We’re just saying this, adjust your diet and exercise and all this. If you happen to have the back. Oh, I feel so great. Then you go back to GP? Oh, looks like your blood pressure. Your blood sugar’s great. We need to have your medicine. Well, fantastic. Yeah, I can’t tell you to do that. But I can support you

Unknown Speaker 44:34
that. So your journey, I mean, it doesn’t replace any of the the treatment regimes people are on, it’s pretty much working in really well with other practitioners. But of course, you know, it’s it’s the basics of health. And it’s the big one that people are ignoring, because it is not related to people’s habits and their addictions. So it is really had to overcome it. So it does need regular support over a long period of time to make sustainable changes. And that’s where we need all of our health professions in every area to be singing a similar song on these basic things. Because if they hear or I’ll just take just take that medication, there’s nothing else you can do, then why would they stop eating the ice cream at night?

Unknown Speaker 45:29
No, I just think one more

Unknown Speaker 45:30
big piece. told them, they don’t need to do anything else. So we really need to be all talking in this, you know, in this realm and supporting those patients that you know, this is going to lead to this, we can actually prevent things from occurring for you. So yeah, it’s a big one. And it’s a very, undergoing a really tough mission, I realized that, but I think it only starts with small change in some of our professions. And then, you know, it can grow from there.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So I would say small steps. And you know, you’re doing the right thing. Do you do video at all, like Facebook Lives or any of that stuff yet?

Unknown Speaker 46:09
And I’m starting to Yeah, it’s, it definitely pushes me outside of my comfort zone. So I want to, I mean, I want to get the word out any way possible. So I’ve often been a little bit shy in my treatment room, helping one on one patients. And you know, so I need to really, you know, branch out a little bit more. So yes, I’m starting to do some presentations and presented some conferences and different things like that, which will be wonderful. And then year more online stuff. That’s exactly what we’re focusing on in the next 12 months to really launch this bigger.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Do you know David James is the podiatrist in the UK? No, I don’t Well, he’s on the episode like two before you. Oh, yeah. Self plug. Nobody. His niche and kind of what I got him on for was he is a video guy. He’s been doing it for a while. And he’s a he mentors other podiatrists that like, how to do video and to get over it, and just do it exists. Interesting. So anyway, I thought that was an interesting, you know, it’s fresh on my mind, video is a big thing.

Unknown Speaker 47:13
That would be great. Because, I mean, we’ve all got things we need to improve on, that’s for sure.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
ladies have a harder time. I think just jumping in. Like, if I’m joking, I’m just joking. Before a woman, there’s things you can do about it. You put makeup on and they kind of frightened about their hair, and they have a lot of like, exterior stuff that unfortunately, the double standard, they’ll have to think about more than we do. Yeah. And it stops a lot of people. So

Unknown Speaker 47:37
well, I’m I know, you know, this message has to get out there. It’s good. I mean, I can’t, I can’t be worried about what I look like on video and not be helping people, you know, save their lives and have a great life. So you have got bigger things to do. So yes, I’m going to get very comfortable. I will say it here. I’m doing a little lot more video and connection with people. There we go.

Unknown Speaker 48:03
Yeah. Well, we’re going to switch gears. I want to respect your time. Thank you vacation, the family life balance. That’s where we’re going to jump into right now. My favorite topic.

Unknown Speaker 48:11
Oh, good. So

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
obviously your health took a dive. Yes. From being overworked. Hopefully, we’ve learned some lessons, how are we able to take a step back be less stressed? Or maybe you know, take real vacations or just find a way to scale back our stress level? What you got for us?

Unknown Speaker 48:26
Yeah, moving towards balance is a concept that I use a lot in my life. So when I’m supporting my patients, and then living my own life, I I look at making a decision about doing something or adding something to my calendar. And I’m not definitely haven’t mastered this yet. It’s a work in progress. And I look at it and go, is this going to take me towards better health and energy? Or is this going to take me away from it and towards stress and overwhelm or, you know, depletion. So I’m, I’m making much better decisions. And I’m learning you learn to say no to things, which can go out of whack sometimes, like sometimes you get excited and you’ve got energy and you’re feeling well, because you’ve nurtured your body really well and haven’t done too much. And then you because you’ve got that energy, you start saying yes again. And you say yes to a little bit too much. So learning what to say yes to a lot to say no to. And when your body is telling, like when my body tells me, you’re not feeling well, or you’re starting to get you know, aches and pains, I know my tummy isn’t feeling good, then I need to back off and slow down and have time to rest and recover and do a lot of my health practices. So I have every Wednesday, which is today, I do not leave the house. So yeah, I love being at home. So I work from home on a Wednesday. So don’t set up any trainings, any meetings, you know, external, so I’m able to stay in my own space. Now I’ve got my essential oils burning, I’ve got my yoga mat down there. So I do some stretching. I’ve got two amazing dogs who are a massive dog lover. So I walk my dogs, and I don’t aim to strain my body on that day. So if I’m exercising a, you know, a walk, and I mean knowledge being like this morning, I saw the most amazing sunrise and got this gorgeous crescent moon this morning with this bright star diagonally above it. And I do a lot of breathing work as I’m walking and just that calms my central nervous system. So I’ve pretty much I’ve had to acquire a lot of tools over the time to go well, this is how I move closer to balance when I start to over exert in my work life, my business. And yes, so I recruit those tools and then getting the family to you know, because they haven’t been through all the stuff I’ve been through. So being a little bit more easygoing with, I’m going to have to be quite sort of strict at different times for my health. But my family have to you know, learn their own lessons as well, right. So we’re going to have lots of healthy food around. But I need to be a bit flexible. So it’s been challenging sometimes early on, when I was like you

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
want pizza and chicken leg?

Unknown Speaker 51:35
Yeah, no chocolate in order to. And I was like, and I felt a bit deprived. And I had to loosen up on some of those things and make sure that they were experiencing different things so they could learn their own way, what feels good for their body and what doesn’t, trying to be a really good communicator in my home, like I love to do in my practice and having more patients that they’re on their journey, and they can do some different things to me, because that’s the only way they will grow and learn as well

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
as their mom, you don’t know what you’re talking about,

Unknown Speaker 52:09
oh, I’ve got a 16 year old boy.

Unknown Speaker 52:12

Unknown Speaker 52:14
He knows exactly what he needs. For tickets today. I don’t want

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
to hear about it.

Unknown Speaker 52:21

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
well, I love that answer. Because a lot of people have a similar answer. But the way you tweaked it was the was the balance part. And does this provide healthy stress versus negative stress? that’s a that’s a different view that we’ve we haven’t really had too often in the show. So that’s awesome. You’re married mix babies early on the show. Remember that? That’s awesome.

Unknown Speaker 52:40

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So how do you? How do you keep the love alive because they say sometimes a health condition can drive somebody away different businesses, there’s a lot of markers in there that could that could creep up on. So how do y’all keep the love alive and stay happy.

Unknown Speaker 52:53
Think very, very blessed that we we’ve got a really strong what I call fan love between us in our in my marriage. So very early on, we sort of you know, we we got that, that strength to our relationship before we loaded ourselves up too much. And then we had the massive health crisis. Because it’s put us under a lot of strain. And you know, I’ve pretty much transformed You know, my way of thinking and grown in a lot of ways as my husband has. And at times one starts to move in a slightly different direction. And then you need to recalibrate when that stress and strain placed on you, you feel a bit disconnected. So yeah, there’s been some real challenges in relationship. But we basically wanted to both really be here. And we, you know, and we that depth of love was there, thank goodness, because, you know, you know, there’s so much stress and emotion going on when you’re going through all these things. And my husband had to take over running the business on his own. And he wasn’t a health practitioner, he had to do that, as well as look after the house and the kid yourself. Because he and I were you need to be

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
at what am I, you know, I can’t do what I need to do as a wife or whatever is like that role was diminished as well, when you’re trying to like just recover.

Unknown Speaker 54:22
Oh, I think it’s nearly I mean, going through what I did, I, I constantly was, you know, also very aware that my husband was going through much, much worse things and make his he couldn’t help me, but I had to do the work for myself. And he wanted to, you know, save me and protect me and get me well, but he’s in this position where he’s just all he can do is look after everything, me and everything else as well as he can. So yeah, we’ve, we’ve grown a lot as a couple. But we’ve had to do. Yeah, a lot of personal development work. That’s been probably really fundamental for me, and learning a lot about emotions and how we hold on to things and how, how we act, everybody

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
should be going through that

Unknown Speaker 55:13
everyone should, it’s just essential for development for any human being. So he’s been the same. So probably more recently, he’s gone through more professional development sort of work. And it’s really, you know, the gap gets closed, but between you but through communication, patience, understanding that, you know, no matter what we’re all going to make mistakes and learn from them. And there’s no such thing as you know, carrying someone else through something each person has to carry themselves. But then you’ve got the loving support of that other person, which is amazing, giving you strength. So now it’s making sure we really value the time at home and value the time talking to the kids and setting some time aside for just us as a couple. And just, you know, really talking, it’s that’s probably, you know, one of the tougher areas, because it’s the most important thing in your world, your partner and the children, but at times with business, and you can put so much energy into that thinking that’s helping them but actually, when you put your energy into your partner and your children, first yourself and then your partner and children, then the other stuff starts to get more momentum and you actually make such better decisions in your business life.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Well, wrapping this up, what about any favorite books, blogs, podcasts, anything else that you think that the audience could benefit from? And it could be fun to read medical stuff to you? Hmm,

Unknown Speaker 56:48
one of the books that really it’s just a short book that I use as a little tool, which is really interesting. And I was shocked that I got so much from it and loved it was is what I know for sure by Oprah Winfrey. Oh, I know. It’s such an unusual book. But it really helped me at a time where I mean, being someone who had always been quite tough on myself and a high achiever. I you know, the basic was not really I was trying to please everybody else for so many years, and not having enough self assurance that I am enough. And you know, we know, it’s quite famous that Oprah has felt that way. And I was shocked that a lady one of my patients actually gifted me the book. And I read it and there was just so much truth in it, it wasn’t all blown up. And like we could see sometimes, you know, the TV, her TV show, it’s it’s got a lot of frills around it, it was just very, very open and honest of what can go on in someone’s sort of mind, and how she sort of overcome it. So that’s been just like one of my little ones that I go back to everything down again, and I just open a page, like, and whatever’s on that page will be will be relevant to what I’m going through at that time, or a little message I needed to help me inspire the day. So that’s been a really cool one

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
where you know, Oprah show used to be like, those trash shows. Yeah. Are you The daddy? You’re like, that’s what

Unknown Speaker 58:21
our show used to be. And then she turned it around to what it is today. Yeah. Which is phenomenal. I think she just got really real. And I think she interviewed so many people and thought, Well, I’m not really talking about real human stuff, which we know doesn’t get talked about enough, right? There’s so many similarities to the base of people’s fear and what’s holding them back. We just need to all be really honest about it. But we all

Unknown Speaker 58:48
have any other book I kind of cut you know,

Unknown Speaker 58:51
product like I’ma cuz health and well being is my absolute passion. I’ve done so many amazing courses. I’m doing so still, I’m just about to complete my integrated nutrition health coaching course with is there an American group? And yeah, the that has been phenomenal. They’ve brought together so many, you know, doctors and specialists and, and people into that course to give a more open perspective on health and well being. There is a lot of nutrition, but it’s not one nutritional theory. So I love that they’re able to more impartially give people general knowledge. And then they believe in bio individuality, which is getting that individual person to do what’s right for their body, which is a strong belief of mine, not just go on, you know, vegan, or paleo or, you know, different. Different people need different things. And we have to let them figure it out with the support.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Well, that’s what like what you said to earlier was, you can’t be a vegan on your kids. Yeah, kids need that variety. They need the meat and all that kind of stuff. And eventually they can become vegan. Yeah. But if that, you know, a baby, a baby vegan is not a good idea. Yeah, yeah. two year old. No, it’s not good idea. Yeah. And what is your website one more time? What? No information www dot

Unknown Speaker 1:00:17
Allied wellness.com.au that you Okay,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
well, this has been eye opening for me, hopefully inspiring for many people. And we all have our own burdens to bear and overcoming it and still can be successful in all kinds of areas of life. So Dr. Kristy, that was amazing. And I really appreciate your time.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:34
Oh, thank you so much for having me. It’s been a pleasure, like talking to you. I’m not, I’ve only done two podcasts ever before. So I always get a bit nervous. But it’s nice to talk to someone who’s really interested in health and wants, you know, has that zest for learning more, which is cool. So thank you for having me, no problem.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Another great interview has ended. As always, I say I hope you listened critically think and implement something so that your practice life family life can improve this week, one hit you up with a few links today, if you’d like to know the top episodes of 2018 and 2017, or you just go to.net slash top 1718. And you can get a PDF of all those episodes is like 22 of them. If you’re interested on any of the programs that I’ve actually been interviewed on, just go to net slash as heard on supply on as, as seen on you know, so as heard on, if you didn’t know, the needless acupuncture book sales page has been revamped. So it looks a lot better. You know, sometimes when you look at a web page, it doesn’t look like it’s put together will be like, Man, I’m not sure about this thing. But it’s been redone looks better. And also, if you have an Android device, and you’re curious about it, you can actually now download the same five protocols, blueprints, if you will, right there on your phone at the needless acupuncture app. And for less than $4, you can get the whole book on your phone from the Android Google Play Store. So here’s the check that out, the electric acupuncture pin is still available at a great rate, you can get it on its own or as a package, seeing it the book, The E pin, as well as the regular points. Now, some of the things that I’m recommending blueberry hosting, that’s who I use, I really like them a lot. I’m not gonna lie to you. Fiverr is where I get a lot of my music done my logos, I don’t know if you noticed on Facebook, I believe my picture is now a face with a bunch of words, I just saw that real quick, was cheap. Wanna try that for a while it’s fine. Turtle pillow is a travel pillow it actually like an HP minute. So you can rest your neck and your chin on that. So you don’t get like the chicken Bob, where you you know, you sleep and you wake up really fast. And you know, those those U shaped ones, I just don’t think they work very well. So for me, it’s worked really well. I’ve traveled about 10 different countries with it across the pond, as they say really highly recommend that if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, two options, you got hot grip. So that’s that’s hot grips, and also net slash edge, you can get tools there as well. But they also have way more than just tools they’ve god how to get to use Google Apps as your EMR blood flow restriction cuffs, there’s a lot of research on that device. And you can check that episode from the past, you can get an automatic 10% discount on all the products from the edge mobility equipment. One of the devices I use to to send out snippets of the podcast via picture and quotes from the text that I write on the show notes is missing letter, they just took all the last E and letter.com. Pretty much you know you can do a blast and two months, I don’t like five of emails or two months, I like to do nine emails over 12 months. So that person who was interviewed last month doesn’t just get lost, right? You know, so every day I have a new episode at a highlight and it’s all automated, really cool. Definitely check it out. If you need to record your screen like screen cast o Matic, also j lab audio speakers have said before I love them, it’s a great company. And now I get to actually be an affiliate for them. So if you end up buying into their products, it’s like I get a little piece probably have like three or four different products. I mean, they just the battery lasts longer sounds quality is amazing. Praise team webinar one. And of course, the show notes. Anytime you see a book link by it, it comes to me. And that net slash t shirts will help us out. And lastly, again, something I don’t talk about too much. But if you need coaching, whether it’s via the today’s choices, tomorrow’s health need some help with taking those small steps and accountability so that you can actually lose the weight or start exercising more or get your budget in order. Just let me know I can help with that. Also, if you just need some minor marketing coaching or things like that, I can help you out with that as well go to net slash support. And of course on there you can also buy the host a cup of coffee, or even more than that there’s different options available. So thanks for tuning in, and we’ll see you next week or on the Minnesota

Unknown Speaker 1:04:47
we just went hashtag behind the curtain.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:49
I hope you will

Unknown Speaker 1:04:50
listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media write a review. And if you go to the show notes page, you find

Unknown Speaker 1:04:59
all the right this

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
phase GIFs you’ve been listening to dr Justin trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).