Minisode 48 Philippine Virtual Assistants I cover prices per month, best hiring practices, what to…
What can a doctor use a virtual assistant services for: podcast editing, social media management, backend video posting, blog writing and more. Jess Ostroff Tyson of Don’t Panic Mgmt agency discusses how she hires and trains VA’s, and why stay in USA.
neighborly assistants who turn chaos into contentment, frustration into focus,
and panic into productivity. I love this tagline and we mention Donald Miller’s
Story Brand for a minute.
Pomodoro Time Management Method: do u really use it and does your staff have to as well?
A perk of working at her agency as 1099 compared to just by yourself is the training that she offers.
Launch a podcast, edit and post that podcast episode, edit blogs, content curation, bookkeeping, travel plans, scheduling yourself for meetings, research, event planning … How and why would a Doctor use a VA?
What Is content curation?
Maybe you are going to do videos, but you don’t want to do any of the editing, posting etc… Don’t Panic Mgmt can do that for you.
(episodes 68, 69, 70 are all about video creation and ideas on what to do with those videos)
I want to do an open house, can you make all the contacts scheduling and setting up vendors and the time lines?
We have 3 options with a Virtual Assistant: Fast, Cheap, Done Well: but you can only pick 2.
Webinars are all the rage? What is it you do to help me if I just want to talk and no time to promote and build the site
What should I look out for and what are better tasks that can be outsourced to another country?
She discusses her application and hiring process including sample tasks on the episode. It’s thorough and I think you could tweak it for your own office.
Can you ask for sample work or try out several different blog writers to see which fits your clinic style best?
What’s your biggest struggle… I read that you need to quit doing the tasks and just focus on biz cCEO type stuff. I also hear that the VA is some kind of robot computer AI?
How are you marketing your services that gets results?
How does Jess counteract turnover? How do you get continuity of services when your usually VA quits the agency?
How was she able to take 4 weeks off in a row and her business not collapse?
She has had to learn to put constraints on her work time, since she can work anywhere and anytime.
Boomerang on google email
Clockwork– Mike Michaelowicz , The One Thing
– Gary Keller, Story Brand
– Donald Miller, Panic Proof
– Jess Tyson, Trevor Noah
, Micelle Obama Her books site. Her VA business site.
Jess Tyson has a degree in marketing and international business and always wanted to make money and travel. Tune in to learn how she pivoted from corporate and nonprofit jobs to creating a successful virtual assistant company called Don’t Panic Mgmt.
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:05
Episode 116 hiring a virtual assistant manager. I’m your host, Dr. Justin trust Clara and today we’re just Ostroff Tyson’s perspective, joined 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Thanks for tuning in again. Today show as usual, I think it’s a good one. One thing that I’m curious about but don’t know much about was the virtual assistance, especially doing something in America versus using somebody overseas. So obviously talk about like, why you would use one versus the other. Her hiring process? You know, what happens if you have someone for a while and then they quit? Oh, man, now will you? Do? We talk about that? What would you use them for everything from podcast editing, to maybe creating an actual event for people to come to your office like an open house without about the Commodore a time management method, again, things that they can do is say for video production and distribution, especially if you’re like, I’m not doing all that virtual assistants can help. And congratulation is an order, she just got married. And now she’s pregnant. So congratulations on both of those. Look, if you didn’t know you can get the top 11 if you will, episodes of 2018 by visiting a doctor’s perspective, net slash top 2018. If you liked the top of 2017, which is more like 13 episodes because it has some ties, that’s top 10 of 2017. The numbers are actually numbers. And just wanted to highlight we have a doctor’s perspective net slash acupuncture series. It was a six week series we did last year and then holidays 17 that was a African American doctor series that we did in the Thanksgiving Christmas time of 2017. Those are just certain pages I’ve had reading it quick access to all them of course, we had a marketing series around 68 six 970 like a lot of video marketing type of stuff. Just wanted to bring those to your attention. PS we have got a podiatry series starting Episode 119 should last between four and six weeks locking down those last couple ones. Lastly, if you’re into instrument assisted mouth Paschal work, you can go slash edge or hot grips. Both of those will send you directly to where you need to go. As always all the affiliate products that I recommend r slash resources. All right, that’s enough clothes for one episode. All the notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 116. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain
live from China and Connecticut today. So topic we haven’t covered yet on the podcast was extremely important because we just can’t do it all and this company I love their little tagline proactive neighborly assistants who turned chaos in the contentment, frustration into focus and panic into productivity. We’ve got the CEO of don’t panic management, virtual assistants, just Ostroff Tyson. Thanks for being on the show.
Unknown 3:11
Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be here.
Justin Trosclair 3:14
Absolutely. Hey, did you do story brand with Donald Miller for that?
Unknown 3:18
No, that’s really funny. You say that, because we actually that’s a big initiative for us this year is to kind of update our messaging a little bit in our website and story brand was what was recommended to us to do that. So I’m glad you said because I know that I know we still have work to do. But we’re we’re trying to be unique. We’re trying to, you know, put a message out there that people understand but and that that was definitely something that was recommended. So we’re going to do it too. And maybe we’ll finish things and maybe we won’t
Justin Trosclair 3:50
go to the weekend seminar. Probably.
Unknown 3:53
I was just going to go through, you know, the book and the worksheets to start. But yeah, we might might do that. We have our our business coaches in Nashville. And I think he might be in Nashville. I’m not sure. Yeah, he is. Okay. Yeah. So I think that’s how they know each other. And they recommend each other and things like that. So it’s a small world. Definitely.
Justin Trosclair 4:13
Yeah. Anyway, we I’ll stop with the story. It’s something that I’m looking into this kind of funny, I was like, the way you had your website set up, because it’s very tongue in cheek the right way. But there’s some humorous and the way I’ll answer the questions and things like that. So I think that resonates with me, and not everybody likes thrash or but exactly, it gives you more personality, I like it. Big topics we want to talk about today. Why in the world? How in the world? Can a doctor use a virtual assistant? And then of course, why hire local versus the Philippines or Indonesia? You know, those types of questions. Sure, you’ve answered a million times. But for us, it’s kind of a new thing we got, you need to be social media, you need to do here and here and here. And then you also need to do this you like, well, I’m also a doctor. So what am I supposed to do? How much was to do all of that. But give us a little background first on, like how you got into this? And then we’ll just answer some of those questions. Sure.
Unknown 5:03
Sounds great. Yeah, so I, I have a degree in marketing and international business I joke about when people said, like, what are you going to do when you grow up, I always just wanted to make money and travel. I didn’t know how I was gonna do that. But I figured that, you know, I never really had like a big passion for anything like, you know, some people know that they’re going to be a doctor or know that they’re going to be a chef or a lawyer or anything like that. And I just, I didn’t really feel that way. I just knew I wanted to live a certain lifestyle. And that that feeling is what drove me toward starting my own business. You know, I did the the few years of working in corporate, you know, having a marketing job. I also worked in nonprofits, which I liked the nonprofit side of things, because I felt like I was actually helping people. But I also felt like there was so much red tape, it was really hard for me to get things done, you know, as always very productive and very proactive with work. But in the nonprofit field, I, I had to go through all these steps. And I just couldn’t understand it. And I got really frustrated. So I started looking into other things. And while while I was actually at my last, my very last job. I started freelancing as a virtual assistant on the side, mainly because one of my former bosses had gone out to start his own business and was asking for a virtual, so he just posted something on Twitter and said, Does anyone know, have a good virtual assistant and I was like, Well, I don’t know what that is, but I’m sure I could do it. And it was, you know, because he knew me already and trusted me. You know, he was in Arizona at the time I was in California at the time. And so it was a virtual, but we weren’t that far apart. You know, if we did need to meet each other, we could. And that was kind of a nice, a nice thing to build the trust in the relationship. And so I started doing that as a freelancer on the side of my, my sort of marketing corporate job, quote, unquote. And soon I realized that I was doing productive work, I had to be productive, because I only had a certain number of hours, it wasn’t like, you put your button the seat at 830, you know, and you get up at 12 for lunch, and then you get up at 530 when you know, it wasn’t so regimented. And for me, that system worked. And I could see that it would help me develop this lifestyle that I always wanted, were Okay, these are the tasks, this is what I have to get done. I’m just going to do them on my own time and then live my life. And so I got really excited about the prospect of doing more of this work. And luckily, this client that I had, you know, originally, I was only working with him for 10 hours a week. But he had plenty of other friends who are consultants, and marketers and authors and speakers and people like that, who are starting their own businesses and also needed this support. So this is 2009 2010.
Unknown 8:05
And in America, you know, the, we had the big crisis of 2008. And people were sort of rising from the ashes at this time. So I do think I do think the timing worked out for me, in terms of people having a need at that time and me being available to fulfill that need. But But I but I still had a job until I had enough hours, you know, freelance to quit my job, basically, I didn’t want to go crazy off the deep end too soon, I wanted to make sure that I could pay my bills and everything like that. So by a couple, it really only took me a few months, I think it might be three months or so for me to get enough work. And you know, I was very young, I didn’t have a lot of bills or debt, or, I mean, I had I had student loans. But other than that, I just, you know, I had a low rent, not everybody could probably do that. But you know, depending on their life stage, I wasn’t married, you know, all that kind of stuff. But I was grateful that I had the work ethic and I had the drive to build up enough client work and enough hours to to pay for the lifestyle that I wanted to live. And ultimately, that’s why I started doing it. Now, almost 10 years later, that sort of purpose of helping people has really grown because now my company not only helps the clients that we’re working with, but we also help other people that want to be virtual assistants. And these people are parents, they have hobbies, you know, are they are they maybe have their own nonprofits that they’re doing on the side. And I you know, I feel like my company is helping them live a life that they love. And so ultimately, that’s why I do this and why I think I’ve been successful because that purpose sort of draws the line beneath everything that I done to grow the business.
Justin Trosclair 9:58
This is what I’m just curious about. Because I have one thing I need to do. And I really got to get it done, I can just get it done. And I feel so productive is like wow is the best 30 minutes of my life. And then, but you have like a list of this guy needs 10 hours of work. And this I got six other clients. And now I work 40 hours a week, it’s hard to again, stay so focused, because these guys are probably like, Hey, I paid by the hour and it’s not like pennies. It’s a good night. And you get these deadlines you have to hit when you you have to just all of a sudden say okay, now I’m still working 10 hours a day, but it’s on my own terms. Right. Um, and I think I saw something on your blog about the promoter method,
Unknown 10:32
Commodore. Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 10:34
yeah, that is that something that everybody has to do in your company that some they just learned because I kind of actually do that myself. And I love it.
Unknown 10:41
So we don’t most of our team is also freelancers. So 1099 contractors, we so that means for us legally, at least in America and United States, we can’t force them to do work in a certain way or at a certain time, what we can do is say this is the project and this is the deadline. And that and and we do that on purpose. Because I have a problem with, you know, superiors, I like to do things on my own, I learned that, you know, after having jobs and being like, why is this boss telling me to do this a certain way I could do it a better way, you know, I’m always trying to find the most efficient way to get things done. And we sweet. So we look for people who take that initiative, and they say to us, I know how I best work, maybe it’s in the middle of the night on my porch with you know, a cup of tea, or maybe it’s you know, early in the morning, at my desk, you know, we don’t care how or when they work as long as they get the work done. What we do do though, and this is the benefit of it, of my company, being an agency, as opposed to freelancers out there by themselves, is we provide those kinds of resources. So we say, you know, if you haven’t found a good productivity technique, try the Pompadour all method, try working 25 minutes, take us five minute break, you know, do that four times and then take a longer break. We provide those kind of resources, we don’t require it. Okay. And that’s something to that just in general, you know, because I have a marketing background, I guess, you know, I’ve always done, I’ve always been blogging, I’ve always been speaking and writing. And it’s sort of an inbound marketing technique that we just do, because I think it’s important, not only for search, you know, SEO, but for building our thought leadership as a company. And for our clients, I think they like to see that they like to see that, that we’re that we are providing those resources to our team because they don’t want to feel like Well, I’m just hiring this one person who only has the skills are actually they’re hiring our whole team, because we all collaborate. Right? We all work together. Who is Who are these people? Right?
Justin Trosclair 12:47
Yeah, that’s great. So that was the sidebar just was curious. Yeah. Alright, let’s jump into it though. We’re doctors were chiropractors, physical therapy, I doctors podiatry, you got the pre memo. And then I’ve got a list of things you can do. podcasting, editing, blogs, content curation, figure out what that actually means. bookkeeping, travel plans, scheduling yourself for meetings, research, event planning, Good gracious, that’s a lot of different things that you can do. I already have, like some ideas, if you don’t cover them for like doctors, but what would you think that we would need to hire your company for?
Unknown 13:20
Well, we do have a few clients who are in the medical field, and you know, different parts of things, we, and it really does vary. Because some doctors and medical professionals we find they really like to do a certain aspect of it, like maybe it’s the report writing, they really like to do that, but don’t like doing the scheduling, or they don’t like gathering information, you know, that would be the research part. So I like making the pictures. Yeah, yeah, anything, so So what we try to do is talk to talk to the client talk through what they truly love to do, why, you know, kind of get to the root of where their passion and purpose lies. And then we help them delegate or automate all the other things, because we believe that you should only be doing what you’re uniquely qualified to do. Now, of course, for the doctor, it’s pretty clear, you know, you have your, your your degree in a certain field. And obviously, you know, like you were saying before, that’s, that’s maybe the bulk of your work. But then there’s all these other things that you have to do to run the business side of it. And we’re saying, you don’t have to do any of that, theoretically. But maybe there are things that you enjoy doing that you don’t want to give up. And that’s fine, too, we want to keep you doing the things that you love and the things that you’re uniquely qualified to do, and getting rid of everything else. So that could be you know, a lot of things like a lot of our more, you know, physical therapy type therapists, doctors like to like the interaction with the patients, they like to be with them and talking to them, they don’t want to do the administrative side of that, you know, the paperwork and the scheduling and that so that’s, that’s what we do a lot of times for them. But then on the other side, if there are, if they’re working on their thought leadership, and they want blog content, for example, or they have a podcast, and they would need help producing that we can take, you know, some of the technical side of those things off their plate, a lot of not just doctors, all kinds of people want to have a podcast, for example, and have no idea how it all works. They’re like, I know, it shows up in my iTunes, but I don’t know what that is. And so, you know, we can do the whole process of setting it up, producing each episode writing show notes about the episodes, and publishing them. So that all you have to do really is be the talent. And, you know, we try to think about it like, you should be doing the high ticket items, the things that bring in the most money, and then delegate the rest, you know, the admin, the bookkeeping, you know, sending invoices, I don’t know how many doctors send their own invoices, maybe they already have accountants and bookkeepers that do that. But right, you know, that sort of behind the scenes work that the the client or the customer may never notice, or see, you know, you can still be the face of the business and you’re still the doctor. But getting the the work done, that is important to make the business run, but it doesn’t need to be done by you.
Justin Trosclair 16:23
And one of these days, they’re all talking about, you know, you really need to be doing video. And then you need to optimize it for Facebook. And you also should post it on YouTube and Vimeo, and all these other places. So if you’re like, Yeah, I love the video part. And I’m willing to do a video uploaded to pee cloud or drop by, and then you go Yeah, and put the bars, the graphs, the uploading the SEO, yep, you can do all that other stuff. And then all I gotta do is and then you can post it on social media for me. And literally, I’m just on to the next day, the next day. Yes. And repeat, right?
Unknown 16:50
Because we can’t be the person on the screen. Right? You’re the expert, you’re the one that’s talking about your you know, your take on on a certain topic, but we Yeah, we can do the video as and basically anything that happens, after the videos recorded, we can do post production, we can order transcripts, you know, if you want to have it, as you know, have subtitles on the video, you know, like you said social media content posting on different sites, posting it to your website, all that technical stuff? And then yeah, because we found a lot of a lot of what holds people back from creating that content is that, you know, it’s like they have something to say, but they’re worried will Okay, I shot a video now I have no idea what the heck to do with this. So we can kind of take that part away from your brain worrying about it and just get it done for you.
Justin Trosclair 17:40
For instance, I have this podcast that we’re recording live right now. And I do a lot I’ll do all this stuff that you’re talking about. Not a I enjoy it and be I have the time. So boom, but there’s gonna be a point where I’m like, okay, I just need to actually form this own. And my dad and my parents actually here in China with me for another couple of days. And he was like, are you working on that podcast? He’s like, Yeah, he’s like, let me see what you’re doing. I’m like, okay, certainly is not yet at it. And this is the this and then there’s the picture. And then here’s how you do the picture. And then I gotta click on the button on the website, and the right at them show notes. And then like a, then he’s like, Yeah, okay. Alright. Cool. Like,
Unknown 18:12
if I had to go through that much. Yeah, I wouldn’t do it. Yeah, that’s something called a lot of like, I don’t have time under warranty. Right, right.
Unknown 18:20
That’s true. That’s true. We don’t, we don’t want we want, like I said, I mean, this goes back to sort of my purpose, like, I want all of my clients who feel comfortable putting themselves out there and becoming leaders in their industries. And it shouldn’t be the admin and the technical and the marketing side that holds them back. If anything, you know, it should be that they don’t have anything to say in which case, they shouldn’t be doing it anyway. But if you have something to say, you should do it. And you shouldn’t let those other things
Justin Trosclair 18:50
get in your way. All right, here’s my idea. We want to have an open house, maybe you’ve been in business for the first year grand opening, you’ve been in this for 10 years, want to plan an event? My staff is like, I’m not doing it again. Because last year, you almost almost quit. It was just horrible. Yeah. Like I just I just can’t do it again. Can you guys do a to z finding vendors, getting people to do discounts and printing up flyers, even from where you’re at? To where we are? Look? Yeah,
Unknown 19:18
definitely. I mean, the only we’ve done everything from A to Z, we’ve also come to clients events, you know, if they, if they want, if they want someone to be sort of the name checker offer, or you know, gathering people’s info or welcoming people, usually, you know, that’s something it takes, it definitely takes a certain kind of person, a lot of our systems we find are more introverted and like to be behind the scenes, but we definitely have tons of people who liked to like to be chatting, you know, with with people all the time. So we you know, from my perspective, I definitely would assign somebody in that case, who is more extroverted, you know, wants to be out there. But a lot of we do find a lot of our our assistants come to us from a marketing and PR background. So they have really strong communication skills, they have negotiation skills, they have some sales skills, and they can do that kind of stuff. The biggest thing that we need to understand from you is things like, what is your vision? What is your goal from this event? What kind of vibe are you looking for? What’s your budget? Of course, you know, what, how many? How much money can we spend on on booze or appetizers or whatever it’s going to be those kinds of things we need to be really clear on, of course, we understand that they can change. But the other thing that assistants are really good at is creating timelines, and managing projects. And you know, sometimes people don’t realize how much goes into planning an event, even if it’s just a smaller open house or something. So we we create timelines and make sure that it’s not too stressful. I’ve definitely been in situations where I’ve been brought in almost too late, you know, like, the the client is like, Oh, my gosh, I can’t get this done. I’m panicking is this event is coming right up? And that and I’m just like, Oh, my gosh, oh, well, if you just, if you just worked on this a few months earlier, you wouldn’t be feeling this way. I mean, events are always stressful at when they’re happening, but they don’t have to be that stressful. So bringing somebody in to help from the beginning, you know, months, if not a year in advance can really help smooth that out. And and coming up with backup plans, you know, what if what if a vendor can’t show up? Or you know, sponsor can’t show up rain? Yeah.
Unknown 21:35
That’s what I just got married last summer and my wedding, I had a day of wedding coordinator. And she was just like, okay, we have, you know, this is the plan if it stops raining for a little bit, if this is a plan, if it stays right, you know, she had all these, all these different contingents for the rain, you know, and that’s what you have to be thinking about. If you’re planning stuff, you have to have Plan B, and Plan C, and you have to be ready to to act on those.
Justin Trosclair 22:02
If someone was looking to do an event, like, Look, I can do a lot of this stuff. But I need a timeline. I need someone who’s done this before. Is that like a project that y’all could do? Or possibly use a Hey, I want all these people called, and I don’t have anybody else to do it, I guess you could hire some from someone from high school to make a bunch of calls. That’s kind of menial, just like, but you can kind of piecemeal what you need from you guys, especially if you’re like I said, I have a vision. These are the things that need to get done. This is meant to be a new patient generator. And new that’s our goal. We want to sign up new people. And then this is the part that we’re not sure about, we just call a verte, you know your company, and they can talk you through like, Okay, this is what we’ve done in the past for other people. And it’s really worked well for your issue.
Unknown 22:41
Yeah, I mean, every we haven’t done a specific specifically, for my experience, I haven’t done an event, specifically for like an open house. For a chiropractor. I’ve never done that, right. But I’ve done lots of other events for lots of other industries, you know, big and small. And for the process, the process is pretty much the same. Yeah, it’s just a different vendors, different things to consider different, you know, different budgets and things like that. But But setting up the timeline, it’s just so important and just having if you’re not going to be the one to hold people accountable, but you may not want to be because you’re busy thinking about everything, having that assistant be the lead on on the project management side and, and make sure that assistant feels empowered to say to somebody, you know, hey, we need this done. You’re late, like, what, what can we do to get this done? And having everybody involved know that, okay, when Jeff says that you got to do something, you got to do something like don’t wait for me, to to nag you about it just as a project manager, she’s the one that’s making sure this gets done. Ultimately, it’s on her if it doesn’t. So, you know, communicating what the hierarchy is, in those events is, is really important.
Justin Trosclair 23:59
So somebody might say there’s these companies that are, you know, not Fiverr, but there’s big names like that. We won’t mention them here.
Why would we stay in house? I mean, in United States versus make your prices are transparent, which I love. There’s not like guessing, per se, Vietnam, Indonesia? Well, like just a couple hundred bucks for him. Right. Right. Why why not just use it?
Unknown 24:23
Yeah, I mean, I think it depends on what you need, you know, if you need stuff that’s really turnkey, and you’re not that concerned about privacy, or about the money, you know, because those, I mean, I’ve heard this not just for Filipino and independent, you know, I’ve heard this about assistance all over the world. So it’s not specific International, that they, they can disappear sometimes. So you might spend money, you know, you might pay up front and then never hear from them. Again, that’s a risk that you take, you know, whether you are hiring local or not, but it’s a little bit less of a risk if the person is closer to you. Or if you’re using an agency like for me, that couldn’t happen, because I’m, I’m watching everybody. And if someone disappeared, I’d have another person to step in. And so you know, so that’s the type of work that you’re looking for and, and how much you’re worried about the money disappearing, I think are things to consider grammar, grammar,
Unknown 25:20
right, you’re writing stuff there he was isn’t quite on Paul,
Unknown 25:22
as they’re just doing like number crunching or, you know, doing data entry, or things that maybe your clients are never going to see. Yeah, like, I wouldn’t personally use somebody where English wasn’t their first language if they were communicating with clients, because I would, because communication is so important to me. But that might not be important to you. So I always say, there are three things that you should be looking for when you’re hiring somebody, the quality, you know, the timeliness, how fast or how slow, they get things done, and the price, but usually, you can only pick two. So you know, you can say you want it fast, and you and you want it done, well, well, then it’s going to cost a little more money. If you want it then cheap and you want it done well, then, you know, you might not get it as quickly, you might have to be flexible with your timing, you just have to consider what the most important things are to you. And then, you know, higher accordingly, I don’t I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hiring overseas. It’s just, you know, another thing to consider. And you might have to be a little more hands on.
Justin Trosclair 26:32
The timely part is important. He said the price, you can justify price. You gotta win on something else. So we all know that race race to the bottom. So I agree with what you’re saying there is is more than just price the quality of the work. Is it insulting for a new clients that hey, can I see some past work? So I can see like what I can get from
Unknown 26:51
No, I we have I mean, it’s hard to it’s hard to present. Like, if you’re asking someone to do admin work, it’s hard to give an example of that. But, but things like writing, video editing podcast production, we get asked that all I would like for you to do with five,
Justin Trosclair 27:07
top five of the top five headache cure, right, that doesn’t require pills, like yeah, you might be able to have to find some research for that. You’d have to figure all that right it up. So if someone ever asked for something like that, he was like, well, we didn’t do that. But we did five exercises to cure back.
Unknown 27:22
There was less. Right, right. Yeah, we do that all the time, especially with writing. One thing that we do actually is will say, you know, if you don’t know, if you’re not sure, and let’s say we have three writers who have availability, we might do a test where they either are given three different topics, or they’re all given one topic. And then the client can look at the test project and decide which right or they want to go with, they will it’ll be a blind test, so they won’t know new writer is. But that way, because everyone, you know, everyone has a different tone of voice. And everyone has a different way to like structuring things so so that’s always an option. Usually, we we don’t do that for free, you know, you pay for the the test project, you pay, like sure some kind of fee for, for the blog post, but but a lot of times you can use them. That’s why I say you know, maybe try to do three different topics, because then all of a sudden, you have three blogs done, you know from three different you paid for it, it might have to edit them a little bit, you know, if there are two that you don’t like as much as the other one. But not only do you have three blog posts done, but then you’ve you’ve got a writer that you like, so it’s it’s definitely it’s a win win for everyone I think to to ask for tests are asked for examples, just know that you might have to pay for a test project. We do that to all of our assistants before they come on board, we do a couple rounds of interviews, you know, we have a really long applications. And so if they don’t get through the application, we know they’re not serious, you know, we did that on purpose. And then they have to do a test project for us. And the test project that they do depends on what they’re applying for. So if they want to be a writer, we do a writing project them, if they want to be a Podcast Producer, we have a podcast production test, if they want to be an admin person, they have to put together an itinerary and do some research for us. And we pay for those, you know, we tell them it’s a flat fee. This is how much you get the test project, just do one week from today and go for us and hopefully do a great job. And, you know, we have a rubric for grading the test projects, you know, includes things like did they get it done on time? Do they ask questions where they clear where they thorough? Does it have any typos, you know, all those kinds of things, it’s a scale of zero to three for each thing. And then, and then we divide the total by the number of questions and the rubric. And obviously, so three out of three would be a perfect score. Most people are most people we have, they have to get at least a 2.5 to pass. That’s pretty good. And if we’re not wowed by, you know, if they got if they did a really good job on one thing, but really bombed the other thing, then we’ll talk to them and say, you know, we think you can do admin, but we don’t think you can do social media, for example, or we think you can do podcasting, but we don’t think you can do admin. So it’s really interesting, actually, we’re going through this right now, because we’ve been growing so much. We’re doing a lot of interviews, and a lot of test projects. And people can have these great resumes and these great interview skills, and then when it comes to actually doing the work, that it’s really disappointing, they can’t do what they say they can do. So I think especially if you’re working with a freelancer who is not part of an agency, you know, it’s just somebody that you found, test them or at least asked for past work products and, and referrals or, you know, recommendations, because you just never know, people can say a lot of things and not necessarily be honest about what they can do.
Justin Trosclair 30:47
I can tell you, I went through fiber a few times. And actually I really liked the service, they do a good job for just like basic, some some internet guy, I was like, hey, I need you to build me this, like sales page. And I had it laid out like a wall frame and the Word says like, literally I just need you to build it in look pretty. And it was a delay after delay. And I ended up just being like, I’m not gonna I just I need you to just quit I need you do in this project, because you suck. You’re not delivering and it always breaks. Yeah. And he apologized. And I had a warrant, like what you said tested on one of the sales letter to try to get one was guests are like sponsorships. As I don’t, I don’t know what I’m doing. So I told him what I needed. Here’s some stats, there’s some stuff I gave him to three different people pay three different people to do it. One of them was like you’re the winner. And the other tools like I see where they’re coming. Yeah. And I think they probably executed and maybe how I wanted it, but like it just didn’t fit and yeah,
Unknown 31:39
yeah. And that.
Justin Trosclair 31:40
So I was like I can’t really use I took like a paragraph and kind of did a little bit. And I kind of converted, like you’re saying like, that’s good that you’re actually doing that. And guess, you know, my guess but potential clients can at least pay to see you maybe like Jill veterans. Right.
Unknown 31:54
Right. And I think that’s perfectly fair. And, and, you know, we tell our systems and I tell clients, we’re not going to take the fence, there are plenty other fish in the sea, you know, our, our our biggest priority when it comes to matching clients with assistance is that match making a really good match. And not everybody’s going to be a match rival. And you know, just like we were talking about earlier with our website, copy, I want that to turn some people on and turn some people off. Because I want the right person to come and work with me I don’t want if someone thinks that that’s like a weird phrase, or doesn’t think it’s funny, yeah, to, to sear it like then there, then you’re not a right fit for us. And there are other people that you can hire to be a virtual assistant, you know, we’re not the only company out there. So it’s important, you know, as people are thinking about whether or not they’re going to hire somebody, it’s important for, for them to be strict with themselves to like, what do I value in an assistant, what do I really want, and again, you can come back to the fast, cheap, quality thing, but you can also come to their personality and their communication style. And you can pick you know, they’re, they’re probably hundreds of thousands of virtual assistants in the world. So it’s not like, it’s not like it’s hard to find somebody but but it is hard to find somebody who’s right for you. So spending the time putting spending the time and energy on it is worth it.
Justin Trosclair 33:16
And there’s a certain level that a doctor wants their videos or their blog posts to be at, they still be funny, they can still be they got but you can’t just have a poor, poor article, you might have poor treatment, or you may not have done really well in school, or whatever. And so you just you got to be polished a little Yeah.
Unknown 33:34
And yeah, and like we said before, you don’t know if somebody is going to be polished until you try. Or if you see that pass their past work.
Justin Trosclair 33:40
I guess two questions here. Switching gears a little bit. I’m curious on your side of the business, you’re doing a podcast, obviously, that’s marketing. What’s another thing that you’ve noticed that’s working in your business to capture new clients,
Unknown 33:51
the thing
Unknown 33:52
that people are seemingly most afraid of, in when they hear it a virtual assistant is that it’s like a robot. So if I can be out there, you know, speaking, going to networking events, being on podcast, when they see me and hear my voice, I think that puts a real person behind it. And I say Oh, it’s not, it’s not Siri, you know, it’s not Alexa, it’s a human being. And, and this is somebody that if I get to know them, or I test them, or I get referrals, or whatever, it’s someone I can trust, the biggest hurdle that we see with our clients is that they’ve been doing everything themselves for so long, it’s really hard to let go, it’s like more of a psychological thing. So that’s why that sort of in person kind of, or at least like video and audio can is has really been helpful for me. And the other things are, you know, writing for other people’s blogs, that’s that’s kind of secondary. I mean, those work well, because people see your name. And if they don’t like to watch video services, yeah, yeah. Yeah, definitely evergreen, we need
Justin Trosclair 35:03
a new word for that.
Unknown 35:06
Yeah, that’s true. But for me, you know that because people are so nervous about the virtual aspect of it being out there and showing people like, hey, and not just me, but I try to encourage my team to do stuff to write for our blog, but also, they want to write for other people’s blogs, or they want to go to local events and talk about what they do. I mean, we were lucky that we get so many people from our team bringing in other assistance, that means that they’ve been talking about it, and they are even clients too. And we provide referral fees, you know, if you bring in an assistant to us, we give you 10% of their of their retainer fee and fast because we we want good people stick together, right? So yeah, we want people who are going to bring in other good people. And you know, if we can all work together, that’s great.
Justin Trosclair 35:57
Okay, it seems like in your field, the term every because we’re already freelancers, I’ve got a client list. I’ve been doing this a while I’ve been freelancing on top of your freelancing, you know, work with you, but I’ve been freelancing on the side and like, it seems like turnover could be killer in your profession. So maybe it is maybe it isn’t, but if it is, and if it’s not a great, how do you combat that situation?
Unknown 36:19
Yeah. For us, I think we’ve, we’ve thought about that a lot. And we’ve prioritized creating a culture and creating an environment that people want to stay. That doesn’t mean that people don’t leave, they certainly do. But I think it’s also making the matches. So So when somebody starts working with us, and so once an assistant starts working with us, it’s my job, and my colleague, Jen’s job for to find clients for them, that they’re going to love. because our goal is to not be in the day to day with them forever, we help them get set up, we work with them for three months, usually, but then they kind of go off and it’s just them in the client. And if they need us, they need support. And recently, sources, they can, you know, we’re always there for them, but we want them to feel comfortable with their clients. So we try to make those really good matches, and we try to pick clients that, you know, we’re very particular about what assistance we bring in and what clients we bring in. Because, you know, like we talked about before, that’s, that’s the match. And that’s the people that we want to work with. We want to be happy, you know, it’s work. It’s definitely work at the end of the day, but we want to be happy with the work that we’re doing. So I think that really helps when people are doing work that they like for people that they like, they’re less likely to leave work. Yeah. Or at least if it is a situation and like, yeah, yeah, and they’re getting paid. And you know, they’re able to live the, you know, the independent life that they love. That’s what it’s about. So, you know, we’ve had people working with us both clients and assistance for 34567 years, sometimes their situations change, I can think of one off the top of my head that I am very sad that she’s always been an actor and a director. And when she started with us, she was kind of new. But now her acting has really taken off. And, and so she’s cut back on her work that she said, she still works with us, but in a lower capacity. And it’s like, I can’t be upset about I’m upset because I miss her, she’s really good. But I’m so happy for her that her passion, you know, has come to fruition and she’s able to make her living doing what she always wanted to do. So that does happen. But But what we focus on is creating recipes, you know, making sure that there’s written process documents that anybody could follow, if and when the assistant leaves for whatever reason, if it’s just a family emergency, and they’re out for a few days, or they’re out or they have a baby, and they’re out for a few months. Or if they leave all together, we want to make sure that we have the things in place, so that it’s not going to feel like reinventing the wheel, if we have to assign another assistant. And I talked to clients about that, even on the very first call, I tell them like this is something that we include these, you know, these process documents because it or if you want to live, if you’re the client, and you’re like, I don’t want to work with you anymore, you can have those process documents, and you can give them to a new assistant, we want it to be easy and seamless for you. It’s just another way that we try to make it, you know, less scary for our clients and for our team is having those those documentation items and making sure that everyone understands the client preferences to like will, will will create a document that that the client can see. But it’s things like sends a lot of emails in the morning, you know, works pretty standard nine to five, or always works on the weekends, or you know, just little things like that those kind of preferences are, are important to us and understanding how best to work with our clients. But it’s also important, again, if we ever have to assign a new assistant or if a client wants to go off and find somebody else. So those are ways that you keep Yeah, I try to keep people.
Justin Trosclair 39:59
Here’s what I’ve pulled from what you’re saying, because I’m listening to you. And I’m like, Okay, how does this work for the doctor because they made it this far in the interview. This is like whatever. This is the whole interview. You need to have a procedure a checklist, you try it, you throw away the trash, you vacuum, you make sure that the magazines are correctly when you do insurance is a B and C and D. And if you don’t have these when all Susie leaves, oh my goodness. Now you don’t know what to do. You haven’t been doing bill for the last two years. And then that’s no good already hold you hostage and like any $20 an hour you like, No, I can’t do that. And then also I heard, you know, if you’re hiring doctors, sometimes you’re like, I need you to take a couple of different seminars, and you’re training them and you’re investing in them. Six months, like cool. This is great. I got some free training, and I’m done with you. My contract ended up Yeah. And that’s horrible to Yeah, so I think if we listen to what you said, rewind a little bit with that kind of mindset. It’s like okay, I know what she’s talking about. I’m not doing it or his I can do it better. Yeah. or potentially give you guys a call them like, Hey, this is what I’m trying to figure out how to help it. Yeah,
Unknown 40:58
I mean, think of it, it’s stuff investment, but think of it as, especially with things like trainings. And you know, if there are things that you need to teach to somebody, make it repeatable, you know, do the work of, you know, record a video of yourself going through the process, but don’t just think of it as you’re giving it to your assistant, you’re giving your potentially giving it to every future assistant. So you have to do the work once but then hopefully you don’t have to do it again, if you got a new assist. Yeah, so it’s not so it’s not a wasted effort, even if the person leaves. So if you think of it that way as the investment in your time, of course, but also in the future hours that you’ll save, when you have to give this work to somebody else, then it’ll be worthwhile and you don’t need to get upset about it.
Justin Trosclair 41:48
Because I tell you what I was going to sell in my clinic as keeping it a secret for a long time. But you’re not supposed to tell your staff because they might get nervous. Uh huh. So vicious. She figured it out like Google type something that popped up, and you’re like, Hey, can I have a conversation with you? I was like, sure. She’s like, hey, this was going I was like, Oh, no, she found out Yeah, but it was actually great. Because she’s like, hey, Justin, we need to definitely set this up. Because like, if I leave, if you leave whenever you’re leaving, you need to know how to do this. And so I think that was one of the catalyst because it took a while to sell the clinic. So it was great, because I still use the one on my own. Open up my own a couple years later, like, Oh, yeah, I still like this program. And now I know how to do it again. It’s like, Oh, thank goodness, I didn’t have the color. Yeah, that’s great. Save it back it up five different ways. I know we only have the time left in the interview. I love to do a little bit of personal saw your business. You just got married a year ago. Congratulations. Yeah, two things. First one is you got this big company now how are you able to take vacation?
Unknown 42:47
Oh, my gosh, that’s funny. I have this book right here. It’s called clockwork, a lot of my clients have been reading it. And they recommended. In fact, Donald Miller, story brand guy has a testimonial on the back. This is back again, he’s back again. And I wrote a book last year about called panic proof. And it has some similar ideas in it. The the tagline of this book is called design your business to run itself. I haven’t quite done that. But actually the wedding last year was a good impetus for me to put systems into place. And and make sure my team felt comfortable implementing those without me. There are there’s a difference between deciding and delegating. So you might decide that you want somebody to do something for you. And you might tell them that you want them to do that for you. But true delegation is giving them to the power to own that. So yeah, they may not do it the same way you do it, they may not do it as well as you at first. But if your conditioning them to always be asking you for feedback, and always be asking you questions, you’re not really delegating, you’re deciding but then you’re spending all your time managing them. And that’s kind of where I was wondering kind of a control freak. And I like things done a certain way. But I realized that’s not sustainable. And I was making myself crazy. So I’ll text messages. And yeah, and late at night and on the weekends and on all the times that I was trying to relax. So I’ve definitely put a lot of boundaries on my schedule, I’ve had to just use, I actually use tools now because I do still do work on the weekends. And I do work at night. But I use like Boomerang, for example for Gmail, where you can schedule the email for the next day. So even if I’m sending the email on Saturday, it’s not going to land in their inbox until Monday. So that teaches my clients that I’m not technically you know, they think I’m not working on the weekend, even if I am. So I’ve used tools like that to sort of set expectations around my time for my clients and my assistance. That’s been really great. Because I just have this feeling like if somebody needs to be I have to be available for the you know, and it’s like, No, you don’t, you can live your life. So that kind of stuff has helped, you know, being away, I was out for three, three or four weeks for my wedding and my honeymoon. So I just, you know, I said you guys got figure it out, you guys got to do this. And it was, it was a lot of work up front. And this book actually gives you a process to follow. So that you can take a month off, you can take a full four weeks off, that’s the goal, by the end of this book, you should be able to take a full four weeks off of your business, and have it still run without you. I’ve never really done that. I mean, even on my honeymoon, I was checking email, it was more peace of mind for me. I wasn’t responding. But I was just kind of like getting things out of my inbox is I didn’t want to come back to a full a full plate. One of the things I was reading about actually, I think it was last year I read about it in Germany, when you take a vacation, a certain company in Germany, I don’t know if it’s like a policy or what, but they delete. So when you come back like a Monday or whatever, all the emails from when you are gone get deleted. So you can come back to an empty, empty will because they don’t want you to feel stressed out, right. And so they feel like, well, if somebody needs you, they’re going to email you when you get back. Instead of like, you know, leaving things in your inbox while you’re gone and feeling like you have double work, because that’s why a lot of Americans don’t take vacation, because they feel like they can’t, they can’t take the time off and then not have to do the work. But if you create systems, and if you’re designing processes, where somebody else can take them and run with them, then you should be able to I mean, I’m not trying to take vacations all the time, but I am trying to do a four day workweek. So what’s going to happen on Friday or Monday, like Can people handle this stuff without me, we’re we’re getting close. I mean, I’m almost there with my business. I think what I bring to the table now is more in the way of, you know, spiritual guidance. And like because I’m not so day to day in the in the work anymore. But you know, making those matches, making big impact business decisions, deciding when we’re going to invest in creating new products and services for our clients, those kind of things, I don’t need to be there every day to do. And one day, I hope you know that my team feels confident and comfortable enough to say, Well, what would just do you know, for stock, what would just do in this situation, and if I’m not there and be able to still make a good decision without me because we all bring something unique to the table, right? And we feel like we were important and that that our business needs us. But maybe they don’t all the time, and you don’t need to let your ego get in the way of that, you know, you can take some time off and things will be fine. And for me, you know, my my team, I think last year actually was around this time I took a vacation like a truly unplugged vacation for the first time because I was kind of testing it, to see if it would work. And I literally gave my team my husband’s phone number if they needed me because I was like, I’m not going to I’m gonna do this, I’m not going to check my phone, I’m going to lock it up in the safe in the hotel room. And they were like, yes, this is great, because they wanted me to do it. You know, they they say that, if I’m tired, or if I’m overwhelmed, I don’t function as as well as a leader. And that’s, you know, that’s what you have to think about two is, is what am i sacrificing by being available all the time, you can’t just plow ahead forever, you do need time to rest and recover. And so I tried it and it was it. Actually it was only four days. But it went really well. And I was really impressed with my team and I that that helped me build confidence that I could take more time off next time.
Justin Trosclair 48:40
That’s perfect. You know, we have guests, I can’t remember it was the doctor, the woman dr series or the psychology series. But multiple guests have said, when I take a week off, I could still they just they just like I give myself permission to check emails or whatever for like 30 minutes a day. Yes.
And then I don’t feel I do that stress that
but hope so I was like, that’s a really cool little trick. And then what you’re talking about, I love it. So that’s, that’s fantastic. Okay, hopefully newlyweds can have a different view than someone who’s been married for 20 years. So how are you able to keep the love alive with people that work and just all the day to day stuff that happens in life?
Unknown 49:17
Oh, that’s an interesting quite well, I’m pregnant now. So that’s really fun. Yeah, a lot to look forward to. I think you know, how growing another human has been really a humbling experience. And yeah, it’s just been, it’s been really interesting, because I’ve never saw especially like, in the first trimester, I felt terrible. And I, I felt, you know, I’m very active, like I work out almost every day, I work really hard. The first trimester, I could barely do anything. So
Unknown 49:49
there’s the toilet. I know. And I felt I was like, kind of beating myself up, you know, and but I just kept have kept reminding myself, like you’re growing a human, you’re at least doing something you know. And that’s been, that’s been a great feeling of just you know, every day, even if I even if I don’t finish my to do list I am I’m growing human, and I’m eating healthy, and I’m doing the things I need to do to make sure that my baby is is safe and healthy. And so I think, you know, just that experience for our marriage has been really fun and great, too, because we’re like, talking about it all the time where, you know, thinking about what the next part of our life is going to be. But that’s but in general, you know, that’s something actually being with my husband has helped me separate my work from my life, because I would work all the time when I was single, Oh, my gosh, I would work till midnight sometimes. And then, you know, maybe, why not? Yeah, nothing else to do. And he’s been like, you know, can you not check your phone while we’re at dinner? Can you not take client calls while we’re on vacation? You know, he’s kind of helped me put boundaries around my time. He’s a teacher. So usually,
Unknown 51:01
when he gets home, or when he’s on vacation, he’s done. Like he he doesn’t have to be checking in all the time. I mean, I will say congratulations to you. Yeah.
Unknown 51:09
Yeah. Like,
Unknown 51:11
with the, with all the technology, now, they they do seem to be working more than they used to all the teachers, because the parents will email them and call them, you know, that didn’t used to happen. Even just in the seven or eight years that I’ve been with my husband, he hasn’t had that level of needing to be checking that he does now. So I don’t, I don’t necessarily think that’s a good thing. But
Justin Trosclair 51:36
that’s another story. But he’s, your kid should have translated what needed to be done that,
Unknown 51:40
yeah, we call it Right, right, or, you know, save it for the meeting time, you know, that we’ve scheduled for Friday. So, so that’s been, that’s been really great. I think just having somebody hold you accountable, whether it’s a partner or a coach, or a colleague, you know, helping you be my mindful of your time be intentional with your time, I think the problem that I face as a business owner is I’m like, I can work whenever and wherever. And so I do, and that’s not good, you need to have, you need to have constraints on your time, because otherwise, you’ll just get lost in projects that aren’t that important. And you’ll say, Oh, I can do it later. Or, you know, if you don’t have deadlines, or you don’t have anybody else, putting demands on your time, then you’re just kind of lost. So, so saying, you know, now I try to get up and do things, or I was always a night owl. And my husband’s like the opposite. So I try to get things done earlier and be done earlier, because he gets when he gets home at four be no, between four and five, I want to be done so that I can spend my evenings with him. And we’ve really had to say and commit to like, no screens for the first couple hours will you know, maybe watch a show or something later, but you know, saving 20 minutes of our day to just talk to each other and check in with each other. That’s kind of I mean, to answer your question that that kind of like that’s the nugget the pool, we don’t want to make it seem like a tour. Yeah, we, you know, I was like when he first said, Oh, we should talk like for 15 or 20 minutes. And it was like, I don’t want another to do item on my list. Like, are
Unknown 53:20
you kidding me.
Unknown 53:22
But if we just say, you know, we’re going to cook together, we love to cook together, you know, in that time in the kitchen, playing music and chopping things, you know, that’s, that’s fun, closer. And you know, there are a lot of things were very different. We don’t really like to do a lot of the same things. But we say, you know, I’m gonna, you know, this weekend, we’re going to do the thing that you want to do. And next week, we’re a new thing he wanted, you know, trying to, it’s great having your own thing. Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 53:48
yeah, yeah. WiFi the same way. May they work? It works well, though. I mean, we’re saying where we cook, we had our own hobbies that we like to do we support each other in that kind of thing, you know, and it really works well. And I mean, I was the person she was started doing this little side business, always on the phone. That’s where all the cells were coming through. Yeah. Oh, my gosh, as I was relating? can we can we have like, Hey, take this time?
Unknown 54:12
From your ear for five minutes? Yeah, I know. But honestly, I mean, the phone thing has been huge. I’ve just by systematized and putting processes in place, I don’t have to be on the phone as much as I used to, or be checking on things as much because I’m just it’s just like a it’s a system, it’s their tasks, you check them off. You you also try to, you know, I try to teach my team to anticipate potential needs, don’t let the client becoming q saying, Where is this, if you’re going to be you know, on time, or try to be early, try to be or at least give a give a heads up, you know, I’m planning on sending this to you, by the end of the day. Great that the client doesn’t have to come to me and say, Where is this? You know, just being open about that. And the communication is so important.
Justin Trosclair 54:56
Love it. Love it. Last question. You’re ready. I’m ready. You mentioned the book, that’s just a book, any favorite books, blogs, or podcasts that you secretly love? And think that we should definitely check out?
Unknown 55:07
Oh, yeah,
Unknown 55:08
there’s so many. So from a business perspective, one of the books that I just finished that I’m that I loved and would definitely recommend is called the one thing, it’s by Gary Keller, who is the color of Keller Williams, it came out a few years ago, but somehow it it. I never heard I usually hear about books a lot from you know, my colleagues and things. I never heard of it. It’s a great way it kind of it. There are other books that I’ve read that have elements of this book. But if you just read this book, and it’s not that long, you can pull in other books. So it’s kind of a nice, yeah. Yeah, it’s a nice one to, to look at. If you’re in the bit, the main premise is that you should only have one priority in your life and or what at least one at a time. Yeah, and maybe you have one for your you have one for your personal life you’ve won for your spiritual life, one for your health. But you are working toward every decision you make is working towards that one thing. And if you can get clear on that, and if you can be disciplined with yourself and working toward those things you can live, you can live a happy life. And that’s something that you know, a lot of us are looking for. So it’s a business book, but it’s kind of also sort of a you know, life advice is a kind of book. Yeah, I tried it when I’m listening to podcast and I’m always reading you, I’m usually always reading three books at a time. I’m listening to one on Audible, which is usually like a memoir. Right now I’m listening to Trevor Noah’s book. I just finished so so funny. And the book is really good. He read he narrates it, I’d also just finished Michelle Obama’s book, and she narrates it. So I like to do that with memoirs. And then I’m usually reading some kind of fiction book, you know, I liked it, like historical fiction. I like you know, sometimes some Chiclets kind of stuff. But just some kind of fiction where I can get my brain like, that’s a way for me to separate work. So having a fiction book, and then I’m always reading a business book as well. And right now it’s clockwork, we do a book club at Don’t panic. It’s sort of a virtual book club, where we all read, it’s not required, of course, but it’s up to this. Yeah, it’s fun. We all read a business book, and then we talk about it. And it’s usually you know, if we do it during the day, it’s like over lunch hour, sometimes we do it in the evening, and it’s like, you know, have a glass of wine and, you know, have fun talking about the concepts. And so,
Justin Trosclair 57:39
no, that’s good. That’s the hard part. Like it’s, I really, I’ve read so many books, where I’m like, I don’t know if there’s that many that I would say changed my life per se. Because after like, like relationship books, you read a few relationship books all of a sudden, or like building report, they start a start blending, and they just put their own spin on it. And so it’s like, well, I guess if you had to start maybe try this one. Yeah.
Unknown 58:00
Well, and I will say, you know, if if I have to plug my own book, because if you’re interested in in hiring a virtual assistant, my book talks about all the ways, you know, it talks about the things that we talked about today, but also gives you kind of a step by step framework of what to look for, you know how to do a test project, how to do an interview it, it kind of gives you more in depth,
Justin Trosclair 58:21
it was that book title.
Unknown 58:22
It’s called panic proof. How the right virtual assistant can save your sanity and grow your business
Justin Trosclair 58:29
is I don’t like Amazon. Yep, yep. Okay. And lastly, De De De De, how can people get more information about everything that Jess, and don’t panic has to offer?
Unknown 58:39
Well, our website is don’t panic management calm. And we have lots of blog resources, you know, if you’re like, how do I get started delegating, or how do I use a virtual assistant to write my content or produce my podcast, there are blogs about all of that. There’s also more information about us and our assistance, how we work, here’s a really comprehensive FAQ page that I
Unknown 59:06
I sometimes labor of
Unknown 59:09
send it to people and I sometimes don’t, because they don’t want them to get overwhelmed. But that that’s something that is useful for people. I also have, if you’re not sure, you know, a lot of people go into this, these conversations with me, and they’re like, I know, I need help. But I don’t know what I need help with. I have an exercise called the life audit, which I talked about in my book, but it’s also on my panic proof website. So if you go to panic proof you can download the life audit worksheet, and just go through that. And we can also facilitate time with you to talk through it and to work on, you know, the operational side of what you could potentially automate and delegate if you’re interested. So there’s a lot there I am in I’m still kind of in the process of changing my name. So some of my social media is Jess Ostroff and some other is just Tyson or don’t I’ve been kind of changing to don’t panic, Jess, because there’s actually a Jessica Tyson who is a beauty queen in Australia or New Zealand or something. So I’m trying to figure out
Unknown 1:00:15
good associate. Yeah.
Unknown 1:00:18
Yeah. You know,
Justin Trosclair 1:00:19
my wife there, she’s Chinese, and they don’t change your last name. And, you know, pretty much everybody in my family has daughters now. And I’m like, man, my name is about the distance.
Unknown 1:00:27
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’s like,
Justin Trosclair 1:00:29
Can I teach these girls to say, hey, you don’t have to change your last name. You earned it. Darn it. Like, it seems like it’s so much work for you
Unknown 1:00:37
know, it is a lot of work, but I’m glad to have an easier Ostroff was, it’s unique, but it’s not as easy as Tyson So, you know, it’s been just easier to even scheduling appointments on the phone. They’re like Tyson. Okay, whereas Ostroff out always have to spell it, you know, it’s definitely a little easier. So that’s nice. We have
Justin Trosclair 1:00:56
a Facebook thread going just recently about you know, should we just say Dr. Justin should have Dr. Last name. Yeah, you know, what should we say? And you know, everybody had an opinion. Most of us who had crazy last names were like, is Dr. Justin, occasionally they’ll say, Dr. J. And I just let it
Unknown 1:01:12
Yeah, it’s funny how everyone has a different preference on that. And some people get so upset, you know, in their name is pronounced wrong. And, you know, for I just whatever you want to call me, I don’t really care.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:25
But I agree. I agree. We’ll figure it out. Okay. All right. Thank you so much for coming on today. I learned a lot today. And that’s a fun as well. And I’m pretty sure the listeners are going to do the same. So please visit her website and request information, sign up for newsletters and see what how she can help.
Unknown 1:01:43
Yeah, thank you.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:50
Well, that wraps up another episode. If you can send me review that’s dot net slash subscribe, Apple, Google Stitcher, Android devices, you just click that button, they’ll take exactly the page, you need to you can write a review, hopefully a five star review, I said it does help for other people to discover what we’re doing here. And one thing I haven’t really talked about too much is the doctor’s perspective, net slash support page through about a host a cup of coffee, go for it. If you want to pledge a little higher fee, there’s buttons for that there’s even monthly recurring for those who feel like wow, this is like the cheapest mentor coach program I’ve ever seen. Because you interview so many different kinds of doctors and and have been able to implement things that I’ve heard and it works. So monthly recurring payments, which also you can get you my books for free t shirts for free. The first book, you know, that deals with health and exercise, getting on a diet, getting your financial health in order as well, things to learn in China, you know, that books is available as well. And one thing that I don’t have, I don’t have like a full blown page about coaching and things. But there’s a little button there. I’ve had people request, hey, doctors and non doctors asking me can I do more than just answer a couple of questions? Or could you be my coach for a little while and I say yeah, we can do that. So something I haven’t really advertised but it’s something that I can do do whether it’s marketing strategies for new patients growth, those types of topics, you’re interested just email me Justin at a doctor’s perspective. net. If you have any ideas for guests, please send an email Justin at a doctor’s perspective. NET I’d love to hear who you think would be good or a profession that you may not have heard yet, and we’ve got over 100 episodes is gonna be like a third year super excited we’re going a little mini series like we’ve been doing which has been fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well that’s that’s the feedback I’ve gotten on remind everybody that we have some great affiliate links available if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, we’ve got the edge tool and we got the hot grips Sage about 10% also with the edge you’ve got the like blood pressure cuff restrictions system you got the G sweet inexpensive Mr in case you’d like to in cash practice and of course I got my own electric acupuncture pin to go with the needle acupuncture book on time you know have a bundle set ring get them all together for a great price. also have the free downloads at doctor’s perspective, net flash blueprints, and more lately I’ve been doing is substituting a fifth one like I’ve done a neat and depend on the guests, I might do a different type. So check back there. You’ve got the primal paleo grass fed protein bone broth style, save 10% on that no sugar, allergy free, gluten free, dairy free all those types of things mentor box get taught by the author, we got set preset for those floss bands. And you may have heard about on one of the episodes really like those. If you want to know what hosting us for podcasting, blueberry, pure VPN, it’s one of those ones I use to help keep my payments secure as well as access the internet more safely in the Amazon products that you might want. Click the link in the show notes pages. So all those resources can be found a doctor’s perspective, net slash resources. There’s also t shirts at net slash t shirts, put up some new designs from time to time like making lemons out of lemonade, shrimp po boy plus all the Chiropractic and podcast swag that you could want. As always, listen critically think and implement Have a great week.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across your social media. write a review. And if you go to the show notes page to find all the references for today’s guests. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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