Dr. Kevin Christie, DC talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast.…
Jessica Riddle talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast.
Starting and planning your own seminar, 1 on 1 meetings, ideas for blog content marketing creation, social media influence tips, organizing an evidence based CE speaker bureau, live chat on your website, and why Pinterest with Jessica Riddle.
Regardless of what type of business you own it can get lonely at the top so it’s really important to build or join a community.. not just of patients but of colleagues or other professions and business owners.
When doing One on One meetings with other business owners over coffee, what are a few good conversational questions to ask and how do we cultivate those relationships correctly? Hear what she means by curiosity and contribution vs what can I get from this meeting.
What can I do for this person, is a question you should ask yourself prior to the meeting.
Is it advisable to go and meet your neighbors and local businesses? If so, what are a few keys to success?
Putting on a Seminar: Jessica has helped organize and plan all aspects of putting on a seminar, including the branding, marketing, course title and description, state requirements, finding a venue and more. Take a listen to learn more about this logistical feat.
State associations have all sorts of rules and we discuss some of the odd ones and pitfalls.
Mrs. Riddle plans to create an Evidence Based Speaker Bureau to help with associations pick better speakers and curriculum that will broaden what they offer and also know that they have been pre-vetted and will make the practitioners skills improve. Nobody likes to attend a mandatory seminar that doesn’t present valuable evidence based material or the same speakers from the same sponsors year after year.
This Speaker Bureau will have everything organized by topics and course descriptions as well as a short video to see the speaker in action. Better education and opportunity for others to enhance their skills.
How does being inconsistent in your Social Media presence cause more damage than good? What does consistent look like?
How to repurpose a blog post? How to create a blog post? Should you outsource that creation?
Listen for many sites and apps to automate many aspects of your clinic site (like Live Chat) and social media posts.
Learn how to use hashtags because it broadens your reach. We talk trends, secrets and how to’s to expand your reach from hashtag usage.
What makes a good blog article? How to write for your audience? Any shortcuts that you can use if you feel less than creative, we cover that too (as in should you use Fiver and outsource the articles). Jessica even talks about how to make the blog post readeable for patients on complicated injuries and conditions and ways to find inspiration on topics to cover. Hint: you talk about potential “blog articles” all day with your patients.
After you have written a blog post, Jessica gives us way to repurpose it.
Mrs. Riddle uses a program called intercom to have live chat box on her site. You can automate to answer the most common questions or just answer live. We talk about that in the 48 minute area.
Facebook Messenger allows you to have a livebot on your site, and Jessica of sports seminars talks details on how to use that too.
How does Pinterest fit into your advertising and brand exposure? Really great tips are offered for work but also for personal use, like receipts.
She has a request. How do you find out about and ultimately decide to take certain CE classes versus others?
Lastly, we talk about the Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance and behind the scenes of ForwardKC2018 event that happened in June. A shoot out to the sponsors of the event and the ACA.
She even sprinkles in ways to stay connected when you have two entrepreneurs in the family who travel a lot.
www.missinglttr.com used to repurpose content for an entire year.
email Jessica@sports-seminars.com
Books: Russell Brunson Resources Page To Buy His Books
Canva or Wordswag
Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/89 here you can also find links to things mentioned.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 89 evidence based speaker bureau marketing and seminar logistics. I’m your host, Dr. Justin trust Claire. And today, we have Jessica perspective.
Unknown 0:15
Join 2017 podcast
Justin Trosclair 0:17
Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin Foursquare,
Unknown 0:19
as he gets a rare to see him look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips, struggles, goals, and relationship advice. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Justin Trosclair 0:31
If you could be so kind, follow me on any social media that you’d like the top right of my page has all the icons and let me know what person profession or specialty that you would like to hear from next on the show. Appreciate it. Welcome back to the show. Depending on when you hear this episode, you may notice that the cell has expired. But at the end of the episode, we talked about it by the book, could the electric acupuncture been free, or vice versa? It’s the same thing we’re going to talk about today with Jessica riddle, because she has so much experience in marketing and planning events for Casey 2018. She was the spearhead behind the scenes. So we’ll talk about that and what it takes to create your own seminar. If you were thinking about doing that one on one meetings, you know, having coffee with somebody has to make that the most productive possible ideas for your blog for to get the ideas. Did you outsource the writing of it? What’s the angle that you should use for the best way to get new patients? Social media influencing tips? Even a bit about Pinterest, and live chat? What in the world? Is it? How do you do it ways to make it awesome. And lastly, she is introducing a speaker’s bureau an evidence based speaker’s bureau because so many organizations are looking for speakers, but they really don’t know who to look for. So you get the same people are just not that great. So what they’re going to do is you’re gonna have a great title, great description, a few minute video of them teaching so that people will have a place to go to find the speakers that they need their next event. It’s a long episode, it’s going to be good. Break it up if you need to a doctor’s perspective, net slash eight nine for the show notes. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Live from China in Texas. We’re back for another fantastic week. Today we’re going to talk about marketing again. But our guest, she runs the gamut, y’all. She was a big deal in the chamber of commerce for a while she’s the magazine’s she’s knows all about one on ones with other owners hitting the pavement type of stuff. I mean, we can bring it old school. But then she also does new school stuff out to all the way from my content marketing, branding, digital marketing on Facebook, and all the other social platforms. So get ready. It’s gonna be good. Welcome to the show. Jessica riddle.
Unknown 2:43
Thank you so much Glad to be here.
Justin Trosclair 2:45
Well, like I said in the intro, I’m excited to have you because sometimes I think people forget how to network and they, they lose it. And they’re like, I don’t relate to people, I don’t know how to go door knocking door to door as and brand new office and and I know you’re you’re you’ve actually kept up with the times.
Unknown 3:04
Well, yeah, and it, you know, it, it’s interesting, because so often in business ownership before you become an entrepreneur, before you start your own business, you don’t realize how lonely it can be. And really how much at times it feels like you’re on an island by yourself. So, you know, I can’t stress enough the value of kind of joining a community building a community, not only to grow your practice and to get new patients in your door, but then also to have other colleagues that you can reach out to, even in other industries, other entrepreneurs and business owners that can kind of relate to you know what it’s like to be you on a daily basis, you know, that the struggles and the, you know, the challenges that come along with that. And I was first in practice,
Justin Trosclair 3:47
though 27 own clinic as I think my my assistant and she was in her 50s is like what’s going on? It’s like I always miss it happy hour as like, I don’t really know what people do.
suggest you don’t have to worry about like, you’re 27 you have your own clinic, your buddies have like a job and just you’re not completely different realm of responsibility. Like you need friends that are not as it need friends that are like minded, but in the same way, yes, you can do because then you can also have those kind of conversations. And when you get off work later than everybody else, y’all know what to talk about it on the weekends, and it did they get lonely after a while until you make that switch of like, I need to cultivate those types of friendships, I think.
Unknown 4:27
Yeah, absolutely. And, and likewise, you know, there are great challenges, but they’re a great reward. So it kind of runs the gamut when it comes to business ownership. But when you can sit down and have a coffee with someone or have to reschedule coffee, like three different times, because your schedule changes last minute. You know, finding other entrepreneurs, other like minded professionals, they get it they understand so that if you had to have to cancel last minute, they’re not offended if you do miss happy hour, they understand because they know exactly what you’re doing. And you you know, a lot of times in my career, especially since you know starting my own business, the friends of mine that are the ones that are up kind of burning the midnight oil with me and helping me figure things out. Because it becomes some of the most valuable friendships because they do like they completely get it.
Justin Trosclair 5:16
For sure. So when we’re talking about this, one way that I know the chamber would always recommend and doing networking groups is to do these one on one meetings with other entrepreneurs in your area. Do you have any advice on how to set those up? or topics that are best to talk about in those types of meetings so that when you do get coffee with people you don’t know, but you’re trying to build these relationships, it’s been the most fruitful and most valuable for both of your time?
Unknown 5:43
Yeah, absolutely. So I think the key to any type of relationship building is to go into it and more from a curiosity standpoint, and more from a contribution standpoint that I What can I get from this. So it’s always best to go into those meetings. for, you know, know, number one who you know, who you want to target. And what you feel would be valuable from having that relationship. And that could be something as simple as, you know, they may run in some circles and know some other people that you would like to have them introduce you to or it could be that they could be an amazing referral source for you. So the first thing is to just identify what you feel like would be valuable from that relationship. But then the next step, which is kind of on the other side of the spectrum, is before you go to that meeting, at least do a little bit of research about who you’re meeting with. So, you know, go to their LinkedIn page, see professionally, a little bit about what their experiences, the statements that they’re making, the things that they’re posting about, just so that you have an idea of who they are before you go into that meeting or that coffee. And then likewise, go into it with a number of different questions that you want to know, you know, make it be something that’s a very open and mutual dialogue, so that you don’t go in immediately saying, you know, Hi, my name is dr. john doe. And this is what I do. And this is what I’m looking for. And this is how you can help me, you know, nobody wants to go to a meeting and be like, Whoa, okay, so you’re just a leech that wants to get something from me. But it’s really great to go in first and just, you know, ask them things that, you know, they’re interested in, ask them about their business, ask them things just to get to know them as a person and to connect with them on some level. And from there, you know, that’s when you really develop, you know, a great working relationship and a friendship with someone so that, you know, there is that given take to where when it does come time to ask them for a referral, or an introduction? It’s a very easy ask, and it’s very easy for them to say, Yeah, absolutely, I’d be happy to help you.
Justin Trosclair 7:50
One of the things that I would do was asking those questions, like you said, What do you like, what is your What are your hobbies? Get another person, two people love to talk about themselves?
Because we know it’s a business meeting, like, I just make fun, like, okay, so tell me, what do you do? What kind of clients are you looking for? Let’s have a moment where we just can just have that conversation as well without being like, awkward. And then they usually say, Okay, that was 20 minutes, now it’s my turn to do the same thing for you. And then you both get that chance to get to know each other as a human being. And then also kind of be like, I’m not trying to pitch you particularly. But this is the type of client that I’m looking for. This is why we can meet and go further. Think when I say page,
Unknown 8:34
absolutely. And that’s the key to is to go into that situation. Having done your research on them enough to know before you go to that meeting, how you can provide value to them. What can I do for this person? Yeah, what do I know that they’re looking for? Or, you know, obviously, what am I going to, you know, find out about them from this conversation that would help direct me in ways that, oh, maybe I have someone to introduce you too. And throughout my time at the chamber, and then even since then, like, that’s always how I try to operate in business relationships is I want to make sure that I’m bringing a ton of value to that relationship. So I want to make sure that I’m, you know, helping to introduce you to people that I know would be beneficial for you. I’m helping you make connections, because that always comes back around.
Justin Trosclair 9:23
Yeah. Do you still recommend? Or do you recommend new docs in the area to go to the strip centers that you’re a part of, maybe the mile radius, and introduce yourself and bring some business cards and flyers is that’s the recommended out there?
Unknown 9:38
Well, it’s interesting, like in today’s, you know, modern society where we are in such a tech driven world, face to face communication, you know, handwritten cards, handshakes and looking people in the eye is kind of become, we’re, you know, that’s kind of a special thing now, whereas before it was expected. Now, I mean, you’ll even in your personal life, you’ll move to a new neighborhood, and then you may never meet your new neighbors, people don’t come over anymore, and bring you a pie and say, welcome. So I think it is important, especially if you’re in an office park, or if you’re in a center with multiple other businesses, absolutely. Like go over there, you know, take a business card, you know, if there are people in your close vicinity, or office, part of that you think could be beneficial relationships from a referral standpoint. You know, take them some cookies, and don’t have your office staff do it, you do it, like you be the one to go and say, you know, what, we’re brand new to the area, just wanted to come over and introduce myself tell you, you know, who I am, we’re right down at, you know, XYZ, if you ever have any needs for our services, this is what we do. You know, here’s a nice little treat from us or something to that end. Likewise, if you’re in one of those centers, and a new business moves in, then take that opportunity to go, you know, kind of be the the local Welcome Wagon and say hello, as well. You know,
Justin Trosclair 11:04
I’ve always found it was a little awkward when you walk in because you always have the secretary or the gatekeeper in your face. And it’s awkward at first. And I’m always kind of like, Hey, I’m Dr. Justin, I’m new to the area. Is there any way I can chat with whoever his name on the door was? It’s like, once you break that, like, I’m not just some body selling you a vacuum cleaner? Like, back like, Okay, let me see if he’s or she’s available, just to say hi, real quick. And you’d be surprised. They’re just doing their job not to have you interrupt them.
Unknown 11:38
Absolutely. And this is coming from someone. You know, when we had our sports chiropractic office in South Carolina, there was a time where I worked our front desk, and I ran the office, and I was the gatekeeper. So people would come in selling anything from, you know, printer ink to copying services to janitorial service. And it is it’s your job to say, you know, give me some information, I’ll pass it along, or no, thank you, we’re not interested. But if you go bearing gifts, whatever it is, even if like I said, it’s, you know, cookies that you buy and bake yourself that cost you maybe $4, that takes the the barrier down, that takes their guard down a little bit. And at the same time, if you introduce yourself and say, Look, I just wanted to come and say hello, we’re new to the area, I’d love to, you know, get to know some of our neighbors here. And you know, if there’s anything I can ever do to be of service to you guys. And when you approach it from that standpoint, I mean, you’re right, you’d be amazed at the conversations that can develop from that. And obviously, not all of them will be there will be some people that just take your cookies and say, Okay, thanks. Have a good day. But at the same time, maybe they keep that business card, maybe you’re at top of mind when somebody they’re talking to, you know, need something that you have to offer. Definitely the way to follow
Justin Trosclair 12:54
up later on, make that phone call, hey, the doctor to whoever enjoy the cookies in there has to be like, well, I gotta say something at that point. There’s that reciprocity right there.
Unknown 13:05
Exactly. I mean, and you can even get clever with it. And, you know, be like, Hi, I’m Dr. so and so. And we dropped by some cookies the other day, and you know, just wanted to call back and follow up and say, you know, do you like chocolate? Chip? Was that was that a good choice for you? I had some sugar cookies as well, I wasn’t sure you know, kind of make it funny. And tongue in cheek. You never know what kind of response you may get. Fantastic.
Justin Trosclair 13:29
I definitely want to chat. I didn’t mention this in the front part. You actually do all the groundwork to set up seminars? Yes.
Unknown 13:37
Yes, yeah, a little bit of everything in that realm.
Justin Trosclair 13:40
When we’re talking about seminars, I get overwhelmed. Because if I’m like, Oh, you know what, Philadelphia, I don’t know, I’ve got a following in Philadelphia, and I want to put on a eight hour seminar. I don’t live there. I don’t know anything about that. And I gotta find a venue, other like websites that you’re used.
Unknown 14:00
So the whole reason that we began South eSports seminars was for that reason, in my previous life, I was in a great deal of event management and marketing, through the chamber world works in a marketing agency for a while. And then my husband started teaching post grad courses for CPE. And it was his first endeavor with this and knowing what I knew about the industry, I was like, okay, you know, you have a clinic, that, you know, you’re working in full time, he also taught at a college. So it was like, when was he as the practitioner going to have time to put all these pieces together. Furthermore, most of the that instructors that we work with, you know, you guys are specialists, like you are healthcare providers, you’re amazing rock stars in your field, you’ve developed an incredible curriculum, you have a lot to offer. But you don’t know the first thing about how to send out hotel RFP is how to make sure that you’ve negotiated the contract, right how to make you know how to get butts in seats. But it’s not as easy as just putting out on Facebook, hey, I’m going to be in Philadelphia, on this date, come see me. You know, call this number. And unfortunately, within the industry, we see time and time again, just really not so great marketing material going out, or really confusing. postings going out about CE courses. And you’re right, people are like, well, I don’t, what am I going to learn? They’re like, why should I do this, and you never want, you know, once you’ve created this program, you don’t ever want to feel like people are only coming to check that CD box. Now, yes, either way, they will come and either way, they will spend their money with you. But at the end of the day, most instructors want their information to get out there because they’re wanting to elevate the professions they serve. They’re wanting to help these providers be better practitioners. However, that means whether that’s an insurance and compliance, whether that’s an office management, or certain techniques and skills and treatments. So the whole world reason we started the company we did is because there was a huge need in the market space, because no one was serving these instructors and saying, you know, okay, we got it, like, we can take care of that for you. We can do the full marketing strategy, we can help you develop your brand, you know, even down to what should I name this course? How do I make sure that the name is attractive enough, but it really speaks to what we’re offering? How do I make sure that I have awesome social presence? How do I make sure that I’m doing my email marketing correctly? How do I balance the right mix of paid advertising versus organic posting versus content on my blog and my podcast, and it can, it can become overwhelming. And if you’re trying to do that, and you’re seeing patients on a regular basis, I mean, you know, it gets it gets pushed to the back burner a lot. And before you know it years have gone by and you still haven’t launched your seminars, because you just don’t have the time to get it, get it going.
Justin Trosclair 16:57
Especially if you don’t have like a system per se, are you like you’re just brand new. And a lot of times people will, I’ve got some lectures, and I’m sponsored through this nutritional company, or the school has a symposium for the weekend, you can get all your hours and have about a million vendors to buy stuff from and we’ve all been to that seminar where you’re like, Oh, this is gonna be one long weekend, because I felt to do something I cared about.
Right. And as a speaker, that’s got to be brutal, because I can remember, I’ve only done that like once. And it was brutal. For me, it was brutal for other people. And I’m turning for to speak who was the motivated when you see people kind of just checking their phone and falling asleep and just,
Unknown 17:36
oh, it’s awful. And especially when you look at how much time and skill it takes to put on to put together a course, you know, this isn’t something that these guys are just churning out in a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon. Like, it takes a lot of going through the research and making sure that you reference everything appropriately, making sure that you have enough content and information put together in such a way that it flows well. And that it also makes sense to your attendees, making sure that you’re employing the right types of learning styles, whether it’s a hands on course, or it’s lecture based, but then there’s some interactive elements, question answer. attendee presentations, you can go on and on. And then none of that even scratches the surface of what happens on the accreditation side. Because Likewise, when it comes to the different professions within healthcare, you can’t just put a class together and be like, okay, approve me, I’m good to go. There hoops to jump through. And there’s red tape. And there’s regulations. And I mean, it takes us a tremendous amount of both time and money every year to renew our accreditations. Because we’re approved not only for chiropractors, but for physical therapist, for athletic trainers, and for licensed massage therapist. So there’s different regulations for each one of those professions. Although the courses that we offer are applicable to all of those within the physical medicine space,
Justin Trosclair 19:03
know people I don’t think realizes just for sake chiropractic, it can be 50 to $400 per state. And in multiple regulatory boards, you can double or triple that. And that’s got, I would say, that’s probably why people choose to just say, Okay, I’m in Texas, I only do seminars in Texas, you can fly to me, but then still, that person’s like, Well, do you have accreditations for Georgia? You like no, you can submit that on your own. And usually that works, I find that that does work. If you individually get the syllabus, and the teachers credentials and all this kind of stuff, you submit it yourself, there might be a small fee, I think. But usually it’s not the full fee that the provider would have to provide.
Unknown 19:43
And that is true, it varies by state, there are some states that say absolutely not, it has to be pre approved has to be approved by an approved provider. So with some states, we even have to apply just to be in a provider in that state, then you have to apply for each course, some states are very happy to help the provider, you know, if you attend the class, you can self submit, some states are not some states are just very black and white about it. So and then some states, unfortunately, a lot of their CV is so monopolized by their state association, that they discourage their state licensees to go elsewhere. So they make it mandatory, for example, that you have to take a certain number of hours within the state, but only they can approve the hours. So it’s it’s it’s an interesting political dynamic in some states, kind of how they handle that.
Justin Trosclair 20:37
Oklahoma, calling you out.
Unknown 20:39
Oh, man, why
Justin Trosclair 20:40
are they Why did I would license there, but
Unknown 20:44
there is one there the $300? Or why
Unknown 20:47
are they doing
Unknown 20:48
that? Is it just Mom, it’s money, and it’s wanting to keep everything in state? What does that mean?
Unknown 20:53
Just like, you know,
Unknown 20:54
money, once again, like, if you keep all of your licenses and you make it to work, they were required to get courses that are given in the state, and you make the cost of approval for out of state providers. So astronomically high, the only resource that these providers have received becomes their state association,
Justin Trosclair 21:13
and whoever their buddies with. Exactly. And likewise, there are some states that still don’t allow online hours. Yeah, mine doesn’t allow online, which, to me, I’m just gonna like, that’s still doable. Because if you’re like an Oklahoma, you might be like, wow, we have a choice of three seminars this year. And I don’t care about any of this. Me. Yeah, you know,
you may not, you might be like, okay, I just had to sit through these 12 hours. And now I gotta go and spend my own money and travel, and it won’t count. But I really want to learn this other system. And that’s what I have to do.
Unknown 21:44
Well, that’s the hard part is that by doing that the states are really just doing a disservice to their practitioners, because they’re making it cost prohibitive for them to advance their learning like you should be able to take the CE courses that you want to to take that are going to make you a better doctor, a better diagnostician better at different treatments, different techniques, different approaches like that is the type of education that you should be able to craft for yourself, you shouldn’t have to kind of be restricted to whatever the state association, whoever they bring through on their speaker circuit, for example, that’s one of our main objectives moving forward is to help provide some resources for those state associations through a speaker’s bureau of evidence based practitioners that have put together really great curriculum, so that we can start providing that as a resource for state and national associations. So that we can kind of raise the bar a little bit on the education that’s being offered there. Because you know, a lot of times these states have such small staffs, that they they use the same people year after year after year, or they just use the people that their sponsors tell them to. Because that’s, that’s all they know to do.
Justin Trosclair 23:00
I could see a three or four hour mandatory in state, that way they cover like, in our state, we’re not doing $6,000 prepays anymore. And if y’all are doing it, y’all need to stop. So there’s a way to rally the troops, this is what we expect, this is where we’re going. And so that’s just not going to happen with emails, and phone calls and those types of things in local meetings that nobody wants to attend.
I can see that being important. It just gets everybody on the same page. But like you said, whenever you you get stuck taking the same people, or something that you just have no interest in, that just kind of gets kind of old enough to just call that Oklahoma’s just the one of the states that I know, there’s lots of other states like that. So very interesting. I do like the idea of having some sort of board, like, here’s, here’s what we do. And here’s our 15 speakers and are different, it’s almost like a like an online catalog.
Unknown 23:57
That’s exactly what it will be. So it’s a speaker’s bureau, much like they have have in a number of different professions, there’s just never been one that’s been put together for chiropractic or even within kind of the the realm that we work within with physical therapists, athletic trainers, massage therapists, as well, like so this will just be instructors that teach for factor or just instructors that teach for courses that we offer. But these are instructors that you know, have provided us with an application with information about where they have spoken up before the type of curriculum they offer, it will be a resource so that if I’m you know, Susie, you working at a state association, I can go online, I can look at the profiles of all of these different people. And I can say, Okay, I want to find who is speaking about nutrition. So I go to the nutrition tab, and it pulls up, you know, four or five different speakers, and then I can look through and see the different topics they speak on how long their presentations are, you know, most of them will have a variety, from one hour to four hours, some of them eight hours or more, I’ll be able to watch a short video of them to so that I can kind of see, you know, are they well spoken? You know, what is their stage presence? Like? Are they engaging the audience at all. Because all of that just provides them with a great resource. And then for our purposes, it just helps once again, elevate the profession, like put better education out there, give better opportunities to doctors to get really great quality content and information that’s going to help them in their practice.
Justin Trosclair 25:27
Walk. It’s a, I was advertising for a cooking class, you know, I’m working in China stuff that we do all the time. So I was like, you know what people tell you sell it before you make it.
Unknown 25:39
That’s what I did.
Justin Trosclair 25:41
I did not sell it well. So that has not been a creative course yet. But I was like, you know, my sales pitch was kind of an in China, you will learn how to do copying, boom, I’m going to do an interview.
Yeah, I mean, I’m going to interview doctors who do this literally day in and day out in the source of the whole mecca of company. Yeah, you know, it’s a whole process to market and do the whole behind the scenes stuff to make something valuable. And that’s just like, I like No, I’m just putting a filter out there. I’m not trying to spend thousands of dollars to figure it out. So when you are creating this, is there a website yet that people can go to or is this still in the beginning stages where they can’t go anywhere is to find out more information.
Unknown 26:22
It’s still in the beginning stages. Now it will be housed at sports hyphen, seminars, calm. Right now we’re just kind of have it in the back end working in development, just making sure that it works right in terms of the functionality that people can easily find what they need to find where they need to go. And then likewise, we will have a forward facing form for doctors that have developed curriculum that want to be a part of the Bureau. So if you wanted to have a listing on here, if you wanted to have an opportunity to be on the list, then that would be something as well, that they would be able to sign up for okay. And Episode
Justin Trosclair 26:57
85 is riddled with factor and sports seminars, and all that type of stuff. So if you’re looking for like kind of the other side of what we’re talking about, we interviewed him a couple weeks ago. All right. I think we covered that pretty good. What do you think? Yeah, definitely perfect.
Unknown 27:16
stuff I could talk about forever, though. So
Justin Trosclair 27:18
yeah, I’m, I’m trying to be like, okay, it’s not just about Justin’s what he’s interested in there because of generous questions. I interviewed somebody the other day, plastic surgeon. And afterwards, I was like, Well, wait. I like Dang, I forgot to ask a couple. Like, once you get the procedure, is there any go going back? You know, this was horrible. There’s no, is there a way to reverse it? You know, those types of questions. I was like, well, that’s fine.
Unknown 27:42
inquiring minds want to know, you’ll have to do a follow up. Yeah, exactly.
Justin Trosclair 27:46
All right, let’s switch gears to 2018. What are some things that maybe we should not be doing on social media marketing? And everybody has, what should we do? Do you have a what not to do?
Unknown 27:58
be inconsistent. That’s, that’s the biggest struggle that I think a lot of business owners deal with, when it comes to social media, they’ll launch a page, they’ll launch all of them. So though, you know, I’m going to get my Twitter going, my Facebook, going my Instagram going my LinkedIn business profiles, I’m going to get a Pinterest page. And then they cannot manage them all. So they don’t do any of them well, and they’ll post like, every three months, when they remind their front office staff, hey, we haven’t posted in a while, can you put something out. So the biggest thing is just you know, don’t spread yourself too thin. That would be my first piece of advice, like, find one or two channels that you really know well, and you feel comfortable with. And start with those and be consistent system. And by consistency, have a schedule, like say, okay, every Tuesday and Thursday, I’m going to post to Facebook, every Monday and Wednesday, I’m going to post to Twitter or Instagram, whichever one and then plan out your action content so that you know what you’re going to post. So for example, if you have a blog, a blog post, can be repurposed on multiple channels in multiple different ways. And there’s actually a lot of tools and resources out there that can help you automate that. But that one blog post can be re spliced for three to four different posts each month, and you can do different posts each month off of one blog post. So don’t feel the need to post you know, six or seven times a day to start with, just make sure you post once. And if that means that on your Sunday afternoon, when you’re planning before your week, you sit down with an app like buffer or Hootsuite co schedule, which is the one that we really love. And you sit down and plan out for the week and go ahead and schedule those posts out, do it. Likewise, Facebook will let you post in advance without even having another tool. So you can do that, you know, just directly
Justin Trosclair 29:54
as a business page,
Unknown 29:56
as a business page. So that would be the first piece of advice. This second thing is just to try to, you know, once again, maintain that consistency and that consistent voice. You know, it’s interesting, where you’ll see a page where you know, they posted for Valentine’s Day, but then they didn’t post again until Mother’s Day. And then they’ll go for a period will they’ll post every day for like a month. And then they’ll just completely drop off. And if people aren’t seeing you and they’re not, they’re not hearing from you, then you know you’re not you’re not being remembered you’re not Top of Mind and you’re not visible on social. So those would be kind of the two big things is just, you know, start small. Start with what’s manageable and what you feel comfortable with. And being really consistent with it.
Justin Trosclair 30:43
I had found I think was like 101 quotes or something like that. And we’re pretty good. And so I carry my own brain. And I know you do some branding as well, as far as I know, so much like probably logo design, I think but more of the whole the whole picture. And we could talk about that. So I took my little logo and I would put a put the code on top of it. And I every I don’t know, it was like motivation Monday, I think I called it and every Monday just read on Facebook did it for like, whatever the limit was five months, every Monday just predict it didn’t think about it. Yeah, it took a couple hours on a Sunday or something. But then I was good for five months. Yeah. So I was like, This is fantastic. And I don’t know, people really care about my motivational quotes. But it was to me was like you said it was something consistent, and something that people could kind of look forward to if they want it to be engaged in my brand. And I heard um, I use this thing called missing letter. Yes.
Unknown 31:36
Oh, you do?
Unknown 31:36
Yeah. So that’s a tool that essentially allows you to take your blog and repurpose it for a full year’s worth of posts. So you created graphic on something like Canada or Word Swag, those are two of my favorites. Canvas is the one that’s a little more comprehensive and what it allows you to do, but you create a graphic that represents your blog, it can be a quote card, you can create a few of them. But that one blog post missing letter automatically pulls it from your RSS feed with your blog, and then you just go in and approve the text, make sure that you add in hashtags as needed. And then just hit OK. And then for an entire year on a set schedule, it will post to your Facebook, your Twitter everywhere. I think your LinkedIn to Yeah, so you know, it puts content out there for you. And then you’d be amazed, like we posted one article to our blog, which was about rice, the whole rice protocol for injury. And it was a it was an art it was an important article because it was the guy that developed the rice protocol, essentially coming back and saying, No, you shouldn’t do that. Now. Here’s why. And then he supported it with research. So it was somewhat controversial, because especially in the sports world, you know, you you’ve heard that for so many years, and then all of a sudden, the guy that recommended it originally says no, don’t do that. But that was it on the boards. And we have that set on missing letter, it goes out probably at least once a month. And every single time it is shared multiple times, it is one of the highest traffic, pieces of content that we put out there consistently through our social media. And even though people you know, maybe the the first group of people saw it once, but then there’s new people that will see in the next month. So because of the changing algorithms and the number of people that may or may not be happening upon your content that may or may not see it. It doesn’t hurt to have repurposed content going out on a consistent basis, because at least you’re being consistent. At least you’re putting something out there.
Justin Trosclair 33:38
Even if you’re amazing. And people share the mess out of it. You’re still maybe Max 20% of your your list would even see Oh, absolutely. I mean, it is amazingly dismal. Like how many people can see, I saw somebody do a post, same picture, brand new baby, you know, a brand new baby is going to get some likes, faces book versus Instagram. I mean, it was maybe 100 likes or something on Facebook, it was 10,000 likes on on Instagram, and it just tells you the difference of interaction per platform. I was even looking at like LeBron James the other day, he’s got up 20 million people are probably way off. In a million people like this photo, it’s like a million people. And then I looked at how many people and it’s like, he’s still running around 10 or 12% of the population that actually liked it.
Unknown 34:26
I like it’s just a numbers game of like,
Justin Trosclair 34:28
he’s still not in a more, he’s not quote better than we are. He’s just he still has that 10% range, but does kind of a thought was pretty funny.
Unknown 34:34
Well, and likewise know your medium. So know that Instagram is photos, graphics, images, and quote cards and video lab that’s Instagram. Instagram is not a place where you can have links, you know, within your text, it’s a place where you really want to use hashtags and a lot of them and you can actually research which hashtags are trending, you know, with the resource that we have that’s called the internet and Google, there’s no way that you you should not be able to learn very quickly and easily how to use these mediums appropriately, just do your homework first, before you step off that cliff. And make sure that you can commit the time that’s needed to really, you know, continue to, you know, invest in it,
Justin Trosclair 35:15
I saw a website, display purposes calm. And I’m always looking for like a hashtag, because I felt like I kept using the same ones over again. And after a while, like, I think I’m getting burned out using these, maybe nobody else’s, was like let me broaden my finger scope there. And that one’s kind of cool is because it’ll do trending forever, like you put on a couple of hashtags that you think are cool. And then it’ll break out other ones that are similar. And sometimes you put one on like, what he didn’t give me any responses. It’s like, oh, maybe nobody. It’s hashtag much. So I switch it. And then all of a sudden, they’ll give you 30 however many you want of you know, you pick six, they’ll populate 30, the popular ones, and then you just copy and paste that. And now you get some fresh ideas that you may not have thought of push for like I was looking at, like a pregnancy picture as like, okay, mommy to be mommy to be. And there’s so
Unknown 36:04
Justin Trosclair 36:05
like, very good, so many things. I was like, Wow, I’ve just reached a lot of different people this way.
Unknown 36:09
Why it’s interesting, like when hashtags first came out, I think a lot of people were just going crazy making up their own hashtags. And they were like full sentences long. And they were only for that one particular post. And, you know, clearly that’s not effective, because you know, nobody’s going to look up, you know, hashtag What is my back Kirk, like this, I have low back pain.
Unknown 36:30
That’s just not the way it works. But hashtags like low back pain, back pain, hashtag pain, hashtag, you know, my back hurts. Who knows, like, you can do the research, like you said, with, there’s tons of tools out there like that, and then see what’s trending. And even from your phone on Instagram, you can, you know, type in from the search bar, search for hashtags. And then likewise, you can follow them yourself. So if there are ones in your industry, that you would like to use in your posts, follow them them all. Follow them all. So you can see how other people are utilizing them. Likewise, that will give you a heads up if that hashtag is not appropriate for you. Because if you search it, and there’s 10,000 posts, but they have nothing to do with anything within the realm of what you have to offer or what you want people finding you for, then maybe that’s not the best option. What
Justin Trosclair 37:21
do you recommend a mix of like the million of hashtags with the same word? Or do you like the 100,000 to 300,000 range?
Unknown 37:31
Justin Trosclair 37:31
definitely more
Unknown 37:32
than 100,000 to 300,000 range. But it’s post that as a lot on the it’s like holiday posts are timely post that you want to get out there to the masses, then you can use one of those really high trending hashtags, I say it’s always best to find your niche. And that’s true in most anything, when it comes to finding your ideal patients, your ideal customers, your ideal clients, you want to try to find your niche, people that you serve best, the people that either want services mode or bond best when they’re they’re receiving your services. So you know, don’t ever be afraid to
Unknown 38:12
kind of reach out within those niches to try to those specific hashtags as well.
Justin Trosclair 38:18
One little trick that I do, you know, every week after I put out an episode, I’ll go to their Instagram or Facebook or Twitter, whatever, and look for the hashtags that they use on some of their photos. And that way I can capture whatever trends and niches that they’re trying to capture. And it helps I think, relate to whatever they’re doing, it puts them in puts you in their feed into their social circle beyond just tagging their name on it. So you can do it for you know, next month, if they tag it, and somebody clicks it, they can see Oh, well, it was this podcast episode The other day.
Unknown 38:51
Absolutely. And that kind of goes back to what we’re speaking about earlier, when it comes to building your community and your network. You know, reach out on social media and start following and start engaging the people in your community that are influencers within your space. So for example, if you are a sports Doc, and you work with a lot of runners, you know, not reach out to local running groups and start following their pages, start seeing the kind of hashtag they’re using starts in the things their posts about, and then comment on them. You know, social media is a two way conversation. So you know, the quickest way to have people, either unlike page or just stop paying attention and stop liking you which essentially, Facebook will say, Oh, they don’t like what you have to offer. So I’m going to show them any of your content anymore. But the best way to do that is to just only put out things to promote yourself. But social is a two way conversation. So you have to do a great deal of listening. You know, find those influencers in your community on social media, follow them, like them, comment back and develop those relationships online, as well.
Justin Trosclair 39:57
See on Facebook, follow some people that we like, or maybe you put out something on your personal page and like, wow, that was a really good article. Should I just share that? Or is it too much competition to share the other chiropractors article that he wrote?
Unknown 40:13
Well, I think it’s great to share and repurpose content, because it helps that person boost the visibility their posts, they’re going to see some more traffic off of that. And you know, if it’s something that you agree with, that really resonates with you, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sharing that. And maybe even commenting back and saying nice article, this is great.
Justin Trosclair 40:33
Okay, cuz I’m thinking don’t reinvent the wheel. Yes, somebody else is going to get some extra shares and visibility because you shared it on to your network. But ultimately, you’re sharing a good article to your tribe of people and followers or past patients or whatever. I think that’s a win
Unknown 40:47
why companies like for example, most of the content that we put out in terms of our blog, we do a bi weekly newsletter, in that e newsletter have a number of different blog posts and articles that are practitioner focus. But then we also always feed the one that is patient focused. So we give you a graphic and a blog post that you can then share with your audience. Because we know it’s hard sometimes to come up with content. And I think especially when you are a specialist, and you’re very highly educated person, sometimes when you sit down to write, you get a bit overwhelmed with the science behind what you’re trying to say or explain. Instead of remembering that when it comes to the public, you want to read writing and a sixth grade reading level. So you want to make sure that you’re providing the right type of content for patients and people in your community, as opposed to write a peer to peer. But that’s obviously a very different voice. That’s a very different level of understanding. And you know, even a different way that you would use medical terminology and things like that, your site should be a place and even your social media channel should be place where your patient and people at the don’t even necessarily know you and community, but our potential patients will see that as a resource and content that they can actually understand.
Justin Trosclair 42:07
Okay, so we’re saying maybe you feel like doctor that if you’re going to talk about some topic about headaches, you want to cite 15 studies, because for some reason, you feel like that’s the only way that Yeah, somebody will understand and you you’ve proven it by the research, but in reality, you don’t have to part with any research at all, maybe just one just to kind of like have some kind of social proof, but in reality, just write the article, like, you’re just probably gonna explain it to a patient so that they understand that they’re not necessarily looking for, you know, six citations.
Unknown 42:37
Exactly. Because you don’t do that in a patient visit, you don’t sit someone down and say, okay, you know, you have, you know, cervical ridiculous apathy, this means that the trigeminal thing of the bladder that that you don’t just take them in the room, and essentially vomit medical terminology on them, and then pull out your journals, start going through the pages and say, you know, we’ll see here, you know, john
Unknown 43:03
doe, john doe
Unknown 43:04
at all, for the, you don’t do that. So your website, and your social media needs to be conversational language, it needs to be something that they can look at is if you as a person are speaking to them as a person. And that being said, obviously, it’s a great opportunity for you to educate them on things that they don’t understand. Because the majority of patients come to you, not because they know exactly what they have, and exactly what caused it. And they just need you to fix it, they come to you because they are in pain, or they’re not moving well. And they need help, like they need, you know, some results that you can provide them, they need you to help get them feeling better again. But likewise, as we were talking about earlier, people always love to hear about themselves, how many patients have you had come in that have already, you know, diagnosed themselves on web and
Unknown 44:01
after researching for four days, you know why I have this particular pain in this particular place when I breathe in, or when I move this way. So they’re always going to look to you to be that resource to educate them. And likewise, from an SEO perspective, from a search ability, perspective, and visibility perspective online, it’s helpful when you have content on your site that speaks on their level in language they can understand. And when you can take a very complex condition or diagnosis and be able to break it down to something simple there. They’re like, Okay, I get it. I understand, you know, use analogies, use metaphors, use pictures, use videos, diagram. Yeah, like all of that stuff is really powerful.
Justin Trosclair 44:46
Jessica, I, I don’t like to write, I’m not good at it. I don’t know how to put it’s, it’s or it’s
just kidding. But can I go to fiber? And I don’t expect them to come up with a medical article. But I could could I say, hey, I want to find someone who can write up a, what’s the basics of, say, the backswing of a golf, you know, they do the research, they write it up for me. And then Could I just take that read it and then kind of make it sound more like, you know, tweak it. So it sounds like I wrote it a little bit. And then that we have like a piece of content marketing that’s could explain what a golf swing is. And maybe just throw a paragraph in there, right. And that’s why you need the deltoid.
Unknown 45:27
The end, I think the better approach to that since you are the content expert in this field, it’s very easy to hire a copywriter to write about things that the general public knows and understands that he not plays real, exactly, that’s very easy to do. But to find a copywriter that has the skill set, especially on Fiverr, which fiber, it can be a great resource, don’t get me wrong, but to find someone that understands and can do the right I mean, because you’re going to pay them, you’re going to pay them the time do the research, you’re going to pay them for the skill and the knowledge to put that research together in a way that makes sense. And honestly, like every single day, you’re having to take complex concepts and explain them to your patients in that exam room, you are every single day, multiple times a day, I’m sure you have conversations with your spouse at home, those of you that aren’t married to health care practitioners, Lord knows we have them in my house, where I’m like, Oh, this hurts, what did I do? Why did I do this, and my husband has to sit down and explain it to me, you know, with normal human words that are not from a medical terminology.
Unknown 46:36
But when it comes to trying to find a copywriter, especially when you’re going to pay $25 on Fiverr. To do that research and be able to, to break it down in such a way that makes sense to the end consumer, your better strategy would be for you to take whatever concept it is, you break it down, even if it’s just bullet points in a piece of paper. So for example, with your golf swing analogy, you know, have at the top of the page, you know, explaining the backswing, and then go through the different biomechanics involved, maybe your first draft, you have a lot of bullet points that are more science and technical. Look at it again, and say, Okay, I used a lot of technical terms in here. How can I explain this in a way that makes sense to someone that doesn’t understand biomechanics? How can I make sure to emphasize the things I need to, and once again, this is where analogies and metaphors really come into play, and can really paint a great picture for whatever that concept is you’re trying to explain, then you can send a draft like that, to a professional that can put together a blog post and make it sound really nice, but they’re using your content. Because if you’re going through
Justin Trosclair 47:51
a call to action,
Unknown 47:52
exactly, they’ll through the calls to action in there, you absolutely need to have a call to action and lead gen on every single page and your website, including your blog posts, just go What’s a call to action. So a call to action is just essentially asking someone to do something. So you know, if you really love this article, and you’d like to learn more about how to improve your golf swing, click here. And then that click here needs to go to some type of lead generation for you. So some type of form, they fill out some type of something where you capture their information, likewise, so not just call them Yes, but yes, not just
Justin Trosclair 48:29
find some way to get their email some
Unknown 48:31
online. There are really great tools out there. One that we use and love is called intercom. And it essentially is a live chat feature button that you put on your homepage. Every single health care provider should have something like this on their homepage because people have questions. And in 2018, people expect to be able to pull up your website on their cell phone, click a button and chat with you to say, Hey, I have signet insurance. Do you guys take sickness? Or, you know, I heard you know chiropractors always make you come one time a week for the rest of your life? Is that how you guys do things in your practice? Or, you know, I’m really scared of being adjusted. I’ve never been adjusted before Does it hurt? You never know what type of questions you get. But once you open that door and have that chat feature on your website, it opens up an opportunity for dialogue. And then most of them also come with auto responders that will try to get that person’s email information rather quickly as well, especially if they write you after hours because you can’t be available 24 seven, nor should you necessarily be, but it gives opportunities for them to capture that person’s information so you can follow back up later.
Justin Trosclair 49:47
Okay, that’s great. Because that was that was one of the follow up questions or statements was going to be definitely find one when you’re looking at different companies. After hours, it asked for your email so that you can get back to him and out Can you find something it says okay, here’s the top 10 questions people always ask. And it just sends them a reply as if you just talk to them. But then you get notified that somebody said, Hey, so that you could
Unknown 50:09
with intercom you can set it up to have certain responses based upon different keywords that they may use. So let’s say you know, people are going to ask about insurance. If the person uses the word insurance, then you can send them to the chat bot, essentially will give whatever reply you’d like. And then it can also maybe send them to a page on your website where you explain the insurances that you do take or how that process works in your office. Likewise, if they have questions about directions, you can have it give an autoresponder and then direct them to a page on your website that has that information. So it does give you the ability to customize it. And then likewise, it has a mobile app, if someone does write me at 2am, because we have an international company so I have people from all over the world that may contact us in the middle of the night here. I can wait up in the morning and see okay, you know, someone from Malaysia, wrote in and asked a question at 2am. My autoresponder said, you know, you’ve reached us after hours, the southeast sports team will contact you as soon as they return to the office, can you please give us your email address, so we can follow up that I have that person’s email address, and I can follow back up first thing the next morning.
Justin Trosclair 51:22
And when I think people don’t get overwhelmed is make it really manual for the first month that you’ve had it where you are there. The only automation you have is after hours, give me your email, but then you just have somebody man it make sure they answer the question. So after like a month, you say, Okay, here are the top five or six questions everybody asks, or if you’re lucky, the company that you use might already have like a template of Hey, as a doctor’s office, here’s the top 10 questions that we’ve already figured out from our past clients, make sure you answer these before you do anything else. Point is, don’t be overwhelmed if you don’t know what to ask or what to automate given a month, and you can figure it out. So that way, you can save yourself a lot of the following month and from dental
Unknown 52:01
and your office staff is going to be a great resource for that the person that answers your phone is going to be able to give you a list of five to 10 questions that they get on a regular basis. But I like to think about it this way, like your website is literally the front page of your business online. So how nice would it be if you could sit back and know that people you will actually get in touch with or know who’s coming to your website, because without any type of lead generation on there, you don’t know you can have thousands of visits a day, but you have no idea who it was. They never engage with you. Maybe some people call it maybe some people didn’t. But if you have that chat feature, you’re opening up another opportunity, you know, people don’t like to submit contact us forms anymore, because you don’t ever hear back from people or you just hit it, you know, you fill out a contact us form and it goes to that person via email. But then you’re like, Okay, well, I’m not going to hear from them for at least a day or two. But with chat, like, you know, somebody’s going to get your and like with ours, like my face pops up as soon as you come on my website and says, Hey, do you have any questions, you know, look around, let us know if you need anything. And sometimes people will just ride and be like, No, I’m good. Or I’m just looking at your event schedule like they were.
Unknown 53:18
So it’s cool, because then I can see, okay, like this person’s coming to me from San Diego, it usually will automatically at least get geographically where they’re located. And then obviously, they have to put in their email address. So I don’t get everyone’s email address, but I at least can look at trends and traffic. So I can know if people are visiting my site from a certain area, which can be important, especially if you have multiple offices, you know, in a large geographic area.
Justin Trosclair 53:46
Well, I know I was on a magic jack the other day because I use it for my voice IP to call people in America. And I was on their website. And it’s like, dude, you have a contact us you haven’t teased that we could talk to a live person. And I’m like, Where’s the chat button? And then we’ll get upset because they were hiding it. And then just the final contact information that we’re trying to upsell you on customer service like that. Was there upsell?
Oh, it took me about 20 minutes to find a phone number to call them. And I was like, could you just have a live chat please like this questions not that difficult, but I just don’t know what the answer is because it doesn’t say it on your feet
Unknown 54:24
when people do come to expect that you know, and likewise, these live chats with with tools like intercom and Zendesk has another one. They also can how’s your FAQ and in their, you know, their section of your site. So you can have it so that if people try to ask questions that maybe are not part of the keywords you have set, that it kicks them over into an FAQ section so that if you know you do have a larger library of different questions and concerns that you want to address, you can direct them there as well.
Justin Trosclair 54:55
Do you use Zynga or any other kind of company to text message is your patients, whether it’s automatic, or a patient room, appointment reminders or anything like that, have you ventured into that? I think
Unknown 55:07
those are really powerful. We currently we don’t have a practice currently. So right now, we’re not utilizing any kind of technology like that. But that being said, when we do launch another practice, that will definitely be a huge component of that, because I think you have to meet people where they are another tool. And it’s actually a free tool that a lot of people don’t realize, Facebook messenger will allow you to put a live chat messenger bot on your website. So people can opt in there. And then we use a tool called mini chat, which is also free up to a certain number of users, I believe, to connect to your Facebook page, so that if people messaged you through your Facebook page, then they’re automatically opted into mini chat. So you can then go back and
Unknown 56:01
send them broadcast messages. So for instance, if you are planning a Ladies Night Out or some type of event at your office, and you want to let everyone on your list know, you can send out a notification through many chat and that messages is all message it sends a message to all of them on Facebook, which once again is just kind of meeting people where they are.
Justin Trosclair 56:22
But the caveat I’ve heard is the person has to have interacted with your messenger, you can’t just spam your 2000 paste Facebook business page fans, they have to message you first. And then isn’t there like a timeframe perhaps to be able to send like a link or something? Well,
Unknown 56:39
yes. So yes. So with many chat, for example, like they have to message you first. And from there you have the ability that essentially is their opt in. And you can set it up different ways. Some systems require that you set up a double opt in, like if you’re going to upload a list of cell phone numbers or something like that to an S SMS service that allows you to tech to do broadcast texts, you more than likely you’re going to have to do a double opt in it’s going to send them a text to their phone saying hey XYZ chiropractic, you know, would like to send you text message notifications, you know, reply yes to opt in reply, note, opt out. So you always want to be careful about being compliant when it comes to things like that, because it can certainly get you in a lot of trouble. And you know, you don’t want to get blacklisted and have your entire you know, Facebook account closed or oftentimes when it comes to email marketing, if you get your email address, but blacklisted, it’s really hard to get to the point where any emails get through to anybody anymore.
Justin Trosclair 57:39
And it’s hard to tell if you did or not sometimes Yes, yeah. Do you do anything with Pinterest?
Unknown 57:44
Yes, so Pinterest can be an interesting medium. And obviously the main demographic on Pinterest, traditionally was always women. But now more and more men are also getting on Pinterest as well. Pinterest is really great, especially for fitness enthusiast. For people that are very health conscious when it comes to nutrition, and they’re looking for recipes, healthy, clean eating things like that. Pinterest is a really cool place where you can go very deep down a rabbit hole. But it’s also a great place where you can essentially repurpose other people’s content for your audience. Because with a click of a button exactly like you can share things that you found that were impactful things that you can look at different exercises that are that are on Pinterest that other people have pinned and if those are things that you would recommend to your patients, that’s something you can put on your boards. And then people from all over will pick them up from you and reshare them and etc. So Pinterest is really effective for recipes. Especially, I cannot tell you the number of women I know that are busy moms like me that Pinterest becomes like the holy grail of recipe books because we don’t have Betty Crocker cookbooks, these days, we don’t have a bookshelf, or I go, you know, dust off the cookbook and flip to my favorite page for recipes. We look online now. And Pinterest has become a really great resource for that. Because you can literally type in any type of meat vegetable castle role, you know, search a term, and you’re going to get a number of different recipes that come up from that would have picture. Exactly.
Unknown 59:22
So you know, if you mess it
Justin Trosclair 59:25
up, somebody will have cookbooks and they just don’t know what to cook. You’ve got six cookbook stop collecting them and you
Unknown 59:32
and honestly, like, I don’t even think to look in one anymore. I have cookbooks that I’ve had for years. But it’s like, why would I want to take 20 minutes flipping through pages when I can go to Pinterest and type in weeknight casseroles or keto dinners, you know, crock pot, yeah, anything. And they’ll give me a step by step with pictures, different substitutions I can use. And then I’ll also get a picture that tells me you all the different conversions for dry to liquid measuring, and you name it, it’s on there.
Justin Trosclair 1:00:06
No kidding. Because I’ve looked at a couple words like replace oil with applesauce. And there’s like, I didn’t realize there was so many substitutes that you could to try to make something healthy. Just on the topic, since we’re chatting about it. If people are into like health and stuff, I want to say it’s all recipes. com or one of those. You can actually, you know, sometimes you want to try a new recipe and you’re like, ah, I don’t have to, you know, you don’t have basically you know what these random spices and you go to the story like dude is $12 for a bottle.
Unknown 1:00:34
Justin Trosclair 1:00:35
Wow, I don’t think I really want to buy this meal, I could just go out to the Indian restaurant and cook it and need it. But they can set it up to where if you bought a spice, you can then look at recipes just based on that spice.
Unknown 1:00:47
Wow. So now
Justin Trosclair 1:00:48
you may be overkill. But this you know, you can you can cook more than one meal for the week with that flavor profile and not feel like you wasted all this money on the spot.
Unknown 1:00:56
That’s awesome. Well, and that’s really good to like, that’s where Pinterest has become a big resource as well. And sites like all recipes is that if you have a food sensitivity, if you have, you know something that you have to exclude from your diet, like eggs or dairy, like the big things that kind of tend to be in everything, it’s really nice to have a resource that you can look to to say, okay, what’s the substitution? What are some recipes that don’t involve this ingredient or that deal with this sensitivity? So now I think that’s a that’s a, we’ve come a long way when it comes to how we prepare meals these days.
Justin Trosclair 1:01:33
Yeah, it is true. Is there something that you wanted to definitely chat about that we haven’t talked about yet to kind of promote yourself? What I?
Unknown 1:01:42
And I would just love to know, and maybe this is a question you can pose to your listeners, I would love to know how docs are currently choosing or finding CE courses right now. Like is it primarily word of mouth? Is it something that people here from other colleagues about? And then they’re like, Oh, I have to do this? Do they see it on social? Do they look to their you know, the school that graduated from like, I’m always curious to see, you know, how practitioners are choosing? And likewise, what they’re basing those decisions off of? Like, is it the couple paragraphs description? Is it based on you know, who is teaching the class? That’s always great data mining that I’m constantly doing just to make sure that with every offering, we put out that we’re, you know, hitting the mark.
Justin Trosclair 1:02:30
So y’all, whenever she gives you the website, again, or her email, if you would like to respond to her, definitely give her that information. I can answer it from my personal perspective. Yeah, that would be great. For instance, forward Episode 79, part of the Facebook group finally had a seminar, I was able to actually fly out there for that and a wedding. So I went, didn’t really know what to expect so much. But I was excited to go. Now that I’ve gone now though, I have several other seminars that I can take because of that one seminar because we kind of got like a taste for what they were generally for a long time I was taking like, an activator seminar, because there’s a technique that I enjoyed. And I wanted to stay on the website as a marketing tool. So you had to go to the seminars, so for a couple years, I would do their seminars, and then I would switch up to Okay, I want to learn a different technique. So of course, there’s that seminar, and sometimes they break them down into like, extremity or spine. And then like, Well, what do I care most about? That’s the location that I would go to. But online, for like Louisiana, we don’t allow online credits. But because of my situation, I’m able to petition them to allow it. And then I was like, Okay, well, where can I go to find classes that they will approve of? Because there’s a lot of trash offline classes. So one of the things I did was like, like I said, I pulled my friends, like, has anybody done any online classes? And so once I found out like, these are the websites that they did, I was able to just communicate with the board and say, Hey, I picked the class that I thought I would like from a couple different websites and said, Hey, would you come approve these? And then they just let me know like, yes, we approve this or no way wouldn’t. So I’ve taken along the MRI classes because I needed them. And there’s one company they do a really good job and they were dual certified that that was the key for me was where do you have your what school? is it from? You who approved it? And then they also had like, medical doctor schools approve it as well. So I think that to me, I think that was what allowed them to say yes, we’ll take this because it’s dual accredited. We’re not you’re going to get there’s a lot of hours, there’s like 12 hours online, 24 hours classes. So a lot of information, not just one hour, here’s your calcium deficiency checklist.
So a lot of kinda was word of mouth, because I didn’t even know what factor was until a month ago. I was like, I don’t know what that is. So that’s kind of crazy. It’s been there a while it’s got I mean, I was I looked at the website, like there’s so many seminars, it’s like, my goodness, yeah. There every weekend. So kudos to you for figuring that out.
Unknown 1:04:55
Well, and And likewise, you know, I always am curious about how you do what through the cloud, what helps you decide that a class and like you said, you asked your friends, because sometimes there are some really crummy classes out there, especially in the online space, unfortunately, or there are ones that the main purpose of the class is just to sell you what they’re trying to sell you like, we don’t really want to teach you anything we want you to, we want to teach you how to use our stuff. So you can buy our stuff, as opposed to providing education for the sake of You know what, like, and that’s how we do things in our factor, of course, like, do we have instruments? Absolutely. Do we have loss? Yes, of course. But is that a requirement of the course not at all, like you can bring your own instruments to class, if you have some that you love, you know, if you prefer to use your hands, you can do the factory have system with just your hands, you can do it with the activator, you can do it with you know, cold laser Shockwave, you can do it with acupressure, or I’m sorry, acupuncture, or dry needling and others a variety of different tools that you can use as part of the system. So we’ve always been one that have valued education above just peddling products, because unfortunately, like you don’t ever want to go to a class and then halfway through, you’re like, Okay, I haven’t learned anything. And they sold me a bag of goods like, this isn’t at all what I expected.
Justin Trosclair 1:06:17
And a lot of times, I don’t even know who the speakers are, like, if you to ask me a month ago who Leonard fe was, I believe, I don’t know who that guy is. And he’s been around the profession forever. So it’s one of those knee injury, like, you should have known who that guy was like, well, in my school, in the seminars that I ran with, I don’t know who this guy is. And people are probably listening. Like, I don’t know who that guy is, either. But in the chiropractic room, he’s been kind of a pioneer, apparently, for like motion, Paul patient and some different things. And so I guess a lot of times, like I don’t know the name is, so I have to rely on, what is his credentials or her credentials? What is the description, and then there’s certain names that we do see pop up over and over again. And then you have a bad taste in your mouth you’d like I don’t like this guy, he sold himself out to anybody who wants to pay us. So I don’t really want to hear anything he has to say anymore. But he’s always on the speaking circuit, or she’s on the speaking circuit.
Unknown 1:07:12
That’s awesome. Yeah, absolutely. And that was what was so fun about what we were able to do with forward was, we literally wanted to create a chiropractic conference that was not like, what you typically attended, like we wanted, you know, not only for it to be something fun and engaging and really community building, but from an education perspective, we wanted to provide you with a variety of different courses, a variety of different, you know, topics, such as, you know, not only just, you know, technique and clinical skills, but then also when it came to, you know, clinical decision making and compliance and insurance and radiology. And we wanted to provide a smattering of different things. But at the same time, not do them in the trip, additional model where some conferences have done that in the past where, you know, he’s going to get up on stage, he’s going to give you a sales pitch on his books, or his DVDs, or his product or his his seminars for an hour and a half. And you’re going to walk away and be like, wow, okay, all I learned about was his seminars, like I didn’t really learn anything I can use on Monday morning with my patients, like, why did I waste my time on that.
Justin Trosclair 1:08:24
And I think that’s the take home point is, it could be a sales pitch at the end. But you got to give me something to where I can do something on Monday with this.
Unknown 1:08:32
Yeah, the end of the day, like you’re there to, to learn something. So if if the instructor is not providing you with that, then that’s definitely a big disservice. And that was what was so cool about, you know, forward is that we had some instructors that were season, but it’s spoken at multiple events, we had some instructors that were brand new, and this was not something that they had done very often. But they put so much time and effort and heart and soul into putting together presentations for the sake of teaching and for the sake of really elevating the professionals that attended.
Justin Trosclair 1:09:07
And the reason why we’re mentioning far is because she was I don’t know if he was almost a one, one lady, she putting this all together, I know you have a team behind you. Without that was my first experience of what you can do. And I was like, wow, this is pretty impressive, because I don’t know how to read this kind of stuff. So to me, it was impressive that I pulled it all together. And you know, we had hiccups. They have hiccups there. Of
Unknown 1:09:27
course, things weren’t printed on time. And
Justin Trosclair 1:09:31
we didn’t realize that until later on. And you like wow, this was a really nice bad job, guys. God, it’s like, I don’t know what happened. But
Unknown 1:09:37
Oh, yes, these these ups was not my friend for a few days there. But no, like, I certainly cannot take all of the credit for that. And we had an amazing team of students at Cleveland that hosted us, and that we’re right there in the trenches with us, you know, in the kitchen, you know, chopping chicken and getting things ready for when we had food that we were rolling out and doing costs runs with us. And it was I’ve never been a part of an event before where I had attendees coming up and saying, What can I do to help? Is there anything I can do? I had so many volunteers that worked. Registration, you know, we had volunteers that their job was to go and talk to the exhibitors and make sure that they had everything they need, they were happy that they were having a good show, and they were driving traffic in their direction. So what was unique about this event was just that amazing group of people that came together to put this together. So that certainly was not a a one woman show or one man show like it was a community that came together that genuinely cared about making a really great event, a really great experience for everybody. And essentially like putting a stake in the ground in that, you know, we are a forward thinking evidence based group, this voice in the profession is getting louder and louder. And this group is going to continue to grow and make positive change.
Justin Trosclair 1:11:00
Felt like people had for myself, I guess, skin in the game. Yes, I want this seminar to be good, because there’s going to be some people that are just like, I’m just here. But I think because of where it was located. If you wanted to cover this seminar, you pretty much had to travel to me. Like if I went to a factor, I would expect to be everything to be take the handle is the coffee hot in the back, just tell me where to go, I expect this to be a fine tuned engine, and I’m just there a page of the money, let’s just get the get the course going. But with forward it was felt like if we’re going to be a success, let’s all pitch in, let’s make sure things are good. And everybody’s happy and help out people who look confused and, and all that kind of stuff at me. But that’s how I felt
Unknown 1:11:40
that was absolutely the case. And you know, it’s amazing. What was cool about from an event management standpoint with this event that was so different from other chiropractic conferences I’ve worked with is that I was never at a shortage of people wanting to help, I was never at a shortage of people wanting to step up. And even in the beginning, when we first started working with Bobby, he was very much of the mind that like, let’s make this whatever we want it to be. There’s no script that’s already been written, there’s no framework that we have to follow. Like, let’s do this the way that FTC a does events, and let’s, you know, create a framework for this is what’s important to us. This is how we want to do things. So we did make sure that it was fun. And there was networking involved. And there was, you know, TED talks on Friday night, which were just a ton of a ton of fun. But then they provided really great insight and perspective from so many different professionals. And then when it came to our exhibitors, and sponsors like it was a first year event, it was a group that was unknown to many of them, and they really, you know, stepped up in a big way for this first event. And I know that, from their perspective, they felt like they were taking a lot of risk. So that the companies that did step up, like we wanted to make sure that they were given the right time carpet treatment throughout, like, make sure that people you know, go up and shake their hand and say, Wow, thank you. We had people posting on their Facebook pages, and their Instagram pages before they ever came to the event. When we announced they were a sponsor, just saying, Hey, thank you so much for stepping up. Thank you for supporting this event. And then of course, you know, after the event, the response has just been overwhelming of the attendees that said, how great it was. And like you said it was not without hiccups. You know, every event has something go wrong. And you know, they all do it’s just expected you know that’s going to happen. But there was never one person that complained or one person that you know really made it a big issue. Everybody just completely rolled with it. And we made it a as much of a seamless experience as possible. This brutal Have you
Justin Trosclair 1:13:51
heard of pain zone by mid zone since 2000?
It’s a nice pain relieving Joe with three different ingredients.
Unknown 1:13:58
I have they were one of our wonderful sponsors that stepped up at that event.
Justin Trosclair 1:14:03
And the pro loan diet, aka the longevity diet by lon go Yes, check them out read the book, by their week long food. No. Actually, I’ve got somebody coming on to talk about the pronoun diet, that the book is amazing. The research that this guy did to promote this, this called longevity diet is on real and I know it’s the different episode for different day. But these are sponsors that would be a group and I’m making a joke about it. But these are actually good products.
Unknown 1:14:33
And I’m sure they don’t want to play and even the ACA, like the ACA stepping up to have a presence at this event from her was And the beautiful thing about it was they said that that was one of the most successful events in terms of members, new members, signups they’ve ever had. So that just goes to show like that the people that came to that group, the people that are members of SCCA, like they genuinely like they step up, they show up, they get things done, and the fact that they were willing to, you know, join ACA on the spot and say, Yes, I appreciate the fact that you’re here. We want to support what you guys are doing from a political standpoint for the profession and, and the way that they’ve, you know, stepped up with their choose wisely campaign. You know, I think it really sets a tone for future events and for things to come.
Justin Trosclair 1:15:21
Now, audience, if you’re wondering what in the world if you still hanging out with us on this podcast at this point? This is what she does. So this is kind of like a promo for, she can create seminars, if you are looking to do this. You have an idea, you can contact her I’m sure she can brainstorm this and talk to you and get this from a thought to actually schedule with a hotel and getting media coverage out there.
Unknown 1:15:46
Yes, yes, absolutely. We really enjoy working with instructors, you know, practitioners that have like I said, they’ve they’ve come up with a really great curriculums, they want to offer something they want to help other practitioners grow. So you know, we can take you from, you know, the concept phase, all the way through managing you know, your live or online events.
Justin Trosclair 1:16:09
And how do people find out more information about this?
Unknown 1:16:11
So you can go to sports, hyphen, seminars, calm, and you can chat with me on my interactive chat box, my face will pop up. Come on. But Likewise, we have contact forms all over the site. Or you can also email me, Jessica at sports hyphen, seminars calm.
Justin Trosclair 1:16:32
Hey, since this is already a long podcast, I love to ask this question. You got a lot going on. With all these seminars and all these different things do you have any kind of hobbies or volunteering that you do to get your mind more focused and clear for the for working.
Unknown 1:16:47
Um, I would love to say that, you know, I go to the theater on a regular basis. And I play tennis and you know, I’m involved in volunteer work, but I do have four small children at home.
Unknown 1:17:01
That definitely takes the the primary focus of all of my free time. So they are 10, nine, four and a half and two, so yeah, that they keep me pretty much busy outside of work hours, I do enjoy you know, getting to go and work out when I can. I think it’s important for everybody to take a break at some point to find the some time and your week for you know, even if it’s just reading a good book, you know, fiction or nonfiction I mean, even if you’re reading something to make you a better business person, it’s still have shut your mind off for a little while. And and find a little bit of new time in there. You
Justin Trosclair 1:17:37
have any books that you would recommend?
Unknown 1:17:39
I’m I’m a big fan of. And what I’ve been reading lately is a lot of Russell Brunson work. Yeah, he’s the creator Click Funnels. So there’s two books, expert secrets, and.com secrets. And I know when you hear the titles, you think this is some kind of cheesy, you know, internet mumbo jumbo. But the end side he provides in those books about marketing and sales, because so many people like they’re very good at marketing and promotion. But they stink at sales, because you can get a ton of exposure and a ton of leads. But if you’re not doing anything to actually make them convert into paying patients or customers or clients then then you’re not really completing what you need to complete as far as your your full strategy. So he does a really good job of marrying the two and helping provide really any business owner with some tools, tactics and strategies to help you, you know, really kind of get into the mind of your in consumer and help provide them with the value that they see. So that when it comes time to make that decision to book a book an appointment with you, it’s a no brainer.
Justin Trosclair 1:18:46
Yeah, really good information on that one. And they’re only what 995, free plus shipping.
Unknown 1:18:51
Yeah, it’s like free plus shipping for the books. And then you know, obviously, they provide a lot of great other videos, online resources, tutorials, they do like a printed newsletter. It’s a wealth of information. There’s lots of Facebook groups out there, too, that you can kind of join to learn a little bit more about Click Funnels and how they work. Absolutely.
Justin Trosclair 1:19:11
Lastly, we know you’re married, you got lots of children, how do you keep the love alive and feel connected to your spouse,
Unknown 1:19:18
honestly, the biggest thing that we do is just make each other a priority. So we both travel a great deal. And by we I mainly mean him, he travels travels way more than I do, although I just been gone for a number of weeks traveling. So I feel now like I’m the traveled one, but
Unknown 1:19:36
we travel a lot. So he you know, has periods where he’s out teaching and away from you know where I am physically. But just always making each other priority, like making sure that we call text, reach out, you know, even little things like, if I’m gone for an extended period of time, like I was these past couple of weeks, like I sent him a card in the mail, just to let them know, I’m thinking about him. Cute. And then likewise, especially when you have a spouse that you also, you know, work with in some way or another, just making sure that you have dedicated time to talk about work and talk about the business. Because I know so many practitioners, you know, your spouse is involved in that just as much as you are because you’re building a business together. It’s almost like having another child, you have to have a clear delineation between work time, and personal time and like home time, and we’re not going to talk about business. After you know, this time is over. I think that’s really important, especially when you have the stress of being an entrepreneur on top of everything else.
Justin Trosclair 1:20:40
I think that can be hard, because there’s probably a time when someone’s married or spouse or partner, they don’t do that very well. They know their relationships is suffering. And they both know it. And they have to make that decision, I think sometimes do I set it up and be mechanical, just to get through it. And before it becomes more natural, and some that humbling yourself to say, Okay, I know this is where we are. And we all we do is we argue about the business because it’s it’s not where you want it to be. So what can we do to patch this up so we don’t lose our family if the businesses and doing that well as well. That’s I think that’s the reality is some of the guests on the show is kind of on our avatars is people who are kind of struggling cotton, all areas of life, because businesses kind of up and down so much. So
Unknown 1:21:23
what it is hard, I mean, I think and once again, no one really tells you it’s just like Parenthood, no one tells you how hard it is to be a parent, because they can’t like there’s no way to explain to someone what that’s like until they have their own children. And then then that’s when you appreciate your parents, that’s when you realized, okay, that’s what that was like, you know, same thing when it comes to starting a business. You can read all the books in the world, you know, I have a business degree, I went to school and got a business and marketing degree to learn how to start a business. And I did not learn anything about running a business until I actually started one. Like, there’s only so much theory they can teach you in school, just like in chiropractic school, before you guys actually put your hands on patients. There’s only so much they can prepare you for before you actually start doing it on a regular basis. And when it comes to entrepreneurship, especially, it takes a certain personality, it takes a certain level of grit, to get through the tough times of business ownership. And having a partner that is fully invested in that with you, you know, it can be difficult, because when you’re up there going to be up but then when you’re down, they’re going to be down there with you. And it’s just a matter of balancing each other out. And being honest and communicating and saying you know what, I’m really overwhelmed right now. Or I’m sorry, like, I know, you’re tired of me talking about this, but it’s just really weighing on my mind. And I value your opinion, like I would really love for you to help me figure this out. And likewise, if you’re the person on the other end of that, you know, being available to say, Okay, let’s talk it out. Let me help you figure this out.
Justin Trosclair 1:23:02
Yeah, very good. Sometimes you gotta have permission to just say, Hey, I can’t talk about it right now. I can’t listen to this right now. I need. I need a break. I need a break. Because come back in an hour. Yeah, just get rid of thank you so much for being on the podcast giving us so much information. I do hope that you’ll get some clicks. And it’s just I hope everybody Stay tuned to the end, because there’s so much information packed into this one, one podcast this week. Well, thank
Unknown 1:23:27
you so much, I really appreciate the opportunity to come on. And likewise, I’m always here as a resource. If If anybody has any questions regarding the world of marketing, especially when it comes to you know, courses and events,
Justin Trosclair 1:23:42
I’d like to tell you about a special deal we’re doing right now, if you’re listening to this months or years from right now just contact me maybe we can still offer this for you. But what it is the acupuncture needle book, we’re doing some bonuses, the same cost of the book, not only do you get a one hour one on one coaching session, but I will actually throw in the program that you’re seeing, which already like to do, but the big thing is you’re going to get the electric acupuncture pin for no extra cost dielectric acupuncture and actually helps you find the acupuncture points that you need to stimulate. And because it’s kind of like a muscle stem, but with a special tip, you’re going to get far superior results. Definitely go to need a list acupuncture net, and check that out. Also, the first book, today’s choices, tomorrow’s health, you know, we’re talking tips from China, we’re talking 10 plus years experience as a chiropractor, answering patients questions day in and day out blueprints that I personally use the lose weight, not eat so much. And also keep my finances in order. It’s something that I’m passionate about. That’s why I wrote the book. It’s over 200 pages 40 something chapters, again, offering a bonus for this one as well. A one on one coaching call for one hour at no extra cost. We got t shirts, some different state prize and chiropractic t shirts. If you got any ideas, let me know I can maybe design up something and make it available for everybody. Follow us on the social media because there are a lot of sales that go on with the shirts. let you know if you write a review on iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast, Spotify, wherever, let me know send me an email. And every month I can raffle off one prize The prize is to be determined but we can do that. Also, if you check out any the resources page on a doctor’s perspective, net, you see all our affiliate links, which we get a little kickback for. And then of course on every show note page we have Amazon links for the books that people have mentioned in the other types of products. So you click that Amazon pays us a little bit. As always, thank you so much for listening. You can buy the host a cup of coffee on a PayPal button on the website and remember, listen critically think about it and implement it into your practice.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain can this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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