Episode 43: Low Carb Lifestyle Reversing Metabolic Syndrome with UK MD Dr Peter Foley

e43 dr peter foley md a doctors perspective podcast

Dr. Peter Foley MD talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast

UK MD Dr. Peter Foley sheds myths about low carb lifestyle, Uk vs USA healthcare, managing calories, proper ratio of patience to action on goals, life as a general practitioner, root cause resolution, plus leadership role diversity.

Irish born and raised but attended medical school in the United Kingdom near Plymouth. He specializes in General Practice (Royal College of General Practitioners) and has a Masters in Sports and Exercise Science (University of Bath). His true passion is lifestyle changes with his patients.

We talk throughout the interview about Low Carb eating and the changes it has on diabetes and other conditions. Nutrition and physiology course opened his mind how lifestyle changes can positively affect health.
Learn some of the differences of USA vs UK medical school, residency and practice. One nice perk is the amount of countries that recognize his degree and opportunities that gives him to practice medicine. Hear why home visits are a standard in your residency.

Dr. Peter discusses where some of the normal GP training is lacking and how you may be able to gather referrals by mutual-respectful educating of muscularskeletal disorders.

Has the opioid epidemic hit the UK or is it just USA?

How does he incorporate the nutrition and sports medicine in his practice especially with metabolic syndrome patients? What type of low carb protocols does he prescribe to?

Eat less- move more… is that the best advice for everyone? He believes that weight loss is created by the dinner plate and not the squat plate.

He gives multiple Tips on how to manage lower your calorie intake…creative ways.

Dr Peter gives a fantastic analogy of how we slowly destroy our body using a car reference.. that anyone would understand. It deals with our natural body frame vs what size we actually are.

To be a general practitioner you have resonate with the following: I want to know an inch deep but a mile wide vs an inch wide and a mile deep.

Does Dr Foley ever get bitter that ‘specialist’ make more money? He has an outlook on finances, time and happiness of an older chap with more wisdom than you would assume from a 30 year old.

Look at the long term goal, be patient in achieving it, but work hard to achieve every day. It takes Strategy, Resilience and Focus to achieve those goals and sometimes you have do backward planning to find your path to reach said Big Dreams. Patience on the macro scale and work fervently on the micro scale.
Leadership creates good followership

Early 2018 he will be doing an original random controlled research project on pre-diabetics and how they respond to a low carb vs western diet. What he has seen in his clinic, is that they get better and lose weight. Although Dr. Foley does clarify, I’m not a weight loss doctor rather a lifestyle doctor.

James Maslow USA or Chatterly as they reference Root Cause Resolution If you pick a job you love, you never have to feel like you need a break from life, it’s more of a recharge on holidays. Ear Well, Live Well , Relax Well, Sleep Well

You can catch Dr Peter playing a Gaelic Football match or more recently Rugby.

Morning routine: diaries/ journals for 15 minutes and we share Aeropress Coffee receipes.

Gary Vaynerchuk: gary vaynerchuk books and the Gary V Audio Experience

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

How To Win Friends and Influence People Dietdoctor.com dr peter foley, playing rugby whuoe on low carb diet

We are Marshall or Remember the Titans

About a Boy

Diet Doctor website Low Carb Athlete

www.drpeterfoley.com peter.j.t .foley@gmail.com www.instagram.com/drpeterjfoley https://twitter.com/peterfoley_7

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/43 here you can also find links to things mentioned, the Travel Tip and the transcript.

Enjoy Internation Podcast Day, we recorded this episode on September 30th.

Travel Tip: Happy Halloween [su_box title=”Travel Tip” box_color=”#554943″ title_color=”#68BD45″]Try Local Bakery, you might find something you love that is completely unfamiliar with you.


[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]

Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 43 low carb lifestyle reversing the metabolic syndrome. I’m your host Matthew Johnson trust Claire and today, Dr. Peter Foley amp D perspective.

Join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin Foursquare, as he gets a rare to see him look into the specialties, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips,

Unknown 0:25
struggles, goals and relationship advice.

Justin Trosclair 0:28
Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to this Halloween edition. We got some tricks for you know, just kidding, just some treats. But if it was up to Dr. Peter Foley, you probably wouldn’t get those streets because he lives a low carb lifestyle. Now you also this is our second time doing this interview the first one horrible internet connection, it was just a stuttering and buffering. So we just said, You know what, let’s just redo it. So when we originally recorded it, it was international podcast day, September 30. Now, October 31. Halloween, we’re going to talk about all kinds of good things like the United Kingdom’s versus the United States health care system, why he chose being the general practitioner, and why he is passionate about it, leadership, something called root cause resolution, I think you’ll like to hear that a little bit. And he talks about things like macro scale, micro scale out and goal setting. Like all the all the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, slash for three travel tips can be at the end, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China, on this international podcast day, we got a great guest today. He’s all the way from Ireland, and now the UK. And he is a medical doctor specializing in general practice and sports and exercise and medicine. Give it up for Dr. Peter Foley.

Unknown 1:48
Good morning. Good evening. Just exactly

Justin Trosclair 1:51
good, are we?

Unknown 1:53
Well, Justin,

Justin Trosclair 1:56
well, I appreciate you taking your time and doing this. For those who don’t know, this is round two. And I’m not ashamed to admit it. So we’re going to do it again. And we’re going to pick his brain even more. And he says it’s so nice to do this again. So hopefully the internet connection will stay strong for us today. There’s a lot of things you can do in the world. How did you become in Why did you pick a medical doctor?

Unknown 2:16
Well, that’s a very good question. Just so yeah, I guess there’s many reasons why I chose this career. A while I was lucky enough to be able to follow this this career path. Perhaps the most important for me was that for early experiences, and my father and grandfather, both practice as my grandfather had practice as a GP back in Ireland, which is a family physician. So that had some positive impact on my on my early memories. I always wanted to work in a job where I was helping people. And I always had a personal interest in my own health and wellness, coupled with a fascination for science and how things work, cobbling together, I thought that current medicine would be able to keep the interest says, Give me a passion to work towards. And I’m very pleased to be living that passion now, which is a lot of fun. And what I’m eternally grateful for, did you go to medical school in Ireland know, I had the opportunity to study medicine in England, and in the UK. So I left Ireland in 2006, which is when I came up with to medical school here. And I think my medical training undergrad, as I guess it’s having an in the States and the UK in the southwest, the beautiful southwest of England. Places like Exeter play with them. Sure. And I finished my training 2012 and then I just did my Heisman job. So my junior residency years in hospital. And that all finished just this year, really in August this year. God past with my medical, much everybody this degree, I’m a general practice training. So we do two years Heisman jobs post medical school. And that’s a generic two years across the board. Are you doing locations and hospitals? I don’t specialize in general practice with a three year course, which just finished this August.

Justin Trosclair 4:20
So it was still a five year commitment after

Unknown 4:24
medical school yet for GP. Yeah.

Unknown 4:27
So okay, exactly. Yeah. So by doing general practice on the first ideas around as quick as I can do it, really. So my file that’s pretty wild, so much for tuning other specialties, like, for instance, cardiology, or shipping surgical specialties will have another five years until class, the junior doctor just unfathomable. But that’s the system

Justin Trosclair 4:52
that is that’s pretty well. Now did it? Was there a benefit to go into the UK versus staying in Ireland? Like, is your degree more transferable across the Europe?

Unknown 5:00
No reason?

Unknown 5:01
No. So by being in the in the European Union, then the medical degree is essentially marriage. So if I was to, for instance, want to, if I would go to Ireland, or anywhere in Europe, or Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, that agree is transferable across all places that it’s equal weight, if you like.

Unknown 5:26
My general practice degree from something called the Royal College of general practitioners is also transferable, transferable degree across, and it is, again, or equal weight to the equivalent of knowledge. But it’s been wonderful. Yeah, it’s great.

Justin Trosclair 5:43
You can just say, you know what, let’s go check out because I’ve been to New Zealand. Yeah, let me tell you good at places pretty. It’s pretty awesome. Like, if you went there on vacation, you might have to say, all right, what is it going to cost me to get over here?

Unknown 5:54
Funny. years, it’s unlike it’s on my bucket list. It’s my bucket list. The only contract can’t go to or I would have to do more exams for the state. So

Justin Trosclair 6:04
yeah, we’re weird like that.

Unknown 6:06
I said, some exams called us, Emily’s. And so I, I don’t have any plans to set those. So I don’t have any burning desire to move and, and live or work in the States. I may work abroad in the future. But certainly, I have no plans to any more exams at the moment. No, I hear that.

Justin Trosclair 6:23
My goodness. So you, you got more stress? I guess he had more special training yet in exercise, and nutrition and those types of things. So why do you do that? And how does that play into your overall scheme in life?

Unknown 6:38
Okay, so when I started my general practice training, I had the opportunity to study for a, an extra degree called Sport and Exercise medicine. And that’s through the University of Bath, which is a beautiful, ancient history, ancient city in the UK, I’m sure you’ve heard about before. Sure.

Unknown 7:00
I’m studying for a master’s degree in Sport and Exercise medicine, which is a very interesting, developing specialty in the medical field, which is where we learn in depth about the human body mechanics about how to be a pitch site Doctor, how to navigate through the lawn sport, which can often be quite difficult and quite murky waters, with the evolution of the ever evolution of professionalism and sport, that comes with its own pros and cons for for doctors who are involved. So it was navigating that and then it was through this course, I developed a real passion for understanding how lifestyle can positively impact our health. And it was through a module on nutrition physiology, where I really developed a deep passion for the role of nutrition and food in, in our lifestyles. So having studied this course, which can does a range of preparing us to be pitched side doctors for professional teams to being GPS, like myself promoting health. I’m no steering towards the nutrition and health rather than page type medicine. For us,

Justin Trosclair 8:14
pitch say medicine that that means like the the team doctor, the guy that’s on the right lines and all that. Yeah.

Unknown 8:20
So I’m not can then range from, you know, the big shiny lights of the NFL to local community games. So it’s all encompassing, right? Yeah,

Justin Trosclair 8:32
I had read an article. And it was saying that when you’re a basic, you know, your first four years, medical doctors typically get very little musculoskeletal training, you cover it, but to really be like, your rotator cuff does this the hamstrings do this? And it connects here and all that it’s like, it’s kind of not that great compared to like pathology, and what drugs to take and all that. Is that true at all? In your opinion?

Unknown 8:56
I would say, looking back at my undergraduate training, we didn’t have very much training on musculoskeletal. That’s correct. I think that they tried to cram a lot of information into those two or three years. And I guess, because of my interest in Sport and Exercise, it was a natural progression for me to go on to learn more and more what I already had an understanding from my own sports and my own athletics and rugby, from when I was a teenager. So I had a good base understanding of musculoskeletal medicine, if you like, physical therapy, but lots of my colleagues would have very little information or knowledge or feel old, that much confidence talking about the human body in terms of musculoskeletal because they would see that as more of a physiotherapist or chiropractors road. Whereas I, I feel it’s very important as a as a GP, who’s looking after patients with all ranges of illnesses and the community. It’s very useful for me, and I use my knowledge on a daily basis, our patients trying to promote different different issues.

Justin Trosclair 10:04
And that’s why I was asking just because a lot of our audience here is chiropractors or physical therapist or musculoskeletal focused. So because we’ve here people are like how to market to medical doctors better and yeah, it was taking some continued and they’re like, Look, medical doctors, the general practice, they generally don’t know they have opioids, which we know there’s an epidemic there.

Unknown 10:23
Yeah. Oh, yeah. So if you can just in the UK or in general

Justin Trosclair 10:28
Well, in America for sure rating. There’s a huge amount of deaths within two and a half years of people just getting addicted and going down a spiral and the governing boards like the big Which one was it? The guidelines now actually encourage PT Cairo do something else? Because if you don’t, this is going to keep happening. And all this is it’s a really interesting is an interesting study was interesting report just to show like, as a carburetor, we need to be out there and helping to educate like, Hey, this is what you can do. Not every car go the same route, every physical therapist is the same. But hey, you know what, if we talked to him, like you and they understand what you’re doing that’s could bridge a gap in a service that they may not really that may come? I don’t want any more headaches? I don’t want any more sciatica. It’s not what I’m good at. I know.

Unknown 11:12
It’s communication is communication. It’s it’s breaking down those barriers, right?

Justin Trosclair 11:18
Yeah, I think so. So that that leads to this question, what is your basic philosophy on on diet? Like? Are you a low carb guy or stay away from fats kind of guy or, you know, especially you have like diabetes and hypertension type of patients? Do you have like a basic

Unknown 11:33
question idea. So anybody who knows me want to, from my Facebook page, or my Twitter, my Instagram is going to know that my, I have a real passion for the promotion of health and food in general. And that, itself, and and that lends itself to a lower carb lifestyle. And by lower carb, I mean, I’m not sure what listeners will think of a low carb diet. But when people think of low carb diet, they think of sausage, processed meat, highly fat foods, whereas my low fat, or my low carb diet is very high in natural carbohydrates in the form of cruciferous vegetables, which were, which are your

Unknown 12:19

Unknown 12:21
vegetables that are green, and leafy vegetables, which grow up off the ground as a general rule, then the patients that I had the most success with no, follow a lower carb diet, and their results are staggering. give you some context, one patient lost about 25 kilograms course on six months, and reverse the pre diabetes at excuse me, reverse their diabetes blood tests to normal range, which was which was brilliant, and that’s in the current advice we give patients generally, for the last 15 years for weight loss, for instance, has been to eat less and do more, which has been putting the onus the patient, it’s it’s their fault, it’s their illness. Whereas what we’re learning now is fact that might be the best advice, if, in my opinion, from my personal experience and experience with patients, if we focus on nutrition for 85 90%

Unknown 13:15
of the journey, and exercise or 10%, for weight loss. That’s where most of the successes

Unknown 13:22
Well, I’d say the patient is if you have three meals a day, that’s going to be at four meals a month. And I say to them, can you have 70 meals good? they’re sick. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. What is 70. So just making a positive, realistic and achievable lifestyle change, and it seems to be making good, good, a good progress so far. So it’s brilliant. It’s really enjoyable as really good fun. And this is why I got into medicine for you know, to help people and to help them to help themselves. And it’s just great to realize that,

Justin Trosclair 13:49
I like that you actually said, What can you just cut out 14 meals, like once a week? Yeah, basically just cut out breakfast? Dinner? Or

Unknown 13:58
you can either cut that out, you can say? Because there is no there is no evidence to suggest not everyone needs breakfast, and on a personal level. But in terms of saying that if you’re eating the wrong foods all the time, for instance, your your refined carbohydrates, and the former breads, pastas, rice, breakfast cereals, I said don’t cut us at all all the time. But instead of having that refined cereal, 30 days a month, can you stick it to the again? Can you have it the weekend? Okay, yeah, that’s realistic. Rather than saying don’t have that ever again, it’s really bad. It’s more how is this going to be adjustable? And how can we change it to make it fit into your new lifestyle?

Justin Trosclair 14:37
So you start getting people into what they’re eating? And saying you could never have a candy bar brownie again. Well, good luck. I’m just not

Unknown 14:43
getting the training. Bingo. And you know what, you’ve hit the nail on the head, because I’m not a nutritional therapist. I’m not a dietitian, all am as a doctor. But in terms of this field, but once you what I find is once you break down that food guilt, pardon, you open up patients on there just so perceptive, it’s brilliant, because their initial reaction is, it’s my obesity, it’s my diabetes, I’m going to have this forever, because I just this is where I’m going to be on the safe. This doesn’t have to be this way. And it’s not your fault. And we’re going to do this together. It’s just the power of that for me. The the internal response I get from helping people with this holistic approach is just brilliant and so addictive as energetic. It’s brilliant. I love us.

Justin Trosclair 15:30
When I was 77 kilos, obviously, I was chunky, and my blood pressure stayed here. It was always it was always kind of high. And I was just like, man, I exercise. It won’t come down. Well, now I’m about 70. Yeah. So in every time I check it, it just drops and it drops. And I’m almost I’m pretty much in a normal range. Now. I’m like, Oh my goodness, yeah, that extra weight, just 10 or 15 pounds makes that much difference. And you don’t want that to be treated.

Unknown 15:53
Patients, Justin, what could be going on piece here, but I say Okay, so let’s say you’re, let’s say your body frames design to carry 70 kilos. So I’ll say, right, that’s the that’s like a golf car. So a Volkswagen Golf, you are designed to be a Volkswagen Golf and you keep taking the engine lot of 2000 reps, that’s you and your in your basic state by having 77 kilos, that’s like you’re in a golf and you’re telling us allowing your reps have gone from 2000 to 4000 all the time. And if you keep driving a car 4000 reps, rather than two sets and reps, you’re going to start wearing at body parts. And that’s what you’re finding with your blood pressure. And I kind of bring it down to the patient and say, This is what’s happening with you. This is your waist, this is your your diabetes level, this is your blood pressure level, this is your liver function levels as your back pain. If you imagine then you take off that Lori, you lose the weight your Congress back to 2000 reps. And the cars then running up the way it was designed to from the factory. So we’re going to restore your factory settings. I want you to bring it down to this level. Patient say okay, yeah, let’s do this. Because your frame, let’s say for instance, for you will see if if you’re wasted the 30 or 32 inch waist. If you don’t have a 3436 inch waist, your body frame, your pelvis, your musculus liberal frame is still going to be a 3030 inch waist, you’re gonna have extra fat there. So let’s get back to the way you were designed from. Let’s get you back to factory settings.

Justin Trosclair 17:18
Do you know both? That’s like my waist size. And so what the way is the wind up to

do but I couldn’t do that. That’s really good. You could probably make a fortune at a current.

Unknown 17:35

Unknown 17:35
me tell you.

Justin Trosclair 17:36
Yeah, but that’s a good one. When this is a kind of a wide open question. So I’ll let you pick how you want. Okay. What are some of the most common misconceptions about your profession?

Unknown 17:46
That’s a good question. Just being a family physician or GP. People often think that it’s it’s an easy route, as a job where you finish your training early. There’s a misconception that it’s not very intellectually stimulating. its opposite, boring, it’s all protocol driven. So that was what I think the most of the general public would feel that it I think it’s notoriously difficult to get an appointment to see a GP. And they’re very many reasons for that. And there is a growing misconception that people choose general practice for, for lifestyle reasons. And I would turn it on its head. Although, yes, the training is short, it’s very, very challenging. Because you’re, you’re dipping in and you’re required to have a bit of knowledge on cardiovascular, a bit of knowledge on the spine. I’ve been in knowledge on mental health, but in knowledge on everything, so you have to be a jack of all trades. And I had to describe to me before we’re being a general practitioner is having a knowledge base, which is an inch thick, and a mile wide. Whereas if you’re a specialist, yeah, your knowledge base is an inch wide, and a mile thick. So you know everything and especially but you wouldn’t be able to say anything about another specialty. So instead of personality choice, if if you’d like to be a, somebody who knows a bit about everything that’s free, I see it as an enormous privilege to be a general practitioner, because last year was like in the States. But over here in the UK, we do things called home visits, where we would visit patients at home, particularly the elderly, the those who are pattern where those are at the end of their lives. And that’s a huge privilege to be able to be invited to people’s homes to see how they live. And that can often impact on our management plans for those patients. For instance, we cannot to patients with the same problem, but manage them very differently based on their home situation, that whole environment. So I really enjoyed the social aspect of being a general practitioner, there’s limited time with patients as well. So in the UK, we have between 10 and 15 minutes with patients. So in that time, were expected to build a rapport, find that history, read any what’s called Red Flag, a life threatening symptoms, examine patient, arrange investigations, and then arrange a follow up. So that can be very challenging. Whereas our Wow, our specialist colleagues may have 20 minutes, half an hour, sometimes even longer. And then in general practice is not a lot of gray areas. So we have to be comfortable living in that uncertainty where you come with me with a headache and 9900 100

Unknown 20:23
company just a headache. But there’s a chat, there’s gonna be something very serious, it could be an infection, it could be a cancerous, it comes up on your really worrying. And you have to be very comfortable with your own routine, your own process. So identified, the most likely cause, identify the most worrying cause trying to work out which is going to be and be be comfortable letting patients leave your your clinic room, in the knowledge that it could be something quite serious. But you’ve got to go to the course the phases of finding out what’s what’s most common. And also, it’s great opportunity to expand the portfolio career. And that’s something that I’m enjoying it presence. So I really enjoy my career as a family medicine doctor, the GP, but also enjoying expanding it and other avenues, which is really fun.

Justin Trosclair 21:08
Does it ever bought and how does in the UK, but I sometimes think the GPS job is much more difficult because you are an inch thick and a mile wide and expect this and not miss important things. Yeah. And then you don’t get paid, as well as the term as the cardiologists who’s performing the surgeries and, quote life’s You know, they’re saving lives because they’ll die if they don’t get their stamp but incorrectly, but um, Does that ever bother you at all that you’re not compensated as well as some of these more specialists? Or is it a moot point because there’s not much you can do?

Unknown 21:40
important? I think if if you really want to have a career where you’re earning silly crazy money

Unknown 21:49
probably isn’t for you. And that certainly was like an in the UK. And you go to London, you do your banking, you do your city job, your finances. But times when I feel like it would be nice to get paid more sure. However, when I every day, when I’m faced with patients who are in their 70s, 80s 90s.

Unknown 22:11
So once I love and happiness are the ones who often at least money. And I think that there’s often an overemphasis on money and wealth. And the it’s made me really re establish what wealth really is. And I think we can over prioritize money. We’re living in a in a consumerism world now where it’s all about the latest gadget, the next up to date, for instance, up to date, iPhone, up today’s computers up to date cars, because we’re losing touch with the reality of where social people and it’s about having that community around you be that family or community? And yes, it would be nice to be paid more. But if money was my real focus, I probably wouldn’t have chosen a career medicine the first place.

Justin Trosclair 22:56
Correct. I was just curious, your thoughts, because that could open up a lot of a lot of avenues for an interview based on how people think about it. But I mean, I think you know that it’s not always about dollars and cents, you’ve there’s all those other aspects in life that you get to experience, you know,

Unknown 23:11
just some, it’s like this. If so I’m 30 years old, I’ve got another 3035 years ahead of me doing this job. Yes, a lot of early morning making that that’s a lot of early morning starts. I much prefer to be getting up for a job, but I enjoy the job I don’t enjoy. And that’s the way I look at I look at the long game and break it down simply nailed it. There. it’s it’s it’s about the journey, not the destination

Justin Trosclair 23:36
for me. And he said you’re going to have a lot of other opportunities you’ve got We’ll talk about it later. But you do Gaelic football right thing? You’re a pro, aren’t you?

Unknown 23:44
No, no, no. But we can talk about that. And in a we walk.

Justin Trosclair 23:48
Okay, okay. But let’s go back to this. When you’re talking about people, maybe in college are doctors who are in their first three years, and they’re starting to try to just figure out what to do. Maybe they’re struggling getting out, like, how do I study this much? and gather all this information? And remember it all? Any any practical steps to help them and to encourage them? Yeah, young kids, maybe college kids? Yeah.

Unknown 24:12
Is that the long term goal? Be patient and achieving their, but working as what you need to do on a daily basis to get there. So and also I like it. I like the phrase. I’m not sure if you heard this before, just but if you haven’t asked the question, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, one at a time? Exactly. One bite at a time. So, you know, for me as a 1516 year old, I thought, well, I want I want a certain lifestyle. I want to live a certain way. That’s going to require certain income. So the options are going to be a B, C, D or a while okay? Can’t do those two. Not sure about that one. So So Mason’s going to be, so there’s no doubt have chosen the hardest roof. Yeah, I’ve chosen the repo properly with, you know, the most often schools that maybe, maybe move home, but I had the strategy, I had the resilience, I had the focus to continue with us. And for me, because I took the time was an early stage to identify what’s important to me. I feel very happy now that I’ve tick the box the last couple of months by achieving that training by finishing training. And now I’m looking for the next challenge. So the answers your question, what advice like of the kids, college kids that will be to dream big and focus be resilient, you’re going to get knocked, we’ll keep going. Be patient on the macro scale, but work like a dog on the micro scale. Find out what it is you need to do. And also what I like about guy being a joke is he talks about backward planner. So find out where you want to be what’s your end goal, and then break it down, break it down, break it down, break it down, break, for instance, only into medical school, what do I need to get to medical school I need to get get my exams. Okay, fun. Anytime, how am I doing? I’m getting a BM budget what I’ve got to get the upswing and breaking things down simply to make it more realistic to eat the elephant one bite at a time. That’s a perfect answer.

Justin Trosclair 26:12
More people need to hear that.

We were just thinking happened. happened I think oh,

Unknown 26:17
no way. So

Justin Trosclair 26:18
I’m in the backwards planning is great. I always do. I’ll tell

Unknown 26:21
you something. When I said in school, I wanted to be a doctor. They laughed at me. Because I wasn’t. I wasn’t that kind of person. I was playing a lot of sports. I might have the best focus as a 14 year old. But I was quite resilient. I drink a drink big. And yeah, I great people supporting me, my family. My parents especially. And it was been great to us that positive energy to keep me going. And and it’s been great. That’s awesome.

Justin Trosclair 26:50
Do you happen to have any staff? Or do you have any another way the system in the UK works? You kind of it’s kind of like a hospital setting, you probably not really in charge of hiring and firing people. But you have a big role, I’m guessing and motivating and managing your staff. Correct? Is that accurate? any hints or ways to make your staff the best that they can be for what you need.

Unknown 27:08
So so you’re right in in my current role? Well, it in my most consistent road presidents because of family medicine doctor.

Unknown 27:18
I am I’m on salary, I’m on the payroll there, but I don’t have any managerial responsibility. Having said that, I’m in a in a position of leadership, because I’m a doctrine practice. And there are times from the only doctor on site. So often staff and look up to me for, for advice or for for some leadership. So although we don’t have any official roles and hiring and firing a staff, I feel like I’ve got a huge role to play within the staff was in the staffing structure for communicating with other stuff. I think most importantly, when you have a corporation or business where you’ve got big p skills, it’s very important to have me to respect doesn’t matter where you are in that pay scale it if if you’re at the bottom, here at the top, I think if you have mutual, mutual respect, communication and positivity, that’s what’s going to bring people forward. And I liked it, the phrase of leadership creates good followership. And sometimes you got to be a good follower. But equally, sometimes you have to be a good leader. And I think by having an open and honest team, that creates the best working environment, and that’s when you get the best out of people. So there are times when I will, in my future, I expect be be in a more managerial role. But I feel that by having communication skills and by by being in an environment now where I’m learning from effective communicators, effective leaders, I can build my own brand, build my own approach to my own leadership when I’m at a point in my career when I am hiring staff and, and be more involved in management. But I think it’s all down to communication respect, and being approachable.

Justin Trosclair 28:52
What would you say is maybe the number one polluter have a good work and valuable

Unknown 28:57
the number of political corruption wireless? You can argue this, but I think one of the most important people on a staff group of staff family is going to be people like HR, because they’re all of the soul of the Corp dev the people who who remember a just know it’s your birthday, happy birthday man. Or a Justin, I see you’re on holiday last month. How was it how the kids making people feel like they’re part of the family. Once you break that off, and you have if you firstly don’t communicate with people, if you then have an unhappy member of staff, if you have a rumor mill by closing down communication lines, by having a closed door policy where you haven’t got approachability or honesty, you can then start reading these negative influences which can result in some festering some some rotten from the bottom. And then that’s so that can come from the top of the bottom. But I think there’s a great film called we are Marshall. Marshall.

Unknown 30:06
I think we are Marshal.

Unknown 30:07
Yeah. Or else it’s the movie with

Unknown 30:10
Denzel Washington, who is the Yes, it is we are emotional. There’s a great scene where they’re at Gettysburg, they’re doing this 5am running the jar. And it’s about team team building that there was this altercation between one of the black guys were in the white guys. And is there with all due respect, performance reflects leadership. And I realized that quote, because I like top down organizations where you’ve got the leaders at the top of the chain at the top of the pyramid, having the best work ethic having leading by the best example. That’s how I feel we can avoid how negativity within our own corporations for businesses. What about

Justin Trosclair 30:53
your future? What kind of five year goals do you have planned for yourself, and we’ll get you excited.

Unknown 30:59
Okay, so in my current role, I’ve got three current jobs at the moment, I guess, two people know me. So three pain in one or two paid or unpaid. So my first job 60% of my current time, clinically, is in family medicine. So working with a GP, I then spent 20% of my time working as an emergency medicine doctor. So in the in the casualty and Amy, and like beyond that great program, and in America, the other 40% is unpaid. And that’s a lifestyle medicine. So it’s it’s a new brand of lead simpler, I’m incorporating my counter practice knowledge, my sports medicine knowledge, and I’m using that to present to develop a resource for patients. A lot of confusion out there with nutrition and health. I’m a member of several groups now where we’re trying to promote health in a in a safe, responsible way as as practicing clinicians. Last time, having said both of those jobs, both of the jobs on my other interest, I’m also doing an MSc, so a Master’s, I’m doing my master’s research in sports medicine. So that’s going to be focusing on ways in which we can improve patient has prediabetes, which is the precursor to diabetes. From from my anecdotal evidence, so far, the patients who have a lower carb diet seem to be doing much better than patients on a standard

Unknown 32:28
Western diet of low fat. So I am doing a Masters original research a randomized control trial of on a having standard advice. And our be having a low carb advice, going to do a head to head over a 12 to 16 week period in the new year, and looking at which is better, which is more sustainable, and which has best results. So then, so that’s gonna be the next six months next year. And the next five years is going to be developing this interest of mine in what’s I guess you call it metabolic medicine. So your cholesterol, your fats, your your pre diabetes, I feel that this is going to be a huge area for growth in the next 15 to 20 years. I mean, you look around rest of the world where I work now, you’re looking at 60%, obesity and adults, you know, children, it’s a famous everybody. And it’s not because they’re lazy, all the time. It’s mostly done to the food, they’re eating all the food and eating. And that’s my real passion. So the next five years for me, it’s going to be to continue working as a GP, to develop my own approach to health lifestyle. I always stress my patients are not awake management doctrine of a lifestyle doctrine. And if if you do lose weight, that’s brilliant. But that’s not my primary focus. It’s more

Justin Trosclair 33:52
like it’s going to happen from a secondary standpoint,

Unknown 33:55

Unknown 33:56
exactly as if you do what we do. If we set some short term goals, if we set some long term goals, if we do a SWOT analysis and trying to tease out those threats to change, we’re going to do great, I’ve got a look at patients so far on a list I keep, nobody yet has failed to lose weight. So I want to develop this brand, I want to develop this approach, because this is what makes me tick. This is what gets me up in the morning at six in the morning. This is what gets me through those days, when clinics a bit sluggish. You know, this is my real passion. So the next five years is going to be building my knowledge base, building my brand. And then the next 10 years, who knows, I may end up being a PhD, I may continue my message. But this is really an exciting field. For me, I feel like I’ve opened Pandora’s box. And once it’s been opens, it’s hard to put it all back in. I don’t want to put it back in it’s it’s it’s really great.

Justin Trosclair 34:51
I just I can’t imagine your study not showing the low carb lifestyle is just going to obliterate

Unknown 34:56
well see high fat higher fancy, I have to be very good careful with bias because I know what my own opinion is. But, you know, the the scientific method is, it’s very important to to, to approach it with with neutrality, and,

Unknown 35:12
and to respect that approach. But hopefully, and hopefully it’ll show up what my hypothesis is, which is that a low carb diet is going to be the way forward.

Justin Trosclair 35:21
And it’s hard. Like, when I go back to America, it’s going to be real easy to grab fast food real easy to eat processed food is convenience. You go to the store, all the bread, all the candy, all the cookies and all the good stuff that you want to eat. My goodness, it’s no wonder your body is constantly inflamed. They’re always given away more than you actually need. Isn’t the wonder when you just eat clean? You just feel better? Well, yes. It’s an all the other day Exactly.

Unknown 35:47
I’ve seen a lot of my metabolic patients isn’t, it can take four to six weeks to have that process. Once you go through that, yeah, that cleansing boom, it happened and it happened to myself and happened to me it you know, the results. You just feel like yourself again, you’ve got energy, you’ve gotten better clarity, and, and you begin to share the parents. That’s

Justin Trosclair 36:08
great. I mean, you don’t you don’t heal from a sprained ankle in the in a week. Well, look, it takes time to rebuild. It’s like a year. It’s

Unknown 36:15
like you have back pain, right?

Unknown 36:19
You’ve got to go. And this is what I really like. There’s a very interesting guy called James Maskell over in the States, or Dr. Challenging here in the UK, these lifestyle medicine functional medicine approach looks at what’s called root cause resolution.

Unknown 36:33
So go back to because it’s like your back pain. that the problem is when you’re back, the public could be your your pelvic tilt, or it could be your your week hamstrings, it’s repulsive your chain, which isn’t resulting in back then. So if we focus on building your book, or your hamstrings, that’s going to reorder your pelvis going to affect your body. That’s the whole process. So it’s the same process that I use in, in my lifestyle medicine advice. Absolutely.

Justin Trosclair 37:00
Other than just having a time constraint, I mean, we can just go on and on about everybody else bored out of their mind. But this is the stuff that I’m passionate about is the stuff that I mean, I just finished writing a second draft of my book

Unknown 37:10
was all stuff that I talked about.

Justin Trosclair 37:12
I mean, yeah, exactly. Okay, so you work in a hospital filleting situation, but are you able to take the amount of vacation that has allowed it to you? And if you don’t, how is there? How are you to take more, because in the States, a lot of people get, say four weeks off? The only take two, that’s the closest thing to me, didn’t even take a vacation. Oh,

Unknown 37:29
no, no. So.

Unknown 37:30
So one of my personal critiques of myself is that I don’t, I don’t make enough holidays, though. We’re very good at the UK of working hard for taking a holiday. So I take my allocated holiday. But I wouldn’t necessarily do anything with it. So I won’t physically go to work. But I’m possibly don’t make use of the fact that I’m living in Europe writing just go to our flight and the path or flight and roll. So Island because my family my parents are in Ireland, I do spend a reasonable amount of my annual leave my holiday time in Ireland seeing them. But I want to get better at exploring Europe more because on my doorstep.

Unknown 38:13
So yes, I get my holiday I I have, I have a tendency to not look after myself in terms of possibly biting off more than I can chew. So I’m really working on setting aside time for holidays, because I often to keep working. And I often need to be told to take holidays. So um, I have to get better at that. Believe it or not, I think people would be shocked because I think the dream is to live in England or live in France. And you can just go travel here and just see all these amazing places like we wouldn’t America, like let’s just go to Boston and Chicago and all this kind of having said that. This year, I have been to Germany and France. I’ve been to Budapest and I been to Dublin office to see family and I’m off to Rome in two weeks. So yes, great. I mean, I’m very lucky. I’d like to do some more big trouble. So you mentioned New Zealand and sounds like it’s almost the things to do. And I haven’t done very much traveling in terms of traditional backpacking. I’ve done it on six weeks, and I’m 30 so I’ve got to read up my game there. I want to do you know, New Zealand’s do a proper trip in the states maybe drive across the state go to the Rockies gotta you’re somebody that that’s really that’s high on my list.

Justin Trosclair 39:24
I live in the Rockies for six years.

Unknown 39:26
Yeah. Maybe China, in China? Yeah, maybe.

Unknown 39:31
We’ll see. But

Unknown 39:33
I get my holidays. Yes, because it’s very important. We perfect holidays. But not only that, it’s more it’s more important for me know, to actually use them as a vacation. You know, my, but I do like these sidecar across just and I do like the phrase and find a career that you don’t need a vacation from? Yes, I feel like, I’ve found that. So I don’t necessarily feel like I need to get away from work. It’s more, I gotta recharge to go back again. So I feel very lucky have made the decision and 16 1516 year olds, you mentioned that it was the right thing for me to do. Because I still love the job. It’s I’m passionate about it. I don’t need to vacate my life. It’s more just to recharge and reset that you did a good job.

Justin Trosclair 40:16
That’s the way I think you should be too. Yeah, I’m looking at, you know, my parents had a choice is like we can go home and sit around at the house. Or why don’t we all just go somewhere. So we all went to Australia.

Unknown 40:26
Wow. Yeah, let’s go. I mean, nice.

Unknown 40:29

Justin Trosclair 40:30
not just saying, you know, I want to spend time with you guys. But because I mean, when I was in Colorado, it’s like your situation, you only have so much time off. You kind of want to see your folks. But at the same time you like I really don’t want to have to spend all my vacation there when there’s other places to go visit. And so that’s when I came up with this grand idea. Just make them come to we all go somewhere else and enjoy the time.

Unknown 40:49
Good. You know what, Justin, I bet you’ve got great family memories.

Justin Trosclair 40:53
Yeah, exactly. Well, what preoccupies your mind you got any kids hobbies or volunteering or think we mentioned he’s Irish or football, football, which is that which which is a great

Unknown 41:03
sport, I I strongly advise your listeners to look at Gaelic football and hurling hates you are Li n g, two very, very fun, and pretty rough, Irish games, gala games. But having moved to the UK on that play a lot of rugby, which is equally tough, equally hard. But it’s really good for me to have a have a sport, I’m very, very passionate about sport, just I’m very passionate about what sport can do for the individual. And my real passion for sport wise in team sports, I really like sitting down with some guys identified some goals for the season, I’m working towards those and getting that combined approach so that that real team, and I think that’s why I like working in general practice because you’re an admin team in there. And there’s obviously enormous benefits of sport, be it physical health, mental health. It’s just great. So I play rugby here in Bristol, part of successful team, it’s a amateur. And there was a time when I was playing in a more profound environment. But my career has has, has always been number one for me, I focused at the moment if I’m not working on training, eating properly, and playing rugby which is which, which is great. I am not a position to another position my life yet where I’ve got children. And I needed on my married. So a lot of socializing with friends.

Unknown 42:29
And I really like the the fourth pillar approach from a doctor here in the UK called Dr. Chatterjee, I’ve mentioned before and he talks about the four pillars of good health, eat well move well relax well and sleep well. So I try and focus not on daily basis, boom, keep it simple. So I gotta eat well, movements important for me. So even if it’s half an hour walk in I pity day or go to the gym to rock my flexibility. So I keep my time, I keep busy. And I don’t really have much volunteer and experience. Hopefully when I’ve settled down with my master’s research, I have bit more time to, to explore other avenues to fill my time. I would like more time to read. I’m sure most people are the same. But at the moment, I’m enjoying what I’m doing.

Justin Trosclair 43:12
I read more with my ears these days.

Unknown 43:15
Yeah, you say yes. So

Unknown 43:16
I’ve got an hour commute every day. So so that’s where I use my podcasting. And that’s what I’m developing my learning and I’m I’m broadening my horizons with Ted Talks and, and my Gary van der Chuck my daily, my daily

Unknown 43:30
update from V every day. So every day,

Justin Trosclair 43:32
so you’re pretty buff guy. But are you a compared to the other rugby players? Are you the typical size for smaller, bigger,

Unknown 43:40
fatter or So? So? So rugby is an interesting game where it accommodates for our body shape, all shapes and sizes. So my natural ability is in speed and agility. So I’m what’s called a winger. So I’m I’m, I guess it’s like a wide receiver in NFL I so so my, my attributes are positive. Probably my piece could

Justin Trosclair 44:00
fly down the field. Right? Right. Yeah. So actually the ball

Unknown 44:03
Yeah, so I got to national level sprinting as an under age in Ireland. So mice, my speed was probably my number one attribute really am Wow. But I’m coming in at five foot 10 an 80 kilos. So I’m probably one of the smaller guys in the pitch. And at 30 I’m, it’s more important for me to maintain my flexibility, rather than to put on more weight. Because, hey, if you have

Justin Trosclair 44:30
a window, exactly,

Unknown 44:31
exactly. As I’m sure you know, every day with your practice, you know, if you have the flexibility for looking after your back, that’s the key for me

Justin Trosclair 44:37
to get some symmetry going on, get some seriously

Unknown 44:39
going on exactly get that policy change, build up.

Justin Trosclair 44:42
Now you said you’re not married. But do you happen to have any advice for us on

connected with a significant other?

Unknown 44:50
Well, you know what I was thinking about this question. And I think besides your accent

Unknown 44:55
that just makes the ladies.

Unknown 44:58
But besides that, you know what, just, I know that my so you know, I’m not any, in addition to give the life advice for marriage. What I will say is when you know, as a GP, it’s great to meet people from different backgrounds and different different ages. And very often you see people coming in their 80s and 90s and then made for 16 years, and I’m not sure we’re going to see that in my lifetime anymore. People don’t mind for that long. And I think what I would ask them so you guys can ask you what you know, cuz, cuz I’m pretty. I guess I’m pretty relaxed my patients because I really liked being relaxed with them that relaxes them. I see. What is it that make you guys tick, you know, you you might 60 years, how do you doesn’t work. And to a mountain, they’ve all said, you know, communicate with in their own way. They’ve said communication, I look at my own socializing and my own personal life, I guess communication is king. Identification of self awareness. So what’s important to me what my priorities are, and personally professionally and identifying potential conflict down the line. And, and trying to nip those in the bud. Again, by communication, being flexible and finding out what matters. There’s a great book and movie over here, I’m sure you’ve seen it before a call about a boy you seen about a boy maybe not. It’s a good it’s a good movie with you grabbed his living a bachelor life and he divides his his his time, his days, into units of time. And I guess for me, it’s important to identify what the priority is for me and and if you’re in a relationship, it’s about, you know, is it worth spending all your time working? So then when you get home, you’re you’re tired, you’re hungry, you’re hungry, you’re frustrated, you’re, you’re going you’re striving for on attainable goals as a couple, or do you want to sit down and say, okay, it’s in three months, we’re going to have a vacation want to work hard for that we’re gonna have a good time. And, and having, I guess, having those chats and having those identification of what’s important to you as a couple and until you personally because there’s no point being a relationship where you’re not happy, because this is gonna make you miserable. And it’s nice to, I guess, Be true to yourself and, and see what works for you personally. And then finding somebody who are you have the same goals are you going to be flexible with with each other and having somebody with you to support you, as amazing. And when I was talking about is

Unknown 47:37
I always like to think about life in terms of relationships as being in a foxhole. And you only got room for another person that foxhole and there are times when you’ve got their back, they’ve got your back. And sometimes you need some support. Sometimes they need support. And it’s finding out somebody who you know, who’s going to be in there with you for the long haul. And I think relationships now are much different than they were 3040 years years ago. To my my elderly patients coming in there is a hunger for instant gratification beat on with with social media. And people often turn social media for that affection there. I put I put a picture up, they’re going to get me 100 likes I feel loved. And if I put a put a photo but gets 10 likes, I paid it No one loves me. That’s a really useful concept. And I think we’re I find that with with my old friends and with patients are looking after who are teens or early 20s the kind of missing the boat, they’re missing that personal connection. I love being in the in the company of somebody turning my phone off and being in the moment. It’s just made. It’s great. So I guess for me, it’s communication being in the moment and and, you know, being open and honest together.

Justin Trosclair 48:45
I saw some graph the other day and it was talking about exactly what you’re saying that you’re validated by your likes that day. And they were teenage suicide has drastically increased ever since like the iPhone came out, right? They’re always on their phone and they have all this stuff. Not don’t know how scientific it was. But if suicide rates going up, that’s not a good thing. No, yeah, it is actually excited to get to American I won’t have a phone for like a day or two. You know, it’d be nice to just be like, I’m sorry, I don’t have Wi Fi you can’t get ahold of me.

Well, last couple questions. Do you even have a morning routine that gets you grounded for the rest of the day,

Unknown 49:23
my lunch routine probably is different on daily basis depending on the ticket from researching if I’m if I’m in hospital, but my morning routine, without fail is getting my arrow press going. Getting my nice coffee grinders, I grabbed my coffee, put it in the air press that it says and that 15 minutes in the morning, were at the moment in the UK here. It’s coming into late autumn early winter and it’s dark, but get my coffee, sit down. I like to keep my phone on airplane mode, no makeup for at least the first half hour. So I’m not going to be bothered or interrupted. I just sit down, sit in the moment, get my diary out. I’ve got a big a four diary and just find out what’s happening for the day. And I really like that people have about mindfulness, meditating that that’s something that I’ll probably look into the future. But for now it’s having that 15 minutes of silence of mental clarity, planning the day and for me, on the days that I don’t reach that I find I’m constantly chasing my tail. Even if it’s not a busy day, I just don’t feel like I’m getting ahead of myself. Whereas That’s for me is a good day getting down. Getting my head start in the day, right? cup of black coffee. Brilliant. Agree.

Justin Trosclair 50:31
Hey, I love arrow press. That’s what I use every morning. What’s your recipe?

Unknown 50:36
Just standard just depends. So I like to either have a nice Italian or a Colombian roast. granddad opening two tablespoons get my forgot. I don’t put my water boiling hot. I haven’t probably, I guess 7580 degrees Celsius and let it sit for 234 minutes. And that’s it. Just do we need to attend to this? The way nature intended. Okay, I don’t do my bulletproof coffee. I don’t put milk in anymore. I like to keep it nice. So just just very basic.

Justin Trosclair 51:08
Okay, I want them a rabbit hole one time when YouTube videos of like arrow press champion recipes. Really? It’s like man that I am not going on my phone. 35 seconds. 45 seconds. Okay. Oh,

Unknown 51:18
was it? No. Was it how long it takes to brew?

Justin Trosclair 51:21
Yeah, like they’re super serious. Like your temperatures the right amount the exact amount of grams of coffee. It has to sit 10 circles with your spoon. Well, then you have to press it for X amount of time.

Unknown 51:32
All the champions No, no. So I just didn’t care about two tablespoons. Get it in this

Unknown 51:37
one when it looks like it’s getting quite honestly creamy. But when it looks as if you’ve got that nice cross on top. Give it a couple of years. Yeah. But across on top and

Justin Trosclair 51:49
yeah, I think if I don’t get the froth I know the coffee is not gonna be that great that

extra milk today.

Unknown 51:55

Unknown 51:56
I know you mean.

Unknown 51:58
So I guess I’ll keep a question but the nice

Justin Trosclair 52:00
Alright, last two questions and whatever you want to do favorite book, blog, podcast phone app, it could be business or pleasure, something that you secretly love and something that you know that everybody should definitely check out.

Unknown 52:12
Okay, so

Unknown 52:13
I mentioned before this morning several times, so this evening for you and your listeners.

Unknown 52:18
Let’s go Veena Chuck. So he has a podcast called the Gary Vee audio experience.

Unknown 52:26
For those who don’t know, guy been a joke, I guess the best way to say he’s a he’s an entrepreneur. He’s very, very enthusiastic and passionate about developing marketing strategy and developing personal awareness. He got involved early in Uber, Facebook, Snapchat, and he saw potential there, he got into the.com of the 90s with the family, family wines business, I created something called the online Wine Library. And most days going to work on my community of well bring up the guy Veena Chuck the guy do audio experience for different lessons in in business and entrepreneurship in in strategy marketing. So I learned a lot from him from his approach. And it keeps things very simple. So that’s a very, very useful he talks about the three rules in life. So no matter what you do, if you keep your family close, identify your passion and work your face off. You’re going to just fine he brings up even down to basics so that’s for me that’s part of my daily routine that get my guy the input.

Justin Trosclair 53:31
I think he charges what $20,000 for an hour each

Unknown 53:35

Justin Trosclair 53:36
so if you’re curious like I don’t know about this guy. You had the same

Unknown 53:40
she I came back to Scott Yeah, I pointed

Unknown 53:43
this way I hadn’t heard about them until June July this year. So what’s up 12 weeks ago?

Justin Trosclair 53:49
Oh you almost late to the game

Unknown 53:51
of very late to the game.

Unknown 53:53
Wow. I mean, all I can say is wow, I’ve got I’ve listened to his audio books. This guy is very very impressive. He’s he has got like Tony Robbins on his show he has all these guys are very he’s not threatening, very supportive. And it’s very interesting you have a beer with the guy you have a beer with the guy but equally it also call you out yeah, it’s it’s like having that friend who call you out on the only those friends So yeah, that’s that will be number one for me. Possibly the two most interesting books for me. One is called Tuesdays with Morrie, which is by a chap called Mitch Albom, which is a book about this guy, Mitch Albom graduated from university and always have any had that luxury who particularly fond often found out he was he was dying of a neuro degenerative conditions. So he used to visit and every Tuesday until he died. And each choose there was a different life lesson. So it was love. It was finances, it was education, success. And the book is about each of those Tuesdays and those life lessons very, very, very good book. For me. Perhaps the most important going to read in the last couple of years has been Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. G is just while I mean, I’ve got that book. I was gifted that book by one of my sisters, and my eyes just opened, I think I’m why this is really, really cool. on it. It’s an old book, right? It was it was written what in the 2030s. And the message is still true today. So that’s a really good book, things like how to how to communicate with people, not necessarily to influence them, not to deceive them, but just literally how to make people feel important. For instance, using their name, simple, very, very good book. It’s a very interesting book, my favorite app at the moment is going to be Instagram. I find it very useful for networking, for socializing, for sharing, and for connecting with people. So I I use my Instagram a lot to promote my own message around health and lifestyle. I’m enjoying and Dr. Peter

Justin Trosclair 55:55
has interesting stuff on his Instagram.

Unknown 55:57
Oh, thank you. Thank you. I’m enjoying kitty cats and stuff. It’s not how we mess Yeah.

Justin Trosclair 56:02
Yes. How we met Yeah, I’ve met a lot of guests through Instagram so that it

Unknown 56:05
connects actors doing it right. I went there last I feel it’s important for me to use my I don’t say what skill but my knowledge and my experience to promote health in a safe way.

Unknown 56:19
I’ve gotten your house healthy lifestyle, not through supplementation to Jim work through through Bluff, salaries in a mirror. I’m promoting it through. Okay, this is what healthy food looks like. This is what my low carb diet looks like. So I’m using it. I’m on a bit of a mission to promote this lifestyle way of eating, which hopefully banishing lot of misconceptions about

Justin Trosclair 56:40
the low carb movement. I think that’s the biggest thing is people get nervous. If I don’t get carbs, I’m not supposed to eat. Yeah, how am I gonna? I can’t eat fat. I can’t eat butter.

Unknown 56:50
Yeah, so I’m, I’m currently blogging for the world’s largest local website called died.com. And

Unknown 56:59
they get 200,000 visits on a daily basis. And my most recent blog was how I manage to play rugby. Living on a low carb, low carb diet. So if you guys youtube.com and Dr. Peter Foley, you’ll find my profile and the current, some blogs that I’ve written. So yeah, I’m, I’m enjoying my own personal learning at my own personal learning journey. And yeah, it’s, it’s it’s a lot of fun and the joy of sharing that I’m enjoying sharing that.

Justin Trosclair 57:33
That’s really good. Because that is a lot of a lot of people have a common mount. They don’t understand that you can do that. So that’s cool. forgery net for myself. Well, how else can people get in touch with you?

Unknown 57:43
And Okay, so, a couple of weeks for me.

Unknown 57:48
I’ve got a website, Dr. Peter fonda.com. Nice and simple. I’ve got my Instagram, which is probably the easiest way to get in touch with me, which is act. Dr. As Dr. Peter J. Fallen. I’ve got Twitter, Peter Foley underscore seven. And that’s probably the easiest ones to get to AWS or also Facebook dot repeater Foley.

Justin Trosclair 58:11
And everything will be so noted as well. So all these books and everything you click click in, got it? Well, I’m done. I have no more questions. Do you have anything else that you want to end the podcast with? Or?

Unknown 58:23
And no, we’ll just all I can say is it’s been great to connect with you. And it just shows you the power of social media when it’s used properly. It’s an amazing beast, right? We were harnessing this to connect with obviously got similar passions, similar interests. And it’s great to meet somebody the other side of the world to connect to have a chat. And then yeah, just to spread good karma. It’s brilliant. And I really hope you’re listening to enjoy podcast. And yeah, I look forward to hearing this go live. And yeah, it’s been a lot of fun. Sounds great, man. Appreciate your time

Justin Trosclair 58:55
and keep connected

Unknown 58:57
on the Georgia back to the States.

Justin Trosclair 59:01
Dr. Peter, great job. I think we both approach health in a very similar way really resonate with everything that you said, I hope everyone else will check out his article in the show notes. I think he’s gonna be an up and coming rising star. God bless you in your journey with your sports and exercise medicine with the research projects with low Car vs. Western diet. I think we know what the answer is going to be. You rocked it, I appreciate it. Show Notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective. NET slash four three travel tip coming up next.

Thank you for listening to the podcast, a doctor’s perspective. Thank you for writing reviews on wherever you listen to it. ranking is five stars. Hopefully Listen, you all know I got a book out. I’ve been working on a version 2.0 right now if you buy it, send me an email with the receipt and I can send you five bonus chapters. It’ll just be this long PDF, but we’re gonna have some nerve stretches creating and executing a budget ways to cut expenses, optimal calorie consumption calculator fit the rest for you and some ideas about fasting so if you want some of these bonus chapters before they released in version 2.0 just send me that receipt via email and I’ll get them over to you as always we got some t shirt designs for the logo for chiropractic there’s also a by host a cup of coffee upgraded that it’s on the main web page and lastly Stay tuned a secret project will be coming out definitely go to a doctor’s perspective. NET top right there are all the social media icons pick which one you love the follow most friendly like me say hello, I’ll definitely respond back.

travel tip this week. Hey, if you’re going to be traveling in a different city, a different country in honor of Halloween, check out some new desserts, go to a bakery and try something especially if you’re in foreign country you might see things that don’t look that appealing to you because you’re not used to it maybe won’t be as sweet maybe we savory. You never know. So sample some things. try out different breakers when you travel.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends,

Unknown 1:01:10
share it on social media

Justin Trosclair 1:01:12
and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. A sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire

Unknown 1:01:22
giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).