Dr. Maurice Pearl, DC talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast…
Episode 04: Vacation Relief to the Rescue
Dr Nathan Cashion Chiropractor talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast
Dr. Nathan Cashion, DC MS CCSP
Our special guest today is Dr. Nathan Cashion, Doctors of Chiropractic and Masters of Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Western States. He is the co-owner of Latitude Northwest. This is a Locum Tenes Company meaning that practicing doctors can call and get a list of fill in – vacation relief chiropractor doctors in their area so that they can have a doctor still see patients while they are own on vacation. Right now they are only in Vancouver and Oregon. Dr. Cashion has noticed that he can make a living doing only locum tenens and that there is a real need for filling work especially when emergency come up for full time practitioners.
Dr. Cashion has a long standing podcast called Exploring Chiropractic. He discusses issues and topics that pertain to students and even interviewed guests from around the world. Even though the schools are required to meet certain criteria some schools have a tilt to a strong philosophy and others focus more on being primary care physicians
Dr. Nathan’s favorite global non-profit charity organization is World Spine Care and he is the social media coordinator. World Spine Care was developed by Scott Haldeman DC MD PhD neurologist and it is sustainable evidence based spine care clinics in underserved areas of the world. We talk about most deadly diseases a lot in our society but the biggest impact of disability in the world is musculoskeletal disorders. The WSC has mission to help these people and they have staff of chiropractors, physical therapists, medical doctors and more.
Visit www.adoctorsperspective.net/04 to find links to things mentioned, the Travel Tip and the interview transcription.
Schedule your vacation because time off allows you to become more productive
CRISP Manuel Low Back and Cervical
; clinical reasoning in spine pain Dr. Donald Murphy
Keep love alive, he and his wife do activities outdoor like hike and snow shoe
Calm app for 10 minutes of guided meditation
PhysiApp doctor are able to gather exercises and movements and email to the patient for free
If you aren’t reading 5 hours a week then you aren’t staying current
You can contact him at Nathan.Cashion
[su_box title=”Travel Tip” box_color=”#292929″ title_color=”#D56A00″]When visiting a new area, clump To-Do’s in one area per day.[/su_box]
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”]
Justin Trosclair 0:00
episode for vacation relief to the rescue. I’m your host, Dr. Justin Foursquare. And today, you’re hearing Dr. Nathan caches perspective
for doctors who want a thriving practice and abundant home life, listen as your host, Dr. Justin shows Claire goes behind the curtain and interviews doctors and guess about real world
practical tips and entertainment On this episode, a doctor’s perspective.
Welcome to the show Dr. Nathan Cashin, Doctor of Chiropractic, masters of exercise and sports science and certified chiropractic sports physician. Not only is he an ultra marathoner, but he’s the volunteer social media coordinator of the world spine care organization. He goes into detail about their mission during this episode. And what excites me about Dr. Nathan is is slightly unconventional method of practicing. He did fill in work after graduating and now he’s co owner of affiliate vacation relief doctor servers and I can’t wait for you to hear more about that. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective. NET slash zero for Stay tuned for the travel tip at the end of the episode. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Welcome to the show. Dr. Nathan Cashin chiropractor, podcast host, volunteer extraordinaire. And we’ll talk about later a locum practitioner. Welcome to the show.
Unknown 1:30
Thank you very much.
Justin Trosclair 1:32
So you have quite a different path, I would say based on our pre talk. So let’s let’s pick which one would you like to talk about first?
Unknown 1:40
Oh, I think we can just kind of talk about me personally and my private practice business ventures that I’ve got going on? Yeah.
Justin Trosclair 1:51
Yeah, let’s do that. So what what is going on? What what are you what is a locum business?
Unknown 1:57
So locum tenants is pretty funny familiar to those in the medical profession, though I’m finding the most people in Chiropractic and maybe physical therapy, aren’t aware of it looking tendons is Latin, simply for one who takes the place of and so it’s more widely known as vacation relief. So a locum doctor or looking tenants practitioner goes into a clinic or hospital and does part time whether that’s just one day, or it could be for months on end, but doing part time vacation relief or other type of coverage? For a doctor?
Justin Trosclair 2:34
Wow, how did you get into that?
Unknown 2:37
Somewhat by accident, although, as I was finishing up school, it was something that I started to play with.
Unknown 2:47
I kind of became aware of it while I was in school and thought, Oh, this might be an interesting opportunity. If, at the time I was single, I was not, I didn’t have anywhere to be after I graduated, and had already played with the idea of kind of traveling around. And so locum really fits that lifestyle well, because you can travel all over the world if you’d like.
Unknown 3:14
But then once I did graduate, and by then I was in a committed relationship, which now I’m married.
Unknown 3:21
I decided, you know, I wasn’t going to be vagabonding like I thought about, but I started interviewing. And one place, was interested in hiring me, but the owner of the clinic was out of town for a couple of weeks. And so they just asked, in the meantime, would you mind working on a day by day basis. And that’s how I got started, it started working, I started doing it at other clinics. And I quickly realized that in many ways, it was more fulfilling and certainly more financially productive than working in a salaried position.
Justin Trosclair 3:59
That is an interesting concept. And so you travel all you’re in Oregon, right?
Unknown 4:05
Yeah, I’m in Portland, Oregon. And I’m trying to narrow down the radius that I do it is and I haven’t traveled very far personally. But a lot of people will do it throughout the state. Of course, you have to be licensed, licensed in the state that you’re doing it.
Unknown 4:20
But yeah, you can travel all over the state, I stay right around in Portland.
Justin Trosclair 4:27
Wow. So how does somebody? Do you have to build the trust with the doctors? Or is there just a list that you get on and then they just like, let me just call this guy and it just kind of snowballs after you’ve done it a couple few times. Yeah,
Unknown 4:38
it really can’t in and I really got going when I realized that a classmate of mine who graduated two years. So before me what had been doing it and she got very busy, she got booked out for the year. And for tip was just sent out some letters. And so I did, I just wrote up a letter sent it to I think I sent it to about 100 doctors in the area.
Unknown 5:02
Put in a copy of my resume or CV. And just a simple one page letter saying I am licensed, this is what I specialize in. But I’m available for this type of work. And the phone calls started coming in it actually it was interesting, because I got more phone calls offering a full time position than looking for coverage. But there were people looking for coverage, and then your name starts getting spread around. Because
Unknown 5:31
most people in chiropractic especially aren’t accustomed to having regular holidays, regular vacations. And this is something may come up in kind of that last minute, whether it’s a family emergency, or they get sick, and they need somebody to cover and they don’t know where to go. And so they end up just talking to colleagues getting on Facebook discussion groups, and just getting a list of say 10 names, then they have to call around and find out who’s available. And that really led to creating the local business that me and my colleagues started.
Justin Trosclair 6:08
Okay, so you actually have a business now kind of where you aggregated a doctors like yourself to go out there and find jobs,
Unknown 6:15
yes, by the data. So we started a business, three of us as co owners, all three of us are chiropractors. But then we’ve brought on independent contractors who can go work on their own, or maybe they have their own practice that they’re starting up. And then if if we find somebody that’s need someone to cover for them, we just pick whoever is available. And and it’s worked pretty well. We were only a couple months in.
Unknown 6:43
But it’s certainly all in Oregon. Yeah, right now we’re focusing in Portland and Vancouver only. Okay, if you know if there’s somebody further outside of those areas that needs something, we, we try to work with them. But so far, it’s it’s difficult to branch out that much. So we want to get it working in the area that we’re in. And then we’re going to start branching out to other cities, as well as potentially other states in the future.
Justin Trosclair 7:09
Are there any way for the doctor like myself? Who might be looking for your services? How do you how do they contact you for that? Or is there a way for us to look into it and say, oh, wow, we could talk to you about moving this into some other city or just trying to get an idea of where do I find someone like you because I want to take vacation, and I’m too busy to take it?
Unknown 7:29
Right. And that’s exactly why we wanted to start this is because like I mentioned, some of the clinics that I worked at said, Oh man, I called 10 different people, and you’re the only one that’s available. And so we are trying to flip that that on the head. So now you can just call one place in the area, we have multiple doctors available. So we should be able to, you know, fill whatever dates you’re requesting. So but if you’re outside of Oregon, usually it’s the state organization. So for instance, the Oregon chiropractic Association, or whatever state you’re in,
Unknown 8:02
has a list of local practitioners. And it’s usually just an individual who gives their phone number their email.
Justin Trosclair 8:11
Unknown 8:11
if you’re in the medical profession, there are a lot of services that do this already. And, and so I really heard about it because my wife had a colleague down in New Zealand and Australia who started up a whole business. So he started off just like I did, as a medical doctor, I think he was emergency physician. And he was flying from Australia to New Zealand and sometimes to the islands around about to fill in for a weekend when they needed somebody in it, he grew it and built it to this international company where where he provides local services. So it depends on the profession that you’re in, you might be able to find a big business like that. But mainly, there’s some type of local organization or just a Facebook group or discussion group that has names of people that do it.
Justin Trosclair 9:02
Very good. I mean, I know it’s for nurses, one of my friends is an optometrist. And she’ll do that as well as a lot of fill in work. So that’s really nice as I looked into that one time and didn’t get any phone calls. But it sounds like I didn’t do the actual work to get my name out there. I just got put on a list. And who knows where was that? So that’s really, really good information there. Now, you said you had a podcast called exploring chiropractic. You would want to talk about that for a couple minutes. Yeah,
Unknown 9:28
exploring chiropractic was something I had mine for years and years. So I I first became interested in chiropractic really, in elementary school. I mean, I was I started going and second or third grade, I gave a like a sharing time presentation on Chiropractic and fourth grade. And then really became interested in in high school.
Justin Trosclair 9:51
How in fourth grade know your parents chiropractors or what’s
Unknown 9:54
that story on but my parents had been going for a while. And so okay, I think I ended up in my dad was a carpenter, he did some work for our, for a chiropractor, built, I think he built a room edition, or he built like a patio. And so the chiropractor was very willing to offer his services to us. And so I think, because of that, my parents just said, Well, why don’t you see our kids and, and treat them, we were active soccer players. And I was in cross country in high school and stuff. So I started going to a chiropractor, it was interesting, it was fun, it felt good. And then in high school, when I was more active and more serious about athletics, I started going quite regularly. And interested to me, I was interested in anatomy and how the body functions.
Unknown 10:43
Unknown 10:44
I kind of forget the question that led to this, Oh, how I got to the podcast. So so my interest? Yeah, you know, I first went to to visit a chiropractic school when I was 18. And over the next 10 years or so probably 20 years, I was just continuously looking into chiropractic schools. And I realized there’s not a great resource to tell you what it actually is like, at the school.
Justin Trosclair 11:11
Unknown 11:12
And you may be familiar that within chiropractic, there’s this spectrum. So there’s traditional Chiropractic and this philosophy of, of innate intelligence and the bone out of place puts pressure on a nervous system and creates dis ease. But that’s transformed over the years to where now chiropractors are, are attempting to become more primary care practitioners that using more research evidence to support what they do, and sometimes to discard some of the treatments they do. So I know a lot of chiropractors who don’t adjust is, you know, maybe not at all, but certainly not as their primary treatment. And what a lot of students I realized don’t notice is that these schools that you can choose, are somewhere along that can continuum. And so you may, if you’re interested in the philosophy, you may go to a school that doesn’t teach the philosophy. Or if you’re interested in the science and the medicine side of it, you may go to school, that is all philosophy and doesn’t teach you any of that basic science. And so I wanted to create a way for, for prospective students and students to share their experiences. And so it started out just by me introducing, interviewing friends of mine who had gone to other schools and talking about the differences. And so, so far, I’ve interviewed students, I think
Unknown 12:35
12 or so schools in a number of different countries, I’ve interviewed students in Australia, New Zealand, Barcelona, Spain, and in the US, and then it’s expanded to me interviewing doctors just about stuff that I’m interested in. Right.
Justin Trosclair 12:54
That’s pretty amazing. Now, I will say, just as a caveat, all the schools are accredited by governing board. So the way they all teach everything that they have to teach, it’s just that some of them like you said, we’ll have more of that. We call that straight chiropractic philosophy. And, you know, the science doesn’t really even say anything about a bone on the nerve. So it’s kind of fun that we’re learning Exactly. How, how, what are the issues? How are we fixing it? And what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned? Top three, maybe lessons you’ve learned from doing the podcast and talking to the different students. For those type of listeners today?
Unknown 13:34
Well, I’ve kind of like you said, there, there is a lot of similarity across all of the schools. I think one thing that I noticed even before doing the podcast is that most students choose a school, simply because it’s the closest one to them. And that oftentimes will lead to as a sort of disillusionment world there is they will end up in that school of the different philosophy or the different approach. And that can cause some problems. So I had a lot of classmates early on, and in the first few quarters of my schooling, who left because they didn’t want to become primary care physicians. And so they they left to go to a more philosophy based school.
Unknown 14:22
There, there is a certain amount of consistency in the curriculum, but the the emphasis is very different. And I learned that this idea of vital ism, and the traditional philosophies of chiropractic are very strong in a couple of the schools, especially in the States. So if anything that that spectrum is, is widening, or maybe even becoming more polarized, right. But at the same time, I think I’ve learned that there are some very impressive students who are very engaged and very,
Unknown 15:05
very dedicated to becoming the best that they can be. Right,
Justin Trosclair 15:10
and they could have picked anything and
Unknown 15:13
Mm hmm. And so they love to talk about what they do, they love to learn about it, they go into way too much debt to do continuing education courses before they graduate. And, and add their education by doing masters programs and things like that. So so it’s been pretty inspiring and humbling to interview some of those students. And, and to realize that there’s a lot more that I can do to become the best practitioner that I can.
Justin Trosclair 15:41
Now I’ve had several people go and get their MBAs after chiropractic school, I guess they’ve realized that they want to go and do some kind of upper management, they should do that. Has that ever come up? Where? That’s a route? I think there’s one school I know of that is doing a joint, I think masters a public health while doing your chiropractic degree. And I think that that does open up your possibilities later. Have you heard about anything like that?
Unknown 16:07
A lot of the schools are adding these masters programs. And there is one I believe that does do an MBA, not in the school, but they partner with another university nearby. But yeah, there’s Masters of Public Health, I didn’t masters of exercise science,
Unknown 16:22
sports medicine programs out there.
Justin Trosclair 16:26
I think that helps you at all,
Unknown 16:28
in Yeah, and a lot of ways. What’s difficult is to really determine whether the program is is going to be financially worth it. So the program I did.
Unknown 16:41
In the end, I don’t know if if the cost really justifies it, but it gives you a lot more experience. And so I was able to go to high schools and sports sporting events into see more patients in a different environment, really an environment that I wanted to be in.
Unknown 16:58
So I can’t speak to a lot of the programs like the Masters in Public Health or the MBA, I can’t say the MBA would be very valuable, because another thing that’s pretty common across all of the chiropractic schools, is you learn nothing about business, and not just business as far as the economics and and how to keep your books, you know, in their green, but you don’t learn anything about the practical billing procedures, how to contact the insurance companies, I mean, there’s these things that are just day to day in practice, right, that are that just don’t get covered, because it’s not on the board exams. And I think that’s one of the the the shortcomings of the education system right now is that
Unknown 17:45
a lot of it teaches to the board exams, and but it doesn’t teach you the practical day to day. And so I started practice, and I’m very last, I’m avoiding insurance as long as I can, because it’s such, it’s a whole other degree that you should get to be able to under stand it.
Justin Trosclair 18:01
Right, and now you’re having to learn marketing and how to do this local businesses as well, I would think.
Yeah, I think that last year of school while they’re doing clinical, they could easily just give you a class or two,
Unknown 18:13
you know, in most most of the schools do, and I I can’t speak to others, you know, some do better than others. But we, you know, we had went on billing and coding, but the problem was, there was no context at the time. Oh, yeah, you’re in, in in at my school, at least, when I was in clinic, not only did we not do the billing, we weren’t allowed to be involved in the billing, they had a whole billing department. And so we did not go in there and even choose the the billing codes, the CPT codes, if you’re familiar with that, are you know, are attending physician would have to do that, and kind of would guide us but but we weren’t allowed the opportunity to make mistakes, and to get those bills back from the insurance company denying a pay. And that’s where you really start to learn. And, and when we don’t have any experience with that, then you just got to start from zero.
Justin Trosclair 19:08
Yeah, when you get that one hour conversation, they find out that you just put on an hour instead of an end, like, oh, my goodness, I got denied for an E. Okay. So you also said, you have a volunteer position? What does that give us a little background on that.
Unknown 19:24
So I volunteer with World spine care as their social media coordinator. And, and what that means is I’m the guy behind the scenes posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and helping them out with a lot of things there. So world spine care, is my favorite charity. Right now in the world. I’ve always been interested in charitable organizations, and volunteering. And I did that, you know, in high school, and then after I graduated, and I was while I was in chiropractors, who was looking for an opportunity to serve and to volunteer, using the skills that I was developing.
Unknown 20:02
And there’s a lot of what are called mission trips, chiropractic mission trips. And, and I did one and it was a good experience. But at the end, I realized that it was lacking two things. Number one, we went to Haiti. And it was great to offer the adjustment. But the adjustment wasn’t what they really needed, they needed access to clean water, they need a hygiene, they needed health services, other than chiropractic. And so I was a bit disappointed, in that we went, and we would just pick a random street setup and adjust 100 people and then leave. And so that person who may be adjusted, may never receive another adjustment, no follow up, no continuity of care. And
Unknown 20:51
I was really looking for something that was more evidence based. And that did offer that continuity of care. And so searching online, I came across world spine care. And I’m so impressed that I decided I would run a trail race to raise funds for them so that I can make a donation. And as I did that, the clinical director caught wind of it because I was posting and tagging them and, and so he contacted me and we started chatting, and I tried to get a club going at my school, which didn’t work, but then he asked me if I would help them out. So
Unknown 21:33
So world spine care is a global nonprofit. And their goal is to provide sustainable evidence based spine care to underserved areas.
Unknown 21:46
started by Dr. Scott Haldeman, who’s a chiropractor, MD, and a PhD neurologists. And he started it he’s towards the end of his career started because he saw this need, because
Unknown 22:01
back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of disability around the world. So we talking about, you know, the most deadly diseases a lot. And the fact is that disability actually has a bigger impact, socially, economically, then, then things like cancer and HIV and malaria, all of these health issues, which are very important, but they actually don’t have as big of an impact as things like back pain and neck pain. So we need to address that. And that’s world spine cares goal is to create clinics and these underserved areas, which are integrated. So it’s chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologist, radiologist, and we provide primary spine care.
Unknown 22:53
And then that clinic is a partnership with the government and so it can continue and it’s funded. Independent.
Justin Trosclair 23:01
Wow. And it’s open year round in the same location like a Yeah, yeah, it’s charity, kinda like a charity hospital or charity clinic. That’s Yeah, you can always go on six than main, they’ll be there every day. Right?
Unknown 23:11
Right. So they have clinics in Botswana, the Dominican Republic, we’re opening a new one. Actually, I was in India with him back in November, and we opened a new one in Mumbai. And so they’re, they’re established, they’re funded in a partnership with the government. So they’re very sustainable. And the patients can come and go, and, you know, come two to three times a week, if that’s what’s necessary.
Justin Trosclair 23:37
Wow, that’s really a great model. I mean, you know, I’m in China, and there’s just everybody a working like a small farming town, it’s like everybody has a bulge in their neck of origin their back and they can’t work. And so that’s a huge outpouring that they need in the world. So what a great cause to support and get really behind. And I know, thank you for being a part of that in serving the chiropractic profession in that way. Well, it’s my
Unknown 24:00
pleasure, it’s, it’s fun to be involved.
Justin Trosclair 24:03
Alright, so we’re going to switch gears a little bit. And you can tackle this a little bit, you have kind of a level of a private practice, you have this local business. So you kind of answered however you want to. Okay, these next couple of questions, what are some of the top two or three marketing tactics that you use to get the most return on investment? With consistent results?
Unknown 24:23
Yeah, so that’s difficult for me to answer because I’ve only been in practice short term. And I and I should clarify, I do practice two days a week in my own practice as an independent contractor in a clinic. So I do see my own patients. But I’m really just getting started. And so but I’ll say that some of the things that I’m trying, which I’m starting to see results with our Facebook advertising, and using,
Unknown 24:51
I’m trying to think of what what you would call this, but
Unknown 24:55
in kind of new media or online businesses, it’s known as a lead magnet. So you provide something for free to a patient, right?
Unknown 25:04
on social media, or on your website that they download, and then you have their email, and then you follow up, and encourage them to come in and see you. So that’s something I’ve been experimenting with. And I see a lot of others doing it in, in positive ways, but other realms? Well, I’m seeing a lot of chiropractors starting to use it. And in some ways, it’s not good. You know, I came across one website where it was, you know, low back pain. Did you know, dot dot, dot, low back pain tends to get worse if you don’t do anything about it. Right? And I thought, Oh, my gosh, why are you even resorting to this fear mongering tactics? Because the evidence says that actually, if it’s
Unknown 25:44
your first bout of back pain, it’s going to get better within about two weeks, whether you go to a doctor or not. And so I think those types of tactics are unfortunate. And so I’m trying to provide information that’s educational, that’s evidence based,
Justin Trosclair 25:59
to get people use a different tagline. Yeah, there’s plenty of there’s plenty. So you use the kind of like a like a Click Funnels or lead pages, right? and download, download this free ebook about five exercises to strengthen your back, right? And then you can just drip mail them after that, right? Yeah, I’m really looking into that I’m trying to learn how to do that. I’m hoping to get some people on to actually do that for a living. And they can really discuss that and probably really good with their business, because like, I’ve seen them a lot on Facebook, and it seems to be working Otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing it.
Unknown 26:31
Yeah. And there’s some people who are very successful with it. The other thing that I’m really interested in that I haven’t implemented personally, is is this idea of using new media or YouTube videos podcasting, as a way to reach out to patients since it’s kind of funny because I started my podcast my first year in chiropractic school. I had been doing it for about a year. And I realized, man, this is awesome. This is valuable. Why don’t chiropractors do this? I thought to myself, maybe I should create an online course, to teach chiropractors how to create podcasts to enhance their business to for marketing. I thought about it for a few seconds. And I said, That’s stupid. All this stuff is available for free online.
Unknown 27:19
And then not long after that I came across this guy, another podcast called the chiropractic philanthropist and started following him. And months later, he started offering his podcast training for chiropractors at something like $600 a pop and people are going crazy for it. And I thought dang it. Another Yeah.
Justin Trosclair 27:40
So any is huge. Right now in the chiropractic world. I mean, his I think he’s like the number one podcast there. And I follow me, he’s got a lot going on. He’s He’s really killing it, as they say in the online world of business, and podcasting. So he’s definitely a model to look at. Oops.
So we’re going to get, we’re going to keep on moving. Do you have any five year goals that you have for yourself? And how do you know if they are worthy of pursuing?
Unknown 28:06
I’d have to say my, my number one goal is to pay off my student loans. Okay. So I won’t be too personal here. But I could say that the average chiropractic student leaves school with around $200,000 in debt. And most of them tend to just accept the fact that that is a 10, or a 20 year loan, and they get on income based repayment, which means for the first couple years, they’ll probably be paying zero. From then on, you know, it’ll gradually increase as they start to make money. I don’t like that model. I don’t think that’s sustainable economically on the global scale on the, you know, on the bigger picture. So my goal is to have the loans paid off, hopefully, within three, but definitely five years. It’s a huge challenge. Early on, is in the podcast, I interviewed Dr. Lowe to cook who was able to do it in two years flat. So she was able to pay off your student loans in exactly two years after graduating. So it’s doable. But you know, it, it’s going to require a lot of hard work and a lot of help from from my wife and support in that way to be able to to accomplish that. But I think that’s the number one goal. And then also finding, finding the way to have some type of passive income, you know, you whether it’s the podcasts, whether it’s some type of online business related to health and chiropractic,
Justin Trosclair 29:34
so that I can explore my many other hobbies and interest is Admiral goals right there. So we’re going to completely switch gears here go to a little more personal side, how can doctors, how can yourself Take more vacation?
Unknown 29:49
How can we take more vacation? Well, number one, it should simply be part of your yearly scheduling. And so the big the big problem is that many chiropractors own their own clinic. And because of that, it really becomes their, their brainchild, their baby, they’ve, they have a hard time letting go of it. So great book to read is the E myth physician. So a lot of people are familiar with the E myth. There’s the myth chiropractor, I, I wouldn’t recommend either of those because they’re much more dense. And just, I didn’t find the E myth chiropractor very accessible, or it might just be because of the type of practice but the myth physician is much smaller, and has the key principles. So you need to find some systems to make the business run so that you can step away, bring somebody in if needed.
Unknown 30:47
But it just it just needs to be a priority. And I think, you know, I talked to a colleague of mine, who is six years in practice, and I was covering for him. And he said, You know, this is the first time I’ve taken week off since I started my practice in six years, in six years. So you’re taking you to a day or two days or holidays. But he had never just taken a week off. So how can you do it? Well, make it a priority. Find a local service. Yes, such as such as I’m offering and, and get familiar. Use them here in there just to take a day off, to make sure that you’re confident in their abilities, and then book a week or two and get your family away the you know, what a lot of people don’t realize is that time off oftentimes will regenerate you and allow you to become more productive in your practice
Justin Trosclair 31:41
is very true,
great answer.
What what preoccupies your mind besides just chiropractic have any hobbies or kids or anything like that?
Unknown 31:52
No kids yet. I have so many hobbies, I think as we’ve touched on social media podcasting, trail running, which I had to give up when I got into clinic, but I did run a couple of ultra marathons while I was in school, and I’d love to be able to get back into that. Congrats. But as far as occupying my mind, I’ve always been very concerned with education and going through
Unknown 32:21
it from high school to a junior college, then to a four year university, and then to graduate school, I see a lot of things missing. And so if if the opportunity presented me I would love to, to find ways to improve that to improve education, especially in chiropractic school. Because I don’t think that we’re on par with many medical programs. I think we cover a lot of the material, but we’re not given the opportunity to become proficient. And so I think there are a lot of a lot of holes in education in general, but specifically in health care education.
Justin Trosclair 33:00
So getting a little extra personally, you can choose the answer however you want. You have your you have a spouse, what whether things we can do for our spouse or whatever, to keep our love alive and to really feel connected. So that we have that that home in like work life balance.
Unknown 33:15
Yeah, so I’m newly married. So that’s, you know, I don’t have the experience to back this up. But for us, it certainly has been, it comes back to that idea of taking time away from work. We both love to go out into nature, we love to travel. And so that has been a way for us to reconnect when the busy life of work really stresses us out. And we we got locally here to Mount Hood or down two sisters and bend oregon, which are beautiful ski resort areas, and will will snow ski or we’ve done some cross country skiing, but snowshoe, and trail run. And that’s what we really love to do. So it’s it’s different for every couple weeks what something that they love to do together. But, but that’s something that we really enjoy.
Justin Trosclair 34:05
Very nice. Do you have any kind of morning or like lunch routine that ground you or excites you for the rest of the day that just like I have to do this every day.
Unknown 34:14
You know, I’m trying to develop that. My mornings are because I have kind of so many different projects each day is not consistent. So I’ve been working on that lately, if I could say what the ideal thing would be would be to wake up pretty early 530 or before get a workout in.
Unknown 34:36
Whether it’s running the gym, spin class, something like that. Come home, get a good breakfast.
Unknown 34:45
Unless it’s a day that I’m doing intermittent fast. I Oh, yeah. And do some type of mindful list mindfulness activities have been trying, I use the iPhone app. com to do some guided meditation for really just 10 minutes trying to get into that habit. And I like to read I reading really grounds me and really helps me to
Unknown 35:13
to keep some very important principles in mind when I’m seeing patients. I think when we’re, when we’re busy in practice, we oftentimes get get stuck into this flow of a routine, we we may not pay attention to exactly what patients need. And so I like to read a lot of books and research. You know, Scott Haldeman again, he started world spine care, was quoted in a podcast is saying, if you’re not reading five to 10 hours a week, you’re not staying current. And so you’re going to become obsolete pretty quickly. So I, I tried to take that to heart five hours is difficult. But so I think that’s it. So get up early workout, have a good breakfast, meditate and study
Justin Trosclair 35:58
what type of books you mentioned, he myth, physician, any other type of books that you would either a recommend are that you find yourself kind of gravitating towards over and over again on a daily basis or whatever.
Unknown 36:10
Yeah, so so lately, for me, I’ve been reading the crisp manuals or books. So that’s clinical reasoning, in spine pain. And this comes from Dr. Don Murphy, who’s a researcher at a chiropractor in Rhode Island, and one of the one of the kind of leaders in this idea of a primary spine practitioner. So the crisp, there’s one for the low back pain and for neck pain. And I think for chiropractic students, it really does a good job of bringing together everything that we learned, you know, we learn diagnostics, and exam and in everything, and then we go to a different class and we learned soft tissue, and then we go to a different class and we learn adjusting, at least for me, I didn’t find that we had a class that brought that all together. And the these manuals do a really good job of that. And so it takes you from the very beginning, the things that you should consider from rolling out red flags to determining what is the pain generator, and then determining, okay, how do you address it? So I really love that I’ve, you know, I’ve read so many books. This year, I’ve actually one thing I loved about graduating from school is having time to read. And so I was just looking the other day, and I’ve gone through it, I think about 15 books since I’ve graduated. But those definitely are some of the top ones I’d recommend. Good job.
Justin Trosclair 37:33
Last question is just fun sodas, shoot from the hip here. What would be your favorite phone app? It could be business or pleasure.
Unknown 37:42
What if I were to create one myself or one that knows just one that you consistently use and just left? Okay.
Unknown 37:49
Let me take a look here. I don’t play many games. I’ve been playing with Snapchat, but that one’s kind of going away.
Unknown 37:58
I’ll share one or two. So one that I recently came across that is related is called fizzy track.
Unknown 38:05
So that’s fizzy, like like physical therapy track. And it comes out of Australia. And it’s it is an online resource of exercises, for rehab for yoga for weight training. And it really allows good Patient Management. So there’s a lot of guys out there. There’s
Unknown 38:25
web PT, neuro gym is also from Australia. Now they’re called evidence in motion or evidence in extra, I can’t remember what the new name is. But basically, it’s a way to prescribe movements for the patient. Lot of them out there, but I love fizzy track, because it’s a great library of thousands of movements. And it’s got a free iOS and Android app for you as a practitioner to create the prescriptions and for your patient to download for free to have it in the palm of their hand. And they can look at what Okay, what are the exercises I’m supposed to be doing? And how do I do them again. So how it really can help improve the
Unknown 39:07
the compliance of rehab programs.
Justin Trosclair 39:10
So you can create a protocol and just email it to them. Yeah. That’s pretty amazing.
Unknown 39:15
Yeah, it’s I think it’s $10 a month for the clip for the practitioner, which is very affordable. But that’s unlimited patients, and the patients can access it for free.
Justin Trosclair 39:26
Very nice. Very nice. Well, how can people find you today?
Unknown 39:30
Um, yeah, so a couple places. Exploring chiropractic calm is my podcast. And I’m on Twitter and Instagram with that as well. Latitude Northwest is the local business that we’ve started. So that’s a lot of to Northwest calm. And again on Twitter and Social Media. And then personally Nathan caching. com that’s caching spelled like fashion but with the sea, Nathan cash and calm and I’m Nathan cash and on Twitter, and Instagram, and all over the internet.
Justin Trosclair 40:05
Very nice. Any closing remarks?
Unknown 40:08
No, thank you for the opportunity. And this helps rejuvenate my interest in in podcasting and interviewing some people. And also check out world spine care world spine care.org. And, and you can follow me there and social media as well, world spine care on all of the different channels. But if you’re interested in spine, pain and spine care, check it out. Because
Unknown 40:35
something I’ve been reading about recently is, is this idea of, I guess, evidence based giving your evidence based charity, the idea of doing the most good that we can with whatever resources we can offer. So there’s a lot of great charities out there, but many of them already have more funds than they can handle. And so if you want your money to do the most good at can look at something like world fine care, because they can definitely use the funds. And I think their model is sustainable and is evidence based. And it does a lot of good addressing the number one cause
Justin Trosclair 41:10
of disability throughout the world. That Nathan has been a pleasure having you today. And I hope many blessings for the following year for you. Thank you very much.
Thanks again for being on the show, Dr. Nathan, all the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 04. I got a lot out of this interview. I’m really intrigued with the business that you’re doing. I’m really excited that you’re giving back and you plug the world spine care. I do think that’s a great organization. If anybody else wants more information on that, you can contact him on social media, like he said, also part of this podcast, I am looking to highlight volunteer organizations locally and globally. So if you are a member of one, definitely get in contact when we are loved to have you on the show. That was hashtag behind the curtain with Dr. Nathan Cashin. travel tip is coming up next. I almost forgot I am putting the final touches on a free ebook that I want to give to you guys and gals, please go to a doctor’s perspective. net, top side, the bottom, there’s all kinds of places where you can sign up, put your email and your name for updates. Once the book is complete, I will send you a email and then you can download it. It is going to be my secret hacks about health, weight loss, strengthening the spine, different things like that. It’s very actionable it’s implementable is not only can you use it, but also your patients. So go on over to a doctor’s perspective. NET sign up, and you’ll be the first to know when that ebook is ready for downloads.
I am quite active on social media and the easiest way to connect is the head over to a doctor’s perspective net. Look at the top right, and you will see all the social media icons just pick your flavor and friend me. I found out in practice that people can hardly pronounce trolls Claire, much less spell it because of that. And username lack of availability. I have a mix of my name and Cajun Cairo. I’m from South Louisiana, aka Cajun country. I am a Cajun, I am a chiropractor, Cajun Cairo, you will find travel photos, updates, fun comments, etc. Connect comment. And I’ll respond that
travel tip today when you’re traveling somewhere whether any city really, you want to try to clump things together, as in places to visit. So find an area of town that you want to visit and then do a search for things to do and try to find stuff that’s in that area. That way you can maximize your day, you don’t want to see the top three things in the city and realize that they’re all an hour away and you have several days have a tour in available. So just maybe downtown, you might hit up a few things there. Next day, you might do the outskirts of town on the northwest side or, or whatever. But
it seems obvious. But I just talked to people who feel like they’ve wasted so much time traveling, you know, on the way trying to get to all these different places where if they just would have been a little bit more planning, they wouldn’t have that issue and they could have maximize their time there. So that’s your tip for today.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. A sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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