
M 37 Patients Want These Things On Your Website

Patients want a small number of options on your website: like online scheduling. What can we do to optimize our sites and in the office for their satisfaction while also getting more new patients? Tons of tips on this episode. Minisode Episode 37 we got a lot to talk about the doctor marketing tips podcast,…

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M 10 Spread Possibility

Use the negative in your field to write great content. Bounce the bad thoughts out and spread the gift of possibility to your contact sphere. Welcome back to a doctor’s perspective, jumping Jigga watts. We’re going 180 miles an hour on the train. Yes, that is a fast train, but not many stops. Today we’re…

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M 02 Automated Scheduling Same Day or Not

Should you have automated scheduling for same day new patient appointments or should you make online slots available 48 hours away or even 2 weeks. Let’s discuss it. Welcome back to a doctor’s perspective, podcast Minisode. So today I’m going to discuss the fee for service dentist podcast, about scheduling. And one of the things…

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