Nick Knight Podiatrist talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast. Deep…
Signs and symptoms of concussions, raising awareness, promotion of her mild traumatic head injury book that patients and doctors can understand, misconceptions, warning signs and ways to recover are covered. Mansi Vakil DPT.
Dr. Vakil was seeing the normal sports related injuries in a physical therapy office geared towards athletes for many years. What she began to see is more parents bringing in their children for what seemed to be out of the ordinary symptoms of headaches and dizziness but of course she recognized it as mild traumatic head injury aka concussion.
With over 30 books already written on concussion, she felt that many are overly complicated and intimidating to get through. She wrote her own version in language that a doctor and patient could understand called Concussion Talks. Expect to find out the signs and symptoms, what kind of tests should be ordered, best people to treat this conditions, advances in sport safety to help stop mild traumatic head injuries from occurring in the first place, the anatomy of a concussion and much more.
Can you believe that 90% of concussions the person has not lost consciousness.
Signs and Symptoms of Concussions:
She goes over them early on in the episode.
Headaches, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, anxiety, mood changes
If you see these symptoms and changes in your child, don’t hesitate to bring them to the doctor. Early detection and treatment is paramount and of course they need to miss some time from the offending activity (since in her realm it’s sports related)
How are the cranial nerves involved?
Mental rest from studying and TV watching is important, how do we manage that for students who need to pass classes?
What type of diet does Mansi recommend for optimal brain healing?
How does a low intensity cardio program benefit?
Some of the misconceptions of concussion can have lasting problems, so stay tuned for those. These could be memory loss at an early age, depression, suicidal thoughts and so on.
Sometimes it’s the parents who are pushing the kids to keep playing, is there anything as doctors that we can do about that? We are referring to post concussion and even year round baseball leagues for 13 year olds.
It’s important to evaluate the biomechanics of the patients other joints (like we are trained to do) when someone comes in for concussions directly or when it’s just odd symptoms to the patient.
Where does she go to promote the concepts in her book for child athlete safety? Being a women in a male dominated field can be tough so what has she done to get more creative than just going talk to the coaches?
Dr. Vakil’s key to vacation and time away from the office is: Work Smarter not Harder.
Don’t take your charts home, let family time be family time. Also, do something that you know your significant other likes to do at least once a week.
Podcasts: gets some mentoring from the hosts and guests who have more experience than her
Books: 48 Laws of Power –
Robert Green
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
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Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 146 Sports concussion topics and host Dr. Justin Trosclair today with Dr. Nancy kill perspective
2017 and 18 podcast Awards Nominated host best selling author on Amazon as we get a behind the curtain look at all types of doctor and get specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
That’s it. That’s my Halloween voice for you. No jokes. That’s it. I know I got some dry humor.
If you missed that last week, at the late November, I’m gonna shut it down for a little while as we moved to Germany to just kind of focus on family figuring out a new a new country, new customs new job, new everything. So definitely just check out the past episodes.
All the series all the people in between I’m telling you there’s some really good things marketing cash, PT
Random topics here and there from like sleep to cold laser and marketing. So lots of good stuff, I think you can check out. All the social media sites will still have past episodes everyday linked. So please don’t forget about me. I’ll be back and tell you friends, of course. Alright. Today we have a doctor physical therapy, and I won’t ruin it. But she’s into concussions because she started seeing it. And they have weird symptoms sometimes. And when she was reading all these other books, can be really bogged down in the details to where it’s tough for doctors to understand, much less a patient. So she decided, let me just gather everything I can and write my own book. And that’s what she did, called concussion talks. So we’re going to discuss the signs and symptoms of concussions, which is also called mild traumatic head injuries. What can we do about it? What are some warning signs and misconceptions? That’s always important ways to recover little bit faster. And just on time, you know, if you’re playing football, you get a concussion. Why is that such a bad thing to go back out there the next weekend.
Unknown Speaker 2:00
Okay, that’s obviously a bad thing. So we’ll find out why. She also is trying to build more publicity for her book, because it’s just something that patients can understand when they read it. Doctors can understand when they read it. And because it’s such a male dominated world out there. She needs a little help. So hopefully after you listen to this, you’re like, oh, my goodness, that was amazing. All the coaches that I know, she definitely read this book, I’m gonna read this book myself, and really get the word out. Because in this day and age with with people trying to minimize the conditions as possible. The effects are, it can be bad for young kids to experience this. So let’s treat them right. Thinking like the episode. I think she was walking to be honest, outside. Here’s something like random street noises and things. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 146. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Unknown Speaker 2:55
Live from China and New York, but not New York City. We got a great day guest today. She wrote a book on concussion and sports. She’s a Doctor of Physical Therapy. It’s a very interesting concept for me. It’s nothing that I know a ton of ton about. So I’m really excited to have Dr. Nancy Vacaville on the program. Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 3:14
Thanks, Justin. It’s an honor. Thanks for having me on your show.
Unknown Speaker 3:17
Absolutely. Well, if you search her name, she’s no stranger to being a guest on the podcast. But she’s definitely a stranger to our audience. So give us a little background on to a little bit about physical therapy, but also, how can we get so involved with the concussion field? Because that’s, that’s a pretty unique thing. And I’m sure there’s some books out there already. But you decided those weren’t good enough? I need to do this on my own. What’s going on with that?
Unknown Speaker 3:43
Sure. So yes, I grew up in Bombay, my I had a pretty vanilla kind of childhood with no turning points of physical therapy came as an idea as a profession after I had a very close cousin of mine who fractured his elbow, playing cricket, and he was involved with all the sports and just watching him and his family, navigate to the treatment and recovery sort of made me realize I wanted a physical therapy. So this happened over two decades at all. I decided that’s what I wanted to take up as a professional. And I’m I don’t regret that one bit. dealing with a lot of athletes, sports injuries, what started becoming a common entity in my clinic was parents walking in with kids having a very bizarre set of symptoms like headaches and dizziness. You know, I it was common to see torn ligaments and the knee and broken shoulders. But this sort of started becoming more common in the, in the in the recent I would say in the past year, maybe a little over a year that started trending and knowing having done my doctorate, right about that time, I understood that I had done some research into concussions and head injuries. And it really was concerning to see some of these parents who are not really heedless, but they were really unaware of what it meant to have head injury and what the symptoms would present like and if there was anything, cure it or what any treatments that led to me, I was like, Okay, you know what, let’s do an evaluation let make, you know, walk you through what exactly a mild traumatic head injury is, which is basically the another name for a concussion. What really happens when you are you when you sustain one? What is the recovery and why it’s so vague, because it is vague. We don’t I don’t think anybody out there even knows how to define the term concussion, because it’s very confusing. So we sort of some people misuse the term, we don’t know when to use the term in the right way. 30 something books out there, yes, 30 something books have already been written on concussions, I try reading some of these books. Some of them are a little too technical, may sound very intimidating, you may not get past the third page, without sort of being very worried for yourself or your athletic child. But I see that’s what led me to write my version of the book, which is the language is so much more colloquial, it’s not a textbook. It’s definitely not unspoken tell people when they read this book, if they should consider this like a Bible that they should always, always go back to and read it is there anything but everything about concussions in that in a very layman term? The language is very straightforward,
Unknown Speaker 6:41
was definitely still applicable to the preposition as well as you know, just the parent who has a concern for their kid.
Unknown Speaker 6:49
Right? Absolutely. So it covers everything from what am i treatment options? What a specialist that I should seek help from? What are the most recent ways of diagnose one? What exactly is the anatomy behind it? Like, why is it that I’m seeing these sometimes what is exactly happening in the brain? What what kind of recent advancements have happened in terms of, you know, we’ve seen all these helmet changes. And we’ve seen a lot of these protective gears that are newer, are they better, not really safeguarding your child, you know, it’s really complicated world out there when it comes to these things. But everything is sort of laid down pretty simple and easy to understand language in my book.
Unknown Speaker 7:33
So let’s talk about this. I watched a video not too long ago about some athlete kid who was doing well, and he had a miss diagnose concussion. And about maybe two weeks later, it was football, he gets hit again. And I guess it’s like that double crush, or I’m not sure what the proper term for it is. But, you know, his brain kept swelling, and they cut his part of his skull loud. And anyway, he can’t talk hardly at all, and just really had a terrible, terrible situation. But yes, because he had two concussions and two big hits within a short amount of time frame. So assuming you know about that type of injury, what are some of the first signs and symptoms that we’re looking at? You know, how long should somebody wait before they say go back out on the field? so that we don’t have that second injury? minute because it’s football, you hit all the time? I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 8:21
Right? You can avoid it. Right? Right. Yes, the one of the most common amongst kids depends on what age group you’re talking about. But headaches are extremely common as one of the most early signs after you’ve had a head injury. But again, we will probably get a headache just from being dehydrated artist, headaches are very way. So it’s a very big symptom, you, you cannot control that, oh, my child has a question just from the side complaining of a headache. But what happens after they have to pass out know 90% of concussions. nobody uses consciousness. That’s the tricky part. That’s why it’s so difficult to diagnose 90% of cases, you do not lose consciousness. So you have to really, that’s why we really look out for these other symptoms, to stop telling yourself or child you know, let’s wait it out. headache is one of the common ones in the initial stages. Of course, if there’s swelling in the brain, and there is an early stage inflammation, you might see some, you know, like the the child is having some sleep disturbances, the child is having difficulty with paying attention. You know, just we’ve seen cases where the kid is, you know, my, the kid might just have problem doing his math homework, which usually wouldn’t be the case otherwise. But this could be associated with him probably experiencing an impact injury while he played his game a couple of days ago, and it only went unnoticed because some of these sometimes take some time to start surfacing. So headaches, sleep disturbances, memory problems, problems with attention, some people are so some athletes have a little bit about have some some get dizzy and lose bit their balance, some have blowing, you know, vision problems. It’s a it’s a huge, it’s a wide variety of sometimes, but you could definitely
Unknown Speaker 10:14
practice how you got hit and what part of the brain got
Unknown Speaker 10:16
injured. Right. So the frontal lobe is definitely a common area to get affected. These are the parts you know, the the frontal cortex is responsible for executive functioning memory. Some parts of the brain that get affected, also responsible for mood changes. So you might see a little bit of anxiety kicking in amongst these athletes, all of which can tell you listen, this child needs to be seen by a specialist, don’t sit at home and wait for the symptoms to ease by themselves. And definitely don’t put this child back on the field yet.
Unknown Speaker 10:52
Okay, so they’re going to go to like a neurologist of some sort, probably. And then maybe at that point, they’re like, okay, you’re going weird artist, what’s going on? Now you can go to like physical therapy, to manage the symptoms and get this thing recuperate quick, right?
Unknown Speaker 11:07
So a lot of people skip the physical therapy part, I feel like the awareness that we play such a big role in getting these players ready for their sport, I think it’s lacking and I appreciate every, every parent that walks into my clinic with their kids, because I’m like, great, you know that we do have a major role to play here. Because once the neurologist or the neuro physician or the neuro orthopedist, whoever has done the initial evaluation has ruled in or out certain symptoms are has cleared the child, in my opinion, the child has to be tested for you know, some of these PT related treatments. I mean, evaluations like biomechanics, biomechanical corruption, right. Totally overlooked by neurosurgeons. I don’t think many of them even care for how the spine looks, or how if the, if the cranial nerves have been tested, after the impact, which strain and mouse are important for so many, so many vital functions. And I don’t think a very detailed evaluation for that has is done by neurosurgeon. So biomechanical correction of the cranial nerve assessment, agility, testing, aerobic capacity testing, all of these are not been done yet. And I feel like these athletes were given a mandatory assessment by a physical therapist, then they are returned would be much safer, will be much safer to return to their sport after their first injury, and we would probably be able to eliminate the, you know, the really, really bad consequences of second impact what we spoke about where the child’s brain was that which was already swollen, Haney still raw, he’s still recovering from his first injury, and they go back to playing, get hit again, this probably, you know, if you haven’t done a biomechanical correction on the neck, chances of you getting hit again, I’m pretty high. So that’s what I think. Yeah, BT smelly girl, and we need to get that word out.
Unknown Speaker 13:13
You know, I know someone, they were shaving, shaving, her legs slipped, hit her head on the sink. And I think she blacked out. Anyway, pretty bad concussion. And she’s like, a study person not playing really sports, just real, you know, engineering type of classes. And then again, you gotta kind of just not study for a while and give your brain a break. And we don’t really think about there’s like, yeah, it’s you can’t really watch TV, you’re not really supposed to study hard, you just post like, actually just give your brain arrest. And that’s difficult to do if you’re in a college where you know, your GPA is a big deal.
Unknown Speaker 13:46
Right? So mental rest, physical rest, again, very controversial topic. Lot of research being done. Most Recent research says that, yes, it’s the cornerstone of treatment following a concussion, but you have to also slowly introduce aerobic exercises, just to get the oxygen kicking in, you improve your lung capacity, the brain definitely needs oxygen and nutrients. So the healing will just not happen by you sitting down and not doing anything about it. So I believe, going on a really good diet, that sort of will boost the healing. You want to supplement that with a very low intensity aerobic exercise program, to kickstart the recovery. That’s what the most recent research has to suggest.
Unknown Speaker 14:34
When you’re talking diet, is it like a high healthy fat diet more like protein rich, or what are your thoughts,
Unknown Speaker 14:40
it doesn’t necessarily have to be protein, rich diet, but you there are some factors, there are some some proteins, there are some vitamins that boost here are the neuro, the neuro recovery, basically, there are some vitamins such as keep health, the nerves healthy and keep the healthy. So I actually have an entire blog written, I have an article on compassion diet on my website, if you want to take a look. It tells you exactly what to eat. And at what intervals because there are only a few things that will promote brain recovery or the nerve recovery. Everything else is okay, your muscles and your your bones. And you could have you could, you could go online and there’ll be a whole bunch of other articles saying, Oh, don’t drink caffeine, it sort of is a stimulant. But I actually did research and they said caffeine could be good. Because it improves the metabolic reactions of certain chemicals that are actually healthy for you, and for your brain to recover. So be sure to check that article out. But yes, diet is a big one. Diet is a big is a big deal. Nutrition is a very big deal and your recovery process. You just if you really keep up with a good, good diet, and you give yourself the right kind of food, Angelo’s people have record song and they thought they would have.
Unknown Speaker 16:04
Yeah, and before we jump any further, what is your website,
Unknown Speaker 16:08
it’s a concussion talks with plural talks, compassion, talks, calm, and I almost post an article every other day. It’s free for anybody to go to. And it’s a free resource. Very helpful, I believe. Again, I’ve broken down the language to for people to eat, understand, in people who don’t have experience with the medical terms don’t really have to worry about reading these articles.
Unknown Speaker 16:34
Give us one of the misconceptions we might have already covered if we did just say. So what’s one of the misconceptions that you find with the concussions and recovery and all that
Unknown Speaker 16:44
there are so many like I would say people think helmets are doing the job and helmets are going to be keeping their kids safe. That’s the biggest one because I feel they don’t understand that the brain has to move only by a quarter of an inch to see for it to be injured. That’s that’s research has proven only about a quarter of an inch of a shift in the structures can last read the nerve endings can cause inflammation can cause swelling, and actually destroy it and destroy any your life. Because then your your functions are getting affected. I don’t think there’s any helmet out there yet, that’s going to eliminate that quarter of an inch of displacement, no matter what you’re wearing, it’s inevitable.
Unknown Speaker 17:29
Do you think it’s a slow progression, you know, we get used to something and it takes more and more stimulus to actually get us the same like drugs, something just takes more and more drugs to get you high. When you start playing and say seventh grade. By the time you’re in high school, you had enough hits where you know, maybe that first year you played, you’re like, wow, I was just apparently like in a concussed state for the whole year. And in the second year, you’re like, oh, that didn’t really bother me as much because you’ve sort of damaged the outer rim a little bit.
Unknown Speaker 17:57
Right? I would say it’s, it’s obviously that size 10. That is true. Because initially, like I said, after the first, if you’ve ever had your first blonde, you haven’t lost consciousness, you probably just had my version of it. So you use your body sort of just self corrected. And you may have not, you may have had functional problems, but they were not that pronounced. So you know, they went back to getting hit multiple times. But then the really serious problems kick in memory loss, and then dementia kicks in. And then Alzheimer’s kicks in for people in their early 40s and 50s. And now you’re like oh, my god, you’re you’re suddenly Yeah, you know, you’re in a shutdown mode. And you have social withdrawal. And all that slowly slow progression hundred percent, you don’t get depressed overnight, after compassion, that depression is coming after months and years of dealing with some of the rest of the symptoms that you never recovered from, and you just kept fighting them. And you just kept, you know, using drugs and some, all these other kinds of, you know, through through medication. And the very few people actually get therapy for these things. And when it really gets bad is when you get to see like people get suicidal, because now they’ve never recovered from their headaches, the headaches just kept getting worse, that caused a lot of disturbance in their sleep cycle. And they had this loss of appetite. And now they don’t feel they have the social drama going on, because they don’t feel like they’re themselves anymore. And it’s also vicious cycle that slowly that takes years to sort of hit you.
Unknown Speaker 19:33
Yeah, and suicide prevention was sometime this week, as far as the awareness they it blows me away, I guess the people we’re seeing now, you know, that’s like, they’re playing maybe 10 to 20 years ago. But I just hope that now that there’s enough awareness to say, hey, these are things that’s going on. This is what can happen. If you see this, get some psychology help get some PT. And I just don’t know, you know, in small town, America, maybe even big town America, if it’s actually been conveyed enough by the coaches that there’s hope out there and seeing these warning signs, because it just does no sense to let it go to that extreme, be depressed and have suicidal thoughts, when there’s so much help out there. If you just you just have to know about it. There is
Unknown Speaker 20:15
right. So that was one of the reasons why I wrote this book, because I feel and my mantra is, awareness is the new prevention, unless you’re going to really educate yourself and become self aware. And you know, sort of Don’t be in denial, if it’s a problem. It’s a problem, you know, seek help, don’t be afraid, don’t shy away from it doesn’t make you or your child look weak, or there be some some people, some kids and some parents are just in that in that competitive spirit. And they are sort of in a state of denial, and oh, no, nothing can just, you know, knock it off, shake it off. No, you’re fine. They have that, that kind of and I’ve seen those parents in my clinic to you know, where for generations, the families known for having the best of players in the in the RV on the jeans and your blood. If your kid was hit in the head, and I’m like, Oh my god, you have to sit him out. And oh, you know what you might want him to get help from our psychologist because he’s looking like he’s unhappy and not himself. They just want to hear that. So no matter I don’t know if we are even if it’s even worth spending time or money or, you know, any energy in spreading this awareness because there will be always that little population of people that are going to be in denial of these issues. And they’ll probably regret not seeking help at the right time and belonging by by not admitting to what the real by not facing or addressing nation in time.
Unknown Speaker 21:45
Those kind of parents annoy me.
Unknown Speaker 21:47
I understand there’s only eight games a season when your kid has them is too and you think they’re going to go to school or the baseball kids that play year round. And they get Tommy john surgery. By the time they’re in high school you like you should not have this surgery. Your kids not that good. And it should be something like 10 years in the mo What is it? MLS whatever it is, yeah, no mo? NFL? I don’t even know I don’t care about baseball. Oh, yeah. They, you know, those are the guys that get the surgery. This is a you don’t even rest your kid like you should take a break. Come on,
Unknown Speaker 22:22
right. That’s why I feel like more and more schools, I spoke to a lot of parents. And our the main simple question would be has the coach decided to have a little meeting with the parents? So has anyone ever mentioned head injuries or what you know, I know every student comes home with a flyer, or like a piece of paper with the do’s and don’ts and what to expect, which you know, makes its way to the trash can as soon as possible. Because I know parents who haven’t read that stuff, I mean, not reading it. And I don’t feel like that’s the best way or that’s the best method to get the word out. I feel it should be
Unknown Speaker 23:00
be signed or some should be
Unknown Speaker 23:01
more subject not not to get players are the same. And no two concussions will be the same. You know, it should be a more personal more subjective interaction with the you know, with the band doesn’t take that long. You know, hey, watching, okay, play, it is awesome. But I’m just going to give you a little heads up on what head injuries are and what might happen even though our coaching styles are trying to be you know, we’re trying to keep it as safe as possible for them. Your child might come home with an injury and just letting you know what to expect. None of that is happening. nobody’s doing that, as well. Yeah. And not everybody’s coaching styles are safe. I mean, I’ve had a patient who coached his son’s football team for like, over 20 years, not one kid has had a head injury, just because he said I kept my coaching style such I just wanted to be safe. And there is a there is that’s why I feel like there is hope that we could keep our kids safe. Because it all depends on how you coach at when they start young. When they start young, how you coach and it’s all about winning. I know the aggression is it’s a game that requires you to be aggressive. But I’m sure there is a way to tweak that make it safer.
Unknown Speaker 24:13
The practitioners out there who are interested in developing this part of their education because they might have feel like it’s lacking. Yes, they’ve taken a basic course. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we’re like the obvious cases we can figure out but sometimes it’s the nuances that would make us better. Whether we’re in school or been in the real world for a while. Are there any courses that we can take or classes that we should take? Or just honestly like, yeah, just take out my book.
Unknown Speaker 24:39
I mean, I know, CDC came up with a certification course that sort of makes you aware of what what to look out for. And no NFL has had a program where coaches can get certified. And they sort of have incorporated some of these coaching styles safer. And you know, the right ones are these are the right one. So these so those kinds of certifications. And I think programs are available, I think in the United States and Canada and cons other countries that are taking concussions more seriously than us. But for a therapist, I would say for PT I know that we are basic education training we do go through biomechanics is such an important part of our of our domain like pts, you know, just the Guru’s in biomechanics. So I feel like applying those principles to assessing a child with cervical problems shouldn’t be that difficult. It’s not rocket science for PT to give the do the right biomechanical assessment, do the right assessment or to test agility and aerobic capacity of the of the of the athlete to check for cranial nerves. These are the basic things that we need to check off.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
Sometimes it’s just about a form, right? If you got a form, it tells you what to check Ford and you check it if you don’t have the form, then you forget. Yeah, sometimes it’s just that simple. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 26:04
and the neurocognitive assessment is done at multiple, like I know, kids get the baseline assessment they do before before the season begins has a lot of neuro assessment scales on it like the Glasgow Madison that which is again, something a PT could do. So but what I want to what I want people to understand is that we don’t have to only focus on the neurocognitive and the neurological disabilities. Let’s look at all these other factors to which I believe a PT could definitely do. And they should probably have a physical therapist on field, or as an integral part of their team in every school, which, which is lacking right now.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Yeah, I mean, as I’m a chiropractor says, of course, we’re going to say, it’s kind of the same thing, if you got hit hard enough to for that to happen, there’s probably going to be something going on in your neck that if we can get that that going. Moving, well get those muscles to relax, everything else is going to start to feel better to you know, it’s
Unknown Speaker 26:57
I mean, I’m right, I’m sure heading could be eliminated through physical therapy, better treatment, treatment, you don’t have to live with those headaches, why do you want to live with those headaches? Why do you want to take pills for that there are better ways to treat that. And she’s people are aware, so people don’t know what to do. And there’s only so much the coaches can shoulder because they only one set of eyes looking at so many kids playing the same time. So it’s a good to have a little?
Unknown Speaker 27:28
Well, let’s switch gears a little bit. Let’s talk about marketing. And you can go to different ways you can talk about marketing for your clinic versus marketing, you know, to get the concussion awareness going on. So you can tackle both of those. But, you know, we’re typically are solo printers, we’re trying to create a practice that’s profitable, we have to market ourselves, what do you find that’s a good return on your investment,
Unknown Speaker 27:48
I feel marketing for the clinic is much easier once you even give one patient a good experience, that word of mouth marketing, nothing beats that no flyers, and no digital marketing and BU making sure you take good care of your patients. But when it comes to spreading awareness on concussions and marketing, my book has probably been the toughest job I’ve ever taken up. Because, like I said, you’re dealing with a crowd that first of all, for me, it’s a male dominated field of you know, it’s it’s dominated by male. For me, as a woman trying to tell people to change the world of football, it may not be taken very well, it may not be accepted at the same level as against somebody like you who is trying to spread the same message. So that’s why I come to you. And yes, I need your help. And the other thing we do I see, again, you have to get yourself out there. So I am going to go into a lot of things schools and talk to the PTA. You know, and I feel like parents are the ones who will make up you know, who can make the big difference here. If they have, if you convince them that there is a way out of you know, this whole problem, and there is a solution, and you just have to believe me and work with me on this. If you convince the parents I feel like then you really have to battle this one right there. So getting himself out there Personally, I know it’s, it’s impossible for me to be at every thousands of schools across the country. And try me trying to do that message in person everywhere. It’s not going to be easy, but that’s where I started. And then of course, you have marketing through social media platforms, which again, is a hit or miss.
Unknown Speaker 29:49
Yeah, really, that’s a tough one. I mean, you almost have to partner with organizations that are already out there, bringing awareness for something, but that’s already national is like gives you can find those and then hobnob your way into those.
Unknown Speaker 30:03
Unknown Speaker 30:04
provide value, right? Then all of a sudden, you’re like, oh, here’s a book that you can all read. Okay, cool, right,
Unknown Speaker 30:10
then. But you say,
Unknown Speaker 30:13
there’s only so much time in the day sometimes, like, if I do have to pay somebody to do all of this work for me, because I don’t have time for all this,
Unknown Speaker 30:19
right? That’s when you have to start delegating, and you have to be you have to work smarter, not harder, because then you can be everywhere. I think podcasts are such a good way to spread the message, because I really appreciate this platform more than anything else. I feel it’s definitely changed. It was Game Changer when it started. And now more and more people are using it as a platform. You know, just it’s not always about marketing. But it’s also such an easy way to spread to, to give out a strong message without having to worry about being judged. And, you know, face the person, you know, it’s just, you know, people will get critical about what you have to say, but I feel so safe way to get the word out and spread the message. So I’m really, really thankful again, for you to have me on your
Unknown Speaker 31:10
as your guest, yes,
Unknown Speaker 31:12
no problem. I mean, that’s what I like, like you’re saying about podcast is everyone you go one, when they have 100 downloads or 405,000, that’s people that you didn’t know, and you didn’t have any contact with and you didn’t have to market to yourself is just there, they listened to it, and who knows who those people are, and what platform they have to help boost your own message. So I like that a lot. I want to respect your time. So we’ll just switch gears yet again. Okay. This is the fun part called the more personal side of the interview, when we have our own clinic, we have a lot of a lot of responsibility. And it’s kind of hard to take vacations, are there any way that you’re able to shut it down and get that recharge that you need? or How are you able to do that? I should say?
Unknown Speaker 31:55
So yes, I think again, I would, I would repeat, I would say work smarter, do not work hard. Because if you’re going to work hard, you’re never going to find time for yourself or your family, you just got to be smart about what you do. So the one thing I did after I co authored the book, I I reduced my clinical hours, you know, that’s when you start delegating, you start getting more people in to help you out. So I reduce my work hours, I don’t work every day. Now, I only work three days of the week. And I make sure that when I’m working those three days, I put them under percent. And then I use the rest of my time to participate in activities at my five year old. So just partying, you know, participate in activities that he likes, and focus on myself and focus on other things, which I’m passionate about, which is currently my book. And then the occasionally I will take vacations I’ve had mentioned before, I am from Bombay. So I make sure I go back home every year to see my family. And that that alone, sort of is an energy boost that last for the whole year after I’m back. So yes, the key is to work smart, not or hard.
Unknown Speaker 33:09
Okay. And that was another one is on a day to day week to week find that work life balance? That is a different question. You kind of you kind of answered lyst, if you have a different one, we’re talking about work life balance. Well, like I said, you have a five year old, what does that look like on a weekly or daily basis so that you’re not overwhelmed with work with charts coming home after work, you said you might have hired someone right to take your place when you’re not here.
Unknown Speaker 33:32
Right. So you know, you sort of that’s what makes software software out there. And there’s so much that things have gotten easier if you go digital, if you reduce paperwork, by just getting the right, I feel like we’ve switched from doing more stuff on paper, and then we’ve gone digital. So having gone digital has helped a lot, definitely keeping my work at at work is it are so important I sell them come home with with a four because it’s very easy to do that. It’s very easy to just be like, you know, I’ll bring this home that brings pile of charts and files home and I’ll take care of it once my I put my son to sleep or whatever. And thing I do that much
Unknown Speaker 34:17
I don’t want to do
Unknown Speaker 34:18
that restrict myself from doing that. So otherwise, it’s always it’s so easy to do it though, it’s so easy to just tell yourself, you know what, I’m just gonna bring this home. But if you, you know, if you stop yourself from doing that, that’s when you really, you really done yourself and your family a favor, because now you really have time for the real things. And you’re not like something to work, you’re not on the clock 24 seven, not responding to work emails or, you know, emails related to patients or whatever, they could wait till your you know, Father till the next day, it’s not a life or death situation, you could always do with all that.
Unknown Speaker 34:55
You go back, and we don’t have too many of those.
Unknown Speaker 34:58
We don’t, we’re not, we do help. We are practitioners that for a lot of patients, we play a more important role in plants than their surgeons or doctors. But again, that could wait if they have any. I usually don’t respond to any patient emails or whatever, in after I’ve dropped out. So I think just those those habits that form, make a big difference. And it takes a while to sort of get yourself out of it. Because it’s very easy for me to I’d have a patient who says, you know, this is a problem. How can I fix it? It’s very easy for me to just be like, let me get you know, let me give you that advice right away.
Unknown Speaker 35:41
Yeah, we just take five minutes in this email,
Unknown Speaker 35:43
right? It was only 11pm at night. But let me do it anyways. Now we don’t want to
Unknown Speaker 35:50
send them a monster of a
Unknown Speaker 35:51
situation later on when you decide to change, right. But that changes up to?
Unknown Speaker 35:56
And what about keeping the love alive, so you don’t end up divorced? What you got for us and the secrets. I think I’m contemplating that every day. We
Unknown Speaker 36:08
take took up at least one activity to do in common every weekend. So be it. He likes hiking, so be hiking or just taking up a dance class. Or just it’s just going for a really long walk. Besides, you know, like people being very something very basic as just literally, let’s just go on a long walk together just more bicycling together without a child or without anybody else, just the two of us. So we end up doing that once a week only though.
Unknown Speaker 36:42
And I think that’s been working. That’s great, though. You need that. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 36:45
that’s been working. We’re still together. It’s been 10 years. And we’re hoping we can sort of work it out for the next as many years as possible.
Unknown Speaker 36:56
Yeah. What kind of dancing are you doing? I’m curious.
Unknown Speaker 36:59
Well, we are big Bollywood fans. So in our community, we do have these little programs, they have bollywood dance. So if they have something on our weekend, they usually are on weekdays to it’s pretty simple. It’s pretty straightforward. Nobody’s judging anybody. But we’re doing it together. So that’s fun.
Unknown Speaker 37:19
I’m gonna make you laugh. Maybe a little. One of my most favorite Pandora stations over the last probably four months is a mix of movie soundtracks, and Bollywood work out like, I guess this is movie movie soundtracks of like high end Bollywood music, and we just have it blaring in the house and my little babies like bouncing. It’s
Unknown Speaker 37:46
so fun. It is fun. I love it. Bollywood has the beats. And it’s, you know, don’t take the lyrics that seriously, but go for the beat. Don’t worry, we don’t know what they’re saying. Right? Don’t know what they’re saying, I don’t blame you. I would say just the beat safwan that they are, they’re very, they sort of get your vitals to go up and they keep you, they keep you if they’re a peppy song. That’s a good choice.
Unknown Speaker 38:14
That definitely my father in law, where they from in China, they have similar ish kind of music, but like the dancing kind of with the hands in the air and that kind of stuff. Right? So when I watch him dance, and he watched some of the videos he like, Huh, it’s kind of similar. So like, he kind of goes into it. So it’s been fun. It’s fun to watch it. That’s a great down with it. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 38:35
just Yeah, don’t give up on that stage an hour.
Unknown Speaker 38:41
Well, the wrap things up, do you have any favorite books, blogs, or podcasts that you secretly love and ones that you think other people should definitely check out?
Unknown Speaker 38:51
Right? So I feel that all of us need a mentor in our lives, you don’t sometimes find them in person. So what I started doing is yes, podcasts are my way to get a little mentoring. And to just get some, some advice from some people who are more experienced than me, who’ve seen life, you know, in different shades and you know, sort of have a strong message to give out. My favorite book so far has been 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. I think it’s, it’s the greatest book ever. I mean, he’s a great author. I think he’s written six books, and then fall 10 bestsellers. But this is one book, I would I usually go back to, on a very regular basis actually, like, because he’s taking he’s picked up real life experiences, to justify these laws, and how they can be so impactful, and how they can be a game changer for not only your personal, you know, for growth, personally, but also professionally and career wise. So I, if you haven’t read this book, you gotta, as soon as we’re done with this podcast, you’re getting on it. It’s called the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
Unknown Speaker 39:58
And at least get the summaries out there, y’all. You never noticed, if you’ve never done this, I’ve done this a couple times, I’ve heard people different both like, Oh, you definitely got to read this book, and my boy, someone’s time in the day. So I like Google a nice review. And you can get like a 10 page review from somebody else who’s read it. And I’m like, well, that’s the main points. If I want to learn more, I can go back and read it now. 48 laws, that’s a lot to put down into a summary.
Unknown Speaker 40:23
You might be surprised what you find out their guests.
Unknown Speaker 40:26
I’m telling you, you’re gonna love it, especially because you know, I see you we sort of have some synergies in terms of where we are career wise, and what we’re trying to achieve here. And if I could relate to it, I’m sure you will definitely relate to it. To summarize, I would say it just talks about general rules about how you have to be like one of the rules he speaks about is keeping our intentions and keeping your goals to yourself, like not being overly expressive about them, because you don’t want your competitors to sort of suck, same thing. Destroy things for you. But at the same time, you saw f1 to misguide them, why you’re keeping our intentions personal. It’s It’s It’s tricky. It’s it’s hard. I don’t know if I’m pulling in the right way. But isn’t that crazy? It’s
Unknown Speaker 41:15
intriguing enough to make you want to read it. But
Unknown Speaker 41:18
it’s so funny. I’m like, Wow, very interesting. So you sort of you keep talking about your intentions, but they are not really your true intentions. So that way, your competitor is sort of going with you on that. Totally not aware that you are working on something else altogether. Because if you go silent, and you don’t talk about anything at all, that sort of also gets people you know, you it’s it looks suspicious. So one of the last, you know, keep go about expressing your intentions, but not the actual intentions. So, isn’t that intriguing? I’m sure you want to pick up that book right now. Like, what is this all about?
Unknown Speaker 41:58
Yeah, well, I heard from somebody who knows where it was, but they were saying, Be careful with how much you do tell someone. Because if you tell the wrong people, they end up being haters, and they squash your dreams. And you like Oh, that was the opposite of what I was hoping for. And so sometimes you gotta keep some of these things a little bit close to the chest so that you don’t get all this negative feedback when you could have done it if you just stay quiet.
Unknown Speaker 42:20
Yeah, yep. Yep. On this on similar lines. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 42:25
Well, that’s the main See, how can people get in contact with you find out more information? Could be the same website you gave earlier so that guests can reach out?
Unknown Speaker 42:33
Yes. So it’s the website www, concussion talks with an ass confession talks calm. My email is on it. It’s a man see at concussion talks calm, if anybody wants to reach out have any questions, legal to purchase my book from Amazon and to my website. But again, I’m totally open to answering any questions. If anybody’s not sure about, you know, if they have family member who’s sustained a head injury, they don’t you’re not sure where to start. Feel free to reach out. I’m totally open to answering any questions.
Unknown Speaker 43:09
Awesome. Thank you so much for taking some time with us today, getting us more aware of of concussions and what you can bring to the table. And I do hope that you make few sales and nothing else. And again, thank you so much for being on the show.
Unknown Speaker 43:22
Likewise, I it was an honor Justin. And I think you guys do a great job hosting on some and these podcasts are such a great platform for me to just spread the word out and I appreciate your time.
Justin Trosclair 43:41
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Unknown Speaker 46:00
Justin Trosclair 46:05
we just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said, by all means, please share across your social media write a review. And if you go to the show notes page, you find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin Trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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