Exploring ways that the doctor – patient relationship with LGBTQ population can be more comfortable…
Patient experience begins with communicating in a way they understand but also discussing all the dental options. We discuss pH acidity, the trouble with direct to consumer braces and TMJ treatment. Dr. Sonny Spera, DDS doesn’t hold back.
Dr. Sonny Spera had so many people tell him to not be a dentist growing up, why was that? How a strong support system helped him stay the course and become who he is today? He has a fun backstory of coaching basketball at Buffalo while attending dental school.
Why can endo (root canals) be so difficult? Can a root canal cause cancer later in life? Where did that thought pattern come from?
Customer Satisfaction
Try to understand the patient history and where they are coming from in regards to past dental experiences as well as any barriers they may have to starting care.
How important is it to understand personality types (DISC for example) with not only your staff but with patients? Dr. Spera gives a few examples of how if you adapt the way you communicate with different personality types, you can get better compliance.
pH Balanced
What does pH have to do with your teeth health? How can we improve it to the optimal pH?
Any benefit to drinking “smart” water over tap or bottling companies that sell filter tap?
What are the biggest offenders that create the acidic environment that can cause bacteria to thrive and create cavities? (hint: soda, acidic water, sugary and carb loaded foods)
Did you know only 20% or less actually floss at all.
Did you know that marathoners, cyclists, or triathletes tend to have poorer dental health because of all the sweet energy drinks they consume training.
Xylitol – what is it and how does it help alter the pH in your mouth to stop the bacteria.
Patient Experience
You have to have build a connection. You need to care about their oral health and ask questions about pH, does your jaw click or pop, does their bite line up, are you grinding at night and do you suffer from sleep apnea.
Give patients the options to fix their oral health concerns. Don’t judge them by what they wear.
Roughly 10% of patients are audio learners (especially when in pain), think of ways to show them visually what’s wrong and how to fix the problem.
Dentures are a solution but the nutritional intake drops 50-75% so you want to offer solutions before it gets to that point.
Braces with No Dentist?
There are several companies, SCD, that seem to be circumventing a dentist and offering braces after a scan and/or molds are performed of your teeth. They are going straight to consumer, sort of how pharmaceuticals direct market to patients to ask your doctor. Are dentists upset because of turf wars, laws being broken or potential poor outcomes even really bad consequences because of bad orthodontics? Invisalign is also getting into this market and potentially pricing some doctors to not offer it or don’t provide the support or makes even more liability fall on the doctors even if they do things by the manual.
How good is the education about orthodontics?
Certain cases of TMJ are remedied fairly easily with a mouth guard (NTI). Dr. Spera goes into more details about how this can relax the masseter muscle, improve sleep, stop headaches and preserve the teeth.
Relationship advice: make time for your spouse. Never forget why you choose each other and don’t let the kids rule your relationship. Take vacation for longer than a week so you can truly enjoy your time away but have a doctor to fill in for you so you don’t lose all that practice revenue.
Books: James Pattersonwww.progressiveny.com sonnyspera@gmail.com 6076242962
Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/140 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
Justin Trosclair 0:06
Episode 140 improving patient experience. I’m your host, Dr. Justin Trosclair. And today with Dr. Sonic spurs perspective 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get the behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
appreciate you joining in on the dentist series. This is the first of four, maybe five, we’ll see how it plays out. I haven’t finished editing all the episodes yet. But once that happened, if you go to a doctor’s perspective, net slash dentist with an S, then you’ll be able to get the PDF for quick reference about all the show the highlight those types of things. Remember, we do have transcripts pretty show in a you click a button on the website. And it’ll appear. It’s pretty obvious recently I’ve been doing those 1200 by 630. So so a wide picture underneath that will be where that button is. If you want to support the show, it’s dot net slash support anywhere from a book to getting free merchandise with a monthly contribution. So it’s all up to you what you want to do. And it’s appreciate it. I’ll have you know that the book promotion for today’s choices tomorrow that I did a couple weeks ago worked really well. I want to thank everybody who shared it and who downloaded it for free are bought it, the results are great. It hit number one in seven different categories. We went up to number 105 in the free listing, and 122 in the paid for Kindle. Really excited for that. If you’re interested in Holland, I knew it and all those things, send me an email or reach out on social media, we can talk and I’m not sure when it’s going to come out quite yet. But doing a few things with Dr. Lisa Holland, the belly guru, she’s a physical therapist also does coaching and things like that. We’re kind of partnered up a little bit on Arthur writing promotion, did a couple of podcasts, Facebook Live type things. And on Wednesdays, middle September to middle October I’ll be a special guests will do some live interview and QA health tips, coaching, you know all those types of things that you might have interest in, so let me know, to secret projects who live in it at that. But today, we got Dr. Sunny spur from New York, we’re going to go over improving patient experience like you heard, but we’re going to go more than that. So it’s about like educating, so on how about like pH of your mouth and what you can do about it. When you’re dealing with your staff and your patients communicating? How can the disc profile of help? We’ll touch on TMJ and some remedy. And we’ll go down the rabbit hole about braces with no dentist direct to consumer orthodontics. Why is it such a big hot topic for dentists these days? What’s the implications the legal and the you know what happens to patients if they don’t get those good results. So we’ll go over all of those things. The audio on his end is a little different than usual. I’m not sure what he was saying too, or whatever. But just hang in there. It’s not that bad or anything. It’s just not pristine. What can you do, but don’t let that distract you from the amount of good information that he’s going to give. So without any further waiting, show notes, transcript, a doctor’s perspective, net slash 140. Check out those many sides, they start with an M, let’s go hashtag behind the curtain and get pumped for week talking all types of different dental topic you’re going to you’re going to let it live from China and bring them to New York today in the podcast. And the start of our dental series is an ex collegiate basketball player from Syracuse. But that’s neither here nor there at this point in life, but a glory days given us some jazz before we even start. But today we’re going to discuss more like the the practice management on the high quality customer care satisfaction and referrals. That is gonna be kind of our focus today, because it’s such a huge piece of our practice. So please welcome Dr. Sunny Spira.
Unknown Speaker 4:08
Oh, thank you. I appreciate you reaching out asking me to do this.
Justin Trosclair 4:12
Alright, so when we start a podcast, as always, what got you into dentistry? And then how did you end up getting to where you are now in your career?
Unknown Speaker 4:22
Oh, great question. How did I did demonstrate? Well, I had as a kid, and this was early, I always had an interest in kind of helping others, especially kids. You know, I like kids playing with kids in the neighborhood or younger kids. And so I always kind of had an interest that way. I remember just talking to my parents one day and said, You know, I think I want to be a pediatrician. I think I want to get it back and work with kids. And I’ll never forget it. And my dad just said to me says mom, good dentist is a better lifestyle. And, you know, when your kid was lifestyle me, so I was like, Okay, dad, I listened to them. And the more I looked into it, the more people I talked to the more they just tried to disappear me, they were like, wow, you know, you’ll get your mind? Or would you go into that or, you know, go to a big school and you know, you’ll change your mind many times, don’t worry. And this was like, why we changed my mind. I mean, I think it probably ultimately motivated to do something that these other people including my college, pre health professional advisor, she was saying the same thing around and she was at Syracuse, she said, most of you won’t finish this, you’ll you’ll change. And I remember I met while there, she said the same thing for me. And I just looked right in the eye and said, Why does everybody send this? And I never faltered. And I mean, the most clearest moment I remember was the seventh grade, my seventh grade social studies teacher, Dan counts. He said to us, when you guys have your 20 year highschool reunion, I want you guys to invite me because I want to see what you guys all become. He was trying to get this one kid who was just kind of on the fringe of really turning bad to get him engaged in class. He was wrestling and he was trying to you know, see, I think he was reaching out. I remember going into my classes saying I’m going to the dentist. He was like, you know, it’s like, Wow. I could tell he told you this. And you couldn’t high school guidance counselor all this were just very, I guess, I guess honest, give me a lot of kids do go through different career choices. I just stuck with it. And they think you just weren’t Dr. material in general. Or it was the dentistry part that they were just negative about. Just being clear on what you wanted to do. I think you know, I mean, like, I don’t have any family members that are dentist. I don’t it’s not family. My dad worked at IBM. My mom, high school GD. So it’s like, you know, we’re not an overly educated, you know, family. And so it wasn’t like a charted path for me. And how did it How did I get to that point in and a lot of our area was idea, you know, EJ Foundation, it’s a lot of folks, you know, kids were children of engineers. Engineering was a big career path for a lot of people. And I’m sure if I said that, they would be like, Oh, yeah, just like everybody else. Because good engineering school. Yeah. But I guess I gave him something different. And they probably have heard a lot of different wild ideas and made this really good. That’s great. But, you know, go to school, you have a lot of options, because you’ll change your mind. So, so yes, it wasn’t, it wasn’t like everybody was, you know, tooting my own horn or leading the way or rolling out a curve. For me, it was almost the opposite. I think, in retrospect, I really do think of me kind of zero in on that almost motivated me more to, you know, sort of prove them wrong, I guess.
Justin Trosclair 7:48
Yeah, there’s definitely people out there that that’s their driving factor for a long time in life, proving them wrong.
Unknown Speaker 7:54
I support system. You know, my mom, my dad at home went to two older sisters, when I was a youngest boy and Italian family misfits. That’s the choice place to be when your kids be the youngest of it, and be the boy. So I had a really good support system network for me that I could do things and that they were supportive, and they were encouraging. And looking back on that even more so than anything else, like add to it. My one sister graduated college, my other sister did one semester, she didn’t finish. So again, you know, my first My sister was, I think, the first film in our family that went to college, in our, you know, extended family. So, for me, I was the first professional doctor in the family too, and you know, never really hit me so long after and of course, my bed mom ended me, but I look back on that, too. It was very good support system that helped kind of Believe me and be there when you need help. And you get questions or what have you. So that was very unfortunate. We
Justin Trosclair 8:54
got a similar path there. That’s kind of my story as well. Well, not that discouraging part from the
Unknown Speaker 9:00
but the rest of it in the family. It is it’s kind of the same thing. I think that’s encouraging for other people who might be listening to this, who might be in the middle of school and just like, Oh, I got I just got to finish. Or I want to quit and which is it?
Unknown Speaker 9:13
That comes up a lot in dental school, I remember a lot of my classmates were just, you know, bogged down in it. And my kind of response was a look at these these composites of all the graduating years from from Buffalo medical school, I said, Why do we think we’re going to be any different than them? They did it, we can do it? Why don’t we just better just tell them what they’re asking us to get so many friends that just spent their time arguing or, you know, kind of complaining, I just wasted time and energy, because I was also a basketball coach in dental school. So I was coaching the university, I was a graduate assistant. So I had like a full time job. I didn’t have time for that. So you know, it was just, you know, stay focused, and really, really helped me with time management. And I think today, again, another thing I think that’s really helped me out.
Justin Trosclair 9:59
I can’t even imagine working full time maybe, maybe quote dentistry school and all this wasn’t as difficult back then. But I have a doubt that just, you know, but to have a full time job, especially coaching. There’s so many demands on you, you might have been having to travel or stuff like that, too.
Unknown Speaker 10:17
Yeah, yeah. My first year in dental school, I remember because I got the job, I had a job offer to me. And the dental school didn’t one didn’t want to allow me to do it. He said nobody can work in me. And I had a professor George Farah, I’ll never forget him. He went to bat for me. He said, I think we can do this. I think if we just change the schedule slightly for first time, give him the morning, afternoon clinic times, because it wasn’t going into my second when I really got into a clinic studies. And he’s I think we can do this. And you know, thank God. And I did and I’ve been put the pedal to the metal and dental school. So I made sure I got all my requirements, I was ahead of time ahead of schedule, no wasted anytime I made sure I had patients in the chair I had, I had the basketball team to they needed they don’t work. I was like, Hey, come on. It’s like, you know, the front door back door. Yes, go ahead pieces a little bit work, helping me fulfill my requirements. And I was doing, you know, a great service for these guys. So it was mutually beneficial. And when I got to my senior year, I remember talking to Dr. Harvey Sproul, who was the anti anti basketball guy, let’s say and I said, hey, how am I doing? He says, well, man, I may have been wrong. And he kind of admitted it. And he was one tough, that’s OB, but he was to be respected. And so again, it was to prove him wrong, so to speak, and help you through things so that by the time I graduated, I didn’t really think I was going to do a residency program, I felt I did a lot in dental school, and I took the endo minor. So I did some summer clinic, you know, I did a lot of extra things to kind of advance what I can learn in the dental school settings, I think I’ll prepare me for practice a little bit.
Justin Trosclair 12:04
Because the part is, from what I’ve heard is definitely something that the general practice dentists would want to know, because it opens up so many more doors in the clinic, is that still hold true?
Unknown Speaker 12:14
Well, I think it’s a great service to be able to provide, you know, let’s say he comes in with a screening too thick, and they want to see the tooth, there’s nothing better than being able to get that patient and pain be provided definitive treatment for him. And see, allow them to keep the tooth. And you can do all those things and perform quote unquote, the dreaded root canal. And it’s not painful and out of pain, you’re a little bit of a hero, you know, you you’ve taken care of their chief complaint, their major problem painlessly, you’re going to have a very good referral source, or you can have a very happy patient. So that is a great service to be able to provide that same day emergency care and doing it, doing it well. Some of the teeth present challenges. So you, you’ve got to have a little more training. And initially, in dental school, you’re doing endo, which is, you know, short for root canals. There’s a lot of fear when you’re getting into, you know, intricate molars or the canal systems are a little bit more fuzzy or, you know, in, in the script, and there’s definitely a technique and wait and I’m still learning I still learn as much as I possibly can every year and every year better than the next year. And now with three dimensional CB CT scans, and you can literally follow a roadmap and you can see that fourth canal or September 5. So the technology’s there. And it’s just amazing. So I was fortunate enough to know a, I stunk it until my junior year in middle school, I couldn’t stand it. I struggle with it like crazy. But I had a teacher that I kind of reached out and said, Why is this so hard, and she was my mentor in class and she saw me stroke. She gave me one ounce of help until I literally was frustrated to the point where I said, I’m loot I’m loss here and she still waiting for you to come after means deja vu I’ll never forget I love you were sitting there watching me. Never helped me. It was comical, but at the point was like, you know, she hurt us. Right? She said, I wanted you to get to that point where you came and said, I’m defeated. Or I’m here and then and then she sat with me herself one on one. It was phenomenal. So I was like, Oh, this is hard. So I added a minor and I did a little bit and I did extra here and there. And it. Again, it was kind of the opposite. And kind of a common theme, I guess where I talk about my life. Okay, opposite of what they said. And it was great. And I know I love it, you know, kind of look forward to it’s a tough situation because the patient usually is a they’re coming to dinner. So they’re not happy typically, or they’re super fearful. They got to climb over some boundaries for some barriers that have kept them out of the dental office. And now they have to take so now they have Okay, now I only go when it hurts, I’m going out. It’s hurting, you know, bad, it must be hurt. And no choice. Yeah, you must be hurting because I’m here now. Okay, I got you know, and you just you listen, and you try to find a solution. And it’s, it’s a great thing to be able to do. And there’s and then I have some bonds with some patients that are you know, become very good friends over the years that that may have been our first meeting in the office. It’s very rewarding.
Justin Trosclair 15:24
It is expected that to be just like the standard, not even a dentist, you can’t do that.
Unknown Speaker 15:30
No, there’s a there’s a lot of dentists that will they’ll do the easy or the straightforward like a front tooth, we typically tend to be a single canal almost ice cream cone shape. So it’s almost kind of a no brainer. This net real fair, some of the harder, but it’s it’s it’s much simpler enemy. And then as you get where the root system becomes more complicated, intricate, complex, then you’ll see more of I think I better refer this or sometimes they’ve done it and they’ve had failed because they didn’t get it all right. And you know, you get one or two of those and most guys like okay been doing that. Or I had one or two blow up and what have you.
Justin Trosclair 16:09
Well, thanks to Instagram videos, anyone can watch it. I want to Dennis does he like, Ah, this is intense. This is quite intense.
Unknown Speaker 16:18
Yeah, things have changed that way for sure. Yeah, I get experts to come see me now. Did you know that I love pictures that are done lectures?
Justin Trosclair 16:25
Oh, that’s good to know that I did not I was not aware
Unknown Speaker 16:30
that they went to video and they came in or they read something on the internet, you can find it you know, you can find anything on the internet and some of it through and unfortunately, a lot of that. So sometimes you have to spend a little time with patients. dispelling some either myths or misconceptions. Yeah. Because one of them is root canals cause cancer. That’s
Justin Trosclair 16:51
right, because they are heart disease and things.
Unknown Speaker 16:54
Oh, no, there’s another scene and anybody who’s had cancers had a root canal, typically in their mouth. But, you know, I think I wish I had the exact stats, but I can’t tell you how many hundreds of thousands of root canals are done, you know, yearly. And there’s just there’s no science, right? Probably an anecdotal story somewhere in this person can write it in a format that looks
Justin Trosclair 17:16
very trust me, I’m a chiropractor, we we have to deal with this causation versus correlation all the time. We’re like, they were already we didn’t do it. Like, it’s just the fact that they you know, people who had a stroke with chiropractic had a I don’t know how to to thing. Yeah, yeah. A lot of people have two things, though, just happened to be the day they had a toothache like come on. Doesn’t make any difference, right. But now I know what you mean. So let’s go into this. You’re busy doctor, you’re obviously training yourself like crazy to be the best that you can be. And part of that, I think is we have to get new patients, but we also want to keep them. We don’t want to just run out the back door every time they get the one service. So see, how do we branch into this a little bit satisfaction rate referrals? What’s your starting point in making that a good experience for the patient? And then we’ll just do some follow up questions.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
Well, I said, I think the most important thing is what you just said, making it a good experience for the patient. And I think one of the most under appreciated values is is understanding, trying to understand the patient’s history where the patient is coming from sometimes their fears, what barriers they may have to their treatment, be it financial, be emotional, it physical, mental, I think we have to at least identify him and talk about the elephant in the room sometimes. And then you have to deal with different personality types, trying to connect, we will have the DIFC personality stuff in our office with staff and stuff. So if you know someone, in your offices, very high D person, well, you don’t want to schedule them at 1030, you may be in the chair 1029, in 30 seconds. If you’re there, 10 30.02, you’re late. Now they’re on edge, or their blood pressures up, or they’re leaning at the edge of the table, that kind of thing. And now you’ve got a situation where you probably been better off, let’s come in 7am. See, if we’re saying you see them at 645, because they’re there early. Those kind of things, I think you have to identify some of that and try your best to, you can’t be all things to all people, but be as much as you can do as many as you can. And I think you do have the largest in know, like communication types of styles as best you can. So the person like sometimes, you know, patient comes in and let’s say, you know, I get my teeth cleaned every six months, I blah, blah, blah. And then they need something they have you see there’s a couple of cavities and you’re going to diagnose them and tell the patient about it. You can just call flat out see a good couple Daddy’s little family. Or you can say, you know, I see a couple of years where there was a couple of cavities that have started here. Tell me a little bit about your your habits at home brushing, you’re telling me what you know, tell me some of the history. How about some of your diet? pH is a big thing that people are Miss understanding or appreciate it? Ph. ph? Yeah, the pH of the mouth. Drinking cokes? Yeah, well, it’s more than that. Believe it or not, you know, for example, just take water. Take bottled water, right. Okay. Bottled water should be what? pH seven, right. Yeah, sure. Do you know what a pH of the sunny water and Aquafina water is? Compared to a bottle of smart water or essential water?
Justin Trosclair 20:40
I would assume that it’s tap water that they filter so probably let like six point? I don’t know something
Unknown Speaker 20:46
that even close to Sandy is down in a nice well. Yeah. And, and the other, you know, smart waters is near eight and essential water united. So drinking bottled water, right? You tell them to drink bottled water. But if you’re if you’re drinking certain types, you know, it’s a very acidic environment and bacteria thrives in this desert environment. So you’re going to be more prone to cavities decay now, because everybody thinks it’s just sugar. Sugar. I don’t have a lot of sugar. Well, okay, I have a couple slices of bread and bread. starches West artist. Yeah. So you know, it’s the type of sugar everybody thinks sugar, okay, teaspoon of sugar, or caramel sugar or chocolate sugar. And then it’s also form in frequency. So you know, you know, somebody, you know, you’ve diagnosed that now you want to reach out and kind of maybe get your relationship to a different level. And you know, wow, so they can kind of hopefully will say, well, nobody’s ever asked me those questions or nobody cared enough. And I think that’s the most important part, cared enough to track or reach out or to try to reach that level. And sometimes I think it’s unfortunate, sometimes where it’s just, you do it every day it becomes routine. And it’s okay, well, I’m going to tell you floss know that, you know, less than 1% of the population floss is anyway. But I’m used to be flossing and brushing. And you’re not gonna do it anyway. Because nobody does it. So. So I think I think it’s less than 50% of dentist floss, right? It’s a big number. It’s a big number. So you know, it’s a brush and floss. It’s, it’s more than that, because I’ve had patients who I know diligently brush and floss have, you know, one of my head gems husband and had some severe breakdown was a pH is major factor. You know, so there’s really to to adapt. Like, for example, now, you mentioned Coke, Coke, really not as bad as you think Gatorade. So sugar is really bad. Yeah. Because when you when you take them catering in your body things almost 20 minutes pH balance and recover. It’s a long time. And if you take a bath, like if you’re doing gum, or if you chew anything, so let’s you need you want the sugar, okay, well, here’s the solution. Take it Peter aid was little, you know, those little sugar cheese to that, when you chew, when you chew, your body automatically goes to a buffer pH goes to 7.5 naturally, because it knows, probably an acid production. So it’s automatic. So okay, your pH is going up, introduce some sugar, and then have water wash it out. So it’s much better than you know, like take for example a and this this came up in the class I just took over the talking about this like a cyclist. And they have a drink and their drink is you know, meter even gain rate zero, quote unquote, no calories, but the sugars and whatnot are in and are high. But it’s also that pH change. You’re constantly throwing it down. And let’s say every 20 minutes 20 minutes, what are you doing? You’re keeping your mouth in a constant state of the city. Bacteria decay those people come in and almost looks like meth. Wow. You know, almost looks like they’re, they’re methamphetamine addicts. But what it is, is just a constant barrage of a acid. What is the math, it’s not met that they’re doing, but it has like a similar effect sometimes when it’s cumulative. So you know, get to that route. So that’s an extreme example that everybody’s you know, Lance Armstrong on a bike all the time, but
Justin Trosclair 24:13
but what a niche to think about, like I would have never expected you know, what blows
Unknown Speaker 24:17
you away?
Justin Trosclair 24:18
Yeah. Now all of a sudden, they can understand a physical therapist wanting to go after runners and all these types of people. But no, Dennis can actually specialize in that too.
Unknown Speaker 24:29
But it’s knowledge knowledge is knowledge is power. Right? So if you can get that knowledge and understanding and I just learned this a year ago about this pH thing I heard a lot about I heard a lot of seminar on pH, but when this was presented, it really struck me as Wow, this there’s more than just you know, have you know, like the one sweetener xylitol is a very good pH buffer.
Justin Trosclair 24:53
Did you read my paper? I was going to ask you about chewing gum with xylitol or like that that hurt that’s supposed to kill the bacteria are letting them grow.
Unknown Speaker 25:01
Yeah, it’s good stuff. Like if you’re gonna choose survivalist calm, and that’s another thing. It’s not all all things equated. But at the icebreaker calm. If you have five or six of those a day, you can effectively lower your Ph. Wow, that brand now if you’re taking dentine or some other kind of some other ones, they don’t have the same effect the same impact until you get to 20 or something. 25 piece. Yeah, well, wow. Realistically, someone took 25 pieces of gum every day.
Justin Trosclair 25:27
My TMJ hurts.
Unknown Speaker 25:29
Right? Yes. Exactly. One thing I gotta tell you just develop TMJ practice.
Unknown Speaker 25:37
30 pieces of gum a day. Definitely good.
Unknown Speaker 25:43
Muscle skeletal therapy. Yeah. So
Justin Trosclair 25:45
I mean, for a while I was putting xylitol in my coffee, because I was like, What is the benefit? It’s kind of sweet. I’m not going to just so much where I get diarrhea. I mean, I’m not drinking that much of it. I don’t think that helps. And if it tastes fine to me as well. That’s pretty awesome.
Unknown Speaker 25:57
Now tease right everything so great at let’s say Earl Grey versus green tea. Green tea is is again, a very positive buffer. Earl Grey, very negative, very acidic. So I mean, so it’s funny, because now I’ve kind of altered like I do every day. I love tea. So I’m making sure I had green tea negative flavor, different green teas. vibe, so great grey going on. So I don’t know, you know, the funny thing and maybe I should say, what about the green tea? Earl Grey? Yeah. Can we get a little bit of gray in there? Sir, check it out. But yeah, it’s just it’s fascinating thing that I don’t think enough of us understand yet.
Justin Trosclair 26:33
As a chiropractor to I’ve we hear stuff sometimes about like the pH well, and it got some weird ones out there. Like, if your pH is alkaline, you’ll never get cancer, you know? Well, let’s back that up a little bit, guys, you know, but there’s a push to drink alkaline water to try to you know, and eat in different foods to try alkaline wise your body so that all these little benefits can occur. I haven’t studied enough. I’m like, Guys, I think you’re claiming too much. And it’s kind of throwing me off don’t even want to investigated sometimes. You know, you I guess that claims too big. So when you’re talking about dental patients that come in there most people worried about, they’re scared. There’s pain, time constraints, they know they don’t brush correctly, or those What do you find as the top ways to make a patient facilities feel like they’re happy? I mean, is there a man? Should you be serving green tea that your customers to make them feel like they’re special? They’re putting like a warm towel on their face before and after?
Unknown Speaker 27:28
The patient experience you’re talking about? Yeah, I mean, those are those are, I’ve heard of, like the Dental Spa experience. And I’ve heard people go over the top to the point where a person gets dirty, clean, they’re getting their pedicure done at the same time or a manicure or they have a therapy dog or something like that.
Unknown Speaker 27:46
I wouldn’t mind a TV we’ve had.
Unknown Speaker 27:48
We’ve had some Oh, we got that we have that for sure. We’ve we’ve had some we have different we have a law office meeting, while always asked ideas in one year, I said, Give me a wild idea. Few of those minutes of Islam are too far off. Now along the lines of what I think what you’re kind of asking more or less is that connection, or what’s the most important thing that you can provide for a person and to me, it’s a you got to have a connection, you have a connection, some relationship, and then the next part of that is concerned for their oral health. So I think pH is one thing could be sleep apnea could be a contributing factor. Well, we make an appointment sick and treat that if you’re mild to moderate. Okay, how about, we talked about the MJD. You click the pop, you have headaches constantly and looking at their bios and their occlusion? Is there a contributing factor? In addition to this dental disease? There’s some of these other things how about missing teeth, and about it affecting her by and thereby changes over years, and or collapse and grinding the teeth and they just get lower and lower, and you’re compressing that joint or your closing the vertical dimension, so you’re getting deeper, and that puts a lot of torque on that TMJ area. Some people are adequate, fine, some people go go crazy, and they have headaches and etc, etc. In addition to cosmetics, there’s just all these other components. And I think you have to be a little verse in them, you may not do all those different things. And not everybody can, but recognizing it and then getting the help they need. I mean, that’s, that’s huge. And that goes a long way to really building that relationship and then segmenting it nothing like getting a person out of a problem. And then then really remember,
Justin Trosclair 29:38
when you’re going through that, I mean, I can see as a doctor, you’ve seen all these problems or concerns, bring it up to the patient. And there’s the patient look back and you like upsell upsell, I just have a toothache. Do they have that feeling? You come at a pure heart? You don’t really they don’t feel that way.
Unknown Speaker 29:55
I think there’s gonna be some that have definitely absolutely because you know, I came in on on the internet invalid I need you’re just trying to just try to get me to do this. And and it’s just a matter of are you selling? are you providing a service? And I think a lot of dentists are one of our faults is we hope that the whole treatment
Justin Trosclair 30:14
to the patient might have wanted to spend the time and money and you didn’t even let me know,
Unknown Speaker 30:18
right? I didn’t know about this. What do you mean news? persons in pain, okay, your pain I know. let’s address this,
Justin Trosclair 30:24
here’s what you can do. And also long term, here’s
Unknown Speaker 30:26
the ram if you’ve got a Missy, here’s ramifications if you if you do nothing in replacing and right now they’re mentally probably not there right now, because they’re in pain, and they just want the pain to go away. So but it’s our duty, you gotta give them information. And you know, and you want to try to give it to them multiple ways. You give it to them verbal, they’re gonna remember what 10% 20% if you give it to them in some format, that’s visual, you know, how many people are visual learners, I think 70 or 80%. Left, I heard something visual, visual, something, take home with them. Give them a picture, show them a video, you know, connect try to at some point, I think it does get through and it may take years maybe take two or three two things. Yeah, you’re just resolving. So the first thing Hey, wait a second. There’s gotta be a better way. Yes. I’ve been telling you to come in and let’s do a full exam. And you will save money. So I mean, or sometimes it’s just a matter of what what is it that’s interfering with you getting to the regular dental care? So just take saying that. First of all, I look at just no one’s ever said that. Which is crazy to me.
Justin Trosclair 31:33
I grew up Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 31:35
yeah. But let’s have that conversation. Right. So lets you keep doing what you’re doing. You can keep getting what you got. Right? So let’s break the cycle. You know, at some point, let’s get you hopefully into maintenance or preventive care. But first, we got to get you healed. We got to get you healthy. Let’s get you out of emergency care. And then there’s levels of parents, some people will choose to be an emergency, some people will want basic care only then some people will want I want what’s best. And I think it’s our duty to at least tell them start with Yeah, hey, this is choice I can future cast,
Justin Trosclair 32:06
what’s going to happen? If you do, I seen you more than once for this type of issue. So this is where you’re headed. If you don’t want to go that route, then we got to figure it out. Now.
Unknown Speaker 32:16
People will tell you that people flat out say, Mom, I’m 38 I didn’t expect to have all my teeth at time. I was 30. Wow. And I was like, Wait a second. 30. This is 2019 where you live? 30 years old? Yeah. I mean, my mom had all her teeth taken out on top when she was 1617 years old.
Justin Trosclair 32:34
So that’s just like never brushed your teeth in huh?
Unknown Speaker 32:36
Well, she had a lot of candy. And she didn’t have a lot of money. And I also think it was one of those exponent pay to fix them. Just take them out. It’s easier and cheaper. So she’s the two now so 1617 she’s a cripple the rest of her life? Yeah. So you know, fortunately, she saved 10 on the man so we can get her some type of conclusion. But you know, you dance for that long he destroyed that reject that. So it’s a challenge every year, what are we going to do? But that was the short answer. That’s my mother. You know, that’s not you know, the neighbors, my mom, I lived in that family.
Justin Trosclair 33:06
And you can’t just started putting implants either, because the bones destroyed at this point,
Unknown Speaker 33:11
bone is gone. She’s literally for sinus in 90. So it’s a challenge. It’s a restorative challenge. But you know, just talking really about which what’s your frame of reference, I’m 30. I’m gonna lose all my teeth. And then I and what’s really shocking is I can go from one room of 86 year old patient in the chair who has three fillings in their head and go to another room with a point four year old kids are getting teeth removed a permanent D through besides wisdom, and you’re like, and his mentality might be okay, but for now I’m going to be a denture. So I can’t wait, I’ll be a lot of problems. I almost want to say, Can I introduce you to you know, Mrs. Barnabas over here? Can Can you have a conversation can she talked to you to show you and also, as I’m sure you know, that the ability to thrive is so dependent on nutrition, intake, exercise, and no variable, social, all those things, but you eliminate one or two, when you take teeth out, you just are in a flat plate, denture their their nutritional intake goes down 50 to 75%, immediately when they go to no teeth, whoa,
Justin Trosclair 34:13
nobody thinks about that, do they?
Unknown Speaker 34:14
That’s a health factor. So you know, if you can communicate that to the patient, and they can understand it, I’m helping you for your, your your own good. Whether you do this or don’t do this, you know, you think I’m just gonna have one hand in your pocket, you have to get past that as a, as a physician, as a back you get past that you have to present it to them as such a way that I’ve seen other side that you haven’t seen, and you think I might know, you think I might be selling, I’m not trying to sell you I’m talking to you about a lifestyle. And if you give them facts, like a one in three Americans by the age of 65, has lost all their teeth, one in three, that’s atrocious United States, I came in another 123 lost half of them, but attempt 65 that’s, that should change that dynamic should be changing. We have baby boomers, we have more educated people into their 60s, healthier, living longer, you know, understanding all these different things, you know, the war against, you know, the four cans, gluten, gluten will kill us. You know, I mean, this has got at some point change some of that dynamic, there’s still a huge need, I think to to reset the frame a little bit as far as dental care United States.
Justin Trosclair 35:28
Well, I can see the teeth here in China that people have, you know, a brown spot and several on the front. You know, they just, you know, a lot of people do going to pull to get them filled in. And other people are like, well, I guess the center of my tooth is bad, but they don’t really do anything with it. And they just kind of like stuck with that for however long.
Unknown Speaker 35:45
Yeah, it’s it’s unfortunate. I’m not I’m not sure the dental delivery system in China, I would think it’s pretty sophisticated. But I think the volume of people that they have been a mess the providers that are needed.
Justin Trosclair 35:58
It depends on what you do to if you’re in Beijing, it might be a complete different story. If you’re right, if you’re poor, you probably like yeah, I don’t you know, it’s like in America, I have unlimited income. And if my teeth don’t hurt, I’m not going to do anything about it.
Unknown Speaker 36:10
There’s no questions, definitely a socio economic marker. For example, we went to Italy, we went to Southern Italy and when my mother in law was from me, buddy, and then as we move north to Milan, where are the relatives? Were the dentist. Yeah, I had waiters that we were waiting on us in those southern areas that were missing seven, eight visible teeth, like there was nothing and in the land, they look like I won’t say I won’t say model but I’ll say damn close knit maybe not George Clooney, but
Justin Trosclair 36:38
they knew what braces were at one point in their life.
Unknown Speaker 36:41
Yeah, you know what I mean? Or even if you don’t they have them all. You know, it’s, it’s, it was it was dramatically different and it really kind of stuck with I remember that and let me go by Well, I’ve gotten all of them from parts but that part Really? Yeah, that’s what they’ve always told them that socioeconomic status you can usually see in teeth
Justin Trosclair 37:02
Hey, real quick, I’ve noticed a follow a dental group on Facebook and they’re having these conversations about like Invisalign and all these not a traditional braces is Is there something going on that I’m just not aware of? Like maybe just turf wars or something about these these are they just as not good break options or is there setting it up to where like they don’t even need a doctor almost too.
Unknown Speaker 37:24
Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Yeah, you’re going to smell dirty club. Yeah, yeah, they they’ve, they’ve bypass dentists. And they’re calling Khan Academy on direct to consumer where they’re getting into trouble is they’re delivering dentistry without a dental license. So now if they’re in CVS or quote unquote, tele dentistry so in order to do that someone has to take mold of the T so that mold has to be taken by dental practice llama dental professional, whether the dentist or definitely direct supervised employee like register dental hygienist they can’t do it unless direct supervision by direct supervision by teens in the building
Justin Trosclair 38:06
I was gonna say so that doesn’t mean they can just like put a put a video in their
Unknown Speaker 38:10
camp phone and can say yeah, it looks good from here.
Justin Trosclair 38:13
So real dentist in the office be done
Unknown Speaker 38:15
directly. Yeah, and some states it has to be done by the dentist it can’t even be done by by my licensed professional under-dress vision so where they’ve gotten in trouble and then there’s been some lawsuits that are not started by jersey dental society I think California is after him I think the ADA is now afterwards practicing dentistry without a license and smile direct Bub is just flat out coming out like come on he may have a lot of juice behind them you know they’re gonna go public is gonna be
Justin Trosclair 38:47
gonna you really think a dentist needs to be here for this. I mean, I trained the CVS guy to do it who worked yesterday.
Unknown Speaker 38:52
Yeah. CVS is getting into healthcare question the getting vaccines medical care and so to me I don’t buy anything CVS anymore. You know you want to practice dentistry I’m that you know I don’t need to get my medication my prescriptions here my shoulder in sir money whatever took me sundries go somewhere else I’ll go
Justin Trosclair 39:13
i’m not buying it there anyway, CVS is like oh no last
Unknown Speaker 39:17
but now you know the Invisalign issue now with Invisalign background is Invisalign bought smile direct for a block controlling interest and real reason was because they wanted to get into the direct delivery of Invisalign just like smell direct was because they knew was mountain wreck was about Invisalign rep will tell you we got into it because we want it to control the product news out there we want to make sure it was quality product leave he are right because you know Invisalign was signing up Dennis not one I provide Invisalign and it’s it’s a good product. It’s not the best thing since sliced bread, but it’s
Justin Trosclair 39:52
good product for certain people with a great idea so
Unknown Speaker 39:55
they did this Yeah, it’s not for everything but they tell you this he got into it they got into this and then they dissolve it because I think smell dress. No, we don’t we don’t want you Invisalign misrepresenting us a lot the case. And then they had a smile Director He saw, but they were using smile directed, get them into into the centers and allow Invisalign to the next Invisalign. that’s ultimately what they wanted to be store for. And they are
Justin Trosclair 40:23
Yeah, they wanted the framework. And then they’re doing Yeah, hmm. Okay. And they look, they probably look at it as making an impression. That’s all we gotta do. We got to figure out how do we how do we get the impression we can, we can take it from here with our computers, bypass the dentist, and we just make all the money. This is fantastic.
Unknown Speaker 40:39
Yeah, and it’s but Invisalign centers are popping up all over. And now the rec centers are popping off. So you got this, this competing things. The other part of this equation is Invisalign, for the people that they provide stuff or they keep, it’s almost like leading lambs to the slaughter, like they have taught and they have quote, unquote, registered dentists that do Invisalign train, and they keep either jacking up their prices, or keep cutting their services to the point where more and more falls on the dentist. Like I just, I just can’t believe company just get the with what we provide this, there’s a service look, you can go on, you look at a computer, and they’re telling you, you put these trays in this little hat. That’s what they’re telling you. That’s all the professionals that they’re in. And then you say, okay, fine, and you do and it doesn’t happen. Now what else on our phones, you should have questioned all this stuff, wait a second.
Justin Trosclair 41:32
So that is like it’s a, b and c,
Unknown Speaker 41:34
right, and you’re the head honcho, you’re the provider, the business provider, and have all the wealth of information when you lay out this treatment plan. But now the dentists are supposed to overwrite the truth and change the treatment plan and we end up getting or being responsible for a lot of issues. So there’s a lot of folks that bed Invisalign that are not in love with the company and their services. So they are now allowed alternatives so that’s going on and then you get the parcel in this land stop when they were getting this powder wrap up his nuts and then had a major correction if the fallout with smelled the rat and not think they’ve had a bit recovery but for some people that were in England from I think eight hours to $250 and when so people were loving it from that aspect but on the delivery side and where the controversy is now really is boiling down to these but not it’s not do it yourself because that’s a whole nother realm so the person’s home and they want to take him private sentence as founder, right? There’s nothing anybody can do about it. That’s do it yourself, demonstrate that your star guard that you’re all these other things you see on TV that they make, you know, send it to us, we do it for you. But going to the smile center and having your teeth scan and then done that way. OA now it’s getting closer to Invisalign, because one of the ways of Islam does but V. It’s not done by a licensed dentist. So that’s an issue.
Justin Trosclair 43:03
Now do orthodontists get mad at the general dentist who are doing the Invisalign? Like this is my thing. Well, they are doing things they shouldn’t even be doing. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 43:11
they do. orthodontist is an interesting profession. Because we’re dental school we’ve learned almost zero orthodontics. So one specialty in dentistry that is kept pristine from the general dentist hands, and they do it on purpose. But the training that you get in dental school is so inferior in orthodontics, because they don’t want you to know that it’s not that hard first thing compared to doing a molar root canal orthodontics, it’s it’s it’s a no brainer. If you understand the principles, you understand this, you get the right diagnosis. And then you have your you know, if you put something on a tooth, you’re going to move it this way it moves that way. That’s that’s essentially it and the technology and what’s changed over the years. I don’t want to oversimplify it. But it’s not it’s not brain, sir. So now you a lot of dentists that got into ortho let myself 20 years ago got into doing force. Yeah, the orthodontist town would like to. He’s like, Yeah, but you learned in a motel. You know, Mandala. Right. Right. And some of the things that I was taught was doing, he was telling the best of no good, that doesn’t work. Well, five, seven years later, good. what he’s doing the same thing I was doing years beforehand. So now I’m
Justin Trosclair 44:20
pretty sure the computer models they have these days could be really impressive.
Unknown Speaker 44:25
Yeah, but it’s you know, it’s You’re right, you’re right. But there’s this this was more of Orthopedic slash orthodontic components with kids and expansion and kind of habit, habit breaking appliances, but also kind of job positioning things and you know, in enhancing the developments and stuff like that, just you know, so it was called functional orthodontics where I was being test eyes. And now guess who’s doing a lot of functional orthodontics my local orthodontist. So that became an issue. And then Invisalign, you got a lot of people doing Invisalign that have millions you embrace those who have no concept whatsoever. So they are kind of at the mercy of what they learned how they can go on and a lot of courses and a lot of things that can they can be taught but I was at a you know, an Invisalign GP summit. And it’s, it’s a lot of marketing that are a lot of fluff. And I’m looking for meat, potatoes, you know, like a lot of desserts, you know, big Venetian our, you know, to me,
Justin Trosclair 45:24
this is a revenue generator.
Unknown Speaker 45:26
Yeah. And then you know, this referral, do this. And once you do this, many did you get this. And then the second, let’s talk about moving teeth. from point A to point B, let’s talk about possible scenario where it doesn’t move, like we predicted what or were or avenues to fix these things. Let’s learn the technique, or let’s learn to the point where we should be able to sit at a computer and do our own design for our own case, we learned that good, or that Well, excuse me, we know it’s very hard to so again, how big part of your practices 20% of your practice, that’s a big number, but it’s still natural that much if it’s 50% of your practice, now used to be singing it every day, one out of every two patients is doing it. You’re learning you’re learning personally, really?
Justin Trosclair 46:11
Well, it’s kinda like doing an implant. Maybe you only do a couple of implants. And so it’s like, as far as procedures go, there’s not a lot of procedures, but it’s 10 or 15 grand a pop, so it could actually be a huge a piece of your revenue. It just didn’t take that many to do that.
Unknown Speaker 46:25
Yeah, implants. I think this is the same should be the same visit and in terms of what cases do you do like with implants was thought about implants. One of the things it was told me like there’s Greenlee cases, there’s yellow light cases, like cases, if you’re just starting now and you’re placed in your first implant, do a green light case. Yeah, cut and dry baby, right. I’ll do the front tooth. I get it. It’s not different than other parts of dentistry. You’re going to do Invisalign do a you know a mild clap one no relapse after or if not correction, which is probably the primary
Justin Trosclair 47:01
we all have the easy cases fans stuff on
Unknown Speaker 47:04
the low hanging fruit. Yes, we’re smell direct, is gonna is gonna make their their mark. The one thing I don’t think people understand is the smell directly, I think rejects like seven out of 10 cases that come their way. Wow, that’s good to know that, right. But that three out of 10 that just tells you the volume of the people that are that are going to come in there and it’s going to be interesting stock to see when that IPO comes up.
Justin Trosclair 47:27
Well, that makes me one Yeah, definitely. I’m gonna hang back on that one being that there’s gonna be lots of class action lawsuits in different states.
Unknown Speaker 47:34
Yeah, I think the dust will settle. But they’re coming very aggressive at the dental societies. Because I mean, they’re sending out letters to dentists and the dental societies and they’re going to take their marketing to the public, just like just like drug companies have, right? You’re feeling down, try this medication. It’s wonderful. I feel great. I don’t have any anxiety. side effects include ba ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba Ba, up to and including death. Like, okay, there was a minute commercial and 90 seconds of it was what are the ramifications? You know, you walk into your physician, you say, Hey, Doc, I need this medication. I saw commercial. They weren’t you take it to the public. Yeah, you take it. You take your message to the public. That’s what smell Yeah, it’s amazing.
Justin Trosclair 48:15
Hey, real quick answer. This one. We have patients that have a bad TMJ or a mild case of TMJ, What do y’all do with them?
Unknown Speaker 48:23
Good question. If we can figure out because well, for myself, I did a fair amount of TMJ training with orthodontics when I learned that the the dentist that were training us was pretty well versed in that and I think there’s you can’t say this correlation is nobody wants to admit one one involves the other but there’s definitely a connection somewhere. So for me it’s trying to find out okay, what is it that what is it that you have? Will your symptoms how severe How long is it acute other joint noises Plex passes your job deviate if it’s been something going on a very long time obviously chronic much harder to treat physic you think you got a better chance of fixing it not just helping with fixing it so you can you can get involved I get involved I have a really good feel that a I can help fix it. So if it’s a early on opening play in a late on closing Klay that’s a typically anterior display joint and if we get them blank, noise free and then joint pain free with a clue or thigh, and I’ll I’ll try that. That’s, that’s that’s one and that’s probably the most complicated case I’m going to get involved with but if I got a person with a heavy boxer and I can see their conclusions been want now pretty heavy there’s a little MTI appliance that that you can that we can make chair side it takes 10 minutes to make it’s a couple hundred bucks it’s worth a try. And he told the patient Hey, this is worth the watch I it’s not a huge investment I can have it for you in 10 minutes before you leave today so you can have this product home tonight where to bed let’s see how you do you get pretty good feedback on and that’s been approved by the National headache Association for some headaches so it’s got a little science behind it for sure. And what it does is just disclose the poster teeth and you physically cannot fire up that temporary muscle or the mat you can’t do it and the temporary muscle usually as muscle good overpowered and causes a lot of belief is a word that ties into that absolutely that this gets you know so there’s tension on it meniscus from muscle tension now you have more likely going to displace joint etc so if you can get that muscle to calm down maybe you can you know sort of like they call it a no milk Rios up there Trigeminal interceptor Antioch in and what it basically I just want to break that pain. So I was trying to get that muscle,
Justin Trosclair 50:50
relax the muscle and stop certain so much. That’s exactly what it’s trying to do. And it works a lot of time. So for you like a couple hundred dollars, I’ll try that or recommend doesn’t mean I have a actually have a friend in town, it does a little more in depth TMJ treatment, I’ll get them over to him and he said, so my patients taking care of happy a sudden right down the road. I’ll get your opinion on this. You know, chiropractic, sometimes we can either, you know, use a little instrument work on the jaw, most temporality muscles going to get the tear boys to chill out. And that’s the professional term chill out. And sometimes, you know, I would tell him was like, Look, there’s this product. It’s called sleep, right? I think was asleep, right? It was just these little bitty. It wasn’t like a big football mouthpiece, but it had the bar. So if you’re, you’re sleeping, you can chew on that instead of like you said, just give you a space and relaxed as like it’s like 20 to $40. I was like, try this. If it doesn’t work, you can always go to your dentist and spend a couple hundred bucks on one. And it seemed to work. Okay, but I’m just kind of curious your opinion if I was guiding them wrong, or what?
Unknown Speaker 51:50
Is that something? I’m not familiar with them guessing it sounds?
Unknown Speaker 51:55
Something you were in the front? No. Well, and you But yeah, so you know you include on this, but you’re back to not include right back to you.
Justin Trosclair 52:04
Yeah, it’s pretty much it’s a let’s go with like two millimeters. It’s a flat bar and it rotates so that no matter what kind of crappy bite you have, it’ll rotate to your teeth. So it’s not like a imprinted or anything.
Unknown Speaker 52:14
It sounds sounds similar to what the NCAA tries to do.
Justin Trosclair 52:18
That way you’re grinding on something else besides your own teeth. And you can’t grip as tight.
Unknown Speaker 52:22
Okay. Yeah, like the old school therapy was you make a full night guard, which is a full ethic thing that’s not going to stop you from writing is not going to stop your muscles from spasm. all it’s going to do is protect your teeth, which is a value, but eventually you’re going to work through that plastic and you’re gonna need the NTIA planes, I got some people warm 1015 years now that they know they know their stress. During a stressful situation they know it they say my word for you know relative coming in last week they go away. They don’t need it. They don’t wear it every single night. So there they kind of are their own best friend
Justin Trosclair 52:58
only got a few more minutes. And I really your time I just kind of looked at like, Oh, well, we’ve been chatting a while.
Unknown Speaker 53:04
Yeah, we’re cooking. So let’s
Justin Trosclair 53:06
go personal just for a minute. A lot of doctors have trouble taking vacations. A lot of doctors have an imbalance, homework life balance, and that can lead to potentially divorce. And we don’t really like that. So we’ll do an a three and one question for you. How do you take more vacation? How do you get your homework life balance in order? And what can you do with your significant other so that you don’t end up in divorce?
Unknown Speaker 53:27
Okay, first up, let’s take the last question. Remember the other two weeks I might lose on the first one? How do you keep the home fire burning with your spouse, your significant other, I think you have to just like you do anything else, you have to make time for that person. So when my wife and I, when I first got into my practice, I had zero I had a baby born with a major heart problem. transposition, the great vessels, I bought a practice she was born. May I bought a practice I started in October. So I bought that practice the lie I taught. So I’m diving into the ocean of debt. I’ve got two young babies, I got a wife at home, car payments, house famous you name. So I have all those things, but in spite of it, or what have you, we insisted that we try to do one night a week, get a babysitter and go for a walk, get a big one of them, we do something together. Because one of the biggest things I see in everybody, not just in our professions, but they forget who they fell in love because they have kids and all of a sudden kids become their focus. And they forget that person sitting across from them is who they made those kids with. So you you justify it. Well, you know, you got two kids and you met. And I know everybody’s going in 1000 directions. We all super parents for kids have to do 1000 different activities. And we got to take a minute grandparents doing this. Okay, Greg, but you gotta remember that you were married. And that’s your, that’s your spouse that you love. And I think that that’s something that gets lost today, something that we’ve always done, and, and we’re not as good with a number of semesters. But but that was something that we kind of made an effort to do it. Maybe it wasn’t every week, maybe it was a month, maybe it was but there was a time. But if something was intentional, something that we scheduled, and we forced ourselves to do it even when we didn’t want to do it. We did it as truth. No, do you know and you got I got something I gotta I gotta pay, I get payroll done. I gotta get these taxes together. I gotta get this the account. We’re going on Saturday. Yeah, you have to do it. You make time, you know what, you have time for the things that are important. And there to be building and more important than your spouse. So you have to make the task that that’s I think is a huge help. And you remember who you fell in love with? And a lot of people yeah, and they let life let everything else dictate it. But they justify it. They justify Well, we were taking care of the kids. And we got so wrapped up in kids. And then thinking oh, they’re dating their dog friends mom to over a dance class with every night for years. And now you have better conversation more interest than you do your spouse. Because you spend more quality time you didn’t give you took that away from your spouse. You gave that to somebody else. That was too much. So that’s one and the second question was life work balanced?
Justin Trosclair 56:21
Life work balance was more like probably more like maybe Are you able to take vacations and kind of recharge that way?
Unknown Speaker 56:27
vacations are absolute Central. That was another thing I forced myself to do. I never took more than a week. Until a few years ago. I never went more than one week and then I started you know kind of seeing that. Okay, if you’re gone a week, you’re decompressing the first two days, then you’re killing for the next two days. And then the next three days you’re gearing up to go back to work. Yeah. So you’re focused especially with kids and family if you’re a different person when I’m not in my community and I’m not in my office in my professional area when I’m outside here. I can just BI don’t need to be back your spirit. The dentist Dr. spirit of the basketball coach Dexter, me kids. First I can be sunny Spira. Nobody. And it’s kind of nice. So then my kids get that full attention like we go here we go to the mall every five steps on was that winner suddenly know I’m talking to you and the kids are like, Dad just let’s go get dressed dance. So those things are different. So that’s quality, quality family time. And it was it was tough, because now all the sudden dad’s mentally starting to check out and make gets picked up. Get ready to go back. Yeah, well, you know, getting ready because I know if I was a solo practice, Rebecca was going to get slammed because I you know, someone covered for me when I went away. It’s what you do. I think solo practice develops good relationships with some people that can cover each other. They cover your emergency cover, there’s they want to go in cover. And when you go in a cover, and if it becomes disproportionate, but a couple of people that so that you can send one. Okay, Stan, you cover for me today? maybe miles can be next week, what have you, I think, yeah, I think you have to do that you have to get away You have to shut it down, go recharge, whether it’s go on a seminar, cruise or business trip away get to get out of your geographic area for I don’t care if you drive 50 miles to the west, or 50 miles to the north, go somewhere else, and just be bringing the book. And that was what I used to always do when I would recharge and I would come back fired up, couldn’t wait to get back to work. Because of the stuff I learned and I’ll put in or I just read some books, Michael Creighton or a couple James Patterson’s or Michael Collins, or whatever, I read those things I absorbed in it. And it just was like you said just be I was just existing, it wasn’t having to be anyone or be something to someone, I could just be a dad and it could just be your husband’s. So that’s awesome. That was that was what we did. And then how do you how do I do it now? Do I get vacation? Well, this year, I have no tuition to pay. So the first time and I have 15 years. So I said to my wife, we’re spending it do it and travel. So we’ve done that. We went to Portugal, we got back from Lake Tahoe with my daughter was a stand up comedian. She said hey, I’m going out there for a week in four days, I got to perform at this casino. And we’re like, hey, let’s go really will come in here. So go out there and nothing else. It was one on one time with our middle daughter was 28. priceless. It was priceless. But it was cool to get away. And this year, I’ve taken probably four to five days each month, one month, the 10 woman’s Portugal with some friends went out to Utah, our friends club, our friends in Phoenix, I want to
Justin Trosclair 59:51
earn this. Yeah, yeah, you put your time in.
Unknown Speaker 59:54
And I’ve got I’ve got a great network of docs now that I work with that are that are my people so I can go and they can cover because they go I hope cover for them. I don’t have to rely on outside people. And I know that my house is in order. I know that. And if I have a patient was proud, I know they’re in good hands. So I’ll come back and fret oh my goodness, I’ve been away for 10 days. Here it is Monday, I’m going to get pummeled. I might have a busier schedule, because some people were like, Hey, LLC back to spirit when he gets back. That’s fine. But my office handles it. And I’ve got great people. So great people that I’ve worked with have made my life better.
Justin Trosclair 1:00:31
When you don’t have that stress either of Can I pay my bills, because you’ve got somebody covering you? Well, as well that’s helpful.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:36
That’s how
Unknown Speaker 1:00:39
you make you know, x in x minus five, you know, don’t let my XBS to, you know, an expert inside that you should have a little bit put away. So if you do need something or something happens, you get your hand broken, or something, you’re not going to be destitute. So you just plan for the plan for those unplanted. But you’re right, I’ve got a great, great situation now where I can break free and one thing I like to try to do is get some three or four day weekend, we have a place down the Jersey Shore. My wife’s a jersey girl, so anytime I near closer, parents or family, she’s statics we have plates on there we go. We try to go in the summer, every other week, for either a three day or two weekend. It’s only three, three and a half hour drive. So that’s kind of a nice, nice thing to look forward to. And it seemed because I’m, I’m an obsessive compulsive guy, if I’m gonna do something, I’m gonna do it like to the max, you know, I need to learn tolerance, you know, I do I need, I need to get better at that. So that’s one of the things that I want to work personally, as I get older, because I mean, I dived and fully invested in my practice and my patients. And there’ll be a time when I’m going to be thinking about retiring movie like, the hell am I going to do?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
Yeah, man, right. You might be one of those guys, that just works once a week just because you just need to do something. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:00
I pulled my team and my staff, every everything, listening. It five years from now I’m practicing the same way I am today. Carry me out of here, because I missed the boat. So I stopped learning and improving Yeah, then it’s then it’s time to get out. Because you know, it’s become routine right now. It’s still it’s, it’s and I think it always will get so exciting and so new and fresh. And there’s many things that you can learn. And you can challenge yourself to pick up something and get better at this or even just improve in this one service and not make it well. I just do fillings. And there is no silver fillings, and that’s what I do. No, you know, it’s how do you do the materials? Are you polishing it? How are you doing? How are you putting the milk? You know, how are you doing? what you’re doing?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:51
Or nuances?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
Can you get better at it? Yeah, I think you can always get better at it. That’s fun part of it. That’s a great part about our professions is that we can constantly improve UTM j let’s say I want to get what if I want to learn more, learn more about it will take some courses get in with you know if that gets you excited again. Go for it. That’s my advice. get good at it. Don’t just go out there and try it. That’s right. You think that he could good at so I think that’s something that we could take a page great Susa people in our professions
Justin Trosclair 1:03:24
without spare How can people get in more contact with you with a with a website and all that
Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
well by my office website is progressive dental, NY progressive dental ny.com my email is just my name Sonny Spira at gmail. So SONNYSPRACME spirit at gmail, com, my cell phone six or 76242962? I think it’s okay, if I give it up. I get calls from all kinds of sales people. My I look at golf, some professional might be able to help somewhere but I think that’s but for me, that’s one of the things that I’m getting into a little malice, going to start to do some lectures and some material presentation and private practice and some of the things we do, and helping other dentists sell a service and that song. Sustainable by this, you know, and I get this Commissioner.
Justin Trosclair 1:04:19
Yeah, giving back more.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:21
Yeah, cuz people did for me, there’s been so many mentors that I’ve had that helped carry that weight and teach me and they didn’t ask anything in return, they just made me a better person, a better dentist. And I I just think it’s been we as a race, a human rights, we should be doing that with luck. As a kid, I wanted to help. You know, the next generation of kids now coaching, it’s the same thing. I coach, I coach varsity High School for nine years was paid position, I lost money, you’re doing it because I spent more money than I made. Now. Now I work and I coach for I assistant coach for three different teams, two girls, he was one voice. Don’t take any money. It’s just fun. When I’m connected with these kids, hopefully given them a passion. And if it’s for basketball, it’s redundancy. Great. I’ve had 11 patients go to my dental school. And that’s why I’m super proud of because I think somewhere along the line, like hey, this guy really likes what he does. And I want to do it. It is great. Yeah. So Amen. Do it. You know, so those are things I think that we have, as a human race. I think you got to be helping and bringing up that next generation and appreciate the differences. Don’t be bitching about millennials or Generation Y or the me generation or I get a trophy generation. Come on everybody generation wiser. Appreciate. And then
Justin Trosclair 1:05:43
they didn’t like you at some point, either.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:44
You know, help teach, right?
Unknown Speaker 1:05:48
Yeah. And those people are talking about the beginning. And we’re gonna help him make a little school. No, yeah. But you know, a be something else. The other person be the positive force, be the be the person that I just think you know, from one of the high school graduation, what Coach travel one year travel, I help their high school team, it’s us. You sent me a little No, thanks for stopping the party. Thanks for being my favorite better coaster one year, but there was a connection or somewhere, you know, and I think, yeah, just believe in these kids. Show them you believe it might be the only person that’s ever believed. So I just think that kind of preaching now. I’m sorry about that. But I think we gotta
Justin Trosclair 1:06:27
know, I’m glad you’re lighting a fire hopefully underneath your own. But yeah, and a bunch of other people who are in the same kind of, of their career to give back a little bit more.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:36
Yeah, passionate about. You know,
Justin Trosclair 1:06:39
I really appreciate you coming on being so open, sharing your time with us today. And if you get a couple of phone calls, for speaking, that’d be fantastic, as well. And just again, appreciate your time.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:51
Well, thank you very much. Also, I can have somebody somebody helped me along the way.
Justin Trosclair 1:07:01
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