Dr. Peter Wishnie, DPM talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast.…
Dr. Mohammed Rimawi DPM discusses being an academic new grad and how to differentiate yourself. He specializes in surgical cases, sport injury, plantar fascitis and ankle sprains. What’s the best Instagram style and the skinny on barefoot running.
What fascinated Dr. Rimawi about orthopedics were the surgery cases but luckily he realized he could do the same foot surgeries (which he loves) by becoming a podiatrist. He has his residency training in foot and ankle trauma as well as elective and reconstructive cases.
We discuss some of the ‘turf wars’ that orthos and podiatrist have in New York and in general. We also give an overview of their education and training plus advice for students getting started or deciding if podiatry could be a career for them.
What’s the job outlook for modern day podiatrists?
The bonus of having a doctor less than a year out of residency is we get the ‘student ideal’ versus the ‘real world’ clash. For instance, he is super trained in trauma surgery of the foot but in practice you need to be proficient in all these other areas of podiatry because other doctors and the potential patients don’t realize you are the go to doc for foot trauma.
Dr. Mohammed gives us reasons as well as treatment options for plantar fascitis and ankle sprains from sport injury, including why see a podiatrist first. A big concern is handling outcome expectations on the first visit.
When would you consider an MRI vs X-ray for an ankle sprain? He has a good example to show young athletes why they may need to take more time off their sport than they would have expected.
Advice for students: you are not alone. We see divorce during finals week, babies being born and more during some of the most already stressful times in life: doctor school. Don’t ignore your mental health and find ways to avoid burnout and physician suicide.
Reach out to colleagues with patient case questions when the need arises. Don’t stay on the island of your clinic.
All the training, degrees, and academic know how is fantastic, but after a short 7 months into the real world – Dr. Rimawi is already aware that patients don’t care. How has he handled that truth and how has that influenced his marketing.
What marketing is working for him? Does he post Instagram photos of cases and surgery? What are his thoughts, should you post gross pictures or just keep it educational and academic? Remember some of the video educational based Instagram accounts have dedicated staff and money to make these pieces, it’s not thrown together.
Time – Patience – Money = ingredients to making high quality educational videos
Set meaningful expectations and accomplish them one by one.
Do patients assume every doctor is created equal and therefore it’s all about the marketing you present to them so they pick you over someone else?
Does barefoot training or the minimalist shoes do what they claim and are they healthy for your feet? (Dr. Rimawi also gives advice on how to start using it if you really really want to… Hint: avoiding stress fractures might be a great idea.)
What unique idea does he have about work life balance but particular school and life balance since he is sub 1 year out? What’s more impressive the 3.7 GPA or the 3.0 GPA who raised two kids during school?
Nycfootdoc on IG
Book: Atul Gawande
Show notes can be found at https://adoctorsperspective.net/123 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.
This episode is a part of the Six Weeks of Feet Podiatry Series 2019. Put your email for a quick Reference Guide.
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Episode 123 ideal versus reality. I’m your host Dr Justin trosclair
Justin Trosclair 0:12
today with Dr. Mohamed Maui perspective, joined 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get the behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Thanks for tuning in again. At this point you many sorts of dropped, what are your opinions? I want to know I’ve got quite a bit already on the docket. I had taken that trip to LA young, it’s all purely flowers and some tulips and the Shaolin Temple. And so whenever you listen to the Minnesota, there were a lot of episodes recorded on that, because of some long train rides. So absolutely beautiful. Some stunning photos, I think, in my opinion, posts on Instagram Live on Facebook. So again, follow along, if you like CDs, we got two testimonials for you today. One from a doctor Jonathan. I really like how you’re spanning the the spectrum of doctors you know, I know you had a pharmacist on other fellow chiropractors, I know you haven’t Thomas’s is going to be on so I’m excited. I’m a fan. I look forward to subscribing to a doctor’s perspective podcast. And I’m going to read this one. It’s from a Katie joy be USA, she said Dr. trosclair and his stellar guests shine the brightest of lights on what it means to follow your own path as a doctor and in life. Bold, insightful and engaging are just a few of the words I’d use to describe the time you’ll spend with him. You’ll get tons of actionable advice and tangible tips. But you also get heaps of inspiration from truly engaging individuals that have been where you are and wants to see you succeed. Thanks for putting out such a suburb show Dr. trosclair Keep up the great work, y’all. That just makes me want to say please take a second and do some more reviews. I’m beaming, I’m smiling, exciting. You may not know what it’s like put on these shows. And you don’t really hear a lot back sometimes. And when you do that, like Okay, cool. This is what I’m doing it for at least one person out there is really benefiting from this.
Well out in Shanghai, give a presentation on ankylosing spondylitis. That’s a good opportunity, good experience. Hopefully that will set me up to do a few more talks in different places, orthopedic
Unknown Speaker 2:24
hospitals, or
Justin Trosclair 2:26
these other type of hospitals, a lot of places here they’ll they’ll have conferences that will kind of promote the hospital based on whatever they do. So they get a bunch of people that have some sort of specialty in whatever it is that they do. And then they have a presentation. And they get people to come and really explore that topic in more detail. So it was good time. But today’s show on six weeks of feet, we got Dr. Mohamed Ramallah, he is less than a year out of residency. And we’re going to discuss what’s like being an academic and worried about like evidence based and then when you go on reality, you’re like, dude, I’m the best at surgery. You know, plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains. Like I’m really good at this stuff is what I trained for, and then realizing your patients are like, yeah, aren’t you all good at this? Okay, well, how do I differentiate myself, compared to everybody else, especially in a place like New York City, where there’s a lot of competition between orthopedics and other providers that matter? So we’ll talk about that. His big thing is surgical cases, like I said, sports injuries, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, we’re also on Instagram, you know? Or is he a fan of the surgery posts? Or does he want more educational. And then near the end of the interview, we discussed barefoot running minimalist shoes, that was a popular thing and still kind of popular. So he’ll give his opinion on that. And then if you do decide to do it, he’ll give you some recommendations on how to start that so you don’t get trust factors. That’s a pretty big one. And also, we kind of go through a little bit on, on qualifications, you know, if you went to school, and you’re just single, and not all the time in the world to study versus someone who had a family take care of at the same time, opportunities should they have to look at the GPS, hard, different topics like that. So it’s great to get the perspective of a new grad, what’s the ideal what we think should happen, and then when you hit the real world, things are different, and then shifting in to meet that reality. By the way, before we start the end of the interview, we got a new commercial. And we’ve definitely upgraded the support page so.net, slash support. And we’re working on a few other changes, like now I have to go to the site, live chat. So if you have any questions on products, the podcast, anything, send me a message on there, and I will get back to you. As soon as I can. All the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 123. As well as the transcripts, don’t forget, we got transcripts. Now, again, they’re gonna be grammatically wrong little bit, they’re going to have some kind of workflow, I am just not going to spend the time to fix all the AI states that may have be there. Unless you guys and gals, let me know like, Oh, it’s really annoying. I was trying to read it and I can’t. And maybe it’d be worth some time or some money to get somebody else to fix that. For me. I’ve thought about packaging up as a PDF. If anybody wants those, let me know what your thoughts is enough. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Live from China in Brooklyn, New York. Today on the podcast, we’ve got a doctor of podiatry. He is super trained in all the surgery type of stuff. And he’s gonna fit just right in our podcast series, because nobody’s really talked a lot about surgery. And I’m excited to just pick his brain and learn more about them. So without further ado, please welcome Dr. Muhammad Ali.
Unknown Speaker 5:26
Thank you. Thank you for that introduction. appreciate you having me here.
Unknown Speaker 5:29
Oh, this be good. It looks like you’re somewhat of a young guy. So I don’t think you have like 20 years experience, which is good, I think.
Unknown Speaker 5:36
Right? Unless you’re talking about life. Yeah, I got 20 in life, but in the midfield not yet. No, you know, there’s somebody was like,
Justin Trosclair 5:43
I only want to see these people that have been around for 30 years. And you got the other crowd. It’s like, actually kind of want someone who’s kind of sub sub A sub 10. That way, I’ve got all the latest and greatest gadgets and surgery techniques, and they learned it in school and all that stuff. So absolutely. There’s lots of professional you could have picked. And then there’s lots of specialties that I’ve learned now in podiatry, especially watching Instagram videos is like surgery, you’re like, Oh my gosh, what you guys don’t do is incredible. So how did you fall into this field?
Unknown Speaker 6:12
Sure, sure. It’s actually a pretty interesting story. I think so my my whole life, I grew up playing sports. And when I realized I wasn’t going to make a profession out of sports, I dwelled into the medical field. And the one field that caught my eye was actually orthopedic surgery. That was my intention full throttle, I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon, I just I was infatuated with what they do, especially towards the foot and ankle. And the more I went through college and realize the path to get to orthopedic surgery is kind of gruesome, right? So you have to go to medical school. After you do medical school, you have to serve score a certain score on the step exams, and that places you into a specific residency. So it’s not guaranteed that just because you go through med school, you’re going to get your orthopedic residency or your general surgery or dermatology or anesthesia, you have to really place within that score range to get there. And then after that, it takes about five years to become an orthopedic surgeon to be finished with residency. And if you want to be specifically a foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon, you have to do a year fellowship nowadays that’s becoming the norm. So yeah, it’s kind of a long process. And for someone who was like the oldest child of his family, I didn’t really have that luxury. And then my junior year of college, I believe it was, someone introduced me to podiatry. And at the time, I didn’t know much about the field. You know, I didn’t think anything of podiatry I thought it was just like a day to day care a property kind of thing. Until I did my research on it and was fascinated by the things they do. I mean, anything lower extremity were were trained and licensed to do so I just thought it was a better route for me to take. And thus far I it’s been proven to be effective.
Justin Trosclair 7:54
I agree with you, because I really didn’t know much about podiatry either. And then one time in Colorado, this guy was becoming I guess, fellowship trained in surgery or something like that. Another thing too much of it. And it’s like, I don’t know what this guy’s talking about.
podiatry did surgery at all. At that point, I was like, wow, this guy’s like top echelon. And then now I’m realizing now they all learn it. It’s just a matter of how deep you’re going to go into that if you’re going to specialize in it. So being that you had the orthopedic desire, did you see the some of the surgeries and like, Oh, yeah, it’s time to go all in on this?
Unknown Speaker 8:25
Oh, absolutely. You know, also, I have the orthopedic world and the podiatry world are always at odds, you know, especially in New York. I mean, the orthopedist here don’t really like us much. They’re always trying to limit what we do and how far we advance in the field. But I really have nothing against orthopedist. I think they’re well trained, very fascinated with the way they practice medicine and do surgery. But realistically speaking, skill wise and training wise, when it comes to anything foot and ankle related. podiatrist are just as trained. I mean, when I was doing my residency, I trained with some of the best surgeons I’ve ever seen. I also I got the chance to train with some orthopedic surgeons from the Rothman Institute. And they showed nothing but love honestly, a couple of the surgeons would kind of just sit back and let us do these cases, while they just sit back and critique. So there was this mutual respect developing. New York is not there yet, per se, but I hope to get there. But as far as like skill wise and training wise and diagnosis and things we can treat, I think we’re pretty subpar. With the orthopedic community. Well and then
Unknown Speaker 9:27
so the podiatry, it’s what what what’s the breakdown of the schooling and then like, a fellowship or specialty?
Unknown Speaker 9:33
Sure, sure. So podiatry is four years of schooling. The first two years are your clinical rotate clinical subjects. And then you take a board exam, which is across the country, if you pass that you move on to your third and fourth year, which is more clinical rotations, you spending time in the clinic, you’re rotating to different areas of podiatry, whether it be you know, surgery, medicine, and so forth. And then after your for us you do your residency, and the red see really dictates what kind of podiatrist you’re about to be. So if you go to all every residency in America, now it has to be a surgical residency, but the volume varies and the type of cases you do vary. I trained at two different programs. The first program I went to it reconstructive cases, and also did your elective cases. So they were very, very proficient in Bunyan cases and hammer toes and flat foot cases. The next two years I spent was in Jefferson health and Philadelphia and that was all trauma. I mean, we did more trauma than we did elective cases. Again, that’s three year residency really will dictate where you go. Now if you feel like you didn’t get enough in residency, enough exposure, or you want to just further take your training to another level, there are fellowships that are offered. And those fellowships tend to have their own niche, whether it be trauma, such as the program I trained down, we had a trauma fellowship, or it can be reconstructive or it can be sports medicine, it can be wound care, there’s so many different areas you could really specialize in
Justin Trosclair 10:59
and adapt, you would have already spent this much time rotating and doing all these things. Usually at this point, realize like I’m not cutting off toes, not my not my thing, but I can debrief some nails and definitely help like the wound care or something like that. And like that’s your slick. So that’s what you just go in like it’s super trained in it.
Unknown Speaker 11:17
It’s tough that you say that right? So this is the beauty of having someone young, great coming in. So when you come out I trained very very proficiently in trauma, you know, ankle fractures, cocaine, your fractures, lyst Frank’s that that was my thing and training. And you come out thinking that Yeah, I’m going to put my skills to use, when all reality when you first come out of residency, you have to be trained in everything, because it’s not going to be Oh, yeah, I’m going to go see Mohammed, he’s the trauma guy. No, it’s, I’m just going to see Mohammed, he’s the podiatrist. So you have to develop your niche, I’m starting to realize takes time, you know, it’s just going to take time, and the doctor who trained me when he first started, he was doing care, until people stop, realize, you know, he was very proficient in traumatic surgery. And now all he does is trauma. So the reality is, as much as you want to say, I’m going to be a surgical practice, or I’m going to be a wound care practice, or I’m going to be a non operative practice, whatever it may be, to establish that is going to take some time unless you step into a situation where that’s already given to you.
Justin Trosclair 12:19
So what’s your job? Look, is it because I’ve been telling people in the United Kingdom and in Australia, and you know, this one lady had like nine clinics on her own and stuff, but for yourself? Can you work in a hospital? Do you have to be private practice? And then like you said, Could you find a podiatry clinic that’s looking for a surgical guy, and they’re like, we got everything else covered? We just need somebody to do surgeries more often. Yep. Can you
Unknown Speaker 12:39
step into that? Absolutely. All all three questions. Yes, yes. And yeah, okay. The hospital jobs are pretty tough to hit, at least in the northeast, because that’s where most of my research was done. It’s because you know, when someone gets a hospital, it’s it tends to be a very decent job, because it’s a salary benefits pension, the whole nine yards, and they
Unknown Speaker 12:58
usually don’t leave, and I got this job, I’m never leaving.
Unknown Speaker 13:01
Yeah, I’m not leaving. And, you know, no pun intended. But it’s true, because a lot of these people have hospital gig stay there. 2030 years. So you know, as much as residents want to come out and say, yeah, I’m going to get a hospital job, chances are, they already have, you know, three podiatrist on staff and with all 10 plus years experience, it’s not as easy as you think, to get a hospital job. But you couldn’t go hospital route. Another route, people try to go to his multi specialty, right, so they have these clinics that have all types of specialists, cardiologist, primary care, orthopedics, and now they want someone who’s a podiatrist, that tends to be a very high volume scenario, because you have all these specialists, and they usually refer within each other. So now you’re getting everybody’s foot an ankle cases, and it can be overwhelming. But for experience wise, it’s pretty, pretty decent. And then there’s an orthopedic gig. So if you can work for orthopedic group, and depending what state you’re in dictates what kind of cases they give you. So feel like in Pennsylvania, the orthopedic group will tend to give you everything for an ankle related, you know, they you just don’t want to deal with it, that’s yours, have it f1. If you’re in Paradise, if you’re in New York, you’re going to tend to get the Bunyan’s and mid foot cases and nothing else, you know, they’re going to stick with it with a pita guys for the ankle and rear foot cases. And then the last but not least, is private practice, right? So private practice can differ on the size of the practice, the situation I’ve stepped into was only single practitioner. So for the most part, he’s given me all the surgeries, but it’s a wide variety of pathologies and cases that I have to work up. And you can go into a bigger private practice where everyone’s sharing the load, whether it be rotating through hospital calls, or double scrubbing patients and so forth. So there’s a lot of different areas, you can step into coming out of residency, it depends what’s best for you and ideal for your situation.
Justin Trosclair 14:46
Okay, and you already answered I was gonna ask you, where are you at that you’ve already just answered it. So that’s good. What are you finding that some of the most common concerns patients have or some of the cases that you really enjoy and see the best results with so far,
Unknown Speaker 14:58
being a New York, a lot of people put a lot of miles on their feet, and the footwear in New York isn’t the most supportive. Unfortunately, you know, men have to wear dress shoes to work and women have to wear high heels and flats. So I see a lot of plantar fasciitis in my office, it’s one of the most common reasons people visit a podiatry office. And plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the, you know, ligaments, this type structure on the bottom of your foot. And it can be really aggravating, you know, especially in the acute phase, but the beauty of plantar fasciitis is about 95% of people get better with conservative measures alone, and podiatry, or just medicine in general has developed the algorithm for treatment, which tends to be successful. The problem is that algorithm applied to different people works in different time tables. So someone may get better within a couple weeks, someone it could take up to six months before they see the positive effects. So it can be frustrating at times, but it’s a conversation you have with the patient day one, like hey, I’ve seen people recover in weeks, I’ve seen people recover in months, you know, so don’t be shocked if you’re on the line. Part of it, or the earlier it happened far is what I find most satisfying is sports related injuries. I’m big on sports, I love sports. And being someone who’s been injured multiple times, when someone comes in with an ankle sprain or Achilles tendonitis or Achilles ruptures, and so forth, I love working those up because I can kind of voice see what’s going to happen if you neglect it. So I give a patient like the whole spiel from the beginning, like, Hey, we’re going to take you out of commission for a little bit. But this is a longevity project, we want to make sure that you’re 100% a year from now. So we’re going to sacrifice this time frame. So your optimal later on. And if patients tend to stick to the protocol from, you know, treatment to physical therapy, they tend to be at the same level, if not better, depending on the injury they sustained. Do you do in house rehab? Are y’all trained in that part of it as well? No, no. So some some writers here in New York will do what’s called passive physical therapy. So they’ll do ultrasound therapy with electrical stimulation, and whatnot, I don’t do that, per se, I physical therapist, I have a lot of admiration for them, they put in the work in school, they have the right training, they’re equipped with all different types of modalities. So when I think someone needs physical therapy, I tend to refer them out just because, you know, it’s not in my realm to do so. We did rotate through physical therapy during school, and we have an idea of what they do and what it’s about. But as far as doing it in my in my clinical practice, I just tend not to that’s
Unknown Speaker 17:34
understandable. Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort when you can just do full time all the time.
Unknown Speaker 17:41
That’s that’s exactly my train of thought, like, you know, and patients, sometimes they want to stay with you, Hey, can you can you offer that? But in reality, if it was a family member, I would want them to see a specialist like, Hey, how about you see someone who does this for a living, you know,
Unknown Speaker 17:54
especially athletes, like what what sport Did you play.
Unknown Speaker 17:56
So I played basketball in high school, and I was pretty good, actually. But a chronic ankle sprains really was instrumental to my career. So that’s why it hits home when I see patients who have sports like injuries, and I love working them up. And it’s like a GI doctor with gi problems. So if someone is a GI Doc, and they themselves have irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, it becomes very relatable to the patient. And I think the patient can appreciate that. So for me, when I have a patient with ankle injuries or lyst, Frank injuries or whatnot, I hope that the patient gets a sense like, oh, man, this is not talking just from medical knowledge, but he’s talking from experience as well.
Justin Trosclair 18:35
Is there much that y’all can do if there’s not? I guess, podiatry? What grade is it? That y’all his bread and butter with sprained ankles, something? Can you tweak it, there’s a little bit of bruising. Let’s go to PT. Is it more like when it’s torn, like great, I go with three or four. ripping off the bone are really, really bad is that when the podiatry is the best option?
Unknown Speaker 18:55
podiatry is always the safest option. So my big thing is preaching the you should always see a podiatrist or if you’d like an orthopedist, even for a grade one ankle sprain, it shouldn’t be neglected ligaments, the very strong structures, right? The the idea that
Unknown Speaker 19:12
soft tissue structures responsibility is to maintain two bones together at all times throughout your various movements. It’s astonishing, right that this small structure can do so yeah, forever. So if you sprained it, yeah, and if you sprained it, that means you did damage to yourself. Yeah, and a lot of people and I was guilty of this as well, I you sprain your ankle, and you kind of just keep going, right? You shake it off, walk it off, or you tighten your shoes, and you call it a day. But the reality is, once you damage a ligament, the soft tissue that replaces that damaged ligament isn’t the same college and it’s a different type of soft tissue, it doesn’t have the same elasticity it once had. So I always tell people get checked out. First and foremost, you want to make sure you you don’t have a fracture, because sometimes a severe ankle sprain and a distal fibula fracture can kind of produce the same symptoms. So you may think all this is just a severe ankle sprain, I’m just going to take it easy for the next couple of days. Whereas if you will get an X ray and notice there was an actual fracture, your rehab is way difference you wrote, The recoveries way different as well. So if you’re really serious about your craft, or just your health in general, you should always see a doctor regardless of the severity of the sprain. As far as bread and butter, I rarely tend to take acute ankle injuries for surgery. The CFL, which is one of the ankle ligaments on the outside of your foot, or ankle is very weak, and tends to get injured amongst everybody, everybody’s going to sprain or injury at some point in their life. So I tend to do what’s functional rehabilitation, I’ll mobilize them for the acute phase period. And once they’re ready, I’ve transitioned them to a brace. And during the transition period, they’re already in physical therapy, working on swelling, control, passive range of motion, and so forth. And once they regain the strength that they need to advance to active range of motion, I’ll tell the physical therapist leave that at your discretion. And then the last but not least, is what we call pro perceptive training, which is me the most advanced level of rehab for an ankle sprain. And I want to make sure that the patient does this prior to returning to physical activities, because then I’ll feel more confident that not only is your ankle back to the way it was, but it may be stronger, and this extra training will help prevent any injury to the area, what we’re talking for most like taking two, three weeks off of basketball or me. So everybody varies everybody varies. And again, you know, grading from one to three tends to be a clinical diagnosis. Most people won’t get an MRI in the acute phase of an ankle injury because the MRI is very sensitive and will override the injury. Right? So if I punch the wall and get an MRI, and give the radiologist, no history, he’ll just see a bunch of inflamed bones and tissues and say, Oh my god, I don’t know maybe maybe it’s osteomyelitis, maybe it’s some some sort of crazy cancer tumor, because it’s so sensitive. That’s it.
Unknown Speaker 21:54
Yeah, exactly. So if you if someone’s sprains the ankle and you get an MRI, you kind of do an injustice right away. And most most medical researcher, clinicians will advise not to get an MRI up until weeks, because the initiation of treatment tends to be the same. If you look at Lonzo ball from the Los Angeles Lakers, he was diagnosed with a grade three ankle sprain, which is a complete rupture of the ligament. What did they do? I mean, this is a top notch athlete, they put them in a boot, because they understand that you know, we’re not going to go jump to surgery for this right away. So that depends. So your to your question that varies from patient to patient, if the patient is doing well, seven days and mobilization, I’m already starting them in PT, advancing them to embrace it by two to three weeks, they’re already at the appropriate receptive level that I want them to be that show because slowly get back into sports. But I tell patients sometimes you know, it may be three months before I can fully clear you and on one Alonzo bulls, teammates calc, who’s my believe had an ankle sprain. And he wasn’t caught I’m sorry, it was the kid who won the dunk contest, Zach Levine, he had a severe ankle sprain. And he was out four to six weeks. So when my young athletes come here, I use that example like this is a top notch athlete who gets the best care possible has all the resources he needs to heal. And they’re taking them out of commission four to six weeks. So that’s that’s the highest level of trainers and doctors telling him, Hey, we want you at your most optimal level before we get you back into sports. And I use that example to tell my patients like if they can take four to six weeks off, you have to do that as well. Especially if you want a long career. It’s difficult. Yeah. Talk to sometimes have because they’re eager to get back into sports. But the reality is you have to kind of brace them, you have to show them you care, like the you know, I can get you back into sports. But what’s the point? If you go out there and really enjoy yourself that I really do?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Especially like senior year?
Unknown Speaker 23:48
Yeah, exactly. You know that I really do justice by sending you out there.
Justin Trosclair 23:52
Could you have done anything for LeBron growing injury? It’s kind of up the leg from you guys. But sometimes there’s like that cross between like, Yeah, but we could actually work on it. Like, could you have done anything for his growing injury?
Unknown Speaker 24:04
No, no, that’s way out of my scope. I mean, there’s no, yeah, there’s no pretending I’m gonna even treat I mean, soft tissue tends to have the same principles, regardless if it’s in the foot or the hand in terms of healing and the length of healing. But with respect to rehab and all that, that’s way different realms. So yeah, if you came to my clinic for the accent, I’m right back. Okay. Y’all work pretty much up to the through the calf. Right, like the knee. Yeah, so up till the reveal to veracity in some states, some other states will let you do soft tissue to the hip. I think Florida is one of them. In New York, unfortunately, they let you do up to the ankle. And then you have to apply for special privileges to get soft tissue, ankle privileges. And then you have to apply again for doing ankle fractures. So again, it’s just that right between fear and podiatry,
Unknown Speaker 24:54
like your ankle was not the foot sorry, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:56
they’re making it very difficult, which is frustrating for me, because believe it or not, ankle fractures tend to be my specialty as far as my training is concerned. But that doesn’t matter.
Justin Trosclair 25:07
One thing and that’s all part of the whole thing. I’m thinking, you know, the gas drop, the Achilles attaches, and then you know, the like you said, Just don’t tip and fib like that all to me makes sense that that would all be part of classic podiatry foot. And that’s why New York, you’re like something else?
Unknown Speaker 25:24
I mean, you gotta remember we have a hospital for special surgery here. And that’s probably the number one orthopedics group in the world. Forget the country we’re talking about the world I mean, the world renowned for them the idea of these podiatrists coming in and possibly taking some of their cases it doesn’t sit well with them. Right. So it’s it balloon is politics and medicine to not just everything else. But
Unknown Speaker 25:46
you know, as a chiropractor, it makes me happy to to see that we’re not the only ones that they’re after. Always after somebody
Unknown Speaker 25:53
No, no, I think any sub specialty or any specialist there after everyone’s going to get it somehow was some way or another. Yeah. So yeah, now we’re we’re in the same fight believing.
Justin Trosclair 26:04
So we’ll switch gears a little bit, we’d like to ask about younger people, people maybe that are, you know, coming into college, or maybe they’re about to start their residency program at podiatry, any words of wisdom that can help them if they’re struggling or just need to find a way to get through it?
Unknown Speaker 26:18
Yeah, you know, I’ve said this before. In other other interviews, why I admire doctors isn’t the white coat, or the title or any of that, I admire doctors. Because if you really look at what they had to do, to get to their point to be able to juggle life, studying and so forth. It can be difficult at times and whoever’s listening to this, I hope to know that they’re definitely not alone. Everybody has their own struggles throughout college, medical school, even residency, I was I was fortunate enough to be with an amazing group of classmates, who I now can call colleagues and I’ve seen them go through difficult things, you know, people have in the birth of their children during schooling, people who had to be single parents during schooling, people were literally going through divorces during finals week, for them to overcome that and go through it and finish. I was truly proud of everyone there. So if you’re a college student, or medical student, and you’re going through, you know, tough times, just know you’re not alone, really, you’re truly not alone. And you have to find your support base to help get you through that. Whether it be your classmates, whether it be friends back home or your family, there has to be someone in your life that will help you get through these hurdles. It’s It’s It’s tough. people overlook that. I think it’s becoming a topic of discussion now with physician burnout. But for the longest time, I think it was neglected in the medical world. And I’m glad it’s it’s becoming to shed some light on the area,
Justin Trosclair 27:49
when the most schools have some sort of counselor. I’m not saying that would be great. But it’s just somebody to talk to. And like you said, they might have some resources, like a group or something to truly help you out. And, you know, it’s interesting, you mentioned burnout, I don’t know if it’s the feed that I’ve been on and feed on Facebook and Twitter and stuff. It seems to be popular right now, I don’t know what’s going on. But that buzz word just keeps popping up over the last week and a half
Unknown Speaker 28:12
is very pop. So mental health is becoming more popular, right? mental health is becoming a thing, people are acknowledging it as a serious condition, and it should not be ignored. Whereas when I was in high school, or junior high, I didn’t even know that term existed. And you look at some of the things they talked about. And I’m sure everybody could relate to some aspects of it. So now people are using that mental health awareness and shedding light in the medical world. You know, there’s there’s a lot of suicide that happened to medical professionals. They don’t talk about that dentistry has that? Yeah, we’ll talk about that. But I’m just saying it’s real. It happens. Yeah. I mean,
Justin Trosclair 28:49
they just don’t talk about it, we could talk about it. But in general, like we don’t hear about it, and maybe Dennis but that’s all
Unknown Speaker 28:55
I’m sorry. I thought we couldn’t thought about it. But but it happens, it really happens. And it’s sad to see it because at some point in your schooling, career or residency training, whether it be a a patient, or a fellow resident, or an attending just really badgering you and making your life more difficult than it needs to be. You kind of sympathize with people who go through physician burnout. I can’t imagine one physician saying, you know, I didn’t have moments where I thought about quitting. Everybody goes through that phase. So my Big Mo, for anyone listening who is experienced some of these symptoms, just know, it happens to the best of us. It’s easy to get caught up and look at accolades and be like, what are you graduated tops in your class? Or you have these researchers and you seem like you’re doing well for yourself. There are times where I would sit down and question is this for me all the time? all the time? You know, you just sit there and you wonder, am I doing the right thing? Am I made made out for this? Am I built for this? For me? Luckily, I had an amazing mother who helped get me through certain times of that doubt. But again, game, only my best, right? That to find someone really find someone you could lean on in those times? I mean,
Justin Trosclair 30:06
no, I mean, I fully agree. I can remember that first year when we’re going through all the bones and ligaments and muscles and nerves. And you know, you get to something like the foot you just like, Are you kidding me? There’s so much in here, and then you start getting overwhelmed. And you like, Yeah. Can I do this? Like, this is just the first you know what I mean? The first class second semester and stuff you like I’m going to get through is just gonna get worse. Are you getting a study group and you start each other? And you’re like, Okay, okay, okay, bite sizes, we can do this. And some stuff you don’t learn the first time around. But the next class, you’re like, oh, here we are, again, with the with the biomechanics of walking. All right. Now I got to review these things. And it’s easier the second time and by the time you finally finish, you’re like, I got this. It’s good.
Unknown Speaker 30:49
Yeah, so it doesn’t mean I left not to belittle anybody going through that I laughed, because it is so true. It really is. And it’s unfortunate, because the visa schooling curriculum and most medical professions, they tend to be toughest. And I hope you could come in on this, the first few years. So even though you were a student in college, and you’ve gotten all these academic achievements, the first two years are being punched in the face or slapped in the face of
Unknown Speaker 31:14
reality, you lose classmates, they disappear. You’re like, what happened to that person that like we quit? Like I was quiet?
Unknown Speaker 31:20
Yeah, yeah, we lost 25% of our classmates, we started off one 20th and graduated 1990.
Unknown Speaker 31:27
Yeah, and it’s a big slap in the face. But I don’t know if things tend to get easier, or you just tend to know how to approach them differently. But it goes on you feel things and things get better. And I know it’s cliche to tell someone who’s first year medical student just hang in there, it will get better. They really does. It really, really does. You just have to figure it out. You figure out a study pattern, you figure people, you’ll figure out all of it. You know, for some people, they figure out different things. For me personally, I figured out that I had to dedicate more time to studying and others welcome went out and you know, socialized and whatnot, I was at a library, the first three years of my schooling from here, because I just knew I had to read an assignment more time than some of my peers. I had this one classmate who would sit in the front take notes, she would review them the day before the test, and she would be okay. And I, it’s easy to say, oh, why can’t I be like that. But I knew my said, Now I’m the type that I have to read something 1720 times. And that’s what I did. And you figure it out, figure it out very quickly, who you are and what your capabilities are and what your limitations are. So that it’s a struggle in itself to find out how you’re going to approach the exam, let alone just memorize the material.
Justin Trosclair 32:40
And the nice thing is the person the class ahead of you, you can always talk to them, like all right, what you know, that’s what we always did, what classes do we need to focus on, like every day, you know, certain classes you like, it’s a hard class, but it’s not as hard as this one. So I need to make sure I spend more time on this one because the materials harder to test things harder. And so you sort of have to prioritize what gets your attention and more to
Unknown Speaker 33:01
Yeah, always number. It kind of leads me on it was never ashamed of asking for help ever. I still ask for help to this day, I still call the people who trained me there are a couple kids who are older than me and Run, run a couple of cases. And by them, you should never feel a little for reaching out to someone, it’s part of it. I mean, in the medical world, you almost have to write some message. It’s a never ending learning world. You’re constantly learning, research changes all the time. So this is the doctor who practices with me will work in his practice. He’s 35 years older than me. But the research I know now wasn’t applicable to his time. So he has no shame and asking me for my opinion. And if someone can ask his younger of 35 years for help, who might be ashamed, so I’m going a little older than me felt. And you said it perfectly. Ask someone about you what they’re doing. Maybe someone in class is doing really well. But go up to them and ask them, you know, hey, you know, I noticed you’re killing these exams, how you do it. Some people are kind of gunners and they won’t tell you the people are very open. And they’ll say yeah, this is my approached things. And again, you’ll figure it out. The key is to figure it out. In time to pass the bands are dwelling test
Justin Trosclair 34:15
agreed. All right, I want to switch gears a little bit more. You may not have to deal with this, but you may marketing do any actual marketing to the your community or marketing yourself to other orthopaedics if you are doing it. What since the working movement was at 1,000,000,000% 1,000,000,001
Unknown Speaker 34:30
billion percent, you know, one of my biggest disappointments so far seven months at a residency is I’m starting to realize my credentials getting so far. So, you know, this isn’t my ego, I really thought my training and my resume and my research would just, you know, map people out of the park, I would be like, Oh, man, I’m going to get in, people are going to see I’m well equipped and train. And I’m starting realized that doesn’t matter. It’s really marketing, marketing, marketing. They want the person with the best reviews, whether it be online on Google, Amazon, whatever it may be, the person who’s well spoken, and so forth. So if you have to adapt, I hate to say I’d love to be the guy who just takes his time and let people realize how to use it good doctor and word of mouth will work. But you have to adapt to the times it’s so I I started doing the same you know, I got on online forms. The Instagram handle I have I started when I started practice, because I realized that has to be a big tool. And an old school, I take a gift and my business cards with me. And I go to various clinics and urgent care centers. And I just introduce myself, most of these people, they already have referral basis that they send their people to, but maybe in the time of need, they’ll have me in their back of their mind, as far as what’s been most effective. Effective is definitely the online presence. And the online presence is definitely crucial. Majority of my patients referral at this point, they state that their number one reason for coming was from the website. So we provide money into the website and advertisement so forth. But marketing is crucial. Especially if you want to make at least here in New York, where it’s a city the maker you don’t you don’t have many people just getting by here. Or you’re really struggling.
Justin Trosclair 36:15
Are you noticing on the Instagram if you do this? I don’t think you’re doing it yet before and after our 32nd clips of some surgery that you do. Have you looked into doing that or what’s
Unknown Speaker 36:27
so I had some before and after, but I only put x rays. I want to maybe I shouldn’t get into it because I’m starting to realize a lot of competitors. That’s what they do. They’ll put before and after, you know, 20 30,000
Unknown Speaker 36:38
fans. It’s like whoa, 200,000 like, people just like gory stuff like yeah, I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 36:43
Yeah, I gotta agree with you. So some of the biggest most popular of dietary videos are clipping toenails. And that that is interesting to me. You know, their, their toe chopped off.
Unknown Speaker 36:55
I was like, Ah,
Unknown Speaker 36:57
so that’s what that looks like,
Unknown Speaker 36:58
Oh my gosh, 36 later, my life has changed.
Unknown Speaker 37:03
Yeah, so have to be careful with my answer. I don’t know what the piston rings as far as what I’m going to do. For now I my intention with Instagram was to just keep it academic. Keep it personal. So it’s a balance of everything, whether it be research, surgery, facts and personal life. And it’s a slow growth, I’m not gonna lie, but I just, I just can’t see myself doing certain things that is being put out there at the moment. So I’m trying to keep my integrity is for
Justin Trosclair 37:36
some curious as you know, chiropractors were getting some of these video people on YouTube. And sometimes I have these ladies with not much clothes on getting adjusted and, or they have like some little real sensational type of adjustment. And you’re like, oh, could you please put those down? I know, you’re getting a million views, and you’re making money and stuff, but it’s making the rest of us cringe? Is that kind of what these types of Instagram I counts? Or do we? So I,
Unknown Speaker 38:01
I don’t want to be that guy. Right? Because I never throw a colleague on the bus to each their time. Right? That’s if that’s what they feel like it’s controversial. Yes, sure, sure. I’m not gonna sit and argue with them. But to each their own, you know, they feel like they need to get their name out there and driving business through the door and get some publicity. By all means before, I just don’t want to fall into that trap. I think what happens is you notice how many views or how much publicity you’re getting with these kind of videos. So you tend to just do what works for you. But I don’t know, I just don’t see myself at any point doing that right now. You know it. It’s the same with a lot of different professions, whether it be paid for your primary care physicians, you know, there’s some the other day I saw a a resident resident to the primary care resident selling dermatology products and in my head and thinking who qualifies you to that?
Unknown Speaker 39:03
You haven’t you haven’t gotten through residency, let alone be a dermatologist. You’re not even in a dermatology residency. So why why is that, you know, the public sees his his or her shares, and they feel confident in this picture, and this person and a girl, for me, it is a scary world, right? what you put out there. Again, it’s a little disappointing to my first thing, because I think people shouldn’t really dwell on the qualifications of visiting has not the the pictures or the nice clothes or the car, whatever putting out there should really be academia and credentials and so forth. So it’s social media is weird. I don’t want to be a pessimist about it. But I never had social media, I genuinely never had it ever. I never had Facebook, I still don’t have Facebook, I, I think the false perception of what’s really out there. But as far as social, as far as Instagram is, I just felt like I had to adapt to current times. I didn’t want for them to not using this platform for out there. Yeah, and I’m hoping to use the platform correctly. I think there’s a lot of physical therapists, I follow a lot of physical therapists, if you look at my page, most of my buffers are a physical therapist, because there’s a lot of support. out there from we have, we have two vital on from the chain and whatnot. There’s some physical therapists that do exactly what you said, Give a half naked woman out there working out her glutes share the mission that are out there. But it’s a balance. And I’m not sure which one will prevail in the end. But you have to find out which you want to do and how you want to promote yourself. And for me, academia has been my top priority. So goes to my page, I hope they realized, Oh, this is an academic page with a touch of personal attributes.
Justin Trosclair 40:53
Yeah, was like people like the rehab guys, their page is just phenomenal. And I’m just like, I wish I had the patience and the desire to build that type of his dreams. It’s just so good. They’re so good. I’m sure they’re super busy. And the
Unknown Speaker 41:05
money I need money is these guys. So I work with one physical therapist, we did like a collaboration talking about different, broken ankle pathologies. And he had his own person doing video camera and managing social media and editing it is it’s an investment, but this he hired outsource person. So it’s not just patience and time, you know, it’s going to take a while for you to build your base, but it’s spent as well, you’re putting money into it nice. It’s
Unknown Speaker 41:35
not like thrown together like I would probably do it that there’s been
Unknown Speaker 41:38
an extra time editing or so yeah, they’re
Unknown Speaker 41:40
praying, they’re spending some money. Oh, sure. Yeah, they’re spending money, don’t be fooled. They take a lot of time and effort and money making these videos happen for them. So for me, as someone who sees how difficult it is, I tend to appreciate some. And that’s where a lot of people are follow, have admiration for them. Because again, we just said it takes time, patience and money. You can be putting out these videos. And notice you’re not getting any clicks, or click bait and wait. And you have to be persistent about it like no, I believe in my content, I believe in my brand. And I’m just going to wait until it gets there. Very good.
Unknown Speaker 42:13
Have you thought about starting your own academia style podcast or anything like that?
Unknown Speaker 42:18
You know, I wish I wish I should.
Unknown Speaker 42:23
There’s an idea in my head. I’m starting a blog, which I’m currently doing now. And it’s finishing moments, to a podcast to just like yourself, hopefully being an author one day. But my cousin he, he balances me, he always says Mohammed, the best thing you can do is set realistic expectations, and then approach them one by one. So I hate to get caught up in doing too many things at one time. So I’m trying to take things one step at a time, I think my blog is going to be my first step can get some people off the block some traction is against the views are people actually clicking get. If that tends to work, then we’ll move forward to a different venue. As far as a podiatric ankle podcast, I think that would be beneficial to the public, I think the ankles often neglected. And if you can raise awareness about how to prevent injuries, or certain conditions are talking about detect certain diseases or conditions like diabetes has on the foot and ankle. People could benefit from such a talk for five minutes. But yeah, I would love to do something like that. But just to repeat what I’m saying, I’m trying to keep the realistic expectation, attack these things, one step at a time, you know, the
Justin Trosclair 43:35
experts are saying same thing. If you’re super like I want to do a lot of social media did i do don’t go crazy, learn this one, then step into the next one, then step into the next one. Otherwise, you’re all they’re all going to be garbage. So it’s gonna be the same
Unknown Speaker 43:48
thing. I know you’re putting 20% into each venue, which one is actually going to succeed, right? So I agree. And I’m your books. And I read about these entrepreneurs how they’ve done and it’s the same way, like you said, like, like, barely, you know, catch up your news, and then perfect your craft. So for now, my craft is going to be my clinic, trying to promote it through social media. And then my next step is doing blog. And once the blog is perfect, and I can take years I’m well aware that that’s not going to just blow over my tongue. So yeah, so patience is key, I think in this point. And I think a lot of thing that people fall victim to attract too, and I included is comparing yourself to different athletes. You compare yourself and you’re like, man, why? Why am my not like that? Why am I not getting the same number of views of followers? My content is exceptional? Or should I start posting pictures with, you know, provocative things, you know, you start to question your whole tactic or, or plan but
Justin Trosclair 44:52
you gotta remember, you have 150 photos, this person might have 1500, I don’t know how much they post the day, but that’s a lot more time invested.
Unknown Speaker 45:01
Yeah, a lot of people say that, you know, you should post more, you should do this. But the reality is, it’s again, like you said, you have to appreciate what they’re doing, because it is time consuming. I mean, I’m looking at some of these fitness models, right? That’s a big thing on Instagram, they’re going out there, they’re going to Central Park in Bryant Park, they’re going to different areas. They’re bringing their own photographer, they’re talking about $350 a session, and all that for for posts, you know, they’ll get four posts from that from that session. So they’re putting a lot of time and effort and again, money into this. So don’t think this is the rise to fame on social media is by accident. Sure. Do people go viral? Sure. But in the medical field, that’s that’s not really common, you know?
Justin Trosclair 45:45
Hey, before, before I jump into the last bit of the, you know, the personal stuff, I almost forgot to ask you, we were talking pre chat, I was asking about your favorite shoe. And you’re kind of like a six is kind of a nice place to start. Because they have different styles, you know, super nation, pro nation new. Yeah, so that answers that question. But barefoot running, you know, there’s a vibe ram shoes, the toe shoes. That was really cool for a while. And then I think research came out. Yeah, it’s not actually doing anything, just buy some normal shoes. But you’re the expert. was the final verdict on this?
Unknown Speaker 46:16
Yes. Like in depth conversation about this topic. And my direct messages on Instagram were filled with people who just wanted to destroy me. But the reality of it is, everything I do is research based medicine. It’s hard for me to give someone medical advice without the research to back it up. And just like you said, the research overwhelmingly, I don’t want to say it’s like fair or are overwhelmingly cautioned against minimalist style shoes. There are some positive directions that minimal style shoes are headed toward. But at this time, at this time, if a patient were to walk in and say, Hey, what do you think about me transitioning into minimalism shoes, I would say listen, because cautious and if you’re going to do so you have to do it very slowly. And you have to up the pace progressive, right? So you can’t sit there and just run your normal five miles and the vibe rooms, maybe you should run half a mile in right? And then over a 10 week period, increase that slowly, because the reality is if you go too fast research shown this, you know, I couldn’t send anyone the articles they if they’d like to see it, that if you transition too fast, the minimalist shoes are run, you are more prone to certain things like stress fractures and tendinitis and plantar Paschall rupture, and so forth. So you want to avoid that. Does barefoot training barefoot running habits pros? Of course it has its pros. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s all bad. No, it’s not it is good. You know, from the increase in strength to the intrinsic muscles, from your increased program receptive sense. There are definitely pros to barefoot running and training. What I’m trying to get at is everything in moderation. That’s something you believe in and it’s working for you don’t just jump right into it, have some method to doing so. But as far as a demonic Can you go out there and recommend it right now, with the current evidence out there. I can’t, I’m sorry, you know, I don’t want to eat on and if that works for you, then I’m happy for you. I’m not gonna sit here and go back and forth. But if I were to tell someone, yes, you’re going through medical issues, and they come back two weeks with a stress fracture, whose fault is that? Now, and I don’t want to bear that responsibility at this point. But it’s becoming a big, big topic of the day. And it’s been so for a few years. Now, this isn’t new, but it’s gaining traction now because it’s an industry I hate to say it’s become an industry. I think even correct me if I’m wrong. I think even Nike is looking into their own form of minimalist shoes at some point. It’s a huge industry and people are just going to try to their hand it with but as far as the amount of the book, yeah, as far as the evidence is concerned until like, I see a robust controlled study with two levels groups. One minimalist wants to eat good training that shows either similar results or beneficial results to the members group, it’s going to be hard for me to jump on board at this time. And I say that cautiously because it medicine changes. So what’s right now can be wrong 20 years later, but for now, I have to stick with what’s
Justin Trosclair 49:19
proven in the presence. You know, patients here, they work a lot in the form and things and they come in, they got back pain and you get two types. One on my back hurts so bad. And they got these high heel type things on and like come on are normally what it is, is they’re wearing those plastic house slippers that you might wear in the shower, and they wear those everywhere, all over the place sandals all day long. And I’m like, Hey, you know, you should probably go out and buy it. We don’t have Nike, they’re like leaning and answers. They’re big. The big ones here. It’s like you should go out and buy one of those. No, no, don’t go spend 60 RMB. For the look alike fake ones that are all over the place, you need to spend three to 600 RMB Get yourself a pair of shoes. And for some of these people, like I think your nagging back pain and your knee pain just gonna go away when you actually wear like proper shoes most of the day. And it’s simple. It’s just somebody to tell them that and they’re like, Okay, and then 100 100%
Unknown Speaker 50:09
hundred percent of our biggest referral base is all from chiropractors. It’s not like it’s not absurd. I get a lot of patients from chiropractors who they’ve been working on this patients back for a number of weeks and they say, you know, what can I can I send you to a podiatrist and the patients a little taken off guard your podiatrist, why would you send me to practice my back hurts, Doc. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So but it’s well known that limb length discrepancy causes compensation, which then in effect can affect your proximal structures, and proper footwear is instrumental in preventing that. So yeah, I agree with you completely and the busiest season for us as far as like pathology in terms of, you know, plantar fasciitis or structural issues. We’re not talking about like crazy accidents, because that would be the winter time with the summertime is like I’m filled with plantar fasciitis, 10, tinnitus and so forth. And the reason is every everybody wears flats and flip flops, which are probably worse than barefoot in my is horrible. If you’re going to do that, you might as well yeah. You might as well go barefoot forget about offering no support. And some aspect is detrimental support, you know, in terms of flats, a two inch heel or two inch wide, he’ll will probably do even more justice than wearing flats. There we go. You heard it.
Justin Trosclair 51:25
You heard it here first. All right. I’m not going to ask you about vacation. You just started working hard. And so we’ll skip that one. But we still need to have a home life balance your own hobbies. I think you have a son right?
Unknown Speaker 51:38
Now I don’t have no you. So that is my little cousin a little on the Instagram. He’s a cutie. But he looks like me. Yeah, he did
Unknown Speaker 51:46
the same kind of long face. He’s a
Unknown Speaker 51:49
cutie pie. And he’s a troublemaker, so everything was just like me. So I love the kid. That is now my say I have no kids at the moment. But I think back to your point, I think we touched on this a little bit physician burnout, right. And that home life, home life balance is crucial. And for me that balance was a my friends. So my friends growing up, we grew up in Brooklyn, New York, majority of them didn’t pursue the medical field. They were in different ventures. And for every time I came back home and would cry to them or tell them about my test. It’s another sounds awful, but it helped that they be little my situation. It. I know that sounds weird, right? Because you want someone to say hey, you’re going to make it. But sometimes you need some of that tough love. And my cousin was very brave. And this kid was ruthless. And I used to tell him, you know, I think I really bombed this test. And he said, Mohammed, I’ve known you for 20 years, you say you bomb every test and you gradually tops it of class, I’m not going to listen to this anymore. And that’s it, the conversation and it kind of, you know what it means? So sometimes it helps for someone to say, Hey, listen, you’re going to be okay. Or, you know, hey, you know, there are far worse things that can happen than this test. You’ll be all right. So for me, that’s that’s what the balance was. But I think it’s really instrumental that you have that balance, especially in residency because residency you get so caught up in the gruesome hours that you never think that time to yourself, you know, you just work work work, you go home sleep, when you have a day off, you just do a sleeping or laundry or whatever it may be. But if you can squeeze a couple of hours to go out with your friends, get a drink, make sure you catch up on the time, something that you enjoy, you should do. So it’s really important. Otherwise, you’re just a robot, right? Eventually, you’re going to learn it makes you wonder how somebody has kids in a strong marriage tonight. That’s what I told you. I admire I admire it. You know, I was in school, I had nothing. I had no responsibilities, you know, and it’s still really, it was still tough. You know, I had had an amazing family, my parents, I lived with my parents, my mom always took care of me when I got home, she did my laundry cooked for me the whole nine yards. I was still like, This is tough. So I can’t imagine being a med student and going home and you have to take your your kids and your wife, it’s tough. And that’s why I really admire them, you know, and I had this graduation speech when we graduated med school. And I, I made that a point that was my biggest point of my speech was you know, everyone gets caught up in GPA and awards and academic achievement. But just getting to this point is shouldn’t be an achievement enough. And being on the other side of residency, and you’re looking at these kids resumes, and you’re like, Oh, yeah, get rid of his he has a low GPA. To me, a man with a family or a woman raising kids by herself or with a family going to school, and getting, let’s say, a 3.0. In comparison to someone like me, who really didn’t have much to really have responsibilities for and gets a 3.7. I don’t think they should be weighed any differently. To me, me personally, in fact,
Unknown Speaker 54:48
because to her for her, it might have more balance.
Unknown Speaker 54:51
Yeah, for them to have the 3.0 I’m sure it took much more work than to me to get through seven because honestly, I had nothing but time I I used to go to library I would read for hours I would study I would repeat, I didn’t have to change diapers, I didn’t have to cook, I’d have to do anything. I think we should start thinking about those things when we look at credentials or interviewing people for jobs or residency placement and so forth. Because as you know, residency placements, all they do is look at your GPA, your resume, your CV, or academic accomplishments, your extracurriculars. And that’s what they base everything on when reality they have no idea what it took for someone like you to get to this point.
Justin Trosclair 55:29
And I can see their point to they’re like, well, you were distracted, maybe you’re not as good as the guy that didn’t have anything else to do. So that’s why we only want the best, because we know they can put out the best and put the most effort. But I can’t really like you said I’m with you on that one is worth weighing the different scenarios. And that’s why you get interviewed hopefully, as well. And you can really narrow it down like a little bit better based on like, Oh, this person is more of a human.
Unknown Speaker 55:54
Got more going on? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 55:55
All right. Last
Unknown Speaker 55:56
last little bit here. You got any favorite books, blogs or podcasts that you secretly love, or you think other people should definitely check out.
Unknown Speaker 56:05
Although I’ve never met this, this man I had a chance to and unfortunately, I was stuck in surgery. He came to my hospital one day to do like a book signing and a just a little lecture and I was caught up in surgery. I was so upset with me. I’m a big fan of a tool Gawande not sure if you ever heard of him thing, but I don’t remember. Yeah, to one day is very, very knowledgeable doctor, and he has written a series of books. And all his books are like my favorite. So if you if you ask me, what are your favorite books, I just say anything he wrote, Being Mortal is probably my most favorite of his series. And if he ever hears this, I would love to meet him and just chat with him. Being Mortal was definitely hit home for me. He was just talking about his parents. And, you know, he talks about things that is very relatable in the medical field that he mentioned one aspect, when you’re a surgeon and training, you get upset with the attending if he doesn’t give you the blade, and I’ll like that, if any attending everything surgery, me, they can vouch that when it was time for surgery, I sat in the front of the table, because I just assumed you’re going to give me the knife, like that’s it. I’m here to train, I want the knife, and you know, 75% of the time that work because that attending would be like, Okay, I guess give him a night, you know, but he mentioned that once you become a doctor and you have a family member that needs surgery, the first thing you say is you better not let that resident touch my family, you know. So it’s it’s kind of hypocritical at that sense. And just the various other things he talks about, that are extremely relatable to the medical field. So if anyone ever is interested in the midfield and seeing it, I get no publicity for this, I’ve never met them. But to go on these books are really inspiring to me.
Justin Trosclair 57:47
It was funny, we had this conversation with somebody off the air, and it was kind of what you’re talking about. When I go see a doctor, I’m paying this money to see the doctor, not the physician’s assistant. No offense to the Pac Man. That’s the mentality that some people have already have had a bad experience. You know, I want to see the end. I want to see the podiatry is not this second tier.
Unknown Speaker 58:09
Unknown Speaker 58:11
And it’s the same thing in residency like way they’re training. Now, this is me and my surgery, I want the good guy.
Unknown Speaker 58:18
Don’t go to that house. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 58:19
Which is, which is crazy. I hate to say this, but but believe it or not, there are certain type times in residency where the resident is more equipped for a certain case than attending. And that’s scary, right? That’s scary to hear. But there, I promise you there are certain times where you probably would prefer the resident with the blade in their hands. And that’s, that’s scary to think of. But there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes and a tool the one day he talks about it, a bunch of it in his books. But that’s definitely when you talk about you know, my goals. And what I have for myself being an author is kind of what I want to do and mimicking what he writes about is kind of what I want to do. And I know you’re author yourself, so maybe off the record, you can give me some opinions and advice. But uh, yeah, if you’re an aspiring med student or in residency and need a good book, I would highly recommend his series.
Justin Trosclair 59:08
And what is your website? How can people get in touch with you in follow up?
Unknown Speaker 59:12
Yeah, so my website is simple. It’s just Grand Central foot care.com. My Instagram handle is NYC Doc, my email and is attached there is and I always I I rarely never don’t reply to someone. I mean, I always reply, if there’s an inquiry or a question or something you want to follow up on, I tend to be very religious about making sure I address everyone’s needs. So if anything happens, feel free to contact Dr.
Justin Trosclair 59:40
Mohamed, room. Ali, thank you so much for giving us a chat today. And kind of going through a little bit more of the background and the the new person’s view on everything. And I really appreciate our back and forth. And I think you really brought some good information for people think about today. So thank you
Unknown Speaker 59:56
so much. I appreciate you. Thank you for having me.
Justin Trosclair 1:00:03
Another great interview has ended. As I always say, I hope you listened critically think and implement something so that your practice life, family life can improve this week, one hit you up with a few links today, if you’d like to know the top episodes of 2018 and 2017. Or you just go to net slash top 1718. And you can get a PDF of all those episodes. It’s like 22 of them. If you’re interested on any of the programs that I’ve actually been interviewed on, just go to net slash as heard on supply on as, as you know, you know, so as heard on, if you didn’t know, the needle is acupuncture book sales page has been revamped. So it looks a lot better. You know, sometimes when you look at a web page, it doesn’t look like it’s put together will be like man, I’m not sure about this thing. But it’s been redone looks better. And also, if you have an Android device and you’re curious about it, you can actually download the same five protocols, blueprints, if you will, right there on your phone at the needless acupuncture app. And for less than $4, you can get the whole book on your phone from the Android Google Play Store. So here’s the check that out, the electric acupuncture pin is still available at a great rate, you can get it on its own or as a package. So you get the book, The E pin as well as the regular points. Now, some of the things that I’m recommending blueberry hosting, that’s who I use, I really like him a lot. I’m not gonna lie to you. Fiverr is where I get a lot of my music done
Unknown Speaker 1:01:21
Justin Trosclair 1:01:22
logos, I don’t know if you noticed on Facebook, I believe my picture is now a face with a bunch of words and just saw that real quick, was cheap. Wanna try that for a little while it’s fun. Turtle pillow, it’s a travel pillow, it actually like an HP minute. So you can rest your neck and your chin on that. So you don’t get like the chicken Bob, where you you know, you sleep and you wake up really fast. And you know, those those U shaped ones, I just don’t think they work very well. So for me, it’s worked really well. I’ve traveled about 10 different countries with it across the pond, as they say really highly recommend that if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, two options, you got hot grip. So that’s that’s hot grips. And also now net slash edge, you can get tools there as well. But they also have way more than just tools they’ve got how to get to use Google Apps as your EMR blood flow restriction cuffs, there’s a lot of research on that device and you can check that episode from the past, you can get an automatic 10% discount on all the products from the edge mobility equipment. One of the devices I use to to send out snippets of the podcast via picture and quotes from the text that I write on the show notes is missing letter, they just took all the last E and letter.com. Pretty much you know you can do a blast and two months, I don’t like five of emails or two months, I like to do nine emails over 12 months. So that person who was interviewed last month doesn’t just get lost, right? You know, so every day I have a new episode at a highlight and it’s all automated, really cool. Definitely check it out. If you need to record your screen, I like screen cast o Matic also j lab audio speakers have said before I love them, it’s a great company. And now I get to actually be an affiliate for them. So if you end up buying into their products, it’s like I get a little peace probably had like three or four different products. I mean, they just the battery life so longer sounds quality is amazing. And for the price that came live in a bun. And of course the show notes anytime you see a book link, buy it, it comes to me and net slash t shirts will help us out. And lastly, again, something I don’t talk about too much. But if you need coaching, whether it’s via the today’s choices, tomorrow’s health need some help with taking those small steps and accountability so that you can actually lose the weight or start exercising more or get your budget in order just let me know I can help with that. Also, if you just need some minor marketing coaching or things like that, I can help you out with that as well go to.net slash support. And of course on there you can also buy the clothes, the cup of coffee are even more than that. There’s different options available. So thanks for tuning in. And we’ll see you next week on the mini so
Unknown Speaker 1:03:52
we just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share process social media, write a review and go to the show notes page. Find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to dr Justin trosclair giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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