Minisode 31 Lessons From Book Writing Author tips for book writing: read out-loud, creating intrinsic…
Pivoting from full time podiatrist to full time podcaster of 2 shows while writing two books and building out his business and marketing skills under the It’s No Secret by Dr. Tyson “orthotics” Franklin to empower others to be successful.
Tips on being a podcast guest.
What made him change his mind from being an Art guy to the health field and picking podiatry particularly? I love a good story and how a passion for one thing (art in this case) was translated into a skill usable in another (making shoe orthotics in a podiatry clinic).
DPM, DC, and DPT can all “make orthotics”… is it true that hard rigid orthotics are the best option or should we have some cushion and less rigid shoe inserts?
What all goes into picking the material, density, thickness and hardness when designing an orthotic?
Dr. Tyson had a role in his practice that many dream of, he did what he enjoyed and what he was top notch at (orthotics) and hired associate doctors to do the more “clinical“ patient management cases.
Why should you Hire a Receptionist and did you even realize that is an option for some doctors? Plus how do you handle patient treatments and phone calls when your receptionist is out sick that day?
Medical Issues and Adversity
Dr. Tyson talks about a crippling and disfiguring hand condition that caused him to not practice like he needed to early on in his career and how he had to overcome it to make a living. We discuss how he had to hire someone to do the heavy lifting because the skin condition continues to flare up throughout his career and he would be unable to work for weeks. He shares how he is approached by strangers and what has finally got it under control.
We discuss a little about food allergies and proper diet.
If you looking to hire someone – use your head, not your guy. If you are thinking about firing someone – use your gut, it’s probably right.
Listen to his thoughts on training staff (including new doctors) and discover what’s his most important factor (hint: it’s the intangibles attitude and energy).
TIP for your KIDS: If they want to do a certain profession, say podiatry, then get a job that deals with that specialty. Example: working at a shoe store or at a clinic. If a chiropractor, maybe work at a gym or as an athletic trainer.
Forget about ‘new patient marketing’ for a minute and really figure out your avatar – your ideal client. Once you know that you can send a short 5 question survey to those patients that you already have that meet that criteria and really hone in on what they like to do, where they hang out, what they drive etc. Now you know where to go market at. PS: he recommends a PAPER Snail Mailed survey with some extra insights that you’ll have to listen to because he would get 95% of them filled out.
We are told to that emailing a newsletter is important. Dr. T goes over ways to make that 70% “fun and interesting” part of the email. Don’t be afraid to offer recipes and be open about activities that you enjoy as well. Ex: the rum doctor.
Learn how to give talks to your community. Public Speaking will open doors to you.
It’s No Secret STUFF
He wrote a book geared for podiatry. They kept saying, wow if you took out
podiatry this would make a great business book.
Eventually he rewrote it and he kept hearing… but your pod not a biz man
and vice versa. To scratch his own itch and gain more business credibility he
started It’s No Secret with Dr T podcast. We discuss more about that show and
how it prepared him for the new show Podiatry Legends. Hear how the new one is
blowing his first podcast out of the water and actually can get money from it. Just like the podiatry book sells 5x the
business book.
Family Tip: When you get home from work, remember that it’s not all about you. You need to participate in the family as much as you can. Also, get together with your family and figure out what needs to be done together and what can be eliminated from the schedule.
“Know a little more than next guy.”
Book: Its No Secret There’s Money in Podiatry and
Its No Secret Theres Money in Small Business
by Tyson Franklin, DPT
Dr. Franklin hosts the new Podiatry Legends podcast where he exclusively interviews other Podiatrist. His first podcast has over 154 episodes (me being number 154) called It’s No secret Podcast and it’s for management, marketing and mindset. He also owns Walk Right Footwear in Cairns Australia. Find out more at
Show notes can be found at here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript. .
This episode is a part of the Six Weeks of Feet Podiatry Series 2019. Put your email for a quick Reference Guide.
PS: you can catch me being interviewed by Dr T on his podcast
Justin Trosclair 0:05
Episode 119 Why have a podcast in a book? It’s no secret. I’m your host Dr. Justin trust Claire. Today we’re Dr. Tyson Franklin’s perspective. During 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get a behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Back mid April, did you get your taxes done on time? Well, hopefully you plan to hit and aren’t surprised by a tax bill. Remember, get a good account, they can save you money. Want to start off this episode with a review that we got? So take a quick Listen, David McCarran said
if everybody in the chiropractic profession had and I’m not blowing smoke, had your mindset, your critical thinking mindset. We would not be in trouble we would be seeing 30% of the population right now.
Unknown 0:58
So so on what you’re doing.
Unknown 1:02
Heather Denison said, I think you do a great job and you’re the only person I know who asks about personal life and it’s so charming for people to Little People want to know about that. So I think that piece of it is great.
Justin Trosclair 1:14
Thanks so much for those kind words love hearing. It reminds me why I’m doing this. Well guess what, Episode 119 through 124, maybe 125 will see is our podiatrist Siri, not we’ve had a couple of podiatrists throughout the program. But now we’re going to have someone from the UK, Australia, as you from America, we’re going to have sports podiatrist, a guy that pretty much created a shoe wound type Medi spa, and even like podiatry practice management. I just really enjoyed doing these little mini series or full series however you want to call it. But just a nice four to six week concentration on different aspects of the same profession. It really so far it’s opened my eyes, you know, I know it’s coming up. And sometimes I’m in the middle interview. And I’m like, wait, I can do that. Hmm. So hopefully you have same revelation. We have some really good family tips throughout the series, as well as you know, vacation tips and everything in between, you know, always say, listen, learn and integrate what you hear. And it started off we have got Dr. Tyson Franklin from Australia, he has this it’s no secret franchise, if you will. He’s got a great backstory, he had a really profitable podiatry clinic, he’s someone that’s in the always here, find out what you’re good at and do it well, he was able to end up doing that. And he has a circumstance of kinda like a why he had to, and and he wrote a book. He’s like, he had all these good ideas. And I’m successful. So he wrote a book, it’s no secret about but it and then he wrote another one about business and, and now he has a podcast that’s quite good. It’s kind of similar to mine. Except it’s not really about doctors per se, but just regular people, mostly. And it’s all about business management skills and marketing and things like that, as I said, kind of similar. And he just started another one called podiatry Legends is like me, the niche is really important. So we can let go, we geek out a little bit on the differences between a specific podcast and book versus a more gentle No, but uh, his big thing was orthotics. So we’re going to discuss that I’ve got a really good tip about a job that you should have like, say through high school and college based on the profession that you want to have, we go through create an avatar for an ideal client, and then how to effectively do a survey to get to 95% return rate, what I know. And we’ll also talk about why he created an add on service of selling shoes, like a real shoe store separate but kind of close to his podiatry clinic. So one last thing, I found an awesome service thanks to Facebook groups that can turn scribe these episodes without costing a fortune. So it’s a slower process. Right now, I’m debating on what to do. But the top 10 to 2018 have been done, then I’m going to work on the top 2017 and then kind of fill it in. So the point being, you will find that over the next two or three months, all the shows will be transcribed. And you just got to go to the show notes page, click a box on the very bottom, it opened it up and you can read through it, whatever you want. So pumped about that. Okay. All sorts on this episode can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 119. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.
Live from China, and kings Australia today on the show. We’ve got the It’s no secret guy. He’s got a podcast. It’s a book because it’s a whole thing, the whole thing. But he’s a podiatrist. He has a walk right footwear company. He’s been in business for a long time. He’s a problem solver. He’s a middle strategist, and really excited to have him on because his podcast is really quite good. You’ll learn a lot. So please welcome Dr. Tyson. Franklin.
Unknown 4:36
Justin, hey, doing this is good. This is good to be on here. And I must admit, every time I sit back, and someone puts together the introduction, even though I get excited about what I’m going to talk about.
Justin Trosclair 4:50
Especially if you don’t provide a background. You’re like, All right, let’s see what they’re gonna say.
Unknown 4:54
Well, yeah, and the other part two, I think, if not competing on a few podcasts. And I think if people listen to a lot of podcast, they’ve heard bonds before. Rarely do I said the same thing twice.
Justin Trosclair 5:04
See, that’s a good thing. When I’m on invited sometimes I feel like the story is similar something like trying to write what’s a different story than what a different angle this time. So if they do this to another, and they’re like, Oh, it’s the same stories? Like No, I’m trying to use it up a little bit. But the core the core, you know,
Unknown 5:19
yeah. Now sometimes, like if somebody asked me a question about your marketing, I cable not born, I’ve got a few things about marketing that I always talk about. But it’s, it’s the tone of the show, and it’s the person that you’re with, I think the host they bring out there. Well, I think different hosts should bring it different things from the guest
Justin Trosclair 5:37
agreed. Which brings me to the you know, not to take too much time on this one but podiatry. You know, when you were younger man, you decide to do that. What made you do that. And then if you want to transition into what Furlong, a podcast, and then now the podiatry legends podcast where you just interview podiatrist, I want to talk about to this this footwear company, because that’s something that actually intrigued me a little bit, will let you sort of take over and
Unknown 6:01
fill in the details. Okay. But same thing, you finished high school in Australia, and you’ve got to go and choose a career. So it’s seven, eight, you’re really wise, you have no idea what you want to do. So I always going to be an art teacher of all things. And my brother was doing dentistry, and he said, What are you doing when you finish school said, I’m going to be an art teacher. And he said, Are you kidding me? I said, Now why is it
Unknown 6:28
important? You said, yeah, that’s pretty much what he was saying. Yeah, okay, I’m going to be a rich dentist, you’re going to be a poor at TJ, give me hit me up for money all the time to buy paint, eventually, you’re going to annoy me Stop talking. Why don’t we just stop talking now and save this as a lot of time. And he said, y’all have a portion of the last wagon. And what we still have a bit of a chuckle about it. So next day I went so my art teacher said, question for you. What sort of car do you drive? She went both ways. And why? Ah, no, no. You know, tell her what my brother said she meant look, Tyson, you’re smart enough to go and do what you like, you can always do out as a hobby. Yeah, do it in your spare time. And you’re always enjoy it or not. Okay, so then I sat down with my brother and I said, Okay, here’s my provider. I don’t mind doing something in the health industry. But I want something where no one ever dies. And everything can Michael tomorrow. And that’s it because I know when we call that after hours, and I’m going to be on cold, it just all that sort of stuff that went with health industry. I know. And I don’t like dealing people who are in pain. And so we narrowed it down to Optometry, podiatry, and I think was radiography. And I said, I want to work for myself. So it can be and optometry and podiatry. And I don’t think I could sit in a room all day saying that look better was a look better that one or that one? lesson that
Justin Trosclair 7:44
was my story to battle, right?
Unknown 7:45
Yeah. So. So that’s happened, it can be a it was just one of those things to that a friend that I went through school from grade one, grade 12. So we spent a whole lives together. I went back and repeat a great job because I was going to be an art teacher that they’re all the subjects that I do. So I went back and repeated grade 12 and dropped out and did physics, did all the math subjects chemistry, and the principles going hang on usually people drop physics and do that no one ever does it the other way around and away ball of work. The other want to be a podiatrist now, well worked out to be something in the health industry. So because I still deciding what I was going to do. But then this friend of mine came up the school and I said, say Linda, and what did you end up doing? He said are podiatry on it. It’s interesting that he said faith as a hobby bucket is a course on fate is Yeah. And I said, amazing. And he said, You know what? You would actually be really, really good at this. And I said why? And he said, this is the beta bit is podiatry, a science or an art form. And I went, Oh, that’s interesting. I said what context he said we make these things called orthotics. There’s the things that new author, she’s a going to shoes, and they control people’s feet, he gets updated buggers, the mic is a bit if you’ve got a really good hand eye coordination can see things into treaties that are going to our background, you would just thrive with these things. That’s what got me into podiatry. And that was my favorite part of podiatry. And I was probably the best thing I was the best that was actually making inserts, getting on grinders, grinding things, making shapes it. So that’s how that’s how I sort of ended up in podiatry in the first place. So you know, foot finishes or anything like that. That came later.
Justin Trosclair 9:28
When they come in green, I love it.
Unknown 9:32
smelly of the better.
Justin Trosclair 9:33
Yeah, my goodness. Okay, so as a chiropractor, we do orthotics, you know, if I can kind of dabble in what you guys do, unfortunately, like the game, there’s so many companies out there that stand on this scanner stand on this mold, boom, you’ve got something you send it off 300 bucks later, you got a pair of custom orthotics. There’s a debate that you know, podiatry is only prescribe these really rigid shoe inserts. And that’s all they do. But physio Cairo wants one that can actually give some, some spring and that arch and support the tissues in there and not be so rigid and stuff like that. Is that
Unknown 10:08
true? No, then so stereotypical comment
Justin Trosclair 10:11
right there, I guess, you
Unknown 10:12
know, perfectly legitimate comments, too. Because when I first learned to make orthotics, to go into shoes, they are all made from rigid plastics. You know, road polypropylene. Yeah, that will had plastics, the thinking behind it was, if something’s hard, it must be uncomfortable. So and if something soft, therefore it must be more comfortable in better for you. So the firm in the material, the more you can control what a foot does. But I remember someone wants to hit a pair of soft inserted and I said I gave them to me, I put them in the other shoes. Yeah, for the left on the right shoe. And right on the left. You said throw money at them at all this reading? Is there really uncomfortable as it all but the soft? Yeah, I said so. And then I that we had some hard ones? No. Anyway. But yeah, I transitioned away from from how the plastics because I moved into a VA, which is the same sort of materials that athletic shoes are made from, because they came in all these varying densities, yeah, really soft, like a va 190 up to 400, which is like as hard as a rock. So depending on the body weight of the person, you could choose the density, depending on whether the person had a rear foot problem forefoot problem, then that helps you choose what material you’re going to do, because it would change the way that we’re going to angle the foot. So it was a lot more, there was a lot more to it. So I was glad I moved away from the best thing that move away from hard plastics was you didn’t get those comments or want to be heard because it’s hard plastic. But you can hurt someone just as much using soft materials and putting in the wrong spot as using hard materials and putting it in the right spot.
Justin Trosclair 11:46
And like what you mentioned, especially Australia might be like America, the bunch of obese people running around and you know, they have him to get neither got feed problems. And as you a lot of these orthotics, they’re not that a way to the person isn’t factored into what they give you is just this is all we have. We’ve got you put an Archie can put this but that’s it. I like what you’re talking about. You actually can change the density. Oh, yeah, for that extra weight if we don’t have the support.
Unknown 12:09
And that was really important. Because if you got someone who was, yeah, 250 pounds, you know, I have a you know, over 130 kilos. Yeah, then yet the density of the material user, and they may have exactly the same put type at some skinny dude, news. Yeah, 120 pounds soaking wet, that might have the same problem. They might even have the same size foot, but the white coming down, it is completely different. So therefore, you have to change the density of material to make sure it’s going to do what it needs to do. But yeah, like making authority putting someone shoot it. To me, that was always one part of the treatment. You had to look at other things, you had to look at their lifestyle, their footwear. And that’s how we ended up opening up a shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, we end up opening up the shoe store. So we could bring in the shoes that we thought were best for different peoples foot types. That’s how that sort of about so but there’s things like, yeah, if someone was overweight is you talk to them about what they’re eating and talk to him about exercise and get them to see a dietitian. And looking at their overall health that making an inset was just one part of like a bigger, you know, like a puzzle, you had to put everything together. The I thought it was just one part of it. Were you a guy that did a lot of surgeries and nail clippings or what was your forte? Just making orthotics. That was my thing. That was a really nice people. Yeah, my, my work day to day look at my clinic was before a solid, probably 95% of my day was basically saying biomechanical patients. Yeah, weekend warrior sports people, having them come in going through their problems, going through stretches, looking at the end the whole picture what they’re doing, look at their footwear, and then making the inserts to go into the shoes. That was probably 98% of what I was doing each day. And the other two,
Justin Trosclair 13:58
is that unusual for your friends?
Unknown 14:00
No, no, that’s just what I did. Was that there are people who Yeah, that’s the clinical be set up as a Sports Clinic. But the whole clinic in general, so everything from you know, clipping some ladies toenails to doing nail surgery to you know, burning out warts doubt that it was a it was a clinic that covered everything. But the work that I did, I blocked it. This is all I want to do. And I was the boss. Okay, so Okay, so you had other people inside of it? Yeah, yeah. So I got to choose what I want. And I did everything over the years. But then the last 10 years of me working on it. Now I just want to focus on this one area, this is what I like doing the most, this is what I’m going to work on. And yeah, and that’s what I basically did. So I think every business, if you have a look at, you know, if you write down all the things you really like doing in your business, and all the things you don’t like doing, then over a period of time should slightly stop doing the things you don’t like doing and only do the things you like doing, and then build your business around that. That’s important. Yeah.
Justin Trosclair 14:57
Did you feel like you had to do everything and you can financially afford somebody else? Or did you kind of look at it as I am going to strangle myself, if I don’t put somebody in here, they’ll make their own money, and I can do what I need to do. Because like logistically, sometimes you have to look at that as well.
Unknown 15:11
The number one thing that I think every business needs to do, and I’ve seen a few people who don’t do it is from data, you must have a receptionist, you need to have somebody who’s going to answer the phone or you can work. You need someone to be looking after the practice. While you’re out and about talking to people. You can’t. Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of blogs and chiropractors with I’ll set up a clinic, I’ll just answer my own phone until we get busy. You’re not going to get busy if you keep answering your own time. But you gotta get what
Justin Trosclair 15:39
you’re treating me not going to answer the phone, I’ll come home. And yeah, it’s happened twice in my one visit.
Unknown 15:44
work. I know like and fair enough. It’s different. If you have a receptionist and also new with you, both patients and all they’ve had to go home because they’re sick or something’s happened to the child patients will understand that that’s completely different. Yeah, that’s completely different. And the thing is, even though the one day and then I’d put the answer machine on, I just wouldn’t it because to me, your focus should be on the person’s in front of you not trying to do multiple things. So But yeah, I was also going back three years into my working career or two years, am I working great, I got really had a problem with my hands and I couldn’t work with two years. So I learned that if I wanted to set up another practice, I had to employ someone as fast as possible to do majority of the heavy lifting. And let me just do what I like to do. Because I didn’t know if my hands were going to keep packing it in so easily get this really bad dermatitis with all the skin of my hands, we just get completely ripped off. And oh, and I’d cover them with gloves that we just cracked and bleeding so that I could be working on a Monday and by Friday I couldn’t wait for two weeks. So this went off and on
Unknown 16:49
the whole working career so except for the last two years it has been really good
Justin Trosclair 16:55
is it been like one of those where you wash your hands so much and your hands just don’t react to being so clean and wet and dry all the time? I thought
Unknown 17:01
Unknown 17:02
couldn’t put it down to and it was not people kept telling me just the way these things and yeah, I saw so many doctors and dermatologist nobody could really give me a definitive answer on hey if you do this this will be better and the the funniest story was is all going shopping center one day on them handle cracked up and they’re really sore and small and this all by sits next to me guys. My brother had that. And when he began to get another another bit of advice from this guy RP on on do I’ll be told everything. And he goes in 50 years he had it killed him in the end. And he got up and walked away. Oh wait you miserable all bugs. And
Justin Trosclair 17:44
so you’re telling me there’s no change?
Unknown 17:46
Like I’m named I’m gonna have a 50 years and it’s going to kill me in the end. And a wife walked down so he was that I said finally songs you did he give you some advice? No, he didn’t actually says going to kill me. My cat equal my hand and it’s gonna be okay.
Unknown 18:01
So it was one of those things that but the last couple of years be when we were talking earlier on I mentioned Dr. Howard Kahn, who’s a chiropractor, any developer stuff called 7.2. So it’s like greens and yeah, so Becky body into alkalinity. Now I’ve been using this for the last year and a half year in a bit and it’s probably the best my hands have ever been. So yeah, I take the grains I take these alkalinity tablets take this as other stuff that have like a protein shakes. I have that once a day. Yeah, after exercise and feeling fantastic. And it’s probably the best my skin everything is actually been so yeah, is it the answer? Doesn’t mean I’ll never get this problem back me. I don’t know.
Unknown 18:50
Probably not a better product. It may but you
Justin Trosclair 18:52
finally found some dietary thing that can actually help it. That’s important.
Unknown 18:56
That’s the thing. It’s it to me it’s one of those things you can’t you can’t give it you just gotta just got to keep trying and thought is gluten free people
Justin Trosclair 19:03
that you’re not gluten free. You just feel like you feel better. But like you’re not actually gluten intolerant.
Unknown 19:09
Like the big difference. Something I was reading. Have you seen that guy? Was No. He’s got a book called own the day. Let’s say I do.
Justin Trosclair 19:20
Please tell me more.
Unknown 19:21
Well, anyway, he’s just talking about where there’s so many people who say I’m allergic to this or I’m intolerant to that. And he goes, Hey, you know this and they go all they did a skin test. And he goes, Yeah, and doing a skin test is completely different how your gut reacts to certain things. Yeah, so your skin test might say if you’re elected this but really not it’s just a skin is. And if you’re going to get something and rub it all over the skin, you might have a reaction, but that’s not where it’s supposed to be going. So, but it was just talking about how we make all these different assumptions about their health based on information that’s not really accurate. So I thought that was interesting. I think we got off track there.
Justin Trosclair 19:54
Yeah, real quick on that one. I think there’s something to this gut biome. I don’t haven’t studied much about it, but every now and then it pops up on like my newsfeed so like I read a little article here and all this and it just seems to be some some promising ideas and theories about like what’s inside you how you tolerate like sugar, you know, sensitivities. And I said, if you alkaline your body and your hands are feeling better, yeah, well, that’s that’s healing from the inside out, you
Unknown 20:18
know? Yeah. And because he was saying that, yeah, the alkaline your body should have a certain alkalinity and if we get too acidic, then things just bagger up. And, and that could be that could be my my thing that it’s my hands of that pie up. And there’s dermatitis flares up when I’m too acidic. So it’s I think there’s a there’s a lot to it. And they say that, yeah, there was some I was reading something recently, or some of us on podcast talking. And they said, yes, sometimes when you make decisions, and you go, I have a gut feeling this is sometimes you gotta listen to your gut, because it makes it your body reacts in certain ways based on experiences, and it said something about, if you you’re thinking been employing someone never listen to your gut, it’s usually around your head. But if you need to let somebody go, listen to your gut.
Justin Trosclair 21:09
Yeah, that’s it. That’s a good piece of advice right there.
Unknown 21:12
Yeah, I think a lot of a gut feeling this person will be really good. Now you got to probably wrong. But if you gotta gotta gotta gotta let this person go. You got to probably right.
Justin Trosclair 21:20
Yeah, yeah. You’re gonna get bamboozled by your gut. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. What are you finding, getting back to podiatrist?
There’s lots of things that we could potentially struggle with, or the public perception of our profession is kind of, you know, can be kind of weird. Are there any sort of misconceptions that you’ve experienced throughout your career that you just want to clear up today
Unknown 21:44
about podiatry in general? Yeah. Yeah. I think one of the misconceptions is that a lot of pedometers just make orthotics. Yeah, they just you know, people come in our pedometers just want to throw any orthotics so they can make money? And, and actually, unfortunately, there probably is a smaller proportion of the profession that probably does do that. You know, that overprescribing? Yeah, not everything needs to be fixed by not everything can be fixed by putting in in certain someone shoot. And and I think the biggest problem is, is the breakdown in communication with maybe between the podiatrist, the patient, the podiatrist, and whoever referred them on why they were actually making the orthotics. So I think that’s one big misconception that every podiatrist just wants to put somebody into orthotics so they can make money. small proportion do but I don’t think the majority of the profession actually thinks that way. And yeah, I think that’s the biggest one, you misunderstood Funny, funny people and a lot of podiatrists a weird. So, which makes it quite interesting.
Justin Trosclair 22:43
The similarities continue? Yes.
So you had to hire people with like, you’ve had other doctors underneath you. And you know, staff and things are what are you looking for in a good staff person? Is it all on the higher isn’t on the training? What’s your thought, Okay.
Unknown 22:58
All could take, I can teach anyone to be a better podiatrist, teach anyone to be a better receptionist, the I had, I used to have a 20 day training program that my goal was I could take a new graduate, have them go through my 20 day training program. And I could have them as efficient as somebody who’s been working before for five years, that was my goal, and did it every single time, except for one guy. Couldn’t, just couldn’t, had to letting go. Anyway.
Unknown 23:28
So I always knew I could train them to be better at what it is that they did, because I had a good training process in place. What I couldn’t teach his attitude, and I can’t teach energy. So I would rather have somebody come in, who was a podiatrist and sit down and go, I have just graduated and they just are so looking forward to getting into my career. This is something I’ve always wanted to do. And you go Okay, so you might get her walk across the shops with them. And they’re walking within. They’re talking the whole time, and they’re excited. And I would much rather that that some guy sitting can get. Yeah, I’ve, you know, I was, yeah, I got the highest. I was in the top 1% of my class, and I’m an absolute genius. And, and you’re trying to, and then you get up to walk in. They’re falling behind you and they just lagging behind as you’re walking and there’s no energy, there’s no enthusiasm.
Unknown 24:20
Unknown 24:22
I heard it. I saw a guy can’t remember his name. Here’s the gymnast. And he was talking at a conference. And he had pommel horse up on the stage. He won the gold medal at the Olympics. And he said, I’m going to do the retain that one me the gold medal. So you got there. Did all those things became down he said, Now, that was a perfect routine. absolutely perfectly. Now, if I did that at the Olympics, I would have got a 9.9 for a perfect routine. Is it because that’s all part of your team is going to give you is it now I’m going to do that same routine. But with virtuosity. So we’ve got updated the same routine, but he just snapped the legs, it snapped the arms. The it just did things that little bit quicker. And then bang. Yeah, dismounted. And he said, that is a 10 routine. He said, and that is something you can’t teach people. The other want to give it? Everything? Yeah, you can just go through the motions. Yeah, it’s, it’s not just going through the motions, it’s going through the motions, with in with, with purpose with virtuosity, with some form of intention. And when I’m looking to employ a set point, someone regardless of the position, that’s all I’m looking for him because I can take to the risk. I can teach them all the other stuff, but I can’t, I can’t give them that, that thought that login, it’ll light,
Justin Trosclair 25:44
right? I can tell you about that in my clinic here is some days, or you know, after a while, I was like, Oh, you just see it in yourself. You’re like, Man, you’re just going through the motions, you really don’t care. It’s like, all right, what’s going on? Like, oh, I haven’t, I can make my own schedule. So I haven’t taken off in a while. Let me let me take off, take a day or two off and I’m like, recharge, reenergize and I’m back to actually caring about what I’m doing. And it’s just like I can see even in my own self, like what you’re talking about is you just gotta you know, if you have it, you lose it, you got to get it. But if you never had to begin with you, some people do yourself when you go
Unknown 26:17
figure some people just don’t have it when I mentioned that one person. And the other part to always look forward as employing someone is what type of employment had they had in the past before they come the one to be a podiatrist. And if they’d worked for, you know, companies like the athlete’s foot, yeah, somebody whether we’re dealing with cut the customers on a day to day basis, there were there were learning communication skills. Yeah, you can’t hold a sales job if you don’t know how to talk to people. Yeah. So if I knew if I could do that, then then then we’re going to be fine talking with patients. That was one less thing I had to talk to teach them. The guy who was no good, was a guy his job going through university buzz cleaning up the cinemas after it was empty. Yeah, so his job really involved. I don’t want to talk to people, I’m find a word, but I really don’t want to communicate. And that’s where he went, he was dealing with patients, his communication skills was terrible. And it’s reflected in his work, which is why we eventually parted company.
Justin Trosclair 27:15
So our lesson learned right there.
Unknown 27:17
Yeah. And the thing is, you learn you learn by doing, its lucky, you learn by doing,
Justin Trosclair 27:22
you know what’s great, I think our kids can benefit from this because my parents, they didn’t realize this part of life. I could have had that job in a chiropractor’s office, or maybe in a gym or something to get around more rehab and those types of things when I was in high school, instead of just working at the grocery store, you know, oh, yeah. But we can encourage our children like, hey, what does he want to do? Yeah, maybe she could get a job. This is kind of similar to what that is on a lesser scale. And if you like it now, you’ll know you’ll probably like it has been a doctor as well.
Unknown 27:49
You know, my part time jobs were all the way through university was I killed cattle pigs and chickens are what did they ever was killed? Well, that was skills. It helps with not having a not having a weak stomach. Yeah. But yeah, as far as you know, I never even thought about our a job in a shoe store. Right? What? I’m going to be a podiatrist. My art imagine getting a job and she stopped Who would think I didn’t, I never even brain didn’t sort of go that far. And no one ever said to me, maybe you should get a job in a shoe shop. It was. Yeah. To me. I don’t know why I didn’t do it.
Justin Trosclair 28:27
That’s a nugget. I think someone can pull from this episode right there.
Unknown 28:30
Yeah, they can stop listening now. But don’t keep going. Yes,
Justin Trosclair 28:32
the end, please. Because the next, the next question is going to be Are you ready? Yep. We got new patient problems. We got retaining patient problems. And we’ve got potentially had a buddy he told me once he once he was able to figure out how to build correctly, it almost doubled, not not illegally, not unethically. He just didn’t realize he wasn’t actually charging for all the things that he could have charged for. So do you have like a like one nugget for like how to get more new patients, maybe how to retain them. And if you want to cover anything about like a charges that maybe we’re not realizing that we could charge for our services that you’re not offering that you could offer and be really big benefit for the client? The nuggets for us?
Unknown 29:10
Yeah, I think. But getting new patients is is a it’s a big, you can do a whole episode, just some getting new patients or 20. So I think the biggest thing before you even think about getting new patients is sitting down and working out first, who is your patient avatar? Yeah, what is who is your ideal patient? And when you know that, then you can go and find them. But what people do is I go, I know I treat everybody now You don’t? You might treat? Yeah, you might, every person that walks to you, you might treat them but that’s not who you really want. Who do you really want will get you excited? Yeah, really narrow down, like I knew my ideal patient was was a 42 year old male, who used to be fairly active in sport. But now I’d sort of put on a bit of weight loss this fitness, got a couple of kids, you know, her like eight to 12 is trying to keep up with him. And he’s realized, you know, I’m not as fit as it used to be. And now my feet are starting to hurt. And and the dogs getting fat because now I can’t walk the dog. And everything is just spiraling out of control. So when I was treating him, that was my ideal patient. Now I go Now where do I find him? Huh? He doesn’t make the decisions in the house, his wife makes the decisions they actually get sick of hearing him whinge. So then she will make the appointment for so this is what I mean about really trying to find your ideal patients are for great answer. When you know who the ideal patient is, then you get nowhere to the Hangout. And if you’ve already had a business going for a wall, send do a five and a five question survey. send it out to your existing patients that fit in the category of your ideal patient, send a survey to them get the answers back and use those answers to tell you where you’re going to find the rest of them.
Justin Trosclair 30:53
So that’s the easiest way you might ask questions like what is a hobby that you do or what after school activities do you know working?
Unknown 31:00
Do you go to the movies do you Are you a member of the local any local sporting clubs you might find the go to golf them I play squash yeah what local magazines to read the wrestle gators deep dish.
Unknown 31:14
You have it like D read the the weekly newspaper The daily newspaper? Do you get the free one or the or the Patreon to just these random questions yet what car do you drive? Because if all of a sudden you realize all my perfect patients they all drive total increases their thing go find a toilet dealer and say hey, can can I advertise in your newsletter because you know that the save 60% of all your ideal clients or Dr. toil Land Cruisers, and they get that newsletter you want them to see you there. That’s a great idea. That’s the idea of and then can I just say we’ve got time we’re doing the survey the right way. Send a paper survey, do not send it by email, get a paper survey printed out with a cover letter that says hey, you know we’d want if you could help us with the, you’re filling this questionnaire in closed if it is a self addressed envelope with a stamp on it already, so they don’t have to worry about getting a stamp. Inside the survey, put a $2 scratchy you know there’s a little lotto ticket, right? And you say look in clothes for your time, here’s a $2 scratchy, just let you know, if you haven’t when $10,000 please feel free to come back and spend it with us.
Unknown 32:22
Or, or if you want you can give us half will it will ever whatever makes you feel this Yeah, make a bit of a joke about it. We would send out the surveys and we would get 95% of them back
Justin Trosclair 32:33
that’s unheard of.
Unknown 32:34
unheard of to get 95% of your survey back but if you do it the right way put a cover letter you rewarding them for doing the survey not all you’re going to the drawer and when $100 hand but I hate those there. I’m thinking just give me till a scratch and keep it hamper. And so that they’re all the Yeah, you send that out you’ll get information back about the patients that you already love. And then that’ll tell you where where the rest of them are.
Justin Trosclair 32:59
That’s a really good on Facebook. There’s enough podiatry groups and physio groups and Dennis groups you want Okay, what what some of the questions that I should these the question I was thinking about having What do y’all think about these are What are y’all will be Joe asked. That way you can kind of get like a conglomerate, you know, waste all that money. Because at that point, you’re looking at a semi expensive survey, if you do it right, like you said, so just
Unknown 33:18
like you, you pick 50 people, and it might cost you $150 to do the survey thing because you feel a scratchy? Yeah, adult stamp by the time you put it all together. So but it’s it’s cheap, cheap marketing experiment to get really valuable information coming back. So. So that’s how we get new patients. What was the second part of that?
Justin Trosclair 33:40
retaining a patient, you know, a lot of people focus on that revolving new patient door, and they did they always fly out the back window. So how do we retain them?
Unknown 33:48
is you got to maintain contact with them? Like I believe in, you know, having an electronic newsletter. And in most of our name, no one opens them anymore. Well about the 20% still do. We’re spending hours. If you’re going to do the electronic newsletter, make it you know, a bit 30% about your business and the other 70% of it. Things have absolutely nothing to do with you. Yeah, yeah, we used to have a, we still a monthly review. And we would have you know, he said my friend that had a run website called the run winch. And she would write the review for us each month. And we’d pick a bottle of rum and was surprising how many patients came in and said, I got my my husband the ball around for Father’s Day or for his birthday. absolutely loved it. There was a good recommendation, the receptionist would write a recipe. Yeah, every month, we would just add other things in it to make the newsletter interesting. But even if only 20% of people open it 100% unless they if they don’t unsubscribe, if it’s still going into the inbox every month in that subject line this thing Yeah, such and such podiatry, such and such chiropractic, it’s still a reminder that you basically they,
Justin Trosclair 34:56
I love your idea there because you’re mixing it up so they could actually read it and enjoy it. I think the recipe was good. Oh, the room was good. That’s really outside the box thinking. And if you put your email signature correctly, it should say Dr. Franklin, DPT or whatever, you know the name of the clinic. So when they see it, they may not read it. They’re like, Oh, yeah, but I agree. But I agree. I never read these things. I shouldn’t survive one day, but you don’t. So
Unknown 35:17
yeah. Because you get your suffering for fo mo fear of missing out I want to unsubscribe if they actually put something in and it’s interesting one day,
Justin Trosclair 35:24
you might have a 50% discount one day they had but I had
Unknown 35:26
a newsletter comes in my inbox constantly every month with their file from his company. It’s a barbecue company called barbecue school, and comes in every month, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete that then every now and then I just happen to have some spare time. And I click Open. And every through it again, ever thought about that, I might come in and get that next someone cooking chickens on the barbecue. So you never know when someone’s going to open it. So and to me, it’s it’s really, it’s a fun thing to put together with the team. It’s cheap to implement. And it’s a great way of staying in contact. So to me, the biggest thing about retaining customers is letting them know that you’re still there and letting them know that you care. That’s that’s the main thing, following up patients who have come in head treatment. And maybe they had to cancel order reason and they disappear. It’s it’s having having a warning thing there that tells you Hey, this person hasn’t been in for two months, give them a call and find out or any say okay, now they may have moved away so you can archive the file. Or they might get it. Like I wasn’t really happy The last time I was in because that last podiatrist that I saw was rude to me. And you go Okay, well, that’s good. He was rude to everybody’s not here anymore, are good. Welcome back then. Now, unless you made that call, you never going to know your software should be able to run that
Justin Trosclair 36:42
Unknown 36:42
Yeah, your software can tell you straight away when people have been in, especially when there’s there’s been people that have been patient for years. And they come in month after month after month after month. And then they just stop. And you go, Why Why did they Why did they stop? So to me, sometimes people, they focus too much on getting new patients coming in, instead of plugging the leaks in the bucket. And yes, I always have this way, if you have 1000 patients on your database, and next year, you get 400 new patients come in, you should have 1400 active patients on your database. But most people will have 1100 because yeah, 300 of just the end, the new patients come in never coming back. There’s so many leaks in the bucket. Some of them is that rusty, you can’t fix it. Need holding you back.
Justin Trosclair 37:24
Yeah, you got a lot of work to do. He will spend some money on some coaches and figure this thing out.
I want to spend a little bit of time I know where you are. For those who didn’t know, I was on his podcast. It’s no secret. Check it out. We’re not sure when it’s going to be out yet. But it was good. We talked about Mardi Gras, we talked about China and everything. So we’re doing the reverse right now. And I want to know what’s going on with It’s no secret. There’s money podiatry, you wrote a book about it, you got a podcast and you started what I think is great, a podiatry niche podcast and we kind of talked off the air where sometimes we wonder maybe we should just niche down to begin with, because our downloads will be faster, potentially more sponsors and get more of a name for ourselves. But then at the same time, spoiler his podcast is kind of about management and you know, all these little other avenues that aren’t just podiatry interviews, lots of different kinds of people. So to not take any more Thunder give us a little spiel about what’s going on with the passion for that and why someone should tune in.
Unknown 38:22
Okay, well, the first book I wrote was, it’s no secret. There’s money in podiatry and because I was pedometers was most logical books are Right, right. So many people read it and where if you took the word podiatry yet, and just put in another profession, that book will apply. And I still agree. And so yeah, you’re right, until I sat down and decide to rewrite the book. And then I realized, wow, this is really a podiatry book. And so then I, I did rewrite the book and divine It’s no secret. There’s money in small business. Now, what it was, it was in the podiatry will people kept looking at me that I was a business person, not a podiatrist, and that used to annoy me. And then in the business world people, he’s looking for that awesome podiatrist, not a business person. And that used to annoy me.
Unknown 39:04
It sounds funny, isn’t it? So when I wrote the first book, I went where everyone in the business will still look at me that I’m podiatrist. So I decided to write the second book. So people in the business world would take me serious. And it is a is a really always say it’s a second best business book I’ve ever read only because I’ve never had one better.
Unknown 39:22
It because this has to be a better one out there. I just haven’t found it yet. Right. And I love it.
Unknown 39:29
But the thing with it was, so my podcast, it’s no secret Dr. T, came about because of the pie on those two books. And it was the same thing of it. Now, I want to be taken serious as a business person. I’m not just a podiatrist. So all my focus went into I’m going to get all these different people, different business people around the world, we’re going to a business and marketing and management. And I absolutely love the podcast. It is is a lot of fun. It’s opened doors. I’ve had people from the shark tank on it, you know, I played some big podcasting names. It’s been fun, and I’ve learned so much doing it. And people I don’t know that tune into it on a weekly basis. I know really enjoy the show and really enjoy the guests. It is good, but there’s no money in it. Right? It’s, it’s hard to find someone to sponsor that. Yeah. So what I mean like I love it, it is so much fun. And it has it’s given me a lot of exposure. And it’s through that that I ended up getting a coaching gig with a with a dental company. And I’m like, yeah, and I’m they’re paid as a coach with this dental company. So was it through podcasting, I probably wouldn’t had that gig. So to say there’s no money in podcasting, well, depends on which way you look at it. But what I realized when I looked at my books, the second book is a better book than the first book. My priority book outsells the business book five to one. Yeah, I know it shouldn’t be telling me something that even though my business book, it’s no secret, there’s many small business there’s another plug is a better book than my podiatry book, the big book sales model. He’s got the word podiatry in it. So I’m like, Okay, I’m going to set up I’m going to stand on the podcast, podiatry hose, podiatry guests talking about podiatry money up to Episode 1112, or something at the moment. And it is doing far better than it’s no secret Dr. T. But isn’t I see the doctor, he is a better podcast overall than the podiatry legends podcast. But the guys your show that there’s riches and niches niche down and getting on for one particular thing. And that relates back end What? Why kick this off on the bummer battle. This is what did I do with my podiatry thing, I focused in one area, I spent 98% of my time doing orthotics. And that’s where I made all my money in podiatry was being really good at one thing, and I and my patients knew that. I knew when they come in, I can help them because that’s all my focus was almost doing that one thing, and I did it really well. So then I go into podcasting and what a do I want to get really broad.
Unknown 42:02
So now that I’ve niched it back down to just the the podiatry legends podcast, I still a great podcast and the guests I have on share some amazing stories. And I love talking to them.
Unknown 42:14
But yeah, that that’s, that’s what I’ve learned through this process. So I know I’ve got another couple of books in me
Unknown 42:22
that I’m in the process of writing at the moment. And yeah, so hopefully, by the end of this year, there’ll be two more books coming up. Just not sure the title yet.
Justin Trosclair 42:33
Well, I’ll tell you this. When I was looking at doing this podcast, I was listening to the bunch of chiropractor podcasts. And I think, man, there’s so much you can learn from other people, other professions. So that’s why I went out. And because there’s so much competition with just chiropractic. But then when you look at books, same way, if I’m on Amazon, and I’m like, All right, let me find something about business growth. If there’s one Chiropractic and I’m like, oh, it really strikes a chord with me. I’m like, All right, good. They’ll actually know the jargon. They’ll know the struggles that are unique to me. Yeah. And the same with podiatry. So it doesn’t makes sense that it’s a niche. But, you know, you learn and like you said, you’ve got an experience, you’ve gotten good at it, it may not be as good if you would have just started with podiatry like you might have,
Unknown 43:09
I think, yeah, I think by writing up, you know, like writing the second book is going to make my third book better. Even though I’m going I’m heading back in toward podiatry. And I’m actually doing like a side one on podcasting. And but by writing a second book, it made me a better writer, which I know it will then make my third book better. Yeah, doing the first podcast associate with Dr. T. broaden my mind talking to so many other people. All that knowledge that I’ve learned from them is also going to be in my third book that I wouldn’t have got if I had just did
Justin Trosclair 43:38
just spoke to podiatrist ding ding ding.
Unknown 43:40
So to me it like I said to go back. Yeah, there’s no money in podcasting. So they say, but the knowledge he learned, depending on what you do with that knowledge, it’s not a good doctor. He could be worth millions of dollars to me in the future, if I apply what I’ve learned from it to the rest of my life. Exactly. I love it. We’re
Justin Trosclair 44:00
gonna switch gears before you go. Yep, we’ve got I’m ready for it. All right.
You’re married. You got kids? Do how in the world you keep a work life balance and keep everybody happy in the family too. Oh, they’re not happy. easier. That’s easy.
Unknown 44:15
It’s easier. Don’t try and make him happy. Yeah. Well, it’s, it’s accurate. If you ask my wife, she probably go I you know, we’re waiting for that to happen. But seriously, does she have probably gotten the best at it? Where I realized, yeah, it’s not all about me. It’s Yeah, I do have to lift your what do you do have to participate in what the family’s doing? You can’t keep saying it. Oh, look, I’m busy at work. I can’t help. So beginning especially begin this year, we sat down and my daughter dances every night of the week for a couple of hours to mornings at 6am you know, I do kickboxing I go the gym my wife. She does running you guys did you miss well, so at the beginning, she we sat down, and we looked at everything we’re all doing and going, Okay, who’s prepared to give up what so it was all about a little bit of negotiation here and there and just fit things in. So to me that I think to really make your relationship work and the balance between work and family life is everybody’s going to be prepared to give a little some way. Great answer. And if every entrepreneur just to give a little things work a little bit better. well as for me anyway, no, that’s a great answer. Yeah, when I was trying to just do everything with no notes all that mainly on the breadwinner, look up being the chest I’m caveman I’m going to go there and clubs, something on the head. We were sort of constantly not not arguing about it, but we always seem to be on the different page to each other. But once I realized, you know what, if I give a little cheese my wife gives a little too. I want my daughter gives a little as well.
Justin Trosclair 45:53
Yeah, needs aren’t being met.
Unknown 45:54
Yeah, but we’re all prepared to just give a little of ourselves then the we can actually get it all done. So this year 2019 has probably been the best year of just actually having that balance right away.
Justin Trosclair 46:09
That’s awesome. And you’re still young so you got plenty more years to keep building on this one.
Unknown 46:13
Yeah. 52
Unknown 46:15
you got a while.
Unknown 46:17
Yeah, yeah, I want to be here for at least another 50 would be would be pretty good. Yeah, as long as I’m still got the energy that I’ve got now. But the other thing to it before I say yes to something when somebody asked me a question so normally gate Yeah. And then I go Okay, my wife and daughter just have to fit around this thing because I’m exceptional. I’d go okay that thank you for asking me I just need to just double check a couple of things first before I say yes and then I go never ever going to be calendar that we put up on the wall we all put our commitments up there. And again, have a look at the calendar and if the calendar spray on a particular day, or it doesn’t say that there’s any major going on there knocking quite compensate Yeah, that won’t be a problem. But if there’s somebody already booked in for Weiss get something on my daughter’s got some eyes, eyes turn ago now. Sorry, I can’t do it. So I don’t expect them to just give up everything. Because of me. Unless it was something you’ve got. Like I’ve always Yeah, if Richard Branson rang me up, and said Tyson and he come to Necker Island for a week, sorry, family will listen to your podcast, and I want you to come for the week. And is that a problem? I would just say yes. Yeah. Yeah. So my wife. I don’t know if he’s gonna annoy you or not. But Richard Branson needs me for a week, she’d go. Tell me all about it when you get back.
Justin Trosclair 47:32
That’s right. Well, one thing you mentioned behind the scenes is you do speaking gigs, you might do workshops, and you’re setting yourself up to be able to create more workshops for yourself and teach others. Yeah. And the hidden part was doing it when your kids are off school in places that you actually want to visit anyway.
Unknown 47:50
Yeah, I think it’s the way like you work hard for certain period of time, and you’ve got, you got mortgages, you gotta pay and in cars and school fees, but once your purchase and getting your life together. To me, it’s all about creating the lifestyle that you actually want. Yeah, dude, I want to be working in a podiatry clinic, Monday to Friday until I was 65. And retired. No, not really. So I started making changes in learning more about speaking and getting into writing and running a couple of workshops so that down the track when my daughter finishes school, I want to have a business that I can take anywhere, doesn’t matter where I go, I could be living in Hawaii. It could be the grass skirt, coconuts. And
Unknown 48:39
yeah, or you could be living in Vancouver, or I can be living in another part of Australia. And my business just travels with me. It’s just the time zones you could be aware of.
Justin Trosclair 48:47
Yeah, that’s an ideal situation.
Unknown 48:49
Yeah. And then in the meantime, between now and then it’s like, okay, where do we want to travel? Let’s get a Melbourne you know, for the September October school holidays. I get what I’m going to run a workshop on the how to use the six pillars of marketing in Melbourne. And yeah, I do been in Perth a couple of weeks ago. It was the same thing. I was going to Perth anyway, I thought well, I’m going all the way over there to catch up with somebody. I might run a workshop and and pay for the trip. And that’s exactly what I did
Justin Trosclair 49:15
this the long Saturday, that’s all Oh,
Unknown 49:17
all it was a Saturday afternoon for hours on a Sunday afternoon. And and that paid, paid my airfare accommodations took care of everything. That’s the benefit of like, even with yourself yet living overseas and you can you turn that into educating other people and wallets like to live overseas. I’m thinking of it. Yeah, somebody says I thought about going to China will start running some workshops on how you get to work in China. It’s
Justin Trosclair 49:41
every how to be a good tourist in China, all that kind of stuff. Yeah, I
Unknown 49:44
think there’s so many people in so many professions that have organ an interest in something, find that interest. Just do that learning a little bit more about it than everybody else, and then start speaking about it. And that’s if that’s what you want to do. You might go Oh, no, I don’t want to speak you know, hi, the idea is we will then don’t do it. Right. I’m not saying you have to do it. But yeah, I’ll be petrified I didn’t do my first I got through primary school, high school and university without
Unknown 50:10
ever getting up and doing a public presentation.
Justin Trosclair 50:12
That’s unheard of. So
Unknown 50:13
I know, I know, I just managed to just sneak through be sick not be there. I remember one lecture I went up missing. What’s the oral presentation, which said 40% is it put me down for a zero, I’m not turn up. And I’ll get 50 or 60 for the exam. And and that’s exactly what I did. So I think as 26 First time I got up and added a word in front of other people. And it was so it was terrible. a better word.
Unknown 50:38
That’s a whole different story. Yeah,
Justin Trosclair 50:40
see, and that’s what I like. If people listen to the podcast, I really hope someday if they skip some areas, if they listen to the end, because what you said is like being a couple steps ahead of somebody else. That’s a nugget that if you didn’t listen to it, you wouldn’t hear that. And that could be one of those things that you put away from the episode. And I’m like, yeah, that’s the catalyst for me to go and do something like even in your community, as a doctor, you know, more than your patient you don’t think you do sometimes? Like I’m not special? Yeah, you know, more than they do. So how can you leverage that for like the little workshop at the local library or at your own clinic to try to educate and get some more patients, you know,
Unknown 51:09
it’s just getting out there. And I know, some people do not like public speaking, some of them don’t like getting up in front of people. And, and like I said, I live with that fear for the first 26 years of my life. And I just went ahead so many people say, if you can get over that fear, it will open so many doors. And what really made me do it was I thought I got asked to do this talk for sports medicine, Australia. And I don’t know, why is it? Yes, even this day, I still don’t know why I said yesterday. And I managed to turn a 45 minute talk into about four and a half minutes of mumbling and chrome and almost crying. And
Unknown 51:46
and the doctor invited me said, Please promise me you’ll never ever do any public speaking for the rest of your life. Okay, well, could have been worse. So it was. But what I realized if I didn’t do that talk, if I said no, on that day that we’re going to offer it to my opposition. And that’s where you realize is if they speaking opportunities is is things where you go out there and run a little workshop or talk to her runners club. But any speaking gig now I just say yes to want to check with it’s on the calendar. And I can do it. But because I know if I don’t do it, they’re going to offer it to the offer it to my opposition.
Justin Trosclair 52:19
Yeah, someone’s going to do it.
Unknown 52:20
Someone’s going to do it say yeah, I’ll go, I’ll speak in front of, you know, a running group, you know, 3040 people, I just talked about foot problems, footwear, certain things and looking at for how to avoid injuries. And I told me anything I don’t know. And I know I know better than everyone that’s in the crowd. And I think if people can understand that we’re regardless of what did you do? If you do something on a day to day basis? You know, better than anybody else? Yeah, then get it there and tell people what you know. Yeah, practice in a good way of getting better at speaking is be a guest on podcast.
Justin Trosclair 52:48
That’s good. That’s a good one, too, because then you got to get yourself out there as the email people. And that’s hard to do. Because like, it’s different, but you still got to put yourself out there. So if you can create that little hurdle, get over that. And then get in Did you have already said yes. Oh, boy,
here we go.
Unknown 53:05
I remember that. I used to speak on the radio every Saturday for about five years. And it was a segment was called, let’s talk feet, seen a bit of when they said the background music. Anyway, I remember the first time I got on there. And I’ve got the the the host is there. He’s asked me some questions. And I was like,
Unknown 53:24
I’m trying to get the words here. And I’m, I’m talking fast. I’m sweating. And then we went to a commercial break is just relax. He says, I’m just I’m just asking you really, really simple questions. Anyway. It’s it’ll be three or four times five years later, I’m rocking in there. I’m always pushing the buttons myself. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Because everything is hard until it gets easy and public speaking and putting yourself out there is no different. And do I still get nervous when I do public speaking? Yep. was a little bit anxious before I got on this podcast. Yep. And I think it just it all it does is show that you care. Yeah. Because you want to do the best job you can agree.
Justin Trosclair 54:01
It’s big enough. How can people get in contact with you? What’s your websites and all that?
Unknown 54:06
Probably the easiest way to find me is is through my website. Tyson Franklin calm spelled those special spelling to it just Tyson Franklin calm. And if you’re looking for me on any sort of social media, or Facebook is probably the main place our Hangout, which is just Tyson he, Franklin. But yeah, usually just direct people to the website that way from there, they can see everything else that I’m doing. And that’s where the where the podcasts are as well. Very good.
Justin Trosclair 54:33
Well, I enjoyed our hour together today. And I’m like said I know the guests are going to get some good information out of this. All your information will be in the show notes page with some spoilers, and we’ll just have to reconnect later on in the future.
Unknown 54:45
That sounds damn good. And if I’m in China, I’m looking at least
Justin Trosclair 54:48
do need some more visitors
Unknown 54:52
shall do that.
Justin Trosclair 54:58
That wraps up another episode, you can send me review that’s dot net slash subscribe, Apple, Google Stitcher, Android devices, you just click that button, it’ll take exactly the page you need to you can write a review, hopefully a five star review. I said it does help for other people to discover what we’re doing here. And one thing I haven’t really talked about too much is the doctor’s slash support page, you’re about to host a cup of coffee, go for it. If you want to pledge a little higher fee, there’s buttons for that does even monthly recurring for those who feel like wow, this is like the cheapest mentor coach program I’ve ever seen because you interview so many different kinds of doctors and and have been able to implement things that I’ve heard and it works but monthly recurring payments, which also you can get you my books for free t shirts for free. The first book, you know that deals with health and exercise, getting on a diet, getting your financial health and order as well. things to learn in China, you know that books is available as well. And one thing that I don’t have I don’t have like a full blown page about coaching and things. But there’s a little button there. I’ve had people request, hey, doctors and non doctors asking me can I do more than just answer a couple of questions? Or could you be my coach for a little while and I say yeah, we can do that. So something I haven’t really advertised but it’s something that I can do and do whether it’s marketing strategies for new patients growth, those types of topics. If you’re interested, just email me Justin at a doctor’s perspective. net. If you have any ideas for guests, please send an email Justin at a doctor’s perspective. NET I’d love to hear who you think would be good or a profession that you may not have heard yet, and we’ve got over 100 episodes is gonna be like our third year super excited. We’re going a little mini series like we’ve been doing, which has been fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well that’s that’s the feedback I’ve gotten on remind everybody that we have some great affiliate links available if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, we’ve got the edge tool and we got the hot grips saves you about 10% also with the edge you’ve got the like blood pressure cuff restrictions system you got the G sweet inexpensive Mr in case you’re talking to him cash practice and of course I got my own electric acupuncture pin to go with the known adventure book that time you know have a bundle set bringing them all together for a great price. also have the free downloads at a doctor’s perspective, net slash blueprints. And more lately I’ve been doing is substituting a fifth one like I’ve done a neat and depend on the guest I might do a different type. So check back there. You’ve got the primal paleo grass fed protein bone broth style save 10% on that no sugar, allergy free, gluten free, dairy free all those types of things mentor box get taught by the author, we got set preset for those floss bands and you may have heard about on one of the episodes really like those. If you want to know what hosting us for podcasting, blueberry, pure VPN, that’s one of those ones I use to help keep my payments secure as well as access the internet more safely in the Amazon products that you might want. Click the link in the show notes pages. So all those resources can be found a doctor’s perspective, net slash resources. There’s also t shirts slash t shirts, put up some new designs from time to time like making lemons out of lemonade shrimp oh boy plus all the Chiropractic and podcast swag that’s you could want as always, listen critically think and implement Have a great week.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share across the social media rather review and you go to the show notes page. You find all the references for today’s guest. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
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