E 106 Cash Practice PT, Modern Manual Therapy, G Suite EMR, EDGE Rehab EQ Dr. Erson Religioso III DPT

e a doctors perspective cash practice pt edge rehab modern manual therapy dr e
Dr. Erson “Dr E” Religioso III DPT talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast

Cash practice PT physical therapy: learn about fees, location, marketing etc. Dr. Erson Religioso III talks about his EDGE mobility IASTM tool, BFR cuffs, using G suite as EMR and new trends and topics about modern manual therapy and mobility.

We start with some pet peeves with chiropractic and physical therapy but mostly dispelling some of the negative stereotypes that we each have heard about the other. Then we dive deep into cash practice as a physical therapist.

He was 12 years as a insurance provider but for the past 8 years he has been cash pay.

As a cash practice PT Do you drive around the city, work at a gym, rent space in someone’s office? What tends to work best to not only keep overhead low but provide an excellent service for your patient? Do you need 1500 sq ft and 5 staff? Instead of driving around all day, can you do telemedicine with skype or facetime?

Part of the reason he is on the podcast today is to talk about the products he created and the seminars of manual therapy that he teaches and it’s because of these ancillary services he was able to drop HMO plans and go cash without stressing about finances.

How do you handle all the scheduling, billing, website and marketing as a one doctor show?

Part of the allure of cash practice is to charge what you want and spend as much time as you want with patients. When you charge $125-300per hour, what happens when after 37 minutes the patient has made all the progress they could that day? Listen to Dr E’s novel approach to avoid this potential ethical dilemma. Also he touches on canceled appointment, which really matter when you only do 1 on 1 sessions not 4 people per hour.

Great pointers on time blocking to be more efficient and with six kids, he has tested his theories regularly.

How do you answer the question: do you take my insurance?  His answers leads into, why do direct marketing versus relying on medical doctor referrals.

Goal of manual therapy is to make nervous system to accept load and move threat free.

We discuss his theory on keeping the therapeutic benefits window open longer by doing better home programs as well as why he has changed his tune from IASTM needing to bruise you to a Light Touch accomplishing the same goals. Another concept, home exercises done longer than we would normally expect at one time. It challenges the body but not to the point over doing it.

Manual therapy that is safe and nearly Pain Free – what a novel concept. IASTM tools you are not deforming the fascia so no need to put more pressure that a dog licking you.

Most manual therapy works in the short term, but what works for the long term because we know it’s not really mechanical but is it more neurological?

Why is placebo so strong and how can that simple stimulus still get people to feel better?

Why is it that Trigger Points seem to feel bigger with our fingers than they actually are?

 EDGE SuspensionTrainer: Allows you to do different angels and change the intensity of different exercises by having one extremity suspended in air.

EDGE Mobility Tool: his myofascial IASTM tool

 EDGE Restriction System BFR (blood flow restriction) Cuffs: a research based (essentially a modified blood pressure cuff but so much more than that) air sack that impedes the blood flow to the rest of the extremity it is attached to. This allows human growth hormone to up-regulate and hypertrophy to occur at lower loads. This could mean you only have to max load 30% instead of 70% which is generally hard to do in a clinical setting.

Are floss bands / mobility band safe and effective? It can cause you to go numb in a minute so it needs to be supervised.

How important is a novel stimulus to finding neurological results whether its in stretching or pain relief tactics?

G Suite forInexpensive EMR 2.0: Dr E sells a program to show you how to do it but monthly you are looking at less than $10 a month (paid to google suites) for HIPAA compliant EMR EHR as long as you sign a BAA (business associate agreement) with them. You can create forms, soap notes and all that.

https://www.themanualtherapist.com/             Modern Manual Therapy  2 podcasts Untold Physio stories and therapy insiders and all social media is modmt.com

 Better in 4 or see me no more.”

edge g suite inexpensive EMR google apps, edge restrictionsystem BFR blood pressure cuff, Edge iastm mobility tool myofascial tool, edge suspension trainer

BOOKS: Therapeutic Neuro Science Education Adriaan Louw

A Guide to Better Movement

Why We Sleep

Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/106 here you can also find links to things mentioned and the full transcript.

Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand

Unknown 0:05
Episode 106 cash practice PT bottles manual therapy g sweet EMR edge rehab. I’m

Justin Trosclair 0:10
your host Dr. Justin Charles Claire and today with Dr. person. Also the third perspective during 2017 and 2018 podcast Awards Nominated host as we get a behind the curtain look at all types of doctors and guests specialties. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.

Welcome back to the show, I tell you what, being home being with family seeing everybody level my kid is just heart warm on know y’all know the feeling? Well, I do hope your holidays were good. I hope you got some goals set for yourself for 2019. Heck, it’s middle of January. If you haven’t contacted me, I can definitely help you with that a marketing strategy, coaching Whatever you need, you know, just another doctor’s perspective. net, the email, look, remember to implement with the goals that you set, you know, hire a coach to help you, you need to invest in yourself for 2019. So you make the best year and hey, tune in, we’re gonna have a lot of good podcasts this year, plus all the other ones to really help you navigate better marketing and better referrals and you know, as an entertainment value to learn more about what other doctors are doing out there. And today’s guest is great. He is the guy behind the manual therapists. The modern manual therapists really is what he likes to sing. And we’re going to go over cash practice how to do it and pitfalls. you rent space out of a gym, do you drive around you have your own place? Or what’s a good rate? What did you charge, we’re going to go into, you know, new concepts and manual therapy. I mean, do we need to brew somebody with these is TM tools or just you know, like touch Okay, we’re gonna go through that. And he has some products, everything is called edge. So it starts out with the edge mobility is TM tool is on my radar for a long time. And he also has these two products that will talk about called the suspension trainer, and a blood flow restriction cuff. I thought I was calling me like flossing, the floss bands. But it’s not really. And it’s got a lot of research to back it up. And he has his version of it. And one thing that also I heard him on a nother podcast, and a couple of other the other cash teas, which we’re also going to interview the next two weeks or so Joseph, Simon and Aaron live are they’re both all three of these people are cash practice. And they all have their own podcast talking about an interview and other doctors. So I’m really excited to have them on because we can really pick their brains about what’s working, what’s not working. And so one of the things that they have is a doctor, he our guests and Dr. Aaron coming up, they both helped with this thing called g sweet for inexpensive email. And that means Google Docs, Google documents, Google Forms and using that for your EMR because you’re not building insurance. Maybe you don’t need that big fancy to talk about that how to look all of these products. I’m going to fill it with it as well. So all the products if you go to edge mobility, system.com slash discount slash trust Claritin, you can get 10% off anything you order. Now, if you go to the show notes page, each item that he has, it’s a hyperlink. So again, Israel, buddy system.com slash discounts. last choice, Claire 10. Save yourself 10%. All right, all the show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective, net slash 106. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China and Buffalo, New York. Today on the show. We’ve got a Doctor of Physical Therapy. He’s the man behind modern manual therapy. That guy has to podcast called untold physio stories and therapy insiders. He has all these amazing tools that you can use and the for rehab and everything. He’s a cash practice. So lots of pick his brain about please welcome the show. Dr. e. aka Dr. Carson.

Unknown 3:42
Henley. Also the third. That’s not that I’ve been definitely been introduced worse. I mean, people butcher My name every day. So thanks for having me on the show, Justin. Absolutely. You know, here in China, they just called me loud job like job. I don’t know where they get this stuff from. But it just means old man sometimes. Thanks, guys. Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’s very rough road show.

Unknown 4:03
Yeah, yes. That’s what it is.

Unknown 4:05

Justin Trosclair 4:07
Well, like kind of did the quick intro there’s so many avenues to talk to you about. You got all these products. I want to discuss those you have cheap Google using that for your EMR, which blows my mind. Cuz I’m like you I don’t want to spend a lot of money on these recurring themes. That one I use is actually you pay one fee, and you’re good to go into the next update a couple years later, no monthly fee big fan of that. So really want to know about that. And then we’ll just touch on some of the cash practice stuff. So it was getting popular in chiropractic. It’s getting popular in physical therapy. And everybody says, oh, nobody wants to pay but in reality they do. And you guys have waiting lists sometimes. So so far, so good.

Unknown 4:42
Yeah, yeah, it sounds good. Although I have to say it and everyone traditionally the cash practice and practice and then late, you know, later, they jumped on a GMOs and everything.

Justin Trosclair 4:51
Well, when you say later, I mean, we’re talking still in the 80s. We got on the insurance. But then in the last 10 years, since I’ve been in practice 11 years now, it became more popular, where people were just saying, hey, you need and I didn’t like this, hey, you need these $3,000 36

visit treatment plans no matter what you have. And you know,

this is why nobody likes chiropractic. Come on.

Unknown 5:15
Yeah, you don’t ever see a physical therapist make someone sign a contract for $5,000 is they need to come twice a week, I had a patient say they had to come twice a week, five days a week for six months. And then it was daily for three months, then it was three times a week for two months, then it’s twice a week, two months. And when I was saying or she was still in the daily or the by daily for 45 minutes ago, guy for cervical instability, and he was adjusting her upper cervical spine and she had some sort of like, massive Baroque era. And I was like, I don’t really think

Unknown 5:49
you should be having this adjusted, or much like once once a year, much less like twice a day and whatnot. But anyway, we’re not here to bash Kira. There’s good. There’s good, bad question.

Unknown 6:01

Justin Trosclair 6:01
The only thing we typically hear from like PCs is like the ones that are lazy. They did ultrasound, and I do some stretches that I could have done at my house and I’ve been doing it for six weeks the worst. Oh, you like

Unknown 6:12
that’s got over get underneath your skin? Yeah, we just talked about the worst Kairos at the the most apathetic like you went to school for this like that really understand the East him maybe. And that’s even more so then if you even gave up on an east and then typically most people’s perception of bad pizza, which is like average PT is your PT might meet with you for like maybe 20 minutes of the first visit. And the office person gives you your exercise card. And you pretty much pay a copay to belong to a gym. Yeah, yeah. Like you never your PT might say hi to you take some range of motion motions. But I’m not that kind of PT.

Unknown 6:47
Check the

Justin Trosclair 6:48
box chiropractic. You know, we have those people like right box get paid a debt my eight minutes.

Unknown 6:55
necessary. It’s not eight to 15 minutes.

Unknown 6:57
Yeah, it’s a it’s not it’s not difficult to float to the top. It’s not It’s not difficult to be the cream, or to the right of the bell curve, actually in professions. It which is sad. It’s sad, especially when it comes to healthcare. You know, your average account isn’t probably hurting anyone. Least physically. Yeah.

Justin Trosclair 7:16
Well, let’s, let’s reverse my ordered in because that’s what kind of sat in about this so far. So you are a cash practice, right?

Unknown 7:22
Yeah, I tried. This is a cash practice probably about maybe three or four years ago at this point. Yeah. But I’m practicing for 20 years. And for the first 12 years of my career, kind of did it traditional HMO. And then I, I did a practice, practice I, I was almost leasing space for practice, just paid per position and brought in.

Unknown 7:44
But I had like a, like, I was essentially almost like a hairstylist. He was like renting a chair, you know, I didn’t have I didn’t have a lease, but my what I were HMO based, and what my lease fee was, was they will take a portion of battery patient, which actually, it worked really well. Um, you know, because it wasn’t like a violation of star class or anything, but they just show their reimbursement was worded. It’s such that it wasn’t violation to start class or I think so like I would be they’re paying me for referrals. So bring it on my own referral, do my own marketing and everything. But yeah, I had otherwise no, no overhead, you know,

Justin Trosclair 8:22
yeah. Because whatever that percentages, you probably was spent more than that, if you had your rent, fax machine, Mark, you know,

Unknown 8:28
all that stuff that you have to do when you have your own clinic? Absolutely. Yeah. And they worked fairly well until I decided to go cash base and I decided to go cash paid. Because I started having it starts off the edge tool, I started blogging, I started making a nickname often the social media world and I started having alternative means of monthly recurring revenue. So then, for me going cash base was much less of a risk because I didn’t have I didn’t have as much risk going into it, you know, and have to obviously go I didn’t work and hopefully my patients will follow me. Because I was teaching seminars, I had product, everything that would get into it. For me, it was something I always wanted to do and decade with what I felt was was I was work I’ll still spending one on one time with patients. I just didn’t make nearly as much money as your RFP to use these four to six people. And

Unknown 9:12

Justin Trosclair 9:14
and this is a couple of cast PT podcasts. And maybe that’s why they have to charge 150 to 350 like in New York City type of prices, because they’re only seeing like one at a time.

Unknown 9:24
Yeah, I mean, it’s pretty easy to also cut a lot of a lot of cash PT, you might have an AWS person, but I mean, these people, you know, it’s easy to have online scheduling online payments, portals and RPS you know, so we’ve typically just like a small practice maybe we just rent space or for me it was a table in a gym for many years still I still just kind of a table a little bit of equipment in my daughter’s gymnastics facility now that’s pretty much where his patients couple days a week so yeah, I’m cash PT anything Kokesh they practice you get to practice that you positively most people get into it so they can charge the rates what they feel like they’re worth spend as much time as they need with the patient and provide that experience that they’ve always wanted to I mean, I don’t know too many cash pts who get into it charging you know 150 to 350 an hour and still seeing for

Justin Trosclair 10:19
patient Oh, that’s better results tend to works out that I have to do on my own

piece of equipment over here.

Unknown 10:28
So there’s a female the presentation people may people pay for, you know, I have the latest iPhone people pay for it, you know, the more expensive it is dealing Apple these days. So

Justin Trosclair 10:38
what then are you noticing and you’re selling 30 minute blocks in our block, you just have to get more creative you’re like well, you know, I could do some mile fashion work with the tool or something and you know, I’m not forced to do 15 minutes because I literally only to do three or four and you’re good to go in this spot then transition to other things like you ever feel like you have to make up something those last 15 minutes or

Unknown 10:58
I’ve had people pay me up front like people pay me because I may online and watch me on youtube or Instagram or whatever they failed with whoever they’re saying it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re difficult case because you know, people with chronic pain just means they have came for a long necessarily that it’s some sort of purse troopers painstakingly Fibromyalgia or central sensitization, it’s means that they’ve been getting bad care, you know? Yeah. So I had to pay me once he drove for like four hours to see me paid three hours, he was a massage therapist, as well, he read my stuff online, I ended up you know, addressing list is concerns in 45 minutes, he’s like, well, I still got like, two hours and 15 minutes with you. So I just mentioned it. But for the gut is another here’s another type inclination for the most part, I try to spend as little time with people as possible, and you know, I don’t charge them after, that’s the difference. I used to have that online, online portal payment, three square that they would use square calendar, and they would pay for the visit up front. But that led to those problems, you know, someone pay me for an hour and I’d be done with a half an hour and I’m like, let’s just consider and count your reps for another half an hour. Yeah, and so they don’t have to would have to fund them cuz cuz you can’t look just like all over next week. I’m not I’m not gonna like this going to like commit, it’s like at amp T or Verizon plan, cell phone plan and just roll it over. It’s unethical. You can’t you’re charging for medically unnecessary treatment, essentially, even if they want you to keep the money or as a tip or whatever.

Unknown 12:19

Unknown 12:21
So that’s why we have them pay after.

Justin Trosclair 12:24
That’s pretty cool. Well, I haven’t heard that one yet. I really liked that idea. Because if you are done in 15 minutes, of course, your scheduling could be off. So how do you deal with that? Like, I thought it was gonna take 30 and now I’m not seeing as many people this they as I could have our doesn’t really matter.

Unknown 12:39
Well, I see a lower case, like, you know, I might only be three or four people in a day. So if I’m running behind, or some of the little late it doesn’t interest me anymore, because I know I don’t have 10 people waiting in a waiting room.

Justin Trosclair 12:51
Okay, like you said, you do have a extra income replace,

Unknown 12:53
right? Even if I saw a full caseload what I entered like an eight hour day, just knowing that I only had, I probably would only schedule that with, you know, six people or something like that. Just Yeah, I just wouldn’t book I mean, and that’s the thing, I wouldn’t have to overbook knowing it’s I would have made whatever I felt was necessary to, you know, be back, essentially.

Unknown 13:15
And let’s

Justin Trosclair 13:16
be honest, if you’re that much of a marketer, like you’re implying, there’s always something to do. There’s always a video you could edit and those 10 minutes or 20 minutes that you didn’t have a patient in between. And there’s always something that you could do busy work that needs to be done anyway.

Unknown 13:31
Absolutely. If it wasn’t just social media, or editing videos, or do something like that.

Unknown 13:37
They can cancel the like, great. I’m going to go work on

Justin Trosclair 13:40
because you got like five kids, don’t you?

Unknown 13:42
I do have five kids and have a 616 hundred way.

Justin Trosclair 13:44
Yeah. So I mean, your time is precious when we’re talking after work or before work,

Unknown 13:48
for sure. And you know, one of the one of my favorite things to do, actually just to how I managed my day, because being in social media, and having you know, podcasts and YouTube and Instagram and Facebook, I’m also creating content, and I was writing and filming and recording. So one of the best things I ever started doing was just time blocking, you know, because I know I had all these things to do. And I would always kind of mentally cross them off. Once I started finding certain times of certain days, like I want to answer answer emails from 9am to, you know, 9:30am on every day, I’m going to shoot a video, you know, this time on Monday from like, 1011 I’m going to edit audio files from Wednesday, better, it’s better and I’m going to see patients at this time. So when you have like certain things time blocked on your calendar, or whatever can use it’s a much more objective way to kind of get things done and then cross them off Alyssa so to always just thinking if I have to do this after this after this and you’re much more efficient to

Justin Trosclair 14:46
No kidding. Wow. If anybody’s listening, I’m just kidding. That was a really, really good point you just made I’ve mentioned this before in past podcasts, when you block your time you know what’s coming up and if you don’t get that you know, you can just put it on for later. Otherwise you end up surfing on Facebook for too long or watching the YouTube rabbit hole. And you like Oh man, I was actually supposed to do something on YouTube. I wasn’t supposed to just watch videos today. Dang it. So good job on that

Unknown 15:14
people do things or

Justin Trosclair 15:17
you know all right write stuff to captions. Okay, patients are going to ask you Hey Doc you think insurance I haven’t got this great insurance I want to use it and then you say Nah, man I don’t take it that you can pay me cash like how did that conversation

Unknown 15:32
work? Well let me tell you if I know I have to spend more than three or four minutes convincing someone will I been on my client period you know it I again I don’t I direct market patients I don’t do doctors or girls or anything anymore okay just tell anyone should direct market I always tell people you know Apple direct markets to consumers they don’t like market to at amp t that’s what that’s what that would be like you are going to doctors because if you do get one patient complained to the doctor and they’re never gonna send you a patient again you spent like five years doing well with 90% of that doctors patients the wrong person at the right time will make that doctor he so typically the patient to find any have googled me you know they might lead generator that limit or something like that because all the same digital marketing strategies that ever use this for any business can be used for healthcare healthcare for the most part by and large has not adopted it so many leads generated did like a discovery visit with you or whatever you know, they’re already invested why they need to pay their health they looked at my tagline better and for see me anymore and they’re kind of like oh man Excel for something different he’s he’s one on one he doesn’t have assistance or anything like that, you know, any of the stuff that I put in my landing page no interest someone to make them think that oh, this is a probably a better experience. I’m bought selling the experience inviting someone to the best care possible. So typically, I’m going for people who are willing to pay for that, but also not a network right? When people say oh, do you take insurance I say no, but look, this is how much I should just such a charging our the first visit is typically all is an hour unless you have some kind of super simple case, which I don’t want to you know cut things short. Where do you have job evaluating you? But I will give you would normally I will turn you go ahead and submit that to your insurance and you reverse normally have added network benefits. You know, and I kind of break that so maybe you’ll get reimbursed 78% of what I charge that you might you might even pay lower than what your copay is. The buffalo here some people have like 45 $60

Unknown 17:34
co pays. And ironically if that’s actually more than we get reimbursed No kidding. I know Yeah, we

Unknown 17:42
$4 for no once we pass to you ready getting ready charging way we get reimbursed. I can see someone for three hours, we’re going to get $40 $50

Unknown 17:52
copay patients for something great, like the $40 that yet reimburses on top of this and like literally your income interesting. Zero because you your copious more.

Unknown 18:05
Yes, sir. And they still think of think of this as a way, which is the crazy thing, right? Like they paid plus zero, right? Zero plus a deductible. Insurance won’t pay anything. And they still say one of the a lot of visits the way that they didn’t pay anything.

Justin Trosclair 18:19
The only get 10. Now you’re like, wait, this is not?

Unknown 18:23
Yeah, for an insurance agent. We’re not gonna be like part to the podcast. I could tell you horror stories from that.

Justin Trosclair 18:29
So follow up question. I meant to ask it a second ago. I’ve seen people like you said, you rent space out of your daughter gymnastics studio. Some people do cross fits. And I’ve heard people driving around all over. How does somebody make driving around work? Have you ever tried that?

Unknown 18:44
Let’s try it for a bit. And it only took me like one or two. Not great experiences at certain patients houses for me never want to do it again. And I think I feel like that is it’s NASA like it might be coming. It might be the next day. Like I know some people kind of things, any fish and make that work. I mean, it even when my wife did traditional PT homecare, it all it took was to patients to cancel and all of a sudden the whole day’s work because she’s trying to do this. And, you know, Davey at the same time, and she had always had like run between visits, and nurse, nurse the baby and then get back to my mom and, and run out and see a patient again, way so that way you know reschedule or something that that would be very difficult to that. Granted, you know, actually home care next week, we make way more reinforcement compared to like, outpatient pts. But I, I’ve offered that. And I typically I just charge a lot more to cover for the Tom and the fuel. And never, that’s how I offer it. But then I kind of just went to let’s just do you know, Skype or FaceTime or something like that. And I call it a consultation rather than a visit because it’s not really a visit. If it’s someone state, ah,

Justin Trosclair 19:57
can you tell me what you can’t do manual therapy to some body, but you could teach him how to like he’s a lacrosse ball? Or how to do some kind of mobilization on their ankle or how to do these different exercises. Can you do that through Skype? Does that work?

Unknown 20:10
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the whole point of it, my favorite eclectic approach to modern manual therapy. And I have a couple of other courses to monitoring grading modern patient education brand, but what I teach otter manual therapy, my one of my quotes is the goal of manual therapy is to make you nervous system and tissues be able to accept load, and move threat free. So the whole point of manual therapy that I teach meditation, even from day one is that has this transmit window where you can feel better and load better and move better was are there but unless you kind of want to keep that up and keep the window open, then you’re not going to write period because anyone who has ever said oh need links, maybe better adjusting better manipulation may be better mobilization maybe better is to maybe better that didn’t last I always say this because you aren’t doing the right we’re not doing the Home program high enough because basically research shows that the the transients are temporal was facts of mobilization manipulation, mate last five to 45 minutes or two to four hours, whatever study you read. So essentially, when I tell things like that the patients I’m like, I’m going to give you a very simple exercise which I call our sec so it doesn’t reset your nervous system. And you’re going to keep on keep keep that window open because basically the launchpad pain into protective you nervous system is the brains only doing its job, it’s going to start to that window because it’s trying to protect you in that window was closed and I can use my hands if you can imagine like opening and closing a window window window is is almost close your you have a smaller zone, I call it a buffer zone where you can do activities or your range last you know they might have time you can stand as us but if you do sets So Cal if I were to needle you were just you manipulate you that kind of opened the window and each one of those each one of those techniques might be like a plus five, I will give you something similar to continuously novelty and non threatening stimulate your nervous system. So every time you do this one program might be like a plus five, right? Can you have to have something high enough those two distinct that window open if you want to do it, they would just kind of the failure of most rehab clinicians to different people these great exercise when programs but the dosage isn’t high enough. You know, I always tell people, it’s kind of like a like a z Pak or every packet and this with those needs to be hopping and university needs to be convinced that whatever activity position that is learned his name, but not necessarily truly threatening, you need to be convinced that that is safe. So if you do a high enough dosage for high enough high within the first 48 to 72 hours, you should be able to keep a significant amount between visits. So there’s nothing Matt what I you know, when your question to me on the email with the block header get better? Absolutely. But I think the majority of people, like if you have like a 5050 success rate, you’re not you’re not prescribing them as a clinician

Justin Trosclair 22:50
very interesting. It’s because you actually said you teach the modern modern manual therapy so yeah, what is something that would separate you for I mean, you kind of good explained a lot of it but you know, something features might take your course whether it’s an online course or they came out and did a in person one What’s one or two things that they could take away to tend to like man, I really should look into this further because it seems like it’s doing more than the what I learned in the past.

Unknown 23:15
Right? Well, I’m much personally training manual therapists meaning that you know, my fellow of the American Academy of orthopaedic mania physical therapist, I taught three fellowship programs, I learned a lot of the things that no manual PT is osteopath and Kairos learned, you know, patient based assessments, but I call pressing and guessing or protein and hoping and me know, when we all kind of learn those things, that you instantly felt the connection, you know, you instantly felt millimeters of gathering or approximation of the set points or Spanish processes, Italy felt that you didn’t have to convince yourself that you’re feeling something, then you are just fooling yourself, right? Like any of these assessments is calculation based assessment is so difficult, right? They’re all the sense that we learned that are passive and intermittently passive. They’re so difficult to perform. Everything I teach is easy. And everything I teach basically doesn’t have palpitation mode, I teach a way to make every single manual therapy technique be either pain free, or at least this pain free as possible. And that’s very contrary to what I learned because everything was, Hey, you know, let’s pop eight frightful ability or something being in a place, right and, and it turns out, the majority of those, the majority of those have are all outdated, they’ve all pretty much been proven, there’s very little to no research that shows there any mechanical effects of any kind going on. You know, when I was in social work, I eventually learned you to push on the fascia and the joint capsule harder. So you get into that plastic arranged to form it. And and I think the problem is, I had success, you know, vented and I SDM tool. Because even though as a rock climber at a time in my 20s my kids are getting tired because I was seeing maybe 15 patients a day just beating the tar out of them basically bruising them I would tell my students didn’t Bruce, someone by the end of the interview enough job can we’ve all done that we’ve all had taken, you know, seen I’ve seen people who, who had ICM under IT band, they were burgers, but yet there and he felt that the problem is, as we are victims of our own success, we we are very aggressive treatments, we still have success academic, we think that the force was necessary. And I’ve transitioned from pretty much it for 12 years to the last eight years of my career. And when I teach I am I teach, you need to scrape the tool with your hand with the amount of a force of a cat or dog licking you, you’re still going to get an effect because all you’re doing is you’re stimulating the nurse indicators that person to sit in the hair follicles, you know, you’re not the forming anything because literally fascia and joint capsule containing thousands of pounds of force before two forms. 1%. So how strong you are, you know, unless you’re the Incredible Hulk or Superman, whichever comic book you like, comic book universe, you’re probably not doing anything mechanical.

Justin Trosclair 25:55
Right? That’s one thing I did learn before. Is that what we thought it was doing? Ba ba ba boom. Now Actually, no, that’s not really what it’s doing. I got what you’re talking about. Now it’s it’s the nervous system thing is actually working on a completely different system than we originally expected.

Unknown 26:10
Right? Because all we’re doing is we’re we’re changing the perception of strive to retain this perception of threat. So we have novel input, which changes the output of pain or the output of the deliverable. And that’s it. I mean, if it wasn’t just that, and it’s funny, because there’s these like to seminal papers, and maybe didn’t these in the show notes I graffiti researcher in with Julia Laski, I used to always refer to as someone on paper, like the modern mechanisms of manual therapy or something like that. He wrote 2008, he just updated in 2018. And the conclusion is, we still really don’t know why these things are working. I mean, there’s obviously a sliver of studies show that it works, right. And if all things work, and all things work in the short term, but we should only really became about the long term for now. But in 10 years, no one really knows what works. We just know it’s not mechanical, very. So that’s kind of what I call modern man. Be, you know, you don’t need can levels of how patient courses and 20 levels of then agenda and manipulation courses to refine skill. It’s really what you should do to refine your skills is to educate and connect with the patient to teach them around self assessments and self treatments and try and minimize manual therapy. therapy. I tried to teach that it’s anything else.

Justin Trosclair 27:22
Yeah. And I don’t have to go to your seminar every year to keep certified and all this either.

Unknown 27:26
Now, that’s why social media. Yeah. Very good.

Justin Trosclair 27:29
That’s great. I mean, that’s something that I’ve been looking for. I’ve interviewed a few people in the past where there’s tools or they have their own system that they’re promoting where combines all these different things. And it’s just kind of fun to see people like yourself, they have this this brain where they’re able to take everything that they’ve learned. And there’s I only use this tool, or I only do this and then all of a sudden, it’s not just one thing when we just come packages all together, assess it a different way to describe what’s necessary in a different way. And for some people like what you’re saying that might read resonate with a lot of people were like, yeah, I’m tired of my thumb’s hurting. My patients are tired of being bruised, I need something softer, but this effect,

Unknown 28:08
right. And, and that was that was really hard for me to buy. I mean, when I started manual therapy, I like super aggressive sports much, right? Because I thought that I needed to have these trigger points looks like elbowed, right. I thought I needed to have a trigger point Kane and my man man cave. And I would just sit there and watch an entire Lord of the Rings movies, and you know, pen and stretch a trigger point in my trap. Because I thought I thought I needed to be done. I’m like, man, I can’t, I can’t run anything. I’m just gonna take like three hours to rub it out. It’s crazy, right? Like you think you need it needs to be done because you use the same techniques on people. And I never used to have this massage therapist first base for me, I never heard of what she had built the latest f Mirage tops, but she was barely touched you. And even though in my head, I was like, man, it possibly doing anything. I really wish that if this wasn’t for when payments, you know,

Unknown 28:58
when she was done, I would, I would just think like, man, I feel so loose, I just can’t believe like, there wasn’t, there wasn’t even a placebo effect for me. Because you know, everything, say now and manual therapy or a lot of the treatment of rapid effects, essentially placebo effect, which doesn’t mean fake, it really just means that the patient has a positive expectation that there’s going to be a great outcome from the interaction. I didn’t even have that him like, he’s not going to work on this line here. But you know, it’s a free massage, right? Yeah, part of the rents are there. But I would always get up and like on my head and neck or so Lucas, and like, you know what not so now, I believe? Yeah, everything should be super, super light. So my wife and I had those couples massage last year, and they’re this Sunday versus beating into my tab. And 15 years ago. I didn’t like yeah, you know, pushing it hard. And now I’m like, I’ll it hurts for no reason. No need for that. I don’t I’m not gonna like tears coming. I you know, and I was, I was sore for the next few days and 50 ago, the perception of that soreness would have been like, Yeah, that’s a great massage. Like, I’m limping around, because I know that there is no physical reason why she needed to do that.

Unknown 30:09
It’s not

Unknown 30:09
just because I’m getting old.

Justin Trosclair 30:10
Yes. Not just that,

Unknown 30:13
though. It’s not just that it’s something else. We don’t, I’m up

Justin Trosclair 30:17
an instrument based adjuster, our spinal manipulation. Why can’t we have just use spinal manipulation? Why do we have to call it an adjustment when everybody the PTS came in, changes the word and I like their word better sometimes. But anyway, the adjustments? The I use an instrument A lot of times, you know, you do both, but right, and there’s some chiropractors, oh my gosh, oh, there’s no way that instrument works for you like Well, there’s actually that shows it work and it’s not you don’t have to get a running start to move somebody that side joint. You know, you can actually just use one of these guns that has a lots of power and lots of speed, you know? Yeah,

Unknown 30:52
yeah, it gets the job. You know, it’s funny, it was part of that camp to would just think like, Oh, these characters me the jesters, or the progesterone just like I knew her see nothing.

Unknown 31:05
Yeah, I had a Kyra, who stays from us, I think model time. And I was like, man, I can’t believe these things work. It’s really comfortable, right, like a little sneak camera. But the thing with that is, in this is part of what I also teach in my courses is that everything works. And if there wouldn’t be all these disparate schools of thought that pretty much all hate each other and are all combating each other and saying, like, our way works, if you reduce our if you use our way to get 80 to 90% of our patients better just that everyone gets 80 to 90% of their patients better. You know, like there wouldn’t be counter spraying in needling and I SDM and my picture release and narrative mimics. And there would be hands on judgment and hands on manipulation. And because it’s all just input. Yeah. And that’s it, you know, and it kind of modern studies that look at what I kind of call versus trials, like soft tissue work versus manipulation or manipulation versus needling, the, the long term outcome is that the results are the same. Right? And then all and you look at like fate, the bullying or cabling vs Real needling or Sham manipulation vs. Real manipulation. Jam group also has independent actors, no long term differences or even short term differences we’re going to, because there’s no Sham treatment, as long as there’s input, in order to really have a sham treatment, the patient just have to live there and have nothing, but rather the same treatment is just order. It’s still some sort of input. Right? And that’s why people people get attached to whatever it is, they’re doing, like, Oh, I mean, again, like 17 years ago, I was I was so attached because I put thousands and thousands of hours into like, believing I can I can I can feel these two sets moving and approximating and gathering and whatever. And I put so much work into being the most specific manipulator in the world. And then because you put work into it, you have success attached to it. Yeah. So it’s hard to have that cognitive dissonance that I had 12 years ago or eight years to I should they wouldn’t all these, like evidence based practitioner is kind of it needed my blog that hey, you know what your dinosaur under like attacking me, oh, you’re perpetuating these massive techniques. And this shouldn’t be a speaker. And, you know, when I really, at first I kind of got it and then the marking them and, you know, they’re all laughing and I teach the same concepts. Now my course except for I don’t attack people, I say you’re a dinosaur. It’s a little it’s a personality, that these kind of almost stereotypes and the way our stuff to a in whether it’s besides literally athletic training or osteopathic like it’s all still taught, even though there’s a right amount of research shows that there are no mechanical effect, or there’s no research shows, you know, like a week cord into your till, till this or an answer tips calculate the causes pain, right? So why are these things perpetuated? It’s because one ever bothers to invented these, these, the teaching, again, they have success with whatever it is they’re doing. So their success mix and believe that the mechanisms behind or the rationale is behind whatever they’re doing is true. And that that’s, that’s the problem is that there could ever, everyone think that’s well, no one would teach the technique, or the whatever technique if they didn’t have like, two runs all the time,

Justin Trosclair 34:10
right? Yeah, they are so convinced, then they can just get people. I was so excited when they when I found out that if you use an instrument, and you hit them in a trigger point a few times versus sticking your thumb in there for a minute, they got the kind of the same results. You know, it’s wearing a vest scores like, yes, this I’m hanging my hat on this one, because I don’t want to have to stick my phones all day. I was like, Yes, I know,

Unknown 34:31
like a few times. This is

Justin Trosclair 34:33

Unknown 34:34
Yeah. And you know, the funny thing about that, if, you know, it’s one of the things that I demo in my courses when teaching with the tool to that I am tool that I invented is that some reason trigger points are bigger with a hand with a patient by him, there’s something about skin on the contact, what I call the p&l effect that makes the trigger point perception bigger to both the top fader annotation for music and I when you inanimate object, even though you still might be able to find that same kind of what feels like a nodule, but it’s not really an entity because, you know, it’s not a physical thing, because cadavers on that trigger points.

Unknown 35:10
That it’s much smaller, like it might feel like, you know, two centimeters to your fingertips, but it’s only going to be like a pea to an inanimate object. And that that’s, that’s very useful to patients for them to realize that it’s not really a physical entities they need to keep on running out. That’s also why I use like more slacking techniques as a distraction technique. Because if it’s a high tone, you know, I in my courses, I say look, you stretch, sleepy patient or a TBI patient or CVA patients as hard and as fast as possible, would you? Would you just like elbow them in high tone to release immediately? They’re like, Well, no, because high tone would react. And Firstly, you would reduce it down. I’m like, well, tone, his tone, you know, and an MFA patient or a patient tone the rules for toner the same it’s the end Ms. k patient, they don’t have an underlying pathology, like CP or you know, a TV IRC. That would keep the tongue. It’s it. tone, tone reduces eventually, we do to fatigue where the nervous system kind of relenting to your unending elbowing pressure. That’s the only reason why why why goes away.

Justin Trosclair 36:19
Let’s do this. You were mentioning a couple times the the tool that you created, have a picture of it on your show notes page. It’s kind of nice, you know, it’s got a nice little grip, different shapes. And there’s a lot of competition out there. So I don’t know if at one point you had a you know, sliver in the bigger sliver in the pie, and all these other people have come out with stuff and it’s hitting you a little bit. I’m not sure. But I do like the way it shaped. I like the way it looks seems like it’s going to work really well. But you also have some other products. I don’t really know what they’re about. And I was kind of curious because they looked interesting on your website.

Unknown 36:51
Sure. Okay. Talk to my own selfless, shameless self promoter, right, everyone’s permit.

Justin Trosclair 36:58
Okay, the suspension trainer. What is that?

Unknown 37:00
Yeah, well, it’s like a trs, essentially, volunteer, Xcode is blue. And for those who don’t know what sex

Unknown 37:05
is, oh, it’s like,

Unknown 37:08
it’s almost like they were origins and what what came to be the TR X was people working out in gymnastics rings. So I’ve been trying to do something like a chest press. But statics rings, it’d be a lot more difficult. But you’ve kind of grade how difficult it is because you’re not just doing a full chest press or push up with full body that you can kind of walk away from this, as mentioned point on wall or a frame above you, so that you’re a bigger angle or less wrinkles. So it’s a great way to kind of progress in regress using bodyweight exercises. And you can challenge your ability quite a bit. Because you’re the point that you’re using your hands, your legs is spend it.

Unknown 37:49

Unknown 37:50
ok. And helps you cheat a little bit. I’ll send you I’ll send you one, you’re going to love it. Okay.

Justin Trosclair 37:54
Now, I have an idea of what the restriction system be fr whatever that means. cuffs.

Unknown 38:01
Yeah. Yeah.

Justin Trosclair 38:03
I think I think I know what it is, and what it what it’s meant for. But give us a little scenario on that. Do you have a YouTube videos of this stuff?

Unknown 38:10
I do? Of course I do. Yeah, more manual therapy on YouTube or modern media, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube? Just search for the settings. Okay,

Justin Trosclair 38:18
so give us an explanation of what this thing is because it’s pretty cool.

Unknown 38:22
All right. So VFR stands for blood flow restriction therapy, or training, depending on whatever you’re searching for this big keyword search engine optimization. And I don’t know exactly exactly how long it’s been around. It’s been around for decades, particularly Japan. But then, most recently, it came to popularity. Basically, in the NFL older, there was a researcher who’s also PT, Johnny wins. And he teaches Romans recovery science and he has a VFR unit. So basically, what they found in the military is that when people were working, working out under charitable friction, which is not the same thing of inclusion inclusion would be you know, you use it, take it on someone you can literally or moss and secluded bloods not going to come screaming at them. But it turns out when you’re working out and partial blood flow restriction, so imagine like, your health plan, pumping up hundred kilometer, hundred 50 millimeters of mercury, and you’re doing bicep curls, that will die feel difficult, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I don’t know how they discovered it. But

Unknown 39:29
they found that when people were working out in blood flow restriction was that there was dramatic increase in human growth hormone. And that hypertrophy happened with much lower loads, because people don’t have purchased the until they’re doing about 70 to 80% of your one rep max. And under blower can, you can get the same benefits, the dramatic increase in human growth hormone, that only 20 to 30% one rep max, which is a very, very big deal for the elderly or someone like in the military, maybe they have, you know, like a limb blown off by an IED or something. So it’s a it’s a huge deal. Because one of the things that room, American Physical Therapy Association has identified and white paper with that, as a profession, we just stuck at loading people. And by loading, I mean, we’re not prescribing that 78% Max, you know, like the seniors are coming in to be conditioned, we’re pretty much giving the military bands and Tom to do three sets of 10. Yeah, like it might be somebody that might be an 80% of our backs. But anyhow, the condition there, but it’s probably not Right, right. We should be using the strength and conditioning principles, a strength coach uses and the great news is, but for everyone, because really, strength training is one of the only evidence based treatments for almost taking it as my Lord is like, literally everyone can use better strength training. So we’re doing a really poor job at it. So back to be our it also turns out that when you’re under pressure, blood flow restriction, there’s also a significant pain, near modulation effect, that you may have analgesia for 24 hours, and maybe you’re working out and district, maybe working out, tend to not apathy, which needs like a kind of answer your question, but gloating strategy. But that learning strategy is so painful that the patient can’t actually dose high enough to make significant physiologic changes tendon, but under VFR, they could you know, someone was stopped and they had surgeries and their atrophy, and they don’t have they don’t have the ability to really load their tendon Well, you can start off under before get that hypertrophy going faster under much lower loads. So it’s probably one of the most exciting and there’s a huge amount of evidence behind it probably more evidence than you know almost like as much evidence as manipulation has up at this point severed hasn’t been decades of research it’s only been maybe a decade right as a huge amount of research but because it got popular in the NFL and this guy started teaching it to different clinicians and everything now there’s several groups that I my group is the ecliptic of Yeah, the collective approach and monitoring training that I think it’s in the wise tm you mentioned Oh, yeah, I have I have I have it with competition. Absolutely. I got had a big slice of the pie before knows a ton of copies. But that’s fine. Because I can’t just rely on only one Halo product to earn my living. VFR is kind of like the bias tm.

Justin Trosclair 42:17
Yeah. Okay. And then I don’t know if you have these, but I’ve been seeing this it’s like a Thera band, but maybe I don’t maybe like three or four millimeters thick. And you would wrap it around like say a shoulder and like really tight and it’s really hard to move and it’s supposed to you know, choke off some of the blood supply. Have you seen those before?

Unknown 42:33
Well, depends. Um, I don’t use those maybe. Oh, floss, right. Yeah, so we’re talking about two different things here because the CSR cause especially archives it’s like our it’s a blood pressure cuff decide well, yeah, ours have multiple bladders though it’s a little bit harder to get to occlusion. She’s other other have like a single blunder like a blood pressure cuff. So it’s much easier to include low pressures. So people, you can use anything, right? If you even most of the researchers say that you can use you use like a tourniquet can use a slot span but the philosophy ads are inherently less safe. Because no no way to control the amount of pressure Yeah, you know, in your you really should only wrap a certain amount with VFR you should be as proximal on your approximate the leg costs we start to get more dystonia stuff to cover more tissues the main event is nerve damage. So yeah, that’s what the if you even if you’re working out like an elbow 10 and opposite you’re still going to wrap around you know as closely as possible. Because it’s just less tissue down there so pathetic and have nerve damage.

Unknown 43:34
So what so typically what philosopher and yes, I have I typically most my own version of something cheaper. I just, I just, I just make it was expensive. And then the real, not the real product, but the main name, and it’s called edge and and make it blue. Yeah, because they’re all on my websites are blue, and my logos and blue because my favorite color. So what what flop before I call edge mobility band, is just to reduce the perception of stretching a lot of goals. When the people who popularized these things, they also do like these max efforts, you know, was popularized and CrossFit. And you know, when I read these studies are these blog posts, it’s like, hey, wrap this around your arm, or will have more regimented and get the rabbit with like 40% stretch and you only have a 20 to 32nd window before your arm goes now. Yeah, like oh, yeah, I do have I do have great shoulder range of motion. But Oh, man. Now I have this freaky Paris DJ, literally cutting off butterfly effect.

Unknown 44:28
Yeah, that’s a great idea. But again, people have success with that cross. It really buys into it because it hurts and they think it’s great. But then like, just like anything else, like how I teach I SDM because I teach us mobility man’s and my courses. Now I just say like, you only need to wrap as lately as possible because the light compression is just another stimulus and full, especially light compression. When something hurts, what do you do you like your shoulder hurts, you compress it, you don’t like rip the skin from the fascia? Never ever tried to rip something off when it’s already you compress it. So compression, kind of enhance the stability from like a DNS standpoint, and it just feels like his novel, right? Yeah. So turn it out, let very light compression. The way if you just wrap it as lazy as minimal stretch, and it the way I think it works, because it decreases the percentage to the stretch. And anytime you dramatically in emotion on anything, whether it’s like a median nerve Nero dynamic stretch, or just plain, like a squat or a lunch versus you need might hurt before you wrap your thigh and in your appetite. And also you can squat fully, it’s mostly because it’s the perception of stretch. excused, the narrow tag in the brain at this is now a behavior or movement or position that you should not be doing. But the neuro tag is not activated when the perception of stretch is eliminated. Right, because all the brain can focus on is a What’s this impression feels really nice, then they squat, they elevate their arm or they do a bicep curl. So because of kind of concentrated on a new novel stimulus, neurotoxins activated, so the output of pain doesn’t occur. And you know, just like how when people kind of stretching, stretching, stretching, stretching, like oh, that’s my hamstrings, all you’re really doing with repeated motions is reducing the perception of stretch this dramatically and rapidly reduces the percent of Mr. You can anytime you anytime you increase your sensibility rapidly, even length something because if you let something immediately that’d be up there. Right? So all you’re doing is changing the perception and the changes that perception through the novel stimulus flight from record.

Justin Trosclair 46:31
I’m not really in charge of say the acupuncture, we work in the same department, but I’m just like, look at your thing. dollar, the experts. I just think you should do it. Okay. Sometimes they’ll get in there with a long needle, like in the fastest way in the low back and be like, Oh, they keep hurting, and they’ll kind of inserted long ways. And it’s kind of scrape around.

What are you doing it? I think

Unknown 46:55
we’re a long ways You mean, like you’re gonna take a long needle in the script, parallel to the skin? Yeah, but yeah,

Justin Trosclair 47:03
yeah. So like, like, you know, there’s fashion connecting to the skin. I’m just like, so are you like breaking like, slicing all like the fascist? And like, when you’re doing a cadaver? You know, you get all that like, the fashion like, are you like slicing that off? Is that what’s happening? And like, that’s

Unknown 47:17
gonna make it a spin off the chicken?

Justin Trosclair 47:19
Yeah, yeah.

Unknown 47:22
I feel that and again, it’s a novel say list, it’s going to work, you’re going to have success with it. Hey, you know what, I happy for the fear that is acupuncture, not the not the generalized acupuncturist, but that is an acupuncture student active. A bit more accurate technique is my idea of action figures, like have 20 people lying around with Eagles all over them.

Unknown 47:43
They get to see so many patients that way. You don’t the interactive and all you have to talk to them, you just lie there, get deals in them, see if

Unknown 47:51
they can really see a lot of high volume of patients.

Justin Trosclair 47:55
Tell them that they might get upset with you.

Unknown 47:58
I got excited, good and bad. every profession. That’s right. And every profession.

Justin Trosclair 48:04
Alright, so let’s around this out. I really would like to know, like I mentioned in the beginning, I have my own system that I use, you know, pay for it and everything. But you’re talking about using Google the Google sweet EMR? 2.0. How in the world? Are you able to do ever know, I know it’s a it’s a paid programs, I think but give us like a around? How does this work? Is it HIPAA compliant? I mean, do you have like a fancy template that you just like check boxes or needs to type all your notes out? What’s going on?

Unknown 48:35
Well, Google has g sweet, right? be called Google Apps. The pony sweet, that’s fair version of Microsoft Office. And if you if you sign in, I like a lot of space, pts are people who are starting to wanted to have is low overhead as possible. And for one user, either cost $10 a month or $9 a month. And that’s if you really want to, but that’s all you have to pay for what is essentially

Unknown 49:04
a way to run your office, you can do your schedule, and you can do and patient Intake Forms I did on my

Unknown 49:12
votes in the evaluations there. It doesn’t do billing, but it could potentially, maybe for additional fee. Because it’s anything, anything you can do in Google Forms, or Google Docs, it is HIPAA compliant. Because if you use Verizon, like a personal Gmail, are paying for a way to use what’s called a VA or business associate agreement with Google. And that means that they will make you know they’re there. Now that we’re in a business associate agreement, it is not HIPAA compliant, be not going to share the data, etc, etc, etc.

Justin Trosclair 49:43
And it’s actually protected. Like if somebody were to open up, open up your calendar on your phone, you just like a password protected or something or

Unknown 49:50
right. The way that a lot when I sell this package is $97 touch with all the system calm. It’s not. I’m going to do this all for you. But I’m going to show you the system that I use that other people use, how to use Google Calendar, and Google Docs and Google Forms to kind of make your own forms to fill out online education, innovation. So anything that you can do like an author history, for example, you could have a link to an oswestry. It doesn’t get shared anywhere else, but it’s all stored in Google service called spot. Right. So it’s all it’s all under that Google account. As long as you’re not like using a lot of third party extension. I mean, anything can easily be non compliant. You could have the most secure server in the world. And the fact something and it’s not it’s not compliant, because it’s actually sits around and someone’s office, right. I mean, that’s kind of what I was tell people like, oh, what about this? What about email about messaging like it? It’s often trying to focus on your side, but that’s as far as you can control it. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, that’s basically in a nutshell, it’s, it’s, you know, Google Forms is something that you can use to make any kind of online form. So you can make like, I’ve made like a select the functional movement assessment form of made Northwest Jerry, I make up my online patient intake. And again, can share that as a link to you can just see have any kicking boxes, you can make it fill in. It’s also used in education in the us a lot for test. So you can make it so that it can be a short answer can be just checkboxes, medical history, I had just like a checklist. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Right. So that’s basically how it works. And it is it is compliance, as long as you’re compliant. You know, don’t use your personal Gmail account. And

Justin Trosclair 51:26
yeah, do that ba pay that $10, or $5, or whatever it is, these days per month, if you write if someone’s still never upgraded yet. And paper charts, that’s wild,

Unknown 51:39
which is a lot of people,

Justin Trosclair 51:40
that’s crazy. But these people could probably somehow scan their paper, use cam scan, or take a picture of it, probably go on Fiverr and say, Look, I need this to be where I could just come like click a box, and it puts an X that I did this, you know, you think chiropractic, that I just the cervical, the low back and the SI joint, you know, you don’t have to write that out. If I can just click a button and have like, I don’t know, six days on one piece of paper. And then like underneath him, maybe have the soap notes are you know, something?

Unknown 52:12
You can probably paid anything like when you do have you ever entered on paper, you make the Google form for you. But you said about your phone, on your on your phone? Yeah, technically, all that if you’re using all the same Google apps on your phone, or phone and every system has some sort of like double password, right? So that’s like the minimum for EMR. So say, I didn’t know like my iPhone has a face ID plus, you’d have to plug it into account. So what I what I teach is like you should you be using Google Chrome, on your desktop, or Chromebook or book or something like that, we should log out at the end of every day, so that your initial login is going to be face ID or or print or something like that, then you actually have to log into your computer, then actually have to log into your teammate account, that’s your, that’s your double password. If you if you shut your computer Are you using can lock every time. If you look at a time, as long as you have your screen, set the lock, someone can’t just go up to your computer and you start accessing patient information because they’ll have to enter in the first Password Plus also the logins you just become.

Justin Trosclair 53:13
Like you said, this nice Google Chrome Chrome books that pretty inexpensive, so you don’t even have to buy like this fancy computer because he just close it, put it in like a lot during the day or whatever. And you didn’t have to spend a fortune on a computer to make this thing run either.

Unknown 53:28
Right? Absolutely. You know, and $99 Chromebook, you’re just going to be a little slower than what you’re used to. But yeah, for doing documentation, it’s perfect.

Justin Trosclair 53:36
Wow. Fantastic. Anything else on that that you’d like to that you think’s important? covered it all

Unknown 53:42
pretty much i mean you know you can go inexpensive EMR com okay you know i’ll do is i’ll share the system with you it’s inexpensive EMR calm all my products or an edge mobility system come with now doc just in here is an affiliate of so I’ll give all your listeners a 10% coupon for anything edge mode. system.com, you know, is contact me, you know, email reach me reach out to me on any of my social media is not empty comm slash Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter. If you want to follow me on your social media platform of choice.

Justin Trosclair 54:14
Perfect. Thank you so much. Oh, and before you go, any favorite books, podcasts or anything like that you want to share with anybody

Unknown 54:22
I have a book for clinicians is dinner science education that talks a lot about modern pain science and how to educate the patient on you know, basically witness CBOE is you go to you go to a

Unknown 54:37
patient go to evolve, you know, like, Oh, you have a week core, this is in our place your post here rotated and automate this map, you know, makes people feel fragile, and it gives them that makes them feel a need care, like an adjustment or manipulation, feeling whatever you think partially need to be scraped out. So it’s more it’s a more modern way to educate a patient and their own needs for their recovery faster an active recovery, but it’s not to use negative terminology and the anatomical extreme pain in such a way like a blown up disc or things that might be more fear mongering and things that don’t necessarily cause pain. So if they’re picking your science education, I can give you a link for that. A Guide to better movement is something that shared patient is also every clinician should read anyone who’s basically involved with movement. It’s written by a guy who was classically trained to the lower than it became a role for that kind of discovered pain science and modern movement. So it’s, it’s the book that if I was a much better author, I would have written but you know, taught Hargrove he’s he’s an amazing guy.

Unknown 55:41
See, Matthew Walker Professor Matthew Walker, why we sleep that was kind of game changing for me.

Unknown 55:49
You are a living human being you should know why you should sleep. Do you think the Jewish it might do the most important thing that we could do? But now I think bleep, then nutrition is a closed sign. But yeah, why we sleep that was a definitely a game changer for me that I’ve incorporated a lot of these concepts with nutrition and sleep into my latest seminar, modern patient education so that’s also available as malicious and calm.

Justin Trosclair 56:13
Like oh, everything’s kind of in one place. It’s really nice. Excellent. Should be it should be Yeah. All right. Dr. e. you really brought it today I really appreciate it I do think the guests are going to enjoy this episode because you shared a lot of I think the things we could actually take home think about it nothing else go to a website and see what these products are especially that be fr cuff I really tweaked my interest and I didn’t realize it was so research base and had such far reaching benefits like you talked about so really appreciate you coming on

Unknown 56:44
no problem. Thanks for having me. I’m happy my my pocket one of these days. Absolutely.

Justin Trosclair 56:53
Well, that wraps up another

episode or remind everybody that we have some great affiliate links available if you’re into instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, we’ve got the edge tool and we got the hot grips stage about 10%. Also with the edge you’ve got the like blood pressure cuff restrictions system, you’ve got the G sweet inexpensive Mr. In case you talk to him cash practice, if you want to know what hosting us for podcasting, blueberry, pure VPN, it’s one of those ones I use to help keep my payments secure, as well as access the internet more safely. You’ve got the primal paleo grass fed protein bone broth style, save 10% on that no sugar, allergy free, gluten free, dairy free, all those types of things mentor box get taught by the author, we got set percent for those floss bands. And you may have heard about on one of the episodes really like those in the Amazon products that you might want, click the link in the show notes pages. And of course, I got my own electric acupuncture pin to go with the needle acupuncture book on time and you know have a bundle set bringing them all together for a great price. also have the free downloads at doctor’s perspective, net slash blueprints. And more lately I’ve been doing is substituting a fifth one like have done a neat and depend on the guest, I might do a different type. So check back there. So all those resources can be found a doctor’s perspective, net slash resources. There’s also t shirts at.net slash t shirts, put up some new designs from time to time, like Megan lemons out of lemonade, shrimp, oh boy, plus all the Chiropractic and podcast swag that you could want. If you have any ideas for guests, please send an email Justin at a doctor’s perspective. net, I’d love to hear who you think would be good or a profession that you may not have heard yet. If you can send me review that’s dot net slash subscribe, Apple, Google stitcher Android devices, you just click that button it’ll take exactly that a page you need to you can write a review, hopefully a five star review. I said it does help for other people to discover what we’re doing here. And we’ve got over 100 episodes is gonna be like our third year, super excited. We’re going a little mini series like we’ve been doing, which has been fun. I hope you’ve enjoyed them as well. That’s that’s the feedback I’ve gotten. And one thing I haven’t really talked about too much is the doctor’s perspective. NET slash support page, you’re about to host a cup of coffee, go for it. If you want to pledge a little higher fee, there’s buttons for that there’s even monthly recurring for those who feel like wow, this is like the cheapest mentor coach program I’ve ever seen because you interview so many different kinds of doctors and and have been able to implement things that I’ve heard and it works. So monthly recurring payments, which also you can get you my books for free t shirts for free. The first book, you know that deals with health and exercise, getting on a diet, getting your financial health and order as well. things to learn in China, you know that books is available as well. And one thing that I don’t have I don’t have like a full blown page about coaching and things. But there’s a little button there. I’ve had people request Hey, doctors and non doctors asking me can I do more than just answer a couple of questions or could you be my coach for a little while? And I say yeah, we can do that. So something I haven’t really advertised but it’s something that I can do and do whether it’s marketing strategies for new patients growth, those types of topics.

If you’re interested, just email me Justin at a doctor’s perspective.

net. As always, listen, critically think and implement. Have a great week.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain. I hope you will listen and integrate with some of these guests have said by all means please share it across your social media. write a review and you go to the show notes page. Find all the references for today’s guests. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

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