Dr. Cliff Tao, DC, DACBR talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective…
Dr Trosclair gives his seminar summary (and a few live guest interviews) on A Doctors Perspective Podcast
Key takeaways from the 1st annual Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance Conference aka Forward KC 2018.
From the beautiful Cleveland Chiropractic campus, food trucks, after hour socializing and the seminar itself; take a listen to myself and 5 short interviews from attendees about the conference.
Things discussed on the podcast: Howard Fidler FAKTR, Benjamin Fergus GRIP, Jeff Langmaid Evideced Based Chiropractic, Brandon Steele ChiroUP, Marketing with Kevin Christie, Josh Satterlee and Jason Hulme Rehab, Leonard Faye with Prolon and adjusting, Gregg Friedman Documentation and Rise Up, Dr. Brandie Nemchenko, Bobby Maybee ring leader, and Cliff Tao MRI.
The Friday TED-esque presentations gave lots of good info in under 15 minutes each… including someone in my situation of working abroad in a different language.
If you like what you hear and wish you could have or Should have attended… have no fear. Dr Bobby was forward thinking and recorded every session so you could purchase it after the fact. Also, because we had so many ‘tracts’ you could go on, there was no way to see them all. Even attendees might want to visit www.forwardthinkingchiro.com/ftca-store and watch what you missed.
This is my first time doing live interviews at a conference. I know where my mistakes were and how to fix them and I look forward to covering more events and doing post seminar Wrap Ups. If you are interested in having me at your event Officially, please reach out. Having a dedicated role will make more people give ‘lessons learned’ and provide a much better post event production that you can use to promote for the next year or seminar. Facebook Live during the seminar is an option or a more structured 1-3 questions that can be made into a podcast episode. Again, if you have any need or just playing around with the idea, contact me.
Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/79 here you can also find the transcript of the interview, and links to things mentioned.
[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”] Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Episode 79 forward Casey chiropractic seminar 2018 wrap up. Today you’re gonna hear me a few others perspective show notes can be found at a doctor’s perspective. NET slash 792 thousand 17 podcast Awards Nominated host, Dr. Justin Foursquare, as he gets a rare to see, look into the special season, all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips, struggles, goals and relationship advice. Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Live from China and Kansas City at the time. I flew all the way into Kansas City for the forward Casey, aka for thinking chiropractic Alliance seminar. It’s a it was born from a Facebook group that just blew up to over 5000 we might be at 6000 members right now, headed up by Dr. Bobby maybe. And there was a desire to take it from a Facebook group to a live event. So why don’t we can meet everybody? because realistically, you see the names, you see, Rob, you see, you see Kevin, you see in Greg, and Bobby and all these people, you know, I mean, I want to meet them, you know, it just those those people that use respond all the time, they’re always commenting or trying to help or whatever. So it’s nice to actually get to meet these people. And then everybody else gets to meet each other as well, which is huge, whether it’s the students that joined the group who also are evidence based, and that’s the key are there to help each other. Right. And so it was really fun least for me.
There was a group of students, and they found that I was working in China. And of course, that’s always a conversation. And, you know, there were like, Well, what do I do with, say, a shorter case? I learned all these different techniques. But I’m really I mean, what do I use? I use all 10 do you know, where do I start? How long do I finished, you know, so it’s just fun to to sort of explain like this is what I do is is how I look at it from my over a decade of experience. And that’s what a big part of this conference was about systems that just kind of going back, you know, a loud voice in chiropractic or the we can treat asthma, we can treat diabetes, with just the adjustment, and your body will heal itself. Well, there are a minority of the chiropractors, but they’re very loud, they’re organized, and they have great programs that you can purchase to become like minded. And unfortunately, the evidence base chiropractors, far, Casey and all of us, we kind of for a long time, or just like, just ignore them, we’ll just going to do our thing. We’re more worried about treating patients and take care of our families. And, you know, not really getting too involved in that stuff. But it’s come to our attention that we need to it seems like sometimes whenever legislation is trying to get past, you know, politicians are like, well, we’re hearing this from one guys, then we’re hearing this from another one. You don’t even have a unified message. What are we supposed to do with that? So probably not gonna happen, complete professional unity. But at least we could have a strong group of like minded individuals. And that one of the things that I’ve taken away, so this is the first for me, because one, it’s a bonus episode. We haven’t done those yet. It’s mostly solo. But actually, while I was at the conference, at Ford, Casey, I did five interviews real short, 30 seconds to minutes. And I was trying to get more people. But like I said, this is my first time doing live interviews. So maybe my questions weren’t quite great. Also, some people were shy. And some people were like, hey, let’s do it. You know, on Sunday, after we’ve experienced more of the speakers is like, Okay, cool. But unfortunately, the VIP kind of just sort of ended. And then people sort of, you know, have to go back to school or go back to work, catch a plane and all that. So I didn’t get as many people as I wanted to, especially like the speakers. There’s actually, unfortunately, not any females that I was able to interview, couldn’t find some of these people that I wanted to interview to, like, Yeah, come back, and I didn’t couldn’t find them. So anyway, that’s how it goes. So I think as we go along, I’ll get better and better at that. That should be something to look forward to a source, developing my skills, doing more live interviews, purely live at events, and then doing post wrap ups like I’m doing today. So hats off to all y’all who do solo episodes, this is out of my comfort zone. So congratulations for always sounded so polished, and and doing such a great job delivering such powerful information, like Kevin Christie, Jeff link mean, just kind of talking to yourself having a blueprint. It’s pretty critical what you do. In fact, the same time I record this of behind the scenes episodes for some big, big, big podcasts are kind of fun. And they’ll tell you like, Oh, you know, this section right here, I had to do it three times you like what you have to do it three times, like, Well, I didn’t push play, or bunch of trucks drove by, or I just really didn’t do a good job. So I have to redo it. Well, for me, I was listening to us like why everything is so low and not so crisp. Well, I’m using a new and different microphone for this recording. And also recorded these interviews with a different microphone, technology differences and changes. And one of the reasons why I had to redo it too is I had the names mixed up, I had factor and grip presenters mixed up when I first did, it’s like I don’t know. So I tried to just go back and just add grip, grip. But unfortunately, that’s how I figured out the microphone was not connected correctly. And so it was very obvious. So,
without further ado, let’s get going. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain here.
Before I get into anything else, I just want to say big thank you to Dr. Cleveland for hosting the event. What a great facility. I never been there before. And this place is really nice. It’s all in one building. Right on the hill, a lot of grass, really pretty nice building. Anyway, really happy about that. Also, before we begin, thanks for all the sponsors that were there, you know, go back to the website and preview who those were. And the food trucks. That was a nice touch to the event that got me kind of excited to try lots of different foods in the Kansas City area. also really enjoyed the social hours after the seminar was finished for the day, making that effort to try to get people to socialize. That’s a real nice touch. I think more should do that. Even techniques seminars, especially for those who have come out of town. It’s a really nice way to socialize and meet more people. So okay, let’s go on to the real meat of the seminar. What we’re going to do is give you a summary some of the highlights that I thought it’s not a all inclusive, I’m not trying to give away all the nuggets. I mean, you gotta 10 right. Alright, so Greg Friedman, I tried to get him on the show twice, we had technical logical issues both times, which is really strange, because you know, the following day or so I would do another interview and it was just fine. We met in person, we were both laughing about it. We were both fine with. And there was no hard feelings, which is great. So one of the things he talked about, was finding out who you are. What do you like? And what are you good at? Now, of course, you got to find out what your weaknesses are and try to delegate those out or do them anyway. So what let’s break that down for a second, you find you might find yourself being passionate about something, maybe it’s maybe it’s maybe it’s sports are, let’s get more specific. You love shoulders, you love knees? Well, if that’s your focus, you love golfers, be the best and then you can be now What’s that mean? Maybe you need to take some similar title, this program, maybe you do some group seminars, learning how to evaluate as best as you can to figure out what is wrong with this person, then delivering the best possible treatment. And I like that idea, you know, just really making you as good as you can be. And the last thing that he made a comment was about mentoring young doctors, we want our profession to grow to be a strongest person, and that God is going to take mentoring Are you know the thing that was good, and I believe it was Dr. Leonard faith who said this, when we talk about the adjustments, we are not that specific when it comes to finding something Oh, one l three, really, because we did an MRI or X ray or something and you’re actually on like 12 x? How am I that bad? Like, well, it’s not just you as a profession. It’s just kind of how it is. And I thought that was real interesting. A little embarrassing, if you will. But the important part was the search results. Hmm. But the direction of the adjustment is what matters most. So the speed, the force, and in that direction that you’re putting that joint, this restricted in this direction, that’s the one you gotta hit it in. Now, some people will argue that they don’t like internet based adjustments. I’m a big fan of like the impulse IQ system. As well as diversified, I do both. But if you ever get to that point where I’m just like, man, I can’t get it to move like I need to, it’s so stuck and so messed up, well break out the instruments, and you get the results you’re looking for. Then, let’s look at I’ve got these two mixed up a little bit, you know, I should have recorded this episode a little bit sooner, when I got back factor with Howard Fiddler is a pretty cool thing. It’s not actually like a technique per se. It’s more of a evaluation system. And you implement what you already know. So for instance, maybe do kinesiology taping some AR t my professional tools. The hyper vote, you know, the rapid percussion gun looks like a jigsaw neighborhoods different than that, but I’ve seen those around on YouTube and things. Well, a lot of places say lay down, leave your joint relaxed. And then you do these different things. And other people are like well, make sure it’s in a pain free area. And then you can do it pain free range of motion. Well factors kind of thing is actually do it in a painful motion. So it hurts the straighten out your leg, you would perform say the myofascial tools, with him doing that motion. Now, obviously, you’re not trying to do it to the point where they want to cry or all that. But within a safe, slightly uncomfortable range of motion. That is why you want to do it. And that’s always something I kind of was leaning towards anyway, in practice, because I was like, Well, if it hurts to lift your arm, if it hurts to straighten your leg, well, that’s what we need to work on, we need to get you to be able to do that pain free. And if there’s soft tissue issues, we need to work through those in those positions. So that was really exciting. And I can’t say I learned that myself. I worked for a guy, Bill, he was really amazing. I think he just watches a lot of YouTube videos and learned a lot of things from different physical therapists, some of these gurus that are out there, you can really pick up a lot. If you spend a lot of time watching those and then taking what you learn, implemented in practice you like oh, yeah, look, there it is. It’s working. And and and becomes your own. So really appreciate him. That year, learning all this stuff. The other guy was Benjamin Fergus with a grip. Know this is dealing with evaluation. When motions break down, and how the neurology the biomechanics and the pain science intersects all of those things. A lot of the interviews you’re gonna hear later from about like having systems in this grip is actually a way to assess these couple motions, these functional range of motions to see where is there an issue? Where do you feel like maybe the left side with the shoulder, you bring your shoulders, your arms towards each other, and you’re evaluating how the shoulder moves and the clavicle moves, and then you know, you’re looking at that and you’re like, one size perfect. The other side, you can even go as far you hack up your shoulder. And you know, well, that’s obviously weird. But you may not actually know to do that in an exam, you just do orthopedic tests. So this is the way to functionally assess different ranges, emotions, global evaluation, as they call it, and then they’ll teach you some things that you can do as well, actually, I was excited because there’s a seminar in Taiwan, which is not that far from me. So if I wanted to take one of their seminars, I think it’s lower extremities that day, you can one thing that was about the Ford, Casey, a lot of the programs, you know, you can go back and you can, you know, quote, purchase some later, right. And there’s some of that. But what was great was, it wasn’t like just this big sales pitch, like, it was a part of it was getting to understand their philosophy and their thought patterns. And then actually, okay, here’s I do shoulders, here’s something you can do with the, with the knee. And if you like it, of course, then you can go in go further. But if you already have a lot of tools in your tool kit, then we also learned some about some simple evaluations are ways to kind of start thinking about things like for instance, just steadily and home, they had a joint session, and we were doing someone were to do a deadlift, either, all right, well, you can’t even been down. So we broke them to these groups, and we evaluate it. Okay, give us three different things, exercises, easy, medium, and hard level to get to this point. Then we went around and showed what exercises came up. And you know, there were over, like, almost 40 of them. And some are super easy. And summary like, Whoa, that would be complicated. And the whole point was, what is the goal, not your goal? Oh, I want them to have full range of motion. Well, that’s great. That might be a piece of the patient’s goal. But if their goal was to throw a baseball had, I don’t know, 70 miles an hour. And that’s what they used to go to do, or maybe they used to do at. And they have some kind of injury. And they can’t do that. Well, of course, they’re going to need the range of motion back. But their goal is to be able to throw the ball fast again. So what do you have to do to get them there and say, eight visits? Right? There. We were like the last quick hands up survey, how would you have gone? I’ve had some kind of injury gone to someone. And at the end of it, they still couldn’t actually do whatever it is that they wanted to do. And I’m almost everybody’s hand was like, Yeah, I was like 50% or 60%. So we want to do better than that. Right? And we can do there’s plenty of reasons in ways that we can. So that was, that was a fun, breakout session right there. The session with Dr. Tao was fantastic. It’s much memorize stuff. There are a lot of Emory classes online, by the way, I teach doctors calm. I’ve taken several of their stuff. That’s a mark student, William Owens people, they’re really good. They’re not a part of our Casey, but just saying if you’re not good at memorizing you want to learn more without becoming a deck bar. There definitely places out there even William Morgan, the new president of Parker, he has some books out there like some really good books, motive changes was fried. Yes, the other day, and he had a seminar. He may not be doing any more since he’s the Prez. But I took his thing too. And it was really good. Now read MRIs and everybody here. So we always get a report. But it’s you know, I felt inadequate. So I took some more classes on that. Kevin Christie and calc Steen I didn’t get to attend that they did the marketing. My wife actually went to it took a lot of notes. And on the drive to Oklahoma afterwards. I like Hey, give it to me. Well, because I listened to him already listened to the Click Funnels and listening to this story brand and listening to digital marketer and Michael Skelter. And all those guys, a lot of it, I kind of knew. So I’m not going to go through all size, hey, come to someone or to learn all these things. A lot of it had to do with being a clear concise message. Things You Can Get on like, say your WordPress blog, SEO Yoast SEO was good. Having an opt in that people want, you know, five ways to strengthen your low back three ways to stop a headache without having to go to the doctor, things that people actually want, you got to get people’s email addresses, right, you got to give them something that they actually want something that’s actionable, but little bit easy, so that they can feel accomplished. And then when they do, then they call you and make an appointment, you know, have a clickable number that is actually on your webpage, so they can schedule have an online scheduler, perhaps how to create that blog posts that actually matter. So that you can rank in SEO, and all these other other things. Anyway, so there’s just there’s so much that they cover all see it like said, I’m not trying to recap the whole thing. So spoiler alert, not going to happen. I already mentioned several resources, if you listen to those, you’ll get a very good understanding of what’s going on what to do. And if you don’t want to do it, you can bury people. Okay, let’s see, Brennan and Chico, she had an amazing story about putting Family First, make some mistakes in business, and then overcoming that. So again, that’s why having a mentor is important. So that you can learn from other people’s mistakes, and that they can coach you to get past those. So you don’t maybe do the same thing, or to get out of your own way. Those are hugely important as well. Leonard fe was discussing pro loan fast mimicking diet, that guy could talk probably for five hours. We were trying to get him on the podcast is that more, but suffice it to say it does some stem cell stimulation. It has improvements in blood sugar, and cholesterol levels and all these different things from a diet that you actually eat food. But if your body thinks you’re fast, it’s kind of cool. Yes, you’ll be hungry, I’m sure. But that was pretty cool. presentation, as well as a system, they’re highly encourage you there’s a book about it. There’s things online, briefly mentioned that style in my book. And there’s more to it than that I want to go into so it’s just like a paragraph. Now, there was a guy off the coast of Africa. He worked there and Island. And I didn’t know if I was gonna make it to the seminar not so I didn’t apply that to this Friday to talk 1015 minute presentation. And when I heard his presentation, I was like, Oh, my gosh, he stole my he stole my thunder. And I like without really, but he just gave all the information like, how is it to work in the link, which that’s not your own, where you have to have a translator or you have to learn the language, where the standard of care may not be what you would expect from like, say America, it’s so you’re having to be the main diagnosis, you’re having to treat things that you normally wouldn’t treat in a western country and deal with like Miss diagnosis or just or just the level of care that you would be surprised that. So it’s really exciting for me to hear someone else have that story and it’d be represented at forward, Casey, people know, hey, there is actual international opportunities where you can grow as a clinician diagnosis and treatment and in every way possible culturally, as well. So it’s really exciting.
Okay, that’s enough for me rambling on, let’s get into some of the interviews. This first one was a reminder that you got to be able to handle rejection, because you never know, when you’re saying marketing’s medical doctors in the community or the health care practitioners. You don’t know what other carpets done in the past. Maybe they had some full page ads that just cure your asthma, cure diabetes, and of course, the other professions like yeah, okay, chiropractic, you’re done. So what do you do? Do you just give up? Or do you adopt? Jeff, I’m a system to market in these the you do the brain and still Cairo up and
present to these doctors, these case notes and these summaries of all the research involved with exercises that you choose me with the modalities that you’re choosing with spinal manipulation with, with science backing it. And then there’s, of course, that’s what you should do, you should do this anyway, you have to build these relationships. And unfortunately, sometimes, it’s a slower process, and others and others, because remember, they don’t have to be convinced and of every chiropractor in town, they just need to know that you are evidence based and awesome. And that you get the results and can co manage like a boss. And you’ll get the referrals, not other things that mentioned there, I thought that was nice was not to be anti everybody in order to send me one of the important things mentioned, and bears repeating, even though you’re about to listen to it is don’t let what somebody in another part of town do affect what you do. So if the guy and towns doing 40 visits for everything from a, I slept on the couch to a sciatica, don’t be the person that just season twice, you still should recommend what they actually need a visits, 12 visits 50 visit, whatever it is, it’s important to always you have your standard of care based on what you do what you know, and how awesome you are at what it is
not because you want to be the exact opposite of the fella down the street.
Unknown 20:45
Hi, my name is Dr. Brian shoreline, I have a practice in upstate New York, here at the forward Casey convention down in Kansas City. Out of events, a lot of information to go on down through here. I gotta say this is probably the place to be for it who’s forward thinking here wants to move this profession forward. There’s so many great minds, there’s so much great information being shared down here today, yesterday and the day before, it’s it’s hard to actually nail down any one specific thing to actually that’s going to change your practice because everything here is going to change your practice. But one of the biggest things that actually came from me, so I’m actually a recent grad, I’ve been in practice for about four years. And when I first graduated from school, there was a lot of backwards thinking chiropractors in my area. And it kind of actually got me down a little bit because when I tried to refer to some people get a little interdisciplinary cross talk going on.
Unknown 21:38
You tend to be judged by those who have come before you and I got shot down quite a lot. So it gets a little discouraging in the trenches there. And I believe it was Dr. Leg made. He’s been in the profession forever and a day gave a good little speech last night, talking about how Don’t be anti anybody else be pro you. And that just hit absolute home with me. Because when when I’ve kind of leads discovered that that’s when my practice actually started to grow. And it’s coming from somebody who’s been in the trenches for, like I said, ever in a day, you know, from the 60s and beyond. And that if there’s anybody listening, and there’s anybody that also resonates with that’s the one advice I can hopefully give to you guys. Don’t be anti anything, be pro you focus on yourself, don’t focus on anybody else. Make yourself the very best practitioner, clinician, diagnostician, whatever you want to be be the best that you can be. And the rest just falls into place. So hope that’s it. I hope that’s everyone’s having a great time and to see everybody at the next event. Would they
Unknown 22:37
then I would say is Jeff was
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
definitely saying like, don’t you know, somebody else actually was saying, don’t treat somebody two times just because the guy down the street season 50 they still might need to still might mean 12 so don’t shortchange yourself just to be like,
Unknown 22:51
I’m not that guy down the street. And would you agree with that? That’s actually what I was trying to say. Yes,
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
exactly. Perfect. Let’s jump right into the next guy.
Unknown 23:00
This is Dr. Marcus Alvarado. I recently opened my practice Alvarado healthcare and Highland Illinois just finished our seventh week came to the fore thinking car practice lines convention, looking to learn ways to grow my practice. And one of the things I’ve takeaways, Dr. Jeff Klein me teaching me how to approach medical doctors and learn how to bridge the gap there and really grow my practice. So I’m appreciative of that. And everything else I’ve learned so far. And I look forward to what the future of FCA will bring to myself and all my fellow chiropractors. So thanks for having me.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Alright, the next one is all about systems. And I mentioned it earlier in episode, man, when you have eight different ways to treat a shoulder, or what do you do first? How do you figure that out, and said, that’s what this seminar, this conference forward, Casey was bringing to the table, that there are ways to figure this, you just kind of have to find them, and pay some money to learn it sometimes. So let’s listen to our next interview.
Unknown 24:08
So the biggest thing I’ve learned over this whole weekend is the priority in having a system or a group of systems in treating and assessing patients in school, were given a lot of tools, and not really given the ability to find out how to utilize those tools in an effective manner. So not only learning that the system is important, but also we’ve been given some really great systems to use. And I think going forward, I’ll be looking out for even more great systems. So
Unknown 24:37
like you have all the diagnosis, you have 20
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
things that you can use is like, all right now what do I do with impingement syndrome of the shoulder? Right.
Unknown 24:44
Okay, this seminar is help you fine tune that.
Unknown 24:47
Yeah, yeah, I mean, you know, we’re doctors and knowing the diagnosis is one thing, knowing how to treat it as another. But it’s knowing the progression of how to treat and when it’s appropriate to treat. Our
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
next interview is, again, kind of making sure that your diagnosis skills are up to snuff. And something that I’m always trying to learn and do better is to communicate more effectively and clearly, to not only healthcare professionals, but to the general public and everything else. As you can tell, I’m not used to speak about myself on these podcasts. So I just hope that will improve as well, you know, just being able to communicate effectively.
Unknown 25:26
My name is Alec Domi on I’m a current trimester six at Logan University. And I traveled here for Casey didn’t really have too many enter expectations other than just wanting to be surrounded by people who thought like I did, and wanted to move this profession forward. The biggest takeaway I kind of got from this weekend was, it may not matter what type of tools you’re using to make the treatment, but being able to diagnose and assess your patients, and not only an evidence based fashion, but in a good way to not only communicate with your patients, but also to communicate with other health professionals is what I offer this and a networking opportunity and meeting the type of people that are really the pioneers of this evidence base moving in the profession. It’s been incredible. I’m really looking forward to it next year. And I really hope that everybody who came to this event this weekend got as much out of it as I did.
Unknown 26:19
What do you
Unknown 26:19
define as evidence based practices.
Unknown 26:22
I defined evidence based practices as using research, current therapies, current techniques, all that jazz, and being able to explain it in a modern day chiropractors mindset, I think a lot of people get caught up in some of the old ways of how they used to do it. But if you look at every other healthcare model, and every other healthcare profession, they move forward every year, if not every month, and I love that the people here they understand that. And I see the evidence based chiropractor, as somebody who’s constantly remaining hungry, they’re never satisfied, they’re always moving forward. And they’re always inspiring the people around the world.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
And again, successful guys know what they do, and they do it very well. That’s the point of the next interview. tick. Listen,
Unknown 27:09
I’m Brooke Martin from Huntington, Tennessee.
Unknown 27:14
drove me here originally was the thought of being around like minded individuals and the chance to learn from these guys. I think one thing that stood out is the lack of systems in our practice and things we’ve got to improve upon. I believe that we’re taking away a lot of great ideas on that and how the Simpsons can make the difference in the practice of our size, especially systems in systems and adjusting and rehab assessment diagnosis. I would say a little bit of everything. I think today with Dr. Rose being up here tomorrow with Dr. Holmes speaking those things are, we were just discussing the successful guys know what they do, and they do it well. So I think for all of us practicing for providers, that’s one thing we got to keep working on is how do we get better exactly what we do to be stronger that suit for the for the profession.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Okay, all right, wrapping up the interview, this poor guy, every time we started to start, there was announcements going on at this place. And we have to stop it did, we started actually having the conversation. And then another announcement came on. And I didn’t get to reconnect with the guy, we just kind of ran out of time. So I actually I left it in there. Because he started he gave a point or two, and then got cut off by no other than Dr. Bobby, maybe the founder of the whole thing. So he has a great announcement about the ACA. So actually, I’m just going to end the interview with this guy being cut off. And with a special announcement, I think you’re gonna like it. And it ends with clapping. If you’re listening to this and thinking, Wow, really wish I would have attended this seminar is right up my alley. Well join the Facebook group for our thinking chiropractic Alliance, or you go to their website. And I’m pretty sure you can purchase the entire seminar because they recorded it. Yes, that’s right. You can watch it at your own pace. So good that if you wants it. All right, thank you so much for listening for tuning in to this week’s bonus Ford Casey wrap up interview. Look forward to doing more of these. It’ll be limited because I’m not in you know, America. But when I go back for sure, we’ll be doing more. All right. Without further ado, here is the last interview. We’re live at a hard chiropractic
Unknown 29:20
in Kansas City. Today,
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
we’re going to ask you a bunch of questions. Right now we have a student or curious what has he learned? And what would he like to expand from what he’s learned here over the next six months, so that he can practice it when he’s in student clinic and outdoor.
Unknown 29:34
Alright, so my name is Kyle Kerner. And I am a student here at Cleveland University. Originally from Kansas, the biggest thing that I think that forwards showing me this whole weekend is the priority in systems. So at school, you learn a lot of things, you get a lot of tools you don’t know how
Unknown 29:53
to me so at CCA
Unknown 29:55
always had a reputation was people
Unknown 29:56
to correct some of our Facebook group and it doesn’t work completing those people can kiss our world. Because
Unknown 30:06
in this event today, we have had more ACA registrations, and more money than anyone actually was not a sibling ever.
Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Did you know I am offering a copy in one on one online class. You know I’ve been in China for a while I’ve got a class set up with some TCM docs who do copies will show you the glass kind and the suction kind. You can find more information at a doctor’s perspective, net slash cupping. Right now we have a pre sale price. So you’re going to save a good chunk of cash. By signing up early just put your email You’ll get notified when the class goes live. Also, as always, the no needle acupuncture book, you can get four chapters and it low back insomnia and headaches, got pictures, how to find the points. And of course, all with no needles just go to a doctor’s perspective net slash in a protocol as in needless acupuncture. We have great results the other day from lady who couldn’t do a lunch because their knee pain. Now knee pain is not an issue. So excited to hear that. Also the first book today’s choices, tomorrow’s health, a lot of people are looking for a magic bullet, the same it this is saying hey look, if you can do small things daily, you will see results. And I’ll give you the blueprints that I use to create an exercise routine cardio routine, get my nutrition in order and actually get your finances in order to because that’s a big stress in life. And of course talks about chiropractic. So
hope you check that out on the website under the Resources tab. These are my affiliate links that helps out support the show blueberry hosting set for said they get the power back. And the really really resistant. Really good to stretch those joints mentor box in get subscription to watch the author talk about the book so that you don’t have to spend the time reading it also comes with four books and things like that. It’s really quite cool. primal health and nutrition. You can save 10% by going through my link using the code primal doc. It’s bone broth. Here’s to the autoimmune protocols and specific carbohydrate diet, gluten free non GMO, no sugar, dairy free, all those types of cool things. As well as Click Funnels if you sign up to that, or pick up a book from him to my links helps out a little bit. And then of course everybody’s favorite Amazon. You can sign up for different things like prime fresh or music through our links. And of course in the the show notes. We have books mentioned a few follow the link through my site. That’ll help out as well. Well, that is it. Go on ahead and leave us a five star review. Thanks so much for listening, and we’ll see you next week.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai