
E 97 Medical Music and Career Options Dr Amy Arton DC

We hear from a spinal manipulation professor and learn about new teaching technology. Dr. Amy Arton DC created a dedication song to the people who donate their body to science. We chat music industry and different types of chiropractic career options. Dr. Arton had the courage to leave a comfortable, reliable family business and become…

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Episode 45: Dr. Brittney Clinton Why an EDD and How Democratic Collaborative Efforts Work for Growth

Passionate educator, leader, coach, & mentor Dr. Brittney Clinton talks Democratic Collaborative Leadership in organizations, what volunteering teaches, PhD vs EDD, best way to declare a college major, and slightly unusual strong leader virtues. Our Guest today has a passion and ability in coaching, mentoring and inspiring, young women to greatness. She lives her life…

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Episode 23: Strategies for Optimal Family Life and Getting out Your Own Way Dr. Caitlin Faas Ph.D.

Dr Caitlin Faas brings us a ton of resources to read up on, so if you like books please clink any of these affiliate links and help improve yourself with Doctor approved self help resources. We have a civil conversation about the Bernie Sanders Free College for Everyone as well as the controversial Gender Pay…

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