md referral

E 169 Shared Decision Making in Patient Centred Care Chris Chippendale DC

Learn to communicate what you do and goals for the patient based on what they want. Patient centered evidence based care evolves and Chris Chippendale DC talks shared decision making and much more. Chris Chippendale, MChiro DC PgCert MRCC (Pain)  and I just briefly talk about qualifications and differences of a UK vs USA trained…

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E 114 House Call Osteopathic Manipulation Dr Matthew Barker DO

Traveling house call doctors are not common, why did Dr. Matthew Barker DO decide to do it? Learn about osteopathic manipulation medicine and residency, logistics of mobile doctor services and how is it different than a DC or DPT spinal manipulation. For someone who planned on becoming a chiropractor, what changed his mind to become…

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E 113 ABCA President Talks Legislation and Independent Contractor Practice Dr Quentin Brisco DC

American Black Chiropractic Asc President Dr. Quentin Brisco DC discusses their role and purpose in the chiro community, legislation at NCLC and reasons to join state associations, and the ins and outs of independent contractor positions Perks of being a real independent contractor. Why would you go IC instead of an associate or starting your…

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Episode 33: Be the MD’s Solution, Not Their Competition Nicole Lindsey DC

Medical doctors ( MD) don’t have to be the great unknown referral source. Dr Nicole Lindsey DC shows you the way to get MD referral, Inspiring people to take healthy action, building relationships sprinkled with research. Get a promo code and learn about women breadwinners. Followed her gut feeling and changed from pharmacy dreams to…

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Episode 19: Rocking the MD Referral Dr. Jeffrey Langmaid Evidence Based Chiropractor

Evidence Based Chiropractor Dr. Jeffrey Langmaid provides doctors with tools and services for chiropractors to grow their practice based on research, interdisciplinary communication and building medical referrals. Dr. Jeff tells us how to search pubmed for the latest in research that you care about. His program gives you everything you would need to effectively and…

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