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Dr. Ben Paul MD talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast
Hair transplants that look real and age appropriate, PRP for hair restoration, importance of aesthetic placement of the transplant hair vs the harvest method, cleft lip reconstruction mission trips and more from double board certified Dr. Ben Paul MD.
Dr. Benjamin Paul is a double board certified Facial Plastic and Hair Restoration Surgeon. Dr. Paul practices in Manhattan and has developed quite the reputation for his rhinoplasty, facelift and eyelid surgery, and hair restoration. You can expect long lasting, natural results and on this week’s podcast you get to meet the doctor and really experience the passion he has for helping others.
When we talk about excellence in our craft, once you hear Dr Paul’s “why facial plastics” story you will get instant respect for him. He discusses his 7 year educational plan and why he would recommend that to others. Also, why did he choose ENT as his residency at NYC. Then once he finished his board certification in facial plastics, I think you will love the story and reason and collaboration for why he went even further in his clinical education to get board certified in hair restoration.
If you can link multiple ‘simple’ procedures together and master each step, then apply that system to a complicated surgery like hair transplants, then Dr. Paul could create a systematic approach that has never been done before.
He has done well over 400 rhinoplasty in his fellowship training alone and we discuss what to look for and expectations from this surgery.
Dr. Ben Paul has gone 5 times to Peru and other countries to work on cleft lip and palette children as pro bono. We talk about the differences in the procedure for local citizens versus the set up and outcomes when you do 30+ surgeries in a week (surgeries that otherwise would never be performed for these children).
Hair Transplants VS PRP for hair growth – what are the differences? Also, does he do plugs or are the recent technologies much more advanced?
Why do men rarely lose the hair on the back of your head but lose so much on top?
Aesthetic placement of the transplant hair is vitally important, pick your surgeon carefully. How does he decide and what makes him unique in his hair transplants approach?
Hundreds of follicular units are harvested so how does Dr .Paul determine when to use the single unit vs the multiple hair units for the hairline. By the way, this procedure lasts your whole life.
PRP is like fertilizer to the hair that you have left, assuming the hair you have left is alive and just hasn’t been “watered and taken care of” for a while. PRP for hair is spun down a special way to maximize the long action growth factors.
Why wouldn’t you use PRP? Why not use A Cell (fetal pig bladder matrix) and stick to the PRP?
Some places talk about robots taking out the hair, but listen to why Dr. Ben Paul says the “marketing’ of harvesting is irrelevant and that the skill of placement is paramount.
I think you will be shocked at how fast the recovery time is.
Warnings about using Biotin for hair loss are discussed as well: spoiler it doesn’t work and could hide other issues if taken in high amounts. Dr. Paul gives a story about this.
-Be The Type Of Doctor You Would Want To Send To.
Dr. Paul tells a powerful patient story that really gets to the heart of why he went to 10 years of schooling.
Near the end he has a unique ritual with his staff each morning as well as his Safety Rule for Squash.
Podcasts: (yours truly lol) but also More Perfect (discusses supreme court cases), Radio Lab and This American Life
Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
drbenpaul on Instagram
www.drbenpaul.com/ for his clinic
www.haircaremd.com for hair specifically
Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/88 here you can also find links to things mentioned and a transcript of the interview.
Justin Trosclair 0:02
Episode 88 hair transplants versus PRP plus other facial plastic surgeries. Talk to Justin trust Claire and today we’re Dr. Benjamin Paul’s perspective.
Join 2017 podcast Awards Nominated host Dr. Justin cosplay
Unknown 0:19
as he gets a rare to see him, look into the specialties,
Justin Trosclair 0:21
all types of doctors and guess plus marketing, travel tips, struggles, goals and relationship advice.
Unknown 0:27
Let’s hear a doctor’s perspective.
Justin Trosclair 0:31
If you could be so kind Follow me on any social media that you’d like. The top right of my page has all the icons and let me know what person profession or specialty that you would like to hear from next on the show. Appreciate it. Today on the show. I’m excited. We have not had very many surgeons, much less plastic surgeons. So today, that’s what we have. Actually in Episode 90, we have another one. But today is Dr. Benjamin Paul indeed is a double board certified facial plastic scenario restoration. And he has a really cool story of how he ended up getting to go from EMT to plastics to actual hair. Because we’re going to talk all about hair transplants, how to make them look real and age appropriate. I didn’t realize this. But PRP can be used to help restore some hair and figuring out new technology versus the old How important is the harvest method we get to talk about his passion to do mission trips to do cleft lip reconstructions and the differences between say how we would do it here versus in those types of countries. I think you’ll be surprised by the level of detail that we go in today. And being that Dr. Paul its worldwide clients, you’re going to get to experience him as a person and his passion for what he does because these surgeries are like eight hours long. And actually this week will be the first time we asked the question give us a story how you impacted a patient’s life or how like a patient’s journey with you impacted your own life. So that’ll be a question that will start to implement as we go along. So let’s not wait any further a doctor’s perspective. NET slash eight eight let’s go hashtag behind the curtain
live from China in New York City with a great guest today. He’s double board certified in facial plastic and hair restoration. He’s a surgeon practices in Manhattan of all places. He is excellent at rhinoplasty facelifts. I was surgeries and hair restoration. And I couldn’t be more excited to have its conversation with Dr. Benjamin Paul in the
Unknown 2:36
hi How’s it going?
Justin Trosclair 2:38
It’s going pretty good on my end about you
Unknown 2:40
had a great day excited to speak with you.
Justin Trosclair 2:42
Well, I just have so many kind of questions. But I’m really I want to see where you guide us a little bit on your answers. Because, for instance, Manhattan, there’s a lot of places that you could practice that seems like a probably a good place based on what you do. I have a question of when you were going down the medicine route. How did you pick this? And I’m actually going to ask this one. How did you end up picking plastics. And then I have a feeling that you could have gone more post surgery, someone gets bitten by a dog or they have a cancer removed on their face versus going nose, hair restoration, more cosmetic stuff. Do you do both? And then how did you decide to pick what you did pick.
Unknown 3:24
So I’m happy to get you to where I am today. I start really at the beginning. I think I chose plastic surgery because I as a young kid, realize that if you have a problem, especially facial plastics on your face, it’s something that you can’t hide something that can friends you every day when you look in the mirror and the opportunity to help somebody and give them relief and help them look the way that they sort of felt like they wanted to look or joy and help them look better than they thought that they could look was something that I thought was really valuable. I grew up in Connecticut. My dad is an ophthalmologist to my mom is a dentist. So I went like right in between you know and the whole facial plastic thing. So if I’m doing like a mandible fracture repair in the hospital, I’m talking to my mom about teeth. And if I’m doing an orbital floor repair, talking to my dad about the eyes. And I think that for me, I went right out of college into a seven year program, which I would totally recommend to any of the young people listening where it was three years of undergrad, four years of medical school. I didn’t have to apply to med school. I was tracked into it. And it was all at Northwestern. So I felt like I didn’t forsake getting a great liberal arts education or great medical school because I felt like Northwestern was great for both. And then when I went to medical school, I was planning on becoming a general plastic surgeon. And in my third year the where you switch from the library, part of medical school to the more clinical part. I had the opportunity to do a case where we read reconstructed somebody’s job, they had cancer and I went in with the EMT doctors. And this was 11 hour surgery and the anti doctors dissected, took apart the jaw and took part all the lymph nodes that potentially could drain the cancer in the neck and everything was open and their knowledge at the anatomy was spectacular. Then the plastic surgeons came in and they did the reconstruction and they looked like deer in the headlights. When they walked into that room. They had to be shown around this is the facial art or this is the facial nerve. This is God’s plan that we remove. And I realized that if I only want to do facial plastic, so I don’t want to do any surgery. Below the clavicle is I don’t want to do the intricate hand surgery or breasts or thought or whatever else could, you know, plastic surgeons do. And I just wanted to do face doing EMT as a five year commitment as my residency would give me the best foundation to be a really excellent facial plastic surgeon. And then I found out that I’m not the only one thinking this way. In fact, you do five years of EMT can do fellowship and facial plastic surgery and end up as this double board certified expert in your little box, and the EMT guys are doing surgery where it’s not just about beauty, it’s about functions about breathing and sinus surgery or voice or cochlear implants. And it to help people here and it’s a wonderful for me, it was a wonderful backup concept. I figured if I get out of all of this, and there aren’t any jobs for plastic surgeons, I’ll do something that I love doing, which is the CMT stuff. And then in the middle of the NT training, I was really targeting honing my, my practice or my knowledge towards facial plastics. And this was over at NYU. And I kept asking everybody, and I’ve met like, 130 people who sort of did this. I said, What do you do when the hairs not perfect because you get somebody space to look beautiful, and their hair is a beautiful, and they said, I will send it to a dermatologist. And there’s a great er physician in town that does beautiful hair. I was like, well, this doesn’t make any sense. Like, I kept asking them, I’m like, I’m in Manhattan, if I choose to be the hair guy would you send to me because I really, really think this is fascinating. The biology is interesting, the the artistry of this where you can create something that’s truly natural appearing, and no one would know that works been done. And it lasts your whole life. And I was like, if I become the man for this, so the guy for this person will you send and they were like, of course. And so I started sort of driving my own path. And if you’ve taken a part of job or you’ve done any of these complicated procedures, then you know how to set up a procedure. And you know that it’s a bunch of simple steps that are linked together and perfecting each step, and allows you to do this beautiful operation. And so I said, if I take the same passion as a surgeon would apply to a really hard operation, I apply it to hair, I bet you I can optimize this in a way it has never been done. And that’s been my approach.
Justin Trosclair 7:59
I’m blown away right now. Now, with the words you’ve said, because we forget, I forget, you know, I think you just gotta, you know, fixing those are and you start looking at pictures, start watching some videos on YouTube or on Instagram and you like, wow, this is unreal what a surgeon has to do, and be able to do it can do. And then you’ve
learned it all
Unknown 8:20
I did in my fellow year 429, rhinoplasty is in one year. And it was unbelievable training. I’m very comfortable doing a novice and you might say why don’t you only do gnosis and it’s because I love doing noses. And I do a lot of them, I would do I do about one or two noses a week. But I also do a lot of this hair stuff, because I just I love it. And I find it I don’t see anyone doing what I’m doing for it. And that’s it makes me feel like I’m really giving the patient something that is very special. And, you know, in addition, you sort of talked about skin cancer reconstructions, I’m doing that as well. And I’m doing dog bites, I took care of somebody who lost part of their nose earlier this month. And we did a forehead flap. And it was a, you know, big operation. And I actually I leave on Friday, just in four days to go to Peru with a cleft team. And I’m doing cleft lip and palate surgery on a medical mission trip, which is pro bono. And, you know, I actually paid it going to do these things and help do about 30 surgeries, 35 surgeries in a week. And it should be amazing. It’s my fifth time doing that
Justin Trosclair 9:26
when you do those surgeries. I think whenever my age are age, the scars were pretty big. And they’ve gotten to where so there you can barely even tell
Unknown 9:35
these, they need us they’re pretty good because what we do something called pre Aveo or nasal molding or predict and so basically take a whole system is done like it worth the doctor to pull everything together. And when you can so and there’s less tension, the scars don’t want it. When we’re on a mission trip. We tell the community that do taping and try to get the cleft as small as possible before we operate. But ultimately, we’re really just trying to help those kids.
Justin Trosclair 10:04
Yeah, that’s fair. And I was just thinking for, like, you know, for the US these days, they got so many procedures and styles. Well, all right, we’ll just ignore the fact that you can pretty much reconstruct an entire face I’ve seen, you know, I got a friend that does like most surgery, I was like, wow, the whole head is just almost completely removed all the hair and then they had these zigzags and they’re able to pitch together and be like, Wow, it it actually looks like human not just looks like a human. Again, there’s barely any scarring so what you do is amazing to me,
but let’s focus on here because Justin’s don’t doesn’t have much mid to long before he got this role gain on it looks like you there’s different kinds of the PRP. Yeah. And I know PRP for like shoulders and elbows I’m curious if it’s the same thing similar but
Unknown 10:49
not identical.
Justin Trosclair 10:50
Okay. And then also there’s the hair transplants where it looks like you have a little seed and you literally are putting thousands or hundreds of these bundles. Yeah,
Unknown 11:00
so let’s let’s talk hair biology. The hair on the top of the head is very different than the hair in the back men when they get to the last stage of hair loss. Maintain a horseshoe, the hair Yak and ahead does not respond to androgen those the male hormones like testosterone and die hydro testosterone. And so that hair grows for life, you can take out that hair like transplanting a tree, it’s not going to regrow from where you took it, but you can put it somewhere else, we can put it on somebody’s eyebrow and give them an eyebrow transplant on their beard. And most popularly, you can translate their hands. Now, in the old days, they would use what’s called a baker’s punch, which is a dermatologic punch, it’s a few millimeters in diameter, and they’d move a grouping and that’s called hair plugs. And frankly, they are aesthetically atrocious they’re really
Unknown 11:48
yeah, so that was thinking yeah, they were bad Bosley or something. But
Unknown 11:52
what you do notice is they grow. And then the next sort of evolution in this was to take out a strip of skin and so line closed and then hand dissect out individual follicles. And from those, you get what’s called the unit, the follicular unit, the seed from which hair grows and they grow and groupings, you can have one or two or three or four hairs. And the single hairs are valuable, because they’re used as the hairline hairs. And they’re not just planted like a picket fence their angle, and that’s where the artistry comes in to this. And there’s not straight it’s micro and macro irregularities. And, and every single surgeon is going to do this a little different to me, I think that one of the things that I have learned is that there are patients who truly understand that, just like if you took a blank canvas to an impressionist painter, you’re going to get a very different painting. When you go to a plastic surgeon, you’re going for something that’s not just science, there’s a huge amount of art, and it’s not a commodity, this next guy down the street is not going to give you the same result. It’s not like removing earwax in any empty office. It’s a very specific, they can delicate procedure that reflects a certain aesthetic. And when I do this, the bigger hair units are placed behind for density, but they’re not leading the hairline. And the front units are being angled and positioned in a way that looks natural. And the best guy for me is the patient’s own hair, I can see how it’s coming out. And I can match it with these hairs from the back that are going to grow for your whole life. So let’s have a 27 year old who’s losing their hair, I’ll do the hair transplant, I’ll read him force the front hairline, they may lose their you know their natives and only have my transplants left behind. But they’re connected from side to side with their face framed when they’re 90, those areas are still growing. And that’s really a powerful investment in yourself.
Justin Trosclair 13:47
So whenever you’re looking at that, I can see how if you line it up, but then what about going backwards? Because that’s a lot of real estate. And I don’t know, I mean, this is the part I’m curious about. Yeah, you’re talking to row of the hair. So if you have to replace an inch back from the where the hairline used to be, or do you have to kind of go where you know, bring a picture when you’re 18, or you’re kind of stuck with where your hairline that
Unknown 14:11
so I don’t want to lower you to where you were when you were 18 because when you’re 90, you don’t want to have hair growing in the location of an 18 year olds hair, you want to look age appropriate, but you want to look your best. And so I’m thinking not just a year down the line, I’m thinking 20 years down the line. So the way I set it up is a dense pack the front so that way, there’s a visual block for the eye. And then I made it backwards. So if they did nothing else, they’re connected from side to side, but they have a bald spot at a later time, I can transplant that bald spot too. And it’s never going to be the density of an 18 year old that you’re going to have coverage. Okay,
Justin Trosclair 14:48
so that’s the key is to make it so when I look at you, I can tell like, I know sounds like if I take a picture from the side, I’m like, Oh, I don’t like the side view anymore. Put on the front view of like, Hey, you know, it’s possible.
So that’s the type of thing that the surgeon for yourself even. That’s the kind of things you have to consider when you’re doing the
Unknown 15:06
hundred percent there. There’s everyone comes with their own donor site. Sometimes the hairs are very thick. And then you don’t want to have too many of those daycares be the leading Harris because even though they’re single, they just look fit for the job force has really thin hair, you know, you’re going to have to pack it a little bit dense or in order to get the coverage, right. And then some people have a very wide big donor site. And some people are smaller. So you have to manage expectations with what’s possible. So you’re still doing a strip
Justin Trosclair 15:35
though, like you have to remove a strip somewhere fix things that to that method
Unknown 15:40
right now is kinda like the gold standard. It always works. It’s always doable. It’s great for women. It’s great for people with very curly hair. But for somebody with wavy or straight hair, we can shave the back very short, use a micro drill that’s less than a millimeter in diameter, remove only the core components of the seed of the follicle, say thing and then there are no stitches it heals by secondary intention and contraction. And it’s like invisible and there’s no line in the back can you can go as short as the size one razor and you won’t see that any hair was taken. And so I can take out about 2500 to 4000 follicles and the average Pollock was 2.3 hairs before you’re going to see a visual decrease in density. So you’re
Justin Trosclair 16:23
there for hours.
Unknown 16:27
Yes. meticulous Wow. Yeah. It takes about eight hours. My goodness, okay. The patient’s they’ve eaten breakfast or on Valley them. And then they take another Valley and they have a great day
Justin Trosclair 16:37
I came in imagine doing this, you know, I draw sometimes. And sometimes I get bored. Yeah, and I get tired. And then you picture gets ruined? How do you stay motivated for eight hours? I mean, that’s pretty intense.
Unknown 16:48
I have a passion to help my patients. And that’s a commitment. And honestly, I like it. It’s like, some people would watch this and be like, I could never do this. It’s incredibly CDs and other Yeah, myself. Look at this. And I’m like, How good can we make it? Let’s Let’s crush it.
Justin Trosclair 17:07
Yeah. Are you able to harvest first and then come back the next day and in planted or it has to be all done within like a time you can
Unknown 17:14
do that. I’ve never done it though. If the patient does not want to sit through today’s us to be honest. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it can be done in one day beautifully. There’s no reason to stretch it.
Justin Trosclair 17:26
Okay. And what about this PRP. To me that seems like a great option that you can just inject something and then it starts growing. But what is that.
Unknown 17:33
So basically, I’m a gardener and I’m looking at the plot of land, which is the scalp and that hairs are the plants and the follicles are the seeds. And so if I’m looking at it. And the big healthy plant has miniaturised, it’s beginning to shrivel up but it’s alive. I don’t need to go planting, I need fertilizer and that’s where PRP comes in. If you don’t have seeds to fertilize, it doesn’t matter how much fertilizer you put on a barren land, you won’t grow crops. So for somebody in the earlier stages of hair loss where they still have hair but it’s changing specially that shedding PRP is very valuable. And for your listeners who don’t know what this PRP thing we’re talking about is it’s platelet rich plasma which really means growth factor rich solution and growth factors are used to grow blind and I started to grow hair the growth factor comes from within the platelet which is a cell that floats around in the blood and so during an office visit will draw the patient’s blood will centrifuge will spin it down which separates the components based on density. The platelets are the least dense me the water of blood is plasma will take that out will concentrate the growth factors from within the platelets by activating them. And what’s nice is that these growth factors are your own. You’re not going to reject your own growth factors. You won’t get an allergy to yourself, you’re not going to catch some weird virus. And you know, people have tried all sorts of wacky things grow hair, I’m happy to upset I don’t think I’ve ever done anything like this. But one of the popular trends maybe three years ago was to put a cell into people’s hair. A cell is an extracellular matrix that’s derived from fetal pig bladder matrix. So they take it you don’t pig’s bladder, chop it off and injected into your head. And I kept joking that that’s just not kosher, but
Unknown 19:26
I don’t think it grows hair. And there really aren’t any studies showing it does every once in a while your body recognizes the pig is for it. And you can have this horrible inflammatory response and you can literally like pull your own hair out falling out that easily. It’s coming out in clumps, and it’s really getting the opposite effect. So the PRP is nice because I’ve never had a patient shed from doing it. Everyone gets some degree of improvement. The question is, how much is it going to help you which leads me to my next thought process on this which is like who gets health by PRP? And the answer is, PRP is growth factors that’s doing something on the inflammatory cascade. If you’re a guy in your purely hormonal hair loss probably PRP is not the right treatment but there’s often a mixed to it. There’s women who also have Andrew genetic alopecia who if you buy apps, either scout will have a microphone with the latest or an inflammation at the hair volt. And those patients do great with your page.
Unknown 20:25
If you’re interested in seeing real results. I have a website called haircare, MD H, ai r CA, Ra E and d.com and there’s an entire gallery on PRP results, a whole gallery on hair transplant results. And so you get a sense of what’s possible.
Justin Trosclair 20:41
So the PRP, you really had to pick your people a little more
Unknown 20:46
thorough screening very thoroughly. A lot of people have had bloodwork of you, we don’t want to miss an underlying medical conditions just start treating something and I have a hair microscope that helps me to look at how the miniaturization is. Look at the little holes for which the hairs come up out of and you get a lot of valuable information.
Justin Trosclair 21:06
Now you have an object like 1000 times every spot or is it kind of
Unknown 21:12
sort out the head and then do little injections and create a little bubble or medical terms of blab and connected until the area of thinning has been fully treated. And I’m injecting at the level the follicle which is something I know really well they do a hair transplant. Look at them almost every day.
Justin Trosclair 21:28
Yeah, okay. So it’s not just into the scalp, you obviously is not
Unknown 21:32
injecting it like sub galleys. It’s just in the wrong area. And the procedure takes about 30 minutes from walking in the door to walking out people are back to work that day,
Justin Trosclair 21:42
I’m kind of trying to set it up so that people aren’t just going to their orthopedic surgeon and saying, Hey, can you do this in my head.
Unknown 21:48
So there’s like eight systems to make PRP and some of the systems concentrate the growth factors to very high levels. And other systems create a longer acting version for the growth factors to fiber, which is the body’s natural glow, I have found that the long acting PRP is way more effective, because it’s sticking around hair grows real slowly. So if you inject something, and it’s gone within 24 hours, do the vascular to the scalp, even if it’s a high concentrations, probably not going to meaningfully change anything. But if you inject something that’s injected into like the glue, and slowly leaching out releasing these growth factors, it has more potential for an improvement. And the studies with my particular system show that it’s improving over the first four months. And as long as six months from one treatment. But just like any fertilizer, it’s good for a season, it’s not going to change the genetics are the ultimate code that’s, you know, running the hairs
Justin Trosclair 22:44
biology for life is the PRP more affordable option, then the transplant route,
Unknown 22:49
yes. And no, the PRP is good for four to six months. And you’re doing it again, in Manhattan, it’s going to cost you around 1200 to 1500 dollars per treatment. And a transplant, you’re looking at about 15 to 20,000. But let’s say you’re 25 years old, you’re going to do a hair transplant, it’s going to again, last you your entire life. And it’s a one thing you don’t have to do any maintenance. There’s no pills, there’s no effect on the body. And no matter what you do, those hairs are growing. I’ve never had a hair transplant fell. It works every time. And if I move on grid hairs, it’s like 95 to 97 will take. And so it’s like every time I take the test. I get a 95 to 97% not like I pass 97% of the tests and fell 3% of the test. Does that make sense?
Justin Trosclair 23:35
Yeah. And like what you said was the way you set it up is your jeans, you’re going to lose more hair like it’s gonna happen. You’re going to get thinner. It’s going to more horse Jewish, right? But what I can do is set it up. So now as you age and lose more hair. It’s not going to look silly,
Unknown 23:49
Justin Trosclair 23:50
You’re not going to have an 18 year olds hair and the rest of the hair. He’s like, I got to spend another 20 grand because now look ridiculous from behind.
Unknown 23:56
No. Yeah, exactly. So okay. My goal is if we do one, these, you could never do another one, you’re going to look normal. That’s pretty good.
Justin Trosclair 24:03
Yeah, is your system pretty unique. And there are a lot of options out there.
Unknown 24:07
So the system for hair transplant is very unique. There are systems out there, some of them are quote unquote, robots. And some of them are smarter systems than other systems. None of this really makes a difference. It’s all marketing. What matters is how the design is for the placement. Because if you can get the hair to grow, whether you take it out with a robot or by hand, it’s irrelevant. What matters is how its place it’s kind of like,
Unknown 24:37
you know, an artist saying that they’re stone is, you know, their, their chisel is better, right, chisel is a more depth chisel, you don’t care about that you care what they can do with it.
Justin Trosclair 24:47
So that’s the biggest thing is if someone gets pique, pique their interest, that’s the one big thing that they need to look at is the before and the answer. Because if you don’t like the app, the results doesn’t
Unknown 24:56
matter how good the technology is, exactly, the results are everything for this as a as a patient trying to figure out who to go to. Also, you want to make sure that you can talk with your doctor. And they’re going to listen to you. And this is someone that you can connect with gives, you’re going to spend eight hours that day. And then you have that result for life. So you better make sure that this is somebody who really understands your vision.
Justin Trosclair 25:17
How long before you look good, because I can imagine you’re going to be inflamed. And it’s going to look like you went through procedures
Unknown 25:23
for a little while back. What’s pretty good at at six days, seven days with the FTP with the strip immediately, it looks good, because you have long hair covering the incision line, you’ll never see it from the front. There’s little stats that are read on day one. And they turn to sort of a tan color on day three. And then they fall out sometime between day five and day 10 people are let’s say I do it on a Wednesday, they leave with a wrap on their heads wrapped comes off on Thursday. They’re able to do work from home on Friday, most people are back to work on Monday was not that much downtime,
Justin Trosclair 26:00
okay, I was just always good. You know, sometimes when you get like a surgery, your immediate friends will know surgeon for a while. And
then six months later, you’re like, Oh, I would have never known you had a procedure in
Unknown 26:10
so in terms of never know you haven’t done you have to wait for the steps to fall off. So a safe safe 1010 days, seven to 10 days. And then you have these little hairs but our carriers are always falling out. And new hairs are always growing. And you’ll just look like you have a shadow these new hairs and it’s sort of within your hair. So it’s not so hard to hide. And then you can wear a baseball cap as soon as the next day. So if we do it on a Wednesday wearing a baseball cap on a Thursday and you can be like out to dinner. So it’s Yeah.
Justin Trosclair 26:40
Hey, are there any tips or tricks I heard was a rumor if you wear a baseball hat a lot you could go bald faster.
Unknown 26:48
There’s thoughts on vascular clarity and compromising and tension and constricting but then everyone who you know it’s just it’s so inconsistent. Yeah, I think the best predictors looking at your relatives.
Justin Trosclair 26:59
There you go. Okay, so no tips or tricks really that to prevent that the hair loss
Unknown 27:04
your with your tip. And trick is that via 10, which is like the hair vitamin that’s really promoted doesn’t seem to help with hair growth at all. There’s like 30 clinical studies showing it doesn’t do anything by 10 is actually made by bacteria in our gut, and likely you had an excess of it already. And there’s a recent study that showed that by I think can interfere with certain left detection specifically proponent and there was a guy who was taking a lot of bias and had chest pain went into the ER they did the proponents they came back normal they sent him out and he died sad because obviously there’s a guy was trying to care of himself went into the year with the chest pain and he’s also trying to tear himself his hair with the bias and thing but the by it and actually blocked that proponent my value. So it doesn’t seem like unless you’re a vitamin deficient person, which is incredibly rare. And you would know, because you don’t have eyebrows, eyelashes, or any air send invites and supplement would be incredibly helpful for you. You probably don’t need to be taking it so you can save some money.
Justin Trosclair 28:07
There we go. Awesome. You must be marketing, you’re doing a podcast or whatever marketing Do you do. Because this can be a I’m assuming you have people from all over this possibly the world but at least the United States flying in to do this
Unknown 28:19
from all over the US in Europe, Middle East, South America, Central America. So my feeling is that people are going to go to the person. It’s like a meritocracy, the best results and the best experiences are going to help you get more patients. And the concept of word of mouth to me has been the single best tool to get more patients. And when I came to New York City after medical school at Northwestern, I did end at NYU, as I’d mentioned. And I was on a campaign figure out who’s the best plastic surgeon for face in Manhattan. And I got a list of about three names. And two of the guys were older, and one of the guys was younger, and anyone in my shoes would have tried to spend time with the older guy because they’re going to retire and you can take over their practice. And that would make a lot of sense. The problem for me was that when I saw the younger guy working, I was like, This is unbelievable. I’ve never seen anyone do a faceless. And that’s Dr. David Rosenberg. And I was fortunate that my residency allowed me to spend time with him. And we spent from 2000 to nine till 2014 getting to know each other when I was a fellow who was part of the fellowship and then I spent time afterwards enjoying his practice. And so in terms of marketing there is right there. Here’s a marketing
Unknown 29:47
spending time with people who can help you get off on the right foot who have excellent reputations has been very helpful factor. Rosenberg doesn’t believe in online advertisement or spending money like that, for me, the there’s a website called real self.com where patients can ask questions, and doctors actually will respond to them. And it’s a really interesting website. And so I have spent some time there, which has been really helpful at answering people and getting my name and getting exposure, you know, doing a podcast like this, I started an Instagram account about a year ago. And that’s gotten a pretty good following pretty quickly. And what’s nice is I can show sort of the diversity of work. But I can also share a little of my personality, people can understand if they come to me what they’re going to deal with. And because I did my training in New York, I met all of these doctors, none of which were doing what I’m doing back going back to the hair thing. So that it’s, it’s an easy relationship where they’re happy to send to me, and they’re excited to see somebody that’s like their child grow up, and they’re continuing to support. And they also, I got great advice. When I was a resident, they said to me, Ben, you want to be the type of doctor that you would want to send to. So in every interaction, figure out like, is this the type of person that you’d want to send to. And if you continuously treat people in the way that you know, you want to be treated, then your girl growing, and that’s a nice thing to take off.
Justin Trosclair 31:22
I think people respect when between not only as a patient, but as the doctors, if you can always be the guy that you can turn to, you’re going to get treated well, you’re going to do a good job, and you’re going to put the patient first. And that’s going to carry over real real quick that we’re going to
Unknown 31:35
go. So I think also as a surgeon, knowing your limitations is really important. There are some things that you’re going to finish your training and you’re just not ready to do. And there are other things that you’re going to do beautifully and you want to be available and you want to be affable, right, if you want to be accommodating, but it doesn’t mean have to do everything. Someone will respect you just as much for saying, you know what, this is above my level of comfort at this time. And that’s okay.
Justin Trosclair 32:01
If someone was curious about working with you, are they able to do any sort of online consultations where they can send photos of themselves. So they’re like, Look, I’ll pay you for your console. But if I don’t have to fly to New York, yeah, for you to look at me and say, I can’t help is that I
Unknown 32:18
do, I do Skype councils, I can look at photos, if it’s something like that, you know,
Unknown 32:24
if we’re doing significant work, I’m, you know, there are fees, but I’ll often just take a look at a photo and help give somebody direction. And if there’s a local person who can do it better, you know, we try to take care of each patient the best way possible.
Justin Trosclair 32:40
Yeah, and I’m not a fan of doing things for free. A lot of times, like there’s got to be, you could be overwhelmed with free kick cases and
Unknown 32:49
do it for in house we always have a console too, because it’s my time is valuable. My patients time is valuable, you know, I went to medical school for four years, resin see, for five, another year of fellowship, I spent a lot of years in practice at the highest level of Manhattan. And for me to take my time and for you to take your time out of your busy life. We want to make this very meaningful.
Justin Trosclair 33:13
Absolutely, cuz you do find that in Manhattan, there was a versus being a New Jersey, the, the look of the office, does that make a big difference to the patients when they come in?
Unknown 33:24
I think anywhere you go, you’re looking at all of these subtle on on your subconscious identifier. So having a very clean office that’s well run for you know, that every detail is being thought about. It makes it easier to move forward, even if you know that it’s not a southern New York first New Jersey thing or anything like that. But if you go into an office, and it seems like it’s disorganized, are unclean, that may be a reflection on the work you’re about to receive.
Justin Trosclair 33:55
That’s true. That’s kind of an obvious answer. I was just curious, because I know some, some offices look like, whoa, this is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen. He’s lunch, you go to an office and be like, okay, it’s just kind of white walls and looks clean
Unknown 34:08
as, as any office you will ever see this beautiful.
Justin Trosclair 34:11
Yeah, just looking at your room right here. And like, that’s pretty nice. And it’s probably nobody knew I didn’t know before.
Unknown 34:19
The carpeting is actually really cool.
Unknown 34:22
Anyway. Yeah, that’s pretty well,
Unknown 34:25
Justin Trosclair 34:26
as nice Doc, do you remember a time when you had a patient that really stands out where it felt like you change their life and just made you think to yourself, this is why I spent so many years becoming a doctor.
Unknown 34:39
Yeah, you know, there are cases like this that come up from time to time where you get to take a step back, and you might think of somebody who’s obsessed with hair doesn’t happen as often, but it actually happens quite often. I took care of somebody recently who had breast cancer, and then the breast cancer came back and she lost all her hair. She needed an aggressive chemotherapy and she was on Rogaine for many months afterwards, as it didn’t really do that much. We tried the PRP and it definitely helped but it didn’t get her there. And then we did a hair transplants for her because the hair on the back came back because that’s the healthier hair and she got an incredible results. And she said, she’s going to these medical meetings and people are coming up to her and they go, I know we’re not supposed to tell you this, but you look amazing. And you should walk around. It’s cut, you know, and and so she came back to take it felt very wonderful to be able to give that to somebody and to know that that results going to be with her life.
Justin Trosclair 35:45
That’s amazing. It does make you feel like you can go home at night just knowing Yeah, this is what I do all day. Wow. Dr. Paul, people these days have a morning routine or lunch routine that gets them grounded and excited for the rest of the day. Do you have anything like that?
Unknown 36:00
Yeah, I have a lot of fun routines in my week. And in my day that I think makes it a little bit more fun. So my office has two hours we operate every single day. And we have sort of a front staff where there are clinic rooms in our staff and our entire or staff eats breakfast together every morning. And currently we’re all doing like egg whites and little bit of ice coffee because it’s summer and then the office has sort of this fun every Wednesday, we go to this boot camp called Barry’s bootcamp as a team at 420
Unknown 36:33
at a
Unknown 36:35
64th and second in Manhattan if anyone wants to join us and it’s a treadmill workout class that’s incredibly challenging and then a part of a squash league that I like it’s like tennis inside a box for those who haven’t seen it I played squash and college five days a week was on the team we travel and so I’ve been able to keep that up which is really good for my health and I think it’s good for the mind to
Justin Trosclair 37:00
makes me think I need to YouTube some thinking record via watch
Unknown 37:03
TV you’ll be like wow that’s an intense sport it’s quick quick and when you watch it you’re like how are you not getting hit all the time but you just don’t like a dance you know how to move in the person you’re playing with knows how to move when you’re on a higher level with that big time
Unknown 37:17
and I see that you have glasses so you gotta wear protective
Unknown 37:20
always always always had a math teacher in high school who lost in high places he wasn’t wear goggles yeah serious
Justin Trosclair 37:26
yeah I got hit glasses one time with a racquetball and I was like oh okay lesson learn I’m glad I didn’t like you’re like you’re losing it
Unknown 37:33
was like after that I kind of I
Unknown 37:35
kind of backed off
Justin Trosclair 37:38
well to wrap this thing up favorite books blogs or podcasts that you secretly love and one that you think everybody should definitely take a look at Oh
Unknown 37:47
podcast I started listening to your love it and I like this American life I like radio lab last Friday project I think those are probably the three that I listened to the most consistently and then that more perfect by radio lab figure that one I think the the ones to check out then. So it’s basically they went through Supreme Court cases and tried to find people that were on the part of the decision making for landmark cases and went through why they’re important. It’s a really good podcasts really well done.
Justin Trosclair 38:19
And what was that will call it one more time. More perfect. More perfect.
Unknown 38:22
Yeah, that sounds pretty awesome. Yeah,
Unknown 38:24
maybe respect the strength it’s the Supreme Court has, at least on us rules and, and outcomes.
Justin Trosclair 38:30
That could be why so many people up in arms right now with all the not to get political. But being that there’s Obama they want and Trump possibly doing to, right. So that’s why people care so much. Whenever you start to listen to these types of things. You’re like, Oh, this is the far reaching consequences with the wrong person, potentially. Yeah, yeah. Any books,
Unknown 38:48
let’s say, I think the best for somebody who is going to go off on their own is probably how to win friends and influence people. Which is like an old classic that Dale Carnegie both
Unknown 39:02
that was probably be my strongest recommendation for anyone to read. They’re going to read every single book because they haven’t read it yet. It’s worth that’s
Justin Trosclair 39:10
perfect. Perfect. And how can people find you on that you can then drop the couple of websites here and there. But let’s just go through those. Again.
Unknown 39:17
The easiest thing is Instagram. There’s Dr. Ben Paul’s. Dr. p n pa ul. My website is www.dr p n pa ul Dr. Ben Paul. And then the website that I have just devoted to hair is hair care. And d h, Ai, r ch. AR. d. De De De
Justin Trosclair 39:40
very nice, man. I’m pretty proud of that. You could actually get that URL with Dr. Ben Paul. Like, that’s
Unknown 39:45
Unknown 39:47
that’s pretty amazing. I got that a long time ago. Just
Unknown 39:50
smart. Smart.
Justin Trosclair 39:52
Yeah, thank you so much for your time. And if there’s anything we can do on our in, let us know. And I do hope that you will get a few phone calls from your time today.
Unknown 40:01
Yeah, that would be wonderful doors open,
Justin Trosclair 40:06
I’d like to tell you about a special deal we’re doing right now. If you’re listening to this months, or years from right now, just contact me. Maybe we can still offer this for you. But what it is the acupuncture needle book, we’re doing some bonuses, the same cost of the book, not only do you get a one hour one on one coaching session, but I will actually throw in the probe in the ears, ears, which already like to do. But the big thing is, you’re going to get the electric acupuncture pin for no extra cost dielectric acupuncture and actually helps you find the acupuncture points that you need to stimulate. And because it’s kind of like a muscle stem. But with a special tip you’re going to get far superior results definitely go to needless acupuncture.net and check that out. Also, the first book today’s choices tomorrow’s health. You know, we’re talking tips from China, we’re talking 10 plus years experience as a chiropractor, answering patients questions, day in and day out blueprints that I personally use to lose weight not so much and also keep my finances in order. It’s something that I’m passionate about. That’s why I wrote the book. It’s over 200 pages. 40 something chapters again, offering a bonus for this one as well. A one on one coaching call for one hour at no extra cost. We got t shirts, some different state prize chiropractic t shirts. If you got any ideas, let me know I can maybe design up something and make it available for everybody. Follow us on social media because there are a lot of sales that go on with the shirts. let you know if you read a review on iTunes, Stitcher, Google podcast, Spotify, wherever, let me know send me an email. And every month I can raffle off one prize. The prize is to be determined but we can do that. Also check out any of the resources page on a doctor’s perspective. net you see all our affiliate links which we get a little kickback for. And then of course, on every show page we have Amazon links for the books that people have mentioned in the other types of products. So you click that Amazon pays us a little bit. As always, thank you so much for listening. You can buy the host a cup of coffee on a PayPal button on the website and remember, listen critically think about it and implement it into your practice.
We just went hashtag behind the curtain can this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guest I sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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