A Doctor's Perspective Podcast

Justin Trosclair, DC interviews Acadiana Local Businesses and other doctors about success, trials, marketing and home life balance.

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Dr. Justin is the head chiropractor at Scoliosis Center of LA and Chiropractic

The host and Platinum sponsor of this podcast is also the doctor at Scoliosis Center of LA and Chiropractic. He offers adults and kids adjustments and exercises to help posture and pain associated with scoliosis. He uses Scolibalance as well as a non-brace option from Germany. He also takes care of usual chiropractic conditions like headaches, disc bulges, neck and low back.

Books Authored By Dr. Justin

Health Reboot 4 Ways​

Learn the blueprints I used to lose weight, control my food portions, exercise, tricks to help and balance the biggest stress in life, finances. Plus a section on chiropractic.

Master Chinese Dinners

After 5 years in China, learn how their unique dinner culture takes place. The Do’s and Do Not’s so you and your host can gain face. Bonus: tea ceremony details.

One Sheet & CV Design for Docs

Many doctors are looking for referral relationships and speaking gigs but can’t even get them to call back. With a well designed and written one sheet (by Dr. Justin)  you can get those meetings booked.

TriLingual Kids Coloring Books

Have your kids color over 200 animals while also learning the names in English, Spanish and Chinese. Coloring and Flashcard type learning at the same time.

No Needle Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be confusing, scary and not available for a lot of people, that’s why I created a do it yourself, at home,  no needle acupuncture book to guide you through 40 common conditions.

Show Your Financial Support with One-Time and Monthly Options

Other Projects Dr. Trosclair Works On

The Host Was Interviewed on...

Podcast Gear & Original T-Shirts

Prolon Fast Mimicking Diet Help

Top Downloads of 2020-2017

Purchase the Electric Acupuncture Pen

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Ultimate One Sheet & CV's for Doctors and Professionals

Many doctors are looking for referral relationships and speaking gigs
but can’t even get them to call back.
With a well designed and written One Sheet & CV,
you can get those meetings booked.

EPISODE DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for general informational purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, physio type therapy or any other professional healthcare services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor patient relationship is formed. The use of this information and the materials linked to this podcast is at the users own risk. The content on this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users /listeners should not delay in obtaining medical advice from any medical condition they have and they should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions. A full disclosure is available on the website and any of the books and services mentioned on the show could be an affiliate or sponsor relationship and those are disclosed appropriately as such.