Top 10 Episodes of 2021

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Oh 2021 was a year of change. I went from weekly episodes to, whenever I find a guest I really want on the podcast. Plus, trying the balance of work, family life, pandemic stuff in Germany and travel, as well as moving back to South Louisiana for a more permanent change.

Enjoy this years top 10 episodes.

E 180 House Call Chiropractic How & Why Jillaine St Michel DC
E 177 Profit First System and Onboarding Staff Sabrina Starling PhD
E 178 Narcissism Explained with TikTok Fame Kelsey Phalen Straatmann
E 179 Health Care Workers Mental Health Simon Maltais MD
E 172 Nearing Retirement, Now What? Murs Tariq CFP
E 176 Emotional Eating Causes, Complications, Solutions Tricia Nelson Heal Your Hunger
E 171 Foot Strength and Shoe Sales Colin Dombroski PhD
M 72 Video Creation Ideas and Restricted Content
M 71 Teach and Pitch Ads
M 69 Charisma Personified

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[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Try 2018’s list here. [rainmaker_form id=”3454″] [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Try 2017’s list here. [rainmaker_form id=”3465″][/su_column][/su_row]

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