
E 100 Physician Assistants, Contracts, Race and Staff Dr. Johnathan Ledet MD Round 2

Dermatologist discusses contract negotiations, physician assistants hiring and training: newbie vs experienced, hospital managers and disputes, Advanced Practice Provider relations, and racial conflicts with patients and family. Dr. Johnathan Ledet, MD What have you learned about training staff? Do the office managers help? Contract negotiation tips? What do you do when you hospital system starts…

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Episode 06 : From Chiropractor to Nurse Find Your Passion with Martin Beyer DC BSN

Episode 06  : From Chiropractor to Nurse Find Your Passion with Martin Beyer DC BSN British by birth, Canadian by immigration, followed by immigration to America after being a student and green card holder, Martin Beyer Doctor of Chiropractic shares his journey.  Dr. Beyer discusses his life and role as an associate doctor and how…

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