
E 143 3d Printing Dentistry and Chiro Referrals Colin Lathrop DDS

3d printing and advanced digital scanning for all your dental tooth needs. Custom fit, quicker chair time and happy patients. How a chiropractor and dentist can be a referral team and cross train your team members. Colin Lathrop DDS According to Dr. Lathrop, the boredom of plan jane general dentistry got him to learn the…

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E 140 Improving Patient Experience Dr Sonny Spera DDS

Patient experience begins with communicating in a way they understand but also discussing all the dental options. We discuss pH acidity, the trouble with direct to consumer braces and TMJ treatment. Dr. Sonny Spera, DDS doesn’t hold back. Dr. Sonny Spera  had so many people tell him to not be a dentist growing up, why…

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