I’ve been honored to be on the following programs.
Get Dr. Justin’s One Sheet here to see how he can benefit your audience.
Dr Marketing Tips Podcast Ep 228
Ep 228 How to Build and Sell Your Medical Practice
Just like buying a boat, the two best days of building a business are the day you start it and the day you sell it. Every business owner, physicians included, dream of the day when all your hard work finally pays off in a successful exit.
In this week’s episode of the DrMarketingTips Podcast, Jennifer sits down with Dr. Justin Trosclair to discuss how he bought, built, and sold his medical practice – and how you can, too.
Dr. Kevin Christie’s Modern Chiropractic Marketing E 194
It was a privilege to be invited on to Dr. Kevin Christie’s Modern Chiropractic Marketing Podcast to discuss One-Sheets and CV’s. Take a listen for a special price too. Utilizing a One-Sheet for your Professional Career As chiropractors, we often find it difficult to provide potential contacts in our community with a concise piece of collateral that will highlight who we are as a professional. In this episode, Dr. Justin Trosclair of The Doctor’s Perspective discusses how a One-Sheet can help separate yourself from the pack and provide other professionals and potential referral sources a streamlined document about you and the expertise you provide.
Dr. Ed Osburn’s #1 Ranked Podcast: The Chiropractic Philanthropist E 359
Dr. Ed Osburn has the #1 ranked podcast The Chiropractic Philanthropist. He interviews Dr. Justin with his standard 5 questions. Learn about Dr. Trosclair’s big mistake, advice for his younger self if he had a TCP Time Machine, and of course we brush on his books, podcast 225 episodes, book recommendations, positive affirmations and the one-sheet creation he does for other doctors. We cover have a healthy dose of expat life in Germany and China and why you should consider moving abroad for a little while. Take a listen to episode 359.
Dr. Terry Fox of The Get Foxy Show E 96 Chiropractic Care
His goal is to relieve patients of pain quickly and be your guide back to an active lifestyle.
Ideas Covered in this episode:
Evidence based Chiropractic, Swollen joints create pain. Adjustments help alleviate that pain. Why Chiropractic helps so many conditions, How Justin became a Chiropractic Doctor and world traveler, A Doctor’s Perspective podcast, Needle-less Acupuncture, Blogging into a Book, Today’s Choice, Tomorrow’s Health, Reducing inflammation by reducing sugar intake, Self-discipline for health success, Justin’s definition of foxy
Dr. Sheryl’s Podcouch
Start your Wednesday morning with this week’s episode of DrSherylsPodCouch featuring Dr. Justin Trosclair! He has been creating a difference in people’s lives since 2007. He was in private practice for 7 years in Denver, CO.
After he sold Performance Chiropractic, he spent 5 years in Yunnan Province China working as a foreign expert chiropractor in a hospital setting. That experience gave him the opportunity to learn how to integrate his specialty with the other departments of the hospital, all while communicating to patients and staff alike with the help of a translator.
Currently (2020) he is in Cologne, Germany at the Intellispine am Neumarkt clinic. Dr. Justin is working alongside Heilpraktiker who deliver the manual therapy and acupuncture.
It’s No Secret with Dr Tyson Franklin Podiatrist
154 – Working In A Foreign Country. Have you ever considered working in a foreign country? And when I say foreign, I mean a country that does not speak English and must have an interpreter to communicate. You should not try and change everyone to your way of thinking, stead; you need to embrace the culture.
I was asked questions that haven’t been answered on other shows including Monday Morning Tips, and How to decide when to extend a work contract.
Podcast Insider with Todd Cochran
We discuss the move to China. What made him want to start podcasting and continue doing it for 3 years?
What kind of stats does he track? Similarities between the host and himself.
I was honored to be on a legend like Todd’s podcast.
Get Published by Paul Brodie
Paul asks about 5 questions and the interview is less than 20 minutes. Dr. Justin discussed being an author and how he made a number 1 best seller on Amazon in 7 categories.
Owning Your Health with Dr. Lisa PT
Episode 52 of Owning Her Health you will come away learning about writing an Amazon Best Seller, marketing brand in creative ways through email and book positioning. Yup, a true renaissance man that ended up following a need for some change, finding a wife and now having a baby and that is why Dr. Justin and I get along so well. It is a long episode full of so much wisdom for personal, professional shine and so many little behind the scenes strategy that when I played it back and tried to edit some out I could not decide which will go and which to stay so I kept 99% of it!
Deal Lovely Universe
Ep. 34 Life, Health, And Wellness With Dr. Trosclair. This interview really felt like advice I’d give my 20 year old self. What inspired him to begin his podcast and the mission behind it.
The importance of #fallinginlove witj the journey and not just focusing on the destination.
His #advice for people on what they can do to improve themselves physically.
His advice and story about moving to another country.
A patient that touched his heart and why.
ChiroCandy with Billy Sticker
Billy Sticker of ChiroCandy e106 Practicing Abroad Part 2 – interview w/ Dr. Justin Trosclair
– More details of life in Denver prior to China. Stories about hospital life, cooperation with other doctors, and my books.
ChiroSushi with Tristan Schuab
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/E59DqheWAp0″]
Tristan Schaub of ChiroSushi interviewed Dr Justin Trosclair host of A Doctor’s Perspective.
-Why podcast, Why China, How’s working in a hospital, No English-How’s life communicating through a translator only?
In Your Pants with Susie Gronski
Dr. Justin shares his cultural experiences with sexual health in China and the difference between the American way of life, how tampons are shocking, and how you can still have sex even when your back hurts.
You wouldn’t believe this, but babies in China wear crotch less diapers! Find out what pooping is like in China using a squatter and why this is better for your bowel health. And…you won’t want to miss how I made Dr. Justin blush when I asked about what’s going on in his pants ha-ha!
Tips For Health Leaders by Health Leaders by Dr Lisa PT Episode 4
You don’t usually see Chiropractors and Physical Therapists hanging out and talking shop but then again, Justin and I are two integrative unicorns in how we approach Living, Learning and Leading in healthcare. How did Dr. Justin get from being in Chiropractic school and mending a broken heart to then be THE lead chiropractor, with an international podcast and an author in a small town in China?
We have a power chat on how we, in normally rival professions, actually have the same industry frustrations, entrepreneur challenges and visionary dreams as health leaders.
Junk You Should Know Show by Dr Heather Denniston for Needleless Acupuncture Book
March 2018 Dr Justin Trosclair was invited to the facebook live show The Junk You Should Know Show hosted by Dr Heather Denniston to discuss his latest book Needleless Acupuncture. A no needle alternative to treat 40 common conditions. He is offering 4 step by step DIY protocols as free downloads: anxiety, headaches, back pain and insomnia. visit www.needlelessacupuncture.net/protocol
Jim Chester of Chiro Hustle Podcast
Jim Chester of ChiroHustle talks chiropractic in China with Dr Justin Trosclair DC. We hear Justin’s pick for top influencers, having a new baby, rehab and chiropractic, plus a deep dive into A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast, and his two books Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Heath and Needleless Acupuncture.