​Needleless Acupuncture Chaptersall the acupuncture point locations described

(including pictures and treatment schedule) needed to find relief

It’s time for a solution.

Knee Pain Relief Blueprints

Go walk, run, climb stairs again in no time.Beat the knee pain with no needle acupuncture.All you need is in this download. (except the e-pen)

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Headache Relief Blueprints

You don’t have to suffer needlessly with headaches and take a bunch of pills.

Don’t Hesitate, See if these ​points are Right for you.


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Anxiety Relief Blueprint

Tightness in the chest, hearts racing, breathing is difficult… not another anxiety attack.

It’s frustrating, it’s scary and managing it is becoming a chore. Try a new approach.

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Insomnia Relief Blueprint

​Get your beauty rest.

Stop being agitated​ and foggy brained​

Restore your well-being.

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Low Back Pain Relief Blueprint

Not another day of dreading getting out of bed. Not another apology to the family for missing important events. Not another doctor’s visit and excuse for missing work. ​

Stop back pain in its tracks.

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If You Experience The Following, Then Download These Chapters!

-Dr. Justin Trosclair, DC

3D-needleless-acupuncture book

Not only am I Doctor of Chiropractic for over 11 years but I’ve spent 4 years working in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department in a Hospital in China. Take Advantage of Lessons Learned During My Time In China and Get These Solutions NOW!

Relief! I can lunge again.

​I’ve had terrible pain in my right knee for years now. It would ache from going up too many stairs, I would have to go up one at a time. I tried Needless Acupuncture. It was so fantastic!!! The results were amazing! I can lunge again when I exercise, and I can go upstairs without taking them one at time. My knee is not stiff and it doesn’t ache. One of the advantages to the needleless acupuncture was that I could do it myself. I could work on my knee anywhere. The illustrations made all the difference. I can find the pressure points I need to use, and I noticed the difference in just a few days. I will definitely continue to keep up the procedures and intend to explore more ways to help the rest of me! And P.S. I’m afraid of needles. -Krista F. Lafayette, LA.

If you want to purchase Needleless Acupuncture Full Length Self Treatment Guide for 40 Common Conditions then visit www.adoctorsperspective.net/bundlepacks

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