Hey I screwed up

You know how sometimes you screw up and just say, How did

it happen? This is one of those times…


I was placing an order for my own books and had to rush

through the checkout process and instead of ordering 10 copies,

I ordered 100 by accident. Great Job Justin. I know.


Now normally this wouldn’t be a huge deal, but I

already have more than I can use for my upcoming event,

and these books were shipped to my house and not the

normal shipping company. So I need to move them out.


Honestly, I always enjoyed other side projects and selling

t-shirts and packing them up, addressing the box and

standing in line at the post office.  No I’m serious, I did

enjoy it because it made me feel like people are actually

supporting my efforts. They wanted what I created,

how crazy.


Well, I want to BLOW THESE THINGS OUT of my house

in a hurry, so I’m going to offer ONLY subscribers to this

podcast and past customers this chance to get your hands

on my latest book “Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Health”

for below the amazon price ($67.00 + 4.99 S&H…as a

business owner I HATE this idea)…

This book is packed full of health tips and hacks, improving

food choices, lessons learned in China, and starting and

expanding an exercise routine you will not quit. You can go

from a couch potato to a 5k if you wanted to. The value is

worth way more than this low price.


I thought that would be enough but when talking to friends,

I was highly encouraged to add a dozen or more exercises

and stretches to complement those who don’t have time or

desire to do anything else.  So I added them in the book.


They said how passionate I am about teaching spinal health

and how pain can indicate something is going on that

needs to be fixed, and explaining the problem with spinal

misalignments and how chiropractic is properly and

uniquely trained to correct this issue.

Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., Podcast Host, Author

Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., Podcast Host, Author

And now I finishedversion 2.0 with

5 Chapters and over 110 pages.



  1. Nine Nerve Stretches to stop Numbness in your Arm or Leg
  2. Creating and Executing a Budget
  3. Ways to Cut Expenses and Get Wise with your Money
  4. Optimal Calorie Consumption Calculator
  5. What’s the Deal with Fasting and How to Do It


The list could go on… get the point? Good. Onwards…


These books are cluttering my living room, so you can’t

wait long to order at this price.  I’ve got 100 of these

suckers laying here, but DON’T think they will last long.

My normal methods of distribution can get rid of these

books (but I mailed them to my house so now I need to

take responsibility.)


Now, at this lower cost and with the holidays rapidly

approaching, I have no idea how fast we are gonna

sell out of these 100 books at only $47.00  FREE S&H.


But I CAN promise you this: Once these special-priced

book copies are gone, they ‘re gone for good. And

that’s it. First come, first serve.


I’ve NEVER offered a deal this generous before, and I

can promise that you’ll NEVER see a price this low



front and back cover of todays choices book

Here’s how to get your hands on your next favorite

special-priced book today:


  1. You MUST order using the following link below, direct to

Paypal for the $47.00 + FREE S&H price (if you try ordering

directly from our website or Amazon, you’re gonna see the

regular total price of $67.00).


  1. Because of these extremely UNIQUE circumstances,

there is a STRICT LIMIT of 3 per person at this price.

Here’s the link to order now:

USA not HI or AK


International Order


Sincerely, Dr. Justin – Author & Podcast Host

P.S. I’ll put an “out of stock” notice soon on the page when I sell out of the 100.

P.S.S. 5 Brand new Topics filling over 110 pages:

Nerve Stretches, Financial & Budgeting Plan,

Optimal Calorie Consumption Calculator, Fasting

Remember: First come, first serve!


*US customers only get free shipping (sorry Alaska and Hawaii)


**International customers add 7.95 shipping

(Your country may have Customs restrictions, Duties and Tax that

may stop the book from being delivered. You are responsible

for any extra fees and I will not give refunds if the book fails

to be delivered. By purchasing international you agree and

understand the risk.)