Episode 40: 3d Runner Expert and Forefoot Convert Dr Janet Yiu DPT

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Dr Janet Yiu DPT talks to Dr Trosclair on A Doctors Perspective Podcast

Learn all about Dr Janet Yiu’s DPT recovery journey that leads to forefoot running, what is forefoot running, slow motion software to analyze motion, grade 5 mobilization, tips to recover faster when injured, plus what’s a virtual run

A simple slip and fall injury one random day at a hotel turned into a multi doctor (chiropractors, physical therapists, prolo therapy, cortisone injections, osteopaths), multi year ordeal that has affected her running. From back pain, si pain, hip pain, ankle pain, tingle and cold limb, and back to hip pain join us as we discuss her journey to running pain free. Dr. Liu runs down some of the most successful treatment she received and the ineffective treatment.

The culprit ended up being a glut that was failing to fire and a quad that kept compensating because she loved to run 10 miles at a time. What synergy is your running stride missing and can you use your own biofeedback to alter and correct it?

Bridge the gap between Bench exercises to Functional exercises.

We discuss how she learned about and ultimately now uses ForeFoot running as her go to stride. When do you switch from heel strike to forefoot running. Does the leaning back or forward impact that happens form heel strike vs forefoot change your biomechanics enough to cause or prevent injury? We run through forefoot running basics and how to recondition yourself to this new style.

Is self care necessary when learning a new running technique? Try a Lecross ball

Are you aware that you’re probably only going to maintain proper biomechanics for 20-30 seconds when learning forefoot running, so you have to keep rethinking about it during your run. She goes into more detail.

Tips to avoid injury while learning a new running style.

A chiropractor actually recommended she become a physical therapist.

She gives pointers on software to use to analyze runners gait.

How did pregnancy and post partum impact her running schedule? Did her old symptoms flare back up and what to do to get back on the street after delivering a baby?

What is a Virtual Run? Can you still get a medal for doing the ½ marathon even if you don’t go to the host city?
Gary Gray Institute: GIFT 3d functional transformation is an amazing program open to all sorts of professions. We don’t just squat, we also twist… like picking up a kid… how can we analyze these motions and give exercises to improve functionality.

Top way to get the most out of a rehab program when you do end up with an injury and of course ways to minimize injuries to begin with?

The unfortunate truth about how long to continue to do your specific injury recovery exercises.

How important is the massage component to physical therapy and is there another measure for why the muscles are tight?

Slow Motion Software App Hudl Technique by ubersense inc

Biggest advice for students and new grads: gain experience in the field you want to specialize in to make sure that’s actually what you want to do day in and day out.

What’s the difference between Grade 5 Mobilization vs an Adjustment?

How she juggles being a new mom and a clinic owner is touched upon. Any unique struggles having a baby “later” in life?

Volunteers with a group called Girls on the Run. Listen to learn more about this great organization.

She did an ultra team Death Valley run and has a creepy story about it.

Becoming a Supple Leopard Kelly Starrett



Show notes can be found at www.adoctorsperspective.net/40 here you can also find the transcript of the interview, links to things mentioned and the Travel Tip.

Travel Tip [su_box title=”Travel Tip” box_color=”#292929″ title_color=”#D56A00″]www.stayful.com for boutique hotels[/su_box]

[su_spoiler title=”Full Transcript of the Interview (probably has some grammatical errors). Just Click to expand”] Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Episode 40, 3d runner experts and forefoot convert. I’m your host, Dr. Justin trust Claire. And today we’re Dr. Janet, you perspective

for doctors who want a thriving practice and abundant home life listen as your host, Dr. Justin trust Claire goes behind the curtain and interviews, doctors and guess about real world

practical tips and entertainment on this episode of a doctor’s perspective. Thank you for tuning back in. We got a great show for you today. But first, what do you think about the new logo? Should I keep it? Should I go back to the other one? And another question, you know, each week I tried to do a travel photo and put the logo put their picture, put the show notes on, you know, the show title on there. What do you think? Should I just quit that and if you check Facebook, any of the past guests, you’ll see that I put the lab coat logo, then I just put their picture and decorated that instead of a travel photo. So let me know which one you like better. Which one you know, that way I can save my time. If nobody wants to travel photos. It’s your show. So help me help you. Today’s guest is Dr. Janet, you she goes into a drawn out injury that she had that forced her to learn what forefoot running is and then become an expert at running injuries and doing mobilization mods and analyzing motion. We’ll go over some software that she uses in diving with a virtual run, because I didn’t know what that was. So a doctor’s perspective, net slash four zero for the show notes. Let’s go hashtag behind the curtain.

Live from China. Welcome back to the show. today. We have a Doctor of Physical Therapy, who specializes in all things running. new mom still works, still runs blows your mind. Her name is Dr. Janet, you. Welcome to the show. Good morning. How are you? doing? Fantastic. It is 11 o’clock at night for me. So Oh my goodness. Yeah. Niihau, and one means good night.

Alright, so let’s just jump right in. How did you decide to become a physical therapist, there’s so many things you could be Why that?

Unknown 2:09
Well, so I was runner for a very long time. I really liked kind of the medical profession. I liked helping people. course being in and out of injury as a runner. I got exposed to physical therapy side of things, physical therapy, athletic training in chiropractic. And actually, what was interesting is a person that got me into physical therapy is a chiropractor.

Unknown 2:32
Yeah, it was one of my coaches in college her, she worked my chiropractor, I would go visit her quite often can I hang out in his clinic. And at the time, because I was very sporty I want to death that of training. And he’s like, you know, you might like physical therapy. I have a friend you can go shadow. I’ll give you his contact information. So I got his contacts got set up. And I really liked what I saw. So yeah, I went and just change my rap. It’s fun, just general bio, pre med straight into kinesiology pre professional into physical therapy. That’s interesting, because

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
in part of these chiropractic groups online, and oh, my goodness, if they knew who this name was, they’d probably roast him so much. Possibly recommend our most complete competition that you can imagine like, yeah, go to physical therapy. Because you can, you know, as chiropractors were like, we could do everything they do. And they’re like, well, I don’t know about that. Yeah, of course.

Unknown 3:31
And it’s funny because people like a chiropractor recommended you to do physical therapy. And like,

Unknown 3:36

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
He’s really great. So actually put up Personally, I can wreck I can understand that. Because, you know, there’s some challenges that we have that you’re not going to have. So yeah, that’s a whole nother conversation. But that’s awesome. That that’s how it. Yeah. So you’re a runner? Mm hmm. You had some injuries? I’ve had Yes. What is going on with that? What did you have

Unknown 4:00
while so what was interesting is back in 2009, I was vacationing down in Costa Rica having a good old time, I thought it’d be great to run outside and, and feel the warm rain on my skin because we get cold rain here in California. And when I ran outside, I thought my hotel room door was closed on me. So I flipped right on the marble tile that was out there on so my back. Unfortunately, at the time, I was still in grad school. So what it was was I went to school in LA, but I had an internship in San Francisco, my school was like a, if you want medical care, you gotta come back down LA, like, Oh, that’s not going to happen. So I saw a chiropractor, he just took me several times. And it worked out pretty well for the time being. And of course, as stubborn as runners are, I had pain for about a week. And I kept running after that. And at the time, I didn’t know but I adjusted my friends and just kept running. And like I said, My internship was in San Francisco, right next to the ocean. So I’d run on this pathway that was covered in sand. And that was excellent side stuff on the sand path, patch and just be like, Oh, this really hurts but just keep going. Months later, I painted my SI joint, my low back there, turned into probably four months after that turned into extreme quad tightness. And I thought it was it felt like I felt like I compartment syndrome and my quad. And then I kept running Of course thinking it’s all my head. And you know, I went to physical therapy, they gave me a lot of quick strengthening exercises, that helps me be

Unknown 5:51
but it turned into a foot tingling calf tingling. I actually about two three years after that it turned it would turn colder. It was cold outside, so almost a little bit of years down the end just last last year in 2016. I decided, hey, you need to do a restart. I’d saw and actually an osteopath, when I was living in Indiana. My fiance was over in Indiana for school, I went with him. And he thought that prolotherapy would help and that’s just the sugar alcohol injections that helps strengthen or stiffen up the tissues by creating scar tissue. I did that. And he actually after about five treatments of that and giving maybe so so benefits, he’s like, let me check your muscle imbalances. So Haley may lay on my stomach, straight my knee and clench my glutes independently. So he did one side first and then the other. And on my injured side, which is my right side, I couldn’t do it at all. And this is your glue. I couldn’t I just had a core synergy of muscles. It just wasn’t the timing of the muscles weren’t right, I could barely hold it, I got it up and I held it for like a second and just all the muscles fizzled out. So that was a point where I was like, Okay, I need to work on this like big time. So I started doing that exercise, and then added some weights. I transfer that over to more of a like stairs and step ups. And from there, I incorporated that kind of like string the knee,

Unknown 7:32
squeeze a glute back, and squats and lunging. And that tend to develop more of a strengthening program. And in regards to running, like I said, pretty much it was January 2016. I was like okay, start over, run a mile a day, and think about what your body is doing. And I actually took that principle of Okay, what are your legs doing while you’re running. And I did feel a difference. On my left side, the surgery was pretty good. My quick came back, my hip extended, my glute fired. On my right side, it was kind of like, my quad took the brunt of everything. I landed right on it,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
you can feel it,

Unknown 8:10
and I can feel it. And so my focus over 2016 was to keep my appetite, which actually was interesting is I can feel my left side, stay tight. my right side, I can actually feel it kind of tilt, tilt there a little bit. So actually had to pull it Yeah, during that for several months, I did work on actually pulling it back up. So it was level with my other side. And work on this almost pedaling my knees that straighten out your knee, get your glute working and just pull it in. So that was January 2016. And by September, I was able to run 13 miles. And that was the longest I’ve ran without paying in six years.

Unknown 9:01
So that’s a long time.

Unknown 9:03
Yeah, six years is a long time. And you know, I went and saw Stanford doctors and, you know, other medical groups here in the Bay Area. And

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I probably failed you. Yeah, that happened. Just kind of crazy.

Unknown 9:16
Part of the reason why I just decided to focus on running into about the 3d runner thing, because I felt like I went to a lot of people and they had more of the well, let’s inject you with a bunch of injections, and say I’ve had cortisone injections in my back and upper girls, I had hip injections. And none of it helped. And when I came down to it, it was basic bound mechanics. What was I doing? Yeah, so it really did help that in the middle of all that I was talking to an undergrad professor of mine who is a biomechanics instructor. And he became from when I went to him he was more into golf. Now, about 15 years later, he’s become a runner, and T’s promoting for for running. And they got me thinking and so not only have I, you know, thought about my core, but thought about what my feet were doing in regards to the forefoot running. And that’s a whole other other part of that.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, I mean, nine months of recovery, like we don’t want to think that it would take us this long to get better, but it just tells you, you might have only went to the doctor, whatever, like for a month or two, but it took you nine months of truly did.

Unknown 10:32
It really did. And that’s why I tell people you know, when you have an extended NGO like mine, six years or so, or even on and off injury, because I have a feeling that even if you have one injury when it’s not taking care of it can manifest in different injuries, right? Like because you’re weaker in your glutes one month, you can have knee pain, and you think you have that figured out and then six months down the line it could manifest as hip pain because you just adjusted your body so that either

Unknown 11:01

Unknown 11:02
exactly so and you independent foot pain to? I did I did? Yeah, well, that was me because I decided that it would. I noticed during all this that I really liked lateral hip movement. So it kind of that side bending, we’ve been inside aside, I was like, Oh, I’m really stiff leaning to my left or my right side hip that couldn’t go. So I decided to force my hip to land and just forced my body to accept the weight in that lateral motion. And

Unknown 11:38
well, that cause lateral foot pain. So pain and my pinky toe.

Unknown 11:44
Yeah, so I of course, I stopped doing that. It all came down to strengthening I didn’t have enough strength. I believe that my boot. So it wasn’t loading properly, because the strength component was in there. So my I want to say just the body inherently knows it’s different itself, when the strength isn’t there. So because it’s providing inheritance ability for the body.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, that’s what interests me. I’m thinking about your case. You know, I’m a chiropractor, obviously. And so I’m looking at them thinking you could have done train Delon burbs, you know, the drop, there’s so many, it seems like there’s been so many orthopedic tests, internal and external hip rotation, you’d like wow, you’re really locked up here. You know, Tolan, this glue when you poke it.

Unknown 12:25
Yeah, was interesting was my left side function was, I guess, on our menu muscle test on the table, my left eye was worse than my right side, my interest, I would have my right side. So it was this kind of, yeah, and I was given a bunch of exercises. But I think that’s our problem right now in physical therapy is we don’t, we haven’t bridge the gap between these table exercises, you know, the basic clam exercise, which is, you know, you open up your knees, your sideline, hippie reduction, where you lift your leg up on the side, it bridges those types of exercises into more functional exercises.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah. When that does, that takes a lot more effort, I would think on our part, when to go to that next level. Like it’s easy just to get involved with insurance billing. And here’s the protocol for blowback. Here’s the protocol for Yeah, yeah, we’re not straying from this. Unless there’s a reason and you just kind of get because you’re thin. You’re still running. Yeah, must not be that bad. You know, just complaining.

Unknown 13:34
Yeah, it was for a while. I really thought with all this to beforehand that it was, it was all my head, right. Like, that’s why I kept writing. I had a friend who’s also a PTA and he was like, it’s in your head. I’m like, Okay,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
let me just run it run. 13 miles de Yeah.

Unknown 13:50
Yeah. So. Yes, exactly. So what’s this forefront?

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Is that like a runner’s term that I should know about? If I was actually

Unknown 13:58
running, you know, there’s the heel striking camp where when you run, you land with your heel, and or on your, you know, just kind of heal first and then you kind of roll through? Yeah, it’s

Unknown 14:13
a lot of consensus consensus with that is what it does, is it it load your body properly? Well, people think that that’s what your body naturally does, I think so. They just, hey, just go with what your body knows. However, my perspective, and a lot of research shows that when you do that, there’s actually breaking for us with that, where your heel hits, your body has to break. Your body technically, is leaned backwards when you hit he’ll first, right. And so what that does is if you imagine the line of force that goes right through your quads, your quads actually do a lot of the work. So that, yeah, that leads into a lot of your patella, tendonitis, Chicago strains and whatnot. And of course, forefoot running is more landing on the front part of your feet, landing more on the balls of your feet, or whatnot, I usually do somewhere in the middle mid foot, can I display almost like my foots completely flat when I land on down here or here. And so what that does, is that allows me to get my body a little bit more upright and even actually slightly forward. And that helps to utilize utilize gravity in your benefit, because when you’re slightly leans forward, no running is just kind of controlled, falling, right. So when you slightly lean forward to having gravity help push you forward. And when you slightly forward the center or the line of force goes straight through your body, your core gets to work a little bit better and your glutes get to work a little bit better. So that’s my take on forefoot versus heel strike. I know there’s lots of different opinions out there on that

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
people. It’s maybe not Mr. for everybody. Yes, an option to try.

Unknown 16:03
It’s an option to try and I think part of it is with if you’re have been a heel striker you’re trying to go and so forefoot that’s what took me so long than nine months is because you have to develop those muscles.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Shin splints and IT band sounds like it might be quickly get hurt.

Unknown 16:19
Yeah, well, it’s shin splints and calf. Okay. Yeah, because you have to there’s a lot of calf component in there if your glutes are week. So the week you catch has to do your caffeine hamstrings both have to work a little bit more to take over the glue weakness that isn’t there. They both kind of work to extend the leg back because you’re running so that’s that’s why it took me about nine months because I was not only trying to get all my muscles working in order but trying to change from heel striking and so forefoot striking.

Unknown 16:55
And I think the people who do get injuries because that would that’s the issue with for for right right now is a lot of people just think, oh, let me just land on my forefoot. Well, that isn’t it. Because if you just only think about the forefoot component of it, and your court isn’t strong, and you’re still kind of leaning back a little bit. That’s where I think the shin splints come from is when you try to land for foot, but your body is still back behind you. Then your shins kind of absorb all that impact. And you end up with shin splints and stress fractures and things like that the foot and lower leg.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
And long term routers aren’t going to just say, let me start back at one mile. They’re like, yeah, I’m gonna do 10 miles flat foot for foot. Let’s go.

Unknown 17:37
That took a lot of time investment. But you know, honestly, it was well worth it. It was well worth it. I’ve, like you mentioned I have a kid. So around last year, September I mentioned was when I ran 30 miles. And that was also when I found out I was pregnant. Oh man, I was able to run up to about seven months pregnant. And from there, I decided my body had enough. So I do did a walk jog program. But I was cleared by my ob to run one month postpartum. So I started running a month postpartum and I started pretty much square one again one mile every day. It really bothered me at the time. I mean, it was it was a struggle to run one mile at the time, this every day. And I believe that was a month of June $1 $1 a day for 10 days. And then I kind of built upon that and now I’m approaching five months postpartum, I’m running. I’ve ran up to 10 miles already at about 838 minute mile pace, I think was my fastest at 10 miles. So,

Unknown 18:40
so fresh Hello. No

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I’m like a 20 minute mile Don’t worry.

Unknown 18:49
I think it was and during that first month of being postpartum I went back to doing all that thinking about what my core is doing, how my body is landing so I really think that the nine months of investment last year really helped to build a foundation so that I was able to return postpartum

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
you did you felt like your body was ranked after pregnant after you had a baby that it just

Unknown 19:16
you know, I was pretty lucky. I even talking to my to my nurse said delivery. She’s like this was a pretty Yeah, the textbook delivery which mushy called it

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
was because I’m strong and all the areas that are supposed to be strong. You don’t see anymore.

Unknown 19:34

Unknown 19:35
So I think that because I was so focused last year in those nine months of we developed me my body that that really helps build my muscles. And that’s not to say that I didn’t have back pain after delivery. I did.

Unknown 19:52
I did that back pain. And that was I, you know, I had to tell myself, Okay, wait, what is your back doing? What is your core doing? Know what to do? And so yeah, for the good ones. That was a it was a struggle for about a month or two for me. I know some people have struggles a little bit longer. Some people have struggled a little shorter. I actually started walking maybe three or four days post delivery. And where I live, it’s very mild inclines. We’re talking about like one 2% grades, not much, but my body felt that inclined, of going uphill. It was a struggle and then coming downhill. I remember my first walk up my legs were almost wildly coming back down this, you know, one 2% d?

Unknown 20:39
Yeah, yeah, it’s, uh, but I think it worked out. Well.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah. When you’re, when if you had a patient that was like, Okay, I want to switch over to the forefront. Do you need to make sure that they are using some kind of as a million different massage tools out there. But after working out doing some sort of self care on the calves, so that doesn’t get so tight, but you can lose ruptures or anything?

Unknown 21:03
Yeah, definitely. I you know, I like the lacrosse ball actually for like, okay, you know, the heart, it’s a tennis ball sized ball, but a lot harder. I like using that, you know, that really gets into it. foam rollers, of course, are great, but I do recommend that for the capsule that you don’t get the Achilles tendonitis and whatnot. But like I said, if you have that good core strength, which takes time, which is why I recommend a very slow start, you should really have that calf tightness, okay,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
your whole body should really be able to absorb the impact of running forefoot. So what I’m gathering so far is, if you are having any kind of running issues, maybe forefront could be for you, maybe YouTube a few videos to learn the kinetics or go to your physical therapist to find out and just table that you go table, how much you actually run and start with a mile or a half a mile if you’re not a run at all. Start small start slow in progress.

Unknown 22:03

Unknown 22:04
Exactly. The research out there shows that if you’re trying to switch the forefoot so that you can really only maintain that forum for about 20 to 30 seconds and your body is going to naturally wants to go back to what it’s used to. So what I do recommend is, you know, run that mild, but every two minutes or so every minute or so just okay, how is my body feeling? How am I running for foot or my abs tight? Am I leaned forward? do things like that? Because you really can’t maintain that for even a mile when you first started out?

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Okay, so it’s like being conscious, like interval training. Obviously, you have to be intensity, but just always having like, art, it’s been 30 seconds. Let me ask for two minutes. So let me do it again. And just exactly the sort of time frame like for 10 minutes, I’m going to do this.

Unknown 22:51
Yeah, exactly. It’s even to this day, now that I’m running 10 miles on my easy runs, I’m always thinking about form. First, I think about it during my long hard runs, but I don’t have to be so where you know, my form usually comes but my easy runs or the runs that I really try to focus on training my body to

Unknown 23:13
to really have that good form so that when I when I do run hard, it comes a little bit more naturally. And I can really focus more on the hard workout aspect of it as opposed to the form aspect.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
What’s the point in running so much? Yeah, I mean, I don’t understand.

Unknown 23:29
I know right. I actually yesterday was out running really early in the morning, actually, I left my house at 7am and I saw one of my my stroller mom get pals but she she was running solo but she had started at 530 in the morning. By time I saw her sure that mild tenor already, but I think it’s a peace of mind right? He get your solo time or, you know, sometimes I run with my friends and it’s a way to catch up. It’s nice to get fresh air out here. set some goals. I’m actually participating and a half marathon and two weeks, I’m running the San Jose rock’n’roll half marathon. So it’s having some personal goals I think

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
went on the full thing.

Unknown 24:12
I’m not full crazy.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
You know, I when I want to say was in Thailand, and Singapore, just sightseeing and everything. literally walk the half marathon both day.

Unknown 24:27
Oh, yeah. Yeah,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I was just like, very sore the next day, but doable. And I was like, you know, I don’t other than like, the timeframe. I was like, I could totally do a half marathon just just go.

Unknown 24:38
You should get out there.

Unknown 24:41
There’s a Hong Kong half right. I think there’s one out there.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
There’s gotta be there was one include. I mean, could mean area. There was a there was one here, but you don’t hear about them. There was one like two hours away? around a lake. Oh, no. Oh, in China, they fill up so quick. There’s limits.

Unknown 25:00
Oh, wow.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, my little town and you realize, you know, billion of us Ran? Yeah. So many run that they just they fill up so quick. Oh, all right. Maybe they need to advertise a little bit better. And

Unknown 25:14
what they’re filling up so quick. They’re probably like, you know, trying to hold you know,

Unknown 25:20
no, don’t come with bellies by T

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
shirt. Pretend that I did it. I’ll do it another day.

Unknown 25:26
The thing that’s popular around in the us right now is virtual running. What is this thing? Yes, yes. So what you can do is you can sign up for runs and not live in the area, they still send you a T shirt and metal you need. I guess you showed them on your GPS or that the same day, same time. Like say you ran a half marathon in your own neighborhood or your local park? And you get your T shirt metal? Yes, I know. I know.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I can Google’s in a truck or a 3d camera. Yeah, you like a broadcast and it at a theater at a gym and the theme or something like this is what you would be looking at?

Unknown 26:03
Yes, they should. Right? I should have tapped into that key imagine because I definitely allows you to have so many more runners right in your race without having to have the city limits, right of how many runners you can have in your event and having to pay for police patrol and road closures and all that.

Unknown 26:25

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I know. The organizers pointed the race, is it to make money or raise money for donations? Because then that does make sense. You know, let’s do the Boston Marathon if it’s I don’t know, what is a I mean, it was I think a profit, right?

Unknown 26:37
Yeah. Yeah, it is. I mean, so you can imagine. I mean, I would imagine that works multiple raise, right? You definitely can make a little profit, you can donate more money, you get honors, what they want, which is maybe a T shirt metals, that kind of benefits everybody.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I can recall it Colorado, because that’s where I was practicing. I don’t know it was March it for what it is March for diamonds, whatever it is, oh, yeah. But they had a race, our track. And it was supposed to be for 24 hours. And whatever group you supply you you sponsored, you’re supposed to raise money, whether it’s breast cancer or chemo for whatever issue you had, you had a group of people and you would have enough people to run for 24 hours and you’d raise money in this football track field. Oh, wow, sleep there and everything. So I don’t know, maybe somebody can understand what I’m talking about. bridge those two together. And all of a sudden, you’ve raised a lot of money for whatever awareness?

Unknown 27:34
Definitely I know with the virtual runs. With the storm hurricane that went through Houston, there were several organizations out there that did virtual runs and donate money for Houston. So it is a big fundraising effort to

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, I mean, I know my school was outside of Houston, and they got a foot of water up, right, every single building.

Unknown 27:56
That is so crazy. It was so crazy out there.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I didn’t have the money. I know chiropractic schools, they don’t have the money to have a foot of water throughout the entire building. Much less all the building. So yeah, it’s like they can make it an insurance was was where it needs to be so horrible. Well, tag on Instagram is 3d runners. So how have you incorporated all this running passion into? Are you a private clinic? Or do you work with somebody else? And how have you incorporated running this work?

Unknown 28:25
Private? Right? Currently, I work private clinic pretty much I run my own studio at this point. And what the 3d runner was, as I went through a fellowship program, with Gary great institute that more talks about the nature, like how our bodies work in three dimensions. And a lot of practitioners kind of look one dimensionally especially, you know, it, let’s say giving exercises, right, you’re squatting, you just go up and down here squatting. But let’s say our body works in 3d, let’s say just unloading a dishwasher, picking up a child from the ground, you have this twisting element involved as you’re squatting. So being able to one analyze those motions of squatting down to pick up a child, let’s say where you’re twisting and turning, and being able to tease out from the bottom up, top down, depending on how you want to look at it. What are the muscles and bones and joints moving? Like they should send it in timing fashion, and being able to give exercises accordingly. So that’s where the 3d aspect of it comes from? Is this Gary Gray fellowship. It’s called gift. Great Institute of

Unknown 29:41
functional transformation. And yeah, it’s it’s kind of makes you look at things a little differently.

Unknown 29:48
Yeah. Again, interesting

Unknown 29:50
for for large group of people. So it is, you know, I had in my class chiropractors, osteopath, athletic trainers,

Unknown 30:01
personal trainers, we had trainers from that work with English Premier League that was in my class professional football leagues that were American football leagues, my class. So it was, it was a very broad spectrum of people. Okay.

Unknown 30:19
Yeah, I’m all over the world to I had people from Australia, it’s a lady come from Peru. Wow. Yeah. So that was very, and this is all in Michigan.

Unknown 30:30
People coming to a little town in Michigan, but that’s where Gary Gray is based out of

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
these, like, I’m not traveling guys.

Unknown 30:38

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
That’s wild. Okay. So there’s a whole program with the top 20 or 30, or whatever function emotions that most people are going to go through and have pain with. And then you’ve learned how to incorporate and chain on challenge.

Unknown 30:55
And it’s more just not even the emotions itself. It’s more just looking at the whole body body and just being able to, for whatever functional problem that a client or patient has be able to tease it out. So we’re, we would joke that we know how to squat and 1000 different ways, right?

Unknown 31:16
Because part of that, too, is talking about movement drivers, what drives you to move, right? So what drives you to move your arm the way it does, it could be reaching for a cup of tea, it could be, you know, reaching to grab a child reaching overhead get dishes. So reaching up overhead, like this is a lot different than reaching down here. So the muscles that are used are differently. So being able to cater to that.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, I have to explain that to my you know, my wife is my translator here. And I’ll the patients get annoyed because I’m like, Well, what about this? Can you do this? Can you do that? And she’s like, Oh, can we stop? And I’m like, No, I’m trying to figure out why this person quote, has frozen shoulder. Yeah. And what is it actually really, you know, up down to the side, doing every day? Because that’s going to change how I’m going to treat you. exactly exactly the same. But it doesn’t,

Unknown 32:08
you know, it is, yeah, there’s a you know, that just kind of opened my mind this fellowship over my life is it really just changes how you really look at function, how the joints and the how the body works, too.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Sometimes we always ask these questions, well, how do I prevent an injury? How do I always you know, but what I’m going to think is we typically have an injury, how do we make rehab more efficient, and you get more bang for your buck, when you do have an injury, and you are actually trying to get better? What are a couple, maybe a couple of tips, to get the most out of rehab, see and get back out there and do the amount of miles that you want to do?

Unknown 32:46
Definitely, I think being consistent with the rehab is number one, because I feel that you know, I’m guilty of it too, where you cut, did your exercises, and it’s not really part of your day, you should make your exercises or your stretching routine part of your day. And actually, we have it more throughout your day to so that doing the exercises, I think for let’s say 30 minutes at a time, and then not really thinking about how you utilizing your body. You know, there’s 23 and a half hours left of the day. Just being able to space out kind of do your exercises, be be mindful of what your body is doing throughout the day? Yeah, and also keep doing your exercises, even after you think you’re better. Yes. You know, like I said, I’m guilty of this to where I used to do this where I would feel a lot better. So I dropped all my exercises and just go for running. So you know, months later, I’m like, Okay, I’m injured again, right? So even though you feel like you’re a little bit better, you still have to find time, you know, it might not be every day and hours, they have exercises, but buying time several times a week. So where you go back to your basic exercises and feel how your body is doing with them? Are you able to utilize your glute muscles? Are you able to utilize your calf muscles. Just like before, when you were in the height of your we have validation process, because we are creatures of habit we will you know, after months of not thinking about certain muscle groups and not doing certain exercises, you will go back to what your body wants to do know.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
There’s like that patient that takes blood pressure medicine, and they’re like, I got better. Yeah. So taking it you’re like no, no, no, no.

Unknown 34:39

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Your Heart Attack waiting to happen. You need to be on this medicine.

Unknown 34:43
Yes, exactly. Exactly.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Okay, we talked about misconceptions, not just about physical therapy, but about maybe a runner based or functional type physical therapists. Are there any misconceptions to the public that you would say, Hey, this is what we’re actually doing, versus what you think we’re doing?

Unknown 35:00
Yeah. Well, I think the one thing of course, with physical therapy I get a lot of is, Hey, can I get my massage.

Unknown 35:12
But I’m so needy, usually, yes, sometimes soft tissue mobilization is part of the rehab process to help loosen up the muscle fibers loosen up the tissue so that you can utilize, utilize your muscles better. But I technically, if you’re doing your program, your exercise program, you’re stretching program, your muscles in self should loosen up enough to where you don’t need this massage all the time, right? Because you’re using your muscles better, they’re stronger so that they don’t have to stiffen up as much because to me,

Unknown 35:47
stiff muscles are actually a sign of weak muscles. There. Yeah. So the stronger they are the we will have to feel the need to get massage all the time. So as much as I like to help people feel better and give them their massage, the strengthening portion and the stretching portion is also equally important.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah. Thank you real quick. Do you use any software to evaluate runners or anything like that? And others, like some really expensive equipment that

Unknown 36:22
Oh, yeah, no, I don’t really use big equipment for that. I honestly just I do use a slow motion kind of software app. It’s a person, or what is it called now? huddle technique, ah, UDL technique. And that just allows me to slow down the movements. I’ve actually used that for more than just running like throwing if people have issues in the shoulder, elbow, and baseball, throwing or football throwing of use that to help kind of slow down the motion a little bit. And let me see what’s going on. But as far as actually using it specifically to, you know, click buttons and get that I just do that manually I can. I can see what’s going on right runners without having to use all the fancy fancy stuff.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, I saw an iPad app. It’s more of a well, they work with the chiropractor’s but they’ll have a I think it’s called posture pro or posture screen. And you can check them sideways and followers and he stepped couple by the, if they have one high shoulder and the hips forward, you can just easily show the patient like, hey, that’s your problem. But they have all these add ons, like squatting. So we squat, you know, you and I can see it. But if they can see it, all of a sudden it sells the package that you know, this is why you need six weeks of care and not to visit. Yes. There’s stuff out there to help.

Unknown 37:45
Yeah, actually, I think I did talk to chiropractor last year, early 2016. And I think that’s what he used on me was the Yeah, so it was it’s interesting. It’s really interesting. But you know, like, with the runners that I work with, and using that slow motion app, I am still able to show them it’s not just you know, the button and things like that. I just tell them this is and the app allows me to have a side by side because I do give people cues that should immediately changed their form. Okay, yeah. So they’re able to see their kind of what they’re currently doing and what they look like when they have these cues in mind. So that they either form looks a little bit better.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So very cool. Have you ever used biofeedback and then there’s like, electrical biofeedback where you can,

you know, set it up on both glutes, if you

Unknown 38:42
know is, you

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
know, you’re not activated and so that you can trade him?

Unknown 38:45
Yeah, I’ve thought about that. But I wasn’t sure how people feel with me sticking their their pads on their glutes, but um, I’ve used it mostly for postural awareness, right with upper upper trap, tightness, but not so much for glutes.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
This week’s episode was a pelvic health issues like, grabbing penises. I’m doing different things. He’s like, a lot of people just don’t feel comfortable doing it. Oh, yeah. Ben?

Unknown 39:14
Yes, they’re not, you know, women’s health as part of physical therapy to I have not, I have not trained in that sector. But yeah, I’m, I don’t know how I would. I think I’m most comfortable as the person my client is comfortable with it, I think,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
yeah. Official, like, if you’re, I’m just curious, like, if you’re doing all of your continuing ed, and you’re like, you know, let me do one seminar and pelvic health, because it seems like there’s a lot of course, there’s a lot of glute issues, there’s that whole that area. But if I learned some extra techniques in this area, maybe it’ll help with, you know, with anything, is there a benefit to that?

Unknown 39:51
Oh, definitely. I personally have not done like woman’s health, specifically, where you learn, let’s say techniques, postpartum, we’re using different modalities in the vaginal area to check for muscle control postpartum, or even with issues of incontinence and urgency. But I’ve had discussions with my colleagues about that. And I personally won’t do like, I don’t do all that because I’m not upset. Yeah.

Unknown 40:25
Exactly. But as far as core control, that more the orthopedic end of it definitely would be beneficial. So I’ve, I’ve thought about it, especially now being a postpartum email,

Unknown 40:38
several classes in the postpartum awareness, so that I’m able to maybe understand a little bit more, even though Yeah, I’m still not working on that end the modalities.

Unknown 40:51
That’s a little bit over my head. I think.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Part of that, even if I could, I’m like, I’m good.

Do you have any any tips for students or maybe other people who are looking to switch gears into maybe more of a running atmosphere, any tips or tricks to focus them better?

Unknown 41:11
Get it Look, exposure to running as you can write and try different things? I think trying maybe now Don’t hurt yourself, by what you know, just experiencing if you want to go into running what it does feel like to be more on your forefoot while you run or what it does feel like to be more on your heels and you run? What does it feel like when you tighten your abs and run just different things like that, if you want to do more running specific if you wanted to be more of a physical therapist, I just seen similar thing in a broader sense. Check out all the different settings check out what a hospital setting is like versus a private practice clinic. Their specialties and orthopedics and sports medicine, which is what I loosely do layer is pediatrics and neuro care. So I have lots of friends who are specialists and nerves and whatnot, or, I would say, more pediatrics and more, or let’s say, cardiopulmonary things of that nature versus just

Unknown 42:15

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
you know, I’m going to get shunned for this one. If someone’s like, I, you know, I like the idea of chiropractic, you know, cracking the back cracked, and then people get better. But also like the whole rehab part of physical therapy, you can actually, as a physical therapist, become like, I don’t know, if it’s fellowship, or like lots of extra training on the manipulation at that point. Yeah. And you can actually have the respect and the ease of more Eva’s have a profession, and more access to different work environments. And you can still be specialized in manipulation. And just like, no, yes, 90% of my patients get manipulation. And they do physical therapy, Annika work at a hospital, or do whatever I want to do. Yeah. And you don’t have the the the issue I think that some chiropractors might have,

Unknown 43:02
yes. So yes, you can get a specialized in manipulations. Technically, we’re, it’s all how you word it. Right. So here instead of manipulations, physical therapist, we have to use the words grade grade five mobilizations

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
was that way to actually use that word like we don’t use relations either. I was like, that’s a physical therapy way of saying and then adjust Really? Yeah.

Unknown 43:28
Yeah. So the way I was told is technically we’re not allowed to manipulate things like that. We can mobilize them so you have your different grades of mobilization.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
35 is the would be

Unknown 43:43
Yeah, the pop. So that’s when you Yeah, so when you see or hear great by mobilizations, that’s more the what you would consider the manipulation or the adjustment aspect of

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
figured there had to be some sort of terminology. Those separate my toes business. Yes.

Unknown 44:03
The PubMed that did,

Unknown 44:04
but yeah, so you. Yeah, there are many people out there. I I shouldn’t shy away from grade five mobilizations. I do them for in a thoracic spine region. So more in the upper back, ankles. So the tailor, yeah, just to get a little bit more doors, deflection out of people. Little bit more freedom. Those are the two big ones I stick with sometimes the new where I do more the the tip of joint there. Oh, yeah. And but yeah, just flows. Like the neck, the low back, I kind of stayed away from a little bit more,

Unknown 44:41
especially with

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
like you’re saying tip fit the ankle. So there is no could be like a nice, strong great for is really all they need. They don’t always have to have like, Oh, yeah,

Unknown 44:51
you don’t need that, in order to get the results. Know,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I can’t wait to go home. Because once I get back to the States, this this ankle have, it’s kind of bothered me. So I’m looking forward to a nice, great five, it should pop, it’s probably going to just start moving like it’s supposed to

Unknown 45:09
get get your wife to help you out there, he can have an honorary

Unknown 45:14

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
ankle degree. That’s right, the show or a couple of like, we call them interiors that I’m not even gonna bother explaining it. But it’s kind of easy, but it kind of hurts your hand if you don’t do it. Right. All right, maybe I don’t want you to hurt yourself. But here’s how you do. It’s my favorite. Any, you say you have a private practice in the top two or three marketing tactics that you use to recruit clients?

Unknown 45:38
Well, so usually, I think just going out and talking to people going to, let’s say, your local sports store, for a while I was really going to my local sports store, talking to people at the run group, just kind of getting my way, my name out there with that I’m part of a running group. So that helps a little bit too. And just, I think, honestly, if you’re passionate, and you like what you do, and you know, you know what you’re talking about, right? People will come to you. So I think just being out there in the setting that you like. So of course with me being a runner, going out to running groups and talking to them about what I do, and just showing them different exercises and different techniques, really helps

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
me five year goals,

Unknown 46:26
five year goals to retire. No, just kidding.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC

Unknown 46:34
No, I think just being able to be able to expand this a little bit more being able to help more people, you know, obviously, with 510 year goals, I think it’s just more to be able to get out there a little bit more and be able to help more people achieve, kind of minimize their running because I don’t think it can never eliminate running related injuries, right, but to minimize their running injuries and just being able to give people the awareness of how they can help themselves with their injuries. So just kind of still kind of going on that steady path. Yeah.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Been in San Francisco, that place I’ve heard is Uber expensive.

Does that really affect like how you practice or the size of space that you rent versus if you were to say, I gotta get out of here and go to a small, you know, a different area to really expand your potential.

Unknown 47:30
So definitely smaller spaces. You know, having pretty much a home studio is where I’m at this point. So just having smaller spaces is in its a mix a little bit more challenging. But the nice part about San Francisco is I think, this area in particular, Simon says I’m in San Jose, we’re getting good utilization of our parks. We have I heard somewhere we’re pretty much any resident in San Jose, or in the South Bay Area, I can walk to a park, so big able to take clients Park and be able to even treat them there. Right? Hey, I’m going to meet you at this park. And watch running form and we can go for a run together and being able to use the community centers that we have. So that if let’s say I don’t want to be inside, you know, I can be outside and I’m still do what I need to do to accomplish my goals. My patients goals.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah, really? That’s a whole new idea. Yeah, taking it Taking it to the streets.

Unknown 48:33
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was funny because I, the last person I worked with, I did meet them at the community center here, and they must have been having like a senior center or lunch or something. But you should have seen all the people come in by when I was checking their first graph form and giving her accusing. Wow, what are they doing? I got

Unknown 48:55
we got the looks been worked out pretty well.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Do you happen to have any issues being young looking and a woman and all that? Does that affect your prospects or people following through with your recommendations or anything like

Unknown 49:10
that? Yeah, I guess I tend to me too nice. I know. But yeah, I think sometimes with being younger looking. I’m 37 By the way, so no way.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I you know,

Unknown 49:22
I love Chinese

Unknown 49:26
37. So, yeah, so being younger looking has, you know, a lot of people like Oh, she just graduated. Yep. She has no idea. I remember actually. When I was about 32 I was working in an outpatient private practice. I had this older woman go, how old are you? 18

Unknown 49:49
she wasn’t joking. She seriously was like, I want to see your driver’s license. You have to be 18. I was like, okay, for is she you know, she was very great tool. We were you know, she would say out doing a good job. I was like, I am pretty sure I was 18 they would let me do this to you.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
At least 24

Unknown 50:06
Yeah, unless I’m the Doogie Howser of PT, right.

Unknown 50:12
I think being a little bit more stern with people and just being able to, like I said, be able to be concise, effective, and what I do helps, but I think it’s it is a little bit harder sometimes to get into, let’s say the people who do let’s say need an older male, to tell them what to do. You know, there’s certain people that yeah, that’s

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
why I was curious.

Unknown 50:36
Yeah, that I feel like sometimes I do give suggestions and that just kind of,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
and yeah, it is that most, you know, a white male doctor just doesn’t really typically have to deal with.

Unknown 50:48
Yeah, and, you know, my fiance is a white male, and he just tells me, you know, if you’re good at what you do, I will listen to you. And I was like, Yeah, but I have to get you to come to me first. Right? And he’s like, I would come to you like, you kind of have to come to me.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Thanks, baby. Yeah, thanks. So you had you had a baby. I’d like 37. So that’s good. Yeah. or older. any issues with that? That? No problems. We

Unknown 51:15
should be pretty healthy, I guess. Yeah, no problems.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I’ll pass that on to my wife who’s she’s ready. Yeah. courted have kids. You still got a few more years.

Unknown 51:29
core strengthening, core strengthening, tell her to give her a good core strengthening workout get her or her glutes and so come back. She’s a yoga. My goodness. She’s learning some new techniques as like, let me try that Rob. I don’t know. Okay, you got me, though. Yeah. some serious core workout you got going on right there. Exactly. I you know, I did did incorporate yoga into the pre pregnancy routine. So yeah, she’s got she’s got several years. So might my friend had a baby up for? Whoo. Where did she was pretty. Yeah, her first and only Wow. But she’s doing excellent, too. Not too much. As far as physical, right? Not too much physical issues. You know, there’s still the, hey, let’s chase a kid around at 45. Yeah, we all have issues with that at any age. Yeah.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
I always think about that is probably another topic for another day. But I’m like, man, I’ll be like 55 Kids Finally, in college just like, wow, this is a difference that my friends who got it at 18 don’t have to deal with like, they’re almost done at this age. And I’m like, I let’s get started. Yes,

Unknown 52:38
well, we got it. We got to have fun and do whatever we want to our 20s and early 30s. Right now we’re financially capable of having kids.

Unknown 52:48
All right, travel travel around the world, which

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
great segue, by the way, we’re going to switch to the personal Do you are you able to take vacation? And if not, how are you able to do more of that?

Unknown 52:58
So regardless, PT, yeah, so I’m pretty good about taking vacations. Typically, when you start out in any private practice, when you don’t own your own clinic, right? You it’s a two week a year and usually get more as you spend more time in a particular clinic. So usually, you get about two weeks a year of so of vacation time. I have not personally done this, but the way I’ve seen some colleagues, and do it is where they’ll do a several 10 hour days, and they’ll get an extra day here in there. So as long as their, I guess, their patient and load remains the same per week, they can take that extra day here in there and extend out a weekend.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Got a new kid. So obviously, it’s probably top of Top of Mind awareness, but any kids volunteer and hobbies that you find that really make you excited for the day,

Unknown 53:51
I think usually with, you know, the writing, and the blogging, that kind of keeps me pretty occupied. You know, usually when I’ve always tears running related, right, four cents on and off, I’ve volunteered at different groups, will it’s been a couple of years now. But I volunteer with the group here in the US called Girls on the Run where I was a coach and a grade school it was third through fifth grade is with the group level I have, but I think they do it up to middle school where you meet twice a week with these kids as an after school program. And not only do you get them running, but it’s a program on just a healthier lifestyle in general. He healthier eating, self esteem, different things of that nature, talking to your friends about peer pressure. So it actually had a curriculum with that, too. So that was a really fun, interesting program that I worked with before the nationwide or

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
select cities.

Unknown 54:49
I think it is nationwide. I think it just depends on you know, just people starting up chapters. Yeah. But it was Yeah, it’s a fun program. So I do that along was just more. Of course not so much for the baby but medical volunteering at my local runs. Like I said, I’ve done last year was over at Western States 100 where these, I call them crazy runners. run from Squaw Valley USA. So Squaw Valley where they had the Olympics, down to Auburn, it’s 100 miles all on trail use me. Yes, it used to be a horse race. I would say the history of this event, it was a horse race. And some guy way back in the day was like, I think his horsemen lame and he decided to do it on foot.

Unknown 55:37
And that’s how the running race started. You know, that’s why their horses were made.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
cars were made 100 mile you know, I know people that have done it so that it’s doable. It’s just that’s Yeah, feat that I don’t want to tackle.

Unknown 55:50
Yes. Years ago I was on the crew for Badwater. So running from Death Valley pretty much a Mount Whitney that’s 135 miles in July through Valley. Yeah, I I think it’s lucky. I was lucky. I was on my career. So I never really saw the hundred and 20 degree temperatures during the daytime. But, man the desert time at night, you know, there were definitely wild animals out there I glowing eyes out in the distance. I was like, Okay, let’s go back in

Unknown 56:22
my life. Yeah, like, remember, and I were waiting for a run or like, nope, we’re going to go down the road a little bit back in the

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
safety first, exactly what we’re talking about significant others were talking about taking vacation. Two questions back to back home work life balance, and keeping the love alive. Any tips or suggestions,

Unknown 56:43
this taking time to gather and just being able to, I think ask for help to I think a lot of us don’t ask for help enough. But being able to ask for help, whether it’s friends, family, neighbors, hey, can watch this kid for a little bit. And we can go step out for a moment. So that kind of helps especially, I still consider myself newly postpartum being approaching five months. Oh, yeah.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
You just got Yeah. You just started figuring

Unknown 57:10
it out. Exactly. And just, I think spring will find balance and everything is is good. Being able to say no to certain things, too. I think a lot of us have issues with saying no, but just being able to say no, prioritize what you need to get done through the day. Yeah.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Last question. As far as books, podcasts, phone apps, do you have any secret favorites, and some that you just tell everybody, you’ve got to read this, you gotta watch this, you got to play with this on your phone?

Unknown 57:43
Oh, my goodness. So I’m so not computer savvy. So I don’t really listen to podcast. And I don’t really play with ads. But of course, for like I mentioned the app that I mentioned before the running, or this movement, it’s a slow motion analysis. And it’s huddle, huddle, he dl I don’t even know how you pronounce that technique. You know, if you’re interested in seeing what you’re running form looks like you can just set up a tripod or have your friend or significant other records you run past several times run away from you run towards you can slow it down to one eighth of the speed. And can I see? Yeah. Especially sometimes with these, you know, I use my iPhone, I can slow it down pretty well enough to see what your body looks like you can play with what you look like running or even throwing a baseball, kicking, kicking a soccer ball know soccer is wildly popular out there to kicking a ball seeing how that looks, too. So that’s usually the app that I play with. Is it expensive is that? Actually it’s free, really. So it’s a free app, there’s certain things that are, you know, certain things that you can add on that cost your monthly subscription. I think it’s the ability to email your clients, videos with overlays. And just a bunch of

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
add on that could be definitely helpful. Depending how you want to use it. Yeah,

Unknown 59:07
Mm hmm. Depending on how you want to use it. Yeah, okay.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Yeah. Any books before

Unknown 59:12
books? I personally, I don’t read books. Yeah, I do more the physical therapy type. So people make fun of me, I actually had a friend call me what is the supple leopard because a physical therapists out in the states here got big in the CrossFit. I don’t know if he was wanting to develop it. But that mobility wide the mobility workout of the day, I think he was the one that coined the term. So I really use my book like create or creating a supple leopard is one of the books. So it’s just a whole book on form and technique on pull ups and dead lifting. And I’ll say it’s got a whole section on that. And it’s got a whole section on how to do your own mobile.

Unknown 1:00:01
Using those I call them the monster bands are super bands. So people usually use them in the gym to do assist the pull ups or whatnot. But doing your own self mobilizations with that either hip, elbow, shoulder, ankles, great resource. It shows you yeah shows you how to do all that. So it’s by Kelly star it s t e. a r e TT, I believe. Okay. Yeah. are becoming a supple leopard is the name of the

Unknown 1:00:30
supple leopard. Sorry, supple leopard. Okay.

Unknown 1:00:35

Unknown 1:00:36
So he has one specific way for running, which I think it’s more of a condensed version. Yeah, of that book. But that’s what I use for a really long time. You know, I would even show my patients and clients like this is what you need to do. Get them pictures and whatnot. That’s awesome.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
How can people get in contact with they need more information or want to learn more about you?

Unknown 1:00:57
And so I do have one website, it’s three dash d runner.com.

Unknown 1:01:06
And that it was more than running analysis end of things but that’s they can email me through that they have I have different my biographies on there so you can learn a little bit more about me and what I do. So there’s that and then of course, my blog is 3d runner dot blogspot. com. And that has different articles on

Unknown 1:01:29
forefoot running and running related injuries such as patella tendonitis, you know, Achilles tendonitis, postural partial awareness, things are on there too, especially now being a new mom and doing this all the time where I’m hunched over my baby. Like,

Unknown 1:01:48
get my body upright again. Exactly.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
We’ll have our own challenges when you do phases of life to overcome different

Unknown 1:01:56
phases of life. Exactly. Very good. Well,

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
any closing remarks?

Unknown 1:02:01
No, it’s great talking to you. I’m glad we were able to work this out.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
So we had to reschedule once those things happen. So not a problem at all. You’ve you given some of the audience today and I really appreciate you talking about your specialty.

Unknown 1:02:17
Thank you. It’s great being here.

Dr. Justin
Trosclair, DC
Dr. Janet, tell us so much fun. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for being so open and honest with us and sharing your journey really interesting with forefront you need more you can YouTube it I’m sure you can find lots of good videos in in once you got the basics down, maybe go visit a chiropractor, visit a physical therapist, get them to analyze how you’re doing it and make some fine tunings. That way you don’t create any injuries can check out the lacrosse ball. This book that she mentioned this app huddle technique, it’s by Uber since every check out our website, Dr. perspective, net slash four zero Travel Tips coming up next.

Thank you for listening to the podcast, the doctor’s perspective, thank you for writing reviews on wherever you listen to it. ranking is five stars. Hopefully, listen, you all know I got a book out I’ve been working on a version 2.0 right now if you buy it, send me an email with the receipt and I can send you five bonus chapters. It’ll just be this long PDF, but we’re gonna have some nerve stretches creating an execution of budget ways to cut expenses optimal calorie consumption calculator fit directly for you and some ideas about fasting so if you want some of these bonus chapters before they’re released in version 2.0 just send me that receipt via email and I’ll get them over to you as always we got some t shirt designs for the logo for chiropractic there’s also a by host a cup of coffee upgraded that it’s on the main web page and lastly Stay tuned a secret project will be coming out definitely go to a doctor’s perspective. NET top right there are all the social media icons pick which one you love the follow most friendly like me Say hello I’ll definitely respond back.

The travel tip this week I haven’t used it but there’s a website called four.com sta why SQL and it books boutique hotels when I was traveling abroad you know we’ve we stay at local hotels but there’s even more local they’re like cute they’re boutique you know they may only have four or five rooms available these he has some sort of theme they might be a little more expensive but then you get this whole like vibe that you’re just not going to get at a normal you know hotel so stay for comm check them out. Let me know what you think.

We just went hashtag behind the curtain and this episode has come to an end. I hope you got the right dose for your optimal life. Please spread the word about this podcast by telling to friends, share it on social media and visit the show notes on a doctor’s perspective. net to see all the references from today’s guests. A sincere thank you in advance. You’ve been listening to Dr. Justin trust Claire giving you a doctor’s perspective.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author
Dr. Justin Trosclair, D.C., an expert in Chiropractic Care, has been focusing on back and neck pain relief for over 12 years and has delivered treatment to more than 6000 patients. With advanced training in treating disc derangement conditions, you can count on him to keep up to date with the latest research in physical medicine for spinal pain. He has 5 years of hospital experience in China, is currently working in Germany, and had a private practice in Colorado for 6 years. Dr. Trosclair hosts a doctor to doctor interview podcast called ‘A Doctor’s Perspective‘ with over 220 episodes. During his free time he wrote 3 books. Today’s Choices Tomorrow’s Health (rebooting health in 4 categories), a Do-It- Yourself acupressure book for 40 common conditions called Needle-less Acupuncture, and a step by step guide to look like a local for Chinese dinner culture called Chinese Business Dinner Culture. If you have kids, you may be interested in his 6 series tri-lingual animal coloring book series (english, spanish and chinese).