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hear the interview at adoctorsperspective.net/modernchiro
Now offering CV (curriculum vitae) design and revisions.
Now offering CV (curriculum vitae) design and revisions.
*as heard on Modern Chiropractic Marketing Group and The Chiropractic Philanthropist
Are you tired of not getting call backs, being skipped over for other doctor’s referrals or business owners not replying?
Maybe it’s because no one has the time to read your 5 page resume or trifold brochure.
We live in a “scan the headlines” society and our attention span is only getting shorter. We need our marketing to grab their attention fast and clearly.
A OneSheet is a 1 page PDF that highlights your expertise while appealing to the other persons audience or patients.
It’s concise, attractive and gets you the call back to set up a meeting to be a podcast guest, referral partner or speaker to their audience.
You’re an expert in your field, but nobody knows it. Nobody is calling you to speak at events or asking for advice on podcasts or taking your requests for in-person meetings.
If you want more speaking engagements and referrals from other doctors and business owners then you need a OneSheet.
A OneSheet is a 1 page PDF and it is an effective way for professionals like you to get booked for speaking engagements, build professional referrals and increase sales.
Save time, Get call backs, Order Now
I had a make shift one-sheet but I needed a professional, precise and to the point one for my public speaking and podcast. You can also use this to highlight what your practice can do for the community, compared to a full office brochure. Having a current CV is important for many reasons too. I got my one-sheet done for free and I highly recommend him. Dr. Justin is very responsive and he has a wealth of knowledge. So I appreciate that, and you're a credit to the profession.
Make a small investment via PayPal to impress other doctors and professionals with your 1 page PDF.
Send me the information I need. If you need help with wording and picking your topics, I can help.
Send the one sheet to doctors, business owners, podcast hosts and other people for speaking gigs.
Here’s how it works. Hire me (Justin Trosclair, Chiropractor) to do your professional onesheet and I will send you a link with all the information I need to design your doctor one sheet. If you need help narrowing down your accomplishments or creating amazing keynote headlines, we can video call, no problem.
A graphic design graduate can easily charge $300+ to design a comparable end product, I choose to offer it for less.
So click the level of One Sheet Service you want, so you can stop losing referral opportunity and getting passed up for speaking appointments and start expanding your reach and building the practice of your dreams.
* If the PayPal link fails or you prefer a different way to pay, please send the amount of the package you want to 1 of the following mobile apps and also send me an email adoctorsperspective@gmail.com so I can send you the link for the info I need.
Venmo: Justin-Trosclair-1 … CashApp: justintrosclair … Zelle: justintros@hotmail.com
A CV is more than just a list of your work experience. It’s also about how you present yourself and what you want to get out of the career path that you’re on.
Most people don’t pay much attention to their CVs, so they end up with something that doesn’t really reflect who they are professionally or personally.
Dr. Justin can help you create a curriculum vitae that reflects who you are as an individual and professional. I’ll make sure it looks great, reads well, and shows off your skills in the best way possible!
Let me take care of creating your new CV today so you can spend more time working on the things that matter most to you! Purchase now
Justin Trosclair is a chiropractor, author, podcaster, father, and husband. Like you, he has passions outside of his day job. Since 2017 he's been creating podcast interview episodes and doing all the graphics for the 220+ shows. You could say Dr. Justin has a passion for digitally creating graphics. As a fellow practitioner, he knows what other doctors and organizations are looking for in a guest speaker and trusted referral partner. Plus, he knows the jargon. He has authored 3 books with 2 of them being Amazon Kindle Best Sellers. Trust Dr. Trosclair to create a one sheet that represents you the best way possible and purchase a package now.
If you’re tired of having a CV that looks outdated and unprofessional. Your current curriculum vitae is filled with old information, doesn’t highlight your skills, and has typos!
Imagine having a professional looking curriculum vitae that highlights your strengths, experience, education & achievements in an attractive way.
Let me take care of creating your new CV today so you can spend more time working on the things that matter most to you! Purchase now
Disclaimer: Projects must be completed within 45 days otherwise the project will be terminated and no refunds are given. Please send me the required information and respond to revision requests in a timely manner. I will fulfill my part but I have to have the information to do it.