
Interviews From Each Course Instructor

Gain insight into their course, their why and their personality

Listen to Learn About

  • FAKTR - Todd Riddle, DC - Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation
  • Rehab to Fitness - Tom Teter, DC - Progress patient from injury to full function using progressive load application
  • Quadrant Analysis - Rob Pape, DC - A subclassification system breaking down biomechanical failure into  patterns
  • SESS CE's - Jessica Riddle - Creating CE and marketing tips on many ways to grow your clinic

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Quick Reference Guide to the Episodes:

 Southeast Sports Seminars (SESS) are all about helping you immediately with patient care. Now offering on-line options for their most popular courses. Chiropractors, physical therapists and more can learn different soft tissue modalities, progress a patient from injury to rehab to full functional capacity and learn a classification system to get to the root of conditions. The instructors have the credentials and experience to teach in areas of rehab, fitness, analysis and movement. Join Dr. Justin Trosclair, DC as he goes behind the curtain with them on a variety of topics. Audio is free on the apps below and the transcripts are on the shownotes page.


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