How to Toast
- How to Flatter Correctly
- Gaining Face Rules
- Ganbei? Do I Really Drink The Whole Cup
Proper Chopstick Use
- How to Hold Chopsticks
- Proper Use So You Don't Embarrass Yourself
- Don't Ask For A Fork
Sitting Arrangment
- Your Rank Dictates Your Seat and Toasting Order
- Does Everyone Double Dip
- These Dishes Scare Me, Help
I was so impressed by how well Dr. Trosclair covered all aspects of Chinese business dinners which may make or break a business deal.
Maybe it's because I'm half Japanese, and had certain cultural rules taught to me from a very young age, or maybe it's because of the business dealings I have as a physician and business owner, but being aware of customs and cultures, especially in East Asia, particularly Japan and China, but this book definitely resonated with me.
And though I knew about chopsticks rules, such as not using them to pierce food or point at something with them, I never knew about how the Chinese have toasts with alcohol.
If you deal in business with anyone in China, this book is a must read!
"I was fortunate enough to come across Justin's advice halfway into my consulting month in Shanghai. I learned a few things by watching others at dinner. but it was the smaller details that I learned from him that made all the difference. Now I understood why people sat where they did, what order to toast, and how dinners could impact how seriously they took my proposals. PS: I got an amazing reference letter at the end."
Niclas B. - Financial Project Manager, Germany
"I was fortunate enough to be sent an e-book. This book will definitely step your game up with business negotiations with Chinese people. Having lived in China, he gives you all the beneficial pointers of the do's and don't's concerning their dinner culture. As an added bonus he has even written a guide on using chop sticks to eat. Learning these important (and impressive) etiquette skills will help you with sealing most deals in China. I've gained insight as where and how to sit at dinner business dealings, and when to drink. I recommend this book because learning these small tips show your business and potential business partners wholesome respect. He has authored other books, which I also recommend. His writing style is straight to the point and easily understood."
"This book has some great tips on how to make sure you know how to act around Chinese especially during dinner meetings. This book will help you to ensure you know how to act and what to do."
Renee Franklin
"Dr. Trosclair is a chiropractor who has written several books and lived in China, the United States and Germany. With his knowledge of Chinese business relations, his expert advice is not only fun to read, but easy to follow.
For example, Dr. Trosclair highlights how to understand where to sit, proper way to serve and eat, and even how to use chopsticks and drink correctly. The author’s writing is humorous and lighthearted, and I would recommend this book to anyone looking to brush up on their cultural skills before negotiating a business deal. Oftentimes misunderstandings can be the critical dealbreaker in fostering new relationships, and learning both from experts through the written word but also through business classes is a critical element to success."
"One of the things that stood out for me was the toasts (and sometimes shots). Tapping the table instead of raising your glass was surprising. I'm glad I found that out before attending the dinners. I felt like a local and less like a newbie."
Hope C. - Corrections Officer, USA
"My experience in China was the most life-changing adventure. Spending time with local people and learning all of their customs was fun with the guidance of Justin Trosclair. He helped me prepare for my trip, but seeing it in real life still shocked me a little. Some of those things were eating etiquettes: If you don't like a piece of meat, you just spit it on the ground. They eat the WHOLE animal (nothing is boneless in China), and you rarely turn down an alcoholic drink offer. Besides that, they are pretty much like any typical family. They always want to feed you, make sure you have everything you need, and a smile goes a long way. Make sure you bring your tissue paper because there isn’t usually any in the bathrooms. Yes, sometimes a toilet is indeed a squatty potty."
Ali D.B. - Manager Of Naturopathic Office and Wedding Guest, USA
"I heed his motto, "Observe what they are doing and mimic." Patiently waiting for where to sit and for the good dishes to come my way is just one way this book helped me and a few colleagues to feel more comfortable with an unfamiliar culture. The few Chinese words I learned made them smile, clap and toast more at dinner. I was happy to not offend anyone and no one lost face. They had nothing but nice things to say about us, at least that's what the translator told us."
Vaughn T. - Petroleum and Gas Industry, USA
"Great read, just finished ✅ If you’ve ever wondered about the Chinese Dinner on a Business End, then this book is it! Interesting traditions and the meaning behind the business etiquette! Worth a read if you travel often or do international business!"
"I have tried my hardest to eat with chopsticks for the longest. Many people have showed me how to do so, but I just couldn't figure it out. This book right here, Chinese Business Dinner Culture, has changed my life forever.
Kiya Amajioyith
"Did you know there are more than a dozen ways to hold chopsticks? I enjoy eating Chinese food (or what we call Chinese food here in the US ) but I love learning about new cultures more than just than memorizing the number to my local takeout restaurant. Justin’s book is fascinating and will teach you about mistakes to avoid and critical must do’s to impress people around you."
Tatjana Bluchel
*Some reviews were given free copies but gave honest opinions.
Follow This Guide to Master Chinese Dinner Etiquette
All your questions answered.
- Where to Sit
- Gaining Face
- Toasting and Drinking
- How to Use Chopsticks
- Mistakes to Avoid
- Do I have to Smoke
- Eating Etiquette
- BONUS: Tea Ceremony Overview
Before Getting to China, Read This All Inclusive Crash Course on Dinner Etiquette
Short enough to read on the plane but jammed pack with all you need to look like a local and impress your Chinese host
You've been invited to a Chinese dinner and you're not sure what to do. Imagine being able to sit at the table with confidence and not worry about making any mistakes. This guide will provide all the information that you need in order to master Chinese formal dining etiquette. It includes everything from where to sit, gaining face, drinking, using chopsticks, mistakes to avoid, smoking, tea and much more! You’ll be able to impress your hosts by following these simple guidelines on proper behavior at a formal dinner. Purchase this guide today before your next event.
If you are invited to a Chinese formal dinner, you will be faced with new customs and traditions. You want to make a good impression on your Chinese colleagues, but it can seem like there’s an invisible barrier that makes it hard for Westerners to connect with them. This book gives you the tools you need to break down those barriers by teaching you how Chinese people use dinner etiquette as a way of building relationships. It offers practical advice that will help you avoid making mistakes during your meetings.
China business meals (and weddings etc) can seem foreign and confusing and rightfully so because it's a completely different culture. It is important that you know how to conduct yourself in a Chinese business environment. It is critical that you avoid committing any faux pas that could damage your credibility in the eyes of your Chinese counterparts.
This book will provide you with all of the information that you need to master Chinese dinner etiquette and more. I guarantee that after reading this book, you are going to be well advanced in your business dinner etiquette for Chinese culture. You will be able to impress them and look amazing compared to their past dealings with foreigners.
OLLOW THIS GUIDE TO MASTER CHINESE DINNER ETIQUETTE - Chinese people use dinner etiquette as a way of building relationships. It offers practical advice that will help you avoid making mistakes during your meetings. You will be able to impress your business partners and create long lasting relationships with them
DON'T BE CONFUSED WITH A NEW CULTURE - This book gives you the tools you need to break down those barriers by teaching you dinner etiquette as a way of building relationships. The practical advice will help you avoid making mistakes during dinner. You will be able to impress your business partners and create long lasting relationships with them
"16 Ways to Hold Chopsticks"
Download the Free Guide Now
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