Rebooting your health is intimating to most people. As we make right choices each day, habits are formed and great health is achieved.

This book lays out the blueprints to tip the scales in your favor.

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"Today's Choices, Tomorrow's Health:

small steps to improve health, food choices, exercise and life"

Today and receive a 30 minute 1on1 coaching call with me

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Best Selling Kindle Book in 8 Categories

This is easy reading and I understand the meaning and concept.

I have always been very interested in alternative medicine. Dr. Trosclair has been my doctor and it was not doubt that when his book came out I got it. I have improved my diet, exercise, and embrace a different look at life. I have chiropractic care every two weeks, massages once a month and my mood, stress and wellness level has improved. This is easy readying and I understand the meaning and concept of chiropractic from the intellectual point of biew since I’m already experiencing the physical benefits. Buy the book you will really enjoy it.

-Sonia, Colorado


I remember back when I first realized I got fat how hard it was to REDUCE my portion size – in fact, I would go to the gym then SELF-SABATOGE afterwards!

I felt like I was on a yo-yo and I knew that there HAD to be a better way…a way where SMALL changes could add up to BIG changes without taking soo much self-control.

  Improve your health, one step at a time!

We all want to be healthy. We all want to avoid nasty diseases which will slow us down, but most of us tend to look for the quick fix. Fad diets, crash exercise courses and all manner of crazy weight loss programs mean that people may feel better in the short term, but are unable to maintain it.

Now, with Today's Choices, Tomorrow's Health: Small Steps to Improve Health, Food Choices and Exercise, there is a book which revolutionizes the way you should be approaching your health.      

I created a wholly unique SYSTEM that can allow you to slowly REACH your cardio and weight loss goals, but doing it so it becomes a LIFESTYLE change. In fact these blueprints in the book were the KEYS to my own successful 27 pound weight loss and more importantly KEEPING it off and can be yours too.

Yes, even when you fall off the wagon, you hop back on and get the same repeatable results QUICKER the SECOND time!

Patients who took my advice- well THEY ALL STARTED TO GET THE SAME DANG RESULTS I HAD! So I turned my consistent, relevant and repeated health tips into a super easy to read book that you can get for your very own.  

The best part of this, is that’s it’s specifically designed for people who HATE “dieting and exercising.”

Becoming healthier is a process and one which is best done slowly, to ensure a lasting effect. With Today for Tomorrow you have the perfect book to make a start on those life-changing habits.

If All This Book Did Was:

  • Changed one thing in your life that lowered your blood pressure
  • Altered how much sugar you ate so you reduce the chance of diabetes
  • Showed you a way to stop headaches and back pain
  • You lost 5 pounds in a month consistently
  • Got your budget and finances in order
    Would it be worth the small investment of a book?

If reading a book or watching a video did then you would already have met your goals. You have to take action.  

What are your self limiting beliefs? Can you let them go?

This book takes you from where you are and starts making changes from there.

Ready to get your copy? 

Click the button below to order on Amazon then come back to this page to claim your coaching call! 

Below are a few highlighted chapters and topics from the book.

Do yourself a favor, get the book and discover how with simple modifications you can get your life and health back.

Chapter 4  Does Pain Have Any Redeeming Benefits?

Chapter 8 Are You Minimizing What Ill Health Is Doing To Your Health Long Term?

Chapter 9 Can Your Body Heal Itself? Chapter 14 Work Injury Recovery

Chapter 16 The 5 Essential Habits To Great Health                            

Chapter 18 Ketogenic Based Diets                  Truth About Sugars and Its Wrecking Your Mood

Chapter 19 Understanding Food Labels

Chapter 22 Is Organic Really Organic?

Chapter 23 Best Time to Exercise

Chapter 25-27 Blueprints For Cardio and Weightlifting Start From Couch Potato to 5K

Chapter 28 Personal Calorie Calculator Using Step By Step 3 Formulas   Intermittent Fasting Varieties

Chapter 31 Cardio Interval Training

Chapter 36 Low Back Core Exercises- Stop Recurring Back Pain Once and For All

Chapter 38 When Should I Stretch So I Get the Most Benefit and Not Injure Myself

Chapter 39 Stop Numbness In Your Arms and Legs with These Nerve Stretches

Chapter 41 Tricks To Stop Headaches

Chapter 43 Budgeting and Overspending     Get a Grip on Money – The Biggest Stressor and Abuser of Our Health

That’s only 18 of the 43 Chapters PLUS Over 20 Tips And Hacks     


➡️ How I eat that Limits extra self-control…Page 45…      

➡️ Lessons learned while living in China…Page 50…      

➡️ 3 minutes of stretches that won’t bore you to tears…Page 108…      

➡️ Numbness in the arms and legs that disappears with these stretches…Page 145…      

➡️Why do I overspend so much each month…Page171…     

  ➡️ 14 Exercises for Optimal Core and Spine Strength…Page 103…     

  ➡️ My Personal Blueprint for going from Couch Potato to 5K…Page 79…      

➡️ Calorie Calculator so you don’t guess how much to eat…Page 95…     

  ➡️ Ways to trick your self to eat less like Plate choices…Page 48…      

➡️2 Methods to create a Budget…Page 180…    

   ➡️ Could sugar be a reason you have pain and weight gain…Page 61…   

    ➡️ What is intermittent fasting and could that be my jumpstart…Page 113…     

  ➡️ What can a proper functioning nervous system do for me…Page 20…   

    ➡️Retirement 101 Plus Detailed list of expenses…Page 220…             

  Think of pain as a warning sign that needs to be fixed      

21 scientifically proven effective (and easy) exercises and stretches for self care      

Not feeling guilty about eating certain foods and how to make better choices effortlessly

and receive a 30 minute 1on1 coaching call with me

INSTRUCTIONS: Order Today's Choices, Tomorrow's Health on Amazon today via the button below. You can order the paperback book or the Kindle version.

Once your order is confirmed, you can get the order number from your receipt on your Amazon account or via email.Then enter your order number below to get the Coaching Call FREE:

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